` Daromhy Yemen, qrncaddon I-Ia.-ll," .w.i1_1. be preaemibed `by Ltarursa. Burt and Mr. Henry Stuanxtoird. or the lame Sir Henry Irving : company, at the Gr-9.-n-d Opera. House on. lihuradayi ev-. owing, Jan. 3rd,i1907. me play is a wiorklsnz _epitome_ia _ Charles _M`a:|or e novel.. Dorotbhy is shown, in Elizabethan` r-aaimenvlt. us an impgrioua young `beauty, who in daherimind to ipie-use 7herae1:1.'- in me mmnageinemt or her` malts ot`vuhe.hea~rt.. She can- "duoted under romanlbic [circu ances` tihrough an -.ordea1'ruf ~da4n-ger` ' and ` di1fticuI.ry., ` No more V -charmim- picture has `been `seen on `tine stage th season V than; Laura Bgrt as Dorothy Vernon, -wiuh. her saucy iace. her audwcioua red hair, her: patuuleamoe, pouhin and . per- `varsity. aoat: _ty. Henry Siumtord, _a`a,,Sir John Mlawuers. is. -a ict:u'ra_squae *hero_:_dti hi Li-`us-_~~-,do.V - i of rode oi: 148016`! uuu \7I:A mqutvu ,- L ".;Your1voye.~and_f inuence are Tteipictfixlly ':!?3,`.S=i!_`.'?i?g1!!1ti9!f } II! this societyand Peome. ' AAAAAAAAAAALAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ---- u---- v----7: wv --`q-_vvp-- - vuvvuw -f train moronlo nor 'Chnahmu. _ Mus." A . F. A. M:a.1co_1'mson _,_-_ _ _v- --v-.---.-- Efnqgjh-g, su:uner`.La}E sueefle at '1V9ronIto' have been spending a. raw, days I.-_.. spending a couple at week-3 in south Lime, Mitch. . 1 `: vr -Mar. and Mrs. Jaaa. Gardllomse of Owen Sound are -Hm-Y1-D!8"wi1JhTthe lat- 'Uer a 'parem'bs,_M.'r. and Mrs. N. Gurus-e. 1` IL_.... TR 3!... _ , -# __ In wow. ....._.` _._----- .-.-V, v-- ---rv-u---uqw, -av uaylzg her mother, Mira. King, .Wora1ae-y St. :. I Mr. J. M. Smith was calledkto `Po- .-rant`t_o mute week owamg tnitihe serious tilneea on`. his sister. - L . Mi!ass'Helaem Scott at Sanaanaoc Dake, N. Y., is apeixi-d~1n'g-a':qw weeks at her home oIn~Dun1op-St. ' Mr. and `Mrs. R. E. Ellidt 0.1833- I_..L.'- , -1-u.v -~-_~ `--- A--cu ---vv v-gw, vv--- v-_,wvw-p - , Mlkaa'E1l:8d11t, ymem _8t., a-eta:-nea lust week Irdmmdxmomston. ' . _ ..Mir. LW. `J. Sumherhand 1:8 in Swglnww, mom, vlsitlngv rehmmvea. A . %._*-"___. an..- an .1-4u._.__-_._L ___-.__ W-a.L J. `Mafshul. or us. imedmthor olgihmne om Ovwont. over `Has a _ a-uu 'J'll'l H. 311 this ' 1.1669 A nl`'u'l. with Dr. _and` Mrs. Bailey, 0:- l:l'1ta;`* % .. Lv J. B. math` ` mne LA.id-;a;nce atmt, spent XmaaaJt his -`htom in n-\_'__.u.a-_.1 ' monf ;s1E.`,'i-e";p;?.a.7g .'a"'co.'.{p1;"I.: motn.1:ha mun Iriexmds here.` .. -v-. --.v------ pow-ow: and Mrs. Myers at Jamedww_n, N. 2.. wens mleutda v-Mbora a.t Mrs. Lfyens`. Yroromtto Btt. ` ` 'In|_ _-_,.; 3:0,- 1, A .q .-* Hun.` Annual Meeung or we nurrle norm- cultural Societ will be held on WED- NESDAY. JAN. 9 . 1907, at the Secretary : 01100 at 7 p.m. R. J. FLETCHER. Qnnrnhu-v- ---- -_-_ w. ---- -v' tuna -warn: I` 701 Pdberboro were vlzaiming snelmtlvea week. ` j ; Mm. Hfunm and Hunter of Tor-` onto are vnaimimg their sister, M`rs. ~.W.`I.`1']amldto Mluoahf St. V J. c. Inwm is 1.n`Na;g1a;a Falls. for a caup1e.ot wevelus. M`:-. uIrrw.1n spent the mo!-tdsay 1n Port Hope. Mtesara. J. `Bmmion, and (3. Danny. `Toronmoo Went a `mew, days ms week .wmn tmu bnorlher, Mr. D. NV. Leoy. - Il\.. nu 1\_____II |_'___ , , Q , n Dr. C. Powell is now 9. member or he College of Bh'y:a1ci:ans and Surg- eons-ott On1Ja.r1o,.haav1n~g reoemtly pass- ed the .1mial>examI-naltpn`. ~ v- ---v ----uv- vqnvvoocu-av-cu-wen- Mr. and Muss Shnclnaittr of ;Ba1Isaa:m Lake, and Mr. Sti.n.c1aau' of -Gd-enIa1:~:n are ;apernvd-mg the Chnidbmas holidna ya wilt.-h Stlheir Ib+roth:ema here. , v . .l`.he marrtage oi! Mir. A. E. S_t;ap`.etan ho Mikes Annie Duunoaan at Innilaml took Tplnace in '1\oron*to Last Wednesday. Rev`. '1`. E; Bantley pefor-med the caremony. -Mir. Sldneg .Fle't.chaer s many Ir-iendqa will `be pliaaaeod to learn that he is g'radu:a;1ly regaining ahrengut.-h- and` is now `able to -aim up "for a. while each day. . `T -M118. Sn`therlan:dV Steele will receive with her. mother, Mrs. Justin Edwards, on` '-Wcd~neasd.day, Jan. and, from 4 tto.6 o c1oc'k. V \ S1r,-I am glad 't:hart t.he park. scheme as the plan calls nt, of the Council at 1906. `has coaxed some discussion, especially as to the cost. I have ha.u1_ed a. new loads -at gravel and aoii in my ime, a.njd"w.h;'en Itihmk at-the nu-miber of Ioads It wi1ltaloe- to cover mhe 12 acres with` two feet or earth, t gmnrea out somet~h1ng'l;k this--A. load at 1gm.vel,' such -as we have been hauhlmg lshsls aumrnemiq awbox 1o%xt.. -In-nnr llr uph-In Il-.ann'sanM hauling mus suxmmez-.13 a. box 10 It. `long, mt. wide. 1 nt. deep, an it would make something like 2,940 loads to cover one were wuth 2 rt. otewrth; whloh at 50 cents a load would come to the .aum of $1,470` per acre; Tlreen, there` is no ' 4 t-hat it will `stay on top when put there. How in will $6,000 go in ga . . like that on `twelve acres? en comes the lcaydmrg zoult `of walks, drive, etc., and where Wis.-n=o doubt -that on same.- ol *I:he,`uwelve acrea' pllea willhave to bed:-1v,em,`or perhaps a. cement: round- ..a:t:lon~"'p`u:t:: me before 1-I: would be fit or me: $11 , `callus how much the land is assessed my `and haw :i.s~_ than me p1"-lce tb.!be. pa.ld-as nearly. twice} that rpald by fzh . .'1'@nnin co. and bwol-ttlilrda more -than Etna` 'fpa.ldlhy warren` '& mm: It `Iialx-"H I nova: (human!!! nrn.n'l-V-Irn nlnbvrnnnunr` .`|`n.i' IVS V! unav- MI?A3 9n}yi; ?P!.?!;'1' 5::Uni)nilI A 1* `lm; ueeuzxpngn HIE punrcnuu Iuul. - Mr. and Mn. R. L. Cross of Torbnto are jiisiting {tie `d9 iu__Nnntvr._ V I _ Mr. Lwi Cum` iu_ h_oue fogfhis i"f1L()1Idgy, ._ _I1grp[d.Hpting$7 l_I)'a" mm A,.:;:s';;e;a c` ;a;'a:zMun DOROTI-I vanuou _oa= I-|Aonpu_ Q-I-_AI.I.._" 1-HI. -_ -- ---- --t~r -~- - - V b the_ prental roof. , I1. .....I `II... `D |J&L`\l |UJ 'UJJUl`l.'Ull uvlll-EL I LL `Gill? ua.L- ayor doaanu want to sink money - et ` rm value we (by-Law where the gravel ;Wll1 go 1t-pu'Tton--.-doiw-n. .- ` -` -m.'IuE'Mra H; Hall, Mary ex, a"r.c:_i ._._.1l.... - --._..1- -1 -__--_1_.. iSV`e II(.IIg gfefji dnygunder L_etter to the Editor and -Mrs. gW1l`1-Nets spert ..:.n.. n`- ....ha-n.. n...n-.. V Mums "Malay and tmily _ ...I.A.. _ , .uP .. 11h`a mmbou` was; warm.` in putting in. an appearance on Friday. evening at wlhalt was the nal regular meeting -at the Council. 101- the yaaz-- prdheably beca.'i1:ae.eornua at them felt ht 'w.ou.lad `be the mh_e clock had struck 8 by,severa.1.m1mu1bes ere the mayqr and a.1de:-man `took their aevalts. Alduliovemlns min: a.. nonnat- &n._...I._ _|L WUTIIV I if 100 cords of pine roots wanted at the Water- works De artment, Barrie. Apply H.'E. BROWNL `E. Supt. _ 52-1 Rcgulpr Meeting of ' Councilof 1906. j :}OH7BDULE- -- OF. - BUILDING ' OPERATION`: FOR THE YEAR. 'H. .H. Stnathy, K.C., wrote encloling his cheque fnor $100. being a donut- iou the -Louisa. St. Gore-., LW. P. Vsou1_es,A road overseer. present- ed a. qlf the STBJVGI-11113 and grad- ing at auedfa designated and named for Ithaxt *.m1rpoae(1Inc1u;d11n-g streets uh- der the County Roads System.) ,.,'1e~ams were paid $3.25 per day and ahovelierq $1.60. mhevre ' mas ddlfatwuhty in obtain- ing to. unrI1or_m _gr~a:de of gravel, {and the .overaeer"i1'eomme1nded the ac-' quia*Ju1on'by the Shawn of an aadditintnsal p Jt.; Crushed stone had been utilized 1:0 good hadv-ammage. -A number or wooden culverts were reportbed. as be`- (mm bad 'condWlun. and will require vho =be z:ep1,~aoe.d by" canncreue. ` v-1... n_-__1._ ._-;.1- __h.I.-_...o___ Q _- ..v _.-..-,..vv.- -' v'-- . - - V -- lm Speuarln made application Ifor the mow-plowhing conitnact in No. 1 Ewsand wt $50. . ~ mm overseer swbmluueud a list at! new mutlamgw bonatrmaued uunmg }A the year, Ibogetzher with estimated cost or same. Buildings and imprdvememts of a minor character avrenot included. The. oulblook mr 1907 promises well. ` Fol- lowing is the ached-u1e- - Owner or Bmtlgder` ` Coat |n_Oru_, . An -AA 'g';a'ngxs% of men were `all:-work tor the Ofnnmiassioner `Souies benomted on the cement walkza lnanld duunin-g 1906. Tiwo I g r1aaIbe1-L pamt `oIf_ the eea$11 the num- `betrhging-gmhgnwwrads who one.` on 12th of -vuu-F--v.--u." -.--._.,, I o o I | o n - o o I o ca `a.r5a; Gsame. THE.CUl{1fAlN~ FALLS. an Annual Meeting or the Barrl >Ho'm- WED I NPGDAV `IAN or mm at. am Rani-nfAI~v l n o . . o - . .- . . c . - . nu ` . . . o - o - a . .- y - - . . - . . - . .- o . - a n o . on n - - n v o o - o on o - o a o - n -- - o - u o I - o u a no n - o a - o n on u o o n o n o u - - at o n - Q n o o II o o I o o - o nu o o u n n I o an V ' ' n u D I o - a no ooooooo co ooooooo on $145,250 me ` ` ` ~.u in :.,.:;:' a:`.:',*- 3*: 8 (nd: at 4-ctoott: lwalk. 1!mYb1n'E 13'. 0.: in was read. 811 - spiunibez-`a Peruunxall apecu was mad at ' . _ vworklmr $91-,v 131m by law` nut: 01. every J00, KIN `by-1857'. '-.I;A:bl({1Y:'E'oV ( 3' . we Chammanm Committee den-III: wit acco 1'~ .m 65.: utnts_.be'uwIeIen the GET Y. -A , .'.w|og Ln & ) submitted a report which h line matter df awtaalramrdtrrs an --9.-. uw_uuu-awxuuwnl Hana _une 'l5'8l`l'le 0a.rr_ Go. mhe llfaal etrect will be fun the present accounts wilt `be~ `sewed: on` `a. .reta.aonu1b1e basis . and `than: nor the next 18 yearns a Huh-_ mammal net yearly saving Ibo the .'.l'.1owrn will uht. ` '1'.he'aum at $26 wta.a.voIt1ed to win. -Browtmlee for services in conlnectiton` wlfth bhe p11_1mlbr'm'g by-lvww. " .'1`he` 'wswa;,I -honorarium of $100 ' Man } L"i.".}_.";..". .`f....`.E".*,`-"",'E; - g- gvE`l1"lJ0 we M13301`. Ald. Beardsley, In ansver 1' `- query rellaitlve to the street `mibwar matter, stated that the norms of a; treamchiase had been agreed upon and - that Mr. Niacwolhs sdlrkcttor -was at... V d1rn'.'.l`mvxn on Motmbayto can- r with Mr. Greswicke. -who wi1l='re- preaem: the municip:a.1JI:ty In drafting- thzb oomltmct. s H Ald. Glardezr observed that tram 6 to 18 months mud been mmken in other towns to arrive at an agmvemenrt, and -Barrie was to .'be congrammlwted on us- ing so much dispatch. mm mnunn Imu-m.1..n.4.....a c.|.:..w __-- mhe mayor mbevrjecbed thialt` amy- ddlay -in the tU8lt'l 1"h.'3Jd not been the- Cauncs. ; ' V AM. Mlclwon-um made enaqmry about the electric l1glh*t in the tire mall! at Awu-amdwle. A ' number of '}qu13tions us `to the efficiency or the ehectrc tire- zaltarm system were asked of Chan-ma.n Shephemis, who nep11.ed that everything was proving satb1d1'actory.. y ; ~ Il'_L , Motioms. - .W-tlsotn-MJcMor.na;n-'lVha1t the W. &' '-L. Commwtee be imtnucbad to chaant a the are lamp at the G.'1`.R. crossing - lwiand 6 o 't-he all-mgltut w.ir~e,. 1:! such change be practhca-ble. Carried. Gardern-St.ephenIs-'1`;h3aIt a waiter me er be placed in the ire h-am -buzildl-n vamd thwt water he paid or aocorxliing to the quiamrbity used. Ca.rriued.. ' Illnlllav-m-.-n,1'xr.nn.. 0n|....L .u.... nn-..n- -uu um: qwwuluuuy uuuu. Ua.fl'.l'5u. MJcMJorran-Wu1Lson-'Dh:a`t the Clerk ndtitfy the ,e`.ec*tr.ic lrighst department -to repair tine wares at No 6 (film hall at once, there having been no connect- ofon tvhexe for -some time. Caz-.niet,1. -'Wavt1t-Stnan-ge-'I1hat `the application or John Spear-in tor snow-pldwiorrg in Division 2 be accepted at $50`, aiao '01 John" Momt 1n Div. 6" at $49.50. also that of John Salter in Div. 3 and 4 at $110. Carred. I ("run-\.nl] n n-inn glln \JWJ'3UGl 5-MIA `Wilki W611 LLILUU UH mums knight to witness the must proesslomal `hockey ame or the sea- son `between the Canadian 800 warm and fthe Local` zaepbewtte. The l-`a. c- er more not by any -means in canidvmon, lbut nevertheless put up a very clever ax amend: with the men from Oxerg'.uev11`e, the score h-a.rd-ly mrndsmng 9. criterion of the merits of the play. Steve Vsair, who vi-3 mug- smrg -an injured wniat, was pneve-nlted ttpom aappearmg on`.-the Biagriraie `Pine:-u.p, {but made an efficient referee. Fnhe `Sao'pJJaye1-3 were evi.d:emt1y in the pink or condition; Hoorwever, the locals kept aehezm may .~a;I: 3.11 .stagea, am at ' times had them on the defensive. The -work at .Tooze inn! gxaaal were a rserioua- `handicap to me home team. Score 13 to 4 "in favor of the Sac. Gee 'an'-1 R-owe for Bean-he were i-always prom- imsenit. s 1`he -Line up--Soo - .Lehma:n'.v g`oa.'1: Brown, poinit; Mkcnobde, "cover A _poi:n*t, Slmeier, Wahsh, Wilson - and ].1aylor, ' trorrw.ardJs. Bamrie -- Tooze. ` goal; Wilnarms, poinrt; tGee, cover. Em: _Ridpa:th, Rowe, Mlarrin and A. . Other, Iorwards. I HE Annual Meetin (it the Vespra Agrloul-V ' tural Society wil be held in th` Town Hall, Midhurst, on WEDNESDAY. .1 . 9th, 1907, at 1 pm. _ GEO. SNEATH Hnnmtnrv- - FAB : HOCKEY `ON CHRISTMAS NIGHT _81'APLE'1\O'N-DUNCAN. + on ' gwem nasday, Dec. 19th. 1900. M 1'33` : Umvercarinty Avenue. (1`oron'-to. Why Rev. '1`. E. Bumtley, pastor of Elm .; nu. u:..m....u..| 'f`h-nu-ah Amvndn mm`- FLmmoHEn-onM.:z{z3aay, Dec. 23nd, > 1905, the wdie at Esben metcner. `u-we-mnmnr Qlnnv-Had. Rank, 'K'aa.1-tmyv. `. IJIHITIJLVJ, pwuun uu. 8ll'lL|-. IKUV. 1'. ~13 St._MJet1hod1st:Church, Annde Dun- can, of Inniall, Ito Ahbert Ernest Sbapletbon. orf~ Barr-he. .W;HI'1`LEY-LAWSON -- In the 001-- ='1er vat:-eel: M-ethodtiat Chturch. on. iwedmeeday. Dec. -26th. by Rev. Dr. 0ck'ey,_ Robert Jws. -Whitley of Everett, .to Edth Lawson or Stayner. (Eat-aym;_er Sun p1ea;se copy.) . .'nEW.-sPROU.LE--A1: the (Joiner St. Memhodlat pareon-arge on On:-istmaa Day, by Rev. Dr. Ockley, Wm. -Hem-y Tew of. Iv.Y_ tho Genhruds `Sp:-oule at Ultopa. j - ` To all our customers and friends we" say a Happy_ New Year, thanking you for past favors and assuring you~af our best endeavors to please you with the opening ` of the new year.` `ll`__-_ '.`__`.... _...\ A: Knox:-`xhnnn Lg UK UK: ucw yuan. May '_vo`ui' cup of happiness be : filled_ to` oy'yowir_1g;-,-and grief- mayjyou never know it's man.+ | C110 3 EL quul. uurrncu. Council adjourned sine die. ' SKIDDOO I A HAPPY new YEAR IIIO _ V . May your -Successes . mcrease a% hu,ndred'fold`--a.nd reverses---may_-.:;_ tney UCVCI Lutuu. _ A ' Here Hea1tl1;Wea1tf1;ahd]oy;_ `j'.4,< * . 41".; .<=1==.* Crystal Rink was well filled on n-nrma lnloh I-In nrnnono -I-`kn. h-at {$1.00 p: _n hamuuu m Aovuncl: . IINOLI GOP!!! PIVI CINTI ` Barrie Loses to the Soo. _ 1300, U18 wawe UL uuwn HTIULUIIVL`. man-ager Sberung Bank, Keamey. Shh ` ' IO MJARBIEDV. _ _.-__.. . -- 8-53p 35`: Baird 7? em-+-on Ovsohaio-Qua snow; on: -cw 1-cu-- v wu-vi BARBIE BRANCH `.?.9,%%%`li?`233'3f:`a %a'o`'y``." ` " .1. n-pm-urn-um! |n-_-___`__ 1>ounu~m mor ages. MOUAn`1'n1.n URUIUSON, unlop Street. Barrie. Can we make you happy this Christmas with `one of those beautiful` instruments ? or we have other makes to choose from. a a Bairiollusic Sjoro % A. F. Garrett Hand Stand the format with back: brushes, all glu| oIf 13 - , r1 i rJuTi{u=i6Fa'e-. " i;1 the past Christmas Tides` have .been beautied with that peer of pianos manu- factured by I-Ieintzman 8: Eb. [Thousandshf 1 anadian Homes U I CI 3- Tu ` jyb "gr}.'A::L':s:3mB'i'e65 0 * pgpital Paid Up. 335.000.0130 lest. - V 0 1.500.000 mats Over - 28.000.000 , _ __ onnvlil A lII\'I'lIII JI I\`.Ql\\' Wm:.~: TRAVELLING `Was? an Sum ; - AND STOP yr nun |V|A..!S_E_.'!' HQ_I._E_..l-;- I`: V VWIVIIGDHI "'5' ""' _ om. CITY MARKET W" " 145 Pnmczss 31'. "`p.eg First,-class Accommodation. Remodel- led and Refurniahed Thro118h0t-. o ' N31`: Lwnamw Txiousbiw. . %%)3DmNT.HoN.Jo snam-nus. Emmlun MANAGER. G. .BALFOUR. -. A 15 "_A "f"`' I"" ' O _The' annual meetiu of the West Riding Slmcoe Electoral Dist ot Agricultural Society Wlllbc held in the Council Chamber. Barrie. on (WEDN ESDAY.) JAN. 16th. 1907. at 1 pm. `E1? EVIVICIYIIVB Q4-uuualvn cur Kindly us INFLUENCE _to the `-I--A.2_.a.- 7` ?fii'Ti')'iii"61'i"iiI;;:. I ,. . 1 -V ; ".f;;,;- ._':`: (1o1{3)111el.hIi53nc%1z} 31533 J`%.oo. _ 0, vats room for ttting. ' ` WM. cnossL1AN%n T\.........:..a. : `~`ll'n1-Iilca- - ' llTI`I`I And a. Superb |::--1 Annual Moot lug ""'"" uh-Io T V. No.6 LI NO. 87 T Lwnuv A cnw. Pnovpycvonu. V NE W ADVERTISEMENTS. Uvvvvv `acvo Q-d\r-aov ,-a vv vvvvwv " W?ARM For: SALE. Lot 22, Can. 4. Oro. 100 acres. 85 acres hard- o?`ip\ ::3a`1%Lt23?zr%'&?o%`: &i.?; $3.2 30470 Of Ed"W'0%f0?3dm'e `&'i.ur2i3.` F%`%$`;i}:.%.3i t1(131'lhs?rvt1?ar(l:}i`c1tt1lhc:irg /01907- L `P913 to JOHN McGILL. Qhanty 385' P- 0- ~ Ponnma Tums Pmon; Moxnur, JAN.`7'l`H. 51-541) _ . /22": electzbiz as memer of t/2; :22 Thurskday % 555 January 3rd. ERNEST SHIPMAN SUBMITS LAURA BURT, V HENRY S'|'ANFOD A._.1 _ o______L n-.....-..-..C Anafn in '1STx:g1s't. f %Prop.%P%l\one. 259. P. o'couuu.|.. Proprietor. Local Warefooms ?:'g>F :J1'o LOAN. 7 -._-____A. -11)..)-and HEN-`ER EST!-'-IAY M _.___J ]...L_ _... ...-..-.I--- ANTE .. _ _--A._. ._-....L- by] U`-LLVI ovv v - `-~..-u ` lg. J. FLETCI;l'!Ji2','e-t-sretary. , `GRAND OPERA _ HOUSE Ul\ llvuwvv Bvvun yaw-.. -- -..-- L1. eas terms. OHNM. SYME. j ? Dalston, P.O.. Ont. III`) ` Secretary. IILVIH.) Secretary. -1--U-t-~~4-t-5%-4-8-+9!-+++4-I-~I?+4;~!-6`!-4-+-3-3.-1 Muiufsoturlng` Furriers; `T PHONE 290. I 6+96++++++o+++ UUU IJVUF 5355!: UL DUI` IJBITIU nuwa. * 'lf4'H'+4'!4+'!"!'!'%+'!~ll"!!l~!'!~4!*H mm} FOR sALE-`moT mes. County or . Simcoe, Townshin of 01-0, North of Barrie, food buildings, brick house. good state of cult- Vation, well fenced. easiy ' . m-m M. SYME. I ` ` ' town 101- some time on account or. poor hoaalth, is very much improved. -He -'p"`. ` ` expects hoxeburan to `business at the . p ' Same Old stand where he hopeato ae'e G. G. smrr M, M6,. W W Reyectfullysolzcztsyour VOTE 0!-11! 1!` their Wmvalhyp 8- `W and 1NFLUENCEto secure -mamyklnd lnq:unr'1en3. pIm.~t:1Ie'm-eantime. , ,, . he wishes each one a. very Happy electzon as member t/ze NW ye, , ~ ` ' *~ ITNI A. P Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0. 1897, Ch. ter )29, Section 38, that all persons and cred tors having claims ainst the Estate of the salt! ANNIL LALL . Deceased. who died on or about the 25th day of November, 1906, am: nnnnh-Ad nn or hnfnrn the 5th of Jn.nuarv.190"I. died about the tow day or LVovem_uur, mm, are re uired on or before the 5th of J anuary,1907. to sen by post prepaid or to deliver to Stewart ststewart of the said Town of Barrie, Solicitors for the Exeotors of the Will of the said ANNIE LALLY, their Christian and Surnames, address- es. and descriptions and full particulars of their claims rogerly veried and the securi- ties. iii. any)` el by them. _ And further take notice_ that after said last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets ot the said deceased. among` the parties entitled thereto having re`- ghard only to those claims of which they shall en have had notice. and that the Execntors will not be liable for the assets or any portion thereotsodistributedtoany Eamon of whose claim they shall not have h notice at the Nmn of mmh distribution. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER or the Estate of ANNIE LALLY late` of the Town of Barrie in the County of Simcpe. Widow, Deceased. 0181111 may Blllu nub uum time or such distribution. $lII'I`, A M mun: In sum: uwuuuuunuu. ' . - STEWART &. STEWART. 13 Owen Stree%Bm-rte. Solicitors for the T xeoutors. Dated this 5th day or December A. D.`1ooe., 10.53 yns am QUALTTYWE Simmons `& Bo. I'I\-IIVBI I9 EYFUI" . We hzwe a large amount of Priva.te_Funds to lend . M V d 5 cent on the aeourltyot W1 firm` n`3`rc.i;ag.' McCARTH`i; BOYS 8: III):-ulcnu \nnlnv\ Rn-malt, `Raw _ BANADIAN ' 1-171 3 v;:L{v'or-.1T dumbin- atlou. alto RAVELLING CASES. TIVLI- :1: 43 `Inn -uh.`-A IIIA -g-lL Ig- - _ `A-n: ot`HighGrudeLP'or- fumes, imported or Domestic in mag- nicent gift packages. From 250 up. COME EARLY AND , OFTEN. OPEN EVEONINGS TILL IO O'OI..OOK4AF'l'ER'OEO. 17TH,` 1906. ROBERTSON },`{. and Triplicate, backs to match .the brushes, all glsuof-heavy plates. T Price: from 250 up. :31 : -: A-3-2 1'oIg._I:1' c_1I1"_r-3:_S"A -IIlVIl ICU J I-`CI V IJIJIJLLVIJ VRKUIHQI This `is one line where we o|n't be beat either as to `price or quality. EQQLIIFXIX XLLXL4 ` ulllll VI IJIECIU. CIHU C IIIUU IUU ' Tobacco Pouches. Cigar C,ase,- tc. u---r-cu---.- 7 tria-v - We robsblv know hisfavoriee : brand of igari, also 3 nice lot of" Tnknnnn pnnnnhuu (non r`.x'.n- -nl-n ` kE33'_` '"'i>.s PEBlfUME$4 xxmgnulouu W as _1u ;: luvvun splndid Cast.` Magnicent Sgbnery; Exquisite Ooatumesg. s Price -2 .500 75 d too; 80 ` Resexgvedocseat alg :lt;1R:bfertIon`px V HEL'FFU L"HiNTS" .-run... nounnv sums. One Door East of the Bax-`:1; E03: L_Q-_Q..l-.O-.Q..Q..Q..Q..Q..Q._Q..Q..L.l..!..I..!..Q.J..I.. Yqurj 22qZe _; f and. 4' ` --" A ` `i`-- M. 1' -.x'.`_~..~.z.`Tl.~=.* Raccoon; con. 3 $45.00 ; TH! m'r:nI:s1'Ls or .,unnI_. 1-H: -couufv or yacht mo 1-H: common or cannon Loan cnrrcmou. j&3 1'0! NO `I39 I l'lII|l, {I the bout Idaaddaa D) h'u.*n'd-rt superne mhe alt House to "Fnhe our to be am special 5 strong 01 TM|r. A. -for the 1 00., md Ibo-dmy =ca a1a;_tlIw_ay GI acoum mamuer. =2. Res der `-ham Ohm Vuiscttlordsa. Year : In per. _a p; 'a.n*d.Ba'r:1 R; J. St Wat-Orv `V Go to ` dry liar: unwed an and sold BARBIE, :COUN'\1`Y 91;` smpon, ONTARIO, DECEMBER '27,_`19o6. VXII ZZIIITVI There stra ed into my premises. lot 3, Con. 8, Veepra, a out last fluly last. one red yearling heifer. Owner can have same by roving ro- ferty and paying expenses. 11: ERTO H. OHNSTON. Minesing. . V 52-1 v--~----v. -- vv------ac`--v _--CD1bI.8.t `any hour-or day or night a_.nd Ipeclnln attention devoted N tb `com- tort of patrons attending evening ga- therings. Cagrtage `agents. Call 86 or 152. 3. :W. Scott. ' * ` ~ Sit. Cnurciz. snnnty `BM . is -holding an Xrqaq-,:eat1va.l_ and. guber- madzmment Friday mgnt, Dec. 258th, in this Hta.1'l.f .' VA supper} ':w1ll he . ` L ` , ` . Alex. Milne, wlho ts'~a.*na)dt dhh1r- mm at the sch'ool Bard, in a worthy oamvdldvathe tor the new Board. or Edu- oamlon. `He has ahwayu Ina-Joan. a `keen mber-est 1n_scno91 ma.-xx-a. ' ' `Dr. J. c. s_ is_ tniensds M11 no doubt seq thlalt `hge h*a_a. seat mi _, the new. Board 0:! Education. M `a. mem- :ber of the Ool1eg&a:be Board be has HM} .-he neoeas7aa.ry_- experaane. . - For New Your : choor-Bl lots '0! Que! I-ocerleu, green` and dried on and oulu-0. Everything of but at 80'!` WELL98. - Imdiaa` and Gents` viewing cards 76c h|u*n'd-red. Pn1n'ted_an1:atioaIl1y, ' on ack. mh-is omce. L- _lLA1.__-LIA.._ .. Jul.` &_-_.I I\__-_, awtnwctlan in the Grand ope:-_a _'to-.mg'l'lt is the mti.liha.ry comedy, Girl :1-rom-the Roam-ch."_ _Im 1:3. ~sa1d .b_e_ an el4a.iborai_6A prod-uothon with special scene-ry. Jaamd eteurs and 6. cast. - A. 1-1`. Royce, .!l1oronJb,o, uomsciltor Bea:-the and Orltllliaa zRai`l~wny' Mr. A. E. H. Creawdcke are =m31aa'ged '1.'n' drwtting -the `street mmtllwtay agreet:nu'e!nlt. A special m-eeul-ng cl! Council -will mmally detail with line ,_._ _AL.A.__ -Mfr.- Fred Wunrmem (at Johenton & ;Wnar.rem), who hlwslbeen aw-ay tram for time account or. poor 'nu___., auIunu...q_ -_- -'-EI`1v";e'4stivta.1 ,a:_nId Nw Year` `grave, un. Church, Angus, will he hGld`_- will der .:t:heLaTu1spl'cee=ut ztocn " ber- 1n...;..._.s.- 0r1i__`II A .. __.-._ 11 -`.'L'-.. `Nil \JlIIL|\ilIp JI~u6\I'D, Will LIV HUI Till Vuisctiordla. `I-118511. Am-gun, . .on Ne'; nlgillt. Foollqwint the cups` per. programme `provided by xlocal 'a.n*d4Ba'r-rte halent W1li1Ab.6`.,8'1Yen. Rev Sturgeon, Ihhd nqwly dmducted matter. `will preside V .% T G9 Wilkinson : for :11 kind: on Hard and son wood, uuo slabs and split, any length youwluh and sold per card. no: box loads. 1-1-co. 1,-o. an Beaters and tickets mt Xrmuaaa church- feqmv-ale, emhenvammenta, etc;,- at notw- GHU when at '1`.heI Adv-woe diitlce. Free readmnlg `notice given with each order`. .'1`.he Advance in chublbing wwhh other. newspapers w-111_n~dt put its own paper? in at halt rates A or nsaaufly 30. Cum 'prLce=`o1 11h'La greaat amily jmu-*n'a1 as $1.00 ,per ammm, moiulrium morre, ntotthin-g legs; Adlventisens will please molte that in doing Ibunainoess wnibh rrhe Advance they. sure reac'h`tmg'. 9. chains 01! past.-rioma not .a:fm1~d- -to pay the` price. '11he 'Andva.nce. `be wsllldng to cl-wbv with -any paper and give-ts eutbscz-ibenstihe benefit of the chubblng naate at just exactly what it coats us. HIL- l_A.____.I-___ r`n,,,- .. --U -v vvuuv-I $30! V-'1-"1;-"SIa`t.7L;r.day Christmas market was wormhy at the ooomskxn. time display .01 drnessued (bee! in mm at1a.11.a was par- mcu1:a.r1y_ zine and eou{ld handly. lharve been surpassed . wnygvchere. I Fowl, -whlse not nlaardly '0'iI1y&IvU!Iful as on -the previous Sa.1.unday*",vrnada a. `migh- ly cred-1*t:a;b1e ehow.mg.' Large numbers of Ibnyers were on hand to shake. ad- vantage `of T we mar-kert, and Business was brisk.` - v - - A " .'""' on 1. . MRa33'xf plgyxgcelnl-:)":t1`i3rt ot`w1$: Knighthood Was In _Flower.A -' -Sula. .1 .' .1 I1 _ -;. ` 'IInnnn8OUnA!|f'. gil";