Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 14 Dec 1905, p. 3

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Dressing Cases, Writing Folios. Ladies Hand Bags, Purses. Card Cases, Mus- ic Rolls. % Ll`! MS-1`l.?.l 1 up All UL!` 1.11 l'Cv'i1'U1'l I 11171 FICVLB. 1`he E:1_npjine I$1evabor___Qo1nr;mnm will Handkerchief and Glove` Cases. T + ` An Endless Variety of Fancy Goods. % FLGUR: -FEED. Etc. 'l-_-I-PLEWES Hercules Poultry Food Chopping and Gyristing. --A'I`-- 1:s'r nooxs COUNTY `OF SIMCOE. Bv virtue of e worrentl issued by the Warden of the County of Simeoe, beeriug dete the 2nd day of September, in the year of To Wrr: ' our Lord Nineteen Hundred and Five, end to me directed. commending me to levy upon the several land: mentioned and ' described. being 1n the County of Simcoe. forerreora reepentively due thereon. together with my costs, I hereby give notice pursuant to the Assessment Act and amendments thereto, thnt unleu the aid arrears and costs be eooner paid. I shall on lI.!1!!!9_!!7L?+?'!1 dav%9fl9nuarv, I906 couN'rv OFSIMCOE} Treasurer s Sale of Lands jet the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon. at the Court House, in the Town of Bertie proceed to sell by Public Auction so much of the aid lends` ee may be euicient to dis- charge the taxes and an lawfulchergee incurred in and about the sale and collection of the same. b A The following lots ere patented (except where otherwise eteted) : TOWNSHIP OF ESSA. `. Us 10 ll. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 lulvlvu fatten-. hens in 39 .40 41 42 30 31 32 33 "E53 43 15 so 0 52 53 54 E! `build amother ele:vat-or midwvay be- -.{;_ween -Pnorrt Arthltxxma-m1_Fsori: Wil- 1-am. nu..- ......-...... .1 1. .........1.. Me 4.1.. .. (1..-.-.. .l opt. < IIIIUU ' 57 58 59 60 61 III` III7\ll `Y `Q u n n o - . v ~ u n o Q o n o n o o o Q no 35 Part Old School Site ............. .. 61 Centre 39 of East 5` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 wg .63 Nl9o`fE..... [64 8200! W; o o o n - Q o n o I o ~ u - o o o o - u o o 65 N40ofW 66' N87oE=}.._ .................. .. 67 N;.;.... ..................... .. LL 6 14 14 1o 1 V 10 39 1o 1oo 19 19 13 20 13 4o 13 87 14 1oo Au III 240 962 979 201 :22 I26 312 15 53 A -Iv, 175` 175 175 175 175 175 175 200 4 15. 11 37 11 54 3 76 8 97 3 01 4 87 17 53 The Adjourne Sale will taka place on TUESDAY, THE 6192: our or Fznncnr, 1906, two o'clock p.m., in the Treasurer`: Oice. 116-111. `The s~elc:o-ml ~tna'ck vf the Gram! '1`r.1mk-betwee.n Hyde ark. Imndxom. an`-d Sarnia Tunnel i-s mow being used by all trains. 'I?`.v_'Pr.nn1uor Dnrbmf at-uF 0.11-chain` has Uy nu L111-lUb3n . ' Ex~Pre.mier Parent uoIf.QuvcbeI_c has been made a -defesndnnt in a suit be- gam -by Quebesc mock bmk-ems to col- levong $6532.97. . :>n.mrIf-an `(`:n.h.an r nml- I 1-rn u In nnn van - ltlwl. upu,qua.aI. King-s'tson :00-n-servatives in conven- tinon unanimously selected D. H. Mc- Intyre as 'their-candidate for the bye- `eleaotion. - . '1`-hue Dania-dia.n `Niagara P.-owrer Com- . any has applied no the -Ministm vo-f u|bli.c Works to `$115! and a wire from Fort Erie to But -alo. `ll . {'1 (V {V}. nlr-I n `Inn v-uannuamcqn mnrrn- 22,042,020 Insu.-S'n.u1s yet no u1a1"mc.z.. 0f:~e.ra.tioms `-an `t-hue. . In`t'.cI'fG(i101`.|i'a1l Rai way for 0v:;to5ber msxuzlvteod in a -net snutpluxs of $18,814, as com-.p:med with a snmplus of $24,659 for the month aprev ions. (If- ,'l'\;.-_....- ~`I'.u -dock-so um? f\J-~I-nnxrn u=]).enmis `M-ur'p;hy. net` O:t`ta*wa, -who is largely iuteresltesd in 't'he- Mon- -treai Terminal Rxailxway Oom'pa.n'y. says he kmidws nothing -of the sale of l1:`h*a't lins ho Mackenzie & Mn-ann. 0 `II | _ _,V_ __ '0llu1`l. w..u'r'--I.1II:1 Lulb v.1. .n. uala uluuuly inrwetnloed 't:hle!m in its famr by is- suing to them passes or other `favors. 'l\hn !l"ni1-lnndnn nv1xi'l-nil-in-n ` alrnavufnra l.1'Ul.l.l. L'|U.I.'I. 1'41 IV LU uuxxazu. 0 -Mr. C. C. Castle, warveshumusve, omn- _missi}oiner, has estim'at:ed the western ; w*h~e:a-'t Field `at 88,418,000 bzushals with i 22,542,020 Ibu;s`h.e1-s yet `to markzat. (known f.mn.u hrn "f-HA TnH'o.`l'fnr{] nn i` 1K)!` U-IE3-ll yl. I3 OL.LIllII'|-`P1111; ` _ Trhe pnovimoialgtrea-smry Lhms nece~iv- ` ed twenty -t`hI01'S`a'Ild sollans fnom the Mining .Oom`p'any. arnaara cf "u1.u.ov gar uur avgu-vg.-n. ..-v -. ...-...- ` N inelbeem of Mon~'-tre-al`us aldgsgfneni are being usnlbpooieanaed two sttaite in '-oiomrt whether the C.P.R. has unduly` 2-uO1.u-mg-u4ua. Ilrnlmnn n`n I4-.n Fuovnnr I-no \a_` `slung DU` -L`ucLu flu.`-3303 Uu. ULlJlC`1 `.I.'a.vuLD. r The Torbnsto exhibition _`dirIeIc-tors will try and ts.e:c_urIe_ A-glmnral Taongoo `o'r next year's ex`h 1brN:1oln. 'l"n'h.ni' in ..m.:.....:.'. I -G 1-ntaavn r If lhtma roam? tr- .s_Ei--"."" NE}..... SW} No. l3pt............. No.24und64 pt....... E}ofNW1`.. Ei--f."`."' Albert Street Blok. . N E 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. North Homewood Ave,plana 428.Noa. Q and I Wh `I vs vs: Iul\Ill-lIiUI\lIlIl [LU U,pII.LU 250.1.` U5. 3 and 4p: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sl4ofN44ofE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Viotorin Ave. plan 426, N on. 107 . . . . 8 pt W 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . North Hm-vie Sb. "plan 392 No. 67 pa North Mary Sb. E 2/100, No. 189 pt Concession Line plan 392 No. 38 ps. Ens Douglas Sc. No. 16 pt . . . . . . . .. nil: n oavnvavvoun 1:" 6. East Cedar St. 5, 6, East Elm St. 2. 3, Went Ash St. lots 3, 4, 5. . I3`,.-L I-IQIQAQ Q. `Au-~ 1 D 0 vv VIII: auu um luvs 0 '2 U. U. I. O, P Eat Spruce Sc. 10:; 1: 2, 3, 4. 5.a6, "3', Q 0 10 II 10'... Lot 2 South Queen Street. . " ` { {` f{'mcxv;LLEvmc1;. Lot No. 9 and 10, S of R. E. P. Road 1; -n;\-cog-..--o-` Au: -- . up Pa.rkLot 19 pt ..... Park Lot 22 S pt: . . . . . . .. E31of E3ofPark Lot20 . . . . . . . . . . . .. E210? 0 W22 Park Lot22 8 pt . . . . . . .. ParkTLot 24 3 pt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E Russell 8: No. 6 pt: . . . . . . . . . . . . N7acofSl0ofNl6a'c . . . . . . . .. Ordnance Lot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NI IIU o u n n o O u ~ o O I I II N70 ....... nu puorsg 0:52;... Barrie, Sepen\be1;'2nd, 1905. T First publication in Tax ONTARIO Gazm-rs, Oct. v12t-h, 1905. Description. (Nowrnnx Dtvxstox). uvv L0 01 is 0 o . - I c v o o o o u o n o u o o o 56 33 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I0 16 100 79 47 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 17 100 20 53 TUWNSHIP OF ORILLIA (SoU'mn_:N D1v1sIoN). n.` -A Lot .......... .. 111 . . . .. 111 Lot22S . . .. lll Lot22Spt . . .. 111 ..5 111 fo.6pt 107 ofNl6a'c . . .. `20 I: . .. 52 IN A1uuz_AR_s won mxns. V . - - - - u o o n u n - . o 3 ' `OF MATCHEDASH. ......... .. 12 2 97;. % TOWNSHIP or MEDONTE. I 1 COLLIN GWOOD.--W:hile the `pm-,3- pects Ifuor dividends for N-orvbhoern Na- vigation may d-eupeand on the rasu'l't of. rum uctiml .a.g.ui-:1s't the Long estate." the y-car's uc:u"ni~ngs. it is bclievgdo rwill amsouunxt to at least scvv-elnfgy-:hvc t'1x:sms.z1nd do-llars. an in:oraea9e1ove!' 1~n.-t ye-zu` zotf over thirty dxctllurs. -th-on-suvn-d. 1 4 :....`.'..'.'.'IIII 35 46 TOWNSHIP or TOSSOBONTIO. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23 5 100 33 5 90 ..... 33 5 70 `In E C! % 15 OESUENIDXLE VILLAGE 015 stf13BURi'r. Z'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'. T6 3 ' TOWNSHIP or VESPRA. ........ .. 13 6 50 . . . . . . . . . .. ll 7 40 .;.. ll 9 59 II In 10 16 2 1o llpt.. 1o 16 1 1 .1o.11 pt. 10 16 7.8.9:. 10 16 1; TOWNSHIP OF TINY. ........ .. 1o1_1.0.s. 75 11 4 9 (Ill - . . . . . . .. 24 1 50 TOWNSHIP OF FLOS. fII'.'.'.'.'.I 1'9 6 12; 6 15 200 ....... .. 9 15 133 .7.8.9pt 10 16 'l IIIIIIIIII I H ........ .. 1o 12 10 WYEVALE VILLAGE. TOWNSHIP OF TAY.` DANIEL QUINLAN, Acursory View of Incidents as clipped from 3 ....-0ur Exchanges..... O NNNj 6 6 14 14 _ It `is "rep-onted ` x't'hsat -Sidney B. Woods. 3. T-oronlbo (lawyer, is tobo -appsoinsted deputy a`ttornny~geneml out` Alberta. The HumanA Barometer Bu-Ju stimulates and strengthens the weakened. clogged, overworked Kidneys to V `healthy action-and heals and soothes the irritated bladdet Bu-In " cures. We guarantee it and you can get your money back if "Bu-In " disappointl. A.1l_dfn ' ts have "Bu-Jn or,willL get them or "you. 1 _ `ll cums cntmcm. do. uqntu . - cannon. on.` 5 10 10 10 12 13 THE GENTLE KIDNEY PILL. at 2-100 XVV A100 100 100 100 -'vAovI4A u. The terrible storm w`hioh :SM'~'? P* ~' the lakes fmm Moolnday ;u'nItil Wocid-+ nos-day of laslt wueueuk, came very pear \ claiming It-hwc Gollingwtooid ssavglors mmcmg its long list of ` vim;-nms. Isaac \V|3oolneI'. Ssamowel Buesatty and Jack Astooan being macmboears of 'l;h'0 the Algo-ma -Steams11iIp Line. 'W`h'llh- was \v"mcke~d a'b|mu't :>.~me milo $011911 0f Pio,.Ts1und. in Lake S11Ip`ve.!`-i'01`.` Tm. n.u1:............;....i Q.4-zm.m.uhin n. has istheurine. -Where thereisa donstnnt desire to urinate-when the urine is hot and scalding-- it means Bladder Irritation. If the urine is cloudy, highly colored, or oensive-it indicntes Kidney Trouble. b Heed the danger signals. Take k 2 22 ZTreunrer, County Simone.` 3 956 8 77 24 19 U1. ru:.1s1un In uasw Dwpn:.1`-1-uu.. \ Tlw Cvollin-gw-ood Sute.avm~sIhip Co. has 1 CYJYl>l.I"l1`(`.$,(f-o_'.1 wimbh Jam`-e.s Plaaycfair at. Midlzmd, to b.uilId 9, 'l:a.rg.o .st~e:e.l * Bmw at the s'te.a'Iner Mnwnkslxavocn of `F`I,0 svtuumm` 486 1'e.c= c over "`all. 436 kender ; I Itnll. Q91 17 90 IIIIE 653 9718 611 791 (I'll? EC WV 18 18 33 10 :44 4-: 1729 ll] A19 14 45 14 45 72 53' 65 56 27 42 13 94 12 78 376 19 56 ....._.._... --.. 7 . ononow++'3:;+++++++9 P L 13 3? 970 E5? 176 E AA 925 46 37 38 38 46 51% 175 It Makes Your Moutfwater 250 200 [75 (`RA 175 2 50. 1 75 1 DE XVV 175 `In! 250 Vegetables, etc.. `Sold lb? One-quarter teaspoonful i3 suicient for a cup` of bouillow a plate of soup, "or 3 dih . 05 druggists and grocers. _ ' 175 l 75' -l 85, IF! LE 75 75 +23 75 FE 75 F!!! 75 yuvf ct " t` ' WjDfT.. `ail olelolll . 12 varieties. 5 appealing. ogga ;` .7 I __ .;_v.__ ._ Sold by gun ; g - ` vow " 75 75 75 75 PP 1- I p- :'\l'\ P I 3 75 Hr 811 31 Totd 24 94 20 18 11 30- APPE1i2er. Brace: and Digestive That's. ' ' ' I 508 `IQ `I. 15 79 14 63 1100 ll 37 -11 37 3&1 753 ll 38 I5 22 (IIIC 210 Ii s Highly Concentrated 221 THURSDAY.` DEO. ' `14%3`;51i7o8fT Gray's 11% Cures Coughs Syrup of Red Spruc Gum 031 : 0 El 011 `in. Wu. GDUNTYV SUMMARY anuoua 790*" 09..-ms snap does that one thing. and does it well. It's no "cure-all," but 3 CURE for all throat and lungtronbles. GRAY'S SYRUP OF RED SPRUCE GUM atop the irritating tickle - tutu away the oorenea-ooothn and hub thg thrigt-T-and CURES COUGES to stay Nona the less effective Abeenuu it -pleutnt to take. . an -a._ I..AA.1- efuoort keel. 55 001: beamumd 31: reet' depe-p. with a .carryiug capacity of` 320.000 bushuels of wheat.- The hull will" be built on-the arroh dank uy-.s- -gzem. h~avi1_1~g moo beam-a. or_w'mnsoh~ions In the `reng:ht.hvold. and wxll vbye bsuniilot emtm strong and erqmxal -to 't.he !hig-h- gst olassiifiowtimus of Lloyds.--Bulle-` `now V\8:ILDll`I'E1c Dnopoosal of the Govqm-mam`-t U0 r- -0-hn~se the Pgme Plam-s foor m-il-i. 'a,ry vpsurpooses .qnd_1f t=1_1e smherme is oarr-`cad 't'hnonu'g:h 1-1: wnll gufe a-great boom to the trade of the vnllage. It is wp\ort- ed that negaotiatiouns are at ~pro.sont at a stand-still vowing to one of Uhoe owners or land on the plains `holding mut =f-or a-`price several times in ex- |0'81S'S mm the real value of ttthlo upvo-' "?6`I`ty._ He alyoould beassewed up to ' ha prune `he 13 p_laci'ng uptown the land. and .probably wall be if he gown-s I:-h-9 pnupervty 'mex.t spring. If the Govern- memt at-akes over the plains it will be` -.9. ser1uogu=s loss to some of the farmers in 't.he vicinity. who `-have -grazcpl lange mu-mbens at ca.-txtle on tho la nd every -summer. T'h-3-average number of voattle -on the plains in .summ_ze:r =pI't0lbably exmretldus one thousand head. ` -Al1istnoIn Herald. - V BEETON.-On Wed:me~.=;day of last week a -doosg case was tried before J-u'stivoe-s- Lamnin and Crystal. Lands Elhard. of Adjal-a. sh-argesd Patrick Ryan. or the same tmmnsihiup. wit. . stealing a hmrmd. Fro-m `thveyqevi-d-enrae given. Ryan. who was formerly mn- vplsoqy-ed by `Elland. was act Ellamfs re- sidemc.-e and 't-hlb drag -qllow-ed : him home. When Ellard arrmed ht-am he mum Ms` d:og mi,ssi'ng and_.went vt-o Ry-an s. .a-n-d -it . dzsoaowenadt. ohain-ed,~up~ in the sta he. Ellnmd moook `hi-s yhaome with him a-md `:3 -i'8!L it `imp, bu -`during tlm [night the , on dled ~fm_`un psolsgonsiqg. '1_':hg -oau-nt _f.ouin-_ \ Ryan 'ilty- and tmed fii_1m.- t':1n~e- dollar and 0KI3tSb`19-'lid`~9;1.30. `ordrewdi `h-ixn tn, , _ 4 it-hie, -mL_n!'Atwentty2dolla Lislejs very In-unoh i`nlteme'st-ed in we _ WED `tin-0 `I `I `t 0 v "iaISLE. - Mr. Wm. Phillips. w.h~oIsre' hotel was destroyed by fxre some months ago. has purnoh=:_:.s`e-d the Do- miunion hsostel a.-t Ang.-u's and will neat phzillips` nmmernou-s fr:io-nod here w h ivnlfnpnanfod - `in H10 1 =n`A in own! nmmn oos-sieassion `on January 1st next. Mr. : around % 1sh_ him every suiocess in` his now veutum. V ' --Wnor1-a. _ . ( VBR%ADF,0RD.--'-0nK '1`.ueada.`y last -a 3YI0lfn.j.c!u't j in 1 Ncwmarg "lieu. bottle. tyuu.-uu.|vu.-U3. The bill for -the `total sse4parua`:ti-on of Ohumh and State was adtoprterd `in the French Senate. by a vote of onq hundred and eighty-one to one h-una dred andvtwno. It syveev%%lz:.w$`e`an. 3:-3; ` tam dating utrom 1 `famous oonoordat was signed by, Piu ` VII. and N-apndletoun. Th -NTn'I'hnn`nI{.uJI'- ennnnvnn-fintn. in 7.1111. Fieldimmnal Oyqmo. and his mutt made a `trium~ph.a1 entry jmuo Tokio. The size and enthusiasm at his -119- ..1u-..L 3.A:- Anumnnuu I la.) LL-`L 5.. .3... 3 -4.` I I Q Indilwnv la V O |.\-Onnglulmla CILUHI Qvvmnvu enthulix `am noyeptioat equalled that to Admiml To- mmi nn n A:It= hnnlino upon nnlnv V -I. L` apnncvuu. 'l?`ime agtt honalisat -A acaomventi on in Lon- don Id.etn:o:unoed :t`h'e g-ov~crtn~m-e-n't of Ire.l~axyd. ex. rsexsscd -disbelief in the prommses tort ibvermls and -pleadged ab- solute xstrppeorzt to Mr. J ah-n R-cod-mond as `leader of the Irish parliamentary part.-y. '1"heT mioderatuezs were ho-wled` down and fortoed to leave` the plat- vfbrnl. ` I -U. S. Sena.t.or .Qh`a-tmcey M. _I_)c!pmV, has regignved as dmeacltor of the Equit- able Llf Assurance Society. Nine meoanle werekilled -ma wrejck 'v~-`rtw.322+`-:~.x-`.u'<..:;-';.g~;,dg,wluyg i fket `Or`*t lu`e' arrest ~-o~-`one R9 ; I.'tti'.. .39.. L` ...fl.I if crmy nT:ibi::' a.*ysu girl named W ing..n-nder -the `age 1 `O1 todrteen `years. to leave` her home` 1 and live` with him. 4 They `came to T :l_3rhd'.or-d Hand . were Ii-vim; ' .t-ogeethver ae'm"a~h`."'a-ad wife. On'~Tuesday llosdal ` {constables in this district were no-_*` tified to be on -t-he look out for who } lgarties. Ooanstwble Sim-pkins -`during i he lay .onmd out the whereabouts of the from-ple. but -Reid. - believing that Io;ffwers'of the law were -on `his . tnasck. had left the place about a -half an ihonr previously. It was sup- -pmed` .-he had gone north. All pas- senger trains were searched and a --oluoxse wavteh ke `t on the `track. On the evening _ rail} going Toronto; wands P. C. Sxmpkins captured has man. He was rename-h~eod dow'n `in 13. seat` and 'pf9.!"l'.lY osovendd up with -a coat. rpretendi-n-g to be taking _a sleep. The braoe_le.'ts were SIOIUD. placed -u-pun him and in due time he was amt-ely incarcerated in `the tmvn 1-ock.u'p to await -the arrival of oovnsrtables tr-om. Neuw.market.-Wi*tn:ess. I\I3Y`IT`I'A 'I"-....e I'.L.'.!!....... -...\..... -c-A-run LV'V'VV*I-IIGI BV-Iao`"- 7' I'lpl.lBBu`.n 0RILLIA.-Two Italians who were employed _by the James Bay _1-laildway Ganstmotnon Company. vworkmg near Sparrow Lake. lost their -lives in an explosion last Thursday Iemening abnlwt dusk. The accident ooourruesd thmooughd 9. remwture diszoahrargse mar ~` dynadmi-te w ile the men were ping- mg the charm. The dmwble ~fu;n-eral Iuok place on Saturday -manning `from n l".Inr|r n -nnArl'n`lrionn- n.dhn'hHahwnn1n`f W-_r$"ll`9 \'I VI:lK 5o LVIIII-`|ll.`Ll'Dlul [[191-`g-WWI prmlt -harrowmg details of his actions there. which i-nolwdae the whipping '0tf -peasants, w~hr:>m he was semt `to pacify. Ohanloellnr Van Btuselmrw. V in flm 'lrUIu(lvll.`lu VV'l'\ll.l.l LIV wua Elllln `LI yummy. (_)hanJoellnor_ Von BRJBWW. 1n the Reuohwtag. opened theAdaeba*te on `the \gove1_'mneut's new measures `for in- oreaamg and adj4u_sting 1:-hue maxatoum to_meet ethe emvp1m's innreasdd ,ra- `qymremean-ts. - mhll `luv I-Tun +lu+voI n(lnv|1|.n`.":.tur\ l\. kg` BIMJB IJIIIIJV Ull U'Iu|ll.'\|'lIuy `IHUITUIIIS 'Ll!Ul-ll D. Cl-ark s zuudertaking estxahlishm-en`t to the Roman Catholic ohiuroh. wheroa Be imn High Mass was said `by Rev. Fat or -Mxoyna. and thence to R. C. oeetery. where interment was made. - mess, V ` . ; f';Z ?.a .`i`v`a`.: n`6`131ia?' 755" h`2`1a%T `n -his honor. , 3 General Sakhnmff. who was smut ` two Saratoff 1`108an tlY to suppress .t`h=u agrarian riots. was short and killed a. terrorist woman in the house`. `Jams l'!;._.._.._.. \T....` 4-1.3-3..` ..n-._.A.-1-. -vii. vv cu-- u.-9.-v-v g-v- .5;-;."t"'1'rE>riast 3-170` zuse. . the Governor. N on`-of-ticial papers nrim -harrowing details at his umtmns GU10 JJIIJJ L33ul'lllIU'\'; lllllulo u ' Nine people were `killed ma wrelck on the j"Ove:r1-a-nd Li:mite3d" near Green River. Wyoming. AI!I|IIl`|l`v,!\ `J11: Find wnlnn in -11:1!`-Inniilr us-cvu. Iuvtcx. vv yn.u.uuI'Q5. Amuundsezn. the first man in "history to Itnavel !t'he NIor.t hsWgast Ipassavgc from east -to west. is now at. Fort Egbert. gmetar the mnuulth of the `Mac- kenzie mver. ,await`i"ng an answer to a message to Na-nsem. Nmwcgians in Seaalt-tle have telegnal hed-him money. 'I`hn Dxllnhlun ".ruI-In ml-nv-A ll nnndb CK||L'|ulV I131 VD |.UlVgl.'1J LICKI 'Lllll:l uxvuucy. The Qsueabeso `Lcgus auture will meet on January 18th. Ill Illillfivl 13.11:` ; an II\ :nn'n ncnma 111: ll l.llU'lu bill`? ILINIIIUUD U`CI:'\lJJ3 0]. L110 ollvyc` Three more ooa-ses of smallzgox hsav-e `broken room: in Sydney `towns ip.A Has- vtings. T` j V I41!nmlrn-Io l|::!iI\l: Iunnm .rInn.}Anu-I 4-A VII: Il|Gll||liIl.`y LOL'I.Iu \ _ H-am-il-ton Police Commissioners will 1 not take a=po-lirce 0'KlsS\UJS of the oity 'I`}n-an lnnnrn nmuna nu? evnulllnnv hm ma '"Tsuo}okvs11e citizns htave: deemed to -bald an Old Boys re--union vnextt sum- YIIIIF "Take-rsoll am! P;-Iris Baup-tist chur- soh-es h-ave each` exxtgndcd a call to IN ON! BLOCK SERIOUS mnmous Molnsn One of the greatest triumphs of Lydia E`, Pinkha.m s Vegetable Compound is the conquering of. woman's dread Acn- `~ emiy, Tumor. , *1 he growth of '9. tumor is so sly that ` frequently its presence is not suspected L until it is for advanced. T Unqualied Success of Lydia. E. Pink 'InhungI- `T45-ggig ritnunnnuusun II` O-Inns V86-called wandering pains may come from its early stag-evs, or the resence or danger may be made mani- ` est 3 rofuse menstruation, accom- pani y unusual pain, from the ovaries down the groin and thighs. 1'` ounce `Imnuvis uv|un`ns~n11n nn:na :3 Chang UVWLIUD uvvvu luau '5:vnu uruu. vunsuuu If you have mysterious pains, it there are indications of inammation or dis- laoement, don t wait for time to con- your fears and go `through the horrors of a. hospital 0 eration; secure Lydia. E. Pinkha.m'e egetable com- pound ri ht away and begin it: use. `Mrs. nkham, of Lynn, Mass, will give. you her advice free of all char it you will write her about yourse . Yourhlfetter willlullzvle seen by women only. F`! ta.kethelibertytooongratula.teyauon ......" -9.-.:=:-=1 kw '*.'+::.r= . mon m mon - neg " . ortlyatterlfel sobidlythnt tted toethoro h examinetionb -1 Rub R8 Y . yxlciunend wastold tha.tI.ha.datumor onthe uterps andvyouldhavetoundergonn 8:gLetterIrea.do'neot _adveftlae- menhtnddeoidodtogive ydieE.Pink- ."`""'"V"``3..':'" "' CXwIIO.Tj $$\'CCw$ 7- iinoqun 1- none: 'h`un e Vegetable Compound in the One of Ira. Fannie D. Fox. News in Brief. DVII ' M 11 . vol an. in lo- `THE NORTHERN ADVANCE FOR SALE BY ' mmnou 8: muons, BARBIE. - THOS. SPROUL. STROUD. FOSTERJKISSOCK 85 METCALF. HAWKESTONE. F. B. SMITH. ALLANDALE. P. M. YOUNG. ALMONTE. achristmas Goodsll lscotrs Bookstore.} IN LEATHER :- CHRISTMAS CARDS AND CALEN ALL THE NEW- out. out. naaet. arrio. A look through our Stock will decide that important question of V i L BOXED STATION- ERY mom 25 up % J-ohn- McDona1-d.B2[otwat and Fnatnscis King. barriste-rs, are -the mu.y:aralvtg oandida.tes fan-r Ki-ngsbon. " Scott's Bookstore. The Market Roller Mills Bnanidsoln Board of Trnaude w-il1'aapply 'x"::>1j-auc~n.ax_-ut~e.1' Z0 _o~p::n.al~.-e a tra:n.swr _na1ltway m the mty. ` A The` Comnzservattivs of Anlcaster 'te- -d-earesd E. D; Smi.th. M.P.. a `accompli- mesmt-ary dhnner. T `-..-------- -, - v_v-__-.__ A teIntt no-r cuosnsu tivnes `in con- `netctimsn w-i't*h Sm-a:t~fo Genanal "hos- p'nt,'was innauguxjnlteod last Wvelenk. - _. A_._.-.IJ 'n'...:.......;;_.. __.._.... ___.:.....-...: Rev.` M. C. Myclaesan. `or "Gal-.t. T-he Lumber out in Oi't'a.w.a and dis- ` triut or who season was in 'the.'n-eigvh- boorhbood at :t'hre|e hundred and fifty millinn feeut. . ll 90 1 aim 0 t 111- 1 ateai ml. 1 send ualnb 1 1 E. J. `B. P-etnsse-"has am-motunecneed thnit he vwill be the Liberal caundzi-dmte in ebhie Kingston bye-el'eao-tiaon. % 1 0-... -_ .. _.A\ .4`... __ __.__ you. u use nnuu-u-5 Icarus;-`up Qvtubcv nu-_--u.- Dr. A-rmo-Id. Ptiter-son w'a~.s sen-ton-crcud at Winnipeg to 23cm years for rob- bing Brown a fur store. ` 'I'I_-.4__.._L!._.._._ ._..- `I__!-.._ -1...- J- L- ".i; 1~eI-E>;);;"e`;1;1o-on;v.-;:t1";avit)'-e'*;in'gZhnade_ to erect nelevattoons isn 'Van'ccocu-"war to send Alberta --gralfn-'tIo~ Ori-e*z1'tIa markets; 'I\h'A 'Ii`.1wn`. 1-|n.To`..I'ninI-Ar ("Q-nnmlanjr `xix-I WHAT SHALL IHGIVE? linmeiaapnzusl All Clydesdale Preparation as-_e bold \_m_clcr,a POSITIVE OMAR-' NOTE! 0! SATISFACTION or money cheerfully nefunded by -the .I-_I-_ cunuuu st-ocx too 60.. nniua, Tnaunl . I hensftoinfratting by. using uncuI.:s Loos: nu.- Lll. Tryitandseo better torkeepinguaa Mu`. canuouom AI1-asap- Make hens keep yum An increase (of on_l_y twoeeggs a V_ month for each hen will more than `pay for the feeding of I.Puu__u I

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