Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 7 Dec 1905, p. 6

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fY& &- C 3 TC T TDCTI I `P7e.c;o;al at bedt'ime prevent : night cou he of children. No croup. obronchitis. A Cherry Pectoral have all thespplinncea for the care of funeral: in transit through town and surrounding country: Hearsas and Waggons; Morgue and Burial Parlors. In- torment: in all cemeteries. or shipment: to all parts of the world. Work of `undertaker: promptly and proverb: cared for. PHQN E 82, 00000000000000000000000000 O00000000000000000000000N `.__. .oooo'oooou O HAMBLY ea BAKER, ` 3+-1-++-e+++-3-+~9+-t-+4-++++++:-+++e-++++++4-++++-:-+++++++.;. 5`? . , .. `*-i--3-an-4., 01- 3?. A 3"`. `NE %RI'\ A Q - .1. 'I"l"C' Q`-I-+.u, .....SEPARATORS Oaught Oold oh Parado Ground E V I Door West Barrie Hotel. 4- 4- 3 ; ++e:-+~1-+++++++++-t-+++++++-z-+++++++++++++++++-:++++++++++4 Barriellnderlaking Establishment Our stock of Builders Hardware and Mechanics tools is the largest and best we have ever had. - We keep a `full stock of Bee supplies.` Highest market price paid for Bees Wax. of. T Tf you want a tnoney-making machine this is `your opportunit It maylnever come again. . ` Y` I V . Remember we sell the` genuine machine. Do not let agents deceive you by telling you they have an imitation just as 0005' as a `Sharples-. ` ' . If you contemplate using wire fencing of any kind this you will save money by consulting us. . % .._.. A1` REDUCED PRICES _. No.3. 345.00. No 13?: HERON? -:--II""' . . \ House cleaning time has come once more. We have a I ` vT$Z1C mmuouucso. smu) Praised and Prescribed by Prominent Physicians G. G. SMITH 6 CO.. Ready Mixed Paints, Alabastine and Kalsomine, Paint and Whitewash Brushes. Leaves a good % imprfession. Collier and Clapperton Streets ALWAYS OPEN. ESTABLISHED 1870 (I-nououuczo as-nun) V The Greatest of full Tdnlcn . ' V Ouro'uOonoumptloIi ` _ Iallrlppo, Pneumonia, ogunh ufthq Itomnoh and Doollno. . THURSDAY. DEC/1., * No. 4, bcli Ea any 29 :97- 'hi-s Wu H Piychinoin obfaiuod st all drug stout. Price SLN `bottle. 0_l.{fOl Dr. Slocum? Labontoq. an % 4 ` PSYCHINEJ PSYCHIIE Why Hens Fail to Lay. ,*"""'-L P9711. ""_'!- , Such tea is bitter, poorly avored in the cup (and there is much of it in, bulk and package form on the market). It emphasizes the result of inexperience, lack of knowledge of combining. qualities of idifferent teas, imper- fect blending, poor selection, and the hundred and one . other causes of poor tea. I. But my expert Red Rose blenders select the right grades of strong. rich Indian teas and delicate fragrant Ceylon teas,.and `produce Red Rose Tea with entirely new characteristics-a tea with "that rich fruity avor " -a tea so exquisitely different and better than any brand bler'1d 7'" they gm;;t;i.;u;e:.'or:g:;,a1;na:v;a.;;1sa;a:;c.;. istics with their roughness and harshness emphasized. X J C BRONOHITIS HE qualitie_s.of different teas prove that there is a l V [distinct difference between expert Red Rose blend- .ing methods and the usual methods. Several kinds of teas ma}-lye` blended, but if unskil- fully selected they will not combine to make a. perfect Difference Between Expert and eUnskilful Tea Blending Cheeley Schelol. Ravenwood, writeex "I was out with the volunteers at London Jul June and I got 3 heevy cold. which turned tovBronchitie and my lungs were severely affected. 1' ` had a cough all Sum- mer. Peychine proved A a great blessing to me. IN: 1 positive cure for Broneliilled 6. Dairying .in.cu1cate.s habits of punvcrtumity. indusitry, cleanlinoess and- thrift on -the farm. V 7. Cheese, and butter `arze condens- ed 'p'!`0d1mrtS. a.-nud the cost of carri- age. in omnlparisoorn with their valu-en. _is less than that of any other farm I'lCIEl1Cl0ll. - .. 2. It can `be osounbined readily with other forms-bf?agri;culture or horti- cultt-u-re. `- ` 0 "'`.Ln An`:-an .r\`IV:r\.Ir:.I`l`\LV :n uur:n".n-I`. V'1`.h<.'> advaat-ct-g-es D71: dairying have been epitomized. as below. by H. W. Potts, of the Hawkesburv Agricul- tural college. in Australia: I .Tu6- I-alpaca Inca -F.nw-vfifv nnf nF-fhn l.ul"dl. Uvllcgc, Lu. txuawluua . 1. -It takes le.s_s fvcwtility out -of-the soil -than any other form of agricul- ~tu're. and hence it is useful in $01- .low'mg- - a well-regulat-cad systum -of; rc1atio:n. n. -..... 1... ...,.....|..:.....z ..,.....11.. ...:u.\ prnouucrc. . 8. The demand `for `good butter and cheese on -the world's` markets is` un- limited. and so l-oing as` the qmal- ity is maintained. an all-round, sav-en and pnotfitabl-e price To-.1'nV always be soaoulmd. ` n flV.l..n ......n.n.4-lulu nlmnnlr Fnnnn fhn Fsfn- CU1Wll1U- _ , ' ` . 3. The dairy prrovid-es in winter a quanatity of s~t.-ablze ma .'1ur~c in w121gh the straw fnoom the barn is pr-oft:- ably `utilized. ; A . \ A -VI`-l-in l\n..nnrw|nmi'a Fvnnwn inhxn, nn.\v.i uuly u.'uuacu. ` 4. The by-proooduncts frnosm the cow. ski-m-milk. whey. and butter milk. a_re -:1 source of income in mising pxgs. . t 5. Dairying givesVcm1s.tant and re- gular eunzvpluo-.Y1RlenItAoIf a lig'h't char- acter to -every `member of a armer`s family. '- T _ ` ' A hnirxvina innrnln-:I"-.a hi-1hH'Q nl CUT. 0I1'!2Il`i'.!, puts, uuuuu tutu vvun 12. St-omckeeipers. tradzers, i'oankers.s financial men and politicians all ful- ; lv reabize, ai-tieryvsarsf of -emperiemom. a that wherever dairy Earmimg is noun-ii dwoted farmers are most `prosper-ous. 3 mortgages are rate! V. found. and the i value -of- landed prvoperty V bc-scotmea co-nsiderably enhanced. ; I.!'0II(l cm: -uu.u'y 1-` Luv nuum. xouuuus. 11. `This farmer's: hnoustethvold. as a re- sult -otfd-airy work. is always su~%pli- ed with fresh milk and cneum. ~u=t- ter. oh-eaenc. pork. bacon and veal. 1) Q+.ru-.n1-n.a;nnv-e, +1-nd;nr,~:_ Dmnkers. [mun cL.oUn's ABILITY AND nmocx 1` > TY la WAR. , Red Cloud" w;1.s.o. Sioux warrior more terrible than_Bl'ttilng Bull. It is true that the cluerl who mer..and_ killed to tshu: last man the '1o_z~cc or General Cuusrtnelr is eucc:ount_;d 111 tshoe east the grezautest brave. `but the peo- ple of tlhve _plai.ms will scoff at the {ac- cuounvting. Sitting bull .h.-ad hive thou- sand t ig.hating men wit.h -hlim when he. met the 7th cavalry imduegr the `Yael-- lo-w~Haired Ghiei . who roldeinute the valley -of,dea'th with less than three lhtxwdrerd following troopers. It is the o'wsrt0m_ -of `the wvhirtes to Spfeazlk of every ba-ttlre wit-h-tJm `red-s in` which -the pale fa}c-e Loss was BGVGF8 as. a`. mas were. The Cu'ste1' alffair. was a ma ore. bust it was one of tihe few." figihuts in which the whites \vea'e de- Egated `that rightly; ooulvdv be so call- feeding is often responsible -EorTpo.o1" laying. A Ifnt .h`e:n will not lay regu- larly. nor will a:n runderfe-d hnem but ; of the two the latL_.c:r is" pref-o-mblo. .A variety -of grains fed `in littqr, so that uthe hlens must work for! it. should -give good .ne:su'lts. The-r-:3 are many details} thazt must be looked af- ter to insure pro-fitabl-e vgg produc- tl:0ll and t-hl-esle the beginner must learn as he ,preo~grw.:s:sr.es. Study the hens `singly and k~ec;p none that. do moat add some-thing to your profits. -Mmmtrea1 Witness. " swoulwu. V 9 The mumthly check from the fac- tory provides the mainstay in the.. household. as against the preacariou.'s re-turns from yearly cmps. - 1n Tn rn:v,o.r` `F0 v-rn3.1rr lfha, ;l\Tn9. re-Eurua 1.uuu.u ycuuy Uvutpa .10. In mix-e-d `fat-mmg. ih-c.inco-me. from the dairyis the most reliable. 11 l'.'Ha 4-`o-rnn.nv~`:~. 'hnnc1m1mnl-d. 2'19. :1 re- uited Clroud s 'name is suggiesativci not the warrior, and in the -ye.ars that are gociue he made its signaifeicaance 'ter- rible. With his Abravvess he swept the seIttlerm`e:nn;s and gave battle to the sol-diery. .r:-irrelgt giving hIe.=_d to `the odds jnt.n~at mig be against him. Red Cloud was-a Sioux of the pane. ` .hl-0-ovd. T'h~e..roe were always `mic-noIi' the ` tribe who said -that Sitting Bull -head a`Itr-aqce of white in him. and rho the full-blsq-ovd t-his_ was `the. equivalent of diisvcrerdnting ~h`t.m w1-t_;h- a `streaakl of yellow. . But t-h-is was only this In- idian waY of looking at it. and Sit- ting" Bul never showed a7.oowa1'vd`s .aoe' to any-' face. no mast-ter `what "may. be ~t.h5ev opinion of him as a pl-auins-. . , X . . . mgu '.'gecwera1. II AH-in A14` hm-A \I3.n.I I1 ! ......I '_`- _ __ ; mu-au .'VlulUtl"'.l1. ` - 1 In his old `age Red Cloud is_an .ob- i ject of pity; hurt. it was a different ; story in `the Icrarlier day, -w:'ban yhis-1 arm was istno-ng and % his heart `-`was ; vengeful.` -.A1mtost immediately afoter; the Civil.-1VVia.r.Reod Olooud ~me_t iu. ba-t+ '} 'tl-e.t&ue fie.1I(`,l-7t.1'i< ,d.hB;l'lJ|Aeg8 of that ooni- ` -int; jan:d,- 'txhe,y .11q:u=:_1d`.[.inj I `o.__;-tool %*Wrth%:%ofJ%`their akx~ll.1nd.; MA '3 Why Dairy Fvarming Pays. AGREAI` sxoux. 1 In the font were many. women and , children. the wives and sons and damn- gzhate-rs -01 the onffimcnrs and enlisted men. 001. Fegtterman knew that he must have a strong gward for the `rotenction oi the post. for. the at- aok on, the timber party mig'h~t be} but a divemsion to draw away the- trvoaps. and so. taking 'b.u"'c fifty men with him. the ic:omma'mdinAg T` o-fficer mode out to the raezsacuc of the nur- -roruvndeud - Not one -of the mal- lant Fbaumd ever; rude bank. '1`/hatt Fei- terman and ;h-is men Iexauolt ed a heavy` E-rice fgo-r :th;eir l-ivaeas go--gs Wi'C'h|Ol1'l'. he -sawing. but how many of the sav- atge follonvers of Red Cloud fell on that day no man ever knew unless the .cih`ie=f in this hour of his! doing .- may one day babble the talks. 'l`.n FHA rnnnrn.n.rxr n.F F`.n+-.+nw~n-$nn n uuuy Uuo -uay uauuxu 1.1190 bull`-.b To the muemnoary of Fnerbtorman a font bearing "his name rronsre in .1;-hr: `wilderness, b-mt` vevozn :the~ rcme'mbr'- THE HOSPITAL FOR % Q` sr SICK CHIIDREN The Hospital for Sick Children, COHPgv. street. Toronto, up gls to fat.her.-1 and mothers of Ontario or funds to nmimui. the thousand sick children that it uuree within its walls every year. - Thu nnnnitni is nnl-. n lnnn` 1'nnl'.1'f.nf_inn .. LI 9`). ' A -,~_ The Hos '1' pics! hm last year in its beds um- cobs 89l pa dents - 3|: _,___ of ch 0 3 ~' NURSE known A swam . W e " 9 f"` A . ' L 21 7 place outside of Toronto; The costois 1.14 cent. per patient per day, and there we"e 131 sick little ones}: day in the Hospital. '.` This Appeal lsTo You? m'i:;I.; i?I:)b glo institution -.- bu_t`Pt-ovincial. The sick child from un_\ ' place in On . ` nario w h 0 ~ ` . A ' - can't. afford GIVE IIUUIW3 VII` Since its foundation the Hospital has; treated ` l1,262 chil- 1 .J_-_ A L....L ` For it Cares for Every Sick cum`-. in ario whose Parents Ca _, bl: Afford to Pay For Treatment. Fl -G` I I,~UU Igllll` ` dren. About 3,000 or} .;; these were `v. unable to: pay ~21. n d`: were treat- ed fpeo_ . MASSAGE. Your money cab put)" golden hinges 0:- the door of the Hospital's mercy.` . l`.n'nuunknHuv n Anna: innu ha hn F'v-inn:-I in wan Ul\ILL|5' L115 .'lILl.l. R A ifeaw mow-s utter the occupation] of :th-0 t`-om: a_ detail of soldiers was` sent on wit`h.a small _w.ago-n train to out and to bring in needed tizmbcr. Ttwo .h-o~u~rs later a courier rode in and had barely time to tell his stony before -he sank in-t-o _un.consciousn.:s.s from the paiinwof his woamds. The timber detail was surmumadseqd by the- giolgl and was in imminent danger of 93 o . . ; 5 , 1`... -_uL.,. J".....L ---........ ......--_ -_-----.- ` "I runs uuu V'Anu.'a\gIsNus uvvuwunu """" ' .nuun_nm.t.s. I f y o u know of any child in your neighborhood who is sick or crippled or has club feat mad the parent's home to the Hospital. RAA nrkol-. nun ha Anna -`nu hluk `nub nki` !Q|I\I VII? FHKKJIIU U IIIIIIIKJ DWI VII? `CUSPIUMC See what can be done `for `club-foot chil- dren. There were 38 like cases last yea: and hundreds in 30 years. - UUE UUUI UL UHC -l.L\ltl_IUll 3 u.u.|uJ - Everybody s dollar may__.be the Need to _Somobo_dy s child. ' :1-__-., _:-n._.. __.___ L- .. .3--- _t L... ., Friend in _ . - nun-om: _ V . nmm . Please-. send cont:-ibut_.ious L..to J. R65 % R95**92!*4%w9!i=**!4 US$15 IJ'tlIll-lK'l\lw ; Col; h`e.t'c-ewman roadue back rto `his command knowing well what the sig- nal of the planted spar maezamt. but sodi-erlike, aully determined to uds_rc- gard iits _cnocnve_ye'd chrncat. Ha puuned ahead `w:-`ah hns men. : ~thnow_i-u-g ouvt seoowts to feel :_he way. Thu mdiau sentinel had vamsfhed. but he had Le-rt hisspear with its pennant of cloth to si;.an as U. ioarbiddc-:1 sign. Nu. anooltvhur Sn-o-ux was mean on the mar.ch to `tlhe new-p-ous-t. but the scouts knew that `Red Cloud was mat far off and was hiding his time, ' Ifnnur nnmn.-r.u ufi-or .+-Inn 1-...-u.....-.+:.'...... at it .LI1Il.I.o " Officer and scout skirted a-'a: cc`h of timber and name to -the ban: 3 of nor` 1 sfman Ipr.an"ie :.tream; mom which the new. ywas su-abnoxru~.1_ ` 1101` mile-s,._ To the iron: and aoomt six hundred yards distant away they saw. a solitary Siouxwarrior a.rc~and;iug on the plain. with his'sp`ear thrust -into the ground at his side, whjba .f1-cum tnevend 01' the we-apan's handle flut- tere-d a bit-or colored cloth. Lt med- ed but `little rrontier. kuowludg~e to make interprentatinn -of nah-at signal easy. It was the Sioux sign of _w-a.rn- ing t h28._t there must `-be no trespass- ing on the lands . ov-er wzhich they held dsctmain. Red Cloud. the chiex, had omereou the warrior to display wwrhIa.t was at vaomcoe a not-ic'e and a. menace. und 1-aztnetr .11::j_`toouk a _vterrib1e vengeuncre Ibucau-sue ms wuu-mug tuuu been sspurnxi. . l`J'\I' II`nJ".'-n.mrn~nn v'.n.rIun Inomly A-A `Lin rm` the governmemt"t-o begin the enezgtno-n -91:` vmilitary `posts {not}; the trgul leadmg over the .pI=a.imes to the Inmea. On the_ trail to the Powder River was built Fort Phil Kearny. While the troops ordered to the new nu-nmf urn`:-n an 1-kn vnnnnh (nun-I-n.n.rI' `run: coNv.(L1:scI:N'rs swxxmnm nnun'un.-I I a an 1a.1.5v -uuzuugu. This time -of the year is a good time `to cull the flock. If a. record xhuazs "been kept there will be noo'~tnou- _b1e.in disaprosing orf _th~.c old stock, as -then` ages and lsuymg qualit-ie.s wili. -be kmo-wn. Egg produc:tinr,r -after the third year, so all hens; of that age`-shoould be sold, u`u_l-gr-ss they are exceptionally good l)r~`eude.rs. in which case it may pay to keep vthem a'moIth-er wear; Of the pullcatsh kecr your fl-o-ck as nearly uniform in 00 - or and size as T p-ossible. r7'rn'propae\r VTIIIILVD :Ul.I`U lvlIFUll \IllK34L_\;'|L `LU IIIJV [LOW -post on.._t.l;?e march overland.` a snout came rzdxng `into the column` as 13;` -he had de:a;th at -his hiezels. 0'01. Fetterman was .in command, and .a.=[- ter a. :hurried talk with the scout `the two rode Iomgara leaving -the colmmtn at a halt. I'\~`4!:.-..... .-.....I .~-..\uL e.3-2..-Ln..I .. _-.....`.-.L THE NORTHERN ADVANCE UV II Inc the sann privileges u,- t. h e c b i I 4; li vi :1 g i u Tot-o'ncounu' istreubed free.. fill. _ `I ! _ av: .- hm ulapuac-u u; v A m1s=tuke_wIhic.ii many beginners in poultry raising make is in` ouying a lot of hens from miszoellzmserous sourcces. witlvout DUE leuistv know.- ledge of their laying qualities. 'l`l~(: result is. as a rule, a flack of {owls that will wot pay 1'-or Ell!!! food rL~he.y ovonizusme, and it rcq-uims but :1 short time for the beginner to become dis- gu_-sted with.thc poultry business. sell out and add one more name to Ithc long' list of failures_. The safest mo- thno-d is to begin. with u-few buns of some good breueodz hutch your `own chicks and make the sue-lcctioa of lay- ers carefully. - A flock having excep- tional laying qu.-ulities cunnm: be built up inaocne year. but by studying the Itowls and -eaich _yet1`r selecting `the gmcvsft promising pullcits and breed- mg `fnoom heavy. la_V'!'l`S-_'l;ll0 fl-wok oznn be s'tea-dily improved, lu spite of all . mcauztions it-h-em will be some pul- cts `fit '-only for the market. and they should be x`lS`[)~(_)-f-Jcud of as soon as large euro-u'gh. "Whig: Vi-innn A1 -l-hn vnur 3n n lf.l\.l\A u.a.u:u.nJ.u.Lu5 CAIJCILJ uzavvu 1'0 11'`:- quenit-ly been proved` to be incorrect in their _dedu.ctions-notably in the (Beck cas -.t-hait juries seldom cionvict ; prisioiners on their nvidence. Guriously emoiugh. however. although the hand- writing stest has been proved to be -unreliable. the evidernce of faulty spelling `has neverfailcd to bring re- trib-utiicvngito evildoers. It `appears that forgery is comparatively easy, and that even an ex.pcrv cAroan be read- ily klec-eivied by a forged id-ooumiemt: burt it seems almost certain that if an_ad-u'lIt, even qf good edui:aation;mis- spells certain words. it is "alum-ors`i; im- 'pJOS'Slb16 for him to spell them cor- rectly Eroam dictation. Lmless aided by a dictiio-na`ry. ' fFnT!(YA rnvnf inn: I'1:I 1:1tr 'vv\n\-:` uy a uxuuuual. . ` This strange ilarct was vividly mani-` V fe-s.ted .throaug'h the atcumcn of Jus-1 tice Darling d`u.r`ing the hearing 21 breach of prvoimnse case recently at Binmingham. `The vplhaintiff relied up- on certain l-et'tve.r~s.' which she stated were ~wri'tten. co her by defendant, ` to establish '.her case. The an-atn. how- ever, denied the authorship. - and there were nonsidevra-ble duubts ex- pressed. which the judge shared, as to the inscrirminat-ing document-s being in his 'han.dwvri-ting. (1'-Tina: `-nhr-in:-tr in ln.n:.'s.n ..............LL ;.u ula ua.u.uw,u;I.1ug. _ Gnoss `-perjury is being ootmm?'ct- ed in this case." said Justoiaa Dra.rl- ing. And then His Do1_'-dsh.i'p -`thoughvt of a` nerw 'test. How do `you spell `the word `awfrul ? '11-e inquinevd of ;t:he `dc- femdant. A-w-.f-u-1l . was rt-he .11e-sypooanse. Th-a*t s know the worid is spelt by the p-erssosn w.h=o wnot-e `this latter," obs-ervcad --the judge. And it was tihis fact -th-at -pnoouraend the -plaintiff one hundred 'pooun"ds ~dxamag'-es. The vnhli-H-nnl :'hI'a.l-.nr-u Au`-' 3-1.... 1...; u-uwuxvu -pru-uu:u.~:s =u}a!In'ag-es. The political zhisbory of ithle last fifteen`-years has been deate'nm`ineod `by a mistake in spelling. The faaot that an e" was used instead of an a -remdeened the rolaim-s of the Irish ` arlty to Home Rule, and dt.he.r re- rms possible as can"-zstiburtioznal ques- tions -of the Lmzperial parlia-m-esmt. 5] f `+ hi 'fND'I`:lfIt` 1171-urn-nu L L A 1.1-ulna UL L110 Lmtperlal parlm-m-emit. It p.wa.s at the `period when the graves-t charges were vbeing made against .the latte C. S. Peamizall and` other ..members of the Irish Paarlia-j mevn.tary `party that the Times elec- trified the world by `publishing a letter. p:urpox'.-ting to be from the Irish xlead-er, approving of assassina- tion. The m~ajo'rity of the British Eiogle at the same `time -believed it e anni-hnmmi-a'n At -+11... .a.-.........-..-..- --_-. v-\r Av nib I.J.|U.U.ll1lU Illne 'D0llVCu E.?;s%o:"*:*;:,:`:e;*t ~::2; mus oom- .hEld to _investigfa-go h`1;1:Ss'e. th"EZrr`i`{,i :;>ha;`g haxrlldwrntmg egcpepts swore h>andwi'i`n-g 8 was "' P"`*`" naalrlgieatifittehet hfataa`f;3hn1"ga1f1?s'" -` Lord R-ulsell of Killowenlre thaegstgi: 11_-alga _R-u-ss_ell. su_b' outed t;h_~e:m ;to. em a}I';IiaD$CS u1S1:l<;:t. ii af; rtzh:eu1f ~ey1d- ed th.'a-t Pamell ha` .'paecnerc? tfigvgg: rilgrl adsoaouanenit. _ .1 . "~`_n 3 iournalist n:an1re`d_RiIc.h-avd i gifegbgtgfegemltbe b-ox. .Wr_ite one. said SirpCp`}1:a 1r1n=:3.w].(:1.I:1(.1T~ 1hem'ta'n'y`m" The \viVt'ne,_qsa g-in `..'.;...a.....: LL- -acct-11.! uu. u1mu'1r::5 'suu~aIe;n1y. The \vit'mess did so. and "h-anduaud the paper to three oounsall. 'I`.h*3 wond was apelbewd `hvebsiptentcy , wnhich c=orneisp-cIn~d- ed to thex spelling of the s:-um-e word in the imcrimrinating letter. Triu-`m~ph- a-natlyt Sir `C'harl-es .pr-exssmd his 'pcsin't. and in a `few moments the wr`0ticahe:d Pigno-tt admitted that he -hna:dr fsorguesdv `the l~eIt'tIetr '-and sol-dv it to the 'Tirm;2I3 } for` a large sum. ` ` T11 II .a-hi-n:]uw -n..-.......-.. -_' 1.-uu. a. Lax-gv oseunn. _ In a siilar mszmner.-a misztakre in the srpcellingv-of the French word `r:esplem:dissa'n'lt . was inst r-uzm-e:n":.al in Iggzvmg that `the unorjtunabe -Mariaes _ tvotinetvte had -jmexver yzmdqered ` the famlotus diamiomd necklace that has Ii- grureyd so largely in V roo.ma moe.. lI`lY`O_Y` 3-n fI`IIlLI`:.t\~u ....-... --.. J ---L L glut-cu av 1`d.l. g'|Ul} ID. TIDIID.-a'R?CI8. The onder in` question was und-oub`t- % edgz written -.by the Countess de La- m `te. whose vezdnmwtion was defective no a degree. al't11oom'gh her ma.une,r-s were oh.armi'n-g_ and her caonversnsti-on versatile. This in:oEd:e;n_t was one of the principal causes at ithe Qu-ce.n s wmpopularity. and indirectly was the means of bringing her to the gmil-" loctine in the stormy days at? thre: French . _Revol-uti;om.-London Ans-' wens. luuu. -uvu.-o .l.U.l. u1"c'a.'L nrnzam." A.f:m`xom1'ment -to Jogseph Smith. -then faomrn-de'r -of Mormonmm; A_ is V almmt % uomzpleted at `his bjr`th'P1'B `_in* scz.x;t,1;;;_.} Because of its marvelous cures and its wonderful power over" Consumption, and all diseases of the throat,` chest and lungs. It is also the best nerve tonic and system builder known, and not only aids diges- tion but gives the stomach" abiding strength. enriches the blood. arrests all wasting diseases `and vanquishes Chills and Fever. tMany of the best physicieus prescribe it in their practice. ' ' v ------.------- An article in the Fortnightly Re- view"_ on the subject at` i~m:p-erial or-` g=a'niza!tion from a business stand- : intt. asks "VV-osuld it -be b|eli.o_veId hat tzhere are` in Canada over a- h-an-V dread ~31:-vernun-`e:n*t. an-d, no-oummercial ageumts fur thve-A Un-itceI1 - States. and`. .-ovnei for Gneiat-'~Britain." 1A`:`niui`rinnivhn:n+':~.n 1 ..a.a..g;..'.l. Ia--.~:.:.1_ LL -.'-' cnmrmus HAVE BEEN BROUGHT TO JUSTICE BY L.lT'1'LE mrsmxms. _ ` of `at-h iiss - "mw-a`y*_. News *-of d:=haeL.k`-i- 1l in!g~. :.a'~ - [E-he trumps .th.a't had gone `to "the aid of their -f:ellow:s`-only to (lie was sent to % the nearest garnson by .n-osurivarv. who made his way t`hroug'h Itlra hvoa.=1til~e. ootrnrtry ._ wih z-peril besdttin-g 'veven'5r< hoof str-oke on :t`ho pact-h. `He elfllvdvtisd. Red Cl-oud,on1y-by matching cunning ag*ai,n~s't cunning and the -white cra-It won over the red. R:-lief re-.:ec*he`d the ggsrt. but by -that tirm5 [thve 'wh=ole xoux nraiion `hand de'.cl.ar-e-d: for` war and tube Norvtxvw-e-s't .wa-s u-flaumse. nor did rt\h!9 fires of cazmflict kuindlesd. by Red Clioluld die out 130;` more 't;haa1 a score of years, the last flicker of the flame lig.h;ting 1:-he bu-ttlseivicld oi"1`-he Mission . smear Pine .Rid~ge, S.D., in the year 1891. Raxfl C`l'o-u'd, at `th-: agency near the scene of the lust fig-h.t. saw the .wjosun-`dred -bno.-u in from the field. Hug had stern t c be`- ginning of the area-t war, and he was the witness of its e-n-d.-OhicaAgvo Post. Koop tho bowels o n with am at Ant : Pills at tuna. Just one. Handwriting experts have so fre- mnnjrlv h-can nrnw.--.d- -.`-.n he :n,-.n~~.~.n..+ ~rIn` * ecu` ' -01%" Instant! _ '.:-.-."t.'.'E.'7m::'.':,-..*.?."'........"".*%.'Z" I203."-K3. W. I. 317833. Ihibinlhu ` 3.0-Jfil-o `III. Night Eoughs % doctor : kthedicine for all affections of the throat, bron- % chic! tubes, and lungs. Sold ` for over 60 years. 11' I._4. _-_A n_._A_ :_....._1..A...u 1.. ...._ One dose of Ayer s Cherry V TIM.-re are a lnautmber of reasons that may be assigned for the failure % of a 1'1-oeck of h-ems -to` pvodrd`ce '.1!1'i1'.Xl`y' eggs at .oe.r.tai-n times, and usually the came of causes _1nu'y in timu be remedied. To aware the bust 1':.:.sul!ts' `the hens must be -cmxsidcred as individuals. for no two V are -exactly alike and .znm-ny di1.1'-er widoelhy. , 111 every flock thzeme arc 5.3-m-0 hens that lay fewer -or mo eggs. and thusc in- dividwals must be singl and disposed of. I A rnia=f'n|n'3, 1v1hi!'~_.h m.-nnr hnrrinnnmq

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