gvpunmon needed. Fortunately Work in " E V vIc'rmvoF IMAGINARY PEA `It ll clear that Ger-.mar_1y -3 ublcnt becoming a oolomzlnxau , `F1I',It.*' Inc has not the are at \ Germany 110: 1181' W A-5;...`-1.- .g. u___ .-_.,._-__-_ 1.. mod '3 ' !!|Id.~ of `her lmaill surpiui mt can't. `ho `the United Stat: V*{`=;_';t_lt re.l3,'t.-lvel and friend: `1 ...ss._ q_--_- _--a hu- Intziy Io tar is her colonial 9 Chili`; ' ',LEliitrnsnAr. AUG. WMMIIIL ' w'A"53V!;"Eo."\5I"1'vI Qtrraksous wm: 06! nnnpanl fhrough to luriul_ Parlo fl. 3011), l.He Y;'en1 a._ cu 01:13? ' _ - ,_ __ _ ____ -____. _.,__.... Doposits of A $1 and upwards received. and interest allowed as ' current ratos. 'l`h e= deposltor is-subiect to no delay what- - over in the withdrawal of `the whole` or any portion of the deposit Fqutre ffhand ne in [i=". H4 F#e31;;4 irwnlila, Pnly ma: sra3"{mL1 11 he;-. p.never -'I;tore." be light light cu A non! Banking business` anmncd. Accdunh my In (opened and ouduchd mlll_w_ll_h_ til lmnclm 0! this Bank. V _ Eiialli 6'14?` iitezfe mai Tea iwoodtea 'j--h-- '-----up ;i891,way8% 9 W9 of %#1I?81ify- '. T 4 A Jusii notice theL colo1-`A--ya rich fPaw-up Capital, $10,000,000; % Reserve Fund, $4,500,000 anmcnms 'ra`noUanoUr CANADA. In Irma. sra-ms um nxeuzvn SAVINGS BANK D;-:1>ARwEr v_1' aAI=aI=iit-:]"c_ri'i'i"""I'=cANcH I INKAQIWIVIV. ll_- 'H'.'.i. 'G1TAi:1`i'.Tinager. There are large areas In Ontario in whlch tall wheat can be successfully grown with campe-raltively liittle ex- pense `tn the "preparation or the lani. Crop: of this cereal have been her- veetei .t_h1s year which -were reparted was averaging tihl-r-ty bushels per acre, and some as high as torty bushels. which is a cone!-_dereab1.y;_be;tIter_yle1d` than the new 1'en'dn or the, vb:-a.a_ted West can show in the moat fevbz-a.=b'.e of seasons: and the Aexpenee at pre- paration or the need bed here_ned ,not "be. greater than 1nf'the newer brewing cei. A clover and plowed em in {gt}; `or August,` polled` tmmediattetry _ a-tter _ 7-- . -----v-.-v--- `now. can- Thlevprlnclple, by 't'he_wa.y, paints "co the economy of cutting tme tiret clover crcnp early, 9. the increase` in ythe amount of the second crop tar 'InorI trhun mikes. no for a slight loss In the yield `of buy from the mat. m.-_ `L. _-_- .___jn___ _-..,-- ---- ------......., ....... ........e tar, it should `be run over with a'.m-ow- `er and clipped fort in mod tlm-e5t'o pre- vent blooming. Besides thlvckenlngthe stand and ensuring a much behter cr-:-p next year, this will prevenlt ragweed, burrs and otrnezweede from veeeding, and thus do much to keep -the term clean. If there are be: mIa.'ny-wee:-3 tecut` with a` scythe. or if the clover is llable to bloom, lt will my A.we1'l _ be clip it with a ma-wer In `the tall. -Farmer`s 'A1voca;te.l ` ` PRERARATION FOB I After the winter wheat, rye, bar- aeeded .clover comes on ra.p:d1`y, `and sometimes blossoms and seeds be: re frost. In such oases . the following year : crop is not what it should be. Clover is a biennial; Normally, 1': should require two years to produce ley and even oat`-I are cut, the newly-' need, but sometimes it will ace:-mp- iieh it in one. Once seed '-production is -accomplished, they. parent p.`:a'nat" has performed its function,` and usually dies. . It does not -always die outright, for clover, like other pl-ant-3, has 2 tendency to the `perennial heih'.t, and axnumber or 'pla'nIt-e will survive and make a certain amount or Browth the tollowing year: but, generally speak-, mg,` a good crop i- not to bejexpeoted after the stand has once seeded, and the nearer it comes. to the eeedqng stage the less the subsequent growth. 15!... __.l.._n-I- I__ --- -_--- 1-vat vu nnxvg QMVIQI `U509 #56 U5: When the new `seeding promises " to reach the bl-warming stage before win- -ing. .5 .n.....1..: 4.- ...... -..-.. _.--.u. - .__-A-. A new rector hiss come to stay which will exercise a most mattertsl Innu- once on the growing or sheep.`-We re- fer to the brisk demand hr mutton . rt II a demlamd `tn-sit` 1s_3'.olng_. to. in- crease. so that those who are now'we11~ started in -the sheep business (will be .the`ones to reap the Largest returns. .l`he_ more people come to know -the value of mood mu'Uton the more they will eat`. If it should happen that the price or wgcol I-ans so as to be ea. !drug on the market, the price -at mutton might at the same t.`me.rem9.1n.g31:Id. '1`h1 in itself sh-ouivd be a. sufficient stimulus to the tn-duscry to [cause farmers to continue in the business.- '1 he F`-armer. e V A CLIRPING. cnovmh. WI-IE_A'1` SOWING. _-._..-- --3: v-at `W-hof Mi 1!! distinguish Vbdbween the wv` uvo CIOlII.'_ H-.VvV;o a-ppreciates mist `the largest room` tn?-any -house; in t1_ut_1ert tor selte g1z_x;z1:&s:~o,v;ar_z5:1}epjy,:.:v4' 4. __ _ . " `until: I -nu guul. cnua 'an`a..,_a 39111118. _ K -.Who. acknowledges the ullowances made-..f_~by Amer` A-hulbsnd by zAnak1ng.aI- l0wb;hch taxi hi_*ii3..,, .. .._....- pr; uuw Anus; `nu _JL. `Wtbtf can tell thmdttternce between ujfili `8n d,..a zgniua. nal AA oh: hn\ "I`|A..._..--- -.----7 vovvalv uuu `III Wu - . T who haeI_'1eu-nod the paradnx that `ho ham `Joy one -must the 91:." 5lwxI\.h~ no`-n. 6.311 4.1.. 4114------ -.__.v_.- ac w uuu.95vIIU unus- ..vW:h'9 1! ush1e'jto -mend hmzh beg;-hush. band ! cldthea and his ways. ` LA.- !A-_._-.I 4.1.. ,._._.V, 8!-IE`8_ A man Womn - .'Wbo_ka;vI~1n mm that 9 urttze l.'._df'-" 1! 0. dtngeroul `thing. ` `Q l|.H`A'sCg I.-.LI. 1:- .- `Q5; . bllllh _` r L .'.l`he question of how to supply the Jemanda of the present and turture 1 one of vital importance -to the sheep. lndu-utry or our country. Upon the proper con:s1derat1on- or this question depends to a great extent its mos- tperou-s` `development. Until Vreeemtly the `current prices tor wool` have very mmterully affected the sheep Indue-T try. In tact, 't'he~`se -prices were the factor. that controlled the bu-sxneu. emghen wool was low the sheep virerfe appearance retlecbe green: credit ups-n cvvuvvcvll wvavuu I-MU IEUIUUI, and how the `edwcaitiuoml work ot-roua- my public opinion: on these mmm` in gain: norweu-ed. where. in again` _'ian_xeth1n; '_-4-for. every .maata.1'n . the September- -number or this fine maga- Ilne, which in its gene:-al get up and` up m1b1tehAer._`-.W..J. mrlor. or woqa-*% -W ..en*-, T ` ` Even `ta "ta. wider . mm 't:haa:n ep4;I:-Iti-s- men-'thou3'h In Canada `that field is very wide and ever wid-ening- will the September number or "Rod and Gun and Motor sports in ` Canada commend itself. The leading anticie is the tint and only roomplelte narra- tive covering the whiole at the visit or .-_Prlce Arthur or Connnug-ht-A to Canada, ltresn `being naitu-rally laid upon` his shing experiences. .'1`he atory ls .1ully,i1lustre.1:ed,=a-n'd' is like- ly to be widely_ read throng-h.ou-t the Enzflilh speaking, world. -What our neighbor-: are doing in some and-bird protection in an a_.-.rtic1et'hat would he read by every-eportonwn as showing how. much i_I gbeing done_"in_ the direc- ..tion or oroteetion i acroab the border, Jlli Inna: :hAgo.AA`3.au_u-1 ---A-I- -1 ------ --v-._,_-- v--v _Dan`t _scru.b the hair line with a metal brush; pin a small towel mr'er the hair betore ycu commence opera- tions with a racial brush. Don't take everybody`; advice and do all sorts of things to your Vh~a'.1r and Icalsp.-Juuert Mgar;-an Lee in September Delmemor. L - ` - --r v - - w a n v vi Don't use tace.-bleach `withcut t'.::st pratecting the hair line by saturating the short hairs w1'th`swVeet almmd or comanut oil. ` . Don't` rub facial cream int: the hair` line when using it on the vtace, as it tubs the to1l;c1e with` tartty sub-e gtance `and prevents proper growth. I l\~-Ib ..-- _A._-_._ -n_-n-_. L- v-----vv - on fuwvv-nvw '0 vyvo QAVVV-Ulla eDan`1'._e-use strong alkalies` to I33-ht-' en the color, or shampoo too frequent- 1`: to keep the hair nutty." _---....- --vu--uwv DJn |: grasp th` front hair" Ab`y the -paints c-r ends and comb; upward from point?! to roots, `roughing It in order to makea.tu11,x-.cund' pompadour. This needless abuse destroys lite and lus- tre, .12-4a_cture3 the hair shaft, renders {it knotty, . and pro-du-cea a rrumpy, aged .appea.z-an-ce. I\___IL ,,_ -D)n E xfngi-V (E- `tl-1-:"--beach -a:te: bathing and allow the said: to dry :11 the hair. V .. ._ -.. vnv pun uanv U\OJlLu ' Dan`: use curlers or kid fdurjng sleeping hours. . ` - - f\.._IL _, -__:---3': "lune-aA'1'~:-13 FOR SHEEP. has been a profitable ovccupaution in all civilized countries from the _earl_'.- ' as: record down to the peresen-t time -indica-tea that the business will con- tinue to` be profitable in the vtuture. Feed and clothing are among the prin- cipal requirements of Ithe .pe:pIe. and, an sheep furnish the beet maiterial to supply bath or these requirements, were will always the .an active de- .:mand tor certain quelitleeh of wool and ply. them. mutton. The l-ax-seat -pnevtits will he The fact thelt the keeping or cneopl realized by these who can beaten-p-B f.L.u `, A . _ - vncv ova VIIVIDHO . V-Den`t comb the hair from -the tore- head over backrwa-rd` when arranging to brush!-t. It the hair be long and heavy the strain comes on the-front hair: with ea.ch_~stroke or the brush.` It they do not fracture and fall. out at once, they become loosened in the talliclegklnk up, and drop out late: `1!&'!' Ii`nuA-A.-a `|------9- - -wuvvv Cu: Cr GUVEFIHC, Tnnugni there he danger of the tap growth becoming excessive-l:n -the case at early ezrwtzsg; ln 3. -malutreeeoon, causing emdtherlng otthe -pla-nits" when `covered with snow. In this, we in most cmvpplnlg, the -te.r- -mer mutt use his Ju~d~gmen*t and act in aaccord-ance with the circumstances and the weather. condltlonre; No c'a.xst- lron rule can be me d-awn or rollo'w-- ed successfully in all veeaeone, `er un-_ der varying conditions, but in a gen- eral way, and lnravex-age cases, the ceuruse ind-le:a=t.ed in` this -a.:tIcle ' may be aarely `adopted with fair, prcrapect tor success in tall-xwheet growing. % which may .'ee.prarl-ta.b1y prosecuted to a 1-lmlted emtemt in many dbetrl-ctu or Ontarlo, and. same or the more eastern pr_ov1nces.--'I~`p.-rmer e Advocate, ` |` --q:u Don't use a cc-mblto spread the pern- padour by pulling the hair forward over the fox-ehead._ _ i - I 3.4:; _, - __-__, ...--... -', -uu '45-\-ry Vuu llul-L747 'mAvo1d` vigorous brusningr bear in \-mindntnat one half: on we head 13 `worth two in the brush. \ \ 1-\_..n. .,._, . ; nt`; n9td~dh'.W9el'l ru n.o*3D*!9.1?I79ti1l?. were u as in the '?jne1f ;hborh~ood; -13 :yvn1ch<.~caee-, gt -1sweu. tho "c-`:'n'tlnue gurracez culltlvetlon, cope- :fcla1'ly after deeeh: rein,` to conserve .mol.It'ure.a'nd delay the azwlneg-~_a.week or two longer." A pea field or barley stubble, provided the land iatln good 7near_t,` or e earn field utter `the crop has been alloed, may, in `same cases, -he prepared in mime to be eywn toe whea.1:,e'a:pe-c1e.11y' if the season in re-o gapect to_ nmlnfell lo ta.v-oragble. -Pea or e:-rn gotubble may not require p1aw_- _ in: at all; '~bu't" by _dlsl:lng -or. cult:-V vatlnge may be .-pg -epe'red="ln "sci:-d_ con- dlblon for eeedlngv early `.2: September, _and with good praspecliza for 3: `success-' -tul crop} .'.Dhe success of wheat-grow? lng depends very lavrgelye upon` the proper preparatlon or the seed-bed, whlch should be fine, firm and m-slot, no as to encourage rapid and vigorous growth. giving the r-:ot's a- strong ` old on t e ground, and the top , .su-- tlcient bulk o attord some prof-action` l from the tmat__ot yvlnJter,.__and hold the snow as a; coverlng,`thougn`tnere may . danger the no an-awn-. s..m....e..- How % dot to % Spoil the Hair Sptembet? and Gun Fonjtlqc .H;uukepr._, -ran NORTHERN ADVANCE A hot weather a good many horses -be-I `come enacted by the sun, to the, great W is not A ll` , T IN `HOT, .wm1~t-ma. During the existence or a speller` ,-concern or their owners, who may I110 not possess the idea of providing the animals with first aid, says an ex- 1 Tchance. .'I'-he best thing to be done "` .~.wa'ter._ `a soda-waiter bottle beings a "pose, and then a` little whiskey and in such an emergency is to lead the 3` horse into the shade, and to bathe his *5 head andall along his backbone tree- The '1: "with cold water. tithe -mzuith V31` would likewise be rinsed out with cold W111 pric _ mi: * Thin stin farm `The very useful thing to. use tor" th .s -pur- Iwater-n-at `too strong-might be giv- en. Should the harse not become bet- !ter under this treatment, eight or ten drops of tincture ot aconite may be given him'in water. a lesser quantiity, of course, being a dose tor a_ small animal, according to size. Very oiiten the extremities become cold: it so, "the legs should be well rubbed, and lometihing stimulating, such as`whis- "59" key and red pepper, it the case is a "` and one, may be used as-animpromp- `"5 tun llniment. Also, it tiannel ban-:- 7` a-:e;s'can be procured, they may be 1` put on the less. when a horse comes 55` - ever, pno.'bable,`th-at theconasensus oi in from work in a heated condition, it 3 is not desirable, in the opinion or most owners, that he should be allowed to drink asmuch cold w-ater as he wants `ho; out some men, who ought to know, maintain Ithalt no limitation; should be placed upon him. It is, how- cpinion among`-sit owners would be in mm -favor of a moderate draught,` to be in`, Iollowed by another adter a reaxeon- am _able delay.. It is best, in such a case winery be changed for a heavier bian- as the above, to let the horse steam for five minutes or so, and then to piece a thin cloi-th upon him. `After half an hour has elapsed, the latter step '1`! 1 ciov ket. inhe result will -be that the horuaatr {is spared the risks th-alt arise from t Iib.and~ing'f tor a longertime than is ;w .necessary with a wet rug upsin him, ,3 -and thereby avoidsthe risk of takingtter mm` r er a *`?_ 5315137-u nmu" ` no-ova? VVIIIIUH `HJIUFIII `Una . accomplishing. these alleged ltupendoua compared ewttvh- the `means she hsegof . deltsvna, are rendered paaitively :mm- A ex-teal. .'1`.he -I.|I9P0l_ed_w-c-u_1d-be mis- sbren` at the |eae.~11a.a '3 naval ttc'n`m.g`e lens man that at the'-'*U-mined States, and, according. to the -1e.teat:=.A::'zu-rzea, she has only twenty;-rqur :huttl~eempa- a sum; `Br;'t;1n s r1=nty';rlte,;tw')1inege` 3 4,581" '"\a.'=amlt 2 732.489. more { `Lu um: upuuvn 01. Inc Wl'l`te1', 33 Wild as the "mat and equally baseless: Germany as a -rival to _Br1stal-n u`p`:n rune The tear or German rivalry is well grounded, but, it is on; ttsne land, not on -the waiter. .Her indwe- trial development is a greait `react in tube world's `mate-ry, whrch ca::mot- fan Ibo amtract attentle-n. Sine in already a great empire. -aanud, rapidly growing greater. .'1Tne 121,000 square mxleu . oi Brita-ln csnnot hope to eupport more mmn three-finthse -of -the people .the 209,000 square `miles of Germany can and will soon` ma.in't'a.ln. It can-not Shape foo produce 613 much iron and steel,m&or tor cggnitinne to incrqage its -perce ge a . pp.ng -as rep: y as Germany. Althaugh adding "much more yen-_ly,'i:ixe percen'ta.uge'or increase of Germany must .be..gre. er, 2'am._ce gnu ha-I camparwtlvely an _l_Jbtle Ihipping in nine` aggregate :* 'bu.1: because Germany than increased and is to increase it-does ,n.dt- follow thwt g -Britain has A decreued 01' Will decrease if.-hm-nhn 1-.n Am-cm- A- . .n.1: I u r F r -the writer to be two are r occasions, no dou a_`.. though` rare", when reascn for appre- hension may ax-Lse, but there; seem to pure delu-3.0.-us which especially, afflict "Br:-ta_in. . is the cry -of "Russian wolf-!- vW::e_n an increased army is demanded it is against this it is said, to be needed. In Mr. ,Balfour ~s; -weighty speech ` up.-:2 British defence * -1:rris"stsa`nds-' --'-in the fore ?-cu~nd. A great -reserve arm-y mu be held in Bzutain, prepared. cav- able, and ready to reinforce the army in India when the Russia~nw'_olf -ap- pears. How the fear of Russ2_an:_ at- ttxack-s up-an India arose: it is ~d;ff.cu1st to understand. It is true _i1h:at..s'he shes annexed. cdterminous territory, but never yet have we been able to cbtam fromany ssaur-ce a reasonable ex~p.an_aa- mien-w.hy Ru-sssa sh-cuid desire or wny she would take if offered such `a your- xden as control of India. Unlike the other regions annexed `b:-' her. Ind.a I not over-populated. .'I'. nere.' is no room `there for Russiuans any more than for Britons to settle. and J` trades freely with -all n`a't2~c-ns. It there were, the climate, Ifatal an British, would be equally so to Rus- sian occupation. `Britain obtains no decidedladv-ant-age from Indza, . which cannot be- made to yield revenue to any roreigh occupant wltnou-t -sapping allegiance. ts occupa:t:on can o`nly~be a drain upon the military puwer o. the occu-panit, as it 13 ad-mittedly the chief drain upan_t'hat of Britain. DOES Nor ~.WAN1` INDIA. It is not in the nature eat things that seventy or eighty t'ncusa'nd for- eign troops can hold control -ct.` three hundred millions of people when these .become intelligent, .-21:3 the peaple India are fast becoming thr.:-ugh'Brit- ish- schools. Were Britain free from to take passession It that we;-eoffered, because it can never be c-Jlc`n;zed. It -must he held by .f.'oz~ce and hence re- -main fore: Mon. `union . being i-mnna-a 'n'n .'\.aaA gn to the conquering na- One ` is Pho-day .-already .m`..ly puzxpuallted, ad ' 0." India to-day it would be unwise in '-her ` foreign rtton, "union being 1-mpos:3.'o1e. '1`:h.ese considerations are not likely to be ov- erlooked by Russia even .1 `she, `may demomst-mute now -and !t;hen, in tne tar-tuou-s throes of European politcs, as it she seriously bad imtenitions or [menacing British pawer in India. In twoul-d -not be good sense for Russia to add India. 130 he: responmbllit.-es, even it gifted to .1`1`e_r.. ' , 1.5.` {Wanna _u.. .I-1.-_:-.. -L- u. .AL'rcu LU 11813. Let there "be mo delusion about the Indian problem. .'1`-he aim or the edu- cated there to-day is to govern their own country some -day, and 'tni:3-aemt:- nment must soon =permea:te the ,ot:h~ere, -but notwit~hat;an~d.ng uhizs the writer can bear testimony` `to one important tact, highly creditable to British rule: Not one Indian ever spoke (to firm) upon the mbject who did not express decided preference tor Brgtiah pauper-_` vision over that of sny"dther power. The safety of Britain lies in this." GERMANY AS A` SEA RIVAL. where is a- second British delusion. in the opinion or the writer, as wild trh Iirst lmrd Ann-nilv haaaln--- uu. umpl.muu.nce.. V - _ Reading` newspapers in `Lond-:n `for 9, day, all la cha/n~ge'd.` He real_.zes rbh:a.'t he ls again `in the old I:3.-and I-Iome,.uruto1'-tunaltely ."engul~ted `in the vortex or mll .'t.~a.rlsm,_ to use Slr -Wl.- ` trld Laurler -3 phrase. .'1`'legra.ma trom European capital-3 beer directly upon the msplrutlona and generally the hoa- ~t'l1e lntenutlons or the `marlous rim: [countries or Europe.` In the polvduhome the cry of 'fWol-1! la rarely 'a.os-:~.r.=t. .'1`.here__la usu.a-1ly"aozr$e real or imag- vlmary danger menacing it from s:me \ quarter, calling for mcreaased. arma- ments on sea `and conscription on land; Imus is in some degree luev;`Ua.b';e, _r-:.-r Europe being an armed camp, -wsbh millions of men trained and ready to nttack or repel -the attack or each other-,the oryot "Wol-I! is ready `to burst forth at every rust1ing_lear 2n the rarest. . __ CRY OF "RUSSlAN _WOL_F. SUPPLYING rm: DE- . g-- `m.'l9u?s;red from New York ?co`Lon`- d-on one finds .h..m:se1-I at once in,-a new -axt.-masphere. -In the former, as a citizen of a. `mntlnent under one ag, wttih `mo enemies to tear, the exciting incideruta or lite are damestlc. He .5 concerned only 'W3.1 Jh internal a;ta.i:~3_. -W.ho.=t takes place in other parts UL jthe world, with rare exceptic-:33, 1:}. to `him matter or cur;o-stty rather man or 1mp>z*.tance.. B;-n;I.L-- . -.An-an.n.a'\n-au 1:` -f.'I\V\l`.`II fh'P Ana:ewcJe}i -ran. Wm Frightens Great Eritain. ` A-n-drew Carnegie, .11 an a1~.t'i_~c1e en- titled `?.'1`he Cry of W.-311"` an s Tue Nine't'een*t:h Century fer Augut. DIVE. -in 'par.`t.:- " "FtI.mm:fnv-rind fnm Nani 7:11"! rto`Lon- NO Dasus 5-.;::;_3Uss1A AND emauauy. . museums e-wou--!.% h`:`nQ!'og wuggg mite. or in 1 3 es: volume hm MM .0 ` Gm. "211 Curt .'" eve ably l`en_`t`:J1x1 the am The German em`? em, | V . `Gun ._.~,}`mm tn ` b . w. Deuce- `the B 3.1:. `~ . $313-n aykton who 2 Wu" m ' ."wv n x '0 I 1- v~_ L .1 _ ` ` V : . . at me to th , Southerlz , llqrhu. and 3 Citizen` of the` . loyal citizen heb.9p `-` apB,!'_5!.Ian..i-on--mun: uuauw course or" regard no Genmany- her asmbvginn to become 9. reads" col- onial` .amp.-re.` (rm German mperor ta :tru1y_a` '51-:u. ruler. Ha ha infused t -nntp O---- "` . I196! Genmnnv_ I puree to am. B-ristaima dhlpblng com`-' mtydmw1tJhGe1'.ma-ny'a is as ten and a two and s, it-`bird million tons .1904), any. nearly five` to one. The - erma:n.' ".w~o1t" In lbath -naval lhtgpmg onm In a vet email one to ma 9 99 51-gait a. cxjy. 1 than -wl-In OO9999oOOOOg,Q ngEslab|ishmen, Q I I I Q I If XTZQI .is`the vry cheapest and best you can` put 911 a barn, tool shed or chicken "will hat a: lifetime. It has had a successful _ .- -------.----,--r.;.. -. vv -1-0. IiI'\J!3 $13!! \ lull that shingles and with very little attention "Q ig for _t_1_venty years. ` TIN rnsts, cracks. leaks-at nnsatisfactory. SHINGLES * list more than sin years. Then zefuewuoouueeuueone oo9ee`oeee ec._izm or HORSES usacrtrzced. -This pexxod c-1 lnabebil-;'.ty - IN H001! .wEA'1-1-IE3, game, however, and will probably or ope11~c'r| 00391` 1' `}'!_!- - ` -.__.-v hoot everywhere have it. doelpot. write for sample an Wl gnqg 90 AL... _I_ _. E.T.TYRER .l OI1'0ndl0l!I!~3\|. Y thoae -who ,(\II n.lI1A_- . `W519 678!` 'nA g` `Fl :s1'Aa:.Is.u:o 1a-ro `-'|'F lee runaxt uvuo -T ~ `*~~:uuon 5 E55 gcngrio the W". $493 less to 50! even upan amallei` h-.-`R3? -'1! results in the Ger Y_"`" L 5 ;"!`hN:=int 1: c11lzen_0fc;t:5_e, = S L-* 7', an and` 3 -A 1 3 and.1oy al cm P9 1` `7""!' V5 HUI` -Illl-"H aux-pt-~ * cant. go -no state9;5:- ` in relative: Ix-1end5,e`n p; *5 one; who have sent . :0: th M -'3_|l|O protable we-rk a.wa.t:L 0",. IV-1N.l'fli aot shoumd never 0:9 < 1001!. . hlrd, assuming that t, ht, ll|!1lI`Bnxperor and his adsgf my. only: avenge good sense. 3' Ice limit her emlsr8U'"' 3%" . bh tliunan I `nut angle `3 mg... 7% 'HEAnom='xcE, TORONTO ` _ jun. WALKER, General Mmgerj Apex. LA!RD,_Aut.- Gen'.!VIhmgur