Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 8 Mar 1906, p. 1

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D( 9 0 `Phpnbesv 88 and 87. sun HATTERS. ii in Tmmr yr THE INTERESTS .0!` EAEEIE. THE COUNTY OF SIIOOE AND THE DOIIIIIOI 0!` CANADA OUR CRITERION. . _"9' COUNCIL LETS THE CONTRACT FOR ELECTRIC FIRE-ALARM BOXES . u'.l`hi-e_ matterof inasta-1-ling eight elec- "bric Zitire-alarm boxes or the Anderson typc'fa_t a. coat of $1.048 besides labor, which cameo up on a report ot Chair.- man 7'Siephena of the Fire and -Light .Commi:i:hee.- occupied the. attention of Council tor dihe` greater pa:-to! Mon- day night's session. Mr` Anderson.the owner of chewy-.3tem, was present in [person and made a. rpra.ct'ica.l demon- stration of the working or same. At: her a somewhat lengthy discussion the report .wa.a `adopted. _ , L ... .9 - .- - V1,, .3-.. LL- 1.--*-.1. .-a- a.;.`-_.-......_!g.-L.'....-u ,e,dopt_e_d. 9.1 3 V%.,.::_; ._ % ` Under the _hea'dj-;t:ote'~co`m} unicetiona, : a. letter was x=e`a.d 1-o'm :[ Mr.` :,W;- Sar- jeant e.-elking tozft the usual grant or g $300 in `aid or the R. `V. Hospital. ` Chief King reported having weighed seven loads of coal since the -date of last report and that the tests were. satisfactory in every cae. - Residents or the Atlrst weird petitioned for an incandescent la-m_-p at the -'cor- ner of Csok `and Codrigton. streets. _pa.ymen"c. _ A number oi s_undry- A accounts, amounting .to $3 l.28; were`_'pa.-fsaed to`: ..___:_V___ -\_.l_-.s-.1 L`. _.. IL.--.- `rt; nnnnnn vi A1~d. Beardsley objected t'3 an item of $12. for 1"ep'au-"s tomose wagon on the ground 'th'a.ttthe Cammittee had_ndt been coixaulted before incurring the liability. The item was laid pvet. _ |__j-I 1---- _`nu;._ !L-...-. Lluvlltlblago A-Law OUVOAI vv an autumn yuvov A similar tube betel-At-wo otlrlr items concerning a. charge made by`_the'i2own teamster and the cutting of ice _.n'ea.r Baytield street .w-hart tov prevent a shove. : w When" the tire-a1-`arm .<`1uest1on"wao reached Ald. Garden suggested that, as, the Bell Telephone Co. e`rranch1se would ;be expiring shortly. an` effort might ;be made `to ascertain what the company .wou1~d do towards install; in; the tire-alsarm. system in con__s1der- a.tl~on of. receiving a _'new contract. n)_._-..L.I- Ald. Beardsley expressed dissxt-is-I faction wltzh the'Anderaon system in- aamujch as it had! not aivvvaiys work-eq well in the towns where it had been" `tried. ' ' ' Alud. Stephens put `in 9. number or let-t-era Irom various places, all of wh1ch,.w1th the exception ot Welland, spoke favorably` or the Anderson sys- tem. T . ' -. - Al-d. Strange said -he believed ` the Gamewell togbe the `only reliable sys- tem, and he would support It even- -he stood alone. He scented suspicion, and rhought something. was at the bcttom bf a.11thl.'s anx`.ety t`o.pz'ocn.1:-2' the Anderson system."- A1d.Wa. ot obzierved that his colleague tram 1-,War[d No. 1 was not -the only` conscl-entlous man in Council, `fl, too, am in that elaoza. said he,1."although I tgvo: the Anderson zaysteml LL- __...-_L !._ view of the townha t1nancta15posm'o_n. [1a.'Xvs?1'1Lo}{"E}B}}a "(xii meport in | He had seen the Anderson system in Orlllla. and approved ()1 it, Thev Mayor,` while I considering the Gat'newei`1 box superior in some~res- pacts to_ its rival. .`ltb.`ted hisrintention to vote for Aid. Stephens report. _ i... ..__I__ ll.` I\_-..J.-I--- vvvv ave c n I ---v.vq---- W031 a'd1v:a1;:d; on1y_ A15. Beardal-ey and AM. Strange `supported the Game- |wel_l system. - V`.-- _. _.e.u-_-1;.: .51.- 1.1.... -0 Eiliii ANDERSON. isvsrzu wms. Wu`: 9; an-uu u A'1\d. Gaxfien ridiciulcnzd the idea or placing but 8 boxes in 9. town or Bar:-ie`.s size and said there ahoui-d ..be at least -25. ' * A motion by AM. Strange to procure on indicator at an additional cost or $250 failed,` of support, His -.Wo:-ship voicing the prevailing oplniont-hat. the" song .wouId show the location of 9. fire byoatrlkln-g `t-he number's; c\-L,_ _ _II _ _I-_-.1 _-J. LL- l_L-~'..-AA n :1 us; _ nu - u u - nun vs: - - -cw- --. Boxes will be placed at the\inte;':ec- tlona 0; Rodney `a.nd_B1o.ke, Be:-czy and Charlotte; Penetang and Berczy, Owen and East, SophIa.- and Baytiel-d, John and`I_3radtord, Elizabeth and High, and Dunlaop and Owen streets. `.~ar_m gonzo will be ~p'u;t_ in the houses or the South Wa.rd'1'irem'en. and, a. box located at Allandale post ottioe. ' ` - - . An ` C 1,, 1; `aha `mic %Hzgtzu$h T 8` Co. Pisnd. % 7 ` T h E I C 30 `On motion "of Cowa..n_--vLove1-lng, it was resolved that. as the Board or Health 13 opposed to"the town sharing :t!he bso1= a.7tion losplbal with any ot'he': mixjtic1pallty..the request or `the Town- ship or` Innlatll be denied. _ p_,,__ __.,- 'A1J 1-\."-_a...!-.- fl`-Qhe Mayor named `Aid. Beardsley, Cowan and Laverlng as .5 special com- mltqee 'to conaaider the vmatterota `pub- lic fpathinz honae. _ ' -Aiabani -.3 comiiany is -prvonounced one or the `best she has `ever had with the charming pianist` at theccmpany. Ailrhrough the Alibani toura `concert grand piano or Heinatzman 8: Company will be `used exclusively. .'1`his'war_ld- :tamed prime. donna. has always insist- ed wh-enein Canada` on using ;a .I-Ieinitz-A man 8: Co.` piano, .'1`hia-' piano has . al-. ready received the 'e'nthu;aiastic- ens ' dor'satlon:'an`d- `praise or `Adele Verne. ` Albari-i is expected-`tee swear "in -,B4ar.rxe ` In: _Ir.i'fN\C~`i-.?l0e k3.a mi.n1-U-ll'3. 8781375" I: ` Itfgmtzmm `G5: 00-i ?."~P}!19'I-..W.?11- The i ~. ` -"i=liiin<>==-= her, and includes Miss Adele Verne. . lor1gig;l; Do no_t take fa igubgtutc, VJ I WBIp`A....!'. U$!`l`EI., PFU BARBIE," COUNTY or SIMCOE, ONTARIO, MARCH 3, 1906. The Advance acknowledges receipt" or the New Orleans Plcaytine and Carni- val Bulletin gram Mr. Francis Mar.- ttn, an o1d'VB;a.x-rie boy,. V V - ...___Q_I ._.--lu!._._. AI Linn rrnnnnvuhu Ln, an \.L'u 'P:Do8'L'1`U uv;-d .' .- _ A special meet1n'g- at the :Woman :3 Auxiliary or -the R. V. Hospital will be held at the hospital on Saturday, 10th, at 3 pm. `All members are r_e- quested to be present. n. .. IwuI,n.;....n9.. inn! nu Vlrlnullc nil quvuuwu UV U9 glbvhivgauo Go to Wilkinson ; tor an klndd ol dryllard and Son wooc, also Slabs sawed and split, unv length you wish and sold per cord. notbox loads. - ,,~a-_, ___a_1 _-!1`I 1... \..~.,`I.I Mb Mun BIIIL -\VIII [IVA vvaug .-v-_~v._ .- A .pa._r1~or social wm be heir;-:aJt the homo-at M-Ar. Wm. 01-ok_, Midhurisiz, on Wednesday evening, March 14th, under the" amrspmeza or the -'.La.~d`ies_ Aid or the fPne'sbyr`.er1a.-n O'xrur'chL. '-M! ;nesing' Or- cheatra; wi-1-1. provide music. -Miss Olive Blain was among the number or successful cand.ida`|:es at the ' recent examinations of the Toronto Coll-egle of Music, taking `honors in her tirat year examination. 7 In response Ito a. recent appeal the . eum or $300 has been subscribed .for the erection of a. veran-da'h'on the west end or the R. V.` Ho.spLt.-a.l. The Board would like a.` fuzst-her sum or $150 to complete other needed improvements, e.1'ao*$200 tor the zequipmenm of a. can- cer ward in the hosgiitoal. Contributions may be same to John Rogerson, reas- urer. _.__-. ;-u . an l`l\\D7 A `V1-r __- _..-.__`... \l5UaI ; -"1`HE GAS COMPANY an; aura: .1-ooki-ng for an immense. sale of their -g-as shoves vthta- season,` a. whole car load .'r;'av1-mg ar_r2ve-`d on Monday. Gas a`.ppea'r.a to be the coming fuel -10:- hatlmg as well `as lighting. "Ensign '1`. Bless will repeat the atereopticon service in the Salvation Army `hall on .'1`weada.y, March 13:11, am 8 mm. '.'1'h-e. lecture 1-5 `expected to be given by Mrs. N. B. Jdhnston and -will be entitled Love and Sr:-i`row. All are invited. ' ' L ` ' The County Property 'Comm;";-tee comprising 1 . J.'Fra~wl`s~y (chairman), J. ~.W.` Shaw, R. Emerson, John .A. Bell and NV. Lyn,- met here on .Tuesday `and. awarded 'i:he contracts -for sup- plliea to the public institutions as _to1-l lows: R. Powell, Vmea't;V D. R. -.`Mur- chlson, groceries, and Johnston Broa.. bread. `.'1`.he coal tenders will be.cc~n- aidered at a l-ater date; It was ar- ranged that the Surrogate Court build- ing material ;be sorted by jail labor and acid in separate parcels. V - I supp!-y. -, V ._ .. U-nduer date of -March am. Dr. Amyot, '1`.oronrto. write-3 to Ohdet King, local eanta-ry inspec-tor, as follows: 'D.1e ape-cixmenv ott -wtamer received from you on Mb. .19, collected from the. bay, ahorwaa n`s`.1:_-her chemicaal poll-uuone no: -lnfeclon from harm-tul bacteria. The sample. wa-sfdnawh from Itzhe spot near- ahore where the first ice-cu11tln:gc_> per- mtlon-s took plgce, 'and'- nthe analyaial shou'1td_ neaxaaure any citizen` who-might Phave teams for the purity of the ice -Caba at a.ny'hour 01.` day or night and special attention devoted to com- fort of patrons. attending evening ga- therings. . Cartae agents. .Call .86 or usz, J. 'W. 8cot. . . | .-. n A vs V ORANGE!-Navel: for the able and Seville lllueru for marmalade are now `at their beat at B0'l`llWllala 8. ` 1 Tuesday was a. busy day w;th-fBar- rle Presbytery, it being the 111-st ameet-. mg` or t-he year. Rev. James A. Cran- aton, M.A., pot Conlngwood, `is the `new Moderator. Commissioners to the Gen- eral, Assembly were appointed, and a large volume of home mlaaion-business transacted. A call` was, received by Rev. Mr. Mcoonnell or C1.-eemore to Norwich and the congregation wan cit- ed 'bo appear at a special meeting jot Presbytery to be -hel-d on Aprllg 3 when the matter will be diepoeed _ot. A_rrange'm-puts. were made for the in- duotlaon -of Rev. Mr. Fowl-ie or Er1n"to the charge at Coldwater. oYs'l`E'Bl-'l'l Iou the large oiucn are arriving {run all: at Born- vynnvs. -Mr. Frank Rogers left on Monday ev-airing tor Ottawa where he will we-' aume his dub;-es_ as auasional w.-iter. It in twentytlve years since he yen- ber-ed the service, and few outha staff can boa-ate of so long and 4a1thtu1 a. record. Needless to say, Frank will` be greatly `in;-ssed during. himVtemp:>r- ary ext-1e in` `the Daminton Capital. a L I -A great naacritlrre sale otP_. J. M-oore ~a $6,000 bankrupt stock or hardware, tirrware, gra,n1itewa.re,' etc., will be carried on at` the Vespra I-Iourze 'B1ock'Store, Barrie, tor the next 30 days by J_. J. Coffey; whp ha.'s__bo,ught -t-he above atock va;t- -a big reduction. I.:1bena,_l discounts n1_1ow-ed _`on all ss.l'e;3 for oa;sh._ _ _ ; _ 4: '1`he'sons or -the heather ahdwed icheir qua1~l*ty on Monday evening at Clapper- ton St. -rink when they defeated "A11 Camera in -a. royal curling game. only 'bwjo rinks '9. :_1de`cOmp`oted and t:he_wlnn.ers Will, have `the nupreme "joy at ea-tin-3 oyjat-era at ne other tel- 1-owa `expense . Ift; wasghard to nd.~a.- man attqr 1.`h Yent_ who` waan`t Scotch, and `a1-tdgether it . was '_ a - g'rmn.` antcht?` to1"_:..-the =bZ-ue hohnneta; H1'3f.1$; em more =. 8c9th!raen-*!.>b1:I.- 1 ;Phe9s.a a`AeI9x: ` h vIbsb!b1s:1s;a aGeh- ;aHs;`;*a;an;a '- " :4} `:s:19qmox:n::;-~V.~..EL a atai:xetun;aa;w.V 9 . sold. 111 the` nnn. 0 J. G. Scott,` J'aa.- V.alr, A. -Brown-lee, Sheriff Harvey, skip 19. A11 Camera `To F: J: 'J- Ho ands, ~W. Cline, skip 10. ` The many trlendept. Dr. Bailey, V. S}, will be =sor_ry_ to `meat that he hap- pened 9. ra.-'t`her severe accident last week wihile attening .3. home at Fow- leria Livery. In some way the uni- -mitl` tell on him, the "Doc gustainlng ardiapl-acememt or the knee cap which atltirst was thought to be broken. He is progressing favorably, but it will be some time before -he can get about. f\n TI'TA;I._;u..I.... _!._\..|. -1 I-_L ,_,__I_ g_1On '%5e'Eay nlgvht last week t ='l!heG.'.l`.R. septette put it over vw -cw `contour '01`! U IQIIVIQBI ave \ the I tailors to tone `tune or 13 to 3 in 3. t test and exciting game played at Cry- it stal rink. The railway bunch had I steam up" and no mistake, and nine 1 way they out-scored the needle push- 1 en ? was a caution. For the tailors < O Nel1l in goal played-'a. pshenomenal 1 game andwacs well seconded by Light- foot, w-ho, however, was too closely `watched to be as effective as ;usual. Mll-n-e in cemt~1-'e `used his weight _to -tshe fullest advantage. ` For the G.T.R. Taylor (by name only), Groves and Brownlee _were the star artists. Line- up: 'I'aiLors-Goal, O'Neill; point, Scan- Ion; cover point, Hamlin; rover, Llg'htf~oot; centre, Mil-ne; left, McKee; rlguht, Smith. G. T. R.-Gca.l, Clayton; poln`-t, T~aylor; cover point, O Bz-ion: rover, Groves; -cen-tre, Priddlez left, Brownlee; right, Scott. :- ~N 301 Personal Moment Mrs. E. Donne}-1 -_ has been visiting` friends in Bradford. V. 3 V if-c}:c;o;l__-k1as ben appointed a. commissioner to the General Assem- bly. ` .M-eyor Ross, who was co-nrtinc-:1 to the horusse la-s!t week, is able to be out 1 ,__.._.J.-_,V9 U-,n' I90 n -- wI`Fr1-z;x.:cator VJ. Hodigson, Toronto,` paid an Vottvicial vtsizt -'to the B. .C. I. 1'a.u:-J`: 'w_xeek. 53%|: 7" W M153" Po.well, of Guelph, will have. charge at Jaa. Valr & Sons j.m .llinery department this season. V Mr. John Clayton has been laid up! for the past two weeks with Lrheuma-I tiam but `.3 slowly recovering. Mr. and ` Mrs. Frank Waikcr, of Hamilton. have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Cl-lne, Bradford S";., far a. week. _ g Mr. Walter H.`Huntv;-r. or Toronto, returned home on Monday after spend- |1~ng .ben.da.y.s with his aunt; Mrs. H. I H-aafnmjzn. Tweatern Bank, was `tn `town last `week "RT'c. Bambittit, _I~n3p3ctor or me` the -guaatiot ms niece, Mrs. ~,W. W.` Cottlzthard, Baytield street. U .-__.__ _, _._.d __v.- Ivvn -vv-.- J. V. Brown returned on Mon- day atter an absence of several months ' spent In London and on the '.Cont~in- ent prosecuting post-graduate work. I-I_e intends to resume practice in Dril- lla. ' ` ` "31:. Charlie Clayton, who has bexi spending a. couple of months with `uni: phremta, lett last" week for Hamilton, llontana, w1he_re he has secured 3 ap;- altinn. with the,Great Northern Rail- way. A ` : .. 1`-he engagement is announced of He`.-A en -Wlnnitred, eldest daughter of Mrs.` ,W. J. Steggl-es. Allandale, and Mr. Douglas Seymour` .'1`ew of Toronto. The marriage will take place during` the last week tn April. . b .-M-1-. 0. H. MicM1cha;e1. who has xbC3D act.-Ln-g Collector of Customs tor sev- eral! months, has -been transferred to another point and left town on Sat- urday. Mr.-1`. '1`. -Young `ha-.now fair- ul-y ma+.a.11ea In `the 'naw.pos1t:1on. To the Hotel-keepers of Cehtre Simcoe: "Gentlemen,--'I am compelled to give my last appeal to -you to keep the 1awl,| aa_I teal it blndingon me as your inspector to enforce the Liquor License _Act. If I am not able to ;.do it myself I will have -to `use some yother means. I have heard a` good deal -,of complain- ing that` you aerve men with .1-iqucr vv.hen,already dfunk, ; You ehculd know that bhere__is "n,-othing tliat will brln"g;-fyour -.ho'uc`a`e.__= into dlarepute so qu-lck-Ix-A-pa. to gage ? men coming sou; un- able I20 'w5lk let!"-a.lg`ht . on-_m~;-n sitting in "gout rooms "s_Ie c-'pin`g-_`ln the elchaire. 1 `f_ .:g,;.2__._;_ _____ A_- Ld`A LI. II JIVUA LUUIIIJ l.'.|.4CUlloll5 `Ill I-ARC ULIGILBA E No Isgubt you were 8aW;8.P8 that at aman _ l'eav'ea your `hotel under the `influence ` of drink and happens with an accident you.'.re'-`l~lAa'_l)lo for an actiontor dam- ages; -Now I t.h1nk`when` you know all this `you should be more careful and govgn yourselves accordingly. I be- lleva hotel-keeper should not ask me or tI_iiefBoard~:of Cg;;:in1ssioners for 3; llcew ` :un__ress'he inxehtdar to keep` the law,` -;and -I cannatwsee h'ow_`:you can expect me to` certify that you are keep- ing `up-to the law. I -believe tuxther Aths.l;:', every "h`_ot'e'l-`keeper should --`he a. - -tem`ez-ate man. He should not indulge in _ ` ong drink to excess, and should be sexy pantlcular about `his ba.rt'en- .ders;l.-_;yvsho`;_l ought;; Vb4e_.-men or good -r.epu`.15e,'g`lv`ing them explicit directions file to keerplng close to the law. You Wwlll have nofiperson` to blame only ' yqurselves..1t.,t-heflaw is bx-ought down gon `you. _~Hoplng::.that a, Ky-ord, to _the A }vglle'wi11 h6.~,.~1I___I1,lcI`ed_l1lt,_;_I `remain, 1 T _ -. ;!1.'3xl:'.f. - v n**?9r~.. l .Bu+rie. lI;r..h sf7i`3i57` Ant Open`: Letter. Attend the Crossley-Hunter ~ Meetings. mmzusrz AND INCREAS- ING cnowns_ ..'1`he crowds in aibtzendance at the evangeii-sizic services are becoming (indeed -have already become) so large that the. largest church or public.bulld- ing in town is much too ,small to ac- commodate bhe people who wish to'.at- lt-end. `Almost every night large num- ' hers _0f Dcople .are unable to gain ad- mission, wrhil-e every nook and corner inside is crowded by eager and earn- est listeners. The addresses and 'ap- _ peels oi! the evangelists thus far have been strong, simple, direct, devout, practical and compre\hens'.ve, and are del-ivered with -such -iervid sincerity and earnestness that they carry con- . viction and blessing to many of those I who listen. The enthusiasm hoped for at the beginning is notably in evidence ' now in every service. Numbers 01 `the citizens -have expressed their decision 3 to lead the new life, and a very deep 3 and widespread impression obtains 3 vtihroughout the entire community. It, is is reported that already 500 persons have given their names. and the num- ber is increasing at every `service. Since last issue such themes as -.".The unpardonable . sin. Biunders, *Ideal~s," Excuses," Wheat will you do with Jesus i otc., have been dis- cussed, and it must be admitited by even the most prejudiced that the ,dis- cussion -has been reasonable and -sit. -times tremendously convincing. The evangelists themselves are in many 1-espeo'ts.unlike; indeed it may be said they are contrasts in temperament and manner, one one is the necessary com- plement or the other and together they ,, constitute a wonderfully eiiective combination. Mr. Cross1ey is "rsweet singer and a strong logical preacher. re_ tender in appeal, convincing in argu- y ment, and he has witha-l a winning way'oi putting the simple p`.an \'.`f sal- ;pivation to the anxious inquirer. His piicompanion in labors. Mr. Hunfcer, is perhaps without an equal upon the 3; continent in the matter of appeal and Id management or a meeting. His manner is such as to awaken an fmmediiaite in- terest, and his -burning statements thundered forth with such holy earn- estness seldom iail in producing a. spirit of serious concern. '1`.he separate meetings of the men and women in the Opera House` and 0: 3- ;- in Collier St. Methodist Church on. ;,_-sabbath last will long` be remembered. oi the adult population of the town at these services and the interest was intense. Mr. Cross`.-ey in the Opera. House delivered a very memorable ad- dress on Myst-arias." which was a. presentation of the evidences of Christ- ianity. It has since been the theme of general and tavofable comment, and has proved a satisfactory answer to the doubts of many. Mr. Hunter -.1 ad- dress in Collier St. Methodist church (was on "'Dhe Model Woman." and was inspiring and instructive. Dhe meet- ings continue tor this and part or ` next week. A [r to There must have been more than halt" strong and apparently unan-aw;-rable 'nUNn1ixns Tasman AWAY- m. panssxvm smavxcms. - DIED. . FRAME-Sudden1y. at Coilingwood, on March 1st.V1906. Lydia, fourth daugh- . ter of the" late John Fume of Not- tawasaga. ' NEW_.'I`0N--Suddenly. at Orillia. March ` 1at,Emiiy.-wi'te 01 C. E. C. Newton, '01 River-side," Victoria Harbor-.0n't. E Boim. SLOAN.-At Churchill. on March 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Sloan, a son. The concert under the auspices of the Citizens Band on the evening of Feb. 23rd drew an appreciative audience.- Mr. Burt Lloyd, character vocalist, of Toronto, was or course the favorite or the evening, -while Barrie orchestra. was 9. leading teature. Mr. 5 Ralph ohnaton sang in his `usual pleasing .tyle and Prof. Mitchell`-.1 ciarionet solos and Mr. W. H. Mu1holland'a Ljgadinga delighted the gathering. M133. Michael. of Toronto, acted as accom- pgnlst. Proceeds amounted to over `$10. would you decide against yourself! Noblikelv--ye: if you will pardon ;_the contempt of court. inn't that exactly Vwhst vou-`ll do if you neglect to examine `four spring clothes? r` YOU WERE JUDGE AND JURY, j 1e'w.i be Good Morning" from; `hundred new styles in Suiu. Top Cons, _'{HItl. - Haberdauhery, etc ,V.E3o;:Ie, `gee what we have to show you `for lpring and summer wear. ..~ a up o n 0 __.- --, f~ ' , There : no conic in all the world _l0 `bracing as a new spring Outt ot Clothe: ._and4 Toggerv. A Come, see what; 3 little money viill do for you. -- I u C any III, ___ _,__ _ _You`ll be surprised. We'll` ingot `anything that you will. . ` ' ~ HlJ.|!.T!-Ij, BR05- .. l'\_. -1! L- `__ . 8l.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANC. IlNG;l.'O0FlII-"1'-VI: EB. ---v .-.---V. `aha Clothl:-rs-or-1d 0uttuu_.'- smun. Eiixid d..i`.5.*"@ nevus `of one Ibll ortant Ef `our brdera_ ra.n.ch; ' Q o'o.A1'... made ier: 1811! In the UOIIHEY 0! 51111000. QQUEEBBU. mm 11.1- _ulred to send h post pre aid and registered r to deliver to t e unders gned. on or before e 20th, day of March A. I). 1906. their names. x-ticulurs in writin of their claims and the ature of the scout-it es (it any) held by them. AND further notice is hereby given that after c said 20th. day or March 1906 the Executors f the estate of the said deceased will proceed distribute the assets or the said estate among e parties -entitled thereto. havin regard cnlg o the claims or which they shall eve had no - cc and they will not be liable for ssidassets or ny part thereof to any person or persons of hose claims notice shall not have been NOBWP d at the time of such distribution. " HEWSON ac CRESWICKE, ` Solicitorsfor the Executors. Dated at Barrie this 15th. day. of February A. ddresses and descriptions together with full. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. O. 7. Chapter 129 and umendments,tho.t~ all erod- cm and others having claims a ainat the estate Richard Groae. late of the ' ownehi of [In- istil in the County of Simooo. deoeaae . are re- nh-nd On nnn hv nnilf. nrnnnld n.Yld 1-mriatered Jxuuyn 1: n1ut ulvmu Luau unap- Dllcation will be made to the Legislature of the Province of Ontario. at the next session thereof for an Act inctnrporatingae Comping 101` thv furpose of constz:uct1ng,_vopeuwin8'!lI. ` mfiinta nina system of navigablemllrer VIII! wxth or wit out orta.gebrallw.a!I.. !I_9B, Geo an Bay th Lake e 00% ichins or else Nottawug " With Lake Simcoe. and from Lake` '5 `Lake gamma. either tame Count of - ark. or the lounty at Ontario. also from ,ottawAIImBO! ! 0113 the Valle at. the Nottawuacl: Vere ` I W thence to Lake tario at or near Such e..m:.r:;:%**::e*:..?.r doliu, Gullul; and Banjo. upi1_'of W. Eugene Page. Mandolin Virtu- o. Uhicugo. 111. Modern methods and thor- gh instruction. Lessons iven on these in- uments in Barrie at the ante Hotel. every msday Call or write for musical a.nuounoe- W cm and terms. Address. Orillia. Qnt.. P.O. e x 96. T 811 omzm 1` Hmummf Gtvmix `that, a 7fo `I N. D1icutior?wil1'be' maile bathe Lbzlslaguto l&I`Z1Ill I&II Ivut by-r I w - vv cnders for the erection of `a Methodist urch at. Stroud. Plans and specications can seen at the Methodist Parsonage Stroud. ndera received up to March 14th. V he low- ur any tender not necessarily accepted. J OHN STQN BLACK _, ____ _ _ _..._---Anv I'I\II`$U I9 b&F|I`u V}: have :1. large amount of Private Funds to d an 4% and 5 per cent on the security of d farm mort ages. MCCARTHY. BOYS 8:. URCHISON. b uulop Street, Barrie. AN'1`l1Ju~A man 0: uuuu. on man: um: I: of our Barrie ofce. Ad was THE CA - IAN COMMERCIAL BINDER 00., 16 go Street Arcade. Toronto. Ont. . 9-1p r {16o'ucres in Town hi 0 .9) sunnidale. 70 acres clearediialanoo tier cedar, soil. clayloam and loam . level term! by owln we1l.good frame use. i me bu1'usu.n(1 s reds. convenient to school. rch. RR. station. 11 miles to Barrie. '1`e_rms unit Annlv tn ' ANTE I) ;.by Chicago wholesa. le house.speo- ial rep1'esenta.tive (man or woma.n)tor each ince in Canada. Salary $20.00 and expen- paid weekly. Expense money advanced. moss successful: position permanent. No stment rcquix-`ed. Previous experience essential to engaging. ~ - ress Manager, 132 Lake Street ~ 3.12 Chicago. iu.. U.S.A N'1'1*Ju Al uuum--wrlruu mun mura- mukers. Waisthands and Coatmakeru. . VICKERS. V 10-_ AN'I`ED~A Boy tolook uttera horsdand do light work. Appls * ENTS WANTED--Liberal ay and mat class goods guaranteed. A ter you have ughly mastered the business we will start In your own account: Write quick. AL- D TYLER. 355-7 Clarence St.. I;1t())t.11cl))n, to . R. MoCA.R'l`HY. _` `N'1`ED~A t bilit. to t ke 0119. For Barxyigaagfgcg '%HE 2 1'1`! nr\mnmn`Dl*1'Al'. THIN J3 {W0 IR I 3"` U$1 few choice shot-thorn Bulls for sale. from o 15 months old at rqasonable prices. also a females. App'ly S. 1J\'MEl\T.' 10-1`) GUII-IlllV\l I-Iullhi I'\'II air!--o good dry bulldin lots between Barrio and ndule for sale. minutes walk from car- 0 works. Price from $25 up. Apgg to - G. H. E5 N. Over Bank of Toronto. I'Ull. ILH. uuuu kuit. Apply to m. i;:iii:nMAN. Teacher or Mung ! EUILDING Lors son SALE. -._ _ .1 .'!.._ I..-.lI13-`nu `Al-n `snbnrnnn ununin nu rsnmznj Eon `uzwcuuncu-1. A _ _ _ g ) __ -n _ `l..GI.-J.I.. 9-10 `run: I cu v-' wu --I-tun S'I`.A.2-B-1... is1a::a::D -1865 3 ital Paid Up. $3.000.000 t - l .3.00.000f ts gy_er_ s 25,090,000 nuuxunuunun ---..u. -_A-- .'E:9}Dl;:N'l`. ANDREW Triouvsbw. -PRESIDEN'1`.Ii0N. JOHN SHARPLES. ERAL MANAGER. G. H. BALFOUR. .A2RR.IIE3- BRANCH st paid and credited twice a year. . gnu-quantum!` II bait. receipts issued. Savings Bank Dept- r mm ES'.l`A'1`E-O; EICHARD Gnosm` omumasmn. - . ONCE--7First class ..m1mm Wninthnndn and Cnatmnlznrn. I v .10" mm V . L Lwnggnv an Cnw ;Pl'0DI'1OtI;El'l.N m`; votice To Creditors. "vex; ady, hicb * `i$'.w1Ci6"1ii`613iJ"i1'I;ger. i };one :3. Oico. Yard and Mill. John St. Crossla.nd's Little Liver Pills aie tine best; yet. Sugar coated. 00 in" bottle. 250. _ . Gun-- ...___-...- ALZ) WM] "6"iz'6' ;-I.i;m'n 5- w- W.|L.! NEW ,Zihv11;'i?1pi:MnNi"i:' --~ --9-:-`. . VVOODA FLOUR I Hardtaudv Soft. Svod and Split i.~Xs* ANS; e new * Choice Manitoba. and Fsmnlly Low prices. But valuelas Momav TO LOAN. .- In-an nwnnu-`O AI `Julius! _IVER p1u.s All kinds. Best quality. FOR SALE - ..1.-..LI.--... D.-Ila '1{13.' }{."is; ifhiziq. J. N. BROWN. ? Box `.360. Barrie. ~a.~ uaum . .,_....,--1., . Barrie. True to its reputation in evesythimr-u `hat for every man's head. 01` 9.-style and qualltyto please and satisfy whatever his taste dictates. The newest styles Zaire always here that. v . +++o+++o+++++o+o+1 gcougns` Easnyi cured. ` 1 Door Egoof Barrio H_bt'el`."f- i 1 `oooooo+++++1 V 111656 DOW llulllfl '.|.'l||l'(;y'Ellll '1'llll'I:y' nine and Forty on the West side of Stoddard Street and South side of William Street in the Village of Thornton; in the County of Slmssoey On the remlaea e a comfortable Frame House an Frame Stable and a good well. For sale on reasonable terms. . Wan fnnflunn ntuoflnnlnaua nnnln `On '1 A WY 1` U!` 6816 (III FUIBUIIIIUIU wrma. For further rtloulars apply `to DAVID FOS'l`ER.'l`horn on Post Olce.or to LENNOX. coww 8: BROWN. souoxuon, Barrie. no-1: |Portland celllent! Beatxrodea of Pine and Hemlock Lumber. ' Loch and Shingles. B reduction in Hard and Soft Wood. 4 foot or on and split. . Hard. Soft and Blaokaxnillfa Cool. ` Village Lots numbers Thirty-eight. Thirty- gine and _F9rty_ on_he \_Mgg_t_1de gt Stoddard l6i1_ SIMMONS Var C 0. Couch: are avreuul-t. not 5 dlueue. .j They are the result of inu_nma'cion_, . canned by 6 colddnvading _the,dalicste - capillary uxirtubea in the lungs. All j the narcotics in the world` will not. change t.l1e'oonditloh. they simply deaden the senses and aord tempo: j ary relief from the cough [while the ` Teal trouble'--the inammation-may ` go deeper and become; more danger j one. A V Quick Relief Cough Cure ` Allnys this inammation end quickly ` corrects the condition in the lungs: and bronchial tubes that causes the . cough. ','Don't waste your time with 4 narcotic cough. mlxturee. take the reme"d_v that acts directly on the seat of the trouble. We warrant` it. House said Lot For Sale. Every Man's Hatvstore. BOBETSON'S |GKl[,DYM_HM SUN} PRICE 25 C_ENTS 'd:7s:"niu'

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