Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 3 Jan 1907, p. 2

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In Fancy Goods you willof have no trouble making a se- ` lection, PURSES, . HAN D- I BAGS, WRITING F OLIOS, DRESS-ING cAsEs,i .PHOTO FRAMES. : B}; % `gar-ixvsg };ia}iv} E New Year Presents. ' - ---w-it . C. A. ' Building, Yohsre and McGill Styeets, Tgrohto. VCALENDARS mo.ooo 1,000,000 1,200,000 0 |,aoo,ooo 4, 500,000 Rest nook.- sronn. DR. J. I ~'.l`rinit3 low 0 Mamba clans 1 mice an Dr. L.R.C.P. 8 Eye. Having Britjsh Aas1s_tant1' Hospgtal, J Hospxtal _(] urgeon 11 Bristol Ey~ Eye _Hos i UN_W IN , {_____..`___________. MURPHY & `ESTEN, ON-. ed. at loam: In} the_ Dymants, -mat mama. possibly. that someone else- `a_ otiwwger-vwill come in and azsk the ..'.l1ow_n`~ `ha `(:9 the very same ibhian-g it in` now -behnig asked .to do, wtth no whaltever of the nansciaI- .i'111y".df `(the party `to 1 carry -the *}1*`t5kn`8_ `thrown . . Surgly.` the a.re..ndt so 'Ioo1dsh-`atsjuo lei passe. ` .'11h:ere has ;& was :-a\ dclyiad `apathy among` If `_.'-_..;-__.1'V . ' ANY QUANTITY OF MONEY TC loan at 4 *1-2 and 5 per cent. Easy terms or re-pa.-yment. Lennox, Cow- gtr; & Brown, S311-citons, Barristers, W A N I l:: U ` I.'."Z$S.i"oc.3'?,` tlnonuhont Unltod States And Canada tc ndvorttlo our , tacking up show cards . .511 Into 1 : dis ~ thine FINANCIAL. H. -_+_f-___ 'MANU.FAICTURERS. % THE BALL PLAN`-ING MILL COM- pany. Crpentrlng, building, and `manufacturing; ' or, 1 doors, sashes, . blinds; rnnnldinotn, n'|'n- 'm........... -a -11 WANTED fi ` ., anouahont United amen 1: M _ _ .|dvg:tI_ooou1-oods.~tock1ng.: I ` V: ; .`.;. LETGVH-" ' ` _ qrmwggner -%&~ STEWART, `_BARRIS- solic1tora,T Notaries Public, and _Gonvey'a.n'cers. -Money td loan 97!!-n smir m'1nnn`n'f'- 8 mm nan`, nnm-.. jw. ABAmBRI`S~'.l`ER,S0LICI`TOR, B. S_.. . BROAD." I Havinggent 4 years Post Graduate work in ospitals and having served as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square Bar. Throat 8: Nose Iiospital. London: Royal London Ophthalmic (Moorelds) ; for a term as Resident Surgeon in Royal Londonofhthalmic Hospital; I Eye Hospital. Bristo ; and Birmingham Eyeo ital, Birmingham zformer Member of British hthalmological Society. OF'FICE-78 DUNLOP STREET, BARBIE. ' Phone 51. P. O. Box, 96. ui,1iown%s `gigpozm VICTOR A. HART, M. D. C. M. F. T. M. C., Trinity, M. R. . . ., 0n't., L. R. C. P. & S., Edininurgh. L. F. P. & S., Glasgr . M. M. S. B., Mien- ig~a n. Office and night residence Lane Block, Dunlap and VMu1ca.ster Sta. -Phone 124. Special arttent-ion given to M-idwifciz-`ry and Diseases or the mm: & ESTER, `smnrs-mas, ; DRS. SMITH & GOWDAND, OFFICE me. w. A. Boss, pnysrcun, sun- nnnnn `$4 ' `I F. PALLING, GRADUATE OF & S. Edinburgh; M.F.P. 8: S. Glasgow ~ --SURGEON-- LENNOX, COWAN & BROWN, BAR- -DONALD Ross. L. L. 3., Tramnxs. t-er, Solicitor; e!tc. Ban-k of Toron- to Buildrlmg, Barrie. Money to Loan. H. .'l`. LABNALL, M. `D. C. M., OFFICE in Bothwells Block. Allandale. On the pnemlcea at wig-ht. 1311. A. 'r.eL11'1-'1.m,T1wte`o: Churchill, On't. Office and residence John St., near corner Elizabeth. Phone -213. I the by-law. .3: tugned ap7vvg-`_;p=y xfaauin ol an 1:nB umc!.e'nt ma-' .3p!fI_:y-`a:x%d `than: Seems the o_nly- dang- fan-'-1-he hmdutxy will not `be restor- G. A . BADENHURST, BARP.IS'1`ER-, HEWSON & CRESWICKE, HARRIS- . ., . C. P. S'., 0., late resident Ph-yaiclan and Surgeon of Toron- "to General Hospital, wth special atenltion to Diseases of Women, and Nose and Th-noat Work, a lso [for some time surgeon in`cha.rge or Emergency Hoanit-n1. .m.m...+.. _ 1, r , usnauulllag auu "manufacturing 1 ors, blinds; mouldings, etc. Fla.-ning of all kinds; dons promptly -and satisfac- torily. vHot blarst drying kiln. Dis- trict Agency for grained lumber. Factory, Baytield street, Barrie. Rodgers & Gallic, successors `to Geo. Ball. y '~ _ _. --uvoauav, \IAV. _.ta.r1o' `Land Surv ore. En.g~in.aera, etc. Estwblishgi 18 2. Otmce, Medi- -`r:;;ld'Bul1ding, .E. corner Richmond v Bfiunlfa mnmnmlln "VAT as vwl .auuuul'5, 9.12:`. corner .l1.1Cnm0n(1 and Bay .atraee froromto. Tele- phone, Maln, 1886. Inst-ru;cTt-ions left with Stralthy &. Eaten, Sal-icitors, I'll! .n1`I".l`.`I'|n DA stlu{A Vuu ovum ume surgeon 1n*charge Emaezgemy Hospital, )'1`oronto. Office n-ig'h`t residence, upstairs, in Mocarthy Block, 21 Dunlop Stg, Ba-rrie, second door east or Dou- galle Bros. turn-iture .w-arerooms, near Five Points. `Phone 106. :'~'uu\I,__w.gun\v:1`:qyv;nt;era. -money to loan nil-n an: 5 per cent Orvtice, -mama nah-set, Barrie. H. D. stew- .Br.t,- L.jD., `D. M. Stewartt. . wzul nuaucny a 1981.631, salicitors, Bank or .'1`o_ronto Build-ing, Barrie, :w_ill be pnomptlys attended to. ..1?mctoz*,`=* Notary. Con-veyancer, eitc. ,Spm.la.1..atIt-emtlon in d-ra\win'g -and pgraolhti-mg .w-ill-s, obtaining letters of admin-tat-ration and rs uardianshtp, col1e'ct1n'g- accounts, ettc. Orrices, nose block, Ba-rrie. Money to loan. 4 .m mu. no. arms, Norttlh-Bay SW. ` . ' ' l1'.II mm. For ONIHI, Gravamhunat' V` North Bay. Solicitors in Hi .11 `Court at Jun- tice. Notaries Pu lic, Convey-ancera. Offices over the Ba.nk or .'1`ox-onto, -Barrie. Iltonew In sum: of $2,000 `and upwards, o loan at 5 -per cent. H. H. Strmhhy, K. C.-, G. H. Fhfnn, . and residence. corner 6'! VV0-wen and golrijer streets, Q0}:-rg. sutmn nnnn A van ,, _.-,- v. -.-v--: w on Q `-0 V5` Trinity University, Toronlto, Fal- of Trinity Medical College, Member or the College of Physi- and Surgeons of Ontario. 0!- fice and rnczinnnn 19 nun... ..L..-.`L uusuu ant! mxrgeorn-8 -0! Ontario. 0!- and residence. 18 Owen street. -riabers, Solicitors . for obltainin-g =proba.te- of wills, guardianship and `.'a1i~min'lst-ration, and gene:-.aI Sc~1i.cl- .to'ra, Notaries. Convey-anrcers. etc. Omcea, Hinds Block, No. 6 Dunlop street, Barrie. Money to Join` at 4 )1-2 and 5 per -cent`. Branch otncesa at Creem-ore and A1- 11-atlon. Ha-ughton Lennox, Alex. Icowan, G. E. J. Brown, L.L.B. Attorney, Zsblictor " in Chna-ncery, -Conveyance-r, etc. Of-rice, first `door, Owen -street, over Bank of Com- emerce. Barrie. _-v..--' - 5...-u-\IAJnV, DJLILD` Mn etco,` L0 B0 Cu S. '-9 L: Re C. P., London. 0!-ees and ni-g ht residence, Brown's Block, Dunlap street. Ba-rrle. frelephone, 77. fez-fa, So1I~cit'~rs or the Supreme Csurt at Judicature of Ontario, Pnactbra, Notaries, (km-.v-evancers. etc. Money to -Uoran. Omce, Roan Block, Barrie}. -c. E. amen, K.C., A. E. H. crgawaeke. % ' Ivuxuvr BL-teem, uarrle. J. C. SMITH. M. -E. GOWLAND, - alt. n, M -A 1: 1: Eye. Ear. Nos Throat, M pm. in: ormna-. Now! my `lint points mm`. < ' I, 1 II. mm. .For`Penet`a.'n.. 11.15 a..m. For Sayner, Colllnglwood "um! Meutord. - J. ARTHUR ROSS. sunvmrons. `ARCHITECTS. _ INIHIV ll II A- pmsrcuns. O., 1a.tIe_V;'es1:1en_tl n Sun-a-ann nf "lVA-- RELIABLE mm; {in dhnntv lnnnli ;AnvERT1s1NG RATE; OF THE The Northern Advam `mm-.~ _ Ear Vcu-dwell. Junctlbn, Blonvown and Hamilton. `I',[.lI`.p.m.' Fdr` `On:-mzel! '.`lu'nc':mi._ `Iluzug-utcwn aha mmuton. Tm: Anvngcn is proven to have tn. }F(1,'ve;t eireulatlon of any paper in the Comm, It has also by far the largest subscription` recei ta. Th latter "tact demonstrates the quality of its patrons. It you have any advertismg to 1o_ p it with the paper that reaches the people not d`to pay the price. Advertiiemantn are Aha`-rrn nnnnrino 6.. la IHBCFUOH U Xllla D81` 1111!`). uuu uen Ring notices, 10 cents per line for m insertion ; 5 cents per line for each subsequem insertion of the same matter. All items nude; 5lines, of `this character. charged 1155 line; Obituary Poetry be per line. Legal Notices, Auction Sales, Amnsementg etc.--First insertion 10 cents `Jet line, each su3muentinsert.lon5 cents per ine. inc nntihni. In 1-Ants nnr Iinn for ue.` 2Plreter1-ed '1-mcltions for local advertigg mentuin.t.he paperwill be sold at an advanc. or one-third on above rates, and on no Othg; ;`.1:*::1&1`r.*.!`.:,e::a`,c.;'.2.;*:.*1::t.b* Th- -_.:_-..- --_ _--__ Allandale Lots FOR 'SALE. asnvnvv &'u&l.V|D II) IUD. II-Koo. correspondence 05100. ` of Toronto Band Ao_ 3j.tl9.;Buu-:o.(JnI.i ` _ nub Blrulcl. to pay U10 pnce. Advertisements _ are charged according ta spa.ce--18 lines agate measure make one inch. AQYOICIBCTI W111 glance 0'38!` 111 mld notice of intention o chm: e advertisement. mnstbe handed into theo oe not later that Satuxday at 10 o ol and the co for 3110; ohenge mustbe in TE ADVANC office no` later thnn12o`clock noon on Mondav in gm. uuunxe mun ue In Inn All V And U15 omce lgter than 12 o'clock Monday in 3;. week. otherwise the advertiser : announcemem guy not be made public until the week follow. 2. changes of Advertisements allowed `year. If more are required. composition rapt: will be charged. "Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for advertlsing anythin ts'd th own regular business. She dmtlhely ado gs`: transient rates will be charged for such ad vertisementas It will. be ahortt-aighlwd po'lLcy, in- dzeseid. On" the pant air We rate-payers ut B1a.rrle'l'f they ran to `give the Dy- -ment propo-clutch` `the necessary ' sup- `port on` Jan. 74th`. In a matter olf me me the mqwn 'ah'du1d pull -together. -and pull `at:-on'gay. In: is not` a quest- ion. at all. or the nymemw be1'g' able to restore the ro*unm-Ay wdfhbut m'u'h*.- c3pa.1 a-saistansce. huh` atther, w}he'th'e~r,` nuanced-in-g that point, t will not pay the `own to `gm-mmh_ the terms. sought. .'1_1he' coat` `hfas been zmguu-ea manly -so ,e.'n*t8..pe4r $1,000 or assessment`, ma, as the Board - or made we ~a,10-way pointed aunt, where an the -prop_e`r~t`y` owner meat` has so "cents" t5o"bdt*te'r ad- van-base? hm rourijd-ry` wm gave evm moymem to -mm so no 100 um-0;, and `lhha makejs _a_.co_nq1d9x-ubhe additqn _t`o the.`fmo01e'y -clrcu1IaIt'lOn`-0! `|ih}`s'I'bIWn, not to Ihhe .n'unibe;'~"9!f that will-be `necaasai'y'*_bo hiccomnbme 0 the ' !mliha_p1fhemo;kmn'. Ohe man; 13% Elizabeth St. INSURANCE AGENT, couvtnncsn. :1-c. ` A_D?'l?IqA'I`EGLA88 menu: on .~ on am mart. --r-av-pa--r 2. v QQQOAJDILLIIDAV AD. Condessed advertisements on first page such as wants or all kinds, lost and found, property 7 in ' , .. 525.5%: `?. c.t2..,;',`:.:`.`.a.::r2.':i..`: 3121212; 2.20.... - V --V '- -'- -----vi ---- --- I up ynuygfg fr` sale or to rent, a cic artiags, etc" etc must be accom iecfe `th th h, be inserted-rxs):ninserti7 2 333:3 :22:-1 dw must. no accompanxeu wnn me can, and inserted-rat insertion cents per wzg each subsequent insertion 1 cent per wom gmmemaddreaaes and gures counted as words) _ ut a. reduction of one cent per word win 1,.` made when the number at insertions: nf .....- uh u reuucuun 01 one cem;_per \\_'0r(1 will b. number of msemons of same matter exceed four was for advoruunenu must in any can be mounted on solid metal hues. % X -t-H--1-x-+++ _ V -------j wuw-T- T` COAL AND WOOD MERCHANT. Corner BRADFORD 8: ELIZABETH STS. Phone 158. FOR `BREAD CAKES or ALL ;KINDS % % i- i HRl lA '1R`|LWAY_. cum: `-.{ y': M 1 ~~ .._... i I" ..'l'n!n`I leave Barrie tor the under- fmuticnod platen V-an tonow|:_ ' "rt - ` _ ` - I 4_.__--- You I-I-AVE TRIED THE REST NOW, TRY THE BEST Coal and Wood at the lowest cash prices. ._A'I',`, 4-4-I-4H'!-+-!*+*!-'1-'!'i!-4'4"!-hi-vi-4-4-+4 : -:.*:......"~.. a#.:.gg:;.:mn. .8 ":::.:.~..,. Ipectalnot with t inthe - 4QA`.4!.!oE, "g 4AAfAAAA Tans`. Msmss Demons coovmm-rrs am. Anyone sending s. sketch and descrltion may nlckliossoertain our opinion tree w ether an vent n is probably tentable. Communlcnr tions strict condent sl. Handbook on Patents sonttroe. llest agency for securing tents. Patent: taken t. much Mnnn & remiss: .v_v-vv---v ---v--vvv-v A {anomaly illustntevd -wlveewkly. Laurent 2:3 culatlon of any scientic ournal. Terms. 83 I wear: ma: mont.hn.81. Sodbynll newsdeslen hnnnn n n. -___ . |I-...II-..l. vear: ma: months. :1. Sold by an newsaeuen . N &cu.===~-M-Newlygrb R.-an not: (mine. 825 W St.. Washruzton. THOS. SM_ITH 13.12`---_.__ _-_ -_ };- bnizizs. Advertisers will lease bear in mind nnlhtn nf Infnntinn n nlmnuon grinn-9:.-- in`: us. cnsssmws. CDAI \uM\l\ IIEEIULIJLIIII OC|C5 TWIIOO. WIIIIOIIU $.i|'" 3`ii !!".`9"?!9.!!=_A% I I.._. ..--.._I._ nI1.._A._. _ man amiss ;- munpngy, JAN. Druggita L1AKEs YOUR sxm LIKE VELVET , (7-..- vv VI-I IIIIIKII skin. ' One or two applications will remove the roughness, and by its occasional use the skin acquires A the smoothness and softness of a baby's. Glycedonis is not sticky. and` gloves may be worn sfew moments . after usinit. can-9 Aply Ht: _ H I "THE ADVANCE ormcn, 2, Want Bsldwin Street. Has a msrvellouu effect on rough Ikill- nnll r tan aI\v\':nn6:n..- Barrie, . COXHIRCIAL CONTRKCT RATES. For Sfayn-er, Collingwood ind Menard. _ LI : 3 1 I 5 T` MONKMAN S GLYCEDONIA. GEO. MON KMAN. :Jscoh s Tex`-Inca V coxnixsnn Anvnlrnsnuzm-s`. -_..-.I .J_.._A.!_______A_ __ 13 . ' TRANSIENT ADVERTISING. I-Bod-I Ava rice 15c and 250. Delightful aftershavinz. Phone 250 3rd,` 1907. Barrio Exams- .19}:-.|s_$on. RATES Ont. Barrie. IN ONE BLOCK OF TWO ACRES hive _ay' "1 . .06" mm. 'Nwm_|.`rkut'. '1`aron`Eo._ and ,p61ntI;EII:t. _ 3 `f ,8. mm. Ear Newmarkar. Aurbr'a I"*.-R4`.-.'.l`oro`x1'to. . . _ ` 4' [I3 lam. For `Allamme. ' sign .. _. cn._ 1v-.__...--I-..l. 21...`--. "am . after 2703:? mer aged ` hom ihal ' T1: to I V Fri Fire 383' exec . 5?}; new The 3 amta the uiyrii rote` mg Ziifa-:"iI_}n." i:?ar"i&2E-E;},'uee. -mum. qua .'1'o_ronto. V . ' ` 1 MI pan; mo: .Ncw'mu-kdt', 4'.l'orun)tp._ _Ilom-.1 and points Edit. :WI( engi `dent rail. Hal` bbta. [was rido Par; ' Fr M`-a.a of ltru ea res . :W'a3A mas. erno Bubs 8tt.`.L DFUD _'No new name will. be. added te the Sub I I arlptlon "List until the money is paid. I X4I_..-_lI_-___ __.Z 1.. ____-_.. J-_ AI__-_ _.-...LI_A BUPPI dec; umb !tF_`.c Fthe Cat trac 8 'CI' Jet Erie` ` 5.5- IC C 0 :_v/hex` landl (Dun an.) dug us .p.~m. For 1=enetan; v 8.00" pm. For Stxayner. Collinywood no Mditord. ' `a.Ds!1y_ gfcihifhiunday. - I ~`.\.. .120 mile gel 90' am` _A@| rrhl "UOIrUQ\lnO a-our Inoovun vocv -cvaov; cu 'IiUoI.U l Subscribers now in arrears for three months Indtover will do charged $1.50 perumum. I;lLI:Y apcnliw. 'iii6Ifi9IItTons~ "1':-mus or Sunscnuvrxow. I1 per` Anmtlmi (n .1 dvanoql by Appointment ~\~ Photogranhvl The Dymenjt By-Law. Isnou rrom we onwe. my uumop Bunsen .-rle. in the County of simooe. the Pro- vineeot Ontario. Gnnada every 7 Thursday. Morning. y MAKER or PORTRAITS. :,ot ` Glaltl Noam. `' mm size has been thatt fa rwn9t:.1n everyghhllng pair ` 1nd:wIt-nL`al'. `ad-_ It. The. V You % am-%% A make us .'11h`e _'dse'a1dm=ga of the Whiiltney Gov- e,mIz'nJe'ntt' of 0n`t2a.r1o with the re- -sdumces of Oolblagt is "In" isatxlklnlg eon- ". tria.'a wmr tum or we Laaunisear Gov. ` ermmeht with "the greater `retsour-cea of the Ddm.'.ni1on' In 'Hh'ev North `West, or wmi `rug go1.dg`.t1e1ds In` -the Yuukon. ' Waml tihe" .WhWn'ay _ 'G+over.nmemJt ven- cdurwgeta mnveetment antd development '% wt Odb`a.1|t, ht wakes name mast . vane paopm -at maze `get weir 'ah`a:ne of the wea1rvn' which` has been `brought ' to ugm. By lahb .aa.le o1`1mus, the royiadmes, am the open-aJt.1o`n'a oif mines that have been` rec-elveldi irom Hale; the` _ .Onma:r.i:o Govemmenlt will 1-Qelive (mil- _ Man`: or `dollars we be used in` uexsten-d. ~ mg the I-I_a.11sw.ay` to meet the lra.n'3- 'conttnenma.1-ltnIe and ate: :oWer puma % purposes. mhe Dominion Govemrmmt ms givvlrnlg aqml on znaater oppa11lm-nM:-4 ' 199 10?? Dhlwate speaculzaltoni (to `gait - r.1ch vquzckly Aou-`t o.f`gwI1it.'s and con;-' `cesslonra otf hands. -ttniber and mlmem-. `sells in the` -We.-at. amt my srmetmat dw3IHt.'to`go'13ovt.`h|e .w.na7..e .paop1q as ` `h|9n'ded` out freely no {ung ra_vorM:es End ; -a.Isaoc11a!be\s.0'f Twzmsueng and MeIm}b'era ' of Rarlisamen-t. and to Members or` .Par.L1a`ment, and prqpacbly `N18 `_ mu`- 1_st-e ;-s `thevmaelvaa. `While the iwthirt`-A % ny Gbyemmenit may gain "f_or_-tune pwb. 1-10 9: On two `by the mic tter` 1 open _competI:iom any oehami` =m1umng 1 `1"18ht. `tihg Gdvem-menif .hx_ af Pr1'% 31 sivev-`a+ swan V at ~1 .rataa,: _ch:a.rnpe mo -nuke.-agmilmom O1'; hw}o`- 1 Eby-31'mp1y t :3: .qy'a;-.`hg_,. f,abva.xk.,; ( ;&__a-i:u= Ibo tn1rqti :r3,` `pOl?t1:t:.-`l.'- *1 f 1nn[ rrzney.fat. .'al'-1; s '. 2`; they once were. In dzaywa gone _|by. tnaadne cetnltl-ed hare. mzaluu-9.11? _ Fbttt wmrh we maven: at V mrancn rwilwwyp cixcqmat.-amines have changed. and Bar-. rvhe is `being mono more ttoncevd to depend on mac wamn iftiaellf. .'1`lh-1a can come only my populaabhon. and we require industries: mo mad-ntn*ln 't`h`a.t populna-tlon. l1t'!therefore`belho\oveIa us we a` -not only $10 anndurage ad- dttliomaal emmerpx-nes, bru: `to `do what" we `can t ovrdt1amn`!hhosa.a.l'reIa.d-y `here. Don't let 't'he name-ya`yer~s_ the h'u;mIbu`gg-` ed oy ta-has considerations '~a.nd per.-A sowal meeermga ln}|il1&1_e `unmet. shut Let them `heave no stone untur\n`eId to `ram up _a. big majority for Ilrhe `rro\.m1du-yAby- |['La=vQ `om! Wesolicit your banking business, and promise you prompt, courteous and satisfactory service ih`everydepartment`of bankini. Many of the largest andbest corporations and rms, in Canada are customers of this bank, ut we also have thousands of smaller accounts, and all are treatedoiwith the saine',care., V The histbry or this Bank during the past ftyiyears has beeni one of continuous progress, and it is to-day one of the country's most substantial finincial institutions. 9 `The Pr%oofofGood Siervice is % Constant Growth 50 Years of Successful Banking Businass in Canada. I866 186 1886 I906- 1856 1396 This Picvtux-e and That. Goqas %orQs1icy. Interest is said on Savings Deposits at gash of our seventy branches. Barrie and Allandale Branches. H. 3. mznwoon, Manager. - s223.4a9 -02,825,291 j ' - - 0,010,413 2,900,000 `$002.24: 0 . 2.000.000 37,221,903 0 4,000,000 Assets ?..__--y-nv 1 samrdsyagzg Su uvuu. unuyuus At an-oudmnce from 8:0. - ' - ' Honor Graduate. University of Toronto 1892 Member or` couege of Physicians and Sur- geons.Ont.. 1892. Coroner'Co. of ` _ ..j..RlE:sjmtwcni urn` Or" V01:-s-Williun Me `stggoh " ` .*`-a ,\5 1. ?.8tA:ieet;. -u U .3013 . pHYs1cIA}.'s`tJnaEoN. Acoucmcunl . V . .. Qua ' ----~--.--vr `.----r ` |VV`J|U_59 HKTJP 3 Harvey, skip - Vf1'eMer, skip ' 13 Majority for Col-1-in31wnddV sham. Hiogg. -skip, ' - 16 Love, skip ~.11_ MJcN1vevn,` ship 13 Bee-crat, skip 5 Banrle A~ T -.._ -- ,-..- _-_._ -------- -Q70 It-uvval Juhlllc Lost by the Luge margin of E8-shdta., being down both rut home and a.bmIa'd.] 'l\|-an alumna ,_,, ,,__...- --.....-uv ma. gun: ;VH\a\JBI1'|rllj' Cup. between Barrie amid Co11.in~g.wo.od muting `clubs, book plume _on Friday with tour rtnkns `Ian euwh own. Barrie luau Ian! M... 1..-..- ..-.-~_-_ -1 -- Dieouealng: t-he openuin-g of the - On- tario 1;e'g.ia1-at-ure, which has Ibeen summoned `to ;meeIt`on' eJe.n. wzh-, the Mlaai:l`a:md Empire _sa.ya- = - i V Flor the '0ppossiItiotn' the questiilotn out leaiderahip Will be the Iirst to arise, and it will call for iaemtlememt prob- eibly before my platform ` tor the _ Llberiaal member-s,o1 we onitanio Ae- sembly can `be adopted. a.nnownIce- imetnt of Hon. Mr. Rose elewaatlion `ho the Seniaie, which he seld to the as- sured, `nae, it is undenatood, been de- layed until the selection or his succes- _eor in the leadership has been made. lt.`is esserited in some 'dua-were that he c'hloio`e will be made "by a"conv-an t- I ion" Oif the Liberal` party. On the other -hmd, `It is pointed out that much a course would 'be quite unpIarl~ia~mevntI.- `airy am} contrary to preoedemt. No less om` auithor.i1ty'luh*a;n Mir. G. ' P. Grlaham, M.P.P., on`. B-rockville, Ihaia are-_ serted Ira` hi Tpaper. `thiait the choice or the lemder of the lt't;t1e bamid or ' Liber- . `all members in` the..L'egiala'hure shoutd lie` with themselves alone. On whom the ldt'C`wduld fall lit in hard to say. Severia,-1 nalmels of genftlemen not now in the Houlae have been memtiouued, in- cl-uscllmig Mr. N. -W. Ijuowell and Hon. 31398-k91'"S'wther1a;n.d,' _o't |tLhe' Dominion .I-Iowse ' of Commons. In` the House zltseltt several members have ' ` been Bnoken of. Mr.._ '1'. (H. Preston, out Bnam-ttord, -would be a most..eooep't.eIble _nom1.nee for all na.ntioeIs,' but it is un-,- derstood ithlai heie :not extremely de- sirous oi! the sdme\w.h|a.t' arduoims post. .1-Ion. A. G. MIcKe.y` and Hon. George P. Gur'a.ha'm. both` of whom are among the debatbera on; the Liabeml. ` Hilde, have been suggeeted, 'a:a.h_es Hlon. Rlclierd` Humour-t. mhe aohltliou of the problem will be. wwaiilted w`i:1:'h'con. Iidersalble interest on alrleides.` '- lCollingwood won sh. '1-`in-st] mcoa:-9iA1`I-:0 1355. 0.p|_Iosition% Leisdership. mi: A. i'll`i`l'A\Y u nnnnnnn . ..\ ...... -. `At co11mgwooa.' amtest for the` Macca.-rithy ._ 1'In-.._l._' ._._.J 3.1-. - At Bin-r. ne. _v..__-- gin 2't6'4-;.m'_:V. _ex' NORTHERN ADVANCE ` 00111-ngwwood Vermin, skip 18 , -`Wilson, skip 16 steplxerlasgskiip 18 Capital % T`l'I-I: `NOll1"H~BN Anvnuca An 8 Pngofls ecolnnn Newspaper. Published from the" arm. 12: Dunlop Street. Darwin In u: (`nnntv nf Hhnnnn- th Pm. :-- T uw-\liu`i 2. . i.'w`imhw1me.m . 3* +++++ A . . . . . . . _ . , mu i ERIENDSHAPPY Nothing can give more plea-V : We have all the latest public- I ations, also leatherbound Poets. 3 Books bound in Tartan. Pict- ~ ure Books for the children ini | I sure than an interesting Book.3 ;. [3 IE Endless Variety. . ` OOOONOQNOOOOQOOOOQOOOOQ? :11 `from Jan. 2nd, 1907. Enter an `time. B Ht. 1: teed.mm1-' ..:.:d:;.:::: i:.%':::::'.:".,., W; zz. T. M. wyrson, Principal"; _} snmsu mzmcm ".!!,`.33 9011555 V_Mn A N The most useful gift is a; WATERMAN FOUNTAIN 4 PEN, it is in use every day of I the year by everybody. Prices 1 range from $2.50 to $10.00. _ 3 .4; visiyjw. 1 A.box of sTAT1oNf:RY ` 1 a suitable present for `any- one. We have them in pretty 3 + boxes from 2 5c ~up, T

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