I cousin Miss L. RI; -Mfiss Guasle Fertrldge, '1i :-ronizo, is visiting `at her `home here. - zends in Toronto last week `M-rs. Coleman is staying with` friends in .'.Doron'tQ. Miss Bix,` of Orillia, viaited _ ` Last week. Mr, Pal-mer,.,pf U. S.. is the `guest or his aisterhmrs. Ch-Vas. Partridge. M~ra.,fBiirke at New York in guest of Mr. and Mrs. '1`-hos. Rix. ML` 7" - - - - -4" ;her tthe 5'5; v--.-.uavaAo 1.115 funeral {took place vto the cemeteryi here on .Sa.turday and was attended by a `large `number. of old frends of deceased. Rev.-R. B. Beynon conduct-1 ed the -services. Messrs. James ' and, `Robert Black, John Hughes, Willi-am` Ma*neer, Andrew `Wa.1l-ace_Aand Williagm Wrigrrt `officiated -as -p311-bearers. , Margaret, wife ~01 Mr. Peter Wlce, passed -a-way on Friday, Sept. 7th, in, her, 90th year. For several years, Mrs. =W.ice ihtad mean an invalid. She j and her husband, who is still living, were 'a:m':rng lthe :p-2 -eers of Innisfil. Two `sons `and two` aughters sur- vive. Miss -Wice, who ca/ttended her mdther during -her last illnsess, is at present "in ca. serious condition. The cemetery here an a.+u.-an-.+ -....a ---- ~ - r. and -Mrs. Jae. Sbaddart U1 Mani- Direct Importers. `CROWN HILL. EALL cos'rUiu:s.'MAiNi5LEs 5 runs 3 We shall also ulak a special showing opening days of A ' F_17here seeinedtto be tam m1`duhau'te ex . laamewhtat Atprecipibqua magnet: in ' which the :m:a'tt`e'r `tcrund melt thrust "a spirit -manifested `by the moversta `ed. and `the aobbr and `bet/ter Judgmegt wtne mo*t!acvn_ to deter, wmc1~. r:n..zuy%se"- hi-bted `by those who wthed /to pitch- I-ark rtrge B:-ard or Eduoaitio_n freso'.u':- "Ion tt'h-rough Council at Monday night's Ipechad_:zneet1ug. Not to ziwewtton -t-he {before (the member` 'nt3'hI:0e, lthe-re mats ush Ithc l}h1ng'a1>:3_'ng. This ardsr, however, ibecumme dampeneg `in pri- -`partbon `III the question was discuss- ior Trthev xraajorlty round expression in I Lour'e d vnadopmu. i STROUD. that will be particularly interesting to any ladies who prize individuality in their Pmces T_______, ' Noun uuoouoou >o0o .. .Bev. `Mr. and Mrs. Vansicklc W9 emterhatned at the vmme -of Mr. F- Ellfdtt during the t.wo_'.w.-ek3 -0` v.mnnm1l:|-in .:AF!7:rIDI: harp, M-1". End Mrs._ F. Birnie and C. Jdbbt \were in Grv:1ve'>nhuf3t week catttending the weddms Birnies sister. -combeis.` u... an...` `,5 u Aunt ngv... Mr, and Mn. Jones and me formt`"! Eaither `are visiting at Mr. N. L15 _ _ - \ tin! iu MlS8' .:i'(; of Barrie visitfd |_M'!'. H. Mayor's last week. - `Il.. - _ A no - I...~mv V--sculpt uul. H15 H15 uVV`J. Havavngelistic services here. 1 c-ponluv JDUGID LCL.'JVClCU' L1 UAH M.v AI---" Mlalter Bobbie and Miss Anni Re; `tern spent Sunday at `tn: h;:ne ' In-o__- - _ . -_'.-A 5.` cent. diS V O t! 0 0 ` `av-u_vAAAa up nu Iv .uu.uu4;. - "U '1 Mz=s".A Finley and Vdaughrter are v;sit- 1118 Mr; J. Saules . _ -- Mr. Hury Elliott spent 2. Saw Gail V'ith lh13'3ist-er In 'I`3ronto East w=2k. `We .a.r`e glad `to learn that .\1r._ 3- Ellidtt 'htZl3.aS recovered. irom ht. il.n~:3E- -n:,._. ._ n;-A l_ The iarmers are ":;us:y' with *5 `seeding. . . I.l_ ,' 5` Souless has improved his pro- % Party `vby"put_'Lmg up :2. wzndmill. 11.5: 732.1... - ..'..:t Maud Pazrtrldge returngd gas`: week ltroom a pleasant visit w::h re.2.:- yives` in.. 1`oron-to. [tuba are the guests of Mr. and Ms `Dru:-y. I Li-r.'1jr;-(1-";I'rs. W. J. Partridge. cf ?Burk s Falls, spent a few dais H579 I last week. . Rev. A. C. Miles of Creernore iszo preach [in St. James Church 0.'1Su:- d-ay evening. ' ;4+++++$+++++++++++++++&++4 . V _ 3 summer season we W"; fj_i_fIUfSDAY; SEPT. BIG BAY POINT. inspection. and Mrs. ......s `ml: sited at M55 FAR 96000000000O9O000960coooooooooooooooooooooooodiI Ladies black Lisle Thread Hose, lace. fronts. . . ,25 Ladies Black Cotton Hose. `cashmere feet. . . .25 Ladies Plain Black Cotton Hose. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Ladies` Plain Black Cotton Hose. l5c.;2 pair for 25 Ladies Plain Blnck Cotton Hose . . . . . .l0 pair Boys Heavy Ribbed Cotton Hose, were` 20 pair, nowl5or2pair for......-.,, . . . . . . ......25. Men's.Fine Woollen Sox. regular 25, now l9 pair Blen s Fine Cotton Sox, regular 20. now. . . .l5 pair ~ Slee_velessVests. regular I0c . . . . . . . . . g . . . . . .` 7c Short Sleeve Vests. regular 12 1-2:: . . . . . . .h.l0c each Pure White Sleeveless Vests. regular l5c. . .:lOc each Pure White Sleeveless Vests. regular l8_c. I2 I-2c each Pure "White Sleeveless Vests, regular 25c each..l5c* T Odds -"and ends of Underwear and Hosiery sre -here that must be cleared outin the next week. The ifslligoo_ds are on the way, and the summer Under- wear and Hosiery must be got rid of. Ladies Undegwear.` Hosiery VOICIIFLI U 3%` I "`""' E` `W`" "' ``` ' ` mt am. "John sne?Te'1'E is van:-ta-ng.wma ` ;ten'ha:m on Sept. Gvh, `In his 8?Ith year. _n-gem; 1;; Kung .'nawn[hl.p, aided i-ri.'th- laownlhvlp at . ,l`c,u\u'aet'_h ` ' 9vu3 .I1nce. In -18l8`_he' moarrzed `u_M}3a . `Info. and 111:9 balte M-r. Wdlliaams was` -pvdb/bl?` mu Lawer _atTBaz-rie viuilted her sis- tho oldest` rresldent or South 8:-mcoe. `tor. MIG. Wnm. Cmdc. lulialt Week. 1; 1 ;a (11 rm '3; ;. m up . Mrs. Iaeorge Ma -uhael -vlaictedrtrle as c:;;:e{n"r'or aegent;-thrzreuyegtz. I-Iee t `1` `"'V Farm` E w'mt.` `W993?-' -wm born at I-wtndrum, in the county ` md ' '"" Wm M d"t` at Wlcklow. mla-nu . on ~'tAhe.18'th."o t Ju-4 ` ,~`},'{,,.;`,,, *; ``" ` st` ``` .' ` 15'. 1830.'a'n_d do-me to Canada `w-M1 bl! m_'_I..fWm`. Crgll vdaitin `her myth- zpani'en't-I it-n_'!l:he=y.ea.r 1888; and had re- - 91` '15 mthe " id Mg LOW: .. ._ . ` . V -were ' `-ue rs. eo. . :l:fh8teDhe% dnghhea U: Mwrnrot Mcl(uv1_l0n'.? }wh~9V'_tI`PEI!A1!!!-{A Oitnauder La.I`t-':vv'a.ek. = V _ .. i [ x r'c.IB9bmeq their 1r<,syr',1 ; Auenm; %.'1'.,..H-111,. Wan. Crai'3,* ' -` T 19"} igtrn. `G09 M Damn or nos. 3:. WILLIAMS. or wotrrmxegum. gasp mnuawr-axx ; One dt tithe members requiring care- ful consideration. will `be an `appre- claltion or the added dutliei devolving upzrnn Board reduced `to about {one- !tIlrlr7d T at its original mnmibera.` me mem'bera'a1vith-elnew hadyv will rind _a maiterlal increase UL responsibility in Ilroulderlng ithe burden ofbalt.-h `Pub- liecliool and Colleclalte attaai-r_I new vadmlnieterediby mo lndependente or- g.a-nlzaltlonl. ' V ` _ _ - 1- wee-s--:++4--s--3-+-:-+-z-+o:--3-:3:-'~:-e-~s-4-+:-es-+"' v ltter b3uching the .w::rrk-ing of ruhe new `system iri Oollingw.-sod.` Now, Callingvmod has `had at Board of Edu- ` caitborn -`0-r ab-out >3. year and :a. ha1:I_, and, judging rrcim an article which ap- pears `in the` last issue at `me News, or `may mt `be due to tzh-e new system, but It`!-arms -a ra'.t:`her 'a.~Vwkwa_1'-d sltumt-. 1-on,-_ coming as it does` Ia/t t1he )pr.eae:1't Mme. It 'Dhe News is` `U: be beldeved, and it should certainly k-nQw..-the facts, `O91-Mn`;-w.ood`a ' aad-m1'n1atawtdon' 01 ed- uoaitipml attain, since the change, has 'ma`t_beenTs_u_ch*aga-Tto make 490: `in-' crawled iemci-ency in the schools. -_ ` things :wre'ver`:' fazf imam being sa.t-i2- ` ta-cbory `there. or course, this may: A Pioneer of `simco. ,uuwu..,y `(USA3060 IDS QIJUNBDOH. %A% `Large pot-ce or C.,P. B. wot-k,me'n mere.:thH1a;(we%ek. bury <'ha11:u,tins 2-we `=hau1:_x_:g 1 1 the, WE ace: Barrie. T . "iE."r'vv.m; viola? and mdther, V 2!. and re. Lower, Mr. atephen Levach %-ma. daugvht-er` U: Orulin were the guests on: Mrs. Geo. oitwuder 1oj.Itwe_e_k_. - . L wvuuvvu vu ouuvalwwg uwuvauuvu. The Ladies Aid of mtroy Methodist church held their regular meeting at `the home or Mrs. A. W. King on se?t..mn. .'.l`here..wau every ,gc:d wtendance. - ' --.-_ vvuuuguu us-g UI-Inna IJVYUIIO Maura. J. M. Reid and H. Stxivart made their regular visits southward `on Sunday 19.0 We are pleased ltao ee Mr. 0; `As- quith in our midst 1: am. He made -a -brie! can on `hi : ol_ pupu-a at the `school - on Monday nmternoon 0 II... `null;-`Q Al) .3 O -A, - ' In A- Miss Rose Lucas sperrt 1_a.st Wednes- day aaternmn with Iriends in Le- Arl-la and Gladys. Reid were the mute or Jessie and Elaine Lenncx ' Saturday afternoon. . II--___ I up 1 n -' WA '15-`; Vunumber from `this Vvlcinity asttegde [the '1`c~r.-who Exhibit-ion iast wee . . . V1 awn: Itoav UCOWSUE QUWVVWL In -.... I A large number of farmers er.-zund \ here have nished s-sawing their tall Marfwxlrred and was Mabel Sltewart ape-nit Sunday with 'riend_ at Cher- ry Creek. . ' .-_..-u-v-.1 van III JJGLIJCI Mr. J. Irvin of Stroud ' spent Mtrnday with h.- sister, Mrs. J.VReid. MIss'Je'nn1e Reid aperrt Monday even- ing. with the Misses StUeWMt. M 1`ut. Reid spent Sunday 'a.! cern~-3':n at 'the.Lake Shore. -- = rv--v vvoov "ldlm Reid hfempzoyed with J. L; Reid, baker, Letroy. ' _ ._ ll_ ....'..1 11-.. 1 A v }i'i&r.'3."A. Lucas and vrarn-T` ;11y. Sundayed in Barrie_. A:m`v3'ng the guests fmm a distance were-Mr._and Mrs. J_a.s. B. Day. of Narth Bay; Mr. George Day, v Pene- t~a'ng;. -Mus. J35. Graham and daugh- ter Ida, Ma.+nE`:.r:u1in Island: Mrs. Jas. Gr-a-h-aim, Gravexihurst, xand Mr, James Graham," brather oi tfxe bride, Fort Francis. v-, A---.- u vary 8` vvlllll JHUDIUI The bride received numer~s_us rand` c./srtly guts, tvhe groom :a gift being :2` beawtlful `gold bracelet, and "91 the ring-bearer a chain and locket. The bride s{tr-avelling suit uwaa a blue ladies cloth with hat to match. A sh):-r't `ha-neymoon was spent in Tar-3n'to'a=a nd Niagara Falls. T A A ._---... M v.aI\r I-voaI.`.L\JLVo A very `pretty nut Iquiet wedding was e:>1emnizedAat the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. Grqham, "Cedar Villa. on Wednesday a.f.:erns:l3n, Sept. 6th, when their daughter Ma.y. Annie was united in mevrriage to Mr. Frederick R. Day, or Shsa-n'ty Bay. .'1_`he ceremony. was csnducted `by Rev.` A; R. Spencer in the presence -or the intimate friends or the contractin parties, `being per- formed under ..a. nrse-shoe arch of `evergreens and white -asters. . The bride,_ who was -given away by her father, -was attired in 9. hands-ame gciwn cf cream silk eolienne and car- ried a 'b~at.uet or white carnation:-: and {madden hxair fern. Her youngest si.-:- ter, Miss Laura, acted as ring bear- er, and worecre-a:m lustre. IIDL- |___1_s_ V yuvucruy .uy puwzng up 0. new fence. we we sorry *to.say that Mr. Ashe ford Warnica. had his `barn burnt last` Friday. The loss will -be osnaide:--.; able. -- ` agble. V-IE-r:.".'IvohAn Dodlson was viav:-ting Mrs. S. B1a.ck:maar.e last. week. II. Mr. or Toronto v:sitedA Mr. George Brown last week. A II... ......I 10-, I'- V ~ Mr [Man II_ 0 9,: ds . Tu-ckiwell` went to Meat-ard on ay . . WI;1"e'w.;. R. B. Beyniom oiialted at the funral.aervice on Friday, initenment taking,-place at Stroud; The `pallbear- Vers` were-Messrs. J. Radney, '1`. Rain- ey, H. Tmmpson. A. Radney, Jesse Mayer and Jonaithan Ra.-iney, broth- ers-in-Law ~01 deceased. .- T annex` a unree ermrn-ens illness Robert \ -Reynolds died on Wed-nesday, Sengt. 5th, aged 64 years. Deceased was born `in I1-elem-d and mr gaboult 40 years lhrad -bee'n Ia. reside-nit of Innisl. '.nwo bmthers and one sister survive, Tn-aamelv; Samuel and FWAi1s~:n -and Mrs. (Wright, 9111 ottlnnistil. Mr. Rey- mld wza-s `a Conservative in psontice. He leaves `a. widoiw `be-sides `three sans -and `three d:augh-ters, Mrs. Eldon =W~i-ce of New-market; Misses Jenn-fee a/xfd AI- mia mm-1 .1.-slum .'|:\...A ......a nu....... -- .._ ....v- nova: 9 V Mrs: /"R. M.:m'tg!am'er.y and Mrs. 4 A. Bowman were the `guests 01.`: Mrs. A. -W11-son ~qn~ Tuesday. ' ' Misses Olive and V-iolla l3}:>w~ma'n were the uests at Miss Minerya Bowman, De - .a=ssl Pdlntt, recently. Misses Edna aind Elsie Robinson have returned 'h:rme wrter visiting-re1a.`tves in Stroud and Craigvale. _ Mites Minerva Bttxwarnaaiq. `has returned haame~aa1'-ter s ding At~h-e`summer with reZ:a.=t1ves at e Grassi Pmnt. van J.1UVVlH'lL'UI:i M15888 ms. and J-a'h'n,AFred and . 1`homa`:s, "cit- home. ` . mmiers "In `this. vci'nity are busily engaged in preparinglthev soil to: the sawing of tall when/t; - .M'rs.`.G. .R'cs'n-ins:an mter spending a frew days with her parents has re- turned home. ` ms`; Maud` Ii-l1I iIv'.`.si'ting' Vrela-tivea In (the Queen! City. . Quze a number `train here nick in, Lthe>_E_xh1b1t11Van in `re:-ronto last week. The "farmers -have `been fav~:>r ed Ithis ` season with excellent hsaa-vest weath- er. j T . . ' . CouniyscorrespondenceI A~t'er a three m::.n.mgo Aim: fI'f,'.-.`I- vCB.IGHUBS!'1`.- Ono smzrxon; _'..LL,_ _ PAINs?vIcKf % CRIAIGVALE, Lminoy. THE NORTHERN ADVANCE VENE. His rvouu '-wou.~ U18 GlI'.C.8.'Dl!'l3' minister. 3 Six `grandsons ca.-rrled 'therrernvaina to} their last resting tlace, viz._. Messrs. r -W=m. Pratt, Wm. .119on, Cha. Prat, Edward Krnagapp Frank _Px_-alt-t, Chas. K-nwpp. Mr, Mentor.-d Webb. - or Barrie, Ina.-d_ directionrot. the funeral; Am-on `tthewtloraal triibuhqa was --a bpaut rulr rpm-ow mm Mlisaea Eb'oa._und. )"'*leW\i!0n;0t*New York. ` ` r. - .mmvn mu m 1-1.ou-...u.'.. .c__..-.... _ ..u.-- . _ , I "; " - I ~_ A -vnumber ox re1aIt:ve's mom a. gdia-` Qagncp -were` in` ambendance, in-cludinfx a starter, %Mra_'.' Jais-.;j M`:d_d1vebqn. Fliff -a. brdther ' M1-:.V Gib_>aon,, V_1?!,;g;rn- V .,.h,l A highly. respvected `resident or this. Vviclnrty vpaasaed into tihe great un- known on Sept. 7-tlh when M-1-3. Sa-rah -Wibson was called to her reward an: the tripe old age at 75. For some .28 yeana 'decea.aec_1_|had 1_1ved in Vespra. Much Iay.mp:-xthy is, `e;t for the aged husbamd -and Itamuy or tour son: and three daughters, namely _--_'WiilIam, AIex.,- `Chm-lea -and Edward. Mrs. Qtephen `P-raatt, Mrs. Donald Jacobs, B,arrr1e',V -and Mr. .1`. Culrord. ' CPIIHDIHJII n'-.n- \M?nna`\-min 3---l--'--- xsywrne, -anu Mrs. .1`. Culmrd. ' `The funeral Ito M':nes:ng Presbyter- ian c'hur_ch a;nd_ cemetery onsunday .-wa:a'1_aargely `attended. Rev. J`. A.; Patch ~.w.a.a- the articiablng minister. 1 Six izrmndnanl on-M-fad Hm 'lIAnvvua{-an a... I I-nftheue cu-cumaharn'cea tio hasltens a3ow;1y would appear Ito be the wiser "I?I:n-dwoaater course. No `h-mm cm` toe-sail V: f1e'tt`!ng .bheVt.a.1.u quo remain in tum -\a:nathr you-. and In -U'he'.mean- jbhe cmzenl-w-1'_cIsa 1-tslvtab '. `a.-re` __xfAo;x!5'e--will haven.-d an \p\pp;r:'tun- :ty`m>_riaa gnam pt Itudfy-1?`na %`m '5 _1hte1lLgently'.an_d .-f.'a,t\Lva,1;x1':.tL:_r,i::wa:?V ziunpg. ti: C33;.1nfGi1,_t,h`If'Og\'1L":vh the V --upon vo_ a.uAIn|'uLUg' L'_UUl-Iy. Mrs. E-Iafssard at Cleveland, accom- \ panied by her children, is visJting-her ` mslther, Mra._ Lac:-aaniere. " Geo. ,'Muir is `hametor a. few week. Mrs. M. Oaugmin viailted 'her sia*be~r,' Mrs. B. 0 Nei1l, at Hil1sd-ale,~ recently. Mr-n- I-lntnnav-A nf rV'!.....1.....a ----., vv .5 4:: Au -ucuwu .'lV.l.-1' J'3'3e'Fr'Il Sv7:a'n has `disposed of his '-famm and store, ne hatter 1113 `his `n-ephaw, Mr. James Sswam, -of Caache Bay, who `took passessri-an Lasft _Monda;y. 'r_M:. Swan oammenced busgness in In-mis villrage 7 nea-rly It'hirty-rive y-eears ago and dur`-; Ing lthsmt mime =ha.s iden-titted" himsel-t w.|th Imaawny -ctr ~t'ne pu.*o;1c eni1e:;'prises at lthe place among which were the building or -the new brick sc`n-:o;- 'house and SH ... John s_`chu2jch, ~'oo"ch edifices being a. credt `tn van-e building cammittee .in `which Mr. S-warn T150}! -8. leading tpart. In St. Jo-hn .-.3 c:.ngre- gaIti:3'n`M.rs.r Swown was an arden-(mem- -ber and was active `in the Ladies Aid work. ~-'1"heAo:>ngreg.a:tton enjoys Ache pr;v;1ege cI2J1avingM':he parsonage tree zrssm debit; Miss -rg for -mwny` years `held `the pusshlon or organist In`-the church, and in ~t'ha.~1. sacred oftice ha.s.d1sch-argqed- `the duties with "the gvrewtest pers_ever.a'nce V -and punctu-ae1i.ty. As *9. smaul mark of tune. wpprectartxon of her ts.A1bhIul- work in the service 0-! the church, the corners Mon presented her as the Ladies Aid -meetttlnz 1-a-at 'I\h.n....a... bung; U La'a-dies meet win: .a .su.`t cgaae. yaruuvu apl'I:B8IlD ne ting 1-ast 0;;`sr-ix;-5: . .=E3"i`11 'mea_1~;-m .Mr. J-:-seph ` swnan famm .a_.{1d \ .hnu!-A ihn 1.o+.+nn K`... n..-.. ..a.-,..-.-V- . .._ v van`: -no lIV\/In (yL'_OVC- -Meswsgs. {Fred Drury of Auburn, NJ Y., asvnd Mr. ~Wa.2.-ter McKay of ~CL'_r.- cago, who were !the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John r 1`h:>rnIton_ ivaist, `week, re- turned in their revspeotive ,h::mez3 on Friday. V Mr-. I'1`.h4ornt~o'n accompan'ied them ma Barrie. M ----.. .. av vv uvggcdcu. V >'Phe `service ait Sat. A'ndrde\w s on` Sunday evening was alttnended `by a very Large congregation. The pastor, Rev. D. H. Currie, Ipr-emched am wbie eermlan, ' The `Rev. J. H. Kidd sand -the Rev. A. C. Miles of _Cree.m:>re ex-chm`-_nge pulpilts next Sunday, Mr. Kidd can- duotdvng a Harvest .'1`*l'ta.nksg.ving ser- vice alt the Isaitlter rplace. . .Mn:-av... -1:I.....: 'n...-_-- -n - - -- >the wsasan, c-he fbemperalture ranging from 90 to 95 deg;-e,es. .'l\I-in ..'.. ...... 41 -nu There is no dcuht a great deal to be c:1n~e1dered.bet-ore euchtaa nadicel change an twmvalgemaftlng the 1'-`ulbllc Sc-h';'3-l ` wnd40elleg1aJte Boards is enacted; and l't cerbwlnly lvcoeke like a. reasonable .prcpeei'tlon on -the part or the more l4con'eerv.autlve element `be do nothing further until the r-alteapayere shall efhave `he'd a. chance to `pronounce their v1ewe in a plehlscilte to `be when at the time at the Juaanuwry elect;-ens. The educwtloonel" Interests 0! `Barrie lwcrc noevtfdemenutrated in M'onda.'y hnigh-"t a `jdehalte `to be suffering er l-amg_u:ehlng.4 -- On the cantrary, abundant lev_1dcnce' Sorthcc-min: to chew that never. `jerhaspc. Flnwthe hlecery "or the 4-Town r l-when there existent a. `higher degree 0: fgenerwle efficiency. Beuidee, !nt`b3dy, _.!jpper_entlx. held aiked for a chmnze in .` @110mrvernlna.-uyzetem; V. ' fi ANTEN "MILLS. % Special. in latest styles of New `York and Paris are hre awaiting your it CHARMING: PATTERN HATS, BONNETS AND MILLINERY NOVELTIES saying we believeit -worthy of us and worthy of you` who come to visit us. We can give it no% stroner 1-e.comm%enda%tion to ygur? favor than by Wednesday. Sept. 1 9 IIIJ selections as there will be only one of eaeh style shown. Exhibit ThFal1Millinery exhibit will be may next Wednesday. litju and following days.