HOW THEY WIQIIJIKNDLE WHEAT! . CROP g C` '_`%"l_{I`tock, of Plynouth and P9? r Twine and will be able to an all orde : `ning:-`I ~.._;.- - % during `(hi HUI ` AND nnrnxczlu rons . - V - v v v VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Bgduced. Railways of the West. scum-:N DOORS AND CCCU'CCwwvwwv v - - _ JACKETS Ladies black Lisle Thread Hose, lace -fronts. . . t25c Ladies Black Cotton Hose. cashmere feet . . . . . .25c Ladies Plain Black Cotton Hose. . . . .o . . . . .'.'0c Ladies Plain Black Cotton Hose; 15c, 2 pair for 25 Ladies Plain Blnck `Cotton Hose. . . . . . ~. . . .I0c pair Boys Heavy Ribbed Cotton Hose, were 20 pair; For the balance of the i. HAMMOCKS I __._._._...__._...._.____.__.____ `BREE; .. 1?.`ir8t % Pr ICES now/15 or 2 pair for . . . . ..' . .i .'. -. . . l . .25; Men's Fine Woollen Sox. regular 25, now l9cipni' Men s Fine Cotton Sox. regular 20. now. . . .I5c pair .---- --up; a A A . v v v- ` On `January 13, this year. 36,000-_` bushel-s, or half the crop. ha: F59 sent to `the head of the lakes; Q-Pf; camber 11,- when frost st:pp #1:; atraftic, `aboult for.-ty per cent. 01, ; `Wheat had been gu:-tten dzwn t.o _'d wa.-ter. 'Phis'year the harvffjt the movement of grain hes-ET-W: weeks earlier than last year. C`-;_` and the ta-at `that the C._P. B; 3,-:9 'pa=ny .s `facilities for han:212_ng IR? "Ex are increased in 1906. SW53 `Promise to buyers and sellers 0- Uthat the railway companies -:_f 11`? inf .:will `manage -their business In 5 m `net. that will surpriseuthe W0Dd- {- ,.,. ".30 . av ...- --"(J " -.-v --.`r---., - 4&- I " . .. '=.'1`he Ken-om yards hajv-2 E55 9;` larged and the roadted cetwgen "ntpeg `and "Fort William is b_e_:ng_ d=' traded, `and 100 miles of d:~uc;e-.rack- 1113': will `be ready for the when. V. .-II. A -I`! .._ vv so. try Java; Avg >14 The 'Ca`n-adian Pacific R.1i1\t;a.f_}`r therefore, `in a much better .2-`=-.:` rthts year than last, although 5 51 ad-miraably `in 1906. - no Mm MI ..................... .., -- Gravin-moving will begin ab-:-u: aw: weeka from n-:>W,:1nd the company will the-n have over 650 I-:co:not;veso3 V the .We8tern`1ines, or Elgh- ._\' m:-realm last year. These engines are equal `to the` most powerful in the ssrvxe. Ten` .thIou.savnd cars and 650 I-.~co:no:;=a will therefore be the rolling stock 11311 i will handle the '-grain crop of 1906.` Afx `the "present "time the rolling szzcxrzs being added t-o daily and twenty--"9 car.s;a.d day are `being turned out 1: [the campany s yards it Angus. I 1].- Yr- _ 1 --._ .-I. yvl-UCIUDIIIL GIL .VV Hllllpbs. ` '1\wen`ty thousand cars ~.vf.';`; `ca 3.1:- `gather too much of a good thing. 31-2- tive power has to be co::s;c'ere:. anti there` are not locomotives at the c'_.:* position of the company to deal ";:h~ so great a number of cars. .Vor;.= there any necessity to attempt 1:-use ihis im ense string of wag-303. I'I._-!__ M- -_,o, , U0 A. Price, Superintendenz porrtaitiuon alt Winnipeg. 'l`\1IDn1ftr fh`_-xatcnnrl rs:-M: -1- rnunspar, AUGUST wmnows. LAWN _/ Sleeveless Vests. regular 10c. . . . ~.l . . . . . . . . . . .'Ic Short Sleeve Vests", regular 12 I-`2e . . . . . . . .gIlOc each Pure White Sleeveless Vests, regular l5c, . ;lOe each Pure White Sleeveless Vests, regular Be. [2 I-2e each Pure White SleevelessVests, regular 25 each .a.I5e il summer season W3 W I r-lin ed. FAR Odds and ends of V Underwear and Hosiery are here that must be cleared out in the next week`; The fall goods are on the way, and the summer Under- wear and Hosiery must he got rid of. - ` \ Send c_xa perfc _ perf stron Xll gv V. V*V V V V V V V V V VV.V V VVVVV%.vVvVvVVV VVVU chison , . , . e li11& Mu 1 `. Ill am] I: .. and and fdct I'IIIlI.| C otaud- SIICC Inaf Underwear and Hosiery Ladies. Underwear. Hosierg c1m.k'o; t?ced' g,nd p:evi1e'd `Meaeh:3" ` gi-iVrd1e*a:p`tiierU. i*~fI`aity- an 'et"I'!n" my njenthe `Indy '7rm`.k'e;~ r . . nee, a specmist in this line. House- .'.l'he busy cjan=d1de.te doth `hie hi-m`to _-whey will welcame the advent of M, and fro. shaking hands and extcrtlng Jean Marie Devaux. 3' ce`le'bra_ ved `aw `promise or `fyeur vote and influence" *`hm7 k.*"3`v "`'7v 95 ` . , ` ` at the gmaaveztne. ._ ' ' next January. serene in 11.5 ccmdence . . - \ but quite un-mindful at the tact that b . \ ` ' _ , man isjan "a.}ytul1y 1org'etI_u1 .e.r;'tter." _ ~. in T$e It I%`1Aunny._|_,,w-mt. `e dirterencegjuut ef V .=.f. ` ~ V ,'1`he[ one mum; .3-n1"~:`r6" ` ; should`: be :>:!1i9"`Pe`! .yo-ur_ in a long article `to "the necessity o: a ' revival dt `Barrie : Board or Trade.` _ which as everybody knows has for a consi-der.a.b1e .;rt-ime existed in little 'more't`han name. It is not our pure I Some mon't hs ago we drew va.i:t_ent:on I pose to repeat the many henefits to t _he '.l`.own resu1vta'n`i:_ from'_ a. live Board of '.l`r.arie, and it ever such a body had `scope for work in our midst` that time is surely now. There is a ten-den-cy en .the `pert of the citizens to suppose that _all niaiitens peritaining to the welfare and improvement at the municip-ality must be `left to the Council. , Nothing . could be farther tromthe itruth. There are many branches of municipal work ` ft-h'a.`t Boards of Trade can `do much to footer, and you have only to study the hidtory of civic maitters in Eng- -1and,:;G_errn`a.ny and tVhe'AUni|ted Stwbets 1 notes `who what extent subsidiary or- "mrnizations may `7prom~ote the general Q good of the community. Other `towns ; or less irripuortance than Barrie have i.` their ` Board`: of `(Brads-not mereiy l'paau'ive `inIt_itu'tion'l`, hut v_i_-tai_ "teeters ' men at `the. Fnawn ahguld get tgether in 'a-n'her}_oZ~b ettgart to place B-at-:ie"a, Board 6! F1`:-ade once more _on I wild {dating and make_ it the orga.n12a;tion that it ought 09 be as an integral it part or cur {nuniclpal me`. _ in the develonmen*t_ or all- that god: to Iipell unity, `promos: Vand'expani1on of the loal 1n'tereyut~I' involved. Preals -dent n-wm; and the gcsuaheaa woineu wipe out the w.ard syater and gre the people a chramce. " ' J The one thing in -your career _thatt_ should be `per-feet: `taste , is your wedding:-;ann`ounce.men1!. % mne mamerm. jtJhee_vjprg}t:r_;__7! the m-v1It.aL`t1o_n,; and the am ` r _`l,i3`_i cor:-eat , ajnd. mhe Moillia-muons -delightful dim-y of a mdtbr-xbaait ra.'nd its jolly crew in Holland is confinued, and those who admire the (ewe famous au't-hora ` or motor, stories will learn much or them rrdm foheir peraonal side in an article oan|trlbu'ted by John Harvey. llhere are short -lhorieaby Ellie Park- er Butler, .'.l'ud-or Jenka, and an ar- tllcle (9! practical" value on "How Not to Spoil .t-hell-Ia.-ir," -by Juliet` Marion -Lee, npeciallit in this line. twlveil. welcome advent M. 'An'Q' 1l1.-l- K-..---._ - -- --I `The Deiinezrtcr "fer Septemibdr, as packed with good reading mamter for evez-yone. Ll`-he .ws:man at a.svhg:on :w.iii find much `at in'tere.stt in the many pages devoted to dress, millinery and 'neckwear;e and trraee who are other- wise inclined may derive a. grea.'_t deal of pleasure and entez* from the literary .tea.tures provided in t.h_;s `number. 1_B.a'rry _1'-`sin, the well krwwn humorist, contributes the first chap- ter of "mite Diary or_ a Bnaby;". e sttory `that 'prvov_mItses to he one or the bright- est and clever-eat this author has ever wx;i'_tten;__ __ The Delinc ntor __1&i)e;;n-oE:.ia;mie-5:;-neordercd that the Clerk be inaatructed to` ngatify Ed- Iward Archr :to Vresmove `his -fence off _1he rx::a.d a.l1~:wa. nce,Ibown1ine, F103 and Madame, n`-ovrith or Orr Lake. .I I-.__. -; , I, __ V. _----_', vvn, own `van m:a`ch1n`e' blade ...................... .. 8.50 Jas. oM'1dd'1eton, for "culvert pipes .... .._ ................... .. 7.50 ha. Gram.-m, for work on rd. T grader (W; 'Cu1h-a.m Div.) .... .. 2.00 Jae. 0 Ne'l1, bonus 187 rods wire _ fence .......... ......................... .. 18.70 Rut1edge-Caon - Ordered 'tt:at Thug. Simpson be appointed co11ecto:- or taxes for the current year and that ' the `Clark prepare a by-.'.a.w confirming the`-appointment. By-law 1 passed appointing .Th-as, Simpson col- lector Igaxes. _ V"~E:c{:'z'a-'c'1'1 '.;JJ$'Lrve5"ztio Hrggeft. art Elm- `vale, Sept. mt, at 10 o clock a..m. ; A J c. s. BURTON, Fleas G:-un'ci1 `gt Phelpston Aon Aug. 4, pux-.sua nt to a-djcurnmenrt. `All `members -present. Minutes of last meeting read and" confirmed. -----v--, -uvunuu-v and avulv wire fence ....... ............. 12.40 Baht. Bll, balance for gravel-. ling .3. r. 15 and..16, con. 9... 56.75 Robt. Minty, for work with `team on rd. grader on~70th line` 9.00- D._M=cArthur, for work with :team on rd. grader on 7th line 3.00 Bert Sweezie, for work {with ieam on rd. grader on 7th line '-and clearing gut roadway 13.00 -.W. Middleton, for culvert pipes -40.00 Geo. Stephen-son; for digging ' :-`lifnln A .-3.1- 11..-- I.-.._ --._ A --A A- No mentbon is made in the forego- ing or Mr. Creswicke, who accompani- ed the `party presuma.'b1yv1n' the cap- acity Ot legal a.-dvis-'er. umssibly A. E. 1-1. was at the `time enjoying the quiet solitude of the prairies in preference to the hurly-`burly or Manitoba's busy hub. A . ; 9 3 ff i The ;1c cc';1:1"r.1-t:sm\;/`ere passed tor _paymen't:- Chajn. Bennett, bonus 124 rods ` .__.Q_. l.___.. ......_-v -- wuwv `canon cu-5 7 Court .... ......... las. Wanless, non-res. 5: 7.W.:m. Ansley, for gravel, Sawyer & Massey Co., for u...:..nI-1..-. \_I-.!- I2 --.-v-, or. aavtuaaza V! \IAI\ "b}{'st'B line ......................... 5W. Turner, 30 rod-3 wire fence... ,W.a11~s Br-o[s., halljicr Division I`-|--._L vrnovoovvla, L\I Ubaaolls "c1'1'tcH"e. silde Base line_,, can. 9 172.98 L.Shan.ah,a.n, for repa.irsAt-3 rd. gnu:-sign "` ' trhe -.W1n'nipeg"].e`e1egrarn oztnutgv. 14 says:_J. H`. -Bennett- of Ba-rrie, who . is engaged lnet-he real estate` and in- surance wetness in that town. ar..' TD. ;Qu1'n_1a*n. -treasurer` at the 0:un%ty of Slmcoe, are in_Winn1-peg, the guests '0'! NE-'i11iam Hunter, a;. retired grocer or this city`. .'.l`~hes_e gentlemen are on a =`tri.p;wee:t, which will extend over the -`main line of the C.P.R., and `include Edrmoriton and the princlpalttowna on ure trip was anticipated, the glowing prospects or the west, coupled with the `speculative naiture at the easterners,- may induce them to leave a few thou- ysandsinthie locality or farther west Mr. Behnetxt is the `prospective mayor of the town of Barrie, and is a. {pro- ther to, W. H. Bennett,` M.P., C:neer- vatatve member for` the east riding cf S1-mcoe O:.~un'ty. Speaking or the city, bath men are m-meat en=thusia.st1c over its -`growth `and development, and are set- lstied that it will be the premier city 0! 'Canvad'a.. ' the branch lines. {While only a pleas-` ' ;1i"f Geo. . Jones, M. Andrew, fence .... .. . lRo'bt. Usher, _.._ AL-I. I a Barrie Men Like uzissns. Bhuiflno QUINLAN ARE Looxma ovmn mm com:- mr Ron PLEASURE Am: uusmnzss. Flos Council %Lai`"'g`;ve'i"'.'.'.' IJIIIIIII bonus 123 rods wire Westgrn Pr_c.spe%cts- THE NORTHERN` ADv.4NaLr; for grading work for September . '.l'h.-use wh-ch: argue against the pro- , `penal to abolish the ward system why `the three `years 1900-01-02, in which 'gra`bblng_:"(2) .ee'-eawlng, 1. e., reclp-' 'hlan"\ : and (4) cumbreusness._ By the _` planpropoeed, the Council would she 'tal1l'ng to _obeerve any added strength \ ., _ in the personnel of the Council during `the method or e1ec=tlon._at_ large was adopted, would do well to remember that the personal element ls only one vteeveral that make for lmprovement under the change. f_1`_he evils of the -ward _syst_'e;n ..( vvjh_lc_h ,election at large lwould .undoubte'd1y; remove) when sum- marized may be stated to be: (1) Ward . vocal `itwavareas between. wards--y ou` eIcrabc`h'my whack and I'll scratch- yorurs: V(8) lmwer standard 0! men t:hosen-"`hole and corner re=`preeentia- _ comprised or six aldermen, the mayor, .` `t-he reeve and the deputy-reeve, and` is submitted that the business ear I _ the fnawneceuld be managed more"e1- `rlczen-uy and wlth lees ;1rlctlc'n .by nine. repreeentatlvea than by {mean as at present (counting the reeve andthe 'Opl.ltay-.1'eeVe).- .The7 Advance` does n-:'t % .'-`think three ye.arsAsu-ttllclent to try cut tmy,`s,yst.em. Consequently, -dedu`c- `t`hp_nI*"dro._wn from the history 01 "the. perildd A1900-3,. when the general b mdrde Velectglen we in vogue, m'ay.er_'rn'ay V _.*fnat_be _"concluelv`e... `I-Iodvwevergf even i_;.'_1`c dxrr_draalr1n`g rthe vroevter _o_ names for the ' l,i~%_`*t';J\_7drec `years in, question Twm. ;t-hat of ' _1"he th.reev.s_uceeedl`n yea:-i;`the cauuagzi ; j';_ag1o6ke1_ cannot but see that the per-_` =3 e`:_`3't`.1'Ig'e._ye__4:vtj~.`fta1_en?t`l ale > low 1-` he yal`di{:_~_men":dt the *":rrvv*W`9n road Tjblerk. 4.00 " 10.00 4.72 12.30 22.00 3.00 2.50 1.15 we mucous suuacea. ' - " We gvnilg ve (()ne_1Idu`1)xdretL l')_g;la11-atfor 9.13 oasao,aesscause your acann be cured: by Hall's Caggrrh; Cure. Sand for byagocal applications, as they cannot reach the I d used portion ofthe ear. There isonly one way 'tocure deafness. and that is b constitu- tional remedies. Deafness 18 caused by an in- amed condition of the mucous lining` of the Eustaehia.n.Tube When this tubeis amed gm have 9. rumbling sound or imperfect hear- g.a.nd'. when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result. and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its nonnal condition.-h will be destroyed forever ;. nineoues out 0 ten are caused by Gatarrh amok is negcbut an inemed condition of - `($2. T\4.-'.:. I`_.; .-.:__l. I 2Dev1in&Murchis0n Mr. and Mrs, Morriacm .1e~:t:' by _n:ne' eve n'tn'g4 rt:-,a1n t.-or Mizrnltreail and. Quebec, mdvn -`helr {return (W211 _re2a1d9 in n-IA A. =px-eztty wedding was ce1e'bra;ted'oin .Wed'ne;sday axrternooin, Augu-15 15.~tfh,a.t the home or Mr: and Mrs. Mi-line, L'ouise, when their daughter, Jessie M'cIn t.`osh, wazs u'n'i'ted in marriage to Mr. A. Selkirk Morrison B.A., of rie. .'.l`he ceremony was conducted by the Rev.~-Aiexand-er Leslie, M.A.' .The bride,. wh'o."wa.*s given away by `her f8.ft'hE1'., were a. simple go-wn or. white Ja'pa.'n'e3e ta)!-zeta, trimmed with French vale'ncienne.s. lace, and `carried. .-white roses -and `.1-iliee or the valley. Miss Cecie -.W~i1son -was Ithe dainty iiatrtie maid of `honor, while Master John Mlil-no, o..h*a.ndsame page. The -house was. handsomely decorated with terms and cut trowere. ` ` _.W-oeod-bridge .......... .. s-utixon 'Un1-on`, ....... ....... ..sZKt. 23-2.9 Gr.aven'hurst .... ............. ..Sept. 25-26 I-Iunhsville ............ .4 ...... .. Sept. 25-26 -.We.~ster-n, London ...Sept, 7-15 Lindsay ................... .... ..Sept. 20-23 Meafomd ....... ....... .. ` .......... .. Sept. 27-28 M idla'nd ...................... ..Sept. 27-28 N. York,.New ....... ..Sept. 18-20 Orillisa. ..._ ........... .._. ................. ..Sept. 26-28 Owen S.:rund ................... ..Sept. 12-14 Parry Saun-d .......... .. Sept. 26-28 -Petenbcrro .; .................... ..Sept. 24-26 Brzadnord ............................ ..0ct. , Bracebridge .......... ., ....... ..Sept. B.o1%on` ................................ ..o Cookstown .- ...... ....... ....... ..0c Ooldawsa-ter T ...... .; .................... ..Oe Oolli-n-gw.-ood ................... .. Sept. Cerrtnal, Guel-ph ....... .. .... .. Sept. Elmv-ale ........ ..'.; ..... A .......... ..Oc1 Ge-orrgi-na, N. Gwillim-bury and S`-uh`.:an Union , ...... ..Sept. ..... . . . . ...Sept Lindsay ................... Allissban ............ ..... Oa-n-a.*dia'n -National, Toronto T '4 Direbt Importers. oouuuuoououuoooooocunu: ` BARBIE Beaverhon Deafngis Ca1`mot`beCur.e%l > m - . ....., ., .,_,,. .v,,;;..,_~ : ..~ 4 - f - -` v -. V _ . _ - 9 ouoooooouoooooooou onooooooooouououooooooooooil fence; eo-o;q;u_oo3-ououu5 of Mink, Sable, Isabella Fox and Persian Lamb. ...We invite yourinspection of these garments: Every one is.entirely new, in style, and as to quality, we stand` behind every article sold and W1 assure you of satisfaction. e ` Our Miliinery show room is devoted this week to the display of our New Fall Mantles which are eliciting great praise. Our Northway Mantles seem to he better than everthis season. Permit us to show them to you. It is a pleasure to shownew goods at this store. Sarie3mt8iSmith Weaabeg to announce to our many Cust- 0 O omers and to all W]-'10 may `be, that We have placed in our large double Store 3 magnicent : stock of Ladies Eur Garments, including : % Morrison-Milne The Fall Fairs. ...... `I .... .. IOIII-III! II` I O O Q 00 ge inMink, MinkMz;u'n\ot, Sable, Isabella Fox and Persian Lamb. gs-at-sv-1--:--:~+-z--s-+~:~++-1--2-oz--2-z-+4-:-++~:-oz-+4-en-+4:-n-4:-++-I-a-++n-1-4-I-t--toe-+-t-:-1--9;-1-j \ ` -:- 'mPrBSSi"S 0!1.%A.f!9rr!h9!eJht%3 . .I..I_.1..Q..!..I..1..Q. .1..!.-l..Q..!..Q..Q..!._!..9..Q..Q._!.,O..Q._ -.Q- ..Aug. '27-sept. 1o ......... .._sep-t. 24-26 .... ..Oct. 2-3 .; ........ ..Oct. 9-10 .......... 16-17 ._----U.!5}.Y!-_1Y!A1F.IL.-. ..... -A:` Persian Lafnb, Bocharian, Astraqhan and Fur- ;.is{;$t'. 5-Liz} SIQLES AND SCARFS - - _._- .' -.--_---- gggn-nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ..Oct. ..Oct. 4-5 V17-13 3-1-2--a--2--a-:4-9+-a-~:-~:--z--:-:--a-~:--:--:--a-:--:--:-:--:~;:-~:-+:--:--::~~:-oz-z--z--sg-:s4:-+~z:~~:-:5:-'-a-s--3-z--:-9 ututc u.|..I.eUL'lV8ly. ` The 'deeupa.-tch from M`-zmtreal which gives 1.-wemty thousan-d as the number of care to be used by `the C.P.R. in the .Wes8tern .wvheast trade is a. master .shatw1-ch a long rbow. The number will `be .abou-t ten chhraueand, according i Unorrtunaitely no means has yet; been discovered whereby the same re-1 sult can be achieved wxh box cars tra- velling on steel rails- . .'1`he west-errn lines or `the C.P.R. are; a funnel. In M=an1't=o'b-a. and the Weiltl is The large end and the small. orifice. .1 at Ken-or.a. So many cars could go through KenoraT1' year per day and `no more. ~ Although there was no -traffic geabron in 1905, still the C.P.R. c1a.*l.s would have liked to see the passing hrough Keno:-a. more qui: This yegr the I_{e`n_pra yards have Amrough there -1:r.a.ft 1905 cia. l. 'pa.as1'ng through Thvis "the Kenora ha and traffic will be more effectively. 'l''.f\'h fun.-u. Il*-.._4_- v quickly. ve been` handled auu vauuuxaxl nor:-nern nailevwaya. 1 . By pressure one can force a given" quantaiity of Walter thr-au h 5. narrow! -pipe at the same rate '0 `delivery as; through a larger pipe wlth-an-"t p:c-s-9 sure. V . ' ' - 90OOO oouooouoouuuonom . L . ' 9 _---n-jjj wall VII} lsure. A .W=in`nipeg deapatrch 1:0 the '1`.:.ronto! News says: .Wi t'h a 'pr~oapective hun- an-ed m.1i*ona or bushels of W-heart head- ing out on the western praairies and tens of thnusands or -bake shops in Eurcape waiting with hungry open mouths to bake 'tAhiat wheat` into t.:.x~."`;- eily loaves, upon some gigantic organ- izaxbian must fall `the `task of bringing, the wheait 'to the oven. '4 '1`.wo grea-'tbrganiza tions which per-` form the first an-d most difficult part at this work are the `Canadian Pacific; and Canadian Northern Railavwaya. 1 one can fn'%!'f\!3 Q `a--funni