Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 3 Jan 1907, p. 3

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.... um u-u-uuu on cue year. 1 The man: at new settlers, into Sana I katehewan is declared by the a.rchdea.- t can to be five times as reply as it was In .Ma.n1taha. . at a. corrospbtiding period In its hlatox-y,.and;so tar as population In comcerned the work done in M:.nl- ` toba. in twenty-nvo years is. to `be done in Saskatchewan. in ave. r... Inn..- l_ LI. _ .11- - - _ - - 1! you uvo The town or Lloydminster, founded in 1903, has grown compact. It is a. noumshlng town of 700 population, and is one at good appearance. -As an ll- lustratlon of the growth of the colony I R3`? 2 l'Ol\IIl'\`s A vrhnnm 5|..- J` Histori Game of Bowls. 'Lcrp1`l:lI}UC1JOIl." _ - unis charge nma:de nearly three hun- dred years ago in England. is put moruwand In almost the same wonds in Canadian school-houses _a.nd. tavm. -hanks no-day. Yett une. vlacwyver meta nominated, vatecvbed and dommuamea ev. ery pa.1-Mamexnt and leglsaimre Iin Engl..;sh-speak.ng coummes. me man. -1-tn a bxl'.|ltIf0l` pol.ib1c-.9 takes to the candy of ham: and tune prwtdae or! law` land; hlafin-.n?lv K-nu.-s -..-.I..u;.... .....o... wu mane wn-em u-aeuees, and -will pen them ab-acutely on purpose no make themse1vess_wprk in me in. 'berpneabaJthon." mhf III-manna-1| `-'--.-.`;`- -----` V will-Ill; UL IIUIWF emu MIN pmmnt lea-da. naturany .tn.'to pol-ttzics. of the honorable ortixces of the Or.der have been tilled by you dur- ing those years and -credit has `re- s,ul'bed !bo_L.0.L. No. 432 as 9. resulrtot your eiriciaent service. ~ ` '1 .Agppreci:a/.tiang the Izwt _tJha.t you are gno_wln`g in years,-althoumh Yeit youth- aul `tn aplrmt, -we know that you cane not be as wotive as `Ionmerly in the` mberests or the lodge and may, re- qwtreto take more rest than has been yours Fm Iormer years. V ' . mheretore. that you may have your brethren canttlnu:a.1ly in. remembrance in your restful moments, as you `Silt at the fire on ;t hese coLd vwinber ev-, shin-gis, we ask you to a;coepIt of this easy chair which may sad . chimes re- mind you of J:aco{b1 na pillyaw; this Persian rug on which to reset your feet, ater having so ofmen A trod the the pamhs or the -.W.'tl=derrness: and thin En-glsh brier -_to sohen the lonely hour and Walft incense eastw-ard among the brethren. ` LW_e `extend to you and yours fthe compltmenms or this festive season and -wish you yet many years of health. and happiness. -On behalf of L.0.L. No. 432. g . Si2med._ .'.l`Ihoma.s Jordan, of Nvumdaotr. 9. G. :1`. R. awltchman, is dead, of 'Lnju.rAiea' rooeiveud by being crwahed awhile rid-. dmg on the 1oot.b;aa.rd or an engine. ' C. R._ Helmets, or Smtth s Fzal-la, a C. P. R. conductor in charge of a `-Jhweckzng tnadn, was run down! by the e,ngd.ne of` his tnarin and killed. F. H. Mcciuigam, ourth vice-pr-ash `am: of `the G. T. 12., imapecbed -the ma.11w=ay i:mproveme1nvt:B .811. London. V It La sand that they. will total` $750,000 when com-pleted. . ..-v.....-_- v ,, _ 7.- vv ow-vvgxuculip vvvu 310311`! in a. small way, the vsaduame assistance which you have alt 9,11 thmes. both` as a member and me an oncer, given to the lodge not-_ -its unbufldl-mg. elioclen-t working ; and maintenance. V . Since the moepqhion or the '1o.dge I-n. A1l~am:d4a`le, you have been one of its ahanmcheat members,, a.nd.=_' ahwaya ready to assist in the -work at home or. abroad, even. at a. pemon-a_1 aacrktice. 1 mmm `.....m..... M. -- - addufls-patented (by. 14.0.1). N19. .583, L Mir. Chas. Pulling, an account of rwhlhll` nppaamc` in the lam tune of mhe ml` vfanoe- , _: . . K 4 us To Chas. Pall-mg, Eaq., -.` -. _; .. Rant Mum L'.0.L. No. 432. i` ' Dear Sit and Brother,--.'nhe otmccm and members or! L.O.L. 432, Allandane, 01 which `you. have been an eateemed member and otloer tor so may years, feel it to be their duty, as. ' well as pleasure, to recognize, even if in .n nu-nu-'lI'I cu-.. 4.1.- ---I .- The Gentle K'n9v.. $3.`!-:9:. Bu-Ju Signed- `run: eI:u1'.t_uIn_N:v cue: Lawyers in Pas:-liament. .. gouLSoutcu}io:I.}.}?1y. ` n 1_iI_dly.,conectl . You neyer` 1-Hana an anfhncm groin ngxpedica.n:.~_ ' you begun to get, A b-ear ovinned ,by Sam Cwsaidy, an 0.Uba;wa retstzaourameur, T got loose and tW;a.s town-d wandering dowm the cor- rldor or the Laange-vln block In tne Par.Lkament B;uL1ding3. -GEO. LESLIE, Mlaxater. V J. A. c. EVANS, Rec.-S FRED ADAMIS, MATTHEW, CAMPBELL, Fraternal 'Addrea;.T" "***a.`:. "....,*`**:..:.,; `gkygnddndnl acphighrongh hxpo-ctopo, T can ve unu- uon-nd encbelxes dinn- ;:`.f."?."..".;;`.`.;';`%`?""5"i",% `sun I-nun`. Slavic. A as nausea , who talks moot}-hdzaes least. Kidney remedies a u e-`- 3 and over-stimulate the idrigzeya -n-Q` 01.- nbnnunnn`-I non out-\;nnI the stomach_are going to you mighty littie good. -I;o;'t Bu-Ju is not because it does not Ieeu-thmgnloooe." Thennn, fun Onln Omani: Anna Ioac ti" \-shun: L ,. E ..**..de.:z,r:;*..;-:%% iieiii fnam: Governme-.nt House at.D.:-xwson, the .rc.osLden-ce of Hon. _W. ,W. B. Mlcm-ne-13, .w:as burned to `the grou.-nd on Chrii3it- mas. The loss is over $100,000. `Gov- ernor M-clnmes is on. .a visit sto New _York. 0 ' 0 .. lemeas: thin hen lonely avmong Com-mititeue. riicnan McaF:heE.ir1n? sthiu election campaign. V > 7 `nouaon spent $130,171.30 1or_ tmpravemema during the -_ The lwmlxth of Hon. 0. 8. Hyman, cmvglaschn-g in the aouth, is repeated Improving. 1 T . . . V J. 91-liamtltom Strbett- Raurway Company have each at its employee an extra, zdays 'pay aaia Christmas! present. Governor Mclnnes, or the Y.-ukom, 11 I! said,` W11-11 ember B. .10. polim`l.cs' .._-x_._J. 1\_v-I__.'._I |t- J.-..I.._ .LI.1.- of faomdm, an ax-alcenmwn, .d.l_ed on Cm-katmaA nvlvgmt `alter a long uzhmenas. He was " 54, years blld. ' A Frwnk ,w. .,Wetmore, Ohheit or ttlhe "Fire Brigade, of Nvoodataock,` has mslgneud to value a poslluionn `as a com- merctal traveller. . The City of Nankixng, Chlina, opelmesd to foreign trade on Jan. mat. mhrae pnawhtata have .b'eern aur- sated `tn Baanceslona, Spwln. rwhare 0.. omb was exploded in a _ public street. u. M. `s...:. :..a. -_.,- ..-wu was-wvuwlh Jwms Harrie, a.-gwed 44, his wdlfe, E1110. `I-1~a.rr`!.'s, aged 36. and thear two c-hI1ld- wen , Ar-th:ur,= aged 13, and Getnhru-de, aged 8, were auaphyxiated in ruher home :aJt N 1ag.a.'na.' 'Ea..l1:s T [by in-_ khalmg carlbonic word mmes as they salt about I the tsbove. Another. 1 `child. Myrtle, aged 8. will ,d1!se. - ..--- vwcnvln `. I1I\W `VII uqw. isov;n':mgri!:_ _ _....-w- 1 'wv'vA| UVIIIIIIUIII me aggregate shooting has sheen equally good with all clwaseo of guns, _ reecthzg the graaatnaat credit 'on or- cero and men at the ships and `upon the d-ireltor at naval ordnance; -.un.d Inspector of t-ugeit prmouioe. ~ -'.l'.he object or geumnea-y Itnaalninu V lnj; the praaent day in to insure mpidttgz at htttvlnc. lit in not sogtclentj. there-:; rare, that gnnlayers should .zu-e quickg, ly, but "they must aloo ctra-ght; Results` are nd amizep awarded on" the bum `at comkomedoc-5 curacy amt! _rspldtty. nun- ._...';_..;_ _. ..g.. .._4... - - ; I .....r.._.-.-. __..v v---\ v-_=- -- V-uw rest of the sun's! c1~e\w_ mum; Ithey_ can ha.ndle their guns smartly. The atri- pens are mot-peramvltlbedlzo assist or Ln- terere lm any way. the meat, (utter- mg in thine `respect Ifnom who similar one oarrle-d out in the Amenican navy. It la only when it comes rto the more -severe` test or. name pravctlce -t"ha't` the Ilruima-g Ls controlled by vane om-. cerls spotting a1om:,_ and then" the whole ..g1h.|bil!l'8 organization or ; lure` Lamp '18 on 't`!'dt8[1. . V; 1,. _|(.`. - -- _.-' v--cu u uvyqtcu 0 mm; perceubacb .01 `hits in round; tn-ed reunamed stem:-1y oonntant `1`rom.i 1897 to 1902.` .t~heu `uh! curve 0003414 to mov7e upwand, but men again in; '190,..wlun the ;.ra.ng\e- was -increased . to -an extent that the mmlayw u1 hot gas thy} l .v-_-.. _.. _ vivq` Igt iua.a"'be:n 'am7"d3 t!haJ.t' efge mmiber at points `was 80, and forty- hwo ships out of eighty-eight - ihhaat med, wens above the av\e-rage or Innat- yeaar, mhe `1:-tat fteen amps in order ot me:-t made over one hundred namtua; -the Drake, the tlahtahlp `at Prime limb or Blattermberg, makdangd - 146 hits out at 167 .a-ounda, or 124.49 poimts. - * . In order -of merit of the aqmdmn-sh -top pbace I18 taken IbyJ:he aecond. cmizaer equ1a:dron,, the Drake =beLn~g the rat ship (in `the squadron. . 11he score for this eq:uuudrotn avemagued 98.7` points per `men. fmre Maedriterranea.-n eet came, second. with we Formld.-1 -able we the `beat -ship. the average points per man -being -93.6; '1`.he third cruiser eqwaadx-orn is third in order, of merit, the _O9.me.rvon `being the beat. The"A-tl.=a.'mt1-c =rleeItT stands . V-fourth, w1th'the9K1rng Edward VII. leading and the squadron score. at 88.5 points per `man. ' r . - . some 5: I the `mdsivldual - perform- an-ce-s may be1 meuivtioned as remark-. able. Sea-man Buakeryrot the _Drake, ma-de eleven hits out of eleven rounda with a. 6-dnoch awn` in - one minute. Scores at eight hits amt _ or eight rounds. and `seven hits `out of Seven rounds have been Irequemt with the 6-inch gun, batthe record appe-are to stand with "me Drake, T - ` T Joseph Lvacroix, of .Hai'ntonburg, .wh1le vvaalking szvlong the railway track near . 0mta4w.a., Ia-bled" to notice 3 `train approaxmvmg. Ft threw. brim in- mo a snowtbank, from where he wag dug out. He w.:a.B unconscious burt` no 9)-omezs were broken. h ` "lw"t;ty' m(.)t'I.<.><'a`r -'S::`1.`1.i;v;a:n, Aot atth Duke of Edinburgh`, made ten hits from men` roumds in we minute and "a. halt! with -a 9.2-inch gun, and eight hits out of Velgwt rounds with mm: mm appear `ho have Ibegn common: mZi`he gre1;1t"i_mIn0\'raIt1on whdch mvark-`:3 thha report is !t'he nwbbiawtion or the number of ma tor ueuaach ship,w;hre-- W3 previously .o.nv1y*the point-s a4war.d- ed- have `been pwbu-shed. .'1`he ' aver- age polwt new man -have risen ~.m_'o_m 68.2 `hast `year `to 80 this year, and it` must be `remembered; that this `test me New.` York Henal-d pwblmre the tollowdmg ca;b'le `despatch tram Llaun d-on-'Dhe _r-easwlat of the mehta or -gun-' layers with `heavy gum: in the Brltlalh. the-e=t for 1906 has just. been Issued" wntd shows we a. result our ad.rn11-.a.~1ty' encouragement, con=a1ste.-mt training. on the part at {me or!-beers `and appeal 'to `the mem`a vuamltty by `the wide cir- cwllanzlon thrughoulb the Ileoet -or the result /or pnwct-toe, phenomenal rim- provesmewrt and . Iahtll highe-r stand- ard -or mm-kam-a.-n`-ship. V IIIL- .,_o___'l..I.__ 1.. .I.....__l._.__ LL- __ .\ Inn - vw ,n-q -- -c-uw--v---`n I'1`.he Avd-r`;1ra;hty 1xnVi.aau.-1n'g the. re- port motes hrs `e`x.tz'~eme aamanaouion at the ve-ry marked tmprovememt in Ihhxe results as compared~ 'w.1th. zfor-met mewrl, Al1rx=cMu'*d:1nig even those at 1905, when the shooting shoswend so `great an` ad~va.noce over tpnevdowa reeubts. It mar- ther notes Uhmt this improvement is due `to a. mgnhoer standard genecnaalty thr-ougihout the .1:eeIt. . V IIIL- .___.-:_ ____-__ .a_ ._ _,n_1-1.' .__-_I_... is 3;; 35; Jt'"3"o3Ez`"3} E2 351} captains to hit "the .t-argett mn'd_ 01 the _-_A -.l'.L\.- _,,__I_.. ______ ...I_.-L .L\__A_ - ,_ 3111 Gunners Quick -`Wand Sure Feed your hair; nourish it; give it something to live on. Then it will stop falling, and will grow none `and heavy. Ayer s Hair Vigor is the oniy genuine hair-food you can buy. It gives new life to the hair-bulbs. You save whet hair you have, and get more, too. And it keeps me seal clean and healtlfy. ` - The but kind of ntentlnonhl?-h Sold to: over sixty yenuo? M 5' A H011 is Ema Lori ..-._. vvAln`l~IUlUVJ]- vsvwuun o-hevzht Jack, a Sucorbcluman, was killed by a train -wlhmle walking on the 2sa.11way ait .W.a{bigoon. Capt-aln Newcomlbe at the\ (Govern- ment sabeamer Keshel, employed on the Pacmc Coast, who was suspended` on account or alleged irregwlamltiea In dcomnection with the punchuaxse of up- ghplhe-s, has beean rain-stamad. An immat- fJ.g1a'tiom wzus held, and his conduct v1n- {u1ce.~ted. `T . F ' IN BRITISH mun. v'-.1- --.-_---..-vv--qv-'_ -v'-- .:-`uvvv mhe conclusion I have come `no as this--.'11haa:t as to Councillor Neville, where it does rho same exmem lnoiok as M be .w.aa wmng, to (be approached. {IIHERE IS NO CERTAIN EVIDENCE 1VH.A'1` HIE APHROAGHED {BY J ANYONE ON BEhALE on OUR-RIE 4Nn.cnnm1NLr N01! :32 ctmnm OICIIEKIQQ '71 `luv-a;74`a"'ca-`r<':uii;'r.".zi;a:'1'y'a'e7c1' we de- clxarattan, an Eta lajlhhviounadatton out all th81t'au.b'aequetnw1y; took place. _ . AAllI`_- --__. _I___n-_- `mhe c'nar.ge4aJto Ibqic_r1veat:ga.taed are 'EW.0-lf01Id.H : -.!.I- - -1 (ll_ `'1. mhe cfh:a.rxe 4a`g'a.!mlHt Miador Our- rdse tl1%u_t.ha, (3) .oanthro1l&ng the votes. of Iemght, metmbers. 0!! mm mumiiciplarl Council, had prevented mhe \-gdvrlmg at 9. notice mbroyaihmts the asgmeementt be- tween tube mawn at col-I-lngqwuqod and -the Onamp Steal _C1omp.amy, (now the Nrornthem Iron and Sinus); co.) and -is prevemstinrg the sand notice by Improp- er metaams. .a4nd (nb)'procm-ed one James Nevlltl-e, a memlber of the Council, the be approached` in `ma (Cu.rrde a) Ibehalxf and uttered ulbrbe It be -wpuuhd sup-_ potst tube '_nmemeata' at the and cumin `tin Council, andthalt duherlmambemont t-he Cauncil had been Ibrdbed. - Fred Ono}: oI_ Que\em`ns _ Uxn1v_en3ity'. Kingston. is apendxiuug Xmas vacation at` 'home. V . ` . . .,"I` can well uamemtand It-halt Cum-in` .wm1nd be anxioui tmt"uhe prop-oeed renal-ut_1on' (Ibo rescind the agraernent with `hhe"_Orwmp Shela! .GoV.)% `ahouldg not pm -and that he would enueaovorj to Influence the out the` Council to oppala` t:hamnmon._ `but he ,..__j_; , J`. ..n.|.n... .l.;. _ n-.4-;n,_,., MAJOR. cU3mni_66nEms our on THE 001.u..u.~Iu'W0uD INVESTIGATION scgrrammszg. } At Sm.-ake Skin Lake, 26 'rn111ecs'nor1t`h [02 Parry Sound, on the line of `con- struction of the C.N.O. Bawlhway, a tea-mater named Mrcmodd, an English- `mm, was stambed to the heacrt on behaht or a aeutztler dwugtmber; to cwhom a dwnken Itasman mavvy m.-ad-e (improper proposals. ` - ` cawled do this 1%. why, but I `CAN em 0 ,nmAsoNA:nLE Imnmncm mo'aUPPOnrI%. ._ TTHE on-Anam . _,HE NDEAVDRED 'r.omuBn% % ,4 hmuamns, VIN- % DEED 15. '-,.l`I,&9J-"11%-E OETEVID 93E'??%;93UP1 3f13i? f*1`1.="` L . A. 2. __.... --.. _-___9- ----v- cuvuu iounnd mg `-5 mime elnemyn! I .l;ma.ve round ` thee hecaulae thou. hast sold Tthyeelgt to work evil lnhe sight or the Lor.d._" :1-Ie .pne1a4chqa_ aagahn nexx: Sramba'th `evemnlg. . .>e_ (. l ` z . . fnhe Iollqwmz J8. the pantrlal `text of `the conaclvualona _M-rived `an: "by -His I-lomor Judge A~1_-awn on nine evidence wumined` to at the rescelntt civic dnw._es_12is-.am.1eon wt voolllng-wood-A .- A * Aater recllneg the u'aI01Iu!t1iona_ and amthdav-`ts I-I-is .Horn'or.- aa..y;a-' . - : mne pulpit 0!! the. ,PxeIaby1beriwn Church" Wzaxs occupijed lam: S|a.=bba.th evening `by Mr. Ourraine, ua `Knox Col-. lege .-student and a brother of Rev. Mr. Ourrioe of I-_Ii11l.ad'allue. He preach-. ,e:d a. very exloqzuen-I: eernmqn, taking as fhha `textfuhue 20th verse of me, 21st chapter of bat Ki:ng-_-"-Ha_Lst thou` n_..___: _.-`_ n 'n - A sle.hgmm'g palnty drove out fo Ed- gar on Xmas eye to an Xmgaa-tree. All had a Jolly tdlme `wad arrived home safely, .motw1ths|ta.md:ing V the rough treatment which ftheiy. recexivad tram a. few over-grqwon cmlsdren ad: Eds-aw Come-r, who pemapadnd not know how to -'behave as would become serntiemen. % .ne-am has Tamm} visited this ` village and has ta.k~e.n `aqwasuy Mira. [`B~.1l1-1ngt_o:n, who had 101; the past few months re- "ahded at the home of Mrs. ._WIi1l-i.ams. line mmea-`a.l took place `on Monday afbemoon to | Jh4e`_M1xd1hturBt oesmetery. Rev. ;W. S, .,`W;euat.-nuey. oImoi:a.t_eed. M`essrs.- Russell and .'1bmTC1: u-k of .V.a.ncou.ver are ranerwzins old. aoqu:aumt- Tancas h;er,e. . . . . -, `.' . ` Mikes. P-hoe-be 'A{k(em and Master Chardey Jorrey or .'1`a11o1mt.so. `are the guests of Mrs. ,W:m.T Craig. f ..M.~essrs. David and George Cou-tt-a a.-re open-ding -the. Christmas hold-d-ay13.wimh .reel:a'.1t1v_e1e _'im .,VVmtIby., .. . .m%eL txma '.tree in oomnedion wamn the sumaay School was` a dsevchdse-d" euc- ceas. Vrhe `highest pnaase showbd .be given .tov`those vwho hook -the mwainin-g of the mue ones; in hsamd. me they all did their pua.rt.s wetll. A Last mnuraday a}fte1Hmoo1i'MJ1s|3'~_Ca:v-" a.n.a ohr waelstrannt tealicher, w-as presenIt:ed_ with a gold waxtich chain as a slight token otfhtihe esteem. which she {is held by the scholsarsa. We are very sorry '.to `lose her In-om our midst. ' V `l1C9lt:h/G! ` I rm-~ ;B!`.`iI1!. . % ha?! 1 . Tutumctnnuk; `t ant.- gtwluwcyjnuaavchad by muvluyeu-s in 1906. and while it=dsII not towbea`uppooed gthat Vtmality I been ~;.arr`! ve;l. am, fpamtlscwlnrly as it is kl:haIt_tvt_1eV s jthube . 11miit win be `again `mg has been :ma.d`e,'.t1hergeu1era.1 a;ver- haa `been raised, and the marks- mmsh1p' at the t1eethgs improved tre- vmendowaly. . ., x '2 l next year, some .v_ery_. bu-.I.1Ma.-wt shodt- ' Mzss G1a;d-ya Orrock. out Ivy is spend-. _~1ng her Xmas: no!-tdnys at 'Maa~p1e G\.rov," the home or her gmmd;a.th- er, Mir. Buolbemt Orrock. ` - Me are sorry. to hear tlhait Mir. a,W. Bhaack ks still very__1ll. `.._____,_ Q-|__.____II j nun an n - mhe Canadian Government do ` not know of any otter by Mr. Biz-yace -to -have a Cwnacdfmn accompany him mo 7 -,Wa:ah1n'g'-ton. . 1`hey be11:eve.`howe'ver, than no ob- jection will be namsed foo a Canadian mntache bei:ng appointed, us soon as the rlghlt man has `been selected. ~ =.vV:hs a mp: om-xtmaa "bells; `New. Yaar .b.e1las and ..wev.d.d-ins bells .a.re chiming. . . . . . . . Cogplefely 4 Exonerated. . mnnbaam. '1aa.tTe4 to} mt week.) wmsnomnnnu muses sauna VLLUIH llllllli IHIIU BIIHIVC 1'5 3 gropaoea -`y-law which is intended to 9 passed by the (_3duncl-l`.uf the cor- pcmauan of the County ' otgshmcove at 3. meeting at. the Oounc1l.to.Ibe held" at the" Council Chamber in the 'novwn iigsarrle an the nut. fday of February, AND Funmmn. Imxm NOTICE man the Council wwlelt the sand time wnd place at the'houreotf`2 o clock in `h Lin-e-In -an.-an-- A-- ---- us Iuuv riuul. ugwuuuuwn 01- 11116 v'11(]WlI1- ship of '0r`1`11ina', Smbhem D1vlsi:on,~'oe S ..."`f '` .;1 i`e' '""' ' 'i"` an -er ~ypen~n:g up an ma ng t ar `travel of the mid deviation mad eambll-shed in the palm paragmaph one herootf and the -Wla.-r,de.n' amid Clerk of the Oatmvty at Smcoe -we jhereby whhm-lzed - and vampotwered ` to convey -same no -the a.-djommg orwner of Lot N40. .'awe:n-ty-two -in the said Firat Omcesebon at -,Orri!ld:a.- in Men or -the !9:".d deviatmm mad established on said but No. twenvty-tw; . 3. mhdsa By-Dam shall come mud Iowa and ettect hmmadaately from and after the tlmd D836` thereotr. Catuncll On;aun11`>1:s1-, Barrie, x `Dec. sun. 1906. am ,....~s.] B:~:#r:.~ 2&2: 2% my ar -\r_-vo can I-IEWBON & cnnswxcxm. Sdhlcholxwa for `ne Gum-ty, or Simoog. A -boy-com`. of _a.l1.~g.-oood:3 of Fremcn mamua-cture or production has been de:cide:d upon by the Kn-ig.h.`bs of Col- umbus. '1`.'ni.s is by may or -showing `rche disapproval felit vby Catholics for ithe action of Fran-oe toward the Catholic olurch. o ` .- _ : . Q. flhnalt; the varwlmlal unoad al'low,. iance between the said .'mwnahi_pa at Ono and 0rl1l-ia..- opposite Lot No. 22 in` who First Oqnoeaaiaorr or the .'nawt_1- l (hf lnF.l`l`A`|n' Qlnlblfhnvnn `l'\uh-uln.-. . `Gun: puwuu cu. uuu uuur W 5 UCIUUIS I'll the anbernoon rhea:-in person or by Oatmael or Soucrhor may one whotmay be 'prejudIcha1lly attracted by the and hv..Ln-1:: and 'n}hn nod-lhmnmn In La 1... _....-..... .~-ounlvvu ovvul. twp IIIIIII tram tnfcxty 0181:. John, and bl; it` as one of the principal olxnal stations. A law months ago there was installld, on the island a. new to; whutlewhloh has been tho excuse of much excite-' taunt unonr the moon which brunt the wood: around the city. '1'h:srwh1n-' tlo gives a._ long. drawn out blow hi V a hug ago. an: -_.I- ;.|.. :4... .__-u, CI CKUX Bill-o \ -It in not uncommon for moon to nd : their way Into the city and walk quiet- ly through -the streets during the ear- ; In hours of the day. They are never. molettog and have grown bold. `Sumo the new to; whistle was utnblllhocl thoqo wondering moose have boo"o*mI more ploximul and there 1. no "doubt gnouootney are attrt.ted- by" think}! tho 06.11701 '1`-IO hull mom pti-ou..o:!'mly`;-ot_hro|_1lh ;`vl`n ' Anal . T.annnnOA- O5 ;.s.'u-....o-.\. _vmo_ and Lancaster to the. nuts .odso.o.nd than attempt` to nrlnitd ithg None have ova:-1 swan the dlltinco. -16: before reachlngxho. zumrutun wasr. xxve cnlauns uwenty-Isevan -links, more for `less, to ta. post distant hlntyathree feet meaJsu.red h!otrtihwest- erly `alt right -angles to. and from the high-w'atter .l:in-e at the . shore of Lake slmoove bowndin rune caoujzh-aewsterly side Ur lbhe _aa1i not No. twenty-one, `thence aauthawesteriy I!o1low1n'g the -several oaureea and w.Lnding1a or sand Math-waa1t:e'r line (and alzwasns wt the 1-lg-hit-`angled d-1*sua.nce rtherewmlm at thirty-t~hree 1`eet)_ 1*drtY-f:0'u'1" ch'a;i:n3 elgwhttydtwo Links, more or less, to the nbvrmherly 1-I'm-it out the . aunt.-h fourteen ,ascrea df Lidt. No. 1Jwermty-ttawo in` the sand First voamcesahon at said Town- amp, sand deacrmbea ne beln Ithe cemmre Line of calm mad and ali !bear- ings magnetic. . V Fog Wh`i`-uttio Fools Ii-oooo..' Whether or not the fog whistle at the entrance to St. John harbor should be ' compelled to take out a. same license would seem to be a question to be do- omed by the game `commission, -an 3 special deapatch from St. John, N. B.. to The, New York Tribune. Partridge Island. is`. iltuated about two miles filnin '4-Inn 1116-. Al 5.; f;L`_ __n "__ IL -~ --v - v u..un-vvu Vulu UIWW In 3 low noto and end: the bigot with 4 short sounding blow two tone: lower. The whistle onotly imitate: the'ca.l1 of 0 out moon and is having the etroot of such calla. ..OL.n___A _-_--, - - Iuu.m.,y-uu'uu Jam.) name cmaqznls 811130 ill links 110 3. past. Thence north titty- seven `degrees tome mlnutve east eighxt cuaaiznls and n-1Ime;ty `ltinke to; a. post. '11h-enoe -month :seven*ty-Ilzhne-e degrees 1'or.ty-vome minurbea east. seven ch'aaiml8 nl-nelty-(five mnkza to a poet, -themce south Iiztty-nrine d - * rmty-eight minutes east rive c wins twenty-seven -Mnlan- rm1ra,.'n1-`Inna an .a maul .-1.:.+........o- :-uv yu=Juuu-uuuuxy uuvuwu in me 88:10 .by-La-w. and `who petitions to be no hunt-.11 A v Frank S1p1es,ot Ingerao1l.`a laaboreu-. Ma.ss ansphxxiated wLhJ11e sleepdng in his room In t-he Kennsaxn Home `by gas Jet {not being cpmpluettely olonaed. ' . D.rA.-...L 1-..1_ -.. v- v--v_--, vtrwvwf-cw--Q :-.g-vuw wrnnmnmporua THE 1\``JNICi'I"AL" COUNCIL OF . .I3H~E CORPORATION OF '.lJH-E COUNTY OF SIIMUOE. . IN COUNCIL ASSEMIBLED, -ENACTS AS FOLLOWS-- ; T ' .'11h'a!t the Ldlhclwlm-g road the and the same 1sdhergby,ea1:a.b1iahed an` a pulbl-ic `highway and as a deviation of thedwad allpawuamce between the {Town- ships `at Ono,-am.2d*0rt1-llaa, opposi:te.Lo'hs Num!bare_ G1 and 22 in the Elrat Carn- cesshom act _,the said tnowmahip otdOr- nl-ia, dumhern Division, namely, -a maid `sixty-six` Ieetwn yridtt-h croasin Ibwken Lot 21 and pamt of -brAokenLot 22a in -mhe aald `F111-at Ootnceaaion .01 said '.l.1dwnebaip"otf Onilllsa. ,SIowthern DI- vbaboln, an-d oomhalizmlng by admeaaure- -memrt seven -aacrea and 33-100 out wn were, (he the same more or less, and -more `pa.nt1cul:a.rly known and`, deva-_ cthbed an ,.911-qws, _|tm:a.t is to say 4 - Odmmemacln-E at ca. aiint in the souther- ly _1d:rnrm: ad the bqmamoe tor road Ibeltzweegn Lqba Nimbera twenty` and Ihweznty-come, distant dtvlvirt -sthree teat, me:'a:sured morph-ea.a'be.n1y m and at rd-gihlt angles mu .,t-he h'1ghwa.t-er -mm alt` Lake Sbmooe, 'boun'ddang the {north- '.w:eate*rly side at sand but. No. twenty- une,- whence naqwbh-easterly zfolllowing lthe ~seve1~.a.-I courses and W1-n~d-ingas at mid hdig-h-waiter lime (and always .a1t the nigiht-tangled .d\*ata.rwe threremrgom 01 thhnh-.+v.'f-hi-nan 'faAf\ nhnn nl-ua-ma -...-..a An _.._._ -._ -----v- v "tannin Uhuvvwi u an", z~Is'&rElan:g1ed.&"vtanoe thirty-three feet) nine cnuagms amid 40 Hmlna in D I'VE!` VIWHA1-snn nnnd-In 206 ;W.HtEBEAS. it has been - deemed ne- cessary expedient to establish a devl-atiaom naa.d'tor the punches and in Men` at the -uuwn-1-me or road allowance Ibahween the '1\dwn`~shi at ON `and Orllli-a. appaahte Lats os. 21 and 22 in the must Oamession at the said Town- ahip or Oriuvra, Sowhem Division. DI`--un:cu;p\ :'-- -.oo: -.-oo_uo4-go: . - ~ Vs--L---II as -tLu.u.a~.s.. 'ABy-Lawto; Establiih 8 Deviati- tion ' Road be'twe_en% the` 'l`ownships of 0:0 and j Orillis. A . % % 3y.I.avmo.; mxm NOTICE haalt the above 1-: a man-and uhIr_hmu: nrlmlnh 1- I_u...-,A....a 4.- NOTICE 0|?` -4Au....... .s~;anc...j1_ ._ |ntI_!._AI- -_ .'u,, an Clerk. '13. J`. 1=~Lm`.oHEB. Clerk. mwo coats and a p.a1'.r of gloves were round in the ice on Hurhirnpgton Bay, and are supposed to belong ho Nesbzu 2F\a.uLkner and Herube-rt comma, the sm;ss.ng waiters of the Hamllrton Club, supposed to be drawnsed. _A Nev;id-:n;tilnI'IWPaeli'l:Tunnel. What is known as the Palliser tun- nel h now in course at construction. about one and a. halt -miles west of 1 Pziliier` on the "C. P. R. The tunnel ,_Will be approximately 700 feet long, a .iI_d?. in being constructed with a view _`ot eliminating a. 28-degree curve with evegybody. traveling between r and Golden is ' to.mmax-._. Con- ; `ltructio`n*wa.u begun in the only pert jot jut October, and `it 1; expected to the hand; of next month. _ pitards 'o1'1Q0-..me`n3jhave been employ-` T ` ni6tton.'.nixht__. end tit*`Will"el!9t * 1:9 Where Every Man Is a Legislator. Sheriff Tuck. of British Columbia, t says The Pitts-bu-rg Despatch, has seiz- ed for debt Slocan `City, which had a 1 population at 1,000 in 1900 and nww has 150. Tuck must have been welcomed with open arms as a monotony ki-lei` and told to do his worst. But in its cen- sus return slocan` City is no more re- markable than some of the New Eng- land towns of departed grandeur and 0 reduced substance. There is Baltimoxe in Vermont, for instance. which hasi declined to some titty individuals of all ` sexes and ages. Each male adult who i can read and write and is able to. keep i out of jail goes to the Legislature in J his turn as a. prerogative. for every ` town in Vermont is entitled toe rep- resentative. It Winston Churchill, had not overlooked Baltimore, he ,. might have been a statesmen long ago.` _ At the banquet given the British 3 bowlers in Guelph, M-r. `Hugh Guthrie. ` M. P., who made a very eloquent speech. said the most dramatic game of bowls ever played was that which took place on the afternoon of July 19, 318 years ago. It was in Plymouth at a gather- ing of sea captains. Never before had there been such a. gathering of notable sea dogs, and never had there been since. Among those present were Sir Francis Drake, Sir John Hawkins, Sir` Martin Frobisher, the Lord High Ad- miral of England. Sir Walter Raleigh. andother notables. Agame of bowls .was being played when the-sail of a ship` was sighted approaching Ply- mouth. The ship reached port, the captain landed, and made the announce- ment that the Spanish Armada had been seen on the coast line. Immedi- ately everyone wanted to quit the game and seek their ships. Drake protested. saying there was time to nnish the game of bowls and nish the Spanish afterwards. He` succeeded in his wish. the game was played, and as the last shot was scored the. captains left their skips to enter the -battle with the same zealand pluck -that had characterized their game of bowls.--`Brantford Ex- positor. ` r . `......- IIVJL u.. u. s..\.uuL_y Lu Lv.I.a.1ul.UU2L. We have put seventeen new men at work in the diocese since Jan,` 1 last and we need many more at the preset): ` time. Our clergy are drawn from St. John's College, Wycliffe. in Toronto} the Montreal Theological College, andi ._trom England. The colleges are not` turning out sulcient men to supply our i new missions. _Of these missions there * is no end. Little villages are already I springing up all along the new railways ` on -land much of which was entirely un- touched a. year ago. The prospects for the English settlers in the district are entirely satisfactory.. They are increas- ing in numbers with a. rapidity of which very few even of western people are aware. and we are endeavoring to pro- vide churches to the utmost of our ability." - ,,______. -_ -..-.. e.vvv -an vs. I-Law VVIUUJ I may say a. couple of years ago -it you went out twenty miles from Lloyd- minster you vwou`.d come to virgin prairie, where there was no habitation. -Now you can go -out `a. hundred miles and there are still the shack: of set- tlers. They are not numerous, but every mile or -two you will" come to a new -location and a breaking . The immense amount of advertising of all kinds that the colony got in England has resulted-'in Lloydznlnster becom- ing the jumping-off place for a very large number of British people." If we are to -minister in our diocese `to the people to whom we should as a. church minister, the clergy ought withlna. few years to be as numerous as the clergy at the diocese of Rupert's Land. ""l`, IA nnnl-nnl.-.1 ...._.:u.:_.. .n - .,. ...... u.-uucac u; nupc1`L uanu. Tho material condition or our peo- pie is entirely satisfactory., Many of -them have -at present time from 60 to 100 acres in wheat, and when I saw it last it was looking'magnicent.` We have the finest soil in the wozld and farming in the district is no longer an experiment. We do not expect to have a. city like Winnipeg in a, few years, but wevdo anticipate a. development of the rural districts which in rapidity of im- provement will far surpass that seen in the Province of Manitoba, and we be- lieve that in five years much of the work will be done which occupied a quarter of a. century in Manitoba. r- 1..-..- ..... .._- ---L-, can nrwuuasuv-vcsvurlb Ill V30 _ "We have in the diocese of Sas- katchewan an area. or 250,000 square ` miles." said` Mr. Lloyd. Three years 1 ago the diocese was wholly an Indian one, the largest in the Dominion and one ot the largest in the world. `As an 0 lllustraiziong of the wonderful progress made since 1903 I may say -that one halt ` the work of this great area. is new; white work. North oi! the -Sa.skatch- 1 swan the work is among the Indians, j but south ot -the river it is now all; white. _. canon- . - - '4 ~ I ruling up~ Five -`mum X .-_ 3-_:: `_'"|IlI"'Did Manftobn. Bu. Giorce-Lloyd, Archdeacon-of the Dlqcouet Baakntchewan, was in Win- reoently grunting with the rails , wiiy` authorities Ttor sites tor churchu and section: along the lines. seventeen new men hqvo gone to work in the die- cese during the present year. `and twen- ty or thirty more w1l1'be required dur- n In: the balance of the y . 1 Th: lnuv ml mg... -451-.. 1-`- n-_ ' A `company of Prince Edward Is- 1'a.-nde'rs is being Iorrnned_ to organize a. .b-etter winmer service.` A Domnlnion subsidy will be asked. A new heavy Btetwmer to` be used as a can-_ Ierry as proposed. ' V

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