Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 7 Dec 1905, p. 4

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and Children. ....of.... T..A..a.t.... ITMBLY ainAKEn. `%%`*| a-uchaor. br-anthers and sisters._ _ UTOPIA. . lWide-s;pre=ad roelgrct is felt for the death of Rachel R.. snacvomd da.ug`hter of -Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ellis. who passed away on Saturday at "the ten- der age. of sixzteqen years. She had been ill for about eig'h=tee-n m-onsths. -In1t_erm-enlt took place on Monday in Ghri-st church cemetery. Ivy. Rev. W. F; Carvpueznfcer -officiating. Mr. *M:ea.fo rd Webb ugsf Barrie had charge of it-he fzuzmeml w~hic-h w,as ah unusually large one. degcezased being a genetnal (favor- ite. Tlhler bearers we-re J ., L.,h W. and R. Ross, am! H. and T. Jenn~e2t-t. The triburtes imcludveld. "Gantness Agar, A St. Genorgue s chaurcnh: - crueuscerrt, girl friends; wmntih. fa`thIe.r'a:nd mother; uqa . a.11't:-wu) .U1:&`.'ll. (|.'u1'11l .Kl. _ V _ Mxss Hazel L_ezn':1umx is qu;amnt1nev:1 11:. the Royal Vwtoria -hospn ;-al, Bar- me, ' f . U71. J.u.1a. .Luu.LS, ML .l.`Jl.'u1. " VVe_h:oop'e ._t~o_have,ja skating rink in the V111-age thns winltser. The first sud has alr-ewdv .bc:en Itlurnerd. unt)` '.A9nvv|Ar\.\r `:1 ' rIn'1:\I\n r|u`-:-n.I.r' VJ'Ulll5-li--U'JlG.'Ll'lJlI'Du ' The remains of the late Miss - hel Ellis, of U`-t-oupia, were imterred in the English church cc-msetery eat` this " place on Monday least. We extend to the `soor_n_o'wing family our simcere s.ym'pra`t-hLv. .Mr.c Annnl `Q I'r:uH'-:-n.n- {In-.nr (nn~rrI-a`1_ .\ll- l.l.l!U b'l'Ull u.15u.1_u. ` . In the Canadian ranlway servxcae `I8 Iernxplvoyeuens lost their lives thrrowgvh aoonderrt d-urin-g_ October. as o-om'par- `red with eleven in the tpreviaoums m`-on't-h and fnourteesn in O_no'tobuer.- 1904. ~a-nd ` there were .tw:erasty-1ii_ne_.se`rioom1s1y in- ~,iu17ed. Of the tatalitxeas t.hree were to being s.tru_Iok_~by 1e_;`r;gin.o`si.gr.. '11! V t.rW`.itV9 P91|I$.50l%8-U % Aan;s.t.;%o % 'yl;Iu1k`f.:.u.f1imo1d is visiting -`hi-er daugh- ter. Mrs. Mills. of Erin. ' W0 }'||l'\|r\'1) .n `kn!-vtx If! r1`vt\.`:r|.nn u:.nI- :u-I _After- i:nstalla'tiou1 .thre broeithren pavtook of aneaxjoyable supper pre- pared by Mr. C. J. S. Anedens|oI'.1. This lodge is ab-oruxt `to make pI'Ie:p.2lI`i1`{`.iOI1S t\o b-uild a thousand `dollar hall. . V (From Another Gorr:e.s.ponvd:e1n`t.) A dau h-ter `came itno `I-addnem the home of r. Th-os. Annol last wyezqk. j 0o\ngna=tuula=tioun-s. - . - 'P1~.n rnvvn.n:nc nu: U-Ln `I.-`L.-. "III...-. T5-.- ` The rsespao-rts osf jtih officers` showedj the l-0-dge "mo be in a =hea`l-thy con- diti-onyit `having cig-hty m'em`b~e.rs in good standing with a balanlc-;e;in the treasury of over name hundred dol- lars. The -election of officers foll.ow- ed, the retiring Master ;chcos.ing Past Dixstr'i>ctv Master, W. H. Davis, as in-,; srtalling officer. The -f~oll-owing `br.<'z- tkh-rven were elexcted g3fice`r-s [cor t.~hv.~. ensuing term: H ' W. M.-Josne:ph Mcclerman. T D.-.M.-Tho~s. W. R. Ar'n;o_l~d. Gha-p.--Rev. -W. F. Car~p`e:n.tc;r.' Reic.-Se.c y.-Thvos. H. 4B`:m:ting. Fin.-Sexc y._--B. S. Bamting.. - Treas.-W. A. Miller. D. -of C.-Thos. Gaulcy. Le:oturer.--G-co. D. Ban-ting`. De-pruzty L-9.c`cumr.-Herb. M~uw. Clotmm 1tteoe.-VV. H. Davis. W. H; Spears, G. Little, G. Davis, Juno. Cox- rwortth. ` , A21.-- :...'...L..1I_.J.:_.._ LL- 1,, .11 _ ,,_ -_ --.--..-nu lL\JA A4145 7 } VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVY VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV. - Our present holiday line is to large to do more than give you a limit of the array that awaits your inspection. Nowhere in Barrie will anyone be able to go: better value for their money than by buying of us We are seedy to show Y0 our holiday goods as any time; ' Please call as soon as you can. UVUUEVI - ~ '1`.h-e m-e-mbems out St; . Geo-rIgve\'s! oh=urch Guild saw the c~onsumma:tio-:1 of their labors of the past from .worblks in a most siwccesssful sale of work 'w. hic.h took place on "1`-uses-day a..ft:oeI`- noon and evening in the Orange Hall. The musical prno-gramme praovi-daesd `waa-s of cxI.cell:e.'n.t qouality and `gave am-* = le_ scope _-to the talents of Lhasa akmg part. ` '. ~A mrmber of vuoung English em:-_ gralmts arrived here Inst week to work in the `maul storag-e `pits. A slight disagnevednxzzrrt uuose =bdt:Wecn' tthi -`III and the G. T. R. sccffilcials. o"w'i'~1-3` to the ~coo~mvpany_ wi-s,hi`ng to providvc mccommodartnon m cars on `t-he siding. The difficulty was, boo-wevucr, smooth- `ved count. and the men are now. srtoiph piwg wt hdcnl t_>so\ar-ding h*0`1li8'(3!S.' V ` uoatwit-hrs.-tzrnldxng the heavy snow -fall the trams on t'.hIe nucr-tuhe_r!n di- . vision succeeded `in kcuezpimg well with- in ached-ule time dtgning .thc past week. .A nslighvt wcczdecwmt 'too'a=frexght `engine -just scrtrt-h of Nortih Bay on Thursday was the cause -oaf `the -lattu "arrival of `the Imperial Lim-i-bead r7:ha't' vtenin-g. Traffic was ea-'g~ain`_ bltonck-esrl for `several Ihburs on Friday.` ,:owin';' bo thus. -dversailinyg of. four; gicara .-mega.-r. `Fallen vAllandnle" '-a.uxiliary_< :`:'.*'..n.`:.s}2.`:a` :.;`:i:; W1 `*='*"+*8r= ' Tan HI-an (`.nn'n(Hhn I`-nuinrn "t:n I`vv>vh\l;> . Pocket Books and Purses, Toilet Sets, Military Brushes. Travelling Sets. Hand and Stand Mirrors. Imported Atomizers, Ebony Goods. Manicure Sets. Shaving Supplies, Razors Etc., Smokers Goods, Mani-1 cure ponds. Cameras, Perfumes, Sachet Powders, Optical Goods, Confectionery. ` _ Therefis some particular gifbl which will be especially acceptable to anv-` one you will give 5 present to some one thing which more than than anything else will please. Of course you want to give that gift and we can help you to do 1:. - `- ~ Helps to Right Gift Buying RBERTSON S DRUG STURE ONE D003 EAST or BARBIE HOTEL. 1 I.I1illl.`Il9J`.l'c .Tho prsaoceneods of the Prvesbyterianl _.anniv~ersarv :~:~ervic~e.s mow reach the splendid ho-'Lal of four 'h`1l`l)dI0Jd and sixty dollars. It is ntoitctd t'h~a_1t. bhuo onurch excheauer is in 11 moft su- tisfaotory condition. the ordinary 0-01- 1e.otioms for the` past. quarter suffic- into cover the running ex`pense.s. V . rs. M-um by was. summvtmed to Ha- milwt-on -on 'h`1lI':S'd.Y_l8._St on ac-oounitv of the .s,c1'i;aus illness -of `her son, Edward, who was -o'pier.-a-te i;1- th-e G-e`mem'l hIcIspi'ta11.fI0'z` n.ppv~x.1di'citis. We are glad to say the ~ovpcravti~oa was wwoce-ssful. and at last 8.0coO:11'.T_'S t-.he `mi-tient -s cvzmiditi-on was favorabl-e. ~ Mr. Thomas Duorwsell, a well--k'now:u traveller in tha_ p;r:ctccr,}{. line \y.hgo1so tfreqguent visits to {town }~.=ave made him very popular vwith lioscal mer- chants. dram ped dead in `the hall of one of Oril ia`s .11-o-tels `last Wednes- dnay. Heart fail-ur-0 is auippiosuevd to uhavoibe-en the muse .0413 his untimely demise.. .023 -. 'Go':o-hg|el`si tslyui-o'l_1 Guild .sa._w_ _the c~.oqms_umma~t_i9n THU-R'8DAY, DEC. 7., ~ ssonotn. . -- . Twzo exnelleunt sermsouns were dc liv- ered by Rev. J. Bedfoovrd in Burton Ave. IMethoadi.=.t_ church on. Surad-av. T-he ooongre.gt_1tion~s,T both morning and eveni'ng. were ex:oc'p.tim1-ally 'lar'g:e;. Miss Oharltoon sang a solo dmring the oft'erto'ry in her usual a.ccoe;p>t.:1ble' manner. Vhn .~.um.nnm.rlu A? Ivlnn I3rnn1-utvfnrrnn I `HUI ..LUU1UVn ' Ex:ce`llent vmuszc characterized Ibhe servimes in the Presby=teri'a'n church on A Sunday; , The 'p a.St-0I"s evgening dis-' y.aour.so was won "Opportunities." 'l ..numl vnnriuhnml-a urn no-nin urnmr- 0-wisixg ' to its! being 'Advoent Saurndav saupplopriaat servi.c=es were comd O 111 Sat.` Geaorgds church. `both morn- ing and! evening. on Sabbath last_ by Rev. Oamon M.1rIp:hy. A I-Tar rnnnv An`:1rIlD. fvhrnnde I? '1;u>v. uuwuu. .Luu1'Ipuy. . ` Her manv Allan-d.abe frue-nds w1ll_ r-egr-ext 'tao I-cram ~t~h=at Mrs. Thomas M\oore s rIevoovoe=ry. from her rse.cent seriso41Is`ill_'mess is prepngm,-ssing but slomwly. LAll hnolp to see her about :k`|f\n1'\W\ wuuua-u W an 'uu Llyyuru ulutrua. Lvowoal mcrchanlts are again wear- ing broad smiles. Buiness. w\h!ic.h` for some time has been very slmv. is now commencing to acq-uir_e its Xmas ml an-{An 31V`-70 . Mrs. Rwth-er`ford, when has been vi- siting her son. Mr, John Baulthert`-or~ d. eta`tim1 agent `here. has rctmrnve-dV to her home. 'E`.pnn'I].n~nI- H-nI\:n:n n1r\nnnnI'Av\:nn.A nha EIIIIVV U'U'. Stride. l'\.u..-L [111 `L011 .L`1'UlJ-71 LUIC LU ?! VVl1l`l.'t':Lo the Ladies Auxiliary to `the R. V. hvospital willwhrold a `meeting on Fri- dav at the h-om-e of Mrs. Haamlin. b.-.......:...4.,.....:....:. m:M:... J5.` wt... ......n._ cnomxe-ouon Wlliu Luna u..I..u. _ _ `Mr. R`obert' Jvowlmsqn. Iqmsfxl St_.. !:s`a -patwnt m-the a.so1a.t1~on hosp1- in `IB G Val. IK- L LLl'U lUU'1Ll'U UL $VL16u .l..lJ11Ll1ll3v [HIV {L Suagerinxendent Tiffin o-f u:..he north- em ~ ivisivom of the G. '1`. R.. paid nan nffioial visit-to Bellcvillve this week. _'IK!nn `Kn n-ru=n Qilslqnlr` 1.0.9} ' I".n`\\.r`-~|I1 U'Ll.l-Dial VVIEH.-UU .u\=1_I'U`v1u'U vuua w uvnc 1 Miss Maggie Sibbald lI8vf;t?MvD1lXtdiaY on a six In-olnths `pleasure `trip to Txmornato. Oh-imago and other -point-s.; Mus. and .M'Lss Stveoer of M'11I`k'd.|8lI8j are visiting` with the fro-rmer s sis-I ter. Mrs. J. B. McDcornald. B`ur%t,or.1` Sunday 111 iD0'WIl- 1 Mr. T. R. Williams `has -sevened this cnoume-ction with the G.T.R. III`. 'D.n`r\nnl- T.n.H1naan|n v QIf__ van. V _ . Mrs. D. C. Camemn, w'hIo `h_as been in Mo-ntrecal for a few days. as ~hvomve again. ' _ Q , Mr Ram 'Mn'Mm.rran hand a .1lv1m2 .LwU\uuu . . _ Mr. ilexvsnom. of Golli-.n-gwpod. 1s vx_- siting` his bruocther,4Eod\v;ard, won the tlotwnlme. ` .-. A ` r`|n.vnrn~n'n(`.nI` D N RTIK` `nu . .lI.'(:lL 1 J v>v 51,-` Sunday nu :to-wn. '. Mr 'I` `D Willin u|;a.1u. * Mr. Sam M=cMoorran band a -IIYIIIS visit to Toronto bnAMonday of this rweuek. , , _ % , All Hhn nhilrnm nHnnmdunn- H19. 'l'ml- \ wvrcex. ~ All the children attseun-ding the fail- -way wand sohoono-l were v.aocinzrteId on Mnnau - - luw `nu uc. .-.. Cvommander TWhi.='.`.h.. R.N.. and the.- Misses Whish are trtayinug at the Ar- lit'li(;,`-tvovn Hotel for the winter. .L.n 'n1`:nn' AnI11=`:n1Vl'I I-.r\ '1}-Wun D `7 ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1 -Mr. H-arty Wilsoon. Toronto, spent Lillvil` n It `I1 +|l\nllII\ ' Railway Notes-%-November School Report-A--Perscnal Items ~ % Z3` 1 Carvers, a Pooket Eoife, a pair of I-'iookey_i `Jo rcnwu--vw -u ---v- -.._ .V.__. ._v_.._. v__ -- For Mother, Wife, Sister---A Set or Plated Knives and Forks; a Setof Silver Spoons, a Set `of Scissors, ea Hanging or Library Lamp, A1 Carpet Tsweeper, a Dinner Gong. V ` i M ~ We have also many other articles which are suit? able for a present. and it is a pleasure to show goods whether you buy or not. % _ - Remember the place Opposite J. J. %B%rown s. A few OI-IRISTMAS suoessrlous which may help you to decide on your Christmas present. For Iiatber, Husba1_1d, Brother--A_ Safety Razor,ASet% of ,4 'I'7'__Sl`_' _ __ _- -1` `l1 __'I____ C\I_-- V J. C. McFarlane (J. H. Willis old stand) intends giv- ingit his personal attention, and he solicits a share of the patronage from all the old as well as new cus- Mr.. F. A. Hoar having purchased the `business of i '3' tomers. V p, ; Event at Busy Allandale uuuulwg Iuuv ' you-u11I:. Dr. `WeIst.*"-723;:-er Home wceeks bf L-confinement .`t-o his room.` is fawt onclu ` .unore_ and -calling xoan `his (pwt-iewt-s. .I~t in needlaess Ibmuay we fang -3 at Duobbrl J V K. ; % > -- x a. nun" alu U1.` u.l.OI'0l'llCOo ; Rev. . Gavpentne-r of Ivy by re- Iest of our A'ngliIoa:n VipI8I0ple willv `ggld -monthly wgryiws at the home! at `Mr. `Duffy. ""MF, T...'i\xr`lI>In|nA mh 'D.xunm3n' ..A'lI.n.4I \ In `nu . .uu.'uy. _ - j.`M1j. Lawrence fTeho. Barrie. ocalbe-d an h1.s_f1fi-ecnds hem -last week. Larr, `-8 good ok-exs wou'ldnne;vIe -r !tireu=s;_ ' 6; still -5 the t3amIe."hoe:arty- w-ohctoomsa I amnanuz the Innnnln Hana ' ya:-vcxzya. nut`. tum MP8. Ju8.S. .IJlll1!l. At `the Methodist o'hurch.S1mrd.ay evening `a weary 5-uiccessful .mission- mgsoom of .'l`~oron:to. T . 1 Dan r\................4._.. ...a -r_._ a._ _- J. nry uservice was c-zmdauotsetd :by Rev, u pvuu mutt: vwxmzexr months. 'Mr. David Dunn and wife, of B:a.:- % ter. as -n't Swumod-ay' with `time `If-ommer s pawn s. Mr."a.n:d Mrs. J.as. Dunn Ant H'}\'A mA`.aH..~I:.,+ ..":.........x. n...... .._'i KCKVO ed to Barri spending a c-onrple. at` weeks 111 I":-Ins vicainitz. I Mi-a Tc`.Hn l1:ln'In..'..L me .n. .. -n A 7 -Mr. Alex. McEao'hnern has "natura- 'Mrs. S. -Murray. G-ravenhurst,` a;nd~ Mns. J-ouhn Hogd1ns._Mansfield. wene; the ' uests of Mrs. -Mocraokin on the town me `last week. - ? V A Fnfnvo nvuu-ul-.L'n-u .--.-._..._ _..L (-1: I ` vvvvuuun '1'ug3'l. WEEK. After ansott-her ooaopursve at Stmnley Barracks.`Tuoroun'tuo. Lieut..lH. L. Tsar Bu-sh nertumed hoomteban Sauturday. \ Mrs. Szmmenrt and H.mn'rr'h-far um mu uuuu ucryunuvuu moms noun Ba'tl.1Ifl18.y. 1 1 rs. Sangent and timu'gh-ter E1-avva` game too the Qumran Cilty. wihvevre the'y will spend the winter mco-nqths. ` 'MT. David `I111-n.n nnwl . .3 .o..l! `I'D--- Lxxuuus IPBDB last week. 7 Mr. D. McC'uaig ape-n.t part v:: laslt week with his Iorvoithoer. Alex., at Peryetang. ` --'Mr. A. E. Bell. who has finizwhod his telsegra-phy coceurse t1 c" chc N. B. 0., Owen Sound, is ,hsome for a'_ xfqw da y_s. , V ' , A I115 da v. '*Mr. Frank Li;;1E.'tbne Vvauf 'Min-e_zs- ing called on friends heme "last Sum-j dnv- weeks in vioinit . Miss Ella Gihohrist of `b 0. B. C. I.. is speznpdinga few days at "her home` is s:poendin'% B. ~serw Ida ya at hsegr .hoan'a. Rev. A. . 8and:er.svon not Angwu-s -will reach `a saermyovn to the Oramgemveun are `meant Swndsag afternnooom. mt -2.45. A caordi-al invita ion is exxtendsud to` all the brvethneln tao__be `present. 1 A Mr. Wm. Lafreine is home from Parry S-0-und. v -Miss Mary Go-le has 'g"O'_n'8 to Barrie or a few w-ec:ks., . ` Rev. A. R. Sandrerscou -of Anigwu-s will reach `the amrural missionary se.rm:o-Vn crrg next Sunday morning. ` Our teaohser. Miss Elriok, of {Fm-R g-uvsoolnvale. is leaving after a th'rue ye-ans . term in our schro-ol. Her suc- 38295101` will be Miss Shier Canning- D411. - ` I ' ...u.u. mu uu .Lu1ss amrer Off Canning- [Mes~srs.' Jo-Vh'n Lafrenite and G. Mb- .La'ug`hlin have gone to Buffalo for a_ few mm-n'ths._ V - Miss H. Ross visited friends in Al- landale `last week. - -Miss Watt 0'1 Allandalc visited with friends here last week. `Mr. T} -R4'l\r`.t1'|:n:nn n~o.~n--L ---A--`- J ` "' u .n-cu-aruvvuln Th-e s-ale 201'. wvotrk 'forjwhi:ch they members of St. Gem-r-gc s church Guild-A h.=9.V(.' been 'prep'arin~g oamve oqff T.ues- 1 day. -a-fte-r_.n~oIosn and evneming. in thn. Orange Hall and was a great xaufocuess-. j The Hall _w;1s ta-s'te:fIu~ll_v -d-e)coura't-:2-d W with red. white and blsuwe ibwnting. in- I tnrsapersaeod with hinmia lanterns and flags. -A :grO-Dd bvu-sine-_ss was done a:t the variuus `tables .pmsidr~d over bv the members of /the G|1l'il'd. Umivensal regre._t was `expressed at the a=bse!n.'cv of Mrs. M.u`rp'h'y. who was oaneof the leading spirits in arranging `for sale of work. and many -weroe the kind wishes fro!` the speedy _reIoovery of her son. Pncvclmcrls i-:.igh'ty dollars. rum 1:. aernn. ` Third Class, `Jr.--M. MJcDomal~d. L. B8l"n`S. L. Hmitttoln. W. Grwteas alnd V. CMuffi't't-. ` ' Qn_......J l`II-__ 1'1 , vi rum 1 - - -- six to being oau'gh't betwoeen oars, five to being strwck by Iemginos or trains. four. to contact with 'm'Iac.h~in- ery. i'.Wl0.'tvO being nu=n'ovte'r. two to osollision-s. one to a station a-gent be- ing `gored by a bull fwvhiloe `uxnlno-ading cattle, and one to a` baggagueman at Montrnenl. 0119.. h`:'n7ina- Ju fmmn `-and The foullmvmg is "the rsal_p~orvt or .t=hc Souith Ward_.soh:oIol for November: 'I1`nn'rIf-`h (`.1-nae: Gr / (1 Allan T7 Cl-ass,TSr.-HL lMcDoInald. F.. Br~u`n.t-om. A. Gi1ohr"ist.TE. Ambrose and E. MoCa'usla.nd. .mmnm..I r"`n.nn 1.. 17 n1--_. n mt, aauu .l:h' .LV.l.U\/l l'LlSlH..Tl(lo S-elouotnvd Class. Jr.-V. HmmIt_. G. Mc- Donald.- Hannafn. D. Herr-2-ll and W. Dalbom. - ` . _' V 6V&'\IJlII:l !illlp `QUE?-g J..|'l.Vlllg IIUS IIHIOB EHO arm laloera-tn-d by the discharge of a gun wrapped in ahunt-e.r s baggagle, New pad (rub-ne lnnea\In Toma.-' toot. Corn. Pens and other manned coodu now arriving at BOTH WEEDS uuwuu vv a1'u_-uuwU'0.l L01` J.V10VeIl1D.I`2 Fnosurlt-h Cl-ass, Sr. -,- G. Allen, H. Cmsnsem. Hirlehnegy. l0. Sltnonrcy and A. Bnulmtiom. - .* Fsolurtth `G1-axss, J r.-A. MoDom'ald. E. Walker. F. Faw'c~e't. T. Bell and .J'. Gihohirist. ' - T T-h'ird 016385. Sr.--B. Evans. W. Mo- Lensrman. I. M:oF-a-dvdaem, C. HJu+mph'rvdy ang G. Sernn. ' . I.-nan -T- ll` `II. 'I\ I I w 1 " ""`r- Iimie baggag}7{aAn Montreal. Que-. having .his fuano`e"and arm lanewahw 'hv Hm 4l:a...'lm..n... ...`o .. F. A. HOAR.. one `STATION. ANIEN `MILLS. EDENVALE. ANEUS. ll!-C'b\Lll-ll WUIIQ .1-U31-I'| ll-KFLLI `ii.".`3'. ;L.. No; 16, 'r=1m~n'rEom ;` No. 305. -re V319} .LNo.v.VE1:mgn_oye.. _Art the annual meeting of Lakr-% L-OOLQQ '0! ` who W4 BNO. D9 A0 ley. occupied .th3_c'hair. There was a -ilasrga `at-temdanm oi. m~ember,s. Vi- yuuxug, nuzsu -uu Dun-u.a_y uv-auxug. ' Mr. Jobthn Davidson of `Thornburv was in thxv3`villag'eVla.9t woeaek. JZW-0 _yeu.r.H ugr.) 1|'.11.`JL Uwxuuay, .u-nu. U1. T We can only .t russt `t htat his lua.b-ors among his ,.people will rtqceivae the same -ooomtinuteod blessing 'in the fig-1 ture as in the past. Mr. AShdi0|Win IS an able and 'h:ou'g'ihIt-ful pnealoher. 'wvh-use sermons are 111] of i-nternestt and .po;w.er.. We ,wuere pl-elwsed to note , tine uhvonrgl-:h't of meditation by tho : Rev. gieent qmvan on Sunday luansst taken from Acts of the A'poast1_es. 6 chap 15 vprse. as `follows: `_`And all ft-hunt sat in the Council looking atead.6a.st- ly pom Him saw His faice as it {had been It;h:e `face of an angel. Tahe pas- bor .pisot.unend Steplnem as h`e"was be- ing stoned e_`aarmestly,p1~cadmg to his _ Gmod uto vf0lg`lV$ `them for they kn;-ow moat w'h\a't `the Klid. Stephan was ca man Ffazll of aith am-d awer who worked wondvers among ghle rpeople. In fhi-s dying. moment .G.oId~ 1p~e'rm:it*tne1d him fbolvonok in [It His glory. .A_'t tihe. evening sgervince Mr. Aeihdmvn bmu ht teufnome his -fhearers theytrials at -ob as contained in his book, 3rd o_hsaJp.. and 23rd versus. "Why is light given to a `man -Whcosse w-.a- -s are hid and W'bJOII!1 God, hath I: god in 9" The nnnonn. A11` anvnvI`3nvIn-'h Tnk nv\v\"(`\c." - \VI.l.IUX11 \J`UM 1lR1\L`Ll ucug-an In 9 ._l.lJ|G ; grand old patriarch. Job, amidst all , his adversi-`ties and at times with only I a ,%f8.:l1JSt {glimmer of ii `h't held rm ho In-s God. not so IIl~\1J0_ for his (sake b_wt fnorjclx,-is sake of `his sons. Th}: pnot-ure 1n {the life of Job was beauitr fully psortnayed by whys spletaker. There -was a`1ar turn out out our ytonmg "men -on u'n-da= evening. Mr ,'I'u`\D'hu-| T\aI1:.Junn:n ya? "lanrnhnrv a.'CLI_'lU'u'L-t:`Iu l'!U' `um r-uv.uruu'5-u. u'1.v-11511;. butmsnness gprmncxples. .W.e knnatw Of no ~`man ,w.hoo~ will be son m.usc.hv missed in many ways. We urndersztxand that Mr. Shields `has: nentemprisaus inn mhaxv of a *mvo`r_e promising ch;arca:c:ter and this lugs bnought alpnout the disposal of 1115 An.g~u-s Ubusmess. Wchlerrelvur -it may be we,wi;sh Mr. Shiual-d-s and f-a.m- : ily evvery %-svwcoeass. Rev. Charles R. 'A-s[h-drown, pastor of Ziaon P_re-sbynterian church, ._ne1c~e1iv1eLd fnom` the congregations of Angurs and N-ewY'Iaowell an Imanimvovuzs mall and entered upon Th-is pastoral duties just .two years ago la-.~Jt Sunday. D810. 3rd. Wu ncmn nnlv fr-rmof `fhmt his lamhnrs 1.01` 'uu-u Juvrcluuca. We lv-ear.n wit7h ,r-egret t`;'h'at lame of our most u'p~to-dwce `and I:-rat-a.1`pri:s- izn-g `bttlsiness `men. in the lper.=.ot'>nT of Mr. A. W.vS'hields. is a:boou:t to see-watt the ties that no .cl-osvely bind him to his many friends. It is mwilte icrua. indeed, 'that_ Mr. .Shie~lds has sold x_Ju't % fhis business and pruocp-er*ty to Mr. "W. % P.h-illips of Lisle for a_ vmewt figure`. and hands over 't"herr|esin:s cm tvh-u firsit day of the new (wear. Mr. Ihiulds oaneerg in A-ngaus has, buaqen a mxonst pros . *1`-oIu=s onie. w'hic`h can` only be: avttri Iuite-d no his ;;h;mou-g-h. up-right 1.. .... n:mn.l\QcI `|.a.y-3.n.nn`I.na \N'.n Irn.-vuy n.F n.n. Ulla -.IJ.-Vll. Ill-III: agaut. _ . ` '1\h.se Public Library [has gut buay. again wi't!h_ ~a oomlplerte ciha-ngve in `tho Baoszmd of 'Ma'nzaIgemien't, The librarian will keep you interes`t-dd .w`h:ilc mak- ing your use]-ecti-an 0'f'lb010kS. The cause is {well worthy of 'pwtx'.o:nia,g:qv 'l`he~ ohurohes havwe nu: childrux in line anuoe mom and have ed ithre ex.c11ci`s~e`s .foo-r `tihcir coming Xm-as and Now Yegar -.s festival and ae=n:tm"tainm'-en~t-s. Wue ttnulst this may be a Ipl-e,as;a'mt and enjoyable season 01` the j11V!9`I1ile`_S. `Va Lwnrn urH-Th 1-.mrrrnI' !'f`"l'\|n+ hamn. mf Qgeasud Itsofknooiw hue is 'pnogrcssi:'ngA vorably'.u'nsderv- t'he traeatmevnt of Dr. Oarmbdhacl; Wei nocpua asoovn `to sue j Mr. Bell amt` again. ; 'I"J-un pn1P.]in Ln-n-nrnL u-an nnnlf Ahn.-iv! `UL I%hiJ:%uAnuuAnIenso%r smn cums Fdoownououuoououuu oohuoooqouwoooououu uuououuobuououwoo>oooo3 oo_oo.. : :>,``2 ~;:.e'I. ii::`-2'T:.*s,: for Ladies, Gents Make Your Selections early and shop in the morning if youwould avoid the greatest rush.t; Inspection is invitedbf ourwonderful array of CHRISTMAS HANDKERCHIEFS THE BUSY STORE We are showing an endless variety menced inearnest CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES Tradehas com- '%frHE NORTHERN ADVANCE The Christmas !LW'UlL'Ly".Illlll) mmlur aocmcnwo %

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