Ud wi"t`h. . l`here is $140,000 for the hy- draulic lock at Klrktield and $35,000 `town-e Simc-ce-Balvaa/m Dake section. 1330 Simcoe-Balsam Lake section! " Mr. Emmeuon: Yes. ' ' -`_.Mr. Sam Hughes: Nvill it complete thehydra-ulic back! 0 Mt. Emmenuon: Yes. .` Mri mm Hughes: -.Wheri will it be dpehodi. '_ " 0 ' I Mr. Erhrrierouon: It is being prac'eed_-0 V ,_,,.ur. Seam Hughes: .W:i11 t-hta.`t 0covm`ple!te`- 63 Connngn `ST . ARCHITECTS. THOMAS KENNEDY 81: co., \ Ite-c:Iz`a, Bamok or moronrto BM-rde.__ ` Browrfs THE BALL PLANING, MILL Dun-duo UN.W.IN. 43..-:.. MURPHY & INTEN 7...: ON- JIONEY To LOAN. ANY QUANTITY op MONEY TC Lnnn of A 1.0 .-....A 2 ._-._ _. - FINANCIAL. . T $70,000 FOR INV%"I`MENT ON GOOD securitv `hf `tsunami --in -0 R. S. BROAD. M. D. II. C., L. C.'P. 8., 0.1 +1"hyslci-an and Surge ~A nasal t`.I'..-_u._1 ' For `t:he'-i'n'tonma)t1on or the people_ or Elmcoe oou-n`ty_ the tollowlng excerpt Tztwm Hmmlwrd -will be or interest. the Home-!w.aas , in oo~m~mrtJtee or was ply`. and Kine item tor oamulderaatlon. 1 Having rsipent 4 years Post Graduate work in British ospitals and having served as Clinical Assistant in Golden Square Bar, Throat 8: Nose Hospital, London: Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital (Moorelds) ; for a term as Resldent Surgeon in Royal London Orhthalmic Hospital; Bristol Eye Hosfrital, Bristo : and Birmingham Eye `Hos ital, B rmingham : former Member of Brinsh phthalmological Society. O_FFICE-78 DUNLOP STREET, BARBIE. ' Phone 51. P. 0. Box, 96. [L.R.C.P. 8: s. Edinburgh; M.F.P. 8: s. Glasgow --'-SURGEON-- DR. J. F. PALLING, GRADUATE OF _., on-oaua-I QUAIL` pany. ' Carpentering, building, and manufacturing or doors, sashes, blinds, mouldings, etc. Planing or all kinds done `promptly -and satisfac- torily. Hot blansl: drying kiln. Dia- iricizm g,ency tor, g{g._lng-51 lgmber. ' Factory, Rodgers 8: ,Ba.ll.'_ DR. NV. A. ROSS, PHYSIbiAN, SUR- geon, e`tc., L. R. C. S.`, Edin., L. R. C. P., London; Offices and night residence, Brown s Blcck, Dunlop street, Barrie. Telephone, 77. nvugt ,_Ball.`_ , ___ _. .au.u;.;u;1, \J1V' tarlo Land Survetgora, Engineers, etc. Established 18 2. Owrice, Medi- cal Building, .S.E. corner Richmond and Bay streets, froromto. Tele- phone, Main, 1886. Instruct-ions left with Stralthy & Eaten, S31-icitora, Bank of Toronto Buil-ding, Barrie, will be promptly attended to. DRS. SMITH & (:`-TOiV?V:AiND, OFFICE , "'."1`.ren't_ Cami - co`nIbru~dt_1ion, $175.- 000." - 1 ' .. a : H. fr. ARNALL, M. D.` c. M., OFFICE In Bot-hwell -3 Block, Allandale. On, the premises at n~igh't. s?rEwA1>.1* &TT*Tsi`v3ATnT, BARRIS- , ________ _- \Id.` m.v,u.:u1 1'1, [Loan at 4 1-2 and 6 per cent. Easy terms of re-payment. Len`-nc-x, Cow- an & Brown, S911-citoxzs, Barristers, etc. STBATHY & ESTEN, BAnn1s'rEn, H. , _. _- _. ...., `IO aavc ACJIJUHI. Physician Surgeon oi Toron- to General Hospital, wi:,tAh' special attenltiono to Diseases of Women, and Nose and Throat Work, .1150 for some time surgeon in charge. of, Emergency Hospital, Toronto. Office and night residence, upstaars in Mocarthy Block, 21 Dunlap St., -Ba-rrie, second door east of Don- Agall Bros. turn-iture warerooms, near Five Points. `Phone 106. _HEWs61(~iT %& CRESWICKE, 3.43313- ;noN.4Ln nJoss,' L. L. 13., bar, Soliciter, e!tc. Bank M Dnl`l.:ld~n\n_ `Ra-rrie. Mona _.__._...___..__._____.._____. LENNOX, COWAN & BROWN. BAR- V Mr. Sam Hughes: NV-hy;is this work mt being "proceeded with? V V i` AG, 1.. 1z.u:ENIiURsT, BARRISTER, low of Trinity Medical College, Member of the College or Physi- cians and Surgeons of Ontario. 0:- ce and residence, 18 Owen street. Eye. Ear. Nos Throat, -and residence, corner of Owen and Col-lier "streets, Barrie. .1 (`Y `I! 15` .Q1l'l`~'l\1 .`l nnnrr A 1\Th 'vvuu:x` :':u'Icc`l., D-arne. 9 J. C. SMIT M. E. GOWLAND. M. B._ M. A., M. B. tens, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Gonveyanicera. Money to loan in any sums at 5 per cent. Omce, 13 Owen street, Barrie. H. D. Stew- xart, _L. L. D., D. M. Sterwarvt. Solicitors In ,1-Iigih Court or Jus- tice, Notaries Public, Conveyancers, Offices over the Bank of Toronto, `Barrie; Money in sums 01! $2,000 and upwards, to loan at 5 per cent. `H. H. Strathy, K. C., G. H. Eaten. tera, So11~cit~rs or zthe Supreme Court or Judicature at Omtario, Pnoctora, Notaries, Con-veiyancers, etc. Money to Loan. 01*tlce,'Ross Block, B-arrie. `C. E. I-Ieweon, K.C., A. E. H. -Creswlcke. Dr. J. ARTHUR ROSS. Proctor, Notary, Conve-yaner, etc. Special .a.t:t-enstiyon ~ln` drawing and pr-obratintg wills, obtaining leltbers pt a.d-mlntstntion and guardianship, collecting accounts, ettc. Offices, Ross b1ock,ABarz-Ie. Money to loan. "I'M: Noun-uzau Apvnucz zlitt-orney, 'S~:>liciltor in -Chancery, `Conveyantcer, etc. Obtice, first door, Owen vstr-eet, over Bank of Com- -merce, Barrie. GI)1lI:1l.UL',- Vick ter, . to Building, Ba.-rrie. r1-at-era, Solicitors for obtaining probate` of wills,` guardianship and administration, and genemi S:1.ci- t-orws, Notaries, Conveyancers: eitc. Offices, Hinds Block, No. 6 Dunlop st:-leect, Barrie. M:-ney to loan at 4 1-2 and 5 per cent. Branch ofvticesa at Creemore and A1- llstson. `I-Ia.ughton Lennox, Alex. _'~Cowan, G. E. J. Brown, L.L.B. AUIJ1`, B.mnIs'.I.'_ER, Tsoucxropf, _.n.- MANUFACTURERS. SURVEYORS. PHYSICIANS. DY` 'CO.,' ARCHI- '1`:r_onfto Bmilding, s., 0., late ;;ue.-gt nv~annn.n r.(' lb----- 7: l.15-p.m. Fdr Or1_11Ia._ l 11.25 am. For Penemng. 3; :11.15 am. For St-ayner, Collingnwood . i"|| I .' I '_; , V8.40 p.m. " For Stayner. Collins-woo`: '-Ind Meatord. . `MB 13.11:. For Pene'tag. . M0 pm. For Stay.-ze`r, Colllngwood Ind Mearord. - ' .Da.l1y including Sunday. g. 13., nals- Bank of Toron- Mc-_ney. toLoa.n. carried on attended 5 2 `- - V j. , E AGENT, NVVANc:n, 1-:'rc. Lassmsuunc t mo AllandaleLots Eon SALE. .. W _.___- .-__-` -v\., E-.\~---Ir G ' 'r}1i)- GIfLRA Y.` C W V enera ent rim -00 ml` . I-l At American Hotel, rricgrc v ('1'; Summai The Sydenham is one of the I.ar;rsl Purely . Farmers Companies in the Pro\'im'0. In- . dependent. not in the Association. Rates on Farm Property from ;3(c to 600 P61 '$100.--3 fears. . Schoo 8 and Churches same rate. Actual value paid-for stock-: Km 1: or .\hm1aL ` Communicauons addressed to me ungier signed at Barrie will receive prompt aneunon. ll"I'f\(\. [V11 II A \' The Sydenham Mutual, Ottawa and York FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES WIILIY I. CREW. PROPRIITOIS com. AND wooo' MERCHANT. Place your orders for same wizh him NOW and get your supplies all the year at eummel prices. Corner BRADFORD 8: ELIZABETH STE. * Phone 158. j vs... w. :m&'eim 3b'`Ei Law ` new EU ,,me(l.ae1ap...,,,_,_ New *4 625 Ia- -- wuhuunon. . Tana: Mum Dssuaus Ccavmcmts ac. ion ms! "030 nun. m n gnlrietch and mm t ?::.n II a-gun, g`t`::`g1b{reeFwelhi: 8. ti "`~ e'tl. Handbook(())!1I1"lIt0B" - `U takgu t rg`3hf0}l;[nec-xrlng patlagteli- without. chorxet11zfti?oC' ` U . . . _ _ . . . V - . v . . o o o r'r1"r1IIp1 iMAKEs YOUR% sxm LIKE VELVET must be accompanied with the rash. an}1t"' \a\ra`naAaAVLJL`4ll nu v an 1 I511. ENTS, Condensed advertisements on rs as wants of all kinds, lost and ro1:r;:1p' for sale or to rent, specic arm-1<-s,'u Pm be inserted-rst insertion :3 oz-nts per W In each subsequent insertion 1 I-I-m per .3 (namesmddrcsses and gures (`OllhT(-(I 3:: won. but a reduction of one cent per word`wmb . made when the number of insertions ofsam matter exceed four " Cuts for advertisements must In em euro be mounted on solid metal hues. uuuulenc rates vertisementsa C'No new name will be `added to thesub V caption List until the money is paid. `Subscribers now in arrears for three months and over will do charged $1.50 per annum. wux ueunargea. ' Advertisers will not be anowoa m1 space for advertising anything omgi. ownregular business. Should the) transient rates will be charged for. notice oflntention to change as &Preferred` positions for 10? menta in the paper will be sold at of onethlrgi on above rates, and 3 hue. account wxll special positions he 9-", 0U:e, rule will bestrictly carried out. men` T551 CONTRACT CH ANG ES. Advertisers will please bear in mind . . Um must be handed into th - `W5menv Saturday et 10 o'clock. gnodmtclfe `$9? In: change mustbein THE A1)\`A\~(-23 "Sac. later than 12 o clock noon on Ivlom] m?%r.oz Week. oglgrwgsde the advertisers annoitlgulen may no m bl` ' , `me inf. I e pu 1c unul the week (0110:? 2 changes of Advertiscmems anew I . . ~ . z:ilalrbeI:fh!tlI)19gr?d.are wqulred """ rapt: Advertiser: will nnf 1-... ..u-.._, . s, Ampsemg . 19 cents msertxon ,,trirst . ew- IEVT ADVERTISING. [ NS _ N ees, Auction Sale 0 Leal _er lxn cents p(,`I' lne. uentin8ti:gs"1% cents u g 110 R .r line fo 5 cents Dex` line form (11 mm .in91'n ' Cali _suhse . A rtion of th 9%r::,3ag;]g;t-,mI;'1xu 1956 of thi (3 5 111195! 1 rgcd ass kn: : inc. Poetry 5c D61` obitnv-1" ' ADVANCE is prov A en Tgrgst .d::Tla;ion of any paper tglave reg? time t 5' far the largest an 1' act de its patrons. _If you ha'3'.'f, fd, , ml place it with the paper that re fertxsmg `ht not afraid to pay the price hes the Wig Advertisements are chhr (1 .spa.oe_--13 lines agate mcasux-$,,a%:rdgn' Gin 1 % ' or THE The. Northern | '-"'"N.moc. Without. charge. In luv Scientic Emerita. lhnnhomolv I`|Inn9.rA9.Ad wneklv. 1NR?`&",' AUGUST 23rd Ilgniy ;t "'1`BE ADVANCE OFFICE. , , -_-v-v;uu ' Has 8 marvellous eect on rough: akin. One or two applications: will remove the roughm-ss, and by its occasional use the skin acquires the smoothness and softness of 1+ baby's. ' L + Glycedonia is not eticky..and: gloves may be worn a few momeuuq. ul- after nuingxst. H _ __ ,_ J:. _"__E_E3_W`- $1 per Ammm in Adz-ame 2, West Baldwin Street. :Jscob | Te:nce . . MONKMAN S GLYCEDONIA. GEO. MON KMAN. ooxnzxsrzn ADVERTISI-I.\IE.\"rs nnnnrl nunv-vm............ -_ D Barrie, w'I"z:i~<;e,]5c and 25:. Delightful after sharing. TRANSIENT . Barri _,,, C CH er. X11 itemsgnna` charged 85,liu * 1 .100 am. For Orlllla, :-r!tIh -Bay `Ind S-oo. , .1 .56 am. For Muskoka Whar:. , '9 11.50 am. For Orlia, Gravemhunzat fan-dv North Bay. _ t . .0," 1.08 pm. Fog Muskolm .W-hart. I. 1.88 pm. For Parry Sooun-d. ` .4_.04 p.-tn. Rom Orlllba, N'or4t'h Bay Jud points Mast. . ',_ , ......uuncemen` ml weekfollouf ments allowed . N I, composmon mg . th hing outside then bould they do no urged for suchad av smake o d I8 RATES. Published from the olce. 123_Dun1op Street, Home. in the County of Simooe. the Pro- vlnoe of Ontario. Canada. every . Thursday Morning. by `Mr. `8aam Hu'hes:;Wsul 'c'he ~m:-xi}-as-. :."'|',gr ve'x`p1o;!n[w,hy he has nu}: zone on :_ w11t'h my new con'trva.ctu since 1896`? -,'-`M_r.` Em-meVnIon:T'1`.he qumm or th ihml `ho vbe ddtenmmed. . % Mr Sam `I-Iug.he.a: `I-3 fbhe Pqstmdat -. `Ii!-`General wtherlng. about t'h'g.t.' TVIIWSVIG u_uu yvunou aauurvc _ _ T .9_.8'l pm. For New;naTrke`t. Aurora. and .l.\o1-onrco. V` V " 1.85 a.m. For Caz-dwell J_umct.1on, `Gem-zvbown and Ha;m11tor_:.- T ` 2 M2; pan. For Oandzwell Junction. 'Oor*atown and I-la.'m!1`ton. ' Q .- . a.'m. Ear Newmarkat`. moronic. ;Iouroal and points East. ` 1! 3.00 am. For Ne-wma.rkeIt', Aurora" V~|~d'.l`oron to. * ' - 1; no s.'.m. For .A1la.nda1e. , .18`.8. l. pm. For .. Newrnaz-ken. Aurora. inn-d Toronto. - - . I I0 - _-- I'M-.. `vmvuounnl; glint . A 1` nngg I VI VIII: V -1.48 p.m.'v1'?`o'r 1*Ie`wm.rke:t.`AuVror4af Ind Toronto. V _ , _ '. MB pm. For Nawmnarket, itnoranrto. "onfareal a._nd points East. V A A- _ __ vrn__ \1__....A_l.-II- A nnnn nn l`l.'I11;-;.`l`e'~a';e'5;-;i;-tr It-h*e under- >`U9'U>10hGd places as tollow: ` Re Trnt Valley Canal. An 8 Pun I8 Ooinnn Noivlvher. by Appointment }'iA I.nie` RAILWAY` CWBVUIDIV: MAKER or `PORTRAITS, TIRES OI` SUBSCRIPTION: .\\\n. Norurn. - SOUTH. mg, mo: no tewer '1lhlaJn` in-ree nbuamk clerics reeds-mzd che owccuaed alt `ounce than among dlwdlve amber. men as being the mom :w1hsa h'a)d preulenlted `the mg- evd h'eque mt `the bunk uuhiorttly after 1!: man: aolpemed in me -rnm-mug. Fnhe daily .e-v:iadee%n-ce 'ln_ Itthe prtaAon'erT .| tmfror wm hmt `he svms `cp; [aoampm-aat1ve'ly_ poor mp, amid rtirwt nehaer did at my time his 'bwn.k1~n' a:coau'n:t uhluw. 3. bal- ance at. more `than in mm _Imnrdu~ed Wuinldlo `nor did [thing mode .0! living Jus- thitymhe belie`! 't'h:aJt he was polueased at more when very humble` `means, However,` the evidence at the It-hmee hank ale;-kg [sawed a0nc1.un1ve,_.`wn'd me .w.a:a sentswcad. mo` f.lv~e years` imprison- memt. [Some eigihtteen rrwn;t'h*I auer-_ uvnamd 3 .mdIf.` mmazhug ~-and -Itru1y:-dm- mamtc imcmamt zoomm-ed. One of sum clerk-s wvhn aw :be Bn': fmnarerred. , no Mwther bwncgh or June, mnk;_.a'.`.` Braid-. mom was: owe moth-im-_ mndqd ave`:-Ls,t,1tu.eL ` Same -hree years ago ltjnere occurred will anidtuher exitraiord-invary mii-scar:-iage at A well-kmown norttJhrcou'n- try Idlicbor main charged with forg- img who mime d! I. linen manufacturer on a uheiq-no nor. 7,500. Yrheaev-1-deuce uraimut him, indeed, `was ovvenwhe'1-m- 1-... 5.4- ._- A..____. .u[u_1_.,,. 4.`, j Sicldler mam *t:here`q1-`e, or `course. at once 161381566, -but the only consola- rvlon` on which he lhsasd to cong'ra;tu=l=a;t.e himself W381! rt.-`he raldt that he `had `molt- uerved his full term. Sltmngely en- ough, it -wte-rwvairvd ltranlsapired `Uh-alt during St. iIck l`er`:a trlw1"t|he reail escap- ed zoanvlet, dlagulsed _a:s ta. eounttry narmer, uwltlh Vrnuuttan amp whnakers mud oorduroy riding breedhea,_ vvraJa'=ac- tuailly `in `count, and wlbnmre excep- tion at ms wrongfully accwsed double, WWI wltlhwt -doulbit the most interest- ed apecmaltar or the proceedings. Id! evidence oseemed comp!`-etie. when it was (seen Itihwit on his '1-ig~hit hand the prisoner dhnavd -a. rwen, which .had, intnavmgeiiy seniaugih, nbeenone or Ithe ea- uaiped -oon:viot a d=ati*nguiahi'ng maarks; '11iris_ exatraaiar-dinwry coincidence decid- ed materce, aimd lime man was cent Arhavck Itio tprieon 'to ti'niah this sentence. - .lTw*o `years amterwazsdss itahe pailice ar-A reubed \a :n1a.'n wiiio"wa.s -ivi:teraa1i-yStew- antia idiou-hie in every respect. even down Ibo itahe `wen `on the right hsarnd. Funtiher vimvesttigaititan 'pnoved--and 2.1- ` tie:-w.a-rd ihhe -mam cenlteued `hi~mse`.t- Uhnit `he "wins thefcdmvict who `had made his ieuowpe `mam Jail Iby _clim'bintg over the prilon will when `taming -his daily exercise in `tine. courtyard I \ `Ml-IJI.... _--._ nLL-._._\A_._- ";A -- Pradblalbly fthe .rno:>astt exit-rnaaond-imary vcalee at mistaken bdenltilty a.'n'd wron`g- w nu tmprheanameuti occwrred some ten year: ago, w-hen: -e `mam 'na\med S*t;'e-w- amt: was ohservged .wA1Jt.`h bemg an es- owp-ed -convict. In vein did the accused ndaclue `Uhwt he mus malt end never had been" ,a.*oonv1ot; amid Walt me name was "moite Sb'avvua'rlt, .-but [SUI-ck1er.e. mhe -evid- emce teigwtmat mm vves `two 'sre:alt.. In- d.e;e.d, e-tJh`e gldver-mar or Jbhe jwu `hi-ma'e1t - wrrre `ho :h1s bdenltfty. -awnvdi 't3he chain mm -...I.1-..;-- ........_.| .._.,_i_ iv-Mr.` -Seam Hugsheis: line rnamter, has .huVn'g tire since 1898, and not eimile -34 contract has abeen let 3-by ms gov- i ernmenf. 0!` course, they have =:bu11't lift-locloe, but me ilocwtzon-al -were all `_ planned botore i this gsovemm-lenzt cerne l woo power, and one coriitreoots were all lei: iexceut rt~he- western halt `or the 133.1- mm Lake-Lake Simooe section, and these were goaanoellod by this govern-V . `meat after it ca.~m`e_ in.` .'1`he morning or `the -resurrection will be along one or these days betore uu'aItl_ca/nel, is com- pleiaed. I. give the minister tair warn- - in`; `them: next session, it `he has not i .'w.lll 'nso't get ealtianwtee through so eee-T 4 ily.' completed 1ong-Aas`.0.a.nd I do not want _ T a. definite wnnsouncement `to m`-eke that several million :d:ol1e._r.a will be spent Aboehrlng `this work to completion, ` he -. 1`.hls cwmel ie`h'oul-d um `been the arni-n-i-alter `to run away with the idea. that -he is going, to Mt us or: ~w.lt'h `mice -`promises '_any longer. E33033` waaoueafwaxoa muo- omnr masons ruvm nmnm T IMPRIBONED. Cases of Misasken ldentity| fi it`:-.x,8a;m' ~I-lawns: .- Ba{r-dan-`me . V the Wk TO! 0aimm_e::ce' `inn!-.')he`* `wear-"V " ei' -bct4ween,;1"`r.enPwx:, Taurxid Funk-4 ihha. _OnIt-arbo yGpvqrnmen`t'v ` 1IT;:'%;4f 1` We r!t,% L`9`xc#t T ` 2* $un"_;:md1ohA`h1I ; pgavrsgjmum ; `r % - t.ul!-I `am! `uampleip `cm-vAey_a .now I ` ' ` Mr. Emvmehson: No.1-he e'nciner' are _prepa_r.in'g 't*ha.'t repont. ` - Mr. Sam Hu3'.hon:L when the sur- veya are `-o`b'ba.in'ed will -who govern- mam: `pack the 'work' to completion! Mr. Emmer~son_: I `-hnape-to be in a gunman to 'a5n`noun~ce the policy otwthe g.ove`rnrmen1: t:he`n. . ` ??;:`g:.;11% ~ comlete burveya T am!" `Ijn eIt&m_a.'te'; '- ---w -cg-auvvwutvi In mu; aabuty to abta.-in raatiul sleep there to much v_az-`1a:b1e'nAess In the same person at cmrerenlt times and under dweronll int!-uen:ce.B.` Phomund sleep is `gemersally more redrawing than light 'ulum_ber,. bum mhe 15aat.1h1a:t same can be mused .wltuhnuIt dmacullty doeawn:ot4a21- wnyw lit -mfy `malt U! test is def-icivenitg WM Ilwmbegv LI 'a.1.yv\aya moire reatzrufl -..--..-, up-any all many CIJHHIC year more mam a. hundred Ipnamnera were treed a.tt.er* twro 'nm:.t`h:s enforced and wrongful d_et_entIon in jail. In the zprevtouaa lyear :t'h1x*.ty-on-e men and W0- men were -re1eaaod, =e'vide'nce proving ftheir ,!en~n~ocenca `having turned up ;a.-:- tcrv they _wd'-been tn nrlaon nor It-hree .mon. thI8- L . .'.l`heUrtlc aa.l tigureeot Ju~d-_i-cia.1- er- nox-a, however, are very striking. In 1898 no law eevemtyerive Ipraonera were .a.cqunt:ted -a.'te{r_ balm; in *px-won for tour -Im-anlths, while in the enema human _..._-. .L\_ _ :_' _.__- -_-- -Iulooulvioo` oouqv Oil AVIVLWQII London, was. .chta1-ged with stealing Jewellerymo tthe v-a.1ue.o`: 700 Iron: .a `well-k-niown scieity isa.-dy living in Pontlnaamd plsaace. .Acoor-ding no a `po- liceman on odwty` wit the time, he iS'3JW. the accused .iea.ve the house by the `%01t.dJ0Or Juisit camter 8.30 with a. Jew- el case uarrder fher mm. .130 .the cm- .sibenniait> on of the diarnib rot iihe V Law, however, the other rsrister was such- moned, end so ertnaaordinery was the likeness than the when in `the witness ho! refused (to sa.-y which `lady he saw as 'heJ:ig'm'1vy ;pdJrlterd out tha.t he could mot ttell Itihe other `from-which. Botshmhe asisters, moreover, vehement- 1y- pndheusited rtrhei-r 'i`n.mooence, ebut ev- -enit.uai1ly.one.waa.'s convicted and `Gen- tenced 00 six m3'n t'hI8 hard . waibor. A-I. ter `she had been in -prison for three aweek-As, however, her sister, Eta`:/th Mer- riiat, `confessed ut`hia.t she was we cul- priit, amid tso'on-cee-a.'g'ai'n did justice err, 't`h:ou:h, `according `rho a. well-known barrister, the likeness between the uwo sisters was so un~oa:n~ny that the -m=ls- ` ta.ke-or Ithe evidence was 1ja~rg~e1_y circumata.~nitla.1-was not altogether ; surprising. ` in 5 .St8ti61i6S0t1th Of. but not including main line, Toronto to Sarnia, ,' . including Toronto. - ~ 1.530 T91`9nto -to Snmja and Stations north, except north of - Cardwell Junction and Toronto on North Bay Section. . 55"-i 5 'Wg`5.`3.?3`. 31n`&.`3r`I.?n'i?;`i3c`3a?}ii`?i$% 3`nI33k_ 33$ .:..a.nd_ idland Divisions. ' ' L - ion}. `w|Iruooui to vmunnn only. " ` .. M > > y -_ ` '>``~ 1:` K . ~ *"5`5TvK" `Ed mg 9f'T;m.. v ` ...`.'f;'f.'.;.;r W Me": '*=%-:, I *.l'ig;_ `15352.-`ma fW!I.W 43"`+ '_'*M=`E?`*'" .. , ti. .` ET. .d9n o.ghm: . . . Frgqk Jackson, Never `man: '3.` more curbous case been brought inmo a co`u':-rt or law. ammn what was alt Ithe Mme-some ' seven years a.31o-lcmown as who "M-errimt a/rAra'_1r.. One :01 (two twin `sisters, so `much aillke rtmt t was 9.-lmotst imma- more 120 tell one. from {the other, liv- ing mogether in a ssmaall '2l1a.'t in Ntorouhi T .'I-nmrlnn no. on -I..--._...1 .__ u L .- -,.__' -`-u- cw- ,_- .-n- -3003 -caustic vulll HUI" 7,500. azmd-mu: he ,W`8JB "again endeav- orlxrg tbo aslttll m~rIt'her wise the wind to the rcume.-alt a1nsother`1,500. with-A oun:__ donut, 'h.owaver, thad not the clerk pmottaizced 5fJime`t'm';n3` narc-nr auspicious about the tsdgxnauzure (33: :1-xe_second cheque wfnicla caused `him to .scruIt.i;n- ize V the beau-er more clsaosely, Iahe wwnglully convicted .ao1ic1tor would ha.ve `served It.he' full term of his `sentence. ooumher` a `cheque, mu-. 1,500. . sbuoktmg more claaely apt the -s.'g'wa- ture w_'h1'ch reprelsefnlted "it-h:a?t are -an old client who `hsand banked wmsh *th Item for years, `it: occurred .`to `him 1 ua,`t it New in name _Il1'5II1l dda`1l judt a 1i'utle- `=b 1t d1'tter`e'nlt lto rtfhe tdnatwers usual signature, am, on inror.-mlng the wheat- er malt `he would ch-ave Ito look up the `-aecounlt in the ledger, Wt flashed across Mm in amomeut'*l1ia1t `me man `-b~er:>re mm. Wm Ithe ".dowbi1e or fthe'rpr1eone'r -who howd sheen eenhemced nor -torgery. m: a.'t.vomce',"t'heretore,- occurred to him `thsal: there `must (be Iaometfhinag wmng, End `he "immediately us1gm_a.1led in the , oammizlsbonmre, who zplnned Jtsh-e Buta- peetr down while `tine Ipolice were them; sent nor. mhe man `was arrested on the spot, and at 'hLa'tria'1 it_'wa.a ';mc_w'- ed th:a1t_ he, and mat `the convicted asso- licvhor, fmald merged Ithe lnsat cheque nor 1! ! um .......I .Ln..g.a. .s_- W -7 Bank of Toronto! Barrie Branch {.(()Wen Street) A B. HENWOOD, Manager. Let where it will-be \"I`sefuI later on. We do not gixce more than 3 per cent. intereshbut your money us. absolsltely safe and available on demand. Restful Sleep Mr. Emmet-man: .We hope this (all; .'1`.ho Dommbon Bridge C-om'pa'n_y `h-are. `tho 7conItrat. ` " S_`\_{4i`ngs Department fsotn of jthe profit o_f_ your bad labor be deposited in. the a*1`VE NORTHERN ADVANCE I'_'.V.'UII cj Zulu AZVVLUQU nu; unuu ULLUUIALVGE Wi DI 1:5 3 88/18 `rule nor O1ade!`.'per|S0nl8 also to refrain from .ha.kin1 medicines -1:3` 1'nduce.s1eep until "they ve mashed tlhe adtiaacy vt` `line Warm .baJt*h.-'1iout*h'a Companion. ucuvu an nub -UU uupuwc "L116 L'1l'U'Jl`u'EllUn or dine .bl-ood. ']Jt"' is generally belbtaer not to interfere with the tantastic .at- rltudes at linttle children untll they have slept awhile: but the head must never be rpenmited -to remain covered. Far 1: nnn1u:fn1 m..n..: . ......-... |.-.un. _.. Iunzvwn UV -ycsuuluuuu `UU l'UI'l)lll UUVCTUU. For a wuaketul amm a,wau-.m -bamh at bedtime iIaf.behte'r,t:haan d=rug'a,`a)nd usu- ally more attentive; and nt ta 9. sate -I-uh) rm nl.:-`low -nnnnnma uj..- 4-,. .`..o.....;.. er mop ma:-`ti nor `too -aunt; _.t~h-e posi- tian of rune body Ipretenaably lying on the right aide, with the head `n.-ct -mo Truth. and lube -disposition or 'the limbs such an "nut to impede `the circalzaztlaon vnf mha hlnml hr 5.: mnn.nr-odln |....u.;...- 3_M,:;.' Em'mo?i~8an: Trhere iiiqurte a 61!? %j7g\I 1"ty. .1'p4b:ou`t' atlhe m'ute,.T nvulwu snlccp -uuau. DB UIUIKUII U) ll3l"d'Hl'S, even though rtzhe dsrelalmas be 3 ~l-ig~h't_aae melt the -be lmu reased upon the memory. mhe 'chaa-nan -dt zaleep is Ialrrectledlby many lnrluemces.Ibmh mental and phy- sloal. ztllhe 'pne1-son. wwho, upon ret'.rl=ng Iror ctthe ;nIlg*.hlt, .tsasl'laa Ibo pwt: away the cares of Itlhe duly 'tl'ra.'t Le -paaet -er {bor- rvayvue rtlhe thoughts of the morx-ow., is slaw `DO -reauch me rd.e.'pltihus or sleep salad, makes but little x-ersrelshed. ` Amovorlm-led ..aouna'9h, revenmaaaound sleep, but hunger annuwd be relieved nbenore retiring, and 101- this. purpose there la nothing better than a glass: or .w.arm milk. . VIILQ RAJ .aulInl...IA L- -..._-._L1_ u___1 _-u.nu, oW.Cl' HI ulna. 'nnebeauuou1abe' t.-hbt .- ttxolo Inna!-'6 `togm-ggn _1`:1h-en; L1:- (`Mn II? 1151: l\nu-In -nnaln-n.k'l.. 1..l.._ -_ . .._.-..__--uvg savvy- youyuauv \./tau; Ulla At Stroud cm; from 2 to 4p.m. daily, except Saturday and aunday. so PHYSICIAN. SURGEON. ACCOUCHEUR T . &c. Honor Graduate, University of Toronto 1892 Member `of College of Physicians end Sur- geons_,0nt., l892._ Associate Coroner Co. of Simcoe. RESIDENCE AND OFFICE -William Street. Allandale. near Methodist Church. I A 5 34...: Intro , n than sleep mali is `broken by darea.-ms, av-en 'hhau-n*h mhn d:I-mmrnn: ha --. .1.:..n+ .... and am prepared for business. `Will pas the highest cash price for wheat and coarse grains. The best grades of our and all kinds of feed kept on hand. . Gristing and Cheppig done .promptly. " I respectfully inyite. ybur patronage and guarantee satisfactxon. ' - .S. J. FISHER. Puomr. 155. `Walter Scott, And we want you to See` theml Emmgnlogx-: No_ > "-IW1'll Jbhe wVaIt-erapower. " [ Carpets,Curtains m-Furnitbure {We Have a Fine Assort- A man! of PROPER COLORINGS Do More Towards Furnish- ing a Room It Is A`Facf. O9 THAT O0 ' wnu HANGINBS OOOFOO _ I HAVE PURCHASED THE MARKET FLOUR MILLS LOWEST PRICES on. J A. C. EVANS. RIGHT DESIGNS BARRIE AND I M1;." Sa;m- ,1-Inches .Gore '05: _ ..uvmI`L'l:_I_ze'w`a:teir 'sm'verZ on .me- .'1`r_'en' mat vwmosdttle mat r'-otut_e. :