Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 7 Dec 1905, p. 3

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claim out in- uates eastul. send assist p` post own Flea at you to s t 1 P on ' 4 BARFIIE om". You COUN1 Y'OF SIMCOE. By-virtue of a warrant issued by the Warden of the County of ' ` Simcoe, hearing date the 2nd day of September, in the year of To Wu`: V our Lord Nineteen Hundred and Five, and to me directed. _ commanding me to levy upon the several lands mentioned and described, being In the County of Simcee. for arrears . reepentivelv due thereon. together withomy coats. Iihereby give notice pursuant to the Assessment Act and amendments thereto, that unless the said arrears and coats be sooner paid. I shall on I Tre COUNTY OF SIMCOE- asurer s Sale of lands Al: the hour of two o oloolr in the afternoon. sfthe Court House, in the Town of Barrie proceed to ull by Public Auction so much of the said land: as may be sufficient to dis- chargo the taxes and all lawfulchsrgea incurred in and about rhessle and collection of the same. The following lots are patented (exoapu where otherwise rusted) : - TOWNSHIP OF ESSA. No. . Description. T Lot Con. Acres Arrears. Costs 8: Total Won: |[T.h9r9av%25Ih dav%'Januarv I906 21 23 24 (1.- L. Barri H % 10 ` ll 12 ` 13 14 15 $16 3 17 A18 19 30 31 32 39 If 42 43 44 45. 46' Z5 50 k (I an ICE-_ _j 53 54 PF 56_ 57 58 ` .59 60 61 62 63 HUI` .'IIl'Ul.'LLlU-J. \{l_ll`1-Illa U.L . 3. That an extra supply of nutrm- (NUS food at all tumes 1n'crasecs.f4na qua*ntityAof milk. but the per;cg2):1tag-3 of fat is not in, any. way imiprov-Lid. by _i=t; if anything. the tenrdency is ltho at-her way. - A fI'|.1 A __ __-,_ .I__ -2 -__-z._:-2 '33 64 65 66 67 part Old_School Site, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 U0 UL `V VII 10 10 39 10 100 419 19 . 13 20 Nmmwg ............. mum 9 m.w A N87ofE .................... .. 12 13 87 12 487 N5 ................ ..... .. 14- 14 100 15 53 17 5:3 The Adjourned Sale will take place on Tuusmv, THE 6TH DAY or FEBRUARY, 1906, av g- 415 11 37 11 5{ n a - - . I u o o o o n - - o o o o n on As 14 14 Centre 39 of East J5 . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . - a a - I - o u o I u - n - o o o o o a o c 22 897 `.26 301 two o'clock p.m., in the Treasurer : Oioe. 376. `is deficient in foqd. inord:_er to give her normal qualnty or mxlk. Q 'l77ma4- an nv :`v-1 Q11-nnlw A. 11u`rV'H ;- ULAV vuuv- T 4. .TTh-all an vgtra supply of nutri`xi- osus oo-31 "almost invariably xveny sl1g.h'tlv lgncvea-sea the sol}-ds not I2_1f. `of the milk. That a .ra;t1-on poor m _'fv.2ved. i-ngrediemts has a wry slight teamdetnscy to reduce the solids not fat in `milk. but has little appnezoi.-.1b'.er effect i-n the fat. V E "I"\...`L --.2J-I. A -\ur\:\i\ cu-u-F-:1-nun n Anqxr :11 ..-..,..... 6. That althrau-gh the Vpevc-exntagc of fat in cow's` milk may vary daily. we . at p-meant seem unable to con- trol `these variat$ons or to ~zucoown,t for them. ~ - V * an so on 1 .. u ..v- -...--- * 7. Thai: for limited p~eI`iods, up to one .m-onxth or t-her.-en4bou=t-s. all findin- ary q-u?a;nItitie-s and qualities of food seem to have no material effect on th: quality of the milk. ' 'l'}uo.`- .anmvnA rsngrla nv-.n.v1n:an n rn:-1- Tender 3` Pa nmnfl. ULLUUL Ill l..L|'D `.LolLa . I - 5. That wnth a poor mmon a cow. 1:1 full weight will lose carcass wre:ig-`ht while -on a rich diet she will gain. weight. ' - A I` l`l'IL -1. _I.'.L.-.--..L LIL` _.._-.......-L..-. nun IJLI-"I-1.6]. o the aim` of all .pnovL1uJee1'.s of milk. butter or cheese should beivo .feed .wvha-t will give quantity, m` moderate amnmt and of a mixed na-: bure. and the pmdume -will be t- vel best `that the now can give. '1. 'l`ha+ Av`!-106: nuns!-tr` ~nnu.nf- Inn` 7|,u'0 q_ru'a.1.u.y UL L`Ll'U I..l..ll.1.ISo ,8."1h-at some flood-3 exaemcise a ma- terial effect in raising the melting point` of husbter. . 0 "I'J-nn.i- i-Jun nimrr .nF n`]vhnrur`11In.m1'u nf IIVBL Ialulll-In DLLNU IIIIVV IJG-I-In SIWU '10. looked for by improving lthe breeds. and judicious selection. rather -t-bran ,by o_.'ny `spacial foods or methods of L.`;.`-V_`.;`_'_'_'_ _.A1_|...; _.... That extra qrunlity` `must be` edE,.""'" "5"" 1," `"'.""" W A11`.'-:;_ _t]_1'e _-y-qr-i.:z"tivaVirb1.s in the pae:;:.-_ E} . . . - - " EofNWi NE} SW;|:............ No. l3pt.......... No. 24 and 64 Albert Street Black. . . . i='c'i3}'oien" NE1... .... ..... 4.: .... North Homewbod Ave,plana 428,Nos. Q1:-up` A rub 41 V. cu -vnuu n vvu gg v \. auuw tau 1.! Va. 9! 7 3and4pt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 'Sl4ofNv44ofEJ,r . . . . . . . . . . Victoria Ave. plan 426, N03. 107 . . . . 8 pt W 1 .... . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . North Hurvie St. plan 392 No. 67 pl: North Mary St. E 2/100. No 189 pt Concession Line `plan 392 No. 38 pt. EM: Douglas Sc. No. 16 pt . . . . . . . .. 1 ` ~T'`.T.`\7I'1`Y\ PtWJ,- ........ .. I314gotss_...... West Ash 81:. lots 3, 4, 5. . '. Ia`.-t Q-n-nan Qb I.-.o_ I 0 `J II ECU `HULL KJVI Ivln (J, T U. U. C` L Eat Spruce St. lots 1, 2, 3, 4. .` Q 0 10 11 I0 1.. ;.4 -nuvv win Juan J 5' U `I. U. V J, '"s7'9, 1o, 11. 12 pa .......... .. 10 16 2 West Cedar St. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11 pt.. .10 16 1 East Cedar St. 5. 6, 7. 8. 9. I0. 11 pt. 10 16 1 East Elm St. 2. 3, 4. 5, 6. 7. 8, 9 pt. 10 16 ,1; TOWNSHIP OF TINY. E75N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..l0110S 75 s 1 of N 73; ....................... .. 11 4 so presenta- ghou-b the -given on low in lo- 7`-""'*' \I' *** '~***** T T MACKVILLE VILLAGE. Lot No; 9 and 10. S of R. E. P. Road -q.`-uugo.-.-no-s A-- run . cw Lot 2 South Queen Street E31of Park Lot 19 pt . . . . . . . . .. E3ofParkLot20 . . . . . . . . E2 1:VofPa`rk LotT22S pt . . . . . . .. W got Park Lot_22 S pt.` . . . . . .. Pu-kLs24Spc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .` E Russell 8: No. 6 pt . . . . . . . . . . . . TN'ZacofS'10oENl6ac . . . . L7 UV a o - I I OI N70 . . . . . .. upsets; L` I$\J\'lL IV`J Ordnance Lot . Barrie. September 2nd, 1905. First publication in Tm: ONTARIO Gfxzm-rs, Oct.'12th, 1905. Dpoz`-;'t:o_;l` TOWNSHIP (Nozvrmzgx DIvIsI;s'). .5; A- . . . . . . . 3 3 50 4227 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15 7 50 17 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23 3 200 8 94 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 _ 9 100 17 90 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14 10 100 - 8 95 . . . . . . . 15 10 100 10 90 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16 "10 100 12 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19 12 200 15 31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 21 ` 13 15 56 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 16 100 79 47 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9 .17 `I00 20 53 TOWNSHIP OF ORILLIA (Soornnnx DIVISION). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 3 50 72 58 pk.) A -on -1-..- A00 \T.... ` - IN Annmns 1-`on TAXES. 133 12` 2 97% H . . OF MEDONTE. 3 TOWNSHIP on` MATCHEDASB. II , . . . . . . . .. 46 V :rE>'v's*'1I's..I'1'I'>' or TOSSORONTIO. .... 23 5 mo T TbWNsHii> o SUI5NID.4:LE.~ VILLAGE of sUB3UR. ......... .. 33 5 70 ......... .. 19 6 2 TOWNSHIP OF VESPRA." ........ .. 13 6_ 50` ........ 11 7 40 ll 9 59 n In ...... .. j 24 1 so TOWNSHIP 01? FLOS. ........ .. .15 15 i6 WYEVALE VILLAGE. TOWNSHIP OF my. \I V} C'.'.'.'.II19 6 13; . . . . . .. 6 15 200 . . . . . .. '9 15 183 WASAGA Bucu Lots.` .8. 9pc 10 16 1; 9596179 . ..... 1.11 9pc. JJANIEL QUINLAN, 111 111 [11 111 111 107 (III centage of fat in a oc-w`s milk, am caused by something. but what that something is,-we, as; pnescnt. do not know. though if we `did we might be able to i.n.flu:e:n\c-3 the quality. 'm?y w`3RFiaTZ` Kidney Trouble -1'l GENTLE momzv mu. Z1inH`a'mma`{Z{m`ZeTw` the pains, and make the den- ` cateorgans well and strong. Ltd:-eggistger direct on geoelptolpricedue. e )i 9'-!.'.`e'e,`.-e* 93'? ` . _ _.__ - 14 14 4: 2-100 and don't know it. `They at- tribtrga their ill-health to weat- ness. Drag ' pains in e hips, backaclefg` nervousness. tiredness, headache;s-are more often caused by sick kidneys. If your kidneys are not well, the other dehcate or . _ue db`;-;b=:a"d *==:=::::;1 ms on e orrors o e e _ - nest and the serious trouble: often attending pregnancy. `SI-ll CB $119136 $I\-v 3 111 L` CII-ICLC Weakness because they cure the Kidneys. They promptly restore the Kidneys to health, -11-.. nocnclnnl-::\o-I `aka no-an-n 5% $956 Treasurer, (Jonnty Simcoo. _.. _22 69 13 18 8 77 24 10 33 10 L`x\.l 14 45 I4 45 Evident. ? dent. `Due : kt Barrio. 65 56 27 42 13 94 12 78 6`! 1 -76 5 40 2 38 37 38 33 46 ii '73 2` 50 200 I` 75 2 00 1 75' `DE 175 :NO0#0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOONOONfN 250 50 I 25 53 ~ :+++++*++M+"+1 (.`7A\"\vv1u\ . __L3_\_ 2.. 75 75 7 7 II 5) 5 -P F. I PC 75 75. 00 $11 31 24 94 20 18 v v v v v YVVVVVVVVVVTVVYYV.Y V v'v V STAYNER-,A peti-tilon. nvwhmh 1:8 pow tukln-g` t'he rro;und-s- of the town in 5-lC':lI`lC`ll :01? s'ignvu4t'u`l`*es. `Will `U9 P"'-T lenttfd vtlo vt`h`ea Corwmoil on CMONGIB-`Y oven-ing next. praying itih'a'It vhvonlorvalblo y -to sgublxilll. a Local 'O`p~tion 135'- law to the caonple at table 'tim~e.olf {the m-um'.cipn1 e ueoolns on `New YL aI"8 dab - T-herc will vpno-bably be 0. Ihlolt "i;i'm"3 in the old '-t.gnvn be~2or;e Itrlne old ycliI.!_`"5l dead. . ` T 1130 IO 52 (`(5 II- 44 77 19 29 10 69 19 90, 10 70 12 75 I4 12 17 31 Pl` GOA `I555 16 30 75 08 63 06 29 67 15 79 14 63 1'1 00 ll 37 IL37 It not VET. 5 51 3 95 .21 56 ms svnur or men srnuce cum V210 T55 11 38 I5 22 4 15 5`! 3 76- 221 Don 17:Neg|ect A Cough in URBDAY. chitin, Pneunionie said even dreaded Consumption it_se1f`:un;z`1')"` directly to only a cough." When the first cold comea, stett in on Acursnry View of Incidents as Clipped from .....ur Exchanges....; 00 UNTY SUMMARY. IT CUEES COUGHS - heals the inammed sur!aces-- at:-en hens weak throats - uts the lungs in the strongest mjagfncghlifigen to resist t _e trying effects 3 E P\J3l UAW \u\luuA Inavo Canadian winter. 3 30gilVie$ RePUtatin@ goes intd every barrelof Royal Household Flour They would also lose the custom ofsevery other woman who tried it and of thousands who had never a tried it but had been told that it was not as represented. Ania I I II` WYwou would try it onc e:-if it were not good you would be a small loser, perhaps. .% But Ogilvies would probably lose j hY".!.."= *m-... . . A Tixerefore Ogilvies must make Royal Household Flour the best our because they stake their reputation upon it. and if you and thousands of others found it was not the best, Ogilvies would win their business. s { so 0 ilvies make Royal Household Flour the est our, in thir own protection; Inc._identall)_' that is }_"auf st1: prptectfgn window I? T?! `CC nheth r.%UTO-l you the best our beca the; brand carries with it Ogilvies Reputation. . 0 lvi sin_1l ly :81? a trial--know- t t t e perman t & frligend afar? RwolyalmHous:hold H0312. o3 d b'gi'.'1:v';;7"s;',3'i:'i,7l'h2"{~7o&i`f 17: me greatest er? % . % %If'Royer1\l. I_"'Iguseliolcl__ `were not as `III e _ C0'LLINGWOOD_.-`Major Currie is m Pztt-sburg e-ndeavooring =t~o arr.an=ge forthe operation of -the steel works. Wxjtnng Ito a fr'ie'n~d_ in `town. the Mapr says hehasi every hiovpe of a strong nompany taking over the con- oern and oupe_ratin_g the plant to its fullest on-p~ao1tv.-En=terpriste. MIDLAND.-Dr. J. Wilkin.-so.1l-?a\'es to-day. Thmrsdag. for Toronto. where he will engage_1n prazctioe. The Dr. has been a. neusxdent of :Mid1-and for many ryeans and his d'e'parburse will be regretted by the 'h:ost of friends he has_ won during his so'ourn .in our amdst`. We -' in in w.is ing for him and his '3. wife a large mea- sure of suooess.-Fme Pruesss. OR9-T-he .ce`le`:bra.tEonn roof the `silver twenddmg - )0lf Mr. and s"Mns. Robwe`-rut Jc'olhins:t-o.vne_ .took tplaicee -raeioently at their resuduezmc'e. `fGra~-.1~dviue4w Eanm. -` in tube -tnoowushnp aonf Ono. Th-eroe were about seven-tv `present consisting of members Iovf thee family and aIcq;u-ain`t- annes. and a. mnoouatt en_}oyatble. evening was spent. After paljtakion-g of tlh-e; auxrmsprtvuous lrespast _wlhu:oh had; beienn. reap-attend. tahse riernrarnder of -the 'e`vv.:n- mg was -spent in meal and instnu- mental -muu-sire, `r~emita't.inp1ns and com- 'grattsu*latt~our_y` svpeebnhee. Some well-writ-1 tean vemsets. w~li1o;1x' had `beam c4o!u_1ip~ose-d ms a memeznho oaf t'hve cioc-a+sion. by Mr.` -were read. umdamogntits n . -' e. J. T. B; Selmtm. ibmit-ead. ~U.1_>o axfltervwardss klistr __ twfhvole. a `most \plteIasSalnlt It1me4..w-as sapean:t,s and alvbhumugh` lthe, ween: same. hours had beezn closely ap-proa.ohcd,the re-lImo4tmnJtl`y 'broke-wlp. mftegr re- vieuwnmg `time many` valauafb e and. wse- . furl , resnernlt-s 'wIhu`1o;h wte:re`brIon1-3'-ht as tsvu-b-,s mntial. pnaosfs of vtrhve este-zum in `party nvh;io`ah_ each 'au1~dAal'1 held 'the\ir- W-; spesute:d.jImsts. A 7' _' _ FESSERTON- -'-eTh*e 11 um easae - --:..-.-.+ -.ll\'~nnj nmmnhell of m,u-bau*- ndjmurmunetnt. on '1"11`uuau-uy ....==.., ....... 23rd u1`t.. bevfsoue Ma _is`tra= ceus -Broiwin and Skelhun. `M-oDona Q was ex.am=in-ed at his `father's hnuse. m_ the upvasaeamoe r. Bqyd. tlhio wtit-ean*d1=.n!g pIh`y:siIcian. and s-wore that he was drunk at the ' - A Int of dthier qvidensce was alao taken. A_m_mgm'ber V-at -v>ou'n-g mm. ~ from V_nnnte}t!8|.:n to ,ut~w_mty-'fccmr. V~*'bovge1tl'rer.? ;'11he--una'.'- _ ' T "M Oaun-pbea-1 *tw t I50. bottle |eee. -_.: remember -t'ha?t it is un-lawful -to .1 sell liquor to any inltoxica-ted` `person; % l\Y11 Y`I I'A Ill`- I`1 __L.:L!_,__ LA v `an:---cw..- 9 e f73riiiiTfA`LM'?f :1T&E'ii{.-Zigi a -.g.oy.` remen: ien%zi1.I<:er_ wa.. was. in town .*yest'er-da,y making Lsu-rvve'ys` and `-talting levels inor the" urp-use 0: pre- paring plans for the isposal of saw- uge f_rnem the -post office and customs ba_nld1ng. The intentiso-n.is -t-o `join it rwivt-h the Oolb-orae street drain which Hnowev`er.~-said `Mr. H-ubchins`o:n.v if the town is to put in .a sewenagoe sys- tem within a year or two this `-pl-aee wconuld be abandoned and things ria- mazan as they are until` that time. Mr. Hutchinson stated plans and speci.'ica- tions mr im-provement-s atwthe Orillaia -past office-were just about `complet- ed and that t-endeirs `ion bhe wnork . would probably be asked for in acou- that the Gnov-ernumnernt voted forty- V eight. hundred dollars. for those im- provements at its session in J.~uvne.- Nenws-Letter. . __ ' CREEMORE.-Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard .Metheral eel-ebr.at.eud the -fiftieth anniversary of their marriage. at the home of th-eir daughter, Mrs. D.- Lindsay, on Monday. Nov. 20th. The olocnsiaoun was a very lnmppy ga-t.her-- in-g. Mr. Mertheral 13 a native of Devnnshire. Eng.. where he -was born '75 years ago. `He cmmse to Canada when about ei hteen years of age, and settled in t township of Hope. Mrs. Metheral was born `in the town- ship of Hope 68 years ago. whuern Mr. Mnoallnxm. -who was then ` the ter their marriage they maomed to Not-tawasa-ga. wihe/fe `they -have since . resided. having been-swccessful in se- curing a 'c0mlpete'nce sufficient for them to spend the later ryears ccf t-heir life in ease and comfort. Nine -Iohildre-n have been biorn to them. and with the exicaeptioln of two. all are still living. They are: John of Dnmedi-n. Mrs. C. Sinicl-air, Chas. W.. Wm: Tug Do `J-3.5. Hg; or N-ottaw-asaga. and Ruoharid W.. of Yelluolw Grass, Sask. Mr.`n*nd.Mrs. Metheral are hroomorcd members of EM-adill'.s Methodist church. Mr. Me- theral having been a steward -for many years. A mumber of others. `oe- side the members of the family. were presenlt at -the anniversary and all joined inwishiing Mr. and Mrs. Me- theral a long `c-antinumtion of their life of ease and c-ontentm`eh't.-St.a;r.. now deposits its `filth in the -lake; ple of weeks. It will be nemembe'r~:d` she and Mr. Mvethe.-ral were mi-Jrried 1 at the home of her parents. by Rev. M .-Methodist minister 't'huere.'Shortly af- 1 -Marttial law and `the pruezss retr'rc- 'tions which `have been -in orce in Ja- -pan si-me .%t'h-e `riots in Septeanbegr, h=a ve been 'rc:mco'ved. ` In Warsaw. all the 'tvelumra'ph aznd postal clerks. and all eumpl-oyse-3s -of the gas works have game on strika and the railxvayunseufs union has new solved to `strike the moment the am- thszxrities atte:m'pt to. mobilize the troops. ` - " Tn Qrf pi: `.'-.n 1-: h.n v- I1` +- HA -rrn'-mo no] ..;m I . - Q L: a. 3 In St. Ptersb-urg the ageneml situatiro-In is des erate. Th-:3 city. is unit off from al `telegraphic com- mIu'.~nioa'ti:oun with `the interior. -the Wuorkmean`s` C'o~u~n!oil zhas orderexd the post office co close at-t.h'ne~3 o'clock. land a railway strike is camp-elated at any moment. The pol'nce"a.re demand- ing more pay and dzhse sailm-s of the` Baltic` and Black Sea floats dcman-d bertter fmad. the. right to wear Oi`! vilian clothes when on leave and ism-T rm-uni-tv while on "leave -from arr:.s`t on '-prolirtioal charges. T-he G-`ward re- gim-eznvts are jserimrusly affected. and no vimfuormartion as to the con-ditions at Se.bastroIp`ol can be got from the. `Navy De4p'ar*-tmlent. ' T klfl Immn.mll III? 11 `TI A'."Y\N`I" I'V ) fl 0 : 7 V`! I` zououuoouuyuouooooz | (I. V .I.I\7`!JOI- I `(oil-l.l.`|J-IL]; 0 . The hnsawse of an Aanvcorivcan citizen has been sized at Tetw-1:1 by the? Mnomoocoan Government. ` flVLn ..........Ln.... J.-E .-. -....-.24.- --........~.2LL. L'IJU'l'U9UUO-ll \J UV_'Dl Ill-ll'GllLo The .mystery of a murder `c-Vommi-tb ed in a forest near Ob-3rk~an1'fungen.' Ger-many. slevven years ago has just bererasolved. by a blaroksa_ni'th. in the delirium offevse.r acknowledging, the crime. Granny" Do-ggins. who claimed to be name hsundrue-d and .twen'ty-xt.hre{e years old. and so the oldest womrm ir the _world. is dead in Gainsville. a. .`Y\.f.. 113-1...` -.1 A 'l|l'-l'\u-ml" ...-.n...!.!.n.\L Utl-u ` - -Mr. RichardAA. Moourdy, ` resident of the New York .Mutual Li -eAI:n;s`ur- -anoe Ccocmupany, has resxgmead. - ' The Brutisxh 0oa1omm.bi:1 Les!`-islavture \JlUILl.l'l_' 3 111.115 1'? INCLI- '?1'llU 10.11] 1.5 The Brutish 0o~lusm.bia Le.g-islavture will meet on the 11th of Jzmouury u:ex.. , _ Disgranerfvul consduot is chbgrgusad nr\nn:*v\:vI` nu}!-Cancun A? T\n`kIn\m:a WUKIL. . .' is charged against ucitiz-eznjs of Dalhmnusoie, N. B. A hloltel in "the plvatoae was dest notyerd. by _fire en-tailing a loss of two=4ntgy- five thtcn.1~sa-nd dvo-llurs. but inst~ea-sud of helping punt `the fine amt the citi- zens . with come :0!` two em-rip'tions1, spent their Ieznergiezs in stealing the 'l`1nh~:G-n Ian11r.u-'uvH-hn11|f~fnrvl nr fire. llqllll`. , Thirty hiosurs~withoou't*f,ood or fire in a blinding snnovwstonm on a `vessel with Iherwdeooics awash was `the har- nowing `ex.per1-enoe of two men and a boy ion a phonoer on the Georgian Bay during the recent -ternrible storm 3 The `boy -was dead brenfoore they were: rensczulend. T-em, shipwrecks .a.nd eleven liv? lost is the TI8I0IOl Id of tho storvm so 731`. ` V T `I'........nn `I3n.&l-.nnmn.1\.o nn+fin nalnr 80 I31`. I ' James. Patterson; a cattle dealer, was frooz-em `to death while walking on the C. N. R. tracks fnmm Edmon- ton Ito Saska'tuo-he-wan. ` hvotuse to house Vc-anvas m T.montoT for the -'pIur.'poS-B of "taking -a -religion-s 3 Iosensns orf ftuhven city, and nap-or-t infor- ` mastiootn Jqruinkly and satisfactorily ob- itained. ` - 1)..........A:...-u Hmn 'rml\mn+.(`;n1hn;=n] nu: F 0 . Reg"ardi_ng ith'9_- .'nencnt dismissal of T-omnst-o Incense .1n'spoec`t0I`-S `Mr. \Vh1'1t- ney deaolarea vd-ahberate mist.aIt>'m~:mt.s am `being n'ra-d.e_. w_it'h 0. view to puat-V ting `the -prgovnnxo-nal .gwov~ernmoe`.m: in, a tfalse 'poosxt_1~oAn -bef-ore 'th`_'3 `nu-bl.i`c. oes further than btlaer `fads: It the vgry essencg 13138! C` .0 that Cwwu-WV of the beef-`-pure and undiluted'--with the natural beef avor. If you beef tea; you can ! aord to- use any othetugsavory ~and_uappetizing.u __ . - ARM0lJR S Extract of Beef -THE-% NORTHERN ADVANCE FOR SALE BY HERRON 8: HIRONS, BARRIE; . THOS. SPROUL. STROUD. FOSTERKISSOCK & METCALF. HAWKESTONE. F. B. SMITH. ALLANDALE. P. M. YOUNG. ALMONTE. PLUUGI `|IpI.'CiLLy VVIK-'11 LJUU lJ(l.l1UtIU- \3L'CLLU|-3. Men rwhno v-cvt-ed twhcoe in Ithe N-ew_ Yorvlg e-1-e|c'tiovms "vVI9.l`B sentenced to punt teznstnary. . 'l"`h-A mrnminr A? An:-{>v-,-n rnu '!II1I"`1`l w'f`3;~;l}emLer of Austria Ihas `assured the w!cxr'_km-en Chart t-hey will be grant ed universal- suffrage. ` Tr} In mnna- Hlrnltr I!-that `Finn w>n.v;a.7.n-'1 NF spmcal _Itre-aty with the Umit-and States. )Nf0:n M.-(hn v.m1--Ad I-uriur-um. in Ifhn. .N-aw Germahy '.`n'a.s demo_sunxce\d h-er. resci- U KLIIIVUIUUI. '-SULLLEI5`-`A L It is not likely 't.~hat_ 't`h-e ne;visE.o".1 cf the tariff -will'be Itakven up at the Van- sruirxg .'s:e-ssixanl rod? pnrliamreixt. 'l`lh.n*nn vu.-mu `:1 him` unI`I|d'\/ INF tvnrnntn DJu..1|.a. . Temp`-eranoce pcxo'ple of ' Ateme?si:1 tso-wnshi-p have nomina/t-ed a meum-ic-ipal -ti-eke-t. t~e'cu1-soe the onesent. c-cu-oil re`- *fuvs~ehd to usulbtmit a-1-oioal Dopction by- law Ibo v-cite. ' ' `n ..... 1' -1!?` 1).....lI .....' ....'...-.....u... ..-.. - E avuuxg I2.-"G"-33|l'\lsl. 'U'J. l)`Ll.ll.1'(l-l.Ll'C-LIL. Tlh-c.ne was `a big I0I1I1`.S7h/ of w-ovmrezn at the Yuork Caoumrty Loan offices in Ioronrto and many. failing to get_back their savimgss air a".1c:e wppliui I-or Lara nu l2.".`L': I.U:\V |UU V`U'L'C. ` Rev. J. P-esdlmy; smkzrreitariy of the Canadian ju'bil-ee -furyd in c~onn~ac- tion with Coongve'ga-t.ional cilnumhnes. stuart-ens that by this end of Dntcenmbcr Itihe dIeIb!t1s rotf all mhmrrchreas cast of '10- mnlbo will be paid otff. ; V. Fnovm expe_rimen:ts tha"cVha vo been econ-d:uc't~ed recently by English auth- orities. some `conclusions were drawn wvhioh -are nwoit all new. but am rath- er.:c`o-11-firtmax-ory of whim`: .,was` already Influences Which Determine , . Quality`o_f Milk. LII!-UVV ll: ` 1. -That when a now. is in `full .m.m: 1 and full flesh she_will give. hm nor`- mal L ualivty of mtlk for at least a limit tinge; even thzo-ugh the quality an:l'sqpuamtzty food. be,.yery - `a f`n,ei- gnr` _ . . 3 .~` - _ . 2 u: That * vv`-'u<*Jn in -L gonad condition :1 V `Wm wake V`-'. h'93' ' -1- 33t9"9r . UW35 I_llIu|IlU\l 'll\I$Bbl.lU 5 Just as he is careful to put oil on i his harvester bearings, so should he be as careful to keep his live stock" xnachinery in good working condi-_ tron.` An animal whose digestive ma- chinery is heavily loaded needs more oil than one that isn't. I-I33 I It also makes the feeder bristle with activity and vitality, making the blood circulate better, thereby` distributing the esh more evenly over the body instead of into the paunch for tallow at 4c. per pound. It -...-I.-- 4.1.- LIA- and anal nnff The farmer manufactures beef,` pork, milk; etc., and he must properly handle his live `stock machinery to get the greatest and best nished production. T--`L __ LA :4 `A-nntqq` .. ..L -21 an: RIIIHUH LU!" LCMUW GI. ve [193 I|'V`"'" It `makes the hide and coat eoft \ and glossy, giving that ne finish 4 that fetches from 25c. to soc, D01` i hundred more than from ordinary; feeding. _ ' '_ 1 V Contains nothing _lnilll'!0l18, and can stog feeding it without harmful 1 e ecu. ` "__4_. _--___ _L--_.-._ 1 CHUUUII I Your money cheerfully refunded 1 by the dealer if you are not satis- ed after feeding it. Same for all Clydesdale Preparations. Clydesdale cubouu Antiseptic will um` ..-..- _A_LI- -I --g arrow. F-,P)um Tl. HERCULES POULTRY FOOD cununAL: S-roe: Poop co. Lin! Toronto. Ont. T ~ is the oil to ease the load on your animal : digestive machinery, be- cause it increases the digestive uids owing to the foodbeing made `C 6nnup " H1ir1but Writing Papers. It will bear witness to your good taste if you write it on Twotone orHigbland Linen- the popular styles in Eaton- P1:'n`1-iiy gtyles here, too, of these attractive writing BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER Fine Finish Clydesdale Stock Food Every Letter you. write reflects WALTER SCOTT M5`

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