u-'5v`r3o7.":7e"c. .'.'n"i`u'e'3o;kau In nusnmacoouuonapaeee-,nououea: c$s-nun: 0_Duod to can amour 'I"`5iws=-2 ei 533 05 557 04 582 10 608 30 635 66 664 28 694 17 725 40 $ 225 00 201 01 175 95 149 75 122 39` 93 77 63 88 32 65 "ll. means of trans crtation it will al- 'IDJOS\t iT.ashicana\b|e and popular means m:cbiIi.s~ts *to- 'prevent reek ess driv- The vcauses for the decline were v muiny. The chiief i':ncubie `xv:-.1-.3 Ithe very name 'lZh'RJlZ is thncuten-invg the aultiomuolbile cto-diay-people rode too -fiadt-aillid itncoo tar: anrdithose who were * not -gifted with: the hm-usvoul-at and roon.s(t'i-.tu-t'io.n~ail :q1;vipmv0'nt inieoeiseary foot ri-ding ucenturies, _or even halt- centumi-es. (WlIt'hl3IUil'. .d1strress._ e 'b'-`.`_-W`-1 Itlo as.9c+ci-ate the bicycle with ach- ing limbs and an exhauste-d body. Aniother -and scarcely leiss z_\c~tiv.: icauise -of the decl-inc who the antaci- uduetinon of cheap bicycles. {l_.`.'l'd the `plac=ing not lthe wheel wi-'i:'hi-.1 the rreazrch `-of evnerybody who'cou~lId find -the necessary iio-r.t.y or fifty dollars = for its (purchase-. Bicycling ibecamo iu=ni ..a.sliiocxi:vble; and tin 'thlS vrespacict the `decline oi` whr:el~in~g is one of. the most stamtiinsg signs ca.` the fact that the Amerinotrn pen-pie are fast -losirg -that iI14d0[)01`d|8I1t, democratic s irit -which ilor `three cenrtwnius has even tone of the dis=t-inguisiiing c-h-a-rac\tqr- iattics wet the mice. Whse,-n_ the fad be- came u'nZ-a-.shio.1 i-ts dearth-k'nL!l1_ias - -a'~pa.stixne o-I universal popularnty wine sounded. The `bicycle \v.~.a-s ree- goated Ito,cu..se.s -purely u't'ilvit-.1rian.' A-s ways (fill a usef-u ~. lace inuthe ooon-9 omy no-i e-ver,y-dusty ife; ubuit thra-t ibi- cycling will ever w-in `book anything of `its former position :a_s one of '-tho 4oi` 1~escrea;tion is most iI!1pl`0b~'.l'-bl'B. Bust what 0: the Iautiomolbie ?` Will like oaus-es prIoduce like _ eff-e'c;t`s? Already `the exp-e,e-d mama Iis threat- e-nfmg to work` injury to automobile l-wterests by mulltipl ing the lists 0-:3 ozhsualties and prove ing at prejudice -in `the public mind. It is gmtifyoing to know ithot oaarnest uesfforts are be-' ing mode by the `gr-ext `bold of-au-to- ing. -and nave this Isplewdicl -spontn '-fnom~ the `harm that was done to lbir cycling by`; the nowth of the "scorch invg" ha ilt. . he ti-n.t.ruodu.otion _o.t - cheap and `reliable 'o.uitcomo|bilc.s (and if the `plans not cearntcin fir.ms'_'d-o not mis-carry.-the market within the next twic or three years Will be flooded with such) will bring the automo- bile within reach oi . tbhc pocketbook of teen Itimes as mmny people as can oifiord a .'msa'chin_-e umlder existing con- dit-i~on=s. Before many years the boulevar-da. conoourses. lnd turn- -pikenoaid-s will`sw`arm with dev-oltees of `the iaateizut sptortp. Shall we in this 8[)l0n:d`lden`|Gl1I'8 of recreation see re- xpemtetd the h`l'8tJOI`y of the bicycle 0 E. DONNEILL. A Txown Clerk._ 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 "1913 Septem- $758 05 758105 758'05 758.05 758 05 758 05 758 05 758 05 :0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoOOuOoO900ooooooog E Barrie Undertaking Establishment ; 5 undertaken prmnpuv anu properly careu xor. PHONE 82_ : O T O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON V9l"V`IJl`>d11-i .'|-11!? K1U`l1l'PlU.LliIu UL `IE5 6iJL.Ll v_nt`h a. , nal Apn1vozrs_ary xN_.uxnher`f1orVOn:_t. 15. ._I;t us _a taarly_ pire. -and the principle '01 equal op- rtunities f-orthe commerce and in- u-stry .01 all nations in China. C-.The maintenance 61 the ter- ritzorhal -rights oi the high contract- ing parties in the `regions of Eastern Asia and of India, and of \thc defence of their special interests in the said rghons. ` 9 richn-e`s:of-ix'1:i.ia.n_ t:a elicay and agggnce % - 0? Ceylon tea.-% Red ose 44 The Oioolbvzr -5:3)"-.a::tii.a=n Margazinuq ~l0Q193b1`3gt0AS__'t'h6 c4.':mp_letion of its 25th Jarsh in 'n.'nan3ol`, vAh.'n3I1IsVn'n.rIr F E _ Q 1 Door West Barrie Hotel. mMmmummw+mHH A NEW MATCH E. % Eddy : ..All first class Dealer: hove chom--u also other well known EDDY S" low_s,_ which are as popular as ever :- - 'PA`L0R84-"Kinx Edward." "Headlight." "Victoria." Little Comet." have all the appliances for the care of funerals in transit through town and surrounding country: Hearses and Wagqons; Morgue` and Burial Parlors. In- terments in all cemeteries. or shipments to all parts of the world. Work of I undertaken promptly and pronerly cared for. P|-{ON E 82_ _ lf you input a money making machine this is your opportunity, It may never come again. L _ . Remember, we sell the genuine mac_hine. . Do not let agents deceive you by telling you. they have an; lmltatlon just as good asa Sharples. ' ` Ready Mixed Paints, Alahastine audKalsomine, . Paint and Whitewash Brushes. A V Our stock of Builders Hardware and Mechanics tools is the largest and `best we have ever had. We keep a full stock of Bee supplies. _I-Iigheet market price paid for Bees Wax. Iqlil I $`UhVUU$p HIIIITV ` , ; SULPHURS-`%"TelVegraph," Telephone. Anniversary Ntqunber. No. 3, $45.00. 2 If you contemplute using wire fencing of any kind this season you will save m onoyby consulting us. of- S/HARPLES CREAM .....SEPARATORS HAMBIQY 8 BAKER, E `House cleaning time has come once more. We have a good Supply F _ _ . _ . G. SMITH 3 co. Notsnuss. Hun-.wo2r"t* FLY on . Lmzirs ox ANY Summons. `Pronounced by user: to beihe the most of itself. W BEST MA1c'H IN CANADA. Sold By Leading Clothiers Collier and Clapprton Streets Be sure you ask for Eddy s. E ALWAYS OPEN. SILENT" AT REDUCED PRICES ._ ESTABLISHED 1 870 9.1 `THURSDAY. OCTOBER 5 safe decl-am.-tiinon that this is yopresaantmtivo literary r:um i'0. _ W. '3`S11'9`d '_b.v *1 Canadian 1 bl" 3L Twenty-f'iv'e writers are r0__P ,' Tang and nearly all are in the mag W. of Canadian diyterateurs. Amgown .crontributors cane -such well lihiibalt `names as-Banjamin Suite. A" '_ Miaocmechan, Rio-bent Barr. 5- . Louis Freohe c~te. W- :.VV..W.1 cam-pbeu. J " lW3.`13.."AG-' No. 4. $50.00_ Ask Your Grocer for a box PARLOR calm-u1for Au. mm He table took it. 5 all ii bOr'\\" wouu gsh-u.-t {$331 -- Coldsare the most danger ous of all `forms of disease. A neglected cold leads to Bronchitis, Consumption, Pneumonia. Coughs" are the result of irritat- ed bronchial tubes. Psvclmll" . cures coughs by removing irri- tating _ rticlee and "healing the inflame membrane. It iaa rm!- cide and destroys the tu rcle` germ. It is a tonic that stnength-, one the lungs. the liver, and tones up the system. It makesfor better health in all conditions of hutnanizz. Get strong and the cough will (I \ . appear. Psvcuma" makes weak people stron . It cures coughs of the most 0 i to kind and breaks ---- _ -_I.I 2.. - IA... luggage. - I llA -`V Lappl vantvor YY .. e;;'i;.:r] t we! whaol d(_'..". Bu nk LL-. IT IS neys Vcont IIIU JIIUBI UIIHIII hlvii IIIIIII I- up. 3 cold in a. few hours. .11 the] when cotnbined with the delicately avored but thinner tea of Ceylon`, producesthat rich fruity avor of Red Rose Tea--_a teathat is strong and oes further-requires less to make a cup of equal strengththan 3:1 brand `of Ceylon tea alone. Red Rose Tea coxnhines the strength and -lI.I{' lL-A- Q.`-gd 'ea. Flavor and strength greats body and richness of Indiat l -tea % W411}: Ibengozpre u-m:~ashim3.-mb1g ? .2019- ,sibly In a lunuted deree 1-t_ svyxll. J ` A 1 .0-Iunn:a`h `it must Anna v memmn. to the motlv aanu Itro-utsy oar. . Theme is t!h'is muxclh -tno bafsai-d in: fav or of tlge a-ultomobxile nm:i.u;taining_its po-p=txl,o.rmty as a means of reimea-txon. 1n.a.me~ly. ithaast; .u:nl.ike the -bicycle. it uefoinqa -a means of travel -thwt is com psarzutzvely free [mm effort. and may be _am~mde. if so diesirad. aposi-tivoly luxurious.-Soientifio A.me-riozm `@1015? m umuwu Q15 1'86 I-I. !Wlllo "- -thsoulgh `it must sure y remiain. to they and 0013 time one of -tha most. fusetful means of Itra.-nsportattion `for both freight and passengers. rt-hat inven- -t_inoIn__h-a'.s phauceod at the service of man. vma-I-mg. not not surpassing. -the loco`-% motive and ttronlley oar. _` mhmm ha i-twin vniudh -hn hnsnaiud in! f'.IV "We aw at-.1'xuding rtncocdseqy on the thl`euShlZ)l-d of 'a_ muiglrty _u1Ie-veelopxgnynt in :whio'h..our -geogr;a.p:h_ic-al position will be a 1`.-aottor of no mean import- ance. Aorootss Cmnada will lie the; ahaonteat 'ruou|t~e from Europe to_, that mighty eaast which is just preparing to ahake itself fmis `from centuries of Oriental` '3x.clusivexncss. Anl en- uoormo-uis ~tr:aide-' with the out-s-i-dc world |namu'rai I`usI:.Vul`Un:u HILILIUIJL uu.LuLI.auu.:. will aoaun be in -p`rogrve's.s. -and. .with. uuur -aadva'm't-.'.i;;eous rowtczs. Canada will urzndio-1.1-b'teIdly"b~e~oon1oe 'thv: high- way of the naitiions. . -"Hui-AIU whunm um l`.'l'I'.'I.Q:.ldl_`.r ` oven `DJ VV- L30 \JA.`J\ILD`\lI-III "I woould like you to try and pic- ture 'tno`yourselves thu future which `lies 'bai`:om this Cazn.-a-d:.1 of ours. {I feed hsuwi impotent my womLs.areto paint `the p-i.ot-um which -my mind con 500.1118. But think of what our pos- sibilities lame. Our area so vast that many of the -gneut `8.mvp>i! QS of the wuourld *t-o-day would be lost in.'it. Our semi! tglso-riously fertile-, and our n.afc.u'ral resources alum.-at illimitabl-e. utlfn nvntn ....+.mn.Ain-1 r.`-m.ad`.n.v nn fhrt. wa.-y 'D|.l;. Luv nuattbullia. V "Surely when we consider 7 even these fueqmtur-as, aholne, it is not diffi- o_ul~t _too reaal-ize that Canada's '-due des- tmy us to become a1g.r`~e|.$t:::,!md mpros-_ iponous -oounatry. T "W-e can-n'o't hope to` live to see the full Vdeve1v:p11ite4r.1't. but so `much of. the fultur-e deqpeunds ups-`.1 the. pro- senat, 'tha,-`t it behuoovs-each rmd every. one of us to Ithi.nk. to think shard on the greamt Iqwenstwn, of how wa can.- lay the fnowmdm`;-i-on -so as to scourge the best d~e:veluoup'm(m-t of the `glott- ous heritage which is ours: sowthath cour ooumtry will not only become great and pnc-sperou=s. but peaceful and 1mPDY. wdmzaunding to the glory of. God an-Q the good of man., WILL rr Bm 1cvAoUA'rn:_u BY GREAT . BRITAIN 9 ; It is tun-derstlt:-bd_-thut Great Brit-. min. as the rezsult oi t;'h~e d=.-finite Rus's';~:1n vav.nuouat`iIon. of Port Arthur. and `a1lsI:)Wth-(3 yolose uudnemstunding with Japan. is cao;1sidex'ing ~t:h-c -de-3ir- abilit .02 -en~tir~el.y Jevaoua-ting Wci Hcaai ei. Nso decision has yet -been a-attmlly coo-me (U05 and them is 0. c-21$ `min divergence oi` opinion as to what step should be 't`akie'n. but. on the \_v1rolc-. ;tk;<`s tbalatwce of opin`i_o'n is in ,_,-A.:__ .|.I......... 1.. SEO!) 8111001110 106 `l'."sl.K9l3'll. U.u|:o.U.'! lul.IU wlrolc-. the gt optmon I8 1_n tuvvcvr of the evacuation. and there. as `g-mound for the u`;.el"ef =th'at this course will ul-timimtely be taken- I'.J-`nuylll aha nnmmllnn-foul` Q-hunf VAT!I| Wu]. uuzxm-wwxy nu I.-uuqu. It will be .recuoll-ec-ta"-d that several questions on `the `subject were asked in the Huomso last i-session. a'nd.'th.at ~un March 4; 1905. Ar.bh'ur Le-a `un- noouuzoe-d. that.` there would be no change Ln policy as `to the place. but vth-aat in View of far -eastern `uncur- -t:a;i.nty the Admiralty` bad `duet:-id|e.d not to press on expenditure. A Mn uI.a.s`n.n, nxnv nova.-n.1', 'nni-Hon it is will Ito press on Iuxpelluuuru. T10 dc-finepur exact position it is necessary Itostate briefly the precise aonoditi-ons of our -ten-anoy. of the colony. These are 3:113 oondntio_ns.,- as tukean_ `from-`tho agneoxnewt .wh-xoh was s: nod mt` Pekiu non J.ul3L,.1..-.1898. and an sequenztly raltified in I-do-nglon in.Oo.taob-erz. ' ~ ' ur... ..'....|.... 4.- `..u-Ammo r`.r.n.n.+ Rrifni-.1 tn. uonunar: . . . . _"In oorder_ to `provudo Groa.-t Brit-ai-.1 W-1-th `Ia au1table- naval hurbnor. in NIorli_:h China.-a-hd for the batter Ipl`0- tewrtnon of British .oom_meroe _in the vneighbuoring sea-s. the government of 'o.nv-n.n.a If-um his m=ajeat cthe f-em+p`mor `bf. Ghint` wlflfl n n xrnvarnmen ooeu-pamun .0.L IVU|33R1u- . It will be reo:.o1leet'e-d that two 0 three ' are 11340 the British govern- ment ecided riot to use Wei H-ai Wei as a military station. but merely to mto.-in it f1or_ commercial urposes; .bu*t mow it '18 coming to. he eon- .ol`us'aonn' vthvwt in order -to em-pimsizn the -inztegrity of China and maintain cuur rdemsawd tor a universal open dauor in Ithat country. it is :1 righ_t -and fitlt-'ingvstep t~o.give up `t0.!`!'l- tsonry Iw-hioh was acquired when Rus- sia` and German}: started the policy of "grab". in- t e far east by, re- eqesutively. seizing Port Arthur and I{.-wave Chan; '~ - - ur.:+1....+.\..'. .=...n.'..m'.a-':mm 'n'i" Wm: ' `ai- V1118 IIMIJOSC `H10 Glllpki-1101' `UL. uuun-t a; was itno qasc to the government 0 her an-ajesty the Queen .of- Great Britain Ianq Ireland.` We-i Hui Wei. in{the ptoovume of Shantung. and -the adgmoemt waters. for `so long a uperiod an Hort Anthur shall"'remain xntho munnllno I-in-n A4 `Bunch: 88 more u'.uIu.r auuu 1 anon-pa.t`ion .._o'` Russia," 1+ mill nhn -rom.n1|n'n.t'r~-d nu-mo unu.u.-_ g , . Wsisth 't-hey mnaIbunrti|an.'on": Wei Hui Wueoi `by Gwact Britain and of Port Anthur `by Russia. but one Wpst- esrn power w-ou.ld retrain a forogbly am um:-d lease In Nnonthern` .Oh1na. a` Ithmt is'Germany. at Kimo Ohau. which she bo'.ds_ on .a ninety-nine years Ylease. Haaw long will she to- V mtafm tthere 9. is iboiing asked in diplao-` m|at'ic circles. G~erm.:m policy with regard vtqo"Ohi'_niw "has been character.- izedr `by 0blu'nders_,_ wit'h:o~u=t numbar. P-1'-.l'Mai6 -B-i~smar_k" .righ`tly rem-arked. w_11'en.;upt5aVkinLg..\_v-i.t11 one of -his=grc.a-t;_- ' !t.!]riud_I. -."ap_`no.i)s qt-` the $919` ram. xi if " ` 'HI`u`L"I.u'u' yuxuug an axial: vuuu vvuuuu .-2). ..w1onderul" _ qppi)1_'~tuni~ty _' for .mv:~;Mli=* #4`: ` %G9*r,mn;` %f`orisn Future of wi-Hui-Wei. (by W; I; T GEORGE.) ,.._.-|.: In... an. .-I-.-. .4-nu .n Canals : Future. ` U'p'"` `vtherjWp*reauitT ` `Germany ~-has spent -a;_.fe_w millions in developing a.nd`foont1tymg. Kiaao Chan. ._where she has -about 3.000men. This autumn she no-poses rto- expend `another 750. 0 and too et -the authority of vthe miohtet-ag a -t-e._rwamis. - Lon- 3...... `II'n3I. . U1 `Luv nun 0101). Mail; BY-LAW No. VI: `Iu.u\u.v-an do .u u . . V ~.-._. THEREFORE -the Municipal Goun- oil lot the Gorpor.a~tion of the Town of Barrio enacts a'sT 9-Hows :-- --- 1. That to r,a.ise tihcisum of $5.- 000 im lthe purposes aforesaid. it shall be Jmwful tor- the corporation of the said municipality to issue dua- be-netum-_s co`; the said municipality to mid amlotmt in sums of not less than $100 era-ch payable \vi:t'h'in,eigh`t ywrs from the date of the passing or this by.'lG,W. ' . in In I _ `__ LII" L119 JVGI. lUVU. aw .v_- AND WHEREAS tthe ammxn.-t of the exia-tin debenture debt of the said mimic pality is $272.-220.97, of vvhsich no tpa.l`.t,.0ith_er. for principal or interest is` m arr-car. LL- `ll_--.!-!-v..l I15`... xy-'w-vgvvu `the Isperwer 1*l!.uu*a'u.uusa Gom-pauy. Limzisted. 'hiS applied to the Municipal _0or'por.antion of 0110 Town of Barrie for a loan of $5.- 000 upon Jthe security of a. mrortg-age on `the land: maehir_1ery..-plant and equaipmen-ti tor`: the sand company 9. '-Otherwise. -as more fully set out in the an_ agreement made. jbentween _ said -aom any and .-this corporation bearing ate the 18th day_of Sept.. 1905. nor the purpose of aiding -the said company to erect premises. in- st-al machinery, [ant and equi - ment and general y to establish t e business of the said company in`Ba.r- rie. and i_t4is_' desirable to grant the said applioatwn. 5 _ AND WHEREAS it will be neces- sary for such purposes to issue da- bentu-r_ea of the sand corporation for the said sum of $5.000. _ _ AND WHEREAS it will be requis- N20 to raise annually during the term of exglitl ears hereinafter. mentioned by apeoza rate to pay the. said debt to -be orea;tod- by th-is.-by-law and in- -terest thereon. the sum of $758.08. `I? 1 lav:-\ I` IIVIIIVAQ .0-Ln nvnunuunif nf 't6Irl:Bl. LIIUSLCINIQ Iauv anus v-- .r--...`_. `AND WHEREAS `the amaotmt of the whole mzxtoable groperty of the Mwmioi.-paliAty_ of the own of Barrie, -accord-mg -to rthe last revised assess- ment noll. being the assessment roll for the year 1905. is $2,918,508.00. A 171'; 1!? IJIFD14` A Q A- Inn 1: nmnn-n.+ n.f rwv` _-.,. 2. That'vt'1w said debentures so to_ be -`ssued mot the `said sum of $5.- 000 sh-all bear interest at the rate of '4 1-2.per ,oen`t. per" unnum payable; yearly`. such dclb-en-tures_ shall be~pa..y- able in night -annual successive. in- stalments. such unnual instalments of o rinoipal and of in:tcrest to be or sun amuounit -tilxat the aggregate amnountwpaya-ble fotj principal and in- terest in any year shall be cq-ua_1`-us nearly -as may be to what is payable for -principal and interest during each of the O'th'0lF yours of such IpL'1'- iaodg mud nine of such debentures or instalments of principal shall be pay- able tat the end -of each year from and after the date of the `}_)<'.l.S_Sli`lg of 'tlvi~s {by-la.w. rnI__.L .A.!.... ....!.l .Ijnkn-n.`-.nv-no no I>-A the loan of $5,000.00 to the Spencer Industrials Company, (Limited) and to authorize the issue of Debentures to raise a said loan. ` `VL `blulw \UJ`luqvvo 3. Thxa-t *the said d`e-benet-ures as to `principal and iute-res-t shall be pay- able -at tthe branch -of the Bank` of 'loront_o -in tthe said Town of Bar- ri-E. 11". 4. That it shall be lawful for the Mayor of (the said Municipal Cor- poration." -and he is `hereby author- ized and in~s.t ruoted to sign and issue the said Idesbonsturcs herraby -a.uthoI`.- izod 'to be issuaetd -and the in-tcmst oou-pon-s a.ttache~d t.ho.reto_ and to oau-so (the same also to be signed` by the"l`nezas-urer of the said municipal- ity and the Clerk of the said muni- cipality is hereby authorized and in- stru'ote'd to attach the seal of `the said mu'nioipa`iity to `the said ddbeu-_ it-u-re_a. :1 I. _- __2__.I -...1 I-..--!...l |lo'\I l.'UBo , . 5." There shcnll be raised and levied in each year during -the currency of sa-id.-deb or any of them bqy special 'ra,.t-e on all -the gcateablo pro- perty of Vathe ea-id muimpality in -the same manner as othqr taxes are lov- ied.' 'a sum sufficient ctvo -pay and dis- chiargga `the said several ;v`caVr1.y sums of prmoipal run-d interest` so accru- ing due as -the same become mespec-A tivel_v"payable aocsondin-g t-to the terms of this by-Law. that is to say the said total sum of $758.05 in each of- said oyoars `provided that the mo- neys Land by the said company` un- der' 't 0 mid mortgage shall be up- 'sl1ed` Itnow.a1~dsTthe -payment of sgid ebont ures and oouvpxons. i~i"o'}gi:Ly""iiie'"2is'}}| hay .: n October. I905. commencing at nine. o'clock in the. orenoon. and continu- ing until five `o'clock in. the after- nso-on -at tho undermen-tioned places 9nd `by t_:he following Deputy Return- mg Ofhcers.` that '13 to say: `IY-__j `T- 1 _I.`I_-_-I`|I_ _l.-,- T1I___.I \ 0. The 'pur:ch.mser of any of the said debentures shall not be required bo see to the application of -the pur- chase miavnoy wt. area! or that the con-di-tions off. any agreement madu or to he mumde `between the Spencer Induatrlnals 0om= any and the par- ot*-a.tiro`n.ot the. own bf Barr-io (have n complied with. observed or per- formed. but said .debunturcs and con.- poona shall be u=nim- auhable on any such -gnoounds m t. 0 hands otuzny pumhaaer for .vralue.; II I v'K|\3l LIB It LIV-IA Ilrbl 8. The votes of the duly qualified electors of the said Town of Barrie ;eh;all _be-taken on. this by-law on . 7. '1`ha.t'this by-la\Vv_V shall cIomo{in- to `tame and. take effect` upon the fi- nal `passing thereof. ` V - V a II... ._.4..... -4! LI... .l..|.. .......-.1:.l-`hut `II , 1-1 I! - 1-J1 - I vv nzwuruu.-u. A 9. ThastTm1 the int day of 0ot.. 1905. at the Caounaoil Chambers in It-he paid Town of` Barrie, at two oohook in -the .o,tItemoo_p._ the Mayor will nppoxut xjn writxng. signed by him. two. vp_er.sqn.s -to .9.-ttemd a_t.-the d3rinal_ aummu; up.-oi` t-hevqteu one` .P1'5|'l1.mO: ' ' "of: {the; qvww -1- was ward 1i'7LFire Ha_ll Building. "John" Clayton`. ' ' Turner. can u -- . - or a new as -n-nun Ward No. 4.-MoBrid`s shop. Thos. Dune svaogvvn ; u Uvwv o-- v-v Ward N:p.f1.-.-Caldwell`s-swl.1 o'p. Fred ` Man. cut u .'-o I` up . . `-. Iain -;};f;rd 'N`o. 2.-Market Building. 8. Booth. . 1 cu v and II -5 II In VV (R111 L` IU- Whitobread. WHEREAS the Bpeticer I=ndu:i-trisals . `l'_irn.i:i-Ar`. 'h..-as :a nnlieod any ---vow . Viid Nro. 6.1-'3"-{re mu; Edward IYI. 1L'A`I.....A... A Sp %ulVpU5V III. Ia-|\n.;nnB .._.- [company L wt inoss said itais I - .....I:na Hnn THE NORTHERN ADvA1c1~: ; Coughs and Colds 0:5 `th`- . gmolus" or opposing the passingxof this y- aw. i = . om. That-.'the saii1T-c1erk..o~: the said Oouncil shall at his office in the said Council Chambers on the` 24th day ot October. 1905. at.\ the hour of 2 o clock in the afternoon. sum up the number lot` votes `given for and again- st this by-law. SGHKEDULE T0 FOREGOING BY- i LAW, NO.-_-` _ V ; m If lli-I-`-fl .LV\Jl.L\I.I1| l.Ll'(I-lo LUV illlll V9 G trueosopy oz` `.3. proposed by-la.w which has been taken into c-onsi`dcra- tinon. land which will be. finally pass- ed `by the Gouncil of the Corpom-ti-on of `the: `Town of Barrie in the event ; bf . the nssenat . of the elec- trors being obtained -thereto ater one month from {than first `publication thertgcif. The li- vance newspaper. apu- is in e `said `Down or Barrie. the [date of: which said that _publicmtion in The Advance is Thursday. the 28th day of September. 1905. and [wt the hour. day. and places therein fixed for taking the notes of electors. he polls will be held. `l\..L..4I LL2- {DELL .I-_ '..2 Q....L-_._ The 1st year wevwere in the Cri- mea. says the writer -of Six--years` at the Russiwn'0ourt," in the Leisure Hour. 9. diabolical "plot against the imperial family was formed. The groumds of Liwadia are opezzvto public while athe imperial family are away. There wars :1 .pr.i-esst in. Yalta who us- ed Itso like It-o stroll about 1he,_v:in-3- yards rand vgardens. was excevadsnngly affa-ble and kind. and showed a-.gne`a1t curiosity regafding the daily life of- the Empcnor and family. He asked .1.bI0ut t he w.u.=ter su:pply.zmd ae.ve.n pen- etrated into the wood-cellar. Rnfunrn ll-ha imnnrial fnmilv on infn U|Ll'iI4L'ULl. 'llI.UU LL10 )VU|Iu"UUllil.l.. Before the imperial family go into any vtacown at police officer is sent -to make inquires rogarding all in the place. On -this occasion all were eas- ily iwdentified. with the excep'tion_ of this 'pries't. The police officer -tele'- gnmphe-d ms) the town from which he ,aaid he came, and received an answer s.ay*i.(m_g that all -the -priests b-el*o .1g-.- `mg to the town were in charge of their churches. Nzo osne. was abs-.~.-at. mot was anyvthing known of him. Dunn Ann urhnn ho un-_-an urallrin-rr :1- $5.000 'o_o . -Read a first and second time in open -Council on -the 25th day _o_1` Sep-- tember. 1905. 7 - ` ` ` E. DONNELL. ' Town Clerk. HAUL Wan i.u.l_y'I.uuI5 nululwu UL uu.u. One day when he wxa-s walking a- bzo-unt Liva-dia, the -police ventured his nooms. They found many incriminzut `mg papers, uxpuoaives. 'a..:d even poi- son-.3. The nexpl-osivnes were destined or .the wood-.oellar. `and the poison our Ithe tw.-aat-er supply! It was for- tun;aate that 'the.e.prmgs in Livadia it- self were dry that year. and-the wat or was bncaught _ from a rd-istamcc. Tz.`-e pscuvdao-priest 'w.z1s nrmstod and sev- erely `punished. Avnma-hnr .u-G-.fn-tn-nf \1r.n.u,mnda mama! '."fia'd"7i`1'is. 25:1: day of bar. 1905. T ` C rely `p uxuauuu. Amotther -mt-tempt w.a.s T made some time before 1 went `to Russia. The little church in Tslarkoe-Selo .hwd been tabt-enrod and was to be opened fuormally lhy a mass and a Te Deum. Just before divine service began a soldier discovened .a bomb uudur :1 .cur't-ain just `behind the Empem:-r an-d E_mprcss s places in church. Had it exyluoded hundreds of- persons waoul have nperished. Thn nvufknmr n`F +-`hi_u. nrimn ran 6| \V|K \.Il.'\-I llixl V0 [PCS]. AD ll`U\lo The nutbm-r of tits crime was a young man of univ;e-rsi-ty naduogxtion He was nrre-ste-d and confessed, bu-t wnul-d not give the vn:a.me4s of his 1.1.0- n-om-plicesu He was sent -to Sibx.-ra 101' Re. The shock of` the aaff-.1-ir killed his pouor mother. The `day he was arrested she died. as she saidthersclf. of a broken heart. - . IINLA I....A- n.L.Ln-nant an 4-Inn Wvnnnrnr DI ta 'u1`UK,Uu. u'U.u`L. The last attempt` on the Emperor was most subtle. A parcel. 1`-o.+.er1 at Suez.. was went `two the t,E-m-penor marked. `Privaste. He mcoived it while sesameud ant ~tc-.a with the Empress. On being -topenod -it, was found to contain La piece of -dirty cloth, -apparent1ycu't tram an `old pair (of tnomsers. He ox.cl.a:imed i.n wonder ~a.t neceeiving such .a cur-i=ous thing. The Empress soeizod {the tong-3. and "taking the dirty cloth in. them. she"somt it from the room. V It was examined. and ound -to be ful of pbague sgermsl - _ The Bieyele and the Automo- bile. The Government of Grmt Britain and Japan. being desirous of replac- ing -the agreement .concluded between them Jazmuaary 30. 1902. .-by fresh stipulua.-titans. have ngrcaeal upon our- ta':i'_n mwtioles. which have for their obpot: - A _;f\nn.mnI h`:n|- 3 run 9: n1` J` `ha. vn 4': n.. '-l).I. .I.`J5J5L\J1'lI ltlil uuu lllulilu guuu _ . B-The preservation of the -com- mloln Iitnatemestts out all the powers in China by insuring the in-dep-en-dance -and integrity of the Chi_ne.se'Em-% wgtaonmlidaantion and the. main- tenance not general peace in the res] girons of Eastern Asia` and India. n_'I`hA nnnnanru-o-I-3.nn nf Ifhr-_ auxin-` Anglo Japanese Agreement I TAKE No1.jIcE that -the 3boy_e ila a Plots Againstthc G5: rkybumup LIBS rueuo;-u_na:'u.'rL 'rnnva1vnour,:huuyouae:-ta:-` Twoorthraetoullss every winter. htheuunlnvlu. ' _ rhutmennuxb; tosxg. nyedr. A__.I mpcnamn g -n, _,,- ,, ',,oA A_,_ "~ burns` haul. `nlu.'A nudouft cal, cohudwoollaqultywen. T Innudvktu1how cllthe you HEM FIIBNABES :@" "I-_.;u..c..' " " ' " ':..n: 2.: service as well u qeonumy. _,l__ -_-, __,,,__.,n n,,_A._ __.,_n _ . _'1`he hiistsory oi sports and pas- times in this clountry_ur'nishes :30 parallel. -too the rapid growth in poopul-arnty .oi the bicycle, and its even insure sudden decline as a means of TG'0Wl`ll!ti0l{1. Iwts. decline is rendered. the more apnzzling wheun, we zfemegn-. beir vtihtaat the lI10d"l0i ll-[)l10'l:L'.`8Sl0'I!_. in- daorserd `bicycle rriding as being. when hollowed in moderation. of vealuasble assistaznce `in keeping the body in good oondittionyand in the cure and ~pl'0Vl0lnlti'0:1 `or contain ailments that arise `from sedentary habits and the luck of a V roper amount of ouvt;doo-_r exerh-ise. :>_ itrue is this that if it were possible to `gather the testi- mon -of_-the hugidreds of.t.11ous.afud.8so ope. -in nth-is oou.ntry_ ..who:1I `wheels am today rusting in tho oea'll`a1'. tor Bt~0l`Gd ingloriously a.mo:i`g the top wttio lumber. it would ban found `that not {A few thousands of them 'wio~uld lwadily admit that thew haave nevter `e.njo-yed .t2he ,pere`et heallth wh-izoh was at heirs when the Sand,-ay _-tri izntuo the count 05 o1`.It`he evening tr-i on-`tho boulevua-rd-eLs or cycle `paths .i`.orrmed mi impomtant sand `pleas.ur.a-bl`e item in tthe rwoutine of {their llives.