Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 11 Jan 1906, p. 3

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- Ari u-nknaogvvh: xrian,atterripfed [suicide by takln .9. dose _-or c9.1'bo1lc' acid Inuedunm a'rk,.'1'Ioronto. ' ' " ahluann. u5l|1n'hnv\`1r nlnv-Ira nun-"n._ --.-.-v- ---own: -we nvn u The result; or the xi`/.a.1'-!.eus exper:!- .mentu-with the---liqynor .tx~attjc reminds one or the`? wdrdst the.H&1y Writ, "C'a.n:7the Etlilnplau, change his skin, 9: the leopard` .hhIj. epete P ,No' more can the traffic In `alcoholic liquors te- eult in vmod. ~ . A IHL- --!_L!._-.. 1.; LL. _s_,c_,I u._|_n_ 1.. -cu 'y-v--- V `E319 victims In the alcohol habit in .Sc`on1tl.; Caho1hYag_ do not find the D13- 'pnsa_ry" -{temperance measure, do most tlndit in any degree conducive % u arenewed manhbbd or A 9. happy I_._.... _ The philanthropists who exploit these systems of dealing with, the le- galized liquor trattlc, evidently believe` the late P. ..'1`. Barnum : dtctum. v2z., ".'1`he people dearly love to be hum- bugged. ` - , -___l I I-_.._.-A - I!Ll.I_._I_-...- Years ago`, I learned a, llttlevrhyme, ".'1`here was "a. yuorung lady of Riga, ho went _tor- a ride `on fa. tiger; oooooo6ooooooooooob99: NewsfinABrief. 3 Ill ULIAIIITU Fflg .l.'Ul'UuIuU. - . -lg! hteen mun ..bank clerks arrlv; .ed mm Saogtlan _-or.` the Qa.n_adio.nT Bank not Oommerce. ' - ' an-.- .n.A. 4. -..z...`-* 1.-..` .u.."~n... -A.1fa5.`....-M. 3o'.'96gooooo3 Federal mum --tiilk `,+,m," J:%::s _..r:,-eau1t;- *t..hrm aftertun in!cnt%:>3on*-~h9!d:'4:the* d.....!'!_1 .9939: ,.%:9Bereda<.a ilt:!'a!nIh` cm as "`btabn s`1"$*"w aa a -..__...-._-)_I ____s__L_u-:__ __..s __' - ---- vquuuw v--v :-u- v----- ;t;m;nerclal underhkufg, `and. I __,d my the.._to.x. up _e llcens mmar name l'iw; d`; aone`%%%%?berogg, % :lI..."."._.. ._.a_L\ .... _'A_~_9|.'.i. _. _1|__ kn age. DIN` UL \JUllllIlUl.'|5U- who A On'ta.r!o` - Lo`rd'u i"D,ay `Alliance Mlnesing, Ont. fhe' ;1de; . The yrotung lady inside T And a smile `on the race 0-! the stig- - rzz % MOUNT 51:; LOUIS. MITCHELL SQUARE. NANTYR. vv '1: un- 'A_RA F. ATRACY. `1`HE NORTHERN Aasmon me 8.I18.ll'8I0I.' me 101'}! uounty Loan. - Mr. A. .C. Harshaw has been;, ap- pointed superintendent of construction on the Toronto-Sudbury branch or the f". `D `D IIICCI-Bo ` Joe. Chamberlain was howled down while addressing a mass meeting at Derby in support of Unionist candid- aka: 'V'M`r.`Vv. J. Bushnell hf Bayville was killed by the accidental discharge of a gun.- gf .`Dnn`I a Tnnnfl-Io` QI\n:nI an Tn, TUB: ' The London Jewish Chronicle states that the Russian relief fund ma-w b'c~ zals up to about six hundred a.nd|s1xty thausa.ndp}o-unds, which includes one hundred ah-ocusand paunds raised Ln Russia. . me- 117-Ia--..: `r .......1.... .-.n1 1.... LI..." \|LDU.|CIu Sir .W.1lfr1d. Laurler will be the guest of the Toronto students on Feb. 19. and of the Lrberala :3-2 the pro.- vlnce on Feb. 20 and 21. - TIT_l..I..& `IE...-._-..._ ...I... ..._g._... *. nnn .JILt'|nUd`Ll W E LU'ulLU IIUUCQDIIL J o ` It is rumored in St. Catharmes that steps will be taken to upset` the '_late_ municipal elections on the ground that they were conducted A1I1ego.l~ly, and that properly revised voters Late were n-ott ,used. AOL.._ _ -.._..l-A -.l GE --_--.... __-..`_ --u uuvvwu --w --u . gyro. dung Iv` u --.9 v'\1 \l-- age. mo:-ed'there that Cap. Sullivan has been. appointed commander of the Ca- nadian fisheries cruiser, Vigilant. to. succeed Capt. Dunn, resigned`. Capt. Dun-n is on a h~o liday`trip to`Ch1cago. A :Winds:>r despxtchv says it is ru-, will not apply two the Leglalafufe 1.5:; ` Sunday legislation. .'I"hn nlnnf-an Turin-an rl-`a-sax`;-gun}! #1.... UIJIIUIIJ {C5 LDLGI-J'Jllo .'1`he elect-hon Judges dismissed the pruottests in North Bay. and Nortolk, no evidence being offered. ' A l'fD_h?FI:IH n.!\.\0fI-n~'I* In? fka Inbn T .T HUB!-Ll-I] LII 0 LJUU5 O}10V,VVVu Elevezuhrgses affected with glanders In an Ottawa. livery stable were des- 1 tnoyed by the Government inspector. Anglia T\.r\urI-navy and Vllnnnn .-ennnn VIIIUC [J11 I`UUo (IV auu 0%: Wright Eversuo-:1, who owns a 200- acre farm above Hillsburg, had he -right hand caught in the ml-lets mi 0. cutting-huox while cutting straw. Am- purtatibn was found necessary. ff In vn1nn.n.v-all in H} F`-,\kn-Inna: fknf After a. service or 25 years as=pr1n- cipal lot McGil1 Nnormal school. Dr. S. P. Rboibins has handed in his resigna- tion. He has been connected. w;th th s schmbl since 1857. having been born in 1883. He is retiring mowing `tlo old LUV cvnucuuc uctug Iu1.u:n:u. N l x A life-`sized portrait of the late J. J. ;"Withr,.ow was presented to the Cgty-of [Toronto by the Exhibition Board. 4 Hun `Rana onfnnn .5 an o\u\m`3nn If]. G St. $311.1 : Industrial School, an In- dian lnetituthon near Winnipeg,` was destroyed by fire. Loss $80,000. notion Imru-can nffnnfn urifh olnncn-a All lull? IIIECIUUII Y-FL U110 ULULIIFJLU Mr. `Hunt, Liberal, was eieted tn the ,-Commons in Compton, Que., -de- teatlng Mg`. Rufus Pope by -over 300.~ The raihrnmnni`, nf `Pr-nm'm- W He "is: LCD!-L115 Hits {BULBS rupc U |UVCf 0VUo" The retxrement or Premier-W.tte "Is annxiuunced for April, after the Duma mee s. 15- l`II..s_.L-_I..l_ ..--_. I._..-`_A A-..-_' J.fUl."Uvll|.l) U] tut: JLu.lDsI.;UH DURIN- Nyottice has `been gxven of an. applica.- tip-n tio the Legislature to reorga-nizee ether 8.fIA8.1l'%I0f the York County Loan. I'_`I'n-ml-nu-. la... Luna... -- LIIIJCU U], `[15 \l"UVCl 1lllICll|- llIB}Il'JULUl- ` Messrs. Downey and Hanna opened the bye-election campaign at Kingston in the interest or Mr. McIntyre. KI! I-Tnnf Tlhnral urns nlnni-n in ` JV U 7 a.-tea. NIL- ` _Ifyou, your friends or relatives suffer with ; Fits, Epilepsy, St.` Vitus Dance, or Falling * Sickness, write for 9. trial bottle and vain: .31: treatise on` such diseases to Tm: Lmmo L`o.. didzggists `sell or can obtain for you ' .-4L._.L4.A._x_--L _._ __`___.___.'L ___.+ A Li':IBI<:'s_:=|1`cuR,a| Come in and let us show you our assortment of Two- tone and Highland Linen writing papers. . ' WALTER scnrt TH! G`'i'Li: Iiloiih sun: 1:44 g...L _Q__!_- _ Do you use `the same paper for the note of condolence and the letter to your lawyer P There's a_ right style of paper for every purpose. It's good style and good taste. and good in every way if `made by the famous r Eaton-Hurlbut BOOKSELLER AND STATIOVER BARBIE, ONTARIO.. Paper__ Company Business or Pleasure W011! dons at I _-as-ee% "`".g...," ,,,,`",,F'"*=r', `ml . o 0 you mighty ueue gopd. t OF SIMCOE. Trasurer s Sale of lands COUN_-1`Y 9r s1ucon:.] joommandlng me `to levy upon the several 1auaiinz1iioi"3&'J1' described. bein tn` the County of Simooe. for arrears reepentively due thereon. together ..with myooata, hereby (ve. notice. pursuant to the Assessment Act and amendmeau thereto, that onlese the aid arreara and coetu he sooner paid. I ahall OI ' "1 "'s!!?.,!:. ?.I!!%dav%% qfinuam I 906 _ V ? ` _ ' 4 . . . at tn". hour of two o'clock in the afternoon. or the Court House, In proceed to cell by.Publlo Auction so much of the eeid lends u may charge the tune and all lawful charges incurred in and about the an the sane, The following lots are patented (excepu where otherwise eteted) : TOWNSHIP OF ESSA. `, _ us Z; -43 49 50 51 52 59 60 61 62 63 DA V`8 $5 No. Founty 21 e.(\ If 42 44 45 ieiaeE`;::::::::::::::::::::: 1;: :5 E; 3:; H3 2; ; 67 Ni... . . . . . . . ..; . . . . . . . . . . . A14 14 100 15 53 200 1753 The Adjourned Sale, will tiska place on Tunsmv, `mm 6131: DAY or FIBRUARY, 1906, two o'clock p. m., in the Treuurefa Oico. 10 ll. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 (Ill 30 31 82 33 35 43 T Conservatives have gained ' another seat in Al'b'erta. giving them now two in the legislature.-` A. G. Robertson, High River, was declared elected by Chief Justice Sittson on a. recount o the_ ballots. His plurality `is -23. ' `Panama-n has hnnn a-nana-o.-I . Fhn * um. uauvuxuu. use pLuru.ul.,y la -40. `Passage has been engaged on the Allan liner Tunisian, from Halifax to . his return` from` Japan.- Llverpubl on April 19 next, for has Royal Highness Prince Arthur ,0: Con- naught; who, `with his party. will pass through the Dominion next spring. on I _1L1 . There-is a. serious rising against the G1,e_rmax,1s-.in the South Cameroona.,Ten th~oeu_aa,nd warriors are devastating` a `district some ninety -by a. hundred -and thirty ' miles in. extent, and the lives -.3-r ;the;whitea _-are inggrave danger. 'I"ha:_ R1-iHn`h. nhnj-lire d`affai1-an `in St. .l_-Ill$"WIliI.UB _l'U l3'51'Yt: UH-H561 . Th__Brlt_is`h charge `d`arraires `in St. Ptersburg vaskedjat once or an ex- p1a.na.t!Ia-n.- out -Admiral -Bo5estvensky 3 Gnnvissvnuv or Rinsraucfsum .--,-"'7" i ouooo _y nu -wave--- van. \Il-VI-Id N E 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. North Homewood Ave,plans 428,Nos. R and A no- an up Iru ggvuncw Vvu (L V0`, vllllll 150,1.` U5. 3and4pt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Sl4ofN44ofE:} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Victoria Ave. plan 426, N05. 107. . . . 8 pt W ; . . . . . . . . . . . .; . . . . . . . . . . . . North Harvie 8:. plan 392 No. 67 pt North-Mary St. E 2/100, No. 189 pt Concession Line plan 392 No. 38 pt. East Douglas 8:. No. 16 pt . . . . . . . . . III: n is QTIHO-vcws 3 i,; '._,'{.' '51 'g'. I I '.. . . . ' _ , . a . :0 IJVVI o Q I I I o c C o v on No. 13 pt . . . . . . . . .. No; 2-1and64, pt... Albert Sfreet Block . . . on`? f` ed ll 51:` E31of`Park Lot 19 pt . . . . . .. E3ofPark Lot20 . . . . . . . . .` E2iofPark Lol:22S pt..... W22ofParkLot22S pt..... Park Lot24 Sp: . . . . . . . . . . . .. Eussell SI: No. 6pt . . . . . . . .. N7a.cofS10ofNl6ac . . . . .4 Ordnance Lot . . . . . . . . . . .. u cunraxtrl. Jlliatlvll. I Went Ash St. lots 3, 4, 5. 6. 7. 8, 9 pt 10 16 2 East Spruce St. lots 1, ,3 4. 5. 6. 7, _ .5-zomnm... m we .-as--av ma vnuvv um lvbd J 8, I)` A s,`9, 1o, 11. 12 {as .. West Cedar St. 6. 7. 8. 9.. East Cedar St. 5, 6, 7. 8. 9, East Elm St. 2. 3, 4. 5, 6. Lot 2 South Queen Street. . MACKVILLE VILLAG13. Lot. N o. 9 and 10, S of R. E. P. Road } Bertie. September 2nd, 1905. First publication in Tm: ONTARIO GAZETTE, Oct. 12:11, 1905. I\L fesldont` resident al Man `A t at B 35 To Wu: the soreness-heals the throat--strengthens the lungs. None the less eective because it is plecsant totnkc. Just try one bottle and see how quickly you get rid ' of that cough. At your druggists. 35:. bottle. V V It cures those heavy. deep-netted eongho--takes ewny` II V, U, Cg U. H, . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - u o u div 0 &VV 0 U2 . .7 . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 9 100 17 90 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14 10 I60 ' 8 95 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 10 100 I0 90 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16 10 100 12 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .; 19 12 200 15 31 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 13 15 56 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I0 16 100 79 47 9 17 100 20 53 (SOUTHIBN DIVISION). _- ...._ IN ARREARS I-`OR uxts. V which ordinary remedies have 11-01: reached, will quickly yield to L I c o . u u o - c so ouu`3:`&'3 they do? for such, coo, baring date the 2nd day of Septombor, in the you ~our Lord Ninouen Hundrcdund Five, and to no dlrooi `commanding seven! lands mbntionid I vunty Simona- fnr An-nu .........u..-n.. .1..- LI------ ---A }-iv urwv oz u wanna ianedby the Warden ol the Count} :21 B ' ' V I 1 . L.s.m.'..*`:..`..`...'.';'.'.:":..;":..':`1...`:'. *.'::..`;.t::`:*..:.2' :.':*..`:::-.':.*=.r.-:. an: 8 0 1 .......... .. 12 3 100 1 TOWNSHIP or MATCHEDASH. 12 2 97; TOWNSHIP or MEDONTE. at . . . . . .. 111 1 31; ` . . . . . . .. 111 1 35 ipt . . . . . . . . .. lll 1 21: ipt . . . . . . . . .. Ill 1` 2 . . . . . . . .. 111 1 5 . . . . . .. 107 2 1: uac . . . . . .. `20 3 7 52 40 TOWNSHIP OF TOSSORONTIO.` . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23 5 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 33 5 90 . . . . . 33 5 70 `III 0 t\ 1 '17Oi7\`1I s3'1`1V1'1> on: sUr5Nm.fLE. vILiAiiE oi SU-I.)BUR. ......... .. 19 _6 2 TOWNSHIP OF VESPRA. 13 6 50 ......... .. 11 7 4o . . . . . . . . . .. ll 9 59 II `A ......... .. 10 16 2 10 11 pt.. 10 16 1 .1o.11 pt. 10 16 1 7. 8.9 pc. . 1o 16 1; TOWNSHIP OF TINY. . . . . . . . . .. 101 1.0.8. 75 11 4 50 1 . n - o toooiol 4 . . . . . . .. 24 1 50 TOWNSHIP OF FLOS. ICIIIIIKI I5 15 i6 WYEVALE VILLAGE- TOWNSHIP OF TAY.z WASAGA BEACH That Cough DANIEL QUINLAN, n. Court ;I;oovn of Bu-lie to! be Iuoiont to dis- mrrod about sole and, oolloction of 14 14 13 6 11 14 IE story of the British fleet beingi held in readiness to annihilate the Iiussian fleet shveiuld the Battle 0-1 the Sea of Japan 90 against the Japanese. 0.0-unt Witte says no ievei-headed men .n Russia will attach importance to the story, and that the Minister not Marine `did malt see. it until it was in print. VF!-in fninnna H} Dnfnna-hussm In.-xv-1-nu- Lllsllu ECU. KL lllllnll II. WEB Ill. Plllllun ULU. The frimes St. Petersburg corres- pondent says Great Britain has been dragged Jnho the old eontroversy aagaln no help whitewash Rio-zlestvens sky, as its is considered necessary to the reputation ot the Bunsen navy that he shmald be reinstated. .... ...........:..a-+ .1. up... nun M... n...` l.T..'.".'L HU UIUUUIU UU l'UlULZ!.LUu. An a-narchis-t plot `tic kill the; Czar has been frustrated by accident. The chief conspirators are two students. but trusted artilleny so-fficexzs are said in be imp!ica.ted."1`he pl"-out wan*'dia`co- vered -by an `officer losinzw carefully drawn plan of Tsarlnoe S_e1o.A 10 10 10 1? 13 13 13 at 2-100 2 39 100 19 an 12; 200 133 It 50 Tyeuuxer, bounty Simona. $956 377 24 9 65 56 27 42 13 94 12 78 $506.5 8! 50:0! QCVU 18 18 6 53 97 18 [J `I 72 58,7 33 10 A10 14 45 14 45 &3\I 19 56 "55 ii 7 91 680 (ICU 617 509 nlnn I75 540 925 53k (l\J 46 46 I (`D 5%; 25 95 IN; S1 7% 3U`! [75 200' 175 Y1)!` 175 175 lilll LII`, 200 (`pa 260 175 1 (IE 250 175 175 175 175 175 175 175 1 75 1 75 '1 85 1 75 1 75 1 75 l 75 1 75 1 75 I 75 (`AA V75 V75 75 75 75 5'3 75 75 75 IVE cu _ 31 11350 1'3` 11 38 I5 22 4 15 11 37 ll 54 3 22 v--v'1 `DU VI 15 79 14 ea 1100 508 210 221 in , ' ' 11-on SALEBY; 1-Ia:-ro I & Hirona .... . i _ 1'1 .'; 1`)`l. ! ()l 'A u 'I0lllO coco _.l `L! _K` too" _ .o v : lvnvr |&.`n..l.' u--I.'.:-n ' OVi5'V"M ID Ju$$l'UIlC no-H noun c v c nu J-V3885 H-{"9 `nnvovln-on 10'---Ist,rr'nV-l"d:: in Z ,terK1ssock & Metcalr. I_-Iawkatone mlth. .._.Aj1fmda1. fund-up-# foqvocio .w.~ The difficulties pt enno-rclng the 11- cense laws are n_rJItbrlous, the desire. or gain stimulates the deceptive p~ow-. era to keen activity. with` the result of deliberate `and clever evasl-oune of the provisions of the license laws, The tact that the 1:qum traffic ms `always been regarded as a. tratrlc that ahvotuld-be restricted is patent to all ubseryers of social life, and all stu- dents of history. To restrict the 1:- qulor traffic isrnot an original, orbrll llant idea evolved in the iulnez-33".--f time in the twentiethvcentury. . A_--LI.l___. __,1_1-1_ _1,_L,,_ __.-w-f~ `, v ;vn'i'c'1;W'c'1'eVstroys mvofality and conscience must, in iteslt, b'evll. and capable of producing evil environ- ments. - LICENSED TO SELL. `ETC. The llcerisesystem is that which has Sell, Etc." mime. down to us from our a.nce,ators.V Probably the germ of this system is tn be tosund in the fine paid by our Saxon forefatheralt they injured ei- ther human life or property. ,We,1 their descendants, are all familiar) with the meaning or "lrlcensod tn` 1 The money received as license fees goes to swell the publlc revenue. But the profits accruing from the sales at liquor are the property of the licen- laee. This constitutes the private pro- fit" or which we have heard so Ire-' quently during recent years. , J 1 .What we cannut understand is why any one shlouuld be allowed toen- r_ich himself by the destructfn-n or the most valuable possession oft the coun~ try. We bravely resent explscal ing timber limits. and we denounce graft, "but we condone licensing this great evil, which like a canker eats into our na.e-tllonalj life. The Beverage Liquor Traffic lfw MRS.SARA. F. TRACY .WRI'I'ES IN- STRUOTIVELY ON THBVARIOUS SYSTEMS. OW DEALING ` WITH IT. "SICTI I'll!` IUUP, `NU UUVIUII I vegetable and gently lawfag: I `u-'a Pma keep the bowala regular. . stable anti laxative. 0`VGh;. etxry h yam have endorsed Aver : Cherry Peetornl for coughs, eolde, _wenk lungs, bronchitis. eon- eumptinn. You can trust 1; medicine the best doctors spa. prove. Then trust this the neit time you have `I hard cough; ronchitis Illfl L] lllllI|uIl`?o This shows how importa_nt it is to have the proper quantxty of saliva. and digestive juices. : mam. JAN. 11zn.;1 9o:. increases the saliva and digestive juices because the feed being made tasty" it makes the animals mouth watery". the same as our own when we add butter or jam to our soda bis- cuit; it makes it more enjoyable to eat. The horse, therefore, eats its feed up clean. Q ` nnnnn -A.` all-n-_L.! -.. _-5;` The average horse, withthe usual ow of saliva. eat: one quart of oats in. about fteen minutes; with this ow partially stopped it takes thirty rpinutes. ' T ` 'l"I..... ..I..--_ L-.. !..._-..A-_j und. pro lea, eto.. ash. and nts per 23.1 W uwo word tions 1:! n whoa nu acwu up vacant. The increased digestion and assimilation makes the blood circulate better, loosening the hide and making the coat glossy- Nothing llmurloua In It and can stop leedlng It without ham- . iul ellecte. ` . Our Heave Cure, Tar F00! Remedy, Colic Cure, Embro- A cation Liniment, `Gall Cur Balsam Pine Healing Oil; an Worm Powders are equally -`at - goocl` their own way. na_... .1. ....1__I!__ ._-1u.--1-l-` FEEDING *'.I'ho but hind o! 3 inamm- lolcltor over sixty you-n." goon tn their way. - Money cheerfully refunded by the dealer if any Clydesdale Premrations do not give` antis- faetion. - v " TA. I.l-.._..I-- - .-_n___ -- _.I 2" mi:'r;ml:lcfcn|s Poultry l!' ood.f_ clydudalo Stout Fool 60;. Halo! Toronto. Ont. V 2:i9a:;`a'ai; Stock Food ` wo'u'vo no mum we pihunn u bmuu or on our nodiunu. -..-,, -.--. wag vpoougvo \ Such ten cent philanthropy is a} llt!t-'1eet!ob- much" like causing a mani tso tall lnbo a-d1tch,' and then claim- ing great credit for helping him nut. It would be much better from aneco- a meme point of view for both rescuer l and rescued it the latter had never fallen into theudltch. (.3';e-`then-t$'tirE";;atem and the _Pub1ic-House '1`rust,acheme are funda- mentaily one, and` the detailed result at the experiments in Sweden 2 1 England may be easily secured V any one interested, By simply, octmn. - Vnicating with Mr. Joseph Malina, `8- Edmund street. `Birmingham. Eng., with the. New -Va1ce_Co.. Hyde. Park, Chicago, Ill. ' GOVERNMENT CONTROL OF THE LIQUOR TRAFFIC. " .'.l`he many" schemes" by which toda- grade humanity ls a matter of wonder to a Christian student 01 history,` and one or these schemes `which has been successfully _.worked by the emissar- les bf evil is the system or handling the liquor trattlc. It ls` certalnly a most tempting scheme to the 'up-to- `date "phllan-throplc" `politician, who does not shrink trom contact with .gratt", in any or its forms, -so long as no one can prove that he .is living ln such contact. ' The advvo:-ates or this scheme ciai-In that as the pr::)t1ts' from the sale oi! lt- quror go` directly-into the public treo,-- eury, -it places the profits where they are of benefit to the people, and .w.`ll prove, b-(much more value than the license tees under the liceneeysatem; the profit being much larger" than the license fees. ' ' The manner or opere.t1ng- th_e,."d1s:- penearies". as the places or sale are 1 called; requires the ab-o1it1on_ or the 1 bar" as at present conducted, `but does ` nut effect the enilount or 1I_quor com -1 eumed, nor the evils resulting tram ? such co-nsumpt!_-on in the slightest de- gree. The ellmlnatnon or peraonal pro- "i fit, `by mtmduclng public-tcupldlty, ta 3 replacing a small, isolated evil, by a greet, w1deepread,evll~-_, which canngek ; tell to Infect every..member or the` `body no-lttIc.. v 1! I had time and space I wbfuld tell ' of Senator 'rlllmo.n`s endeavor t.'b 'make this sytsem` popular in` the Scotuthern States. `arid the abuseieotf the ballvalt which resulted in _the adopti-onv or this dispensing system, with" its Gbvernment-"a'p'po1nted' officials to sell `the llqun-r, and see that it is .coonvey- ed -oruvt net the "premises" before it 1 `dr.unk.\f1`h1s. it "was ~tmd1.y `hrlapcd, wtduld a`bol!'sh_"ndt, o'h`Iy `the b a.r `but- hss _t'Jcci -n"sifms`r'. ` ; ' '..:: .r:.z.5. , Lu; - .)iuu"_x_*"Lg1 _.;:_T3=; the treatihf sysfterp as __a.ixdH`;-::;t` I The e.ii7".oc-eiVt~e~sVfoc`f_'th1s scheme claim Ythet the eliminiatfwctn .0! personal` pro- fit is a great step in temperance re- torm; also that the devoting or cer- tain surplus protlts to public improve- ments is anrcither step in temperance retuorm; and they express great sur- prise that all men, and women, ttovo. do not immediately recognize the va- lidity or their claim for the Public- House Trust scheme. V But [soxhee-ed "us `ta.'!`l to see the ad- `vantage 10f spending 3. dollar on in- ,t:oxica.nts,` wherowith to debauch -and detrvoy our bodies. in order that the shareholders and directors of the Pub- lic-Hootuae Trust-max. withgreat im- presslveneee, devote a. tiny percent-age towards public improvements in our city, -town o-r village. - ` Gun]. 5... A-.. ._'I.1I__Lu., -,, wS'l;\t.t;`ti1"-(;nr;;a'l1n9.v_ th "DZsb6naary System" Iecurgln _itq V%:Vl9;1fx'!,_!:Va.I_"a. tem- v9`m3. m9~!nr6~.` t9i1.=`;.P?L%v=_. the By selling only pure Vliqunors, by keeping the shop clo sed..a.-t u-nseason- able hour_s.`by keeping {found for sale at these establishments. by encourag- ing the coinsumption of wines and malt liquors instead of spirits. by ell-V minating the element or personal pro- tit, by having the hvomses conducted by salaried managers. and by conduct- ing a respecta.b1e,`r.>rderiy place. By doing the above` it is claimed that. the evils` of the liquor traffic would be materially lessened. ' represell oughout nd given table in I um-mieueeemmae,e corned. as we".meet precisely the same . v evils infany "at Apt t-.re nderl_a_llfy I. _th:} w_Lisw morally - v ` _seg};!_t in.-`:1, llittempts` to up \vf;h_._Q`.T~m;`%`::;:`l~:;!';:"IVil`?:`,;_;lz`v we must a` 4 M I /ledie _ti\e`;;gorrect'iess or the pr; . _ N -o:rs:prqh!h!ti9n'-ifth`!i:I%principle wt; - -`meet iii the7I;-~"'.|.`l|'ill,'h.`1*.f~8ha_it N.ow i are .Writ. and` which we, with all cur vaunted altruism. have never been able t0 h`.!lP!`|0V0.'..,l,1i'90!.l-` 4: PU;BLIC-I-IOU8E" 1`RUS'r. . _ frhe ate at combines. syndicates and, trusts '~ has deveigeped -1j;t_he Pubiigif House Trust, wvhichf is an `attempt on the partial a body ot__-`sharehoideilqs be handle" the liquodr trattlc by such: method, as will pro-.`.uce certain` d.v;- dende to the shareholders, -and at the same time renderdthe trade less re- pulsive as being jparta'k'en `of a`ndp;s;p-: proved by leading` men. posing as phil- anthropists, such as Earl Grey,` the. Bishop of Chester, England, ~B.shop 'Poortter.foi New York, and ' many others whoclaim that the liquor traitic iisa necessary evil and shuuld be so re- stricted. handled -and managed that .t will pay maximum dividends to those whose capital is invested in it, and yet` do the minimum or evil to those who crave taor stimulants, and imb2bewhat- ever quantity of liquor they `can ob- tain tr-om the salaried manager or the syndica-tepor trust. or from the` pro-' prietor or the reformed tavern,` run on the same basis as the subway tavern made t-amio-us by Bishop P.oItter`s dedi- catiory service. me; claims of the Public-House: Trust to `be regarded `as ameaaure of reform may be briey stated as tul- bo-ws- - which ilmout doty detection and retri- lI-_L-l...I- ... .- --_'.._-A -_..'.. -._L'~- I 1 wvw w7- ucu O V000 ohavlllil Ollwalj Do The Centra.l". 8. Christmas enter- talnment tvobk place on Thursday, Dec. 28th. The children furnished the ` greater part not the programme in a ~ manner that reflected credit on them- selves as -well has on those` who in- 1 structed them.` tr vv - cg--vow cw ~-- ---y -_....- ;'1`he right method or dealing with this evil of which-we speak is Pro- hibit-ison t-or thestate and total ab- stinence tor the individual," and the soloner we, as Individuals and nations attain that attitude towards the 11- qmor traffic the better for us. 1-n- __. :..c.:. L- :_ - _..._ul.... 1.... 1..--.. But these "facts. must be" left rs: } the research or interested readers. Asi I said before, -a brief ' paper cannot 5 take up details` or. work. T ` ` lIA'\A v-.1 nuvnkrqtv I "mono LateUFor Last .Wek.)` VM,r. Chas. Nesa is hrome for his va-_ cativn. . V . - 1 ... . .` l sting; Etc. vw~-`.--. Mr. Wolfe, our new teacher, open-_ ed `schmol ..W.`ednesday. A In-__ 1vr_A__n_,_,__ _A,,,,, ,5 . V Messrs. Ruolston and H. Jacks have returned from the West. Fox hunting is the order ot the `day. sixteen having already been amt in this vicinity. -.. ---7-. Ivan our-o -u 0 B.:>y1e of 1;rve':.:h`in: was. a. guest a._t Mr. W. J. Dunn's for ,the New Year hpliday. II!._.. I`I-..___-__._I. -1 t\_,v11n_ >_,_-__; L1,, ".l`h e y-otuxig peycxple are a.nx`.o'._1s`._y a.wa1tlngVthe'announce5ment of the re- opening or Mr. Albert _McQuay's skat- l_ng rlnk._ ` ` ~ - _ . ,We might be in apositlto-n to learn valuable lessxms from Maine, as to Ivoiw U0 handle illicit llqu-or traffic; which trattlc keeps very muchizuut -at the way or -ottlcia.la,, whose duty it -is ttonolte infringements of the law and bring the law-breaker bu Justice. .' Miss Vatsinggv `returned `to the city after a. short v_1sIt ~wit`n,her par ents. A ~ Mr. .Klrkpatr2ck`s store was destroy- ed` by fire some `days ago. Theuause is unknown. _ `~LI-r'-'.'-i5ic:'l':'."Sp1l1el :t `is spending atew. weeks at home.- r_ _ _ ` ' `M1-s."I'J. Paisley spent New Year's with. her sister; Mrs. (Rev.) Atkins, -or Alvlnstoon. vdviriwr.--1-:n-d*h.d;'s'."Baat visited relatives at Edgar during Christmas holidays. IIIL- r1-__:...-I In 1-u__n_L._- .('1`.'c~:> Late For Last Week.) Miss Agnes Fitzgerald came fmnm To1'onto.or* the holidays. . Mr. Richard Frawley visited old ac- quaintances in Edgar I:-n New Year . It. .117 1- r\rn..--1- -a ~n`_--u..._ .__-__ Mr. James Dunn is renewing and ac- quaintances here atter an absence of "eight months on `his Saskatchewan Ma`!-_ch. ranch. He intends returning West in 8" 4* ' "-we `tin!--".4:`:-"i!9"'%e*'e: A Th} "vi vodka of regjglted in` a l'era'e` lncrpigee lnh`-irevexi`i_ie,`t*}fj1"`h`d alstsrln " `tjllaeggyi-,?amah;3' -t`hQ;V;Rueslan prople. Dte1li'vi'ouIdl$e iit-or-place tn e~br1ef paper like this, but they are, or should `be. knqwn to every temperance worker. . J\._ W. V I venture to` `assert that the`phlla`n- thnoplc _c1tizene who avocate the "var- lootus methods of 1-etorm1ng`the liquor trattlc wlll. `as tar as their inuence for ret~o-rm- will go, share thetate :3f the young lady, that is; `will bec-o-me lncu:>rpo`r'a.ted with, and ass1mllat_ed- by, the powerful interests not the trade. inn- __I_.I.l. ..--L|..-..I ..J .I....19..... ...H-I. _ (Tm Late For Last Week.) Messrs. Lat Gilchrist and James Ca- menon or _'._Weyburn, Sa.ak., are renew: my old acquaintances in ghis neigh- borhcnod. A number "froom,-here attended the box eoclal at-zlger on Friday. Dec. 29th., and repcorAt'.'an_ excellent time. A Mia-gee Jane and Rzichel M returned after spending `swam Gol1lng_woo;1_'wlth re1gt1vs._ XL"- _-__ Zllr haie Le time` in M1ss.VMar;'Curr2e~ has returned he-me `after an extended visit with her sis- iterein Dalmota. T ` W -V"M"iss- EJ;.%-xraTr-1'.a..1.1;1'1`:<:-t Orillia. spnt the 1 week with Mrs. .J. -P. F;tzgera.ld. . - II_ 7...... I\___,_, 555?: 1 `ENSEQ

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