Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 4 Jan 1906, p. 3

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`HEO|.A FIJHNAGES do` 3990;! to tho. . 1`he C.P.R. and Pennsylvania Rail- ways -have_ decided to 'Iestna:b'Lish a train ferrjr slervice. `bet-ween 'Poort % Bumwevll.-0z,1't., and Ash'ta'b,ul.a. Ohiao. 1 .'l"lnn `Ml`.\..-l......u...1 n_,,v ' Plumbers: who are allaeged to have emltemd i-mtoo an conspimcyj Ia-gvainnst the city of Toronto --in `connection with a contract on the iso'1na:t-i on hos- pital wem `cmnm'ittue4d 'fo1_' `trial. lI'IL-rIr:\ -- ,- Incbvmpe tnvt auditing was shown at the York Gonmlty Loan inquiry, which has V c~o;ncl.~.1d'/:1. Mr. W. H. (Cross promises an iz1`te'rim s ta`tement axurvbly. '. ' Net earnings of the N-iag1ana~Na.vi- gwtiuoun comvpahy .t'h'is. season .we.ri:. $102,419. compared ,,wEth $67,760 in 1904. _ * % \ T:h ooalege olf -Phyaicmm an-d Bur-genome is to erueuort a ane__w medical l build-irng. T ' The Prnovincilzrl Board- at H-eaal-th ne- psorrts 2,011 dear`;-hvs in` tire... pI1:Jv;-.:ooe d-urinxg November. ' V Ill`... f!_w ' 1"ho-vcoommerqial Travellers` A939-. ciatiso-n decid:e:d upon (a Lm:o11':u;-Jrgy Qemvfit of nouns! thousand dollars. - -'!fl`1;aT-v;'tal1liass].:m|eu*t_ `Dlf a -Nw tario raegfm-ant, to be k.-notwn as the 96th `Lake 8ru*pze.tior _1'-e1g*in.1emt. "with 1 hea'dqna'rItera wt Proert Arthur, has ` been 'auJthm'a'zIetl;v Nos. 1 a--.1-d 2 com- panies will be located _a:t P-art Ar- thur: Nos. 3 and .4 at Fort Williravm, 1 No. 5 ant F-om`: Frances and N-o. 6 at. -h=a:_.d -beein mpbayed us I1.ubi";h1tendnt.V A car` inn-ded wnehimnx iiassad `ovvem his brandy. . F IIIL- ....1 A it -u - ~- - no bait kind o1T.J:'eVmmn1a1- Sold tor over. sixty. real. : llzrs MIDHURST. v Hus. > cuannv pamm.. ORTHERN ADVANCE not . . . --_.' u-q--'- YIY ,`_ 'jP"'-V 5* Jtendance `and the p-mgmmme given tgyanve} :d9W representi roughoub HI and given ! or-able in I: rd. _ President. President. al Manaael nt at Barriq We "I3:-1-aid to sea Miss Jg6n.'.1:'b' uolhnslt.-on gnround .a,ga-in 1;f"ce_r `g. .o1igilivt ;a,'tto._u3l: uf _ .-I .. .; 5- lI`|I.a ~I'I_.2'....__II- 01- '1 * `- .. --you o.-.A'vuu\.IA:l su. J.`J-Ll-nl.l{Vi.L.l'Uu v Mr. Ed. Nighrtmgdale cam home- last week mm Brit~is.h Columbia a._- .te.r spending-same years `there.. If Mr. Alber't.'1?.iocbei'1;sron.of -'I`o.1 ;~_:oz1t_:0 is spending his vacantdorn art; :McCovnkey s. I j'_ ___`I ll:-, rm -- - _---.-w-- "I '-" ` ' : -Mr. and Mr_s._D. Campbell a:uf-B-.1r'-A jrie waene Czhristmas vistbotrs` at`? 1`.1'r.' v?Jame R-ei-d s.; ` A. V vi Mr. J. Bowman Otf Toromito ape-n-t _ClhrAis-'tmas with friends in the v-i'l- huge. . ' < A Miss `Alice AWebb ca-mie 'htomc last .wIe:e:k after 'a'pen:d'm-gv a few weeks- ,wi:_t'h friends in Elmvale. V" ` -u-_. 17f;.' and Msg C{or~b.eItvt of Kim. len-g.'h ape-nit. Ghrisfumas $w'it'h Mr. Jxmo. ..-_.-n.. vauvv 4JIu{VV LLIGLLL; 1\.I1l_yl'U'agu1. bene:a_ spending a few days ail: Mr. `J. Lueptnnrd . I ' u Mt. Berlt McG1:aw Lindsdy is vi- eicinlg his parents be~re`f:orr a fuw days. 1-. .. - '"af}. Be-rlt Cuinmiinngs ooft-he S00 -is spending the haoid-day-.s with frri-e'nds here. . ' James Black is on the `sick N11-istV buft we hope he: will soon be nrouuzd again. r- ---- lav---vi uuv b'LlI LTWKI1 nlwlyo Mr. W. Mertcalf -of Re-d'wi=ng 'vi.si-t- ed his miot'th~e1r and bmthezr last week. Mr. H. Jab _o=f Barrie szpamt Sun- day with Mr: Ed. Duncan. Mr. McCm.w and wisfe are spending a few days ' with friuemds. ` M l"1'kn-`.11.... 7|---'r- -- ' _.r --.-- an: 3 In Lvqa VIGJB H FLU 1!'l'8J1OS. Mr, Ciharlues Dearinvg is gapet-.1dfing_ his vacaibinon .wi'th rfni-ends at Brant- farm-A ,__- _. _........~.... vvv'vuA|p uv .L'uLUul.U D0 spend C n'a'jsltmas. Miss Tilly Leonard of `Barrio w-as at her huo-mie for jXmas. ' . Mr. Cameron Lartimcr '15 sgxnding his vacattbotn wt home. _ A Mr. Elliaottt `R-ofbins of, Weybum is visri1:in:g his bnotther here. - - j -Mr. and Mrs. Rvoibt. Graham speuntt ; Christmas with friends here. A fe.-w.Df the y-owng people attend-A ed the parrty at Mr. R;e6:d`s. Huallly. `Mr, W MD$nn1P A` T).nJ.---L--- Mr. and Mrs. John Garvin and Mr. Bent Markle spen-t Chri~stm,as at Mr. A Ga.rvin s. A [ ' p 155.510 "4 TE; Ladies` A-uxiliary of St. Praulfs c'h'u-rch ivn!tn_d_s hioulding a parlor r.'.p- `ciavl in Mr. Rvobvt. Onock s .resid_ram:J, ion Jan. 12-th. ' ` A look tlu-ovtigheur stock will decide that important question of - 'BoxEn S`I`A l`ION- % my 1-`non 25 up . -.---p-- .- Mies dlive Baogwman. Killyl-e,ag:h, has `lth hlnnnnninnn .. 0--.. .l_.__ ALL Tin: NEW- 7 0 9. 75 50 OK IN LEATHER :- WHAT SHALL I GIVE ? o --AT- lchristmas Goods! Scott's Bookstore. :1 t1t3tt:J;1v A- ";.:i.l`i_:t.-i>ect_1'n 1e' is the best roteetion against K__id- ney Trou le during pregnancy. At all druggists, or direct on receipt of price, soc pr box. -me cufuu cuemcnn, co. :.t_urr|:o . unuuon. out HRISTMAS omens _ AND (DALENDARS An Endless Vaiity of Fancy Goods. - Expectant Mothers I V Dressing Cases, Writing Folios, Ladies Hand Bags, Purses, Card Cases, Mus- i Rolls. % - Handketchif and Glove` Cases. X > (T00 Late For Last Wseie.-k'.) P Q Muunnnm -....\....l. G... In, , pzd _ `rm: -GENTLE Knonav PILL - -.....v .\II- a..auv-cu. vv 'C'Ciho] Mnn:eue.r went `too T-oronto to Fr; -uI.nAL..... .._. keeps the kidneys strong and vigorous-acts as a mild` tonic on all the female oxrgans, and prevents constipation. ` u 1).. 7.. II -9 __ _ ..-J ---a cannon Q1-IV Fill` ' . weight and undue pres- -sure on the delicate organs` often irritate hand iname the kidneys. This not only increases the dan- ger of childbirth, but places the health of` thebaby in jeopardy. should take Bu-Ju` #- GRAIGVALE. EST BOOKS 1-Ju"_'V during" hslka. L . . ALE Y _ HERRON!& `HIR0N`.'B;'LRRIE.V V `FORE, B THOS. SPRG FOSTER -K_I_SSOCK,b METOALF, .HAWKES'1`0N.B.`.. . F. B. SMITH. 66 N.s7orE.......;jIIfIIIIIII 1 $5 67 N} .... ....................... .. 14 14 1 The Adjourned Solo will taka place on TUESDAY, two o'clock p.m., in the Treasurer : Oco `IT .65 .III 67 58 59 60 A61 VII 66 53 Z5 50 I-1 1`! 47 45 if .42 43 39 30 31 32 2| 10 ll 12 13 I4 15 16 17` 18 I9 iwthe hour of two. o'clock in the. afternoon. proceed to eel! by`Pnblic Auction so much of cherge the taxes and Hell lawful charge: incurr - The following lots are patented (except where otherwise stated) : A ` ` ' ` ' TOWNSHIP OF ESSA. No. Description. Lot Con. Acres Arrears. rxsmg ..... .u . ........ .; ...... ..24 1 so 3956 TOWNSHIP OF FLOS. '2.E}ofNWJ. ~- ` `ca, nu: Per line? r me. ` nn H... J` Thursd y, 25th dayoflanuary, I908 `described. being In the C ant issued by the Warden of the County of Simcoe, hearing date the 2nd day of September, in the year of our Lord Nineteen Hundred and Fiv COUNTY or sxucon. By virtue of . warr ' VTO WVI'1":_. [ } commanding me to levy upon the several lands mentioned and ounty of Simooe, for arrears respectively due thereon. together with HIV 00'": I hereb to the Assessment Act and amendments thereto, that unless th ' ` ` ' e, and to me directed.` Barrie, Septen `bar 2nd, 1905. j First publication in Tm: O1_~"rA1uo GAZETIE, Oct. V _ v`--_ -.--w-- cur JIQID SIV V iC6bI,l50\rll\JII0 :_ foqigu, fqod. V ` . C!_.Ynxamu.n s-rocx Foon Co.. Limited, uuwnwo a.1_u1uau ucmgs can taxe 1: mm Denent. We taJ:e"itf every day; . _Yo`in: x'non_ey cheerfully `refunded by the dealer if any Clydesdale `1?vr_ep a'_raVtxo_n)s do`not give satisfaction. ' ' ` ' V T V V ' .7... ];_.....|;. a-..n..- ---; -----~-- - -` A ` ` ` ' ` a_aL aluc un wmcn to put me tender Ilesn quickly, and, at a prot, . _ Nothing injurious in it. and can stop feed1`ng'jit withut harmful eects. `Human beings can [take it with benet. We taketevery dy; Your 1'nonev.cheerfullv `refunded lw Hm Analnr ;r ....a.. n...a...I..1- N70 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... upsets; ofE .... .. r rrrcuN"rv or-'srMc~:oE. Y Treasurer s Sale of lands of Park Lot:22S pc..... of Park LoI:2'2 8 pt. Park Lot 24 3 pt ............ .. E Russell S: No. 6 pt . . . . . . . . . N7acofS10of_Nl6ao . . . . .. Ordnance Lot . . . . . . . . . . .. :-luuctvuuuou ii"DI\ I 33 can be: fed. with the greatest benet to ealves, especially with Separator Milk. as it takes the place of the extracted butter fats. _L _' ' It prevents scours, therefore, there is no let up 1:; gilrowth. `It has the` `bone andmuscle producing ingredients__tht elps to build ta_fram_e '0}: which `to put the tender flesh quickly, and, at.aQrO@;,. .b _ I :NOthl!`lE'hin]l1l i0us in 1t; and can stnn f9nt'lrna""?f mulumuo in...-...4'..I Lot No. 9 and 10, S of R. E. Baby beef is the highly nished product that sells for the` highest grtllre because the muscles, tendons and tissues are not hardened by age an use.- It is tender end juicy, like :1 sappy, young tree. ` It_costs.' on the average, about 3c to make I lb. of gain at one year, h and about 7c. at two years, and so on, `because the digestive powers are more energetidin younger thanin older stock. There shbuld be no let up in feeding the 365 days of the year. Lot 2 South Queen Stfeec. mm: opruce 5:. lots 1, 2,2 A 8; 9, 10,11. 12 pa .V West Cedar St. 6." 7. 8. 9. East Cedar St. 5, 6, 7. 8. 9: East Elm St. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, West Ash St. lots 3, East Spruce St. lots 8; 9; m. H P;W1}...'. . . . . . . . . .. El41}ofS . . . . . . . .. -. V. -u. uumcwuvu nve,p1ans $25.1` 0 3 and 4 pt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Sl4ofN44ofE . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Victoria. Ave. plan 426, N03; 107. . . 8 pt W 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . . North Harvie Sn. plan 392 No. 67 1 North_Mary St. E 2/100, No" 189 1 Concession Line plan 392 No. 38 p` Ens: Douglas 8:. No. 16 pt . . . . . . . . 111113 I reach subs A II 401;:-van IN E 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . North Homewood Ave,plans 428 3 and 4 nt, ' ' Albert Street; Block. . EV}...- !CAly:d.esdal_ Stock I`-'oo.d inm adver not 1 co ND 1. nmh ind . tl tiseme ater t): for It_ - V uv `la 1 ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I5 7 50 1729 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23 3 .200 894 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19 9 100 17 90 . . . . . . . . 14 10 100 895 .................... .. 15 10 100 A1090 . . . . . . I6 10 I00 12 27 '. . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . .. 19 I2 200 15 31 ... . . . . . . . ..; . . . . . . . .. 21 13 I5 5633 ` . . . . . I0 16 100 79 47 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9 '17 A100 20 53 TUWNSHIP OF ORILLIA (SOUTHIRN DIV cocoon:--------* Q B!` an .-A Islam`). hBlock.... . . . . . . . . 20 - 5 V TOWNSHIP OF 0RILLIA"(Non1'nxnN I CALVES A AND .. IN ARREA/RS 1:-on mxns. av 0 I . . . . . . . . 52 40 TOWNSHIP TOSSORONTIO. .n pl: 100, pt pt. .. .. ...... 12 3 100 TOWNSHIP OF MATCHEDASH ......... .. 12 2 97; ` , , . . . . . . . . u - '2 1 TO TVN SHIP OF $UNNIDALE. F11 U18) 6.0?" d for sueh , . . - - - - - . . an uu 0 UV . . . . . . . . . . . 33 5 70 . . . . . . . . . . . 19 6 2 TOWNSHIP OF VESPRA. , . . . . . . . . .. 13 - 6 50 . . . . . . . . . . . ll 7 40 . . . . . . . . . . ll 9 59 7 7 ~ - - - - - I MACKVILLE VILLAGE. P. Road 1} TOWNSHIP 01* TAY. ...... 111 1 31 111 1 31, ........ .. 111 1 21 ........ .. 111 1 22 ...... .. 111 1 5 107 g 1 . . . . . . - u - at U L`! 2 ..... .. 6 14 4, VILLAGE or SUDBURY. an LL ........ .. i5_ 15 1o WYEVALE. VILLAGE. Br WASAGA BEACH DANIEL QUINLAN,_ 14 14 13 `10 ,m _ hm Sta. 1.0 10 10 1? 13 13 13 t.V 12th, 1905. r, run 61'}: on or FEBRUARY, 156 lob 1 2-100 Kw uua L] LU?` `.55 .4 AVV 19 an 11; 200 183 BB 1% 50 .spneUia sT'r`m r n R`IlI"l'_ll;.A`l .`{.oAhl I' TreaZIure;.V(A )ounty Simooo. Dmstox); grips.- Jll 3 12 15 53 UIMJII 51103 All items: narged as5g_ av 19 56 65 56 {\R A(\ S] `III 13 9-1 12 78 33 10 lnsi ATS 14 45 14 45 680 7538". me, in th; Townbf Barrio as may be auicignt to_dia- LII thy sale and collection of 8 77 24 10 4:60 176 :An must in ovi netnl bung nbllv 18 18 9 55 :13 46 46 175 175 185 175 175 175 175 175 175 175 K\l\I\ $cd to V E` nilfigieg 250 (`AS 250 1 P I 5 185 In:-I $1 75 ZIIV 1 75 l 75 1 75 1.75 1 75 1 75 250 AVG 200 (IDA IIVU I 75 200 1715 `Int- 75 75 75 75 175 75 HP 175 75 75 .75 75 75 FE 75 V75 uity 1Mp_quv%j 75 -75 HF 551'. 1753 1100 IE 53 16 so ts allowd nposition $11 31 75 08 221 1130 * mm. 210 731' IN 0; 3.1-09 $5069- $15000 AC! [ill .[6 Mo.']% 217% med by wguu-1u-r supplies` of this. ey can have the di`ffer`ue1.1't kinds cof cculent rnooorts, like turnips, . `man- {ls and the like, which can be Lhawng in the runs or in -orthmrr u>omvIenicn`t acnecs -fcocr bherm to jump up ampduxetck when they ee-1 d'isSpIOG8\d. The pl-u."il ring E10 that they are jumst wbccme. e heads Dtf the poultry is -an 7.-.x- Uenit one and tends to prvewen-t .fe-.1-' ' which is a very oacammon . lc .um~ongs't poultry w!h.er.1 thugy obliged to be huddled `t-ogeth-e;r `B:he'l'te'.r drurrin-g w'in;'tIe1I` time. he qvwesrtbom has been fneswly dais- I ,-__--D_ ..--r vv A-LJUIIIIJ pUul'LL Y clliv ham.g1ng swedre turnips up by `a .u.it'in the coorunetry in Tsumm`-en time course I_oou1'try,.so long a:s' ::;m.jy e their ii-bvemty. dso molt r-eqgurina have any pr:1:rvticu'1ar `g-rwocn fvcoc-d vided (`or them} but it is,:n.ut -1:0 w.imter. PpoIu*1t1=y to be kqat. in 1!th meaetd green famed qvuitc nus` oh in the wintver as thae4y do in- summer. and of the gt`-.0611 oudd-s ich are obvtauinabli, there is .`..~c.-t~h- , pemrhxrps, miorre e-.1sil`y urrahgod tharn asnrpply pf cabbage leavvets. !ltrYkeoAeipue`rs, lwh`9'ther in ktuown or tvhecountry, should, thenefore, at- I1-A fnr u.:mL,.... _,.`I_L_..L A I`H.(;n'c>s:1side'ring che Aewuidennce J'ud'geA trmert holds that there was n-othivng c-.srtab1i.sLh a msotivwe for ,Cha.1flcLs on.r`un..nn1yI -V...-.'l-!,..-.. ."-l-- - - ""c="'l "J "*` '*" torus .i1Il`pICL`5.':'()-Tl which his fa1s:1 Iturns created. It -was nu-.1-t ms if t'h~e angea had been ke'p't~ back u-.1-'ti\l Mr. e, and did Vnnoct contradict t'h~c'm. _ "I'1"t-he cvcxrnpn-ny,`- c-o=:1c`lu~d:es `MT. sitice Street, is put back` in the irbiaorn it would `have brmem had the rnesrexnitaiinmzs made by Long bevcn , it will rueic-eivc all it can pm`? I} V nInri.m 2g"S doevavtih. `He was alive at thu ___._-- - - vrvn u v A'\' 1005 IEIJLIL U . er[ uoemlt. half-yearly: di-v:idv3:n:d wt-ass eciarnead. and it is his volpixnii-on ..th1mt his wIoru'1d nvo;t oitherwi-sle have been l\HI In fixing the damages be cuotnsidersj V fair to tpay, mnnouagxh to the com- any to pwt it in the poLsiti.on ra- riesvenited by Mr. Laotngg-'5 report. that . the difference between. $88,519` and % 57,568,`0r a-pprroxumavte-'I_y V$30.000. He ds't11rene:yuear .s mtereost on `this alt? we pier c-en9t., and alsso znnkas tlbo__ zflenndxamts liable for the" costs of the IL LN... _........ -u.u-4 ;.u..-|.uLLL-3. Llll. e rparjtof l\I`r."ioa1g, howre~m.r. it as shown that in the ~1`cillow~i'r_1-g_ ar. 1903, he sroold _':w-o hwndnexd. nhar-_ fuou" $28,585, alt .'-.1 pnemium -of 42 'r c-ezn1t.'. 94 at a pmmium of 17 354 1' -ce:rL't.. and one hundred and se- .mty- niccme owned by himscl-.f and ~ rather. -(1`hem was thus mo -doubt at he proted largiealy by the 11:1`- -nnmnzu :.vV\Ar\ v-m..~;..f ...... --- L .' - L J ,, _ ...... --,. -Io4'\J'b6l'\.-I, \.u\;uc.,LUl.!: ngo Ivor wiwter ca.bbage -to ailable ijtxr bhegir birds. `for V8!` _I=ih_irtt v. thomsamd dollars. The rise fmdis chart on the stnqngth of 1'- .'LmB"8 1"8'P01"t Uhe nagulhu 5. 9/!` nnm-' B.-.Il.P ...-.....I.. .::_:.n ._ , ,1 '% oE3S.?} M ondny In ; s announcem: week 011; - -.--~--- ---..-wu \vA4'\JL\I VI JD L1'LJ'LLl`I-`I15 for `,Cb;a(rlu,s acdonald making false mturns. On a. Inn ...J. ....c Mn. 7.... -. Jud-gmem; has been handed out at gqode Hall for $3'4.500 in favormf 6 'Nna'tther:x1 Na vigatviroxn Company in 5 to r-eonobb orwe hundlmd and fty tfhozulsvaud do'.ll~a'rL~3 from t'he,-exe:- 'utpu's mt the ezsrtatne of the 1ate(`-Jo`h:n . Inotmg. Colisngwood, a damza-gens Ivor ion" by. the `decreased or .the Teama rgs or the year 1902. -The rtcjptcsrt rnesexnitneli two tlhe directors grave the mifitts as $88,519.92. wrhernetas a stub- failse and .fra.udulne:nrt misne1pr'cLse\nt_tla- * quenlt eaxamin=art'iuovn, w.Ih-can M-r. Ham- A /0 ii.` ` \~y'.:."; (me, it I%i1T ray claim. The action d `a'gua`!.n on uagment for $34,500 ' ` Against Long Estate. DRTHERN NAVIGATION COMPANY AVVARDED THAT AMOUNT.a.ND ' COSTS. BY MR. JUSTICE _' STREET. Poultry `in Winter. &`ARMOUR S Extract o1Beel LC`0unty- fo: Altsx `19oo.; was tr-I-ed urn. Nov. Dec. 8it'h. it is 3_0th Ormanv mothnssosn. w-ho V aa:1ia.eurle;l9t_Aua_nd-.rvvs_x' cmt V-tor` `near-_ ---- mu-ax. nu, uIL'LiI.'w.u. ` V Rep.rIesaenLt41Itiv~es of the I Salvzation army wairte-d u'poOtn.t'h|0 goovpemnment to ask (or an increased gran; for colo- nization pmrpyoscs. . . Hun. H. R.VEmme:rsao`n has lioetcirdtad to appioim a mntihalerrk for `t-he IJntoa1;- oolcnial railway -to do away .vith_-`the stealing of ta'm'ps..' _ The wp`poa':mtmveuvt`ia.anndmnoad of J.` E. `M.'oMu'llevn. nsafsltanrt ` ao bici~taor of `t -hie c.P.R ..j_w be: hendffbf thy: 56oIn_1`-_ a'ny-'a{ j`1je:'s*s.l _ i-n_ ,Bnf.t-ish . _.1,1.1W'..%4-. WW1. 1.1*3B'd`5l'W9.71 it'6._l`9j`9:` V?-31% ; - ---v as ualunluvuluc _Tzl;c mail szu-bsidy to` the` `Canadvialn. Pacic srteamcrrs m1__,t'}:e I-`awciviic: ha- tW`en- Vanccovuvoenr and .Y:okolhsa~mo, has been nemcxmsd. ' ' - Rev. Dr. James H!e4mde11. =Iun.] -Iasso-A oiaite secrnetary of the Mathgadsist mis- sions. has aooeqmtedl.a- call` two Domin- iox;cl'murroh,'0Itvtaw:a. ' 4-swung Fire dzid nboovuit lfifteen hundred dual- la -rs` damage has the. huwso` oocbu-pied by Walter Canter, at. Pvetnetangou~ish- em. lasn: -wne:ck.. _ 5 . C.P.R.. n.e'g|oIti;1!t:i-anxs 7wi_t`h It be Qvu'Ie~ bec Board vmf Trade for the `purchase of land haine .bc:ernTdccl-:111e1'd off. I n..- .--_. 1---J | -- -~-mu uugvvv .u'wc[ur\1UU.lu1NILl LII-Lo Om: h:und.rueId aroheoal.ou_g'ical speci- mens from the ivm'pe:rn';1l museum at Tcmkio: are on 't-heir` way `to uh.-a pro-" vino-ia l `mnu-`scum. _ ` ~ m_LA _v__o] L I II - 4- - "" ,PF`~`m"l_I' Wzitnoy stanto/i that` the bye-elwtnon in King`s_.t.om woum. be over by the `mud -or. Januaqv. Til `Q`l'|sm+:vvIn-`Ann: H-l....L l\._L-__.2-u_ .- - .-. - -u-... --v-van! ' L B mge-yxnour Goamlay. ex-'M.P.1!.'or Col- chesitcr. is tncpr.:r=tcd to be dying in In Halifax hospital-. ` A .. .-._ I__.-___,_ .- - - - - n gcn `LAN !-`ILIIUCIIW . An unknootwn man whossc iniotials are cvid;em;ly "G; `B.. wub.fsou=nd `drown- ed in t*hve' IErie.oa'nal. ' '4 ,-.-- no, -uuu `. uM-A Mu. u.uyuu.l]y. D It ishstimzrtt-.d Vthat Ontario : tim- ber out this season will aggrieugant-u 800,000,000 feat board .m:ea`s'ur_e. Am ___a.._ n,_._..n . . --- vv\l'II\III 1.v'_I.-I.u IJIIII-I-_l\l .IJJ'C'i1u1'Uo ' V A.-n order has been grarvtqd _ao1'. the windting-up of trhc'_'1`ornonto Croensm & Bruttte-r Go-.. -Ltd, _ T- I m1;iadz;;x;+`2" A1 p'nson-sl-e Dezseve 1oom1ni1t- ted suuioido ut Mdntrnul by swulloow- inzg aru's green. L Q.`....__ ___A .rI - _- .- , - - isting. Etc. I There was mo Nenv Year's ho-mar list. and there will be Anornr: until May. 1906. ' ' .'ll . 1 ..- - 1 Of course. whim all has 'bveu::~.1 mid t'h-avt can be said about !d'uff~e11c{.xt. greneu `food for potu!1'tr~y, .-wleu csomo I. back to the cone-'1:us'ion that - (chore. ' is nIo'greven ood in the .world. .1101` ` vplocu'l'try bertter rtxnn grass. The -pic:ul- ` try-kene:pue.r wuhao can ar`11a:::vg3 to have n. sulpply of `grass during 't.`m=_~. win- ter by paying `oarelul - a{ttle1ntE:con_ to his lawn; or having :1 l-i"tltle- p.O'co(\- of ground kezplt s'p'ecia'llf.' -for tzlmt p~u-rposc, will do more for tlhre he-o.l~tl1_ of his poultry than can rbe1.d-om; any bther way. Grass _cotn'fuai'ns'1imae, which is very Icssternltial tn) `t`lmo.h.eu.lth. of his pou l.'try'. {Ind which wt-e:-aids v_t~o assist [nouns in. she7llin'g` their mggs [)r|O\pI`lY. `A daily fever! sof g1_'ias`-s will do more towards providing good egg- shells than any amocu-nit at olysten shell and things Dif that .s.:mt._ fair the hens always tnkle the lime whliah is in an asslmilnble faoorm in the gudd in p-recierezn-cc to the crudel-imc that is too be found in .oy5tor-_:'sih%,il_ a3r.0l_ t`hi'mgs" o'f4`tha-t soirt. In vcon'clus`Ion-al- bhnough this hn uothting to do :with green food in the -Initerai sense--;1 wlotrnd 0'1` V`rie'm1':nx1'er maybe added asit-o r . the lmtplorltnnbvel qr kn-:r>gdi:;z:g `up `the _` grin: supp-ly for vfouw'l:s in winlterr tlitml-. Pllenlty otf fionld anu plccmltb of guilt will do mJo:r=e than a=n_yrthin_g -aisle towards iprodueiug plenty c~f e.g-gs. -.- Mougltraenl xwirtinless. ' ' Bodououoouoooubooooz ruogonowuooouooooog A ago at aastei as to whath.'rlv'gn6yu1 _ frond O.l 8"h7t to; be 'givve:avVt.p.)poultr,y. ` Y which are so u'seI.Fn'l fvor upunify-icnog - cd, but do not let him -(maid _`g:iv.1_,ngy c-cookers. and potu l'tryk~enepers are 're_-'. tune it _ possesses. lbr raw or cooked; The `market -cont`a.'ms`j seveml difeafcnit kind-s u~_ 'p`a'tent_ czoanmeudead `to powt Vafll their A,.g'1'~c-qe,n food` in and Mick it t~horotu"gh1y. and then add meal, ecto... to `it. `N00 uluuibrt ' tuinninps uwoked into a soft pu-1p make an excellent basis for any otlf-ood, V _bvuJt I don not acerpc the su'g'gsqat:ic:a that cooked graeien food is better or puxubtry than raw grew On the contrary. in my opinion `and expI_ar-i- ence the coiokign-g uf `green food does away with a, great d;esa.`1 ion]: the wir- ,t-ho waniousv chem-ical vingred-ienvt-5 in mats and green srtuu'ff-s are aigteroed in tho _praa- cesss or cooking. and t'ha `n'9.'tu`na*.l acids. the system are d:o-me aw'.a.y with. By all means left U119 Tptotultvrykywper use tgrnips andauch like as a basis 1:-xx soft food in 1:'he_-gway I h-avze de1so'113Ib- fresh graeiern fcicd to his poudtizry. The very freshness of the p;t.c:a'-.1" ucld meseud-s to be emphasized. for it is only in nenvly-rplucked leaves and fnesszhlgy `pulled trlosovt-s tchat the nactuI1alchic1z;;3` I ical yirrtue"s_o.re spraesernrt 'wfhichm.-a for gaermeral health andyfme-dao~m from C disease. ' ' t News in Brief. manta v_y *..-uus 'J.U1l.d.l."3. HenryVMcGsowan_. Weybutn. i.s ape-nding a few _w;ex:ks at his h:z~mc_ V ha-ran ..- .`-...-..uuu.-annvvlz '1l'Ul.|Gn Tihe an.-mm`! 'Chri.s*'cm-as ";rmc- trivven `L1 by the Sunday schIabo:l scholars w:n:'. i-.1 Vcvvery way a dvccidcd succcm. `Rev. Mr. Mcbean made. an tyxcvyllc-nit ci}1ai.r- `man. The music, singing `and r'c-ci=tr1- ltiuosns `given by the sch-o-1a'rs wee.-r~3 en- joyed by all. The p r.oce:ds am-oun!t- ed. to rt~hirty-"four viollafs. .'|.I`.. 71- , , -n.- .. 4-- -. . 7 `"?`'F""?.'.'" T *A5'?V M` A53 I Sir John Long. berfone the Dundno Chzimberr of Cvqgrnmerce. said `that Canadians ge-ner'a1ly`a`ppm-veed of the pootlicv `of. z1de*q'ua`-`te `protection. From late comm-enqs of $3120 Ger- man Empeyraor it w"-o-u`ld H-eaem that Ihr: _conte-mnpnla-tens, :1 modification Qf .hui.s i;n,te:rno.It-ional pvvo-licvv. - `The Yukn river is open alt" Yu- kto-n Crossirng. Such a -'t'h'ing as any .pm'!tio:n of the great vnortharn riv- er being frets from ice in the `ami-d-d'1e of Deceamhezr is unique in the his- tuoiry of the north land. . A Many Lsoindorn poof are eager to. take advantage of Lord Ro'thschild s 3 offer to `get to Canada. , V 4 KjII"..UIlI'II' II! `III T` W cnhundwoodequauywell. guns: _n 1 urI.xIl-I.Inol- proof. -= the'johu`1i-0 ~wann1neoone'oa1dpua,no:uo1aeao:V bgethu. _V . - Feed your hair; nourish it; give it something to live on. Then it will stop falling, and will grow a long and heavy. Ayer _s Hair-Vigor is the only genuine- hair-food you can` buy. It gives new ,lil'e,to the hair-bulbs.A . You save `what hair you have, and get more, too. And itkeeps the scalp clean attd healthy. ` g -_...- ._....-__- 7--u -' 7-. - luc-u Fufnuces are hcmfqr uryioe so well 1; economy. ...l.I_ A_A_ --_4.n._`a '.l__A., ` . __- .. ---. v.,..., |n|A'\A :;uu1.a.u,uL;.I, uuw. -The M-ercha-n*t.s - Bank at Winnipeg has been Ithe"vic`tvim bf twoo mysteri- ous robberies ialtcly, one `packet con- taining sev-en t'hbvu-sand and one of three th1_>u`.su`nd dollars beain-'3' stolen. - upyass rue.-12:-dienur THEYGrV1!00r.`thng`anyo;herfnt- - TWO0flhf`tOlIL333 every irlnter. is theiunuhl caving. Thntfbcau $10.10 315. I. year A...I`uo'on.'o'-.`cA`._-_"._ A _ _ A _.__ ,_og p ld they dog} (1 for sunk;

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