Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 7 Dec 1905, p. 1

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Jails! | ~ -*1 THE CHILDREN r..L'A._.1 ___.n_L _ 1. -__ _n sting `of Raccoon, 'Wa1l~aby` Dog, Wombat and Buffalo I. QROSSLAND -TAKE Youn- Our entire stock of " o M. V E Y 9 Sheri Co. Simone. A9 A0 Jag PER 100 Barrie. and NI lIl\l) -I-UUU VVNJLI-ll lull IJV UUCI1-l %i3$?s'3Ehan.wMho1e;e:;:.e-Apriwj UULVB W111 U'U U1 n.l.'|aU'\& IEUAIL VV.'l7U&u 'I`.hno. followirwg military. .c'oh=zmg~es rau- lating to the 85th Re~gt.. ('8im'co.e F-0- resters) `have. been gaze:t'tefd: Oapt. '1`. H. Drinkwnlt-or rm-.tirseas.' rct-ain:in- ;t-has. rank. To be ompt`a'in.L:c.vwt. A_.. rant. ` sP;no0vis'io_mal Lie-unj:._ F. J. LII-Inxtve 1'9.` % til`I8IS.~ l.uJt.. Ergmgt ' ` ~...`.-r`z " ulsnu-.-,;.-,`I3a`~un-.~" n'u`ni-.n:o.n'T7 . . .-Sn) " . V f;r.:9r Bargains. in t ;V500 W'!1;t-hjtlio b'_6rl6em'-/ A % .. ...e.` _ `IUI I)lJU'3u Barrie giuokey Cl-uh win have three teams thzs sreusovn.. tshue -gr-camps being as fool!-ovws: Senior snerim. - Barrie. Marlbziroa, (Toronto), Midlarvd Arngon- \ a.mt's. (Towmt-o). In-termnesdi-are serie-s -Barrie II.. Nmvmarkeut. Golliimgwood.` Juni-or aeries-Barrie III,.. Gol1~i-n~g- ,-wood II.. M-eaford-. Alliston. Tine sc.h.s_s.-. dules will bredrafizevd nexrt Wek. fI`L.A . f.4UII..s-'-.3.-man .o|'n:l:`-nu--9 -1&.A.unp-u-n.n u-zn. D UU1'O- ~ - Big 'p1urohae bf Men s Suits legi- Aa-blea us to sell suits .worth from $10 to $17. at $7.50 `this` week. H.-u'n.- ter Bros. V -- n.. .....:.. u'......1......` t'1l.u'L. ...:n 1.......... n........ -Mr.vGeo.'E. King. pupil of Mr. John, Bayley. late fbandma-ster Q. 0.- R. Bam1.'..TIoro:n.to. is prepared to 9,-0- oept Vpup.;l on -thp violm. .'1`.e;:-ms and Iother mformaatxonxcan be obtain- gdwratv Mr. Garnegttks Barrie Music 0. - ` V .. x 13:... ......-..'l...-...1. ..La .1ur,....s... n.-:.|.- ..._ --uuoo-v rnwvvu V-Re_tzn?e-mber the` _a1muaL' work an the Collier street M levoturre roams on Tuesday. bar the 12th.-Linieras, dolls, ;oamod,Y~. ertc. T " . _.'I"hA Iur-n4'1.n.ur .n'.'-` O.-rncnlnn sale e-tho-dist` 5 Ducem- ` apnms, ,E ATVIIT lJd|Lll\>] j 'C'bU- _ --_- `he ~wind::>w _-of Crosslan~d s . dzrng st-are presents a fine display of im- -pcourted Eb-otnv Mirrors this wveoe.k. The prices are 750. to $3.50. . ~ a ml-_. (V..- -13 try... ___,_ei' ,p -nu-,, I Speaking of `Miss Martiettta` La.Detll. } w:hoo a=ppea1fs.-'her.e with her waancver-t 1 -company on Monday. Dec. 11th.. u.t the Grand Opera Hmcusue. teh ' Vorvanito ' Globe Hays: A Si-dd:o:ns in` *.trag-ecy, > a Pixlezy `in :0oom~e:d'y. 9. La;Devl'l dfn mu- mvilory. Miss DaDevll -Wok U110` -housle' by Istsorm -and rleicaeivoed ndsoruble aencores or umeuarly ievvery m1m'ber."_ T. he vi~o_'- linist, Mr. George Fox. is `_t`hoe -premier visoli-n.ist.of Oanaadaa,-and is an artist of vextnaondinary -tsalretnlt.` He has the ` h'a~ppy `fax:-ul_ty not` playing to Ithte souls of Ind-s a-udieumcve. VT!hve kssospra.-n~o. M-jag Emil: A Fnavmoess Scoot t.,h!a.-s`surn'gi1f1~eg- quu-em ly -in .M-aas-se-y Hall. 'DoIro-nvto. `and has made a gr`-eat awocness, `molt mere- ly, in Ownada. but in the Umgitveod Stat`- es. The Altlsa-mta Oolnsstitm-ti-on sawjs sfhao has 9. voice 'of rumzu-susal `ran-gre; and sw=e:e't.-nses.s. Prices, 25, 35 and 50 ,oe4n-ts. `Plain 'a=t Rdbe_r[tvs3on s ',d.r;1'g' atone. Tickets or rieqmtax-nernig Itihree 0Ve8i'.t~S tolf athne conurse, 75 omits... and 10 p3~e:ntvS_ :ao'1n eurterftainmemit at-or th-Q mhpoicie af sretzuts. can be "hand at th;-(E sam=e~ plauawe. - A _ ' 'l\...__-x.__I. ._ L"L _ - .. __ -`_,- |UL'l-LIJI-!'tLl6 .tdl..'U.D. - ` --B-ar-gams 1n m-en -s ftur-l1ne.d over- aoats at Hunter Bnous.` ~ (1 _.. - . ,__I,- . A _-nun n _...-_- ...-...-V. , gay-;a;14o . Thee Noartihoem Anvaszme. S`i.m`c|0u3 S besvt paper. from now until Decem- ber T31st.. 1906. to new subuscruoems, i from one dollar. Will club with any" papue'r .sru-bsncniboe-rs may` Tdesir-e, at< cl-ub'bi'ng; ra-te.s. ` _'R.nr..-rains: {n vi-|.nv\ n E`... 12...: .__-.. I u.-my uugwu-u. unuvuutu vs1'l.V tune Jzapawoncn Lesa-gaute of Cyolliuetr sltmeit Met\h'0d'i-St ohnurcih m:ex.t 'M:eu1day night and -t:a.k~e ohuurge of tube tveimuporance program. \ The ladies agrteievd to. make and erup- ply sevv~erral- uc:o-mfauret bags for ,t?h1ea work among 1-umbermaem. `Mo-st suc- cessful meneltings of the u'n~ti~cigarertte .leaagru-ea .woeu'o reported by the Pro- sidermt who, :hi0I\V-8'VnG`l`, dc-plonexd the faIc.t t-h'a't cigwsrrette smoking is on t.-hoe innorease among boys. The other "de- pzmtmeuntsware `being ca.z`i`ie:d on very satisfwotnorily. - _.`7.-1 mn:n u nn-an 1....-.wL.l.. c.........L 1-1n.L_ W:f7l5Mz`IL1':3 -;1":a,.suits wvo-r't'h' from $10 to $17, noun sale this week for $67.50 at Hunter Bns~s. . Barrie. . III]- cured. Admi-s`si_on 15 cents. ' The W.'C.T.U. {held 9. very vplea-s- anrt 'me~e;ti'ng on Monday u-1ter noon at the iwme pf Mrs. Scott. when con- -sid:enra.bl-e` ib|u~si'nuevss was tnamsanc-tend. I-t ` `W328 arranged that the moezmbcrs Io-f t htp- Union should visit the Elpwonth Lesa-g.ue Ciolliuelr ertpeejt Mehhznd-at Ivv-an al. _J.J.|u.l.l:I.t:ul. DIIJS. ` , ' -011 Thursday. Dec. 7th.. there will be a sale of work. candy zmd light refmshmentsh in `the schrooolroom of the Barrie Presbyterian chaurch oovm- ; me*n;ci`ng at 4 'p.m. "Admission free. At 8 sp.-m. 9. "mu-sncal and litenary pm- gram vmll be given for which some of the best local talent has been 190- cured. *\d.m-is-sion 'l`.'l-m ur.nm1-1 n...1..n .. _.-..... .-n-_- uuuu -uppul. Luuuy. ) 'T|ha:tT mu -ways eltixok mo 6.. munmlg 1 man. -.is :well no-x:emIp_~li-f`i in ,`t\he: ease of John IMaoKve:e.n. -M"oKee1e"n, ,w'.ho .wra-.5. Imde?-r seutvemace .-for tthuet oounmibteod stoma 2t-ime gnu. wt .-t!hIe. `home of Mrs. Pe1p'l'eAr.- .'h'a ~b::en- detailed to ke c.p Imattsoh on :t:he"!a=te Mr.` Canscadden `during :the wbsecnacsea loaf Nunse Moore. He iznlpriobvve-d his port-u-ni'ty lby 'go- inlg thmmigth Gavsvoa dexn s pockets and stealing a aqnnalmtiity of gal-ver csori-us. Bein_g.h;aled bvegore P. M. Ra'de=mh.ursxt. His Wooorsh-ip' .sen1tIetnIcIe;d hvim ttrou !i_cvu molniths in 't'ha Oenrizral to run from man . -on _ _L___,,_L_ 1-,. rs .. n . JJ!VIUaRl.U'|rl.I'o - emem r` ' B` S `t S 1- th' week at Hunter BC;1osf'g m a 8- .18 _(\n 'I"L..u.u~.In.. `I'\.. _ I-ILL .L1.._. ,_.'-11 .vncu unu weumgcon Sbreets, 8000 feet Totting sheds. gm-dener s rooms. etc. App me u. M. :`TEWAR'l`, Esq., Stewart 8: ewarl. Ban'isLers.r Barrie. ~ 45 -`L BARBIE, (JOUNTYOF SIMCOE, ONTARIO, DECEMBER 7, 1905. : --V.uea.v.e -ynwr ordngra .mr cab. tmm=er of baggage. and o.a`1'.tago at` J. G. Scott's alftioe. `Phone 86. J:a_a. Wu ` -Ha_ve..y:c4u heard Miss Emma T. Irons and Mr. Eddie Pignoott? If you have. yoovu ll be at t.he1Gna:n:d Opera mouse on Saturday night. Deto. 9th.. under ` `the auerpisoe;-s of the Hock_e;y; Club. If {you " havext '.vh~e'ar-d Miss FPRDJOGIS Svtou-6. contralto. or seen Miss `Violet EM]cKnig*h't in nher fancy {and nastbovnal _~d:am:es. you should not miss this opportunity. "P"!!!-fr nauil -uroun .cl-Imlv M-us. A --.............. quuuvnufur ullrilg IIIIIIIUI ll!I_Illo _ The annual Xmas {fuels in tceonn~ec- than with the Com-grnetgational ohnrroh will be held'un '1`.h:ursday. tavuning. i Dwo ' ' T (Lu: -an ---I---- ---`A--- V `- -` ' ' I 4:. 1.5 ' cu. spa 5 uru-u U DD-YB. $0} VV-0" mews iuuxn-iary. R.5.;H., 3200; Judge and `Mrs. Arlda-gfh. $12.50; C. A. Puer- kiins, $5: Miss E1~iza`baeIt.`h M. L. Stria- thy. $5: R. Powell. $7.50: H. J. GU88- eitt. $10. - ~ no so wnikuonaa for an mums 0 dry End and son Wood. also slab: uwed and pulls. any length you with andooldpar uord. notbox loads Thu nn.-nun! V!"......... rn....._ 3.. .,____, ,, -ua. .; nuusaaatull. git 0'Ulll.lZS. ' - i`he `Lime Kilr. `Club is -hnildin-g ex- tra `sessions these days. "Brick wualls do `not a oprison.m-akte." -Eddie Pigpoott, `the fummioest man I ever sa'w.-R-ev. Oh-a-s.V A. Eca:ton., late of Bl~oor.strve:ert Baptist aoahmroh. Tomato. ` 1 T - Mr. .Jdh'n 'RuoIg ems-om. tr_e:as:u`r:e-.'r. R. V, Hooaspit-al. begs to asokn.oIwleIdgIe4 rc- oeail -otf Ituhlez L -o-lluovwinxg aulbsovipitlioens a' IdIoIn`a.ti:o.na - d:u-ring Nrovemlbearz J. `D -Rnsammu QR - .TonHn.n. n........ can . ur- awu uuua.-wu-uu rwwuug urov D. R `eons. $3:JuId e. Boy mo:n.\n any-3']-in:-.9 `D TiI.`I` mu A lJL'|I'Jn any LVBB |sLlG.ll._VVll.I7D.l`3'8a.U8 'pI'lIc'eS. ` -If you, wo uld.havve a firszhclass` shave -orjhair ;cut_ca1l in and. see El- dmun Brown a.t1:he King Edward` 110- tel .barber shop. ' x Band at the rink tt~oo-night, (.T:hur.s- da_.) Admission. 25 ceunts.` he` imve is_ -_l_mi_!d_=in-g gy- L... .........s..._'_ ;_L___ -n orsuzns. 'i;;vl;;g'o{ nice, inean oyster: an-Ive lrouh daily at Bothwelvu ~ -100 Overwats -on Sale Vail: `Hunt-qr Bnos. at less _ than wholesalie price-es. V011 \VunTl]d ihmvn. Q `Fir-u.+_.n'|nne jg Matters About Town LTRAYED on to the premises of Gee. O.` Leigh. Lot 22. Con. 10. Uro. about three nnthsmzo. one ewe and twn lamhn num... Lira-I-:-.- I115 f.V'I.lV'c_|l.l.l`U\JlL 3 do d%e- Bows. $5:_W-o- 1- -H-. ;A J u-dgie. Q1 9 RH `DA... `LI.|" UlU|U.`UfI.l.'V- "Mrs. ,MroK-eve oromtniemudnld ` Onamxcil for htaving cloesed rune und.esir'a'b1-`sa ro- svort and - be-f~u'=.Ied 1i'ce-rum (to aI}no|t-`h-e:r.- She cl-aimiend that B-arriue. ijn'-Joommaotn 'w;ith voIth-er -toowgms. was remtitlneod .-to .g;ve gm _ expneissnolft 'oot c` 'opin'ion_ - on % ..nmes 1:uc.vn .;nf suah_- 2mrpo'r~t.amoe. 1 This ` ' "sterial Amdvox-a'tioaa;had_- tm_"m_L 1 pIir3iti:bsnito_`__t` A.uAj,t J tt` LLEG-I. `I. \VrlU"'L1ll1`l.IJb UL unto BDIIIEDRSPH 513.51- t-e-3 lhsad l:o+3a1'owp=t|onn nmld four S'*.'.alt'P|`J had tvoatal =nI1o'hxb1"c1om" w hale in Ontcarno the mIc4v*em3emit- was in}: very a:dva~nio- % ed s'tVag2e.- ThIe'kJresemrt system sr-:.vIor- \ 0-d.ooIf momapoly and he ask:9dOIm 1-n- oil to -take`adv:a=11?c~ap:se mt` t-hie tum- penatmoe wave 4: hat was 1sw`r_~epin~g saver .thH `maul.-natrv. ' I v.1m'..;. `:1-..vr...... -.- _.~.._.__. .14.: . .4-4---- - ~- pun.-wulll... . - ' . Mr. `Pl-axbom 'hIa'n-de*d in a . largely sipzmvesd spettitiun praving Douuznzcil !to; submit -:1 luoal -option by--.baw the -a vidto of `the `ptesocple an `the svamtc Rate -as Ithve m1mici-pa1~`e]eictisoIms.THr_-. mad that `two-thind.s of the Sonlthvervn Sta- ` .n.u [1110 I` Ilrnn 1 '.4\n-Ar.` 3.;-u-\ I-anal.` -9..--`.. QM. .. "-.5\u |;1.l"' .LV.IJ'd.VOU[7. ' ' PrIoIoeoedin7g.s o ezned `with `the r-eceTp- 3 tion of a 1-otoa cation d=enwtmon. *oaom'p~ows-ed of Metsdamleia lMoK~r>e a=n'r1 Ross and Messrs. D. W; Plaxteom. J. K. -Rroess. R. A. Thomas and R. M. Wnwtsootn. It -was madtiwable -t-hlat none` of `the :l~oIca1 obecrgy-men were 'preesueut. K10 Dl.n 11-I-m;n Mun-nn :v\ .-.` I .-. 15-...`-I... Barrie will worry ,alvoen~g for ma- otth-er year at least wit'1nouutloI-.~,al opo tirosn. This munch was decided fM:o:n- day night whem. (by 'a vwoit-e of six to` six. 3. by-law, fauthveread'by Alid-. Bo- well snulppnntead by Abd. Oampbreqll. `two vprewemat `thie saalcyroif 'liq `by reltail fell to the gmzwmd. The result was a sharp V surprise :60` many who t=h-ouiglnt that `the p1\&..:eIn.-t Daoumicil lacked ta sufficiency of memboezrs possessed of the nezcsea-sarv moral fibre to my "Nool. The division stood: For the F by-law-Ald. Poo-well. Oamlpbaell. Bur- ` vtson, Strange,` B-eardisbev ..amd Waxtt. Against th:3_ .by_-1a'3v.-`-Altd. Wili.im.nts. Doverin-g.`L'otw1e. Oowarm Dyimlem and 121'}: M3V:0F`.j ...u-..-.....l:......`.. -._.-..-..1 .__,5L`l_ .L1; _ ,,- , ,r CITIZENS TO BE ASKED TO VOTE MONEY FOR ELECTRIC FIRE. A.- ` LARM SYSTEM AND FOR OF}- `L . MENT SIDE-WALKS AND ` PERMANENT IMPROVE- MENTS. Loco! Option By-inn} thrown ' out by Council. EIAYED on to the premises of the" under- signed Lot 21, Con. 10, Essa, in Octobenone xedstoer. with .9. little white on body : about me years old. Owner_ can have same by proving property and paymg expenses. ' GEORGE A. ARNOLD.. 47._47p Ivy P.O. . `THERE WILL BE No RE- AFERENDUM. Lu-Lav u.u.'u |\!J`)L'Cl'Jl(1vbl`VlU l.2Lli.ll.Ugi1`l.1Ul.lS. This. was Dr. K-eirsrt-ead s first visit to Barrie b~u't, if in it-has fuuturse Fm avho-ulrd visit us a~gai=n. he will findi a" warm wel-coovm-e awai-ting him. The: vchuoir deserves rgreart praise for `tahe ' splendid mvu-sic I`'i1`('.':0i!'Gd`(d~l1l`iI1{.",' the sxervi-ce-s it neects much cre- dit 11'pm1'th-eleadzeyr, Mr. F. Landau. Monday evening's -social ,a:n-El con'cae.rt was Ia success in 'l`!VK !`Y way. '1'-hr: large cnowd 'presoe-n't filled the church `and. thsor-onxgthly ernjoyed 'theym-selvses. Praise is -dune the ladies w;hac- h-:_1:d charge of the rverfresshmenxts, and the -table-_s fnom six to eighvt o`clock .-p_'r-e-- set'n:t~ed a very pleasing and ani1_na't.- ed scene. Thc V.`pr:o~gna-mm'e cgorasisged of vocal and instrumental solos, m_- strumerntal trios and |.iu~e.tts, inter- s-pcrsevd with briett` addresses and was declared bv_ those presemt to be none of `the sbaest -ever given in the Iohiurch. Btoith p:1s'tor `and church are deeply grateul for, the 3.ssista;necc kindly rtudlened by Mr.` J. B., Ed- wards.rMr. F. Svmso-ns, `Mr. C. V H. Lightfiosot. Mr. Percv Ixyrm, Mrs. Bro-oaks. Miss Irvine and Miss Darrmr. Reopea'te~d, encores were given and the Rev. Mr.- Keam and..Rev. Dr. Wit- ` teen. 'th:ou-g.h -late in arri.vin;_:. in a fueew well chosen remarks. a-ddr.-sd much to` the enjvovmzemt of the gathering. 4 I I` - uuv uu Uxioulwstfa. 11! DE DE .- fnes-hme:n.ts ._wIe.-re served an `the ev\eni'n=g` wnas bno-ughnt to a close by singing God Save the King. ` I A-n:n i VD.-nun rv on-1-vimnu: urn:-A l-. A! J in uuuguug ululu DHVU EDI: 1&lI1=g'. ` Anniversary se-rvicueas were held in the Baptisvt -church last Sunndn y. Pm-f. E. M. Kiersttead, D.D.. vent` -Mchiasturl Uznivtersity. Teonomto, aprre:ac h!ed 't-wo e1yo4qn1|e'n.t uvnd insopiri-ng harm-ans -to large and .axpprte1c`ia;ti`v.e cno-n-grega'~tiAons. Th-in um-9 `hr T(.oirc.4-.nnd a .=:1-.o.~t- ..:.:a- '51:.-c~u.uu. :1 VOL] 1`Il.'|.|Ul"US[l_.Ilg (pI1U`gI"3.IIl wva-s reand-enesd cvon=sistin'g of a rr:aad:i'ng by Mr. A. J. :Sarje.a-mt a.*n:d rs-onluotsx by 1 Me-ssrs. G~eaorge Morran and Ralph Johnston, (while the selections given b_V `the M-a'n:d|olin Club and Bmrrivn -Ondhewsstra .were much wporcciaxtekl. Barri-e is too` be mm-gr-ant-ulat-ed on `hav- ing :30 fine an omhoesstra. Light re..- F1T.d.,'|f!'n|D.'n." a `inn-tin nnmn o-;..I xL 1- A - vu vvv uuuuauu D'Ul.l'lJlJl.3o A .u'n.iversi-ty extension Ilwt-ure. un- der the anmslpiwoiezs of -the Barrie" Liter- ary Club. will be givlevn by Pmf. Mc- -Gur-dy of T0D0_Vnlt0 LTmiversity in ttshe Presbyterian mhtoool r-oom on Friday, i Dec. 15th. Subject. "War and 'R.zedi`g- ` Afton. Tlhse -pau-bliuc is c-orditally invited. A most enjoyable time was spent Talveusday evening in ' ltih-e Twveimtieth Cetnburv, Club no-o-ms, Collier "s-trca.-2.t Methodist .Su:mday -school. when the members of the club were a't home to about a ehundred and fifty of their friends. A very iAn.'ter-osting )pmgram waa-s rend-enmd nnn=Qis1v+3n-n- nr .3 ..,..-...a.:..... nnus; In-8 in-en tor men. -glt is a difficult pnoiblem just now to decide what "to select for holiday presents. A visit to King's. book -store will `help you. T.he .st.ock~ of lboo-oks, srtationery, Ja'pa'nese "ohina. Bibles, prayer and hymn books, dress- ing oases. comb and brush sets. toys. games and ~gen.eml fan-cy goods. is most `complete and it is strongly -a-d- visable to .make an early selection. Goods punch-ased now .will -be held if desired and `delivered `any time up to Christmas Eve. Slpercial attention 'giv- en tbo `Sabbath schools. - A .I`lfI:I7l1.!In(!-:.` up .\_'L ....'..Q -`_ -I A -.L -A -- - Agllnatxlu. 'I..l'-URI. - 7Chris.t;na~s Neokwear, Glows, Shu -ts. `Mufflers, Jewielery, Hamiker- achiecfs in gnesat `gt . , . B1105`, The men fginmgnat Hauntcr `Q Q (`:F`:nI1lI- D.-na-CIA... _'--....I. _.__, upura. mouse, ssaztumta-y. Dec. 9th. -Tlh)e~ Suoloial and Working Grulvd of Trinity nhturcsh will hauled its annual sale Ioof 1-i~mems,~ dolls, fancy `artiolvets. .oa:wd:Y. `htome-mlalde 'dIa:inltie:s. et'c., in `the 'Panivslh' Hall in the aatfltne-rzmooo-n Ianad ewezninxg -dof 'I\uvesvd-a:Y_. Dctc. 12tIh. Ad- nn-issg-(:n_.E`11ve. `T ` ___ .r'-`"3 1 ti! tri XI FIUYIIV" N. W, ;, Lot 7, Con. 3 0, known as the max; W, gomestead. on Mondsft 1118 Dec . 1905. It th . d ltivation fine orchard, barn L 3f3 ?o scc'[;1ool and church, in a. ood neigh- Whood, Terms made known at t gne of sale or on application to C `V. Solicitor for Executors. 49-50 uuy evumng, U350. 9t'h. A. _ ; -.-If ysocu re Scotch you ll wppneciatze Violet MncKnig'h't s be*aeu'tiful Scaotdh: dances. If `y:oou ne Irish [you'll av pm-, ciate them just the same. mud _0p_e%h e.HouLse, Sa -tundlay`. Dec. 9th. SrMi.AI `nrnu-I \X7'.nnl.y:m.n. r1...:1..I -.e GUI. VCIJ ms` of fe 1-a'tIe J. Plaxton will make ,1:-lapse-on the homestead. zn.-w. 1-4 lot 7 In min. 3.0130, on Monday, 18th` Den.. 1905, at `ten 0'61-ock. a.lm. ThIe;ro are some val-usa-bbe horses and cat- ~umu I-axtm stock and cuhsaxt-` tle. imolvu-ding a 5' n of" m;a.tched drivers by Bgm L. -e posters. --.0oIn'.1". fail to hk&hM1ss Emma T. Imus. ,'Oana.d.a's favsorivtee Efaawnnist, at `the Grand Opera Hsoowsoewon Satur- day evening. Dec. 9th. .._Tf mnm v-A .Q.i-no--1. ..-.`.3I1'-.-,-_A,- -An executors` crredit sale (tinte- served) at `tlhve f-arm st-oiak and ohm`;-' tel; ni-" Hm 1...;-... T DI.--4--- ---='- -L - - `run _Do_IINION OF CANADA, OUR CRITERION. ..u:uLy u13uL. JJCI. Duruua 1u&L`:J|;'t:I'- pgece M'admm2I` -of St. Francis," and hts Apostle James". and `Sir J. E. Millla`iis`d A Disciplef.n "Theme is a s- en i _-series of u -pavrrc [ates E ' th h b0 .1 p swowmg ~ .e at 1'.s a'n ports in Canada--Victoria.' Fort William. De- pot Harbor, Sault svte. -Marie;`Toro'n- to, Montreal, St. John and Halifax. Eli-e sfwo lgadingiiarticles `are Andrea a-:4 35::.2:d7 Ai'wl3c`yv?fa?E3 .bY_ ` Sir Gilbert Parker. The stories am excellent. in-`d ape `by `Nellie L. Mcclungp Jean Blewued:,.Alico Jon- _e_s and Virna Swhuear~d--sill Ca/nasdian -Th-e description of. "A Prair- eie by Wglg.-8 `.=Rz?`bue41jtsun,.Ti3. `a. Christmas Canadian Maga- % zine. Packed full-of good things: is the Christmas number of our National pbriodmal. `The Can;~Jdian- Magazine-. Th-eT ill-ustratimtns abe won-Elrerfully well doone.and ;a.ne.o.ver fifty in num- `ber. These imclzude-full-page plates of swch famous -Qicturies a.s.Gorr~e`ggio`s Holy Night. Del S3.F.l'.r0 s master- n;nn.A "RIr'n4I.run-no-P .n.-.9 H-L 'E`u-.n-n..:n 0! ..u.al LQW UGLLICIL. - At the aaonclusinon of the meeting a number signe-d-'the petitison. pray- ing the M-unici-pal Cna-uncil to.pass a laosoal option by-la;w. the same -to be` }submit"ed to a popular vdtse o`n-Jan. lstag 6.-G011)-' 4 u,w'ccy1u.'5 uvlux LHU 1"d.'Il.(l. Doocal -speak-e`rs -game exprzeussi-an `to their intenest in the mmuvwement and manifested `their desire to see the by- law carried. ` AL LL.` -..._._1--..!_._.'_.b LL- , 1' urn; ozxuzuwx--; vvv 1U BIA UOHGPS W per da -either _sex--introducing our "New IDEA ; yree tanning : rapid advance- ment; op ortumty sure; Nmuors Coummr. ' ued, `oronto. (Mention this paper.) 47-5! .LI.|'U`|3VL Y$_'l. Instances vwerie given of the "suc- cess of this form of rohibition in swevertal ibowvns and vi la-gens both in Canada and in the United States. The ratepayers -of Barrie were told that ` mow was -the opportu'ni'ty to fall in lime and demonstrate -t=h.vat this is not a time of -deccaidmrnoe, but a time for mamhimg on and kenezping up with the pmcaessi-on of -monal reqform aweepinig. ovoor the land. I-Amnn] .c~n.nn:| Inn-we m-~n I-r.n n.....y-.n.~.-.: ...... ' J. ._ gxvuv. .'_I`he .nes.ponsibility -of `the Christ- ian water -new-eivod special :trea'tme'nt. To pray for the -extinrctiovn of the li- qrmor trade and vote to pe.1~petu.a.te it ` is mod: C'hr,is cian etfhhcs. but the miserable `expediency of `a "p-o`l.itic=a1 ti11ea;=nervIe,r. V _.:___ ._.n 1.1,- , 1 ayyxwuau IL`-:::Ll.J.l t?U.. I ' Mr. Marter shiowesd c-cvncl'u.-siwzlly th:a't Ithe mnmiicipality which was free fnom lbhe liqsmor Ievil `was more prose % spenoru-s.o in every Iinterest wh-irch gases 1 to make up a live t-own. tthrrm the one {burdened with the Baboon. not only in extension in b-uildings. in.im-pnav:;x- ments of wstrepecs. water and light-' ing, but in its commercial standing. it-s insmance rates. in all the pos- sible avenues-V by `,w.hioh a -town can grow. vntxco-ru.t\d\n:1\:`:`--- `i9 I-LL; ['11. _.?_.L uucua vu `cur: IJBHBIIES OI 10081 Op ti`ODL Mr. _.C. W. Plaxtoon o:cc uwpie rthce chair. There was a small but a-p-~ zproeaoiative nzudisesnce as the Ifreq-ue`n-t a-p-plaaus-e Ibsstiiied. M10 iK'nv\l-nn ~(\L .... --p..J -_.__| --` 3 1 On Thursday evening tlastwa publirc 'moeee* ting was called in the Trp-wn Hall to nceaar Mr. G`. F. Matter. 1 r;e;sid=.amt of the '0ntarbo `All'ia n:ce, give an ad- dnexs-s` on the benefits of local option . C. W. Plaxrhim hr.`-.nmni.p.r1 d-Jun _v.v , . 1.~v\r-vs-10 ~Mr.. A. Marsvha1l,I.':t 18, con. 10,` Vcspva,_is (haoldimg `an !unr-esserv-ed amn- xtiJ0'D. sale -of farm stock. im~p1em.em'-ts, ` hrorwserhsold fi1rniture, ezt.c.. on VVod-1 'ne.sda7, Dec. 13th.. 1905. Sale at 10 |io"clock. V Ltunch `provide-d. Iago -of Edgar on Monrd-ay,_ Den. 11th., at one o'clock. .w'"hren `a quuxan-tivty of farm stock. .im`p1emient`s,-e;tc., will be offered for sale. The Edgar J:oiz:t_Stoack Co. is `hol-d- ; mg its first a.vw3rt sale in t!h-3, vil- ` u. `U. J!.L'6l! iLI'lZl.[l.1'.'z. Mr. Robert Campbell and 'Miss Ger- tie Campbell of Elmgnovvre spent over % S-u`-tlnday in `town with Mr. and Mrs. G. Tegart.. ~ . - LUD g5u|b`IS`t |0I Mrs. J. Bailey. Mr. 0. Gordon rif Winnipeg was a visitsonat `Mr. J. Bailey's d~ur'i-ng the week. -Mr.-F. A. Huo-ar -of Oshawa `has p.ur- ` chased the hardware business of Mr. `J. C. McFarlane. III`- `D....1...-.-L r1.____._1_-n 1,:-. 4n 'Miss M; Paton visited `in Oollingo wood last week. i _ 2 Miss Uhristie of Orillia is the `g -.l1J8l"3t 4 of Mrs. -0. H. Ly-oan. -Miss Inovttie Erbach of Bwiman is staying wit-h.Mr-s. H. Ellis. Miss Aggie Griffith bf Toronto is the gwueasit of Mrs. J. Bailey. MI . 0. Girdhn nu`? W:nn:.nnm ---An - Lots 1 and 2. in the 1st con._ot Essa. consist H00 stores. This farm adaoins the Town lliston. 10 acres being in the town. Well atered. ood barn, frame house. In good w of cu tivation. Possession with clear title venlstMurch. 1906. Apply DR. WALLWIN. 1-yie_ ` ` 901*? -urc-aru-utg system m zthe mmniaoipal building.` and another to raise $6,000 -for 09111961111`. sidmvalks and $2,500 for -perm-ammt i'mpnov.emen~l:s t-o rozids. `These will be submirbtod to the 'rate- * upav-era gut `t-he J?a.nuzarIy Ie.loati:ons. 'T_h-e sum of ten dollars was grant- ed Abo H. Permt-on -for" enforcing `the dos: bv-law. uavuao -uni . rer11Ica1:s. E. .T. Tyre/r obtained leave to re- Ennove a shade ltrzeefnom the high av. . AJ:oh:n Spelam was appaoxinrtend to do the smow vplooawing in No. 1 at $50. and Wm. Gralhu-am in Nm. 2, 3. 4. and that povti-con of 5 not covered by A. Wwt`ts ooamtract _xat $100. Pl-owing on hire mai-n s-tpesezts leadin-g -to schools lis to be-d-one by. 8.30 a.m. 4 V ....vnn shnnl can 4.1.... ...-_..--1" -Mr. '1`~hb1nAa plcidd for a. sub ` mission of '-thve by-law and a fair -trial .for Lcmal option. -Mayor Ross, while extfmegssinsg plea- sure ad: meaertimg fcvhc detputatixo-n. rc- gnert-tead -t-he lateness oatf - the move',. b.u~t .=pnoImi'sead a ca'rae:ful `ctoansidc-raatiom uf .`t'ht_> mait-ter by the members of `I"A_`,-_ 1 . {Of Personal Mumeniw Local Option Meeting Ci-En: Sals. Th - """" A L? present oocqpiqd by Mr. J.C. wnlvm IInI\nu\nr1 ....,.:.!..._.__ __n-_ 4i_.___-_.L E. H. CRAWFORD. ` S-e'c y.-T.rrea:sA. uoncta-ge," near u`.-us-t-on, on Satxunday. That Avsmall-pox -d-oe-s exist. in -tehxs viuoinity is now beyond a -doubt. bu't thue .-meanest =ca-so to the village so far reported is at Mr. C. Kiitoe-1y`-s. own the. 4th coo-n. of Vespra}, near the town- ine. The Vuec-rpra Health Officer. Mr. N. :`*Hart. was` hem '1.-a-st week to give orders` for - swu'pp1y'in-g `th-9,. pa`ti~em'ts with n-en..esiHns:T 'U'l..\.lVLD V JUL 4 cup with neoessntxres. Lani. 'V"C'U&o . - It seems "that t is net uumooulgh that hartml-ess animals and `birds of tha small type are harassed almost to ex- ti-mctioun with `guns and dogs hrourgh the summer -peri-asd but that idle young men at this -winter season have n-out sufficient vpity tb lat -rest what few are left. Mr. and Mrs. A; `J. Baxter, who have be:-ezn stayi-ng with friends in this village for the past two m-oun.'t'hs,, rertnurnexl `t-o -their residveemc. "Spruce Crorthta-ge." near Dals-t-on, Sat-unday. vsmall-pox in -tzhns uveuluu. Miss M`. T-ottten. who =has span-`. tha summer with friends at Yuell-ow. Grass. Sask., re`t-urn:ed to this pl-+a.cae. last week. * 1'1. .............L1_--_ 2; ,-_ ,,,a - -- Co` 5 Qt 'on;*:tl:e " htngai """ nm be pickedntlzp quickly. In 20 jearhvekhriehhh `vi-`e -ha.`1r:<;.'1;h;e`1" I before o ered such a bargain. Yqn must see the suits to verify this statement. I '"`71s irs. A. Kiel, who has been ill for some time. is sIi;:h'tly im`pr`o=VIC:3 in healutih. ~ (IE3-.. `Ir. JI1_.: A , I '- WE PAY SALARY--TWO TO SIX Dollars day "New tree tramimz : 1-amid advnnnn. be be-?- . it and iet to Last weeknwe closed a. deal with avlml ` known Wholesale Clothing House.the name ' of which we are under obligation not to iacloue, for about 75 Men's Tweed Suits. 1: is season : latest patterns and styles, sizes 36 to 44. The suits are here and com- mencing at once we offer them all at one price. namely $7.50.per suit. Not. one Suit of this lot is worth less than $10.00 and most of them are worth 812.50 and $12.00.. ow- ;ever while they last your choice for 7.60. L 7'5`- ;.u-v a.v.|.'b|..uNJ'ul:|l.D u'Ul'u LIl".lI` DUHGZIY` evening meeting in the Temperance. Hall. . ' ,1-`LA (`____o_Vi_,`_ (1 our . . - - CRAIGHURST. Mrs. William M-orr-isotn visited with friends at Victoria H-arbor la-st we-ark. 7 `Miss K. `M-orrismn ViSit~(?od h-er sist-er. 'Mr.s..A. Craig, in Barrie, on Satur- `aw- LI. u.u.IU\1ULlK1: y 5. There have been some expert -glass blowers `experimenting on some of the village dogs. but not asu~cmdrJsful.- ly as yet. TBA T\:fn+lan.A:;~la 1...!) LL..:.. 0,, I -sunamaoe. Tho Cmigvale G-uild intevnds hold- ing 3. Russian tea on Tuesday Ie:ven- ing. After that the m-emb:2rs will meet every Thursday evening. All are cordially invited to attend. _ Stnoud Methoovdist church` .was de- stnoyed by five on Wnezdnesdiay even- ing about 10,30. Cause, unkn-own-. Th:a building was partly uovered by in- Lucas. 01]. "U0 I20W"Il. last W-%K. _M1ss u Neily l-ezft for the Queen Dxty on Monday, where she will spend the winter mm-n-tbs. :'|\/[re `l'_nH-l~ 1xr..1..I.. .43 An,., n . nu-o wu.u.t1' IIIIDJEDS. =Mrs. Loltt Webb of Alktndale is a't'~ _te'ndin Mrs. Wilson. Who, we -are. please Ibo neport, is. improving. `Miss M. Coonst-oble visited at Mrs. R. :'McOonkey s. 1'\orr.n 'l\nn.n . .\._A---L -~` - SUIT BARGAINS luwrv uu. ouu-uuy. One .car of hrogg was loaded hero on Movn-day. Prunes quoitevd wvmm soomewlhm-'t stmnger. Mr. Thomas Harper made a busi+' ness tri -bo Iiown last week. Mi ..nnn Noll" `Ind-`L r.....L1__ n,,, L) IJUIKU; Llllla 6; UUIL LU; UFO, onthsago.0ne ewe and two lambs. Owner have same by proving ro t d xes. G120. o.LEIu1. ri 5v e%?on3? "' 7 . lWDG bonn. tho Lhnc umion. nine of -whnom are still living and were pre- sent alt thI-3 funeral. 'Ri:c'.bm1d Henry -died Vaboo-wt vtwrenzty years ago. Thu names of =thJose living are N-oalh. of Barrie; :Ohr-Lsttio-phser. on the bounc- -stead znear Lefnoy; Robert B.. of Le- trnoy; Mrs. Georg-e King. of Bradiford. Mrs. R. Oaning, Mrs. A. King. Miss Alice. Miss Sadie of Dafrcoy and Mrs. T. Bazteman of Innisfil. T-hie d-eicaastgd loam-e to this tovwn~.9'hip about -fifty- tt-wwo years ago and was h-igwhly nea- spuexoted by -all who kn:e.w 'him as was shiown by rthc I-angle nusmb-er who ,fol-- lowve-d the remains to tthc `family plot in the osu-1-son Hill aoomoatery. Wheim saervioes mere conzdiucatwd by Rev. L. McLean, Pr-esby-te.ria'n' m~I~nistver, agmtl Rev. B. B. Beymm, Moathsoodist mini- ster. "The family have the sympnlthx of the nemtiroe uneig'h bor.h-ood. %Hunter` Bros. . 7-7-_v. -vfv 'l-'LNI7 Alp-R: engnhlts t-ISBVIGSD. 'yc:ars and 8 mronlbhs. 'I`.hoe esaesased was a native waif Oom- wzall, ,Emg., .and cmame to Canada in the year 1843, se!t|t'lin:g' in West Grwil- limbul`.-"Y". w:h'_erte he married A .neI;s B,-urns. sewsdnd -d.a:ug'~hter of lthoe -'aJtu Oh!`-isstoolplhser Bunms. -wihn sur-v-ivres him. Tihsey -celaeib-raltcd -tiheirv gtosden `w?e d- -ding, in the year 1900. Ten dhi'l'd~!'&Il iwgane bonn. Lhn:-. nlvninn mm A |j . LEFROY. , ; Mr. {Richard Groovse of this village - ` arwa.-y ton Trwesda.-y vewuniug. novvember -28th,. ::_vt+tehse ' 'npe age -of ggnhtlzzf-s4evIesn_` azmd mrombhs. CID JV!-. T1119 Mth0qlStS held thnir Sunday mitetxna` in rp.nrn.nn`rn nmsrx the Doll-egiate I'ms'tib11te Bnand on . Thursday Ievvecning, Nov. 30th., held in the Oaun-cil Chamber, 'th;e busineasa ` transaacted was mostly of a `ran-n .chaaracte`r. With -but one or two xix- voeptions all the members were `pre- sent, and the _aor~d2er'- paper was nun `thnougxh in qurck time. , ` The Fimanrce Coommitt-ee s neport re `salaries was .caonsid'eneud `and finally est` came V"u'p in a c~ommu'n`ica4ta]on fmm `Albert H. I:e_'ake. _In.speac_t:or of drew the att_:en.txvoun of the Board to the need of holding lectures` in Bar- rie during the .winter. 4.The matter received some consideration. ult'imaste- ly being placed in the hands of the Principal and the Science Master of the Institute. they to report on it at the next meeting of the Board. .___.__.____. VIKMJ. DIIITIC. ` _ult.f'lwe1ve roomed residence, cellar through- ; umace, b:_1th room, electric light and-all em conven_1ences,w1t;h outbuildings. lawns, lens, lar c and small fruit, pxtendingto Mk oun at base of 11111. Fwe minutes ".1 Centre of town. Entrances on Owen dWe1l1_ngton Streets. mauuildlng luts`on level ground. Fifty foot & 38 on Owen btroet.extendin back across HI: Se`/PTI Irvvnnn 1\n11ann n0-An-us lanai-A43 an-L Tm~:cLo'rH1::Rs. B`ARRIE.4 5. Vlthve -iaitevs bolpthser celae_:b.rart Cd ~tihe.i ru mntmm. ;...-..r.. i---j $1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE SINGLE COPIES FIVE GENTS { Collegiafe Board j CRAIGVALLE3 a turn :11 ad the Science V [10 rnn.n1-`(- nu uuwuucu I &l'II`l We have a large amount of Private Funds to end at 4} and 5 per cent on the security of farm mort ages. MOCARTHY, BOYS 8: URCHISON, unlop Street_, Barrie. oF/ P ICE 7 0 J- |va;2 t 6'1-'t5. f 1:2.:%..2:`:I;%:2.*::m- .:..mi. Good ain inc ! stock farm; W. A UABLM IVAIUH run BALE ORRE . Lot 22. Con.1-1, Innisl--about 5o 53;; owned, Good grain and stock farm W.AULT, Ross` Block. - 41-48 uvluwu II\a not I 3 T 3r` iho mood dry building lo_ts between Barrie and ndale for sage. 5 mmutes walk from our- eworks. Pmce from $25 up. Ap;i`l to * G. H. Ed N f . nu. Raul: A4 '1'.`-.....o.. Eeifii D-h hon N'l`ED-A local and district A em for WA"Ganadu's Greatest Nurseries". Ewe are pmnlred to make a liberal offer to a relia_ble ma energetic salesman to represent us at was and surrounding country. Territory wmbereserved for therl ht man. W;-133.10, tullerparticulars. STON 8; WELLINGTON. Townto. 0nt- 47-51 [P .;AW.wILKINpN'%% "031. 053:... U. ,1 wt C O'A". 1;; the Township ' o '{ he C ' n`tY of `Simdaei. cm or. a`bo:u9t,.*.the 7. are `renn:`vim. -~*"4-n ;m'1`ED-Good plain cook. no washing or W main , hougemaxd_and man kept, good Wm, App y MR3. B01 ER. Peel St. 49-49p ; nIcKLE,"'vMNI1 ~ - . . \ A. III. Seven green houses, steam heated, cor- r`0wcn and Wcllurcon S'reets 8000 feet p8Ip0ttiI12`S!l(`dS. Q'n.h:nnvv n I-n'nn\ u ntn -mu on or a'bo.u*t` the 397. are retqmired.",ft:o 8 of their clra:ims` to t. - .- > % L `;f;- %'T` '`L';`3. 11 lrlxtitlcid hemtapf` ' .3 1.}. | vT`is3ib:ii A. ARNoLD.. 7-Xam For: SALE av AUCTION u m 1 I n! 7 (`inn RD:-n Irnnvnrn an M... '11.. Esrnimr. ANDREW uionp'sb2f' ,pm:s1nzNT, HON. JOHN SHARPLES.` V{,E;&EuA1.MANAeER. G, ILBALFOUR - BARBIE BRANCH - it '~ eipts issued. Savings Bank D t. and credited twice a year. ep _-0 II ll - _ . _ -_ 1f`L(5ifl$ \?VO(.) I) UIIIV-' " --uu-- - iCCC-C--l-. E.;TA:B'x_:csH:a3D, 1865 mm! Paid Up. 55,000,000 0 1.300.000 25,000,000 ..nmarnli`.N'l`. ANDREW THOMPQOM BUILDING LOTS FOR E. Mann!` Ann I-\nl:lSnn 1-5.-. `I...s--.--_ 1\.'__ Hard and Sofa. ALE OR REN'l`--I-I d ' Wolllrllslmzc of Amrus. kno3}L.%" 1>.hEEri.!.1.E.l.1.? FOR SALE OR TO HEN: Choice Manitoba. and Family, W prices. Best values as on mun un luau 1 --nuuue and not In the Village of Angus. known as the Turton , 31-by. Apply on the premises. T .a _ '1'. Do'BsoN.- . All kinds. Bet quality. >_ - IV No. 41 . HOLEN `,3 wI"`L Wmsnmt 8: Cgnw Proprietors. 0 709: 3. s. o . 1397 c} MONEY TO LOAN . IVA t\ lnrlrnn .........-._4. -1 Iu._x__; w Anvnn'r1snnm IIHNAEHHKULGANADAI FOR SALE. Oicc, APPLY the E 01 the aTe0V$?2f:S1lAi1!Jmgus _0oeu'n'ty . lad (YD nm dh aim ll uni Jnkn o ` ` :e. Yard and Mill`, John St. "c. Sawed and Split` E? E; E or Q umts.` ` G. H. EBTEN. Over Bank of Toronto. In ILA-ILL J 115 JV `an:-v-- .. _..-_- - -, V ` Pres-CIut Glass is the mmrcsf Vap- ; prioach ever attained to the highest.-~` "grades of out glass. With o'n~a`1mwnd of Art Baking Powder we "give you one Pr:ee_-,Ciu1;% Glass fruit bowl or are` Pres_-Gnlj; Glassv sugar anid _cneam {p;m;ar%{%fror u; P:eseou1:% Gums :v}l_l' `*b 111:` * `-*1:}`W7iix*a`1:t=ar'.? The mpdern house;-.kceper s -prliwde and pieagsure Is- her table service. Cut` glass. the most -beautiful or all tab1e,f.urn.is'hings. is` an. expensive luxury in whichlaw can 'ind:t1_1g`:e, -, 1-`-1. I114..- .n~&`ln.n' inane` rnef oh-` The smalhpuolx scar-e is "being grossly I ex.uggeratcd.jNcigh`boring towns and villages are making themselves busy in'oiroula'ti-nig -f'a1-as renpsdrts of this si- tu-atiio-'n and exciting the 9.'r.me,rs to bmro-oft Barrie in order to win a little cheap -tmodne .. Jor themiseitves. There is no cause whatever for alarm. Only `seven oa}se.s uxist and thyease ane. coo-nfincd invthe_ isolation 'h'-os'pital, ;.stri:ot -qruianavntine ibcesing is - `honored aig-ainrst the 11901115188` in which they yori -gina.'tesd. T'h|8 di-sease is of, -a very mild type. so m-u:`ah~.so. in fact `as to `norveate d-ou'bt Ie;v_ yet in tune minds of some of this local me!dical_ men `as to its `true nature. The Baard of ~H-esalth -has been motive in `taking ev~er`v_ pneoautiaotn to check the out- break; All the schools are upen amid bwsiniessin -tuhae noun-ty capital is mov- _v ing along` in the same_ old` way, -- jyvvu um:-utuu in A111a.ny'v:':'ri5tie-,3. Chocolates.Bon bons,Cream Candy, Stick Ca_ndy and all that is duintiest and best in the lgne of choice Confectionery. I [I1 &IIl&KI'IE" will be delighted with a box of our fine Candy and you need not Aworr about their eating it, for it is all so pure and ne that it will never disagree with anyone. i FINE CONFECTIONS .1- ..._.... -....:..u.... ru.--..1-4..._ n__ 1.-. .-.. risen!- W i%f%iV %fJ.`9fi3N. Choppin tavern} day 6 GEN `F: L B S. atisfacti on guaranteed Barrie, Nov. 27th, 1905. _-_- ...., mun uwu. :14: U!` UEUEM BER. msxr. AT om: O'OL_OCK in the afternoon. of which all Justices. Cor- oners. Constables. Gaoiers and others are re- quested to take notice and attend. and to do and perform all duties that _should appertain to them. ' W. M. HARVEY. " _ Sheri n. Sirnnnn ...,.... . . _v.I: mmuun I .LVu'r1UE_ is hereby TO wrr: . given that the Court of General Sessions of the Peace County Court in and for the Count? of Simooe will be held in the Court House, 11 the Town of Barrie. on TUESDAY. THE 12th DAY OF DEOEM BER. NHYM A!!! (van nu-up A-.. T ,- ..,_-?--p-5V1`!-_I COUNTYOF smcon: No'r1cE_ is hereby` ____L T-1:o__wm~;_ I given that than coats. at a b'ig-,1_'eduction. You, can buy a coat NOW `as rason- om, ondo consisting Raccoon M_en s Fur ,C6a.tis`I [2 Days Only. No Cause for Alarm. A good Christie hair brush and dress- ing comb in a. satin. lined box makes 9. nice Christmas gift. Prices 500 to $5.00. Brush and comb Sets. whit: '1'.-o;ner John and ;.lizabethSt:'e+etsi Tb Wlkinson s:Kl;ll-.- ARMERQ MANI}F:A (;1`ITRING FURIEIERS. . _g- u-` ;' food

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