Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 7 Dec 1905, p. 7

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I-:~1~c~;,'1'urp'11. .. A -Mrs. Carter -stvonpd ,up. `jJa~scm". cried. "I)\osn`!t do xtl Tlhunk how `It will book. "And Bessie ~,will `mover Ii'-or- ugiv\e yoolu." . In unn uvnnzd .1-ml-mlv .hn t`h|B manltvel um: cI.|..I.IUl1 I.'3 llu'UL -WlL`.U 1lLU|8 I"C.Sp|3;S|8. .V Then name d.ay.Phillip 4R.a.wss:`>n cumra` imbo -.h-is office. H13 -had lb-5.0;: `wwuy - two years -oh bu%sine.ss'_-of `the; firm`. J-avsnn. as he tsalkcod wi-th `the ypuzn-g- jman. -was strurk by *h'isAc}1?fm`y, vng.o-r-` nous pe-rsonality. I -belie.v-L: hsa d =1-o Bqss good, he~-thou-ght. Aloud 11-3 sand`, Game -mutt to tea witih mus. Pchvil. I believe you: we're in Bossie"s cl-ass g: sohcolol, and Philip accept-end eager- He was tovfte-11 at 't he hna`-.1430 .ai.-car that and Bessie sl-oswly b-3!-331310 her old 'hJ:uppy selri again. '1VIrs. Canter. to J a.-svon s seacret aanusram`en"'c, n skxe-d `him anxinolusly if he up rvoved of Phi- lip. and w'hueLn he said we xiid :shc mus i -gretatly reli-ewed. ` 1 null \nrv.nvn:n-an Tnc.nn\ orlJ- ..-.1...-..-. 3.. L2-` ' When Be._ssi,e.~at length ca-me-Vdsmvn'-_ sat:-ur_s Jasun. wtasvshogked -to see -how pale and .1_m`h1a.pp;r sire -wa,~:`.` Ber man- ner. wlh-en ~he'wa.s prcsaen.t. was re- speiotful and sub>dued, but thus -good ca:;vm'ra-de`s.h-isp which had f-ounmrerly e;x- isted -bertwaeen -t`h -arm was gone. Th-ogse, were -H91-. dnve Tun` .Tmc.n.n 11;. "1"-.-.`3A ~tau1t`.7Ir..o`n1`yI -h'a` M at `f-fi1s`t-.-he"w1oal-d ham. -beam saved so` mnmh misery.. The n-e.x;t time I see `her 1-choking. twice at a =m-zm- 1`ll `t-ail` .yvo~u a.-mi T-have-.*,'y.au fin-dout about him- ~ \ -` ' auvvu "Vt:-uvvlcuu 'Ln'cIuJ. _wu'a glulue. 1.'nu:3e. were -hard days {or Jason. He `tried to be o'h-aa_T~ful and ~on~t-exrrtaining. but his enffuotrt-s met with little rwpaas-e. Then some sdnv `Phillips J-?rI\xr.:~.'3.n rnn.-m.n` lU'.`I3llJlUu I am." said Be-ssie.` snoxttlyg Brighton. ~31J`U GLLTJH 'C'1'\'-`U Ll.l'~`.'U3lld-l.lUr1.|l ) . As I knmv y-ouars. I have come to tell yoo:'1 that whafcver gossiping t.uan.g. u-c-s may have said to you corn- Voerning me and Piezrpuooint VV;:rrcn. it is untrue. I amgnoiag bmck '~':o Noenv York :nvex>t month. and I am going to be married there to Senator VVi d M rid-ge,--of Washing-ton, in Fe'bnuary. I131 Quid fhp nr'I +}vnn.11-rrlm Lav ucr Lursu woeytwara acme mane. - - _ ' She `had not far to go. She ':3:1to2.r- ed th-edio-orway of tube Meltropole and enqyuired of the porter whether. Miss Page could be seen. He said he w:o~u1:d enquire, and `she took a seat `in tihe; 1-oumnge to wait his return. Her face ` had `hardened si:nIc~e the rain beat up- on it, and in her fine -e-yes duvet]-t. in- srcrrutable th-atughts. She` \\{a's I.`-at long kept waiting. T.he- a?tte.:1d:m't rct'urn- ed and reqruoenaetvz-d her to c--:mc' up- stairs. She was. shown to a small sit-tin;rt~r-com on 111.3 s-escond floor. whmwe a; girl was alone. azm-cmg books a n.d f]L'Y\V( .`-TR 9'21!!! nnrvnf:-\1~r.'-n Axun vv.|.rv.l'D a. '3_111 vvus iF1U'llt', am-csrzg DOOKS and flronve-"rs an-d litti:-e cormfort `ulna ferminin-e gwro-man crveT.Ltv::s or gal-t.h~ers wilverevcr she g-was. Sgh_e '1-0-okeid fragile as one -of the lilies `in the tall vase. but had a -221.00 of I surpassing s+wcK.=t- n-9-ss. 'I`.{h~e movm-an wh-o cintereid re- garded her with a swif-t mm-passiqn, but withoo-at even -em_barrassmc.nt, ul- thnovught she -had: a-hard thing to do. diffioult wor's'ls to speak. "She was 0110. who never stood `aside twZ`:etn vmrurage _ was needed. My name is Hinsucah-fi~eld,"' she.` said `simaply and qvuiertly. "P-erh'a-ps you `may ,'l`.m'vs: heard it beni`.-one. ' ' T110 nnI\.`.n`r 'I.mr\.n;o~.J 1111.` n I-`I----VA 73- u-cutu H. QULMIIU. -, ` V The cool-or lea-peed like a flame in the girl -s prure face. and she puta h-aged on the table as if to steady her- S9. - D-`C111 ."I knvtmf your name. of coursso-." sh-e axwwe-rvr.-d mechanically. A u T lrvlmmv I.'.n~n:1-a T L.-. un tvI\Hv\r") 1l\l5'Vp `IL `V aD11lll6'L'Ul, III ..L"UUl`l.lrU.lyo "Oh -qaidthe gzirl thm-ugh her parted ,li s. what lies `they tell! 'l`}'tD!1 n"'gnid {"110 ur.r-1.-n-an 'lr\:!'-.-an--- sci}. u 5v. gxappeared. avttimd di:i'-cvemrtly. wear~ mg a 31-a1; a:a:l g}-caves. Her s'Le:p,w.v._as very fmm and alert `as SJIU3 tr.xr;1v.=d her face woeptward Q1-an `h-ml mn'.+ 4`... 1... ..... cm... .-..-4-_ 1.1` less t`h-an ten mirmttes she re- numb mu-w vw.xv1' V0108. ' But. the wsovma-Mn in tube lam soar.` rose` first, and crossed the road. Tl:-I-y` watohed her go wi-thoult the faint- est idea of her idcnrtity. ` ' "Wan" umll v\.n.cxn d> .n....o *r.`u- as 1:. Sue g0e~1I1-I0 we Metnopolc." Bu- c szhe pzassed by -t-he great ho- tel amd disappern-e.~d avfrter 3. m-oomsent inlto tzhe low doorway from vvihiach she had emerged little more than .a hour had em-er-gueud lirbtlc more than an hn':ur' "820. Lullllu _ , I di-d;n rt` k-`:1-o`w pselzrplle muadre any m-:m'ey..o`-n '.rarms nowaouays. Ma -ad. At 1-euwt our -I-enants-do;-~njz. `ffmagy want 50lLn th`}I1g `oil their masts every `tnmexi `. `fkh. we-ll. tth-ey f-cc.m:1 E-'3|I!).0_t'hi'_'.l;;' in that !pa1~:14c.u=lu.r fanrm, 1 beliIe=v:e.~- copper or tin. or kerosene. or one of tn-owe things they find in `the lump so-u.=t `them and convert into gold im- Imezdiamely. She s e.n:ciha'n-ting`. 55- un- cxrprsctted. -you kn:-_rw. We could never be like that. Clara; we- have been grogamd under .,th*a_~'heacl of oonv-em- _t1'ou1 t-h'D`:>ug.h too many generaLi.on`s. Poior little colorless VVi-mu`-e Page has 3 not the ghost of a chance. Are they engaged ?" ' "If not. they soon. will be. Win- nic s an only child. t-so. and of course -tney ad-o-re her. I wish she didn't make her},-elf` so uh=ea=p. t-hon-gh; Pd geit throuugh it somehow. and pretend 1 didn`-t care. She ll go into a de- olime as sum as Ia-te. It`s written on every line raui hier `p-3-01` little face." "VV.o. d Hmhl'o;r- on in (Tl/l'n...l. TI... vv-vxy uum UL`. HUI` `POI "Wc -d better go ia horribly west and ,h__rm said rbhe other v-oioa. D.11J- 5-`Ln ....n-u.n- 3-- W' -Mu uueuon W me. my IIIUIWHIJ Were natural d inl d m 5&3 health improves.` ha.v::;tal!11ad tn); " since,andIfeel'lt~a. dutyu ml Pain qzmga you wha.tz`y.)ur 4.,1'- Imise McKenzie of Mount 011 0.1, Canada, fwritgs: ~ _ _ , gs": mea or her mcnrtrty. "Wllks well. dtocasnt She? Lot s, look 1f s'he goe.in-to the Metropolc. ` oz:-1ss;erl hv -'."-ho or-09+ kn. ` -P."-. .*. *."P1-'~= um PUlmi;'mb(=.rs tare I9?-1'P111l10 :0`; the New .Ham.ps!hxirc farm." - M1` L12 _1__ 9; 1 ,\ ,' u _ an... `vv'u.I.L, Iuvuu' ITITLDICI` t:nm-x it -.5 tnue.w-inn: t.=h=ay xwe saying. -txn-at tnIoy re emgagud. 0; cmrse ~Mus: Hir- a-aan1ie1d- has m-anaey. She `takes care of it. though, She` has n.ou;~e of that" Oiif.-8Klt`a.rtiJQl1S spending hat makes us -hatefchtem so. she does qrmeer 'hin.g`s -newer -goes to h-cte.l's like other penu- pl-8. 1 Ls`R1pp .ua she r-umqavmbers tun-e uiu3i`n'l:ina .r.r Hm. mum u'..1....m..n..:.... liaire ai Fascin- .ltti_lls`,ub~1_It as _hr.md as the netmer m.h- `'w'1113:21' he W I` 1T 5 annex arrem ? - Oomwletely; .h-c sV a handsome my and wen. sovovunec-t-ed- 1 ra-tflmrr thin-K '5 tnue \V'}H)T Tshlib u v-mi an n:.n.~ 4.|.. .. L 3.7a." vEiZJ"mo"negiI.I e.;Zu, water win nd those crdcks and holes and Ink in. l>aterson s % Wire Edge ,'?"-"1 F9 Local Moms: ;nAnnLv as BAKER net vp-_:)or uttle face." ear go 1-1:, `M-and; Pm and` ,!1_gmn`gn_v as well," I` Vllh INSURANCE AGENT, CONVEYANCER, ETC. FIRE AND"PLATE GLASS 1NsU3AN'cn: Private Funds to loan on rst mort- agges. Correspondence solicited. Oice over Va.1r's Grocery Store Owen Street, Barne. Ont. , / THOS. SIVIITI-I, |TH-E ADVA Nc E |_r-jwypun GOODS AND PRICES ARE RIGHT AL. L. K|N_DS __-.oF_.. pup cuI.vu`g,'u DUI` B6`{l3.'T.0I' . Dear Thsursbonn-`M~e'et `L-uxcania this day .30: have changed my mind.- stobfield. . 5 ., -q.D as onnu. ; A-I 7, VV ' gIt is malt-a - trt`::L,-ble; buta; _. duty. Good-bye. 'Don t` fret ;idorn`t give. `your a1l_,t~o him. Very-fevfv of ~:.t_1eu_n'_a.re wlalrth: t ;'?rs'till. perhaps he is worth- ier "tl1an'm:oL9t; out he will` never be guaaad enough for you.`-n She was gums ewen as She spoke. and Wi-unied. Page m-ig!h,t than-gh't she had dreammd 11: i-mcid- ent, -only for the glvmv at hm` `heart. Miss Hirschfield left the hate]. walked back in her a;partm1e4n=t-s, and` there wnotye a note to catch the American mail. It was very short; but e:m:z-ugh for Serra-tor Windrid-ge, 7.` Dear Th~ursbon--`lvleaeet mm (`M +-rm -uuu. vuu au,,wa.ys mm me." V `H:aw_ very kind you must has to take thzs tnuu-ble." said the girlsianap-* ly as a child. _ 1:14. :a ,._,..'. .. 1...--5-1.1- I A - |\/IO N E.'.Y. I'U|fl'&KFM `DIM ' mam ltaable wt l1,lei1`htu-sba'nvd._ 3110 t:he -air uni` one w9ho_.hass the ls1~t\u',a.- lad well in hand and is not alt call`- W -94 about the owtmomte. `'1 real- v""'..,,.:h.g said .with 00031-d `and oamfgill V lmimatxjcss, -that, they` \1l0Vl& .B8. 0h` W3'_terere. Smwh things are in high- nds than min-" . 4' .T,,Lovc1*' Mn. Carltter ocgalaul-zrted. The child has lost her mu-son. t_ha:t . all_ She dloaa-sn`t` know_ .whother W she thinks she lsovoes xs there our ` l He may not be _at all wlhsat hues I:E1'nS.~~ 11.9 raise-d Ins eyes `ho `the . t\l'\ +h.n nnnnhn T-In .Innly_ lr, and I do not duel called` upon. ' luwiil alivays fifxd " III! Vnhuflr 13:15:` nun. An "admirable fpod, with all its n9.Lura.l qusuiyiszzs intact. This excellent L,-c-coa. main- tains tne s;-,a in robust health, uni enables it. to resist. winter}; extreme cold. they will spend money with you. You can reach. them through _ Barrie and County of Simcoe people have made all` kinds `of money this year. They never were so prosperous as they are . to-day. The Most Nutritious and Economical. __,-__._v_-:-- EXPERT 0P'I`IC1AN;BARRnz: _1\dIa.cLarZen W mu .5 lelaveems. 'Mari1i_! .Yo1i *'g'mE,'.`i.o l_nesa_-liz-e` uhag imvptortamg JD :t-hi-nzg. `It as four hie`. and just of-33:10 i-nvesrtigatiaan now may save 8 1` years .3: cmxseury. . - owter l~ooIke:d morass me. '11. M :sL-+ hnahln mt ihbxr 'hmsH1'nd. VS-.1113` The Celebrated English Cocoa. 71*}? 117. ..v..\.-un. .u.lU I051 [2118 ._v -.- Jo-rtnig-hut. . I mind.-F.aith Hir- ..gi`:ev..` . M19. 't-0 W-is =t-1n-n:g- 1 ' SN little , 7i`*_. \" '}"'.I!!'fts" 3' iV'`V&P" A A Very Narrow Escape. " ~`*1,v` _ _QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO V amuomm *: _ J. :. vnlnufhiflll mzairist him-hislhis inm:xIrevI'_ 'I'\hon-I- ........` 1;... ........;n 'nI`s\.`." W--1 dsocn -t mrget. I .11I_avse" --p\csrf-eniot % 'mnfido.nce in Sidnxay Oolluus. He asked ` me wt the ve'ry start of -oxur a1cqIua'm. - mac if I knew m1y'aoIn\e in Eatirf-iel-d. and w'hcn I said .mo he said he was sorry, for he .w~oul-d have had we` ask then) :xlmuu`t_11im. W*h'aIt do `you -think of t-1r.:1:t? rah.-e triumlphead. He did `wait m1s'werr `at vonxoce. -but vsiudiedv thus dial of his wautlch. Hie slipped it bzuck in `his psolck-e:t and `noisie- )fmm tfho table. "I have j-ulsat `time- =tno.u1ake that 7.30 train." `he said in 8. 'bu.Vinv""<-like way. "I shall no -`ho Fairfi and get bmck `as smtxm as Ipntssiblc. If any.t'Ihing ditain's mce.I`ll te-l~z`~g`na.`p'h. .`.\[ru (1') Y`V+.(\'l"` I|.`+|f\'\l` IIIH, .T.'ItQl'UTI". `h`e we is Vmvthias against him-hia` ainE%,Emf A'8'*}- baud (Mrs, -C'ar-tcesr `Va etable Oomggun at once removes su&troub1es; i fuse VVUI-H6110 The success of Lydia. E. Pinkhuurs Ve eteble Compound rests upon the we 1-earned gratitude of Canadian ` women. V 2 f When women are troubled with irregu ! ular, suppressed or sinful menstruv tion, leueol'r_hoea., d placement or u1- cerution -of the womb, that beq'lng- down feeling, inammation of the j oznries, backache. bloating, (or ntu- ` lency), general debility, in on and nervous prostretion, or t with ; such symptoms as` dizziness, fuintnecs, lessitude, excitability, irritnbility, ner- vousness, sleeplessness. melancholy , they shouldremembejrthere isone ` and true remedy,` -L die E. Pinkhsmfs . tfobuy my other medicine, for youeneed the r. . ` 3 , IAAAA ;. _.;.i4.. 1.. In... I started to-take it/for painful menstniation so that when it cured me I was not surprised. ; I had suffered with blind headaches and I gain until it seemed that must scream. ; hese pains lasted from ve to ten days eve . month, and you can understand how glad was to gee-reuer. I am in thebestot health j and am grleasod to give K31 this testimon for wha_ your medxcino I done for me. ' Such testimony should `be accepted by all women as convincing evidence that Lydia. E. Pinkha.m s" Vegeteblc Compound stands without a. peer as a. remedy for all the distressing ills of Women. 9"`. .. ___--___ -1 T __Jl E 1' IIIISIIIIIII ll _IlI-l`ll.\l ac gay... ......_ about your sickness u Jo no? understand. ' She wi treat you with kindness and her advice in tree. No woman ever vwrlt_:inAher.annd she has thaigmyndm Aeddrosshynngfe n . ._n ..A.w...r_-_. ._..L.........n. I - n v ;. Imnnnln ' -II: Lllvuavao-v av- Jv..__.__ __ Don't ? hesitate to Mn` , Blnkham it than 13 ans: . ' _ no we yootu." . Jason walked ca!-mly.t~o t'hIe mantel and taking t'h~e ~p1sc`t:u'rve -put it into .LuII.uv::1' we-ul. U0-1`.lI'Il610--" ' Her ne,y-es were downnoast. so she `did not we thus -aha-nge caom-e over his fame. but she hlenard his. sudden excla- m~a.tiIo!n. ' ` PER wu.,u a ,wuuu wu==2'p. "Yvocur fingers are cold. lig.h\t 1g'.irl," he said tende;ly. Ymqu luouok disturb- ed. What is `troubling you? I do not like to see you` unh-appny. I, want to- ask if I roanmot have the, privilnetge 1 of `prorte.cti'ng you from all ammuy-` amoes in the wturve P V] w.o# n unuunnz-u..;J. I3) -...:....I ~rx_.__,-, --1` -- -c'v-on :What, is it 9" she asked, liotakiug. at him `in al-arm. 1 Ho -.waa aming the roonxm in agita- tivon. He onok |`Oil1fiZ his watsonh aznod frowned at it. 4'1 pnmised -`to men a man on b1wsine`ss_.:~at sewn and entire ly forgot it. I must go this minute." uuiucva` ul. l..1.|'U 1"J.`[l.ll'B Y" ` "Wait a. moment!" cried Bsetssie. I iiniaist tellh.yvv1111 9011??-hingd fst. t-I ll. e ynovuwa a-s` ppeame. se- fangher went to.Fairfie1d- y- P A}! nunua `urn-an ..I..u-.......-....'L _- -,1,- - 1' `I qyuwauy -uc1u'LuL'g n-cart. He .oamve at the ussuaal `time. He was a. handsaome man. dark--an-d dis- tingIuish'-ed loznking` and with ,a fine figrure. "He `took off his ooatnnd hnast and came in, `pressing Bvassie s htamd with a _warm ohms-p. T ` "Vnnnrr fi'n'u-9.r_o: awn. M313 1:..I.+ ....:..1n vnwa vcuuugs. ~All day shemoved mstlessly about the hvo1usIe. Theirs A was one qtuestion ,tl_1~at. t'no;u*bl-end h-er. Shmilvd she tell ` Sxdne-K whlsre .11-er sItve!pa'ther had" agso-nle She a.-sknend `her mtosthnerr at rthc ; Itea table. . . .\ ~ "_Ye's. said (Mrs. Da'rtt'e;r. "I `thimk ` [it 15 best to be open about it. "'l`hm+ in Plan urnn T nf-'.nh.] H, -.'..:.l `D--.. 1: Lu uesg no use open about it." _Thwt ms t 11e,wa_y I 'f-ehe'.l."- said Bes- me. "I donn It want The have any smo- rerts from him. -011. mammal I -think I -am doing. right. There woeine tears in her eyes. "I -have pr-a'y.e:d 21`.bIO!l1 t it and _I (fee-l_th\wt I am riguht. . I have Vgzven hum my -w-hole love and tmmst and "I kmoow-I am going to be verv .haIppy." She drtexssend with nnwsual cane `and waited for `her lov:e.r s c-oming with a" mu okly .beatin-g `h|e`art. ui ` H3 .QYl\K\ 0+ +R|n In-av`-n` -uL!.`.u... TTn 1 .5 JIIVANJ VVKIHG for __a lirttl . mxeuwupellzweeln une EWIOI Thran Boevstsie spake} > "I `don -t came w'h~a't stories he tells mbmilt Ridninm .1 1 um-an 3.4- `\1n|:A omnl I , , , ,.:-.. _...--v---v-- -- wuwugvu LIJIUAB (Ill: -ounce, }he -um.-s a epmtty -girl. ' wiri-jh beamztuul. exprseassuvo blue eyeis. When shve'1mud heard hner _1m:xthcr -s st-cry her eyes jgxyerw almost.b1a2qk. ' , I wxll never Isoargwe Imm." she cried passionately. "But he shall 'n-cut break it up. -I pan mm-n-age it." The 00101` flamed up in her face. "_I have % sevezn Ivor sew-ural da .3. nmemma. thwt : Sidne has beuem wai in-g -{cor .a 'uo\hIan`oe i to as me to marry him. Somseholwm I -did mt .f-etel- xseaa.`dy for it. but; to- night ;w'.henn :h-8 mmveqs I will lct_ him ?p_e-alt Ahzid whveq `Mr. `Canter returns} 8 un ........... -_ ------ -~- Sug gestions% How to Find Relief from Such Suffering. ugrabuo "1`uon'-I: name w`n~a`t ~6't01`iw8|S .h:e` .te'lls a'buonu't Sidney, -I .waoun`t belie-Va them. I :slh`all marry him -whaxbesvnw` `hwpena.- ` A - T er muolthoer Joamne over. and `kissed blew. . "Tlhat is my dear brcavue. girl." j she said `fsouwdly. ` ' Beus-sbe -salt duoiwn to bnaakast. bmt she ooonrlsd not eat. Hoar -hands trem- bled an~d.s'he; was` sahakeen `by -tsum-ul'tu- onus feyelmgs. F . A" than .nh.n w.'u-mug! --.-s.--I-I----|- '-`----* ._ap_u-as. nun wnen Mr. Gamer rehurne I_ shall be wearing an enga-gcmpegnt rm ." Shve lifted her -hem! -praoouadly. V A ~wa:1;beIor0 Bessie hm-d aoualled her gsfceipsmt pups. and. time o~ere!xntomi- I onus title soamus strmgtglv -frnomh-er lj*pS. 7 Theme was silvexmoo, tween aha two; for a lirH'ln_ hm-n n.......:... .~......-I-A 1.,'u ;aI.1 tN::JU IWUIJI 131088, . ._ ' |ov \ `. ` '. ' -o ; . *._,,__d g fmsy .t1.mIo_ sxnssve` she _ha-d \ WT: 35011 0IlI1t'er. beln years a.-goo, 1 ms yvigtg was not having her own` way. bums sat drawn to -think" ache msauttcr mmr nu.`-I in-n 1'41 '.......1:.... M... vv wa.-I. uuu uuulu DJWD1` mm 7 S10 disturbed was nshvs `t-hawt whI8t1.- Bessie uamva i'_n to breakfast shve -um tw-end her mI:nthacu"s cahangwd `lorokts ait She she `had m3thcr`s jggxjflpw almost .blarqk. I ur -noun.` `......-...... Ls__; u ,a ms pmkevt. 'Dh'zrtvV F A` be` he $ai<;.@qml;9rt1y._f 1~`$_ .11.; 1$' mi r.o ; the -s'troe':e1t dn;fN:allfJe_llstemng' hem-d u w! I-ru'V 9&0 '\`Ukl.V`V-ll UU ` muavttor mast and my to realzze the _n:erw _s-ennsagnon. S}.-Ia vdid mot ~1'ik'l3 Lt in *t-hv1 lm.st`.~ Ja-.sor~.1 ~had hallway-.5 =baEm`o been w1llmg.too~'g'iv)enin U0 her nviszaeyg. ' What had come ovver 'him 3 ~'1.1 di.'u+n'n-lnnvl um. .05.... ..I.L....u. __-L.-._ wwuo tum ma-zwu;e,v11 tjhne stmelt daour plose. Fl!!!` u:na\'- I-S.-un umug u'LV.I auwww uuglcuuu U1 . J-amm did not save his stoe;p~d~aau:z.h- ter again nor a. week. She kept to her mom and `would `see no none but :her mother. Mrs. Carter was rueamporsnl-ul_i andsanxiug ."L0h.,,aho fsakin` . it 90` gems." -nvt) .l`lu~3Uu uta .Iu- ca `UL! 1.110` T Wagragh Q11 th.e_ma-mte . He look- gdalt 1t wrth hostility . s " . ..Y,3.u wre very u.n,)1.t.st Jasoz_1._ Jqad his ,wife- s-evvearuhly. we know ha'm great dcwal better ltllqn :yuo,u~do, I 3 new you have met hlm once. she ' be _ ,. . , - yen logult-tmg barcasm. . "".`.if;d,&anay. lygxv many times -'haave`_ wen 'hi`m ' - * y.;,:Lt'l1.c first ttxmse Mrs. Oartue|,r`-s eyes ,wav:eu'ed. "He has been Ihore a nu rleal lately. she answered eva- ' 01 N NY.-Aid alway-9' when I .am_ o,wa.y._" "W011," sh`-8 .savd, .we _knew ylotu did mt like him an'd-`and 1t was twoat V0, -pleasant. Besxdes._" she went. on ma-s{ily. "yllu are no ungu-st _anid . I_ am 8 better judge of aavlmmzcter tlhun ' W, are. You will find I am riglhlt in t ld,~_` Ian-duened. I sum very well .t-`g,-3eI,:1t.v.it\h the ma-t_Ioh.", . V P A lxrorrified rexvpmssxon came t_ over his qfaoc, "Ilus it gone as far. as nthat ?" ho lcrvevd .shanply._ T ..we1],lt.1;:ay_ awe msqlt a:_oltsu;a`lly 'e.n- gagcd, b-ut `tAhre'y< arnemlxkely Ito be any day -now. He 1s a 11110 `mtan. Jason. ' 1 tlh-ink he has meonely_, too. Not ,m,t `he says sznruzch taboo-ut 1t._ `but 111t- tlo thi'n,;s make me sure \of It. And wlwn they 'gc;t ungangcld I [shall glve . my ull 20:3-use-at and at-pprnov.a.l. - She smiled it little. `:1 !blel1a'lL3V0 -my gon- eent is all `that yvlll '5-. nount. you `b-cang '0,n|_y her St-0`p.:1'hIel1`. " "1 may be Lion-iy hner \snte1p`a.th~er.' {mg .-..-lid hotly. but. by_ heavens. tins. tubing` rrhall not go on 1f 1 can 'bre4a-k it up. Don't yomu lmovw `that `a ;1nla~n wg'11t `to be looked up tlheel nynnut-0 a girl L--cgins to get in=te.r-estgd 1n 'h1'm,? Then ix` `nets molt all `_r:i1;h'c "2119 thing .l03I1 `bib "lmo~lw21 .ulp_ w1=t'h=ou'-t har1f'ow- `mg h-31' 1'm!li'..1gvs. .Ynsau sane.-11; `to for- get that a nine-c` `girl l?el~:~siu_ IS, .and no clmnces shnoculd be t11k(331,\Vith her hap- ...'.nnuc Wjxson sip-ake }c_a1mly. My d=e.a-r girl. you d-o not. know what you are amy- mg: .y1ovu are nyervous amd unstrungu" '"Sto'pl shv cried. imipem-mu-sly. .v'1'ull me .-w._tna't yaqu have done .with him." -Jnnnn urma -vnn-nmh din-I-nn'I~n .0-T A.-u..H- SICRULIJ UU' .ll`lB 'JlBR`I.El)`Llllll`L\LI.l'ChLLo "The pla1n;fzpo~t1s_ t.bna:t you-u'r `fin-3 man" -h-e glamced .a-.t Mns. Cartm--- "is a mIuIrh`wa-mted individual. I will. mo-t go into all rrhxe details of `l1isrf.as- oality. It is e=moaug`h to say that I met and talkvend wvth his wife -and dam-ghuter, a very pne.tty girl ua-;b'.out_ Bessiehs a~gIe.' A ' `CIA nnnfantl Iinmuin nli nn Inn -I-`I-an` E35319 D C'SI=o He paused. Bsesssie slid on to the 1110301` with hgsr face -hiddaean in Mrs. V Oa1 s la'p'-. Jason mnentt lsotly Imun Tthe- r-o_om.-leaving mother and dmugh-tor `alumna t-ogseztchcr. - ._T-nmnn (HA mnf um. he u}-.:I:r \-:1-5.1.111:-;h. luv -'w._ucu. .yn_au mavv uuwcg .wu.u nun. -Jason was mzuwh disturbed. - "I don't :wh_a`t to do." he said, burning to lug wxfe-. She is in no stwtve. to hear 1t. and es-paoiall from me. Send their away. and azfter "have told you you can tc_-ll fhrer." "\Tn ail` Flaaain '"I`.n.II nan nan... ` to LUJUIUU uvluu 11.. ' ' . "Well." he began. I reauohed Fair- field late yesr`erday afiternaocon. and had mo trouble in finding -peo Ice who km-w Mr. Sidney .013-llins, Ia `t.-h-sru-g,-1h that was mt the name -he fo-rm-crly -we_m.t by. Somehow the (people seem- ed _'vIery anxious to know all about him. and I at last itonmd one) man who was so very mitemste-d. that he ' ted right off to the telegraph `of- ine and wired to a daerteotivse in this cit . T-he -de~t:e`o*tivol went to find Mr. 00 lizms. bunt a-l-thIou~ he .t-raawd him to this house anid moan `hem `to the railway stua-.t'wn` he t-hem lost the .cl=.ze-. greatly two his ~:lisa-ppcai-nstsmreut. ~"'I"'hA nlnI'n' ~l-`naml-`in 'i-'h.n|i- Innnvr '1.3~,1n -uu 3 `I.-|LlV7 bl-'|:l'|a'l-I Will ll\'l IJUDL. ie looked from one to t'he ot`.h'e,r. and a gum look came over his face-. There is -moIt\h1ng'I'c~o be so vtm-gio about. Our Bess There. (has had a very -narrnaaw esoa.pe, and _we all -osu-g:ht . to rejoice omezr it. \XTnH " I-in 'Iv\.nrr~nn "T 1-nmn'I1.n.(I `air- G `\.l \'V'Ol.IIa LU HUI '1K ULllc All the next day she watched and waited. but not even a note of ex- lanation name. V She expected `him hut evening, but instead Icume J-ascotn lQa.r-tsr. lnopoking tired, but g-neatly ru- nelve , .. . 'l"nnn.> urn"!-I1 Au:-I-.n.1\-an :--1.154` unv.n.u~u luvs . 2.. uclvx:-u, . Two very deevta-i7nii'ued worm-can obn- frptn-ted him. Bess facseod mm fiercely. Haw d~a1`e you in't.er~fIe.re in my af- fairs-.?" shes doemandse.-d. I Jnatc yuan! "There! -And I ll never. never argive ya in _Tn'ann nan.n.lr.n mnlnnlu 'Il u.;IAnu- P -2-I 0 a 33331 `have rld &?Z`a;{JayZ;.3;:i1`T.`PE s{3`i """ en : -er. .- ".N:o," -said Bessie. "Tell me now; I m1ust.kmouw. '. % \`9W0ll5" he sighed. ,\v-earily, ~ ~~.p}e.r. hugs the trruvt-h will be best. ` A `.ou'.'o-..`-is.` C nan-on 3-no.4 L... LIILA Lab`: *4 .- uousv 'u`u.u._ .1 Will gun`: .u1u.l an muur. Slhe wa1t`e_d an .h)osu'r.' sit-tin-g ` very still. but wxth L-hnoughtus busy. 'l"huA npmrund 'hnn1`r aha tune a IN-fin pun. uuv. ,wu..u uwuuguus uuay. . Th-e selwnd 'h:u`r she was a little .une.~a~sy and she began to look wor- ried. She `went often 'to_ `look down the street, straining her `eyes for sight of a familiar f-xgnure and listen- ing for a. familiar step. _ . i At 11 she rel-uaotantly gave him up \ and went to her -mom. V {- All H... ......-a. .1-.. -1... ......L-I....J ....-.: l.lL'l1\71 VVKIIU. UIJULIICKI ll. Ulla VVUIIT out. She -wenlt tio the wimdnosw and draw- 3 mg aside the curtain bovoxkvevd `out -in- to the elvexvtric-ligvhtcd street. -She `saw Sidney Gollins running swiftly along txhevsiderwalk. j~"WZhzrt a -hurry "he is in. she thought. "He wants to getbanok. I.w-on-dverh-ow long it will take -him. Iwill give him an h>uur. QR-no 1lrn=`}nJ' tn-vi }nr\n\n-no ' n=L.4-3.` an u... as.- Will it `take mu Ion; ?L Beesire ; wattnched -him as he lyurrheod into hisi 008. . . . _V . 1 "N90. moat long. he answereid. I I will tell you the rest .w-hen you come baok.~sh-e said. _He was mt the -door by this time. and. witih-can-.t an- other wmvd.` opened it and` went out. 9111! .urn'mf HA fawn ur:vn.r`u-nur and A-n-up- SunEight4 Soap saves labor, and the wear of rubbing. which common soaps require in washing fabrics-. is better thari qther but is best when used in die Sunlight way. `A V A -' ISunlight Soap is pure soap, ` scientically made. Every step in its manu Fa'ctu-re is watched by an V expertgchemist. Sunlight Soap contains no injurious chemicals.` A Lever nxothom x.u_n1ted.'1'o:omo uuy It IIIU follow directiohs `. THE NORTHERN ADVANCEV `UHJLIU UH L`.u'U HIKIKIU. ```A child of Is1~.aeI." 1' utt in` -the voice casually. otmds-like it. N`N|'u-5 A-v'nrn-piwimn anal H'lnm'.~haa.u-_1- 'an-(iii-V itW` njregu1a.r.menstrua.t.ion. ca Prpv1des a. safe and sure way -of; es- Pe from distressing and dangerous wlihkfesses and diseases. fjnn ..`l'l-_..2_- ,, 'I',LL-_._ A.-1I _- --.. and did most even wipe th~c`sal;'l:' d_r-{Ms fmm her fame. Hse_'r color rose wi h it. and life came intvo her eyes, the warring elermven-ts apparently `found some echo within. She walked on pre- sently toward Hove`; her spirits ris- =i|fI 1u=+.]'\ Ava:-tr L-'-noun n nn-Q60!` hi} Her 1305 W113 Di1llli1.ll)L- . When she r-eamh-c-d n shelter --ooppu:ms- ite T the Hoitoetl Motmpole she sat down; taking the lend svgu't, and crouching up in the corner. Appar-h ently t'-here was no one else -unpon it. but presently a voice '.sou;nde`-d ~fl`|0lIIl -the other side. It was a w-omn.n s; v-oi-ce, rather `strid-emit in tone. and what arres-`ted the listener. and 'in-- deed. h_e\ld ho!` to her seat. an alxmtost umvnllxng 08/VeSdI`0ppel`. was the ut- terance of her own `name. 1 U`IFn2&L `III-u-.nR.Cn]:`__n #`n.ru'ruu1I|!rM }w|t` ` Bill` In DJ" x'u.u17'a. .l.)11uIUvvwI..Icu . -"Bnuit wihat, dxd who do? asked .tI no other voice. "I have alwzayos -heard quilts who mavens-e about `her. that she does a1l'so:r-ts of kind things as well as erratic -ones. Tell me, =t-he story. NTL 3...-..9L `.n-puu-.$Iv `av :-.}u-um.-v (arses `W-93 an vxxaum `Unto: 1131.1 n.u'U uu-U avun )- "It i`sn tWex*a*c'tly'a settoiry. Clara. It s an erpisloide. You k=n=o~w Warr.-en. Pi-3r- point Wa`rDe~n.vus:ed to be an .zvttaaa};o at the Embassy in Washington when we were there. ni-cc boY.. mow ~.he"s ` se-bretary to L:>r-d_ Magmarxn. and is` promising well. - `He has the diplurv`-1 mo.t s .head, rHse s a' sort of cousi n or 1 o-ntmneoti-an of the .,.Pa~ge.s. and V in-1 nie and - _'h'9_ Vwew ;b*oy-sand-.jgirl;_ sw-er. `ti- hearts. Th-ey~:\m`3-rt: mating in -mr r.?-0, real thin 'wihIc='-.1. Mi-sis Hirsch!-i'e;1d I came on . srone:ne.' . uA .-.I.:1.a ...er........I`-u`~;.....L :...- nu. ......._ 09!!!! Vunw uuxuauy. Duuzuws 1119!`: 1-1.. "No, gu n.eriy::an. and b'h `begs-I snrt. __I :m;ust..sa_y. she -s fasc`in:a'tin`g.- vHow sivald. L-pmk: .ans1.Whit6 T`-hins Lik-ea It was a -grey day a-t Brighton. with a sullen sea bnocomin-g on a bleak shore. No sum tempted the `gay crowd to the promenade: even the `d-o~o`nways of the grext haortwexls were em-ptield. The wimd was bhowing" viciously -from `the .mo'rt-heast. A few brave s-a:1ls- % appareznatly montemptuous of the vle ; meat-s-_wandene1d to and fm on 't=.h-v winsd-bit-ten .frton:t', but the bath-`chair -men. and the goat-chai-see boys, and the horn lines of the cab ranks wcm discaolnso ate. Wwherse `there harvwit own sundh a day} A wnomzam came oust of a low dqvorway on `the King s Rsoa:i- the -duo-o=rway to one of theuold Brigh- ton ho-unses. now let out in aiar1;- meamts. She were at lom-gAclc se-ifi ting mat. very `plain, bu"`c out with dis.-_ tirrctiron; a lace. sc.ar.t` wound about her head instead of the usual hat. It was a -perfect ar`1'a`ngaem 0z1=t `Im- the weather, and not unbecoming to the face. wihich had a. _ psaigrigaart ~to-uloh. Her hands` were bare;---they were very beautiful, and un-adorn- ed by. asin-gle ring. She. thrust =th=erm initto the 'p; ts of her coat. and .ornosse\d the mguvddey :.r-sad to tthtev sexa--fnon-t. Her shunt skir-ts sih-cwawde a..-_ neat ankle, `and her ,sihIt: were be_-. yond reproamh. Close -to -the sea man] .the waves were bneakin-g-n:1s ~:>a;o'h giant no-lled in the s` ra`-y dsasshead high.. She stood near an -vvna'-tschnenzl t-hum. most thesalit d_rao- )3 nmm Bar fdwn `air nnlnr rnun nri .h &:u|.1y_ Lvwulu uuvv. wax apu.u.'a LID` mg wlt-h every Hbe . She. passed by the green dc-serte -iawwxis: walkdd mi.-u~h# .nml- I-n ll-ha and AF flan nrnnnn-n- `Der-HLIHUU UL HUI" IIWII .I.Ii1|u.l'l`-o "Faith Hirsnohfield--a thomwgh bad lot. I think. 'Clara.,Sh-e "has no heart, any-how. and `there is no doubt that she has killed-`Winnie Page; I ll tpooint Winnie out to you this ev-e.nm'g a1 dinner. She s down here with her fa- ther. Carlton -Page. Imu km-mv. Vi-g car of St. A~nne'~s. Bridggselsva-tea` -." h.1`*_3F!=U'.*1?~'.h 4.`? 911 `W 9 `l -__- .I.__.`__ L......) DUO `$1635-'11 RIC-SD-1 |.\J|4l 'IU.\V'LL`3p yvausou rig:ht out to `the end of the promen- ade. and then t.u~rnved. By that time her faxoe was nadianst.` TL.n~\ n.In.n -nun-A`-n.J h n1\n\1`n1- l\lr\.I'\1l\_Il.. I.-l.lIuu'5;wb y'U'u \V'U.l'O l..lJR_9 U110 `LU 1-U1'b'lV|::-. It was mt till la_tely that I got the _cmnn-a-go to comma and ask you -rho orgxve me. I lamhawully heard- nstnoong and even w.hn-3-n jywcau vtobsl me about that man I wouldn t re-ally.-hm lievsehhvel was so -bad. I-`hard a mxoiticnn that `he was tI`YiIl-`.9, - h;2- do he.tte-,r .'-nd that In.uu=1d-h`ave influenced him. But ;.v.hen_ Ilsaw tha.~"cTiv'c-em in the -pa.-par about `him. 5telli n-g hsoyw he :1-atnerrl a.f- ter `he lIe!ft `here. why, it made me` so angry Itvhat I mot all over any fesedin-g for him. That was when I lbeigam to be :g~ra'tervul "to you. .Bu=t lately [have been `so much more grateful!" aqih. \n.a.1'ue|nJ 'g'n. fl-an mnunm -ma-ruin `Tn- "`;?uesses and diseases. - _e two following letters tell so con-, mg1y what Lydia. E. Pinkham s ov*8eta.ble Compound will do. for thv nnnnn `Q31 +15 "|O`IlI 1nnv-in vv-cul. uu (1.511-ll]. I asuuppor=`.e I oug~11t to have `as-lksssd yuan about Bhili before, but I k>Jpt `putting it off. _ you object -to` h-ilm. hzomgh, why I'll refu=.s~e' -to take the ring he is going to get me." "\ .n.n `H4-In omnncnn " cni ' Tncnr 1111-5 11'`? I 5111115 I-1) 60!; JING- You little gnoos-e." said "Jason, `laughing. and ~he1e.a'ne-d *uou*vv-ard and "pin-ohed L her chin. "T!n.+ Lava `mun gnu K`.J\1..Dl.'I};t\:-`In +'n LIIUIJ ' GLIKJ .'L.3A`K:"\.I 'L7`s1.l.ll':CIlal`V- . "No, my dear, I, have-n t. he said, "If I had I -sxhuo-uld not have`-brought `him home 'with`me -the -first .tim'-2. Moreover. Bess. he.told me soon. af- ter that that he had been thinking: about `you all `the rtwo` =yec:u~s_ `hu-.=x.'had been away -and he asked me if `I had any oibjetctions. So don t worry any Imore. "little `girl. and be as hrazppy as possible. "T am maid Rnnqio` cnfflv v IJIILVIJCII >l.1V1, Uuxu. . I ` "But have '_vmu any obgaotxons to hum 3 she .asked earnestly. Il\T... ....... .In..._ `I .1......n...1L. 1 .1... .....2J 3699999ooooooooooooqooooob U05 L30 SLLIVIJIULI LI.l|).l'& ELHLULUII ` She ~p-a.u-swed `and the caouluorr cvzmie in.- to `her face. J avs-on waitiezd and she went an again. "T u_~.nunn1uen T .rn1r~n'h~J- in Lava; .n-Qivmit` mfg? ifrojsggave `you right 'a.way. szhe sand. "when I re`a`liz-ed wahat `mom -ha-d.% done for me. but I was so ashami ` and.I d talked so to you that Ii thou-gxhst you were the tone -to f-orgivae. 1:" -urns 'rn(` lnfnln Ifho T --'np.-\4- Q Episo_d_e_ of zoooooooooooooooooooooooogj '51-cuuy nswcwcu. _ 7 One evening Jason sat nalox_1n. in his library, \viye=n`Be:ssie came rxfttl y in-Lo the mom. She looked very pr-e.tt-y and her eyes were bright, but there was a sort of sllgmess a.`bau-t `her and sl_1e seelmd 130 ii what she had momma `to say. it a diffioultv -i-:1 I:-e-gin-` % =pa. she said, I wiintt to talk! with yaoou." _ . It `was the first time she had call- ed him by the old namve and. he (10- tic)edV'it alt once`. He smilud -as she- seadue-d `herself before `him, "I take it that I am faorgive'n. `he said. Fnosrgivesnl she repeated. `.`I ve_ `b-eiezn rather in -dnoeubt of it the `last ew months. -but I guiess you have caoume t-oemokne the pipe of peace with -me, I01 .I.'_........_.. u__-_ ..2..'L.L .-._____n -5..- MTEIFU L

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