no Co. LO Co Po so 00 Physician and sat eon or Toron- to General Hoapita , with special attention to Diseases of Women, and Nose and Th-roat Work, zfiso` for some me surgeon in char e 8. rr. A-BNALL, M. n. c. 11.. oimcn: In Bothwelra Block. Allandale. A On the premises at night. n9_1gALn, R088. L. L. 13.. BARRIE- -' v.Qn`InlAu`v Ala-.-nals` 1:! `M31, snunn & Tmsrmn, aanmsmn, uuu wuerj staunch ; `LENNOX, C0.WAN & BROWN. BAR- a.'TTT mT "1', "-BABRISTER, HEWSON an cnmswxcxm, B,(RRIS- .3T%v`%??EWA3T~ FARMS- L um. i .;&;l;;p1l;l.1.9F`!s"" Notaries *Puflic,; money % to. loan - ----- vyu IIllll.llUlKIC`I OFFICE -78 Dunno? Smnrr. . Phone 51. P. 0.; vuuo IIALLDU Illlul IV-IUUIIUU JUIIH la near corner Elizabeth. Phone -213. Jvavnuu, SW26, 1.0. 1.1. Do, D4|l'SlIL" 'So1IcIter`,' etc.---Bank at Toron- to .B_u1l'd4'ng, Barrie. Money toLoan. Solicltorl in H at Court or Jus- -tice, Notar-in Pu uc, -Convey-ancera. ox ADA. Nina. `Daub nf Illn-nnfn FIUUQ JVVUCITT IIIUIIVQ \JUIl VU"GlI|vUI Bo Omen over the Bank of -.'rox-onto. Barrie. ltonery in sum: or 82,000 -and nnnun-:1. "n Inch :1 K -nan u3DII,IVo ' 3385 III FIIIJIU UL CCg"U and upwards, `to loan at 5 pg] nan} II If El-ml-Lhu ? I` (2 1 :-acl:or, .1'*Iotary, C<.m'.-1:reyancer,V etc. Special attention in drawing and ?pnoua.t1m'g w-me, obtaining letters at administration `and -3 unrdianship, collecting accounts, ettc. Offices, Ross block. _Ba,-rrle. .-Money to loan. rm, Solicwra of the Supreme (Dnr at Judicature at. Ontario, Pxocfioryourrarg Oomewancern, etc. Money to Lana. omoe. Bola Block, Du:-ie-. C. E. Hawoan, K.C., A. E. H. Creawicke. , . tr_Iater;a,' Solicitors for obltainln probate of `wills, g'uardrla.nsh_1p an administration, and gen-era: Solici- tors, Not-a-rlea, Convey-antcers, eotc. Offices, Hinds _VB1ock, No. 6 Dunlap st-r.e!e_t. Barrie. Money to loan at 4 1-2 and 6 per cent. Ba-such omrlcaa at Creemore and Al- llahon. Ha-u-ghton Lennox, Al-ex. xcouw-a'n,TG. E. J._ Brown, L.L.B. `Attorney, Solictor In Chancery, Oonveymeer, etc. Omce, first `door, Owen street, over Bank 0! Com- merce, Barrie. "II we V aywltem wu lwund byjluuw Mo run a. `third-cl`aaIl aer- % much as in` all Hamish` cn`mm,~ana % Wdmneua.) Mr.` Maclsaagu. ale-r val1a_.nt}ly ldr year: now tuwo-`cent rmren on we x-:a:tlw`1':'vwasr ;,_IrtIc dv malt. as m Umrri'&. in Hm-newt are was a ucmd1mIono\t wu chin-Iter. For new-ly my yaw`! we Ginbnld mm` tmbeen. ee .'g.IrT ,a. pewiy As. `mile. a poviion lam-`nearly titty yew-u Lt has stead-uy uulected acn=dV1gwored the nubuc duty. `Bow Mr. mucleau bewme a-wire at the 1 Max`:-'_crrcI t:t4e_z:' qblrlwtion we `do not uxuu.` Iul'n'll2Ill'e warez Five Points. `Phone 105. l,- uunm-Iir & Lt 4 1-2 and 5 per hen? min} of re-payment. Lennox, Cow- Brown, Solicitors, Barrister, BROAD. M. ' ,AI1,cHI1*Ecrs~: ` . . v 9511:`. - , SUBVEYORS. _BARBIS .l`ER,Z soucrron, PHYSICIANS. ""'.`f" `VC&.II If T V my `? hllchodt;-oitho ome.1as nuxauu}. 1Vv'1`dWni'5'A1n' chwubiui wltbh _oith.-. unmoonuty otB1moo0.thoPro- 9;-,n-awupapen mu was put its own 'm.'l"u2:lny Ito?-n1ng.{y"" _ mu 911011.185 I. ma. . am i P!` Jam`: smut nwmily jounm UIILIYLCIIIW. PEOPIIITOIB [M 31,00 per: mum. more. --' . Wmnw less. ~A'dveruu_m will please Tuna or auuclurnox. Walt.` damn`: math mhe -4'WI'0 "Whey -arc. !`.8a.clItn'3' a clue of ` . ' CRO new name will be nddodtothosub In '-wnmuig nu}, _a,u,b `.`,,1.t'h I1Mpor Amwm in Advance Mm. W mm to D: W woe.` JaI'lpt!onL!atnntiltho=mo`ney!_api.ld. - , my `ulnar amid `dive lug mung;-pug we Inhallhan now innn-an-afar thnnmnnthl hnmumu no tum. .-1...u_.-_ __.._ afd. `s_t;at,, Baa-r`!e: e,-L , eaqors to Geo. com. AND wooo MERCHANT. Corner BRADFORD 8: ELIZARICTH sw BARR I8. 0. Box, 96. rs; and mrnnngnam : former Member or ncietv_ I," ON-. .%.-' F niu*uakic:.'Ac:ur. ' ,_ Aucsa. ETC- Allandale Lots FOR SALE. 7 Wu` -`Vw__ V T 3-`- '90` Y. Largest C5 ..'.`.$ .:'.:;.`;: om. % ""`*-v-NawYgri '3, -WIIhnmon.l). s MLT H IEORADER YOUR: i ....n.. -nu Ivuuu m:.HuHAnIT. `Corner BRADFORD 8: ELIZABETH STS. `BL--- --n 1--:-j---1 YOU HAVE TRIED THE REST` NOW, TRY THE BEST Coal and Wood at the lowest cash prices. _ A '1` mg. fmixrnmber of insertions of sang can for ndvonlu u can be mounted on`. 5:11.14! =:t':l`::i'o?. - .'"1lh. -. `v`' `Q "It clllfnkea `Qui;.:ment,5 I c0mD&EilWed N on N WW ?_'!i!??i?_'&; __A.-_~. _|_ n`._ _A__A AIIVOITII notice on: Innnf H. `II 1'1-as Noun-uzau Anvnuc: em,--Flrat insertion 10 cents TRANSIENT ADVERTISING. _ Leg-g1Notio'es. Auction Sales, Ampgemenw `gu nent insertion 5 cents per $11;:.hne' ch ~ notices . ' r insertion : 5 cents per line for each sub or am _ -_ - U3 1 Larric, - out I , '1-`HI: ~Anvmon i_s ` ' 119.3: circulation o:an" ., i",`, m"`Vo th. `is has also b 1 8Com ' th mm "lime 2 ft: e largest subWon A r so emonstrates the -its tro It ha `lulht plug: it v?i'th thz`1);:.per"t3h:ny advert Ht tatrsidto th ri . D6 ngidvoruumpeggs 8 p Ce ' om. 'apa.oe+-13 lines agate measure ggalgccordin to now at -us. cIi|'i=Isng_g_r_c_'_. Clint Anln unnnn mg.- A};vl:';t "" " "mm ADVANCE omen. Christmas l CAKE__ 2, Walt Baldwin Street. . i In! mm. For Punting. `Ind Iu`!Ql'd.""'i' v.a.oI mu`. m cums. Noam my 13?- -' IIJI mm. For Ordllh, Gnvunlhundl: in! North pay. 31.0.1 p.-m.` For O:-min. Nomi Bay v?m 1u'vmaay docked with . !uhe-male. `N W3 IWl*- the VNd".InId.'g'nIen'. Mb Nmldlll Wail. I.1Ip.m. For o:-um. II. can. For Shiner, MO; van`. Far Stzayner. Oolllngwood LII "mm. For Pendtant. . l.|l pm. For Buyner. Oollln-awzood: Colllnawood gbnlly lncludgnc Sunday. 7 BL l -" -W --W aw-urn: Iauurmnn tor rlddmh and m1uLot "-Hbmdwuud? mm wk! .['w._W may NWGM` and Lu` `uhb -us rlolom. wmdh in` ohiane of mm remrunmmea. vwma mu ` Irene Dadlluc war! was Evdlyn -W3`!-on-V-a.IA ~ . " . I P"`t"1'W` . h'a.vl'ng. `been Mead our zaume W same action` or the m ; ::.:g~{`'=*['1_ 0-34.. 0` club won organized here on - ` 1`hur-dear night. when the following officers. were eIac'hed..P'-33,, _ John ~Al-ex Habmck, Butler, 4H_'. `A. Ryan; _s.e,. f11rd|l,. mine: Managver. R. P. `MD 0 Chi. . Linn-- nul 11... - :35: :1~mmu.~ ms. Jacob : Ton-ace . OOHXIBCIAL CONTRACT in! van -4541 . lone 158. Barrio RATES- IN on: BLOCK on TWO A033":-. us mm. For cu-anon samba. and Imnmon; p`.mj. mar ammu Junhon. RVAILVIAY ennui "1h`;u`:;:I,`1cn.y6.. Bg.Vr_1`-tie tor the underg- pl_up_eI}A f touow_a_: ` ' nu:-Q` jun ` . .;:nlI.O'l pan. For Nawmarlwt. `Aurora AL: $._-...n.'. know, have he mus taken the_ pu-bl=1c- Iplrlmefd odurue of prooeedlwg in lane to require amm frrwnk oumpamr to mun nus dwty. It !|I'n'ow turn` at `the (felt _!'o.'t1sway7c:rm- _Im'y\ U0 Inc -Ber `Ha.;*Ma_rnve_n't, T, Iw-hue V .`6eu_ar Udwairdm Mir. unclean hue botfrldn-dod rt, `ma guk ( not A `re-' mm -an db1lgu.'u1g:_u._ wmcn xt 1-; 11 gx-}%'feI`v maven `hoe-urnore. III. on v:35!nrM., H I r` ` . ,1 Vx_ , . -l ,/ : > % 1.*% %IsiI `pan. mar Ncmmkdr. Intros! um} point; I ' hi can. "Ncwmukar.7 M- I.._Aa_.'-I -.._.-.| _-n._;... un-...n. !a.9kon.J by App:-mt Vfhotogranhvl ; u;x13;nor roarnum. rr. mug sunmaaae; $2,197; .'.l'ecumI`eIth.' so,- mmnk C: sunny, $1.025; 1~sy.%s_1.a11; maj- 3 to IOI'UWuJo $292103 VGSDTU. a'jwmc h mburyy $8.402: `A11-man. 1.329; Bwd__- -.6rd."$288: BI:2'Z"l6, $1.951; Beebbn. 9- 980- 3 _ 9; ,ca111-ngwmd, s2,afu; V `um. with-`A launvd. v33.80l3'Obl111i. :81?74:.Penetba,n-c. we on slssimwyner;-\aaao;`1f,;menhgm. a 1s7'; `cgemazfe. am, _ . --.. V... -... uuuuvu. .h;h-cg. P. ;Me?1k~ ` . (='r:uo Daete For ' hat Mr. A. Gram II Mme Imam the [ Mr. W. J. G1(a.rk,' vmted .9. ohm-It_A-ti_rn,e '=l-wt wpek. , 5 M83`! `.-.M1' f _ mute;MQW`L;:#4=9%;9-I-;;b 3.1.. at ..-any--5 vvuupnruivnl WWW `M13181 tovgng. fm':`e' "ended ' noduiul' rewewue `zor Ba'r-rte (inc!-waning A_l'lao.gndale) ormhe -ye-arr n e'n'd'1nvg J:u.neV8GUh', 1908. wuidumtedj `U3 $1~,614.M. VIMJI is only $448.88 =belr:vw. Oml~lJJo. l figures. In 'tJhe midney order ' ddpavrmrnvem Barrdefu. tame ` exoeeddd a 0r1'll-WI by -the marge dwm at $14,324.. y 9!. we with-rail betas. Blur:-vie (mm or- , ees) $59.8-17.20, Or1'lll!:a' $44,492.29. mum: John Dytmenlv -am-ived back Lwm Wm'h1ngtUon `on mhnu-d=ay, morn- ztns wmvu the 2-year dlscunameraire, the Menu wcq'w1o1*t'Iou Mo ttlzb, `Brook-d-a'1e r Wmble. It to ruuvdcrdod that the .p'r!ce _ mud 301' we 'an=1'ma.l wan 87.000. .'1em- e-rwlre vi '3 colt by: ".Ba'vl,l_$'-hoo. _ Bejy-Mtu Humhur-3. an-`dl edtnahllsphed ' II vo:~y'cN'dlmaJble now! 11: the cilomt. cm. 1 Sm: Nvdmww-um Ass 431 Om.fO2:,o18:,'Or1llIn"l1awm ' ' W .`.-..".Ia...`.1-.- ...~-..-. L`. -- .'1'he z'1ewl~e;wa name who Iowa on *Fdbm_ary lat. -1901. but the next en- mlul meahtnnxo cl! these omen`-Izut .o.-n'e mu: be min! In the xed u.-2-` der. the old Act. wlz.-vbnticulturatl 4 and mwmwp ssctuuzes on Jam. am, and mltrict surname. on Jiamm-'y mm, `and the usual Iowa weeks notice must be given .111 -booed neuwluapere together wmi zbllla. pasted in nlweea at com- mon restart. ; ` In future uoIo1.e.t1ea ~wdll no -longer -be lmdwn NI "D1utr.!ct."' fa.n9d~ .'.D:aw:n- amp," hunt every: SI::_eity In the Pro- vlnce will -be pueoad cm the meme 'b'ai3r:e in remmd us the receipt` oz: We enven- ment want. and wiml]. :re`ce1v,e wauch` grant In prIapsau-won to -its expenditure or *acm1cu1Itu:e pmrpsaea during the .0.H.A.. club owuzed 1`h`-undey wa1`h%.% the following were elec'hed-Pree.. Drmerit: Vice.-Pram. M`. Hf. P. Blown: .0IDt Htowyard ee ;- Fm-ence 0='m~- N. Gm-a. D; ;w. Be my, (.4. ca. I-lwbbi-ck.s R. IE 1! the Intent-` wiion 11" my 1wekey._ A > .~_ut-'cl_1uI Mom .1: mraulaible. mhie. 'Ad1naandA1n' clubbing wlcthe oith. mu II-D6!` mam !hIwl:t_raaI vow nearly. an, price at. will journal Wnwm. wdhtnu more. leis. nldtu in biuiimeu ?'-4`V 8'I'0 My dfryld` to.pey,0h'e mf-ice. -pm; mmae. years, -as Ihuwn by its '1;-4WmHI wliws Iuo owwb av:-an awe-rn mu-wan awtexnen't tn the De- Inner 'a*m_ Inwocribenl psmtmenct at A-guoubture. A dexinman WV '01"-WWI! twee _a;t Juut 011 when: my be oanptdered "Expend- ""Y. WW9`? 1} WW ` . ` iture mar .4-gvrxcmtmml V Purposes" is 353111 Oamznng-.wooId .'|m d `O1>.].a, `ygpepg -GIVEN 1!!" Uhe AM}. A ` in cueumneneune on we poatomce - re; mm me lmntwn by me maam Uumlu tall mud rm; am at my run. and place where, they held their last ckudmc Allan-dale in Barrie ' `when `imbued ezhwhnan uIm1'eIaa"chey pre- m9R1_n`s 0'm_D Ir\iIona mm other towns. fer Idme owner. tiger: me `new. name` we emu v3dU'ul';i'e:veuue. _1|or nu`?-rte mu.It be 'deuterm~1n-eid by the members (l.nc1'w1'nzeA_11n.;naa1e) orwbhe _m_., 'tJhere1:J1 , and approved by the Mmaber " 3 e00..wnioh.Imted.2 09. VAl!`1cu1tture.e. ' ` 1 mhlla In .l_.I.. 1314: An . L. - 11.}-.. ;.u_._. .,,.___ 1. ... ... . Lime wwnwuT1vowh.'o: mac. mu. Um - mu. `Frederic N-tohsq11uI an'te_r- `NIMG w MI? VGA!`-db! uftuniggn` lot QC lnlnrnnhlknn `lll-1... II[.._-I .C.I'.Il_A, am; oamfveru 5: am `av. `wm nciurela Tin` `two or police;uq -mu. durum: we % wrnIme:-._;ozr- -"059 h'U ..::b'7'. Wn'UUl\0d` W, `dd we Mercer Buorma!tory.- convict; dllvaoh '0evoz1aI_l_ 0! thptt. , .!nhp; pome wuuwrimwl Ac1uJ!m' ltmt the 31:: ran nnoomgnaxe wu ucmjaon V may he mum to 'epm~t neg. - __ .._.__..__V... ' -- vw-uw 'ICCQ mlyw maxim tm-.wmf"' Am *'whWcixf yldu reside. not : wl-dorltrleu -|.'n1d`o We liwia wrJ0n'ey- by-twwsuyod` my v 1` _ -tn Us ;.wa:rdg..aa;ydn' can` 'quo_llMy In. .a1er.x'% Dun`-ra.eanl ` nu wnaia 3;; 101' Tmm, Reeve; Deputy-Rave; V-Whlhr a-'n=dL ugnae and Bum 0!! EGu_Ioo'1mou'you u;n:.voItU one; 141.1`... `;-:..s.I |L|.I_uJ'.a__ .11.- _- V ah; Damd df !9uu'nib'.v ma were mu-1-mad -' we ' Ihhb jcdluer 35... `D Q l..`m|.1.'.I.n..|.< __ _ ___ . '$.'H'."'.?'E" ' Roy; J. '6iTiy. I - ---- _--u-v-u-uupwn-v.~ IIIQ ` TI. vgwvlv Ddnldlon uwuu the comma lam-.wdu.dn|yv-i_1\ro`sk1n':,." A Jam ,2: % suv. mu . I;'eng,"u.P.. 6! D__un'dei9. wuouo u; !'99!`ded an wammv. u%few k!`:v~a tn Burr-la 1-aw " ' I T `U0 hm` mdependann: bubuliiome com-puny. `Willa Bade Nue1Iuiidu'a'n`d%F\lIor`ence Mu-r 8\m*da'yhln~ . Home h-n'vnchlV:!'% u . .V_."{ -`.`..,_- _,;3~- `. - . _A~ \;_ .; `} - orb:` `Jf='l1__!_lca gas uu.:oaus; TTT?V . .\*`~.. - 'i .l..I..l..L.I..|..I..|..L.n.' 4.... 4. :|.:n.;of_L.n.' `.o`._n_.`n_.d;_o T3.EF+L"`99U$.33 "C OUV C 7 '_"j `'--"v- '_'`' THC? 7135-? DIIVIVV 2 |hIi}lVrece1v_e',opec!a=[gram aqual -U3 Ii-hoo. Eh!-h`a.'l:t `the uu:m'_expamded, but such gang; l|.l'mj'I'h!N1l `mt: exceed 350. V `now; `where used mu we held mhe mix-L -imu-m ~nan,,:7_ohb7:1lT2be $26. A 7 me-. Saotdtlan imebung In hm-us. caxbtme. much 30.110611 0!` IWIIO. 13.0"!` the tmpfovement rt 0! at attack will receive 9; tranIt'mn3~'nz % ` Mm 055 ammamx`-d mo: sun xv ic- '9't,-" oz-ed -male uv1man.:ln'.-tahieuo. clung-.~. II annlnn -51.1] .|.. --...L.n.A_I-_I 4- a menu xonuons. as we cannot reach the dmsed 3'3"e1qn or the _ear. yThore is only one \ way toonn deafness.-And that in byoon_atitu- :` tlonal remedies. 'Deo1'nguia caused by an in- ~ named condition of tho` mnooua linin or the EuaIi:.chinnnTub&.` }Yhenn.'tlhlo tnbelui t h ed. on avexnrumo son or per-too, ._- our- `, csandwhendittsignv ` ` ` the} rasultmnd ., :.tokAen,ou*;~an,d' , v 1o'oa1 s:iiiiaLu;;sT.aia:h:; :;zib:' "'.o;:: L - uncut-On nn-Q A.-_ 4-.. .._ _-.v -u----nun ucvslvsu: II `HUI 'UU IIVIU I'll Jmmar at DiIbr1et.'-.'1bwnumI!p and `norucstunl Saotwtan which * for .a-:.-as=z,~.,;1'a*=:,.~:...~.....-: and? o c ~- . - mpor - out one! In the `hm:`rry.'1:tth6oe `organ- M1 mheuutad In mama`; dtprlmo.-1 impmitmce .hhe_edau- canons! toy , or when uoclataiea butt in I` _ In`: 'uhe_II'um1S.-ty mi mum: the; web: or -the tm-m twenty and not an. lhoulad meoturu an_Junm.ry 9th and '00 tel oaths new Act `vermin: Ag- 1-Io\`|&unis1'8ao1-anal-nit. thud unap- puwuan:uo%_m~. J. use 9 =WuIo.h, Bu- %`m~.'..'5l'.`~'A.9"""'..`.`.`..;.. ....`E&'9 I Nu mxati J Eiiiil 7-Se 7a&71&"i3m:e- came at grgamtexoaedlng T809. - Under` the new Act "restrictions in regard` to the`oIt games 9,: chance have been more ubr1ngen_.t_. '1`-he Mmualvv-meubtwgl to be held" tn _Juuua.t DlIhrlot.'1b:In2`I"!'l`Ep gag I-1`-ox-no w - - - pr 3-vuvun Under my peiw lunw. -it mu nbtl nbe p6rmiHib1e";ou' _I-Iiomtiouitu-raacl Societies in: owrer, prizes tor Acompetivbion ant ex-hiibilultonns head under -tlhq -a.i`1sp.caa'-ct aurxiculltuml glacimiiea. These iant"nairn- ed; aor.g1a`-n-iza.m_iom, however, maiy use their -dwnvmmdls ,`the offering of prizes for Ii-iaqticuhturwl enhbui-ta. T! A _-._ nla... ._ V OIUUTZUUKO m WMUUWUO wv I) wu- iulldlnui. '.mm% -~ `?.`*m.** JE&w and Act Odrneldnm Force Fab. : `Ah the dwtea not the'am_1m.lmoeIt4nza at Agricultural and Honucultuml S0? cldhlel are wear at hand. Advance rewa- ou will daubatlepq -be lnheraatad-'.1n Jasmin: A namettmng at the haw: that` will govern the procedure of t.-hvaae organtuuunus. [ 2 ` ' Regulations Agri- cultural % HQtC.i'If- v ------ -gvw iuuuuv av: ' Mr. Flaw in visiting ~'*'1:;ez1fda. In mama am) pmhbr phones. - mawnu, vhmug `her mm. was ,Ohau5\!_:_o:. ; M mu. :0. J. d!_L'oi1don ma Il1l.'I.f.'I.`.'Bel_l otr.Anu:ij`v'n!x~e ma `zueauu tit mu Igpzd Olmgmei on .Wedna- yo ` ~ ~` 'W|`:I. 31'. A. Wzkkdl Wn'd tamixly ~ at lL_._..I_n._I__- n_., _- V- .,_._. __.... Ihavoj nu-. fiilcx. .waw -nu cnugq at nun G. '1'. 3. ota.t!ioh. Hlrl. ,wdckal1t wuncawzinanded by Mr. i AL - - I I 1 -V. man was up: ..wgn_:.) Q -l ng. .' oral Ignterest Paid on j % A VSa_vjing1s Deposits Yoti MONEYI Bank of T0rum0| irn1.~: Anomusnn Anvmzzw WILL 3:: sun: at th %. . . . 1` at a. public dinner M: `wlhich he was '. expeiutud to deliver. ca. name: -Sqnpavr-. 1 uamft apge1;h_'_.V In .the.oonwr1v!t9.Uty at I the he Iongatvthae more ser- ` was duct): or the evening, and when at i `a: _`h0 hltiopeech vMa'?o'y 1 nao_mewnIa_Vso humlnloul !_Il!i'tin*!gt11st have . 'l:Ihe- rqpmm-. that i`t : -would IIW (110 up MI np_'te_a at-Lhey _ quuud. pulled on. 811' Johnext ay` l_ mu -we Mm h%e.`_,-was mt `qu,;te ` (are at mam: reoe1v`e&ace_ura'6eire-' 189? wii hmaaf`:-to\xad'.Aover..~'h;:s when .v wmm % ,;. ::wuaI:t-`tr * _% .1 n:. . TUDHOPI: swan " TUDHOPE SLEIvGeH_S are guaraiateed by - a house that has been building sleighs for_ 55 years. Tndhope Sleighs a_re' to us,'and we gqamhtee them. to you. A 1`he'.MUS'l` be satisfactory 5--and they always are; Get a to be good. _ bluhodhoniitho nunop Street. .:.*..*-.!:*.<.=.s--*.....~v.~<:......i=*=-~:.m1 ='~ Thu-ads: llox-ulna. 2 In I Pun 48 column lowngpory A smmngihe lllacdotmd} premier TI-I'Ej BALL PLANING: MILL COM- pa.n_y.- cnnnter: 9 -n ildin . a 7 msvza,v;tac`tu'i'1' ,0l-n%por:, .s8a.alfe!;.. ' bud59'm0ld `gt. etc. Iflmlng of all (3999 promny and no-;..p.... Q `I IJJII` my ,q&1wr or norm: loan at cent. term: on Q Brown- llnnmom... n---2` Ball. gram-on street, uccnrz VICTOR A. HART, M, D. C. M.. F. T. M`. 0., Trinity, M. R. C. P. & B., `OWL, Le Ru Co Pa & 8., I10 ` F. P. & S.. Glasgow. M. M. S. B., M:cn- i 1 n. Otriceland night residence Lane lock, `Dunlap and _MuIca.ater Sta. Phone 124. Special aittenuonogivento Midwifery and Diseases tthe staunch; - ham :fo1-me cal Society. :o DB8. SMITH & GOWIJAND. OFFICE 1198! Inn. A. -r. Lrwnyis, late or Churchill, Ont. Office and residence John St., near mrnar `ml-zn.hul>h DI-Inna 91 or V lime ency Hospital, moron 0. (mice an night -residence, upsts.-`rs in Maoarthy Block, 21 Dunlop St.,' Barrie, second door east '01 Dou- Ag`-all Bros. turn-lture warerooms, near Points. `Phone "I! I G L l service` m%emb1:ahea<