. HORSES. Hemry Dmfyt-Stalliaon. any age. H. I. 1. .-arrnlmant; Bmod Mare, George` Crsuvicord. `R. Roe; Sp!`i n~g` Col-t, Geo. Omwinord, `R. R00: '1`wo'yer.1.I_' old Golt. P. Shan.a.han: Yearling Colt. R. Roe: Te-_un. R. Rxcae, Jo-S. Eudwartdsz Beat ton uohts by ainy one stallion. G00. Crznwfucmd. T ` _.. uu n unu- `SE1 . . . . .. EofNW1 E; . . . - - - ' " Aibort Street Block. L\'\I I I UV E 5. ........................... .. ii 13, 100 895 E; ...... ........ 15 10 100 1090 w4_. .... ..... .._. ............. ..16 10 100 1227 . . . . 19 12 200 1531 PtBroken . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 13 15 5633 xv; ........... .............. .. 10 16.100" 79 47 W} ....... ..'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 17 100 2053 TUWNSHIP OF ORILLIA (SOUTHIBN DIVISION). N E 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 3 50 .72 58 SE1 .............. ......... .. : NE} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23 W} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19 "E13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16 . . Pt Broken . . . . . . . . . . .. .W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. L143; o North Homewood Ave,plana 428.Nos. )-_.J .4 ms [SEEDS AND GRAIN. Timvothy Seed, G+eo. cam.puben;.Is`-lax h ~`d Goo. Cfamu bell,TJ-o,h'n N. _Key= K550? Seed. ls. `amid A2n=d. John N- C Gr-ain--Whi~te w.inter AW|hIe1a-t`. `John W.HWie. Arthur" Pest-aruan; . Red NW0? Wheat`. `W. G. W:ils:o:1.jJohn- .` K0) 3 Spring (Wheat. Jsdtm 0.jHl!T*~ P9 GM. 8. Clark: six`-rmv-ail -.B-u-- 1? Jzdlm O. rarvie. W; O. W5-Lsan:*~ `ogmk `Oats, w. c. W`ilsm: .W-hi`??? ,.t_s- W. 0. Wilson.` Job,-n--0.`f `$9 1`aT:'-0:P0I3iSG5'_-'J'.Oh1Ir'__ H ` . .w&l`-n _:<-_Sm`,al _ . tn _ W. 0. L1 III in `sunny vv \lIl\n `L V V yuuuw iatlgci VD 3 and 4 pt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sl4ofN44ofE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Victoria Ave. plan 426, N03. 107. . . . 8 pl: W 1 ..... .; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . North Harvie Sc, plan 392 No. 67 pa Norah Mary Sc. E 2/100. No 189 pt Concession Line plan 392 No. 38 pt. East Douglas Sn. No. 16 pt . . . . . . . .. 1 n `-2V\Yf\YYT1'\ P:W{; . . . . . El4?5ofS%----- West Ash St.` lots 3, 4, 5. 6.: End: Spruce St. lots 1, 2, 3, - Q(a1(\I`I 10n-, I, AV. Al. 5:: u -.. Wen:'Cedar St. 6. , 9. 1 East Cedar St. 5. 6, 7. 8. 9. Ea.st.Elm St. 2. 3, 4. 5, 6, I E75`N ......... .% SJ;-o'fI\ . . . . . . . . .. BTroken....T . . . . . . . .. .E.10oN..' . . . . . .. Lot 2 South Quen Street. . . -v- - ..-.---. .v~v-v__ ..----- A V 'Ea'A( 371<`'V1LL1-3 VILLAG1:}. Lot. No. 9 and 10, S of R. E. P. Road 'I'1l\QI'II?fi?f`f'\ r\'r_I In A 1' E3iof, Park Lot 19 pt....... .. E3=56fPark Lot 20.-. . . . . . . . .. E21ofPurk'Lot2'2Spt . . . . .. 2ofPark Loc22 S pt Par Lot 24 3 pt: . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ERussallStNo.6pt.....`..... N7ac'o(S'10ofNl6ac . . . . . .. l\,,I fI`(` A` I 1\I\llI Ordnance Bahia; September 2nd, 1905. V _ ` . _ . First publication in Tn: NORTHERN ADVANCE, Barrie, beptember 7th, 1905. '"s,"'s3,'1"o."i'1.'"i' 33:" _. l'1,...l.._ Q; A Dscription. U AU `UI Lot... (Noarnz;m DIVISI;)'..\ ). IN ARREARS FOR TAXES. IO..I... I I I O I OI 1 TOWNSHIP OF FLOS. ono FAIR. ..'. .......... .. 12 3 100 1818 1'owN'snn_> OF MATCHEDASH. ...... .. 12 2 '97g; "955 TOWNSHIP OF MEDONTE. ............. .. 5 s so 8 77 ............. .. 23 `:3 59 24 9 It . . . . . . . . . . .. 111 1 3;} . . . . . .. 111 1 F pl: . . . . . . U1 .1 `.?.i 5 . . . . . . . .. 111 T I 2% . . . . . . .. 111 1 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 2 ;} nae . . . . . . `Z0 7 3 7 - . . . . . . . . . 52 40 TOWNSHIP OF TQSSORONTIO. . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 5 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 33 5 90 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 5 . 70 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 6 - 2 TOWNSHIP OF VESPRA. . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 6 50 - ` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ll 7 A 40 ............ .. 11 ' 9 59 on In 'I0'NNSI-IIP of SUNNIDA LE. MVITILTAGE oi` sU}53URr. VVASAGA` BEACH LOTS. ;. 7. 8, 9 pt: 10 16 1; L 4. 5. 6. 7, ' M . . . . . . . . .. 10 16 2 10 ll . 10 16 1 , 10. 1). pt. 10 16 1 7. 8, 9 pt. 10 16 1} TOWNSHIP OF TINY. . . . . . . . . .. 101 1.0 S. 75 . . . . . . . . . .. ll 4 50 ` . . . . . . . . . . 26 4 ll . . . . . . . . . .. 10 12 . 10 WYE VALE VILLAGE. .3 "'r-ciWNsH1P OF TAY. DANIEL QUINLAN, Lbt Con. Acres Arrears. Costs 8: ' Fees. vv 6, 1o 2 4o 1 75 4 15 14 1o 39 9 52 1 75- 11 37 14- 1o loo 9 79 1 75 11 54 13 19 19 -2 01` 1 75 3 73 7 . 13 20 7 22 1 75 s 97 9 13 4o 1 26 1 75 3 01 12 135 87 3 12 .1 75 4 87 14 14 100 15 53 2 oo 17 53 on TUESDAY, rm: 19711 pm or Dzczunnn, st PRIZE LIST. "E. 11 614 Johnson: Bead Seed Onions. George S3-mers .Jn.o. J ohnson: Pa'ou.to Onions. Mrs. Cavena. G. A. Cal-dwell: Rick- ling '0n:i:on~s, D. 0. Cam bell. F. Adams; Im-penial Tuomatvo, . I. Vait: Earl-iana l`.c-marto, J.no. Key; "tone Tom-a:fao.* L. I. Vair: Any `other var- .ie.ty 901 T-omaito, D. J. T-ask. D. Lewis; .0olleotvion of T_om.a.t.-oeus, D. 0. Camp- bell. Geno. Somiers: Hwbb-and Squash. W. C. Wilson. Fred. A.d-a.m.s: M'.u-m- wmoth Squash. H. New, G. A. Cald- . well: Vegetable Mm-nc.w. C. G. Har- yris. John Hum-phrey: Mu-k Melons. `Juno. Johnson. P. Crogha-.un: Water `Melons. Geo. Som-ers. J no. Johnson; `0i:tr-onus, D. C. Campbell. Mrs. 00.- Oi.-`ll Ifyou, your friends orrelatives suetwlth Fits, Epilepsy, St. Vitus Dance, or Falling Sickness, wnte for a trial bottle and valuable treatise on such diseases to `run Lama Co.. ; 179 King Street, W., Toronto, Canada. All dmggists sell or_ca'n _obtain for you ,-_.__, __ '-_ :_.---.- ;---3:: i..EIBIG'SFl1`GURE 15 -15 uvv 100 209 1;; 200 183 50 Ann 34; 57 3956 22 69 18 18 -------~- Treasurer, Ucunty Sims`-oe. 42 27' 17 29 8 94 I7 90 D II! 33 10 1 48 14 45 14 45 6."r56 27 42 13 94 12 78 5. 1905. av 19 56 -10 Av 611 791 226 176 540 288 630 925 2 46 9 63 13 37 '46 37 38 38 4'5 ii 35 17 250 20.0 175 209 176 TOR 175 256 Wm. Grwhzam, Wilszm: Bull Galf. last and 2nd. J:ohn Shzaw; Cow, havxing ,-ratised calf. Gem. .C-rawvfond, A. Sm:i'th:'1`w.o your old Hedfegr. Geo. 'Onatw.I:c-rd, (W. C. VW-ilson: Yearling- Heifer. Geo. Orazworid. W. C. Wil- ss-mu: Heifer Oalf. .J-oh-n Shmv. Pqter Wear-in.g;`BesIt Calif. male or female (special) ..Jxovhrn Shaw. . GRADE CATTLE. Two year old Steoer. A. Smith. Geo. Simpson; .Yearling Steer, George Simpsuon, A. Smith: Fact 02: or Heifer. 1st .~a.=n-d 2nd. A. Smith :Miloh Cow. lat and 2nd. A. Smith: Two year old `Heifer. A. Smith. Geprgxs Simpson: Yearlaing }I'e'i.fe;r, let .a;n.d 2nd. `A. Sm-i.th; "Heifer :o1f'Ste.er Calf. 1st and 2nd. ' A. Smith; Beet Herd. Geprge Omword. . . . ROOTS. VEGETABLES and `FRUIT. Oolleotion of Roots. Geo. C'.17n-n- be-ll. A. D. and N. Cam: ell: 03-1- lenJtIi:om_ out V1ego[ta.blc.s, - . C _W-il- son. Mrs. D. Mccuuig; Early AP-o- t-atba-cs, G-c-orge A. `Caldwell; Late P.u~t:1;tc<:.s. G~e'o`rg'e -Ilcaley. A. D. and N. C-am-pboll: Swede Tu1'ui;ps. John C. H-zxrvle. Ar~"ch-ur PEe.tersm1;Whi't: '1"ur.n.i-ps, George Campbell, A. D and N. Cam: bell`: Rod Ono-5.5. Arch d Gamwpbel . W. C W-ilsvccn. L. Leigh; OnIo;~.s. W. C. Wilscm. L. W. Leigh: White Onions. W. C._ Wilson. Alex. Mcnucms : Pro-tato Omons. G. Camp- bell. Arthur Pertersosn; R::ud C1;-ro'.s. Mrs. D. McC'u-a.~g. .W. C. Wnlso-`:1; White Carnots. A.-and` H. Graham. 1.- .. rm... m.m-:- Hnr.-n` Carrorts. $3 75 75' .,. 75 F 1 HP 5% R- 75 75 `a nun ya. I.` - nu.` Campbell, : Bl: 75 75 75 75 FE Ill 75 FE Li 75 In- I `J 75 An 81) 31 Total 10 52 26 35 (IAA 3Y( T 20 18 Uarnots. t1u'>EIvll'u I1. \]lILlltLJ1|p John Key: Short Hot.-.1` Carrovts, Jncihn _H~arrEsosn. Mrs. T. M3cC-ulloch: Parsmps. .Mrs. '1`. Mcculln-:>c.h. G.` Vn......amn - 13.1,-_.r.d lzmts. G. Campbell. unnwu Lxutavn .11.: do -L-J\.A5quolI\-`lV' " ' C1rri.-xgo `flaa-mes -:'i'wa your old (',`3~Lt, R. T. C;1rs-amd-den: _ Colt, Geo. II-e-aley, R. F. C1rs>ca-d.-den: Tenn. J. C. Harvie. Maeqtmord Webb: Spriw: O01-t`, R. T. Ca.rec.a.ddeun: Car- Yearling I`1:rj: IlaC-rs-0., '15 1-2 hzmads. John Al-; Albcvt \Vn30ds. x... .I If- ...'..,..-.. I)-.....u.l Mn M A Ian. 1).. 1'1 11'3o 11!! 19 29 10 69 19 90 10 70` 12 75 14 12 17 31 Z15 (`III 75 08 35 60 3 23 16 30 16 30 68 06- `29 67 15 79 14 63 210 1100 1137 11 37 7 33 5 51 3 95 2156 I \J\' "966 401 351 716 413 21 4 2! ll 38 I5 22 I I2 AV ta 855 7 C6 6 35 5 6'.) man It will bear witness to your good taste if you write it on_ 'I_'wdtone or Highland Linen- ` ` ~ - !- mbga _ the popular styles in Eaton- Hurlbut Writing Papers. Plenty of other styles here, too, of these attraetive BOOKSELLER ? AND` STATIONER "Every Letter mien scan TBA; 3'5 NT- '1} I]. \X L; BB:-ogi Boots. campbensl` You V v |'\.I`L \.lo Agricultural Horses-Brood Mane, A. McAnthur, P. Sh`a`n.a-ban; Spring O01.-t, A. D. and N. C.;1mpbe1l. John R-C0; Two `year old C:)l't. A. D. and N. Gzunpbcll, Geo. Cmzwf-ord: Team. A. and_ W. MVcK.ay, I . Sha:~.a.han: BOSE she-d llorsc. H. I. B'arn.h.uI1t, F. D:1y.'g I_Ii George? A. `vOa.ldwe1.1[ ; Sugiar Bee`-ts. 1.5:... In I-l!n`1-:1i`n.;: A; '-.11; amL.N_~. Gama-.A. `Ac `lid-IQAWBII; 7' Duguas Llvlnbp mpg, bell: Trma.-toes. G. Campbell. George `A.,Qaldwell; Cabbage. W. C. -Wilsoml Anthnr Fe'tersaoon_:i;} Oauliil-uwers. Alex: McLuoa.s~, Mrs. D: McO.uai_g; [G-arden Squ-ash. W. C. Wilqan"..M.rs. .D. Me-; Oxm g; C;-tnong. C. Wi sun. -"Georg-3. A. uald-well ;. Wwte.r Melon. W. p`. Wil-s;an...J-ohm Key`; Wllllbe Corn. John Key; Yellow Conn. is`: and` 2nd. John Key; Musk Melons. -Mrs. D, M-oCu~a~E-g, George A. Caldwell; M-an-_g.orld Wum:- zels. A. Parfrtersgan, Alex. and Hugh Graham; Eumpkln, Mrs. D. Mccua-lg`. . 3} ~Sl'.l";-.1. -thaI n:` Mammiaih Squash. . C. Wilson. George A. Caldwell-:. Crab Apple. Mr._s. D. Mccuiwig, George, A. Caldwell: Man Apples, L`. Shana.- hxm. Gesorgocaldwell; Northern Spy. George Campbell. Miss Ellen Elson: Weal-thies. Gaeeorgc A. Caldwell. D. '1!-. Stra;ther~n; Golden RusseI"t-s, Mrs. D. Mccu.-aig. George Campbell: Wimtcr Apples, other than Spy. John N. K-et/, Ar.ch d Campbell: Plums, Geo. War- xxr .T.Ala'h' nmnm. P. Shan- -na-:.n.n T . Alon`! U-a.In'pDu: rxuzu-5, >\l"CIU. vv an.- nioa. L. W. Leigh; Grapes.` P. Shun-. ahan: Pears. J19-hn. N. Key... John Key; G3-llection of Fru-it. I-`. Sh~a-;1--.1'- ahaan. George C-ampb-ell. DAI-RY _PR_.0D UCE. _ 20-noun-dT Crock of .Bmt'.tcr, 1D. T. Stmuthern. Mrus. W-id. P.ar-'{:ridge;.1u,- ounad Crack 01` Bnrtnter. Mus. D.\Mo-. u.a'-ig. D. T. Stra.thern- 5 ~ und uran- -cy r.o1l rbwtter, D. T. Stna h-ern :5 lb. =Mrs. T. `M100 ulzaoo B.-oll Bu1t`ter.Mr-S. D. Mroouaig. J. N`. Key; 8-puaund `Crock Battier. Mus, Wd. Pra-rztridge, ~Mrs. D. McGu:aig: 6-pmmd Ron ~`Bu:ttter., made. with owamery hurt-t-er cso!-or. Mrs. '1`. Mc- Cull-ooh`, J-olhn Ke; '20 -pounds Ch-mac. : 10 pounds Gheeue. Mrs. D.- Mccu-wig: 5 pounds Honey in ciomb. W. C. Wilson: Maple Syru . John Key. John N. K-esy: Map 5 Bu-ggar. .Jaoh-n -N. Key: H-omse - ma-d-`o ' Bread. A. D._ and N. Campbell. Mrs. `D. M -c.Cua.ig. ~.Mrs. T. Mcculboch: .Fru'it Cake. Mrs. D. T. Strather-n.. DOMESTIC 'MANUFAC'1`.URES. Grey Staoskirig Y~arn..Mr.s. D. Mc- Cu.a-ig. `Mrs. T. -Mcculloch: White Shocking Yarn. A. D. and N. Gam-p- bell. Mrs. D. Mo0ua~:g; Goa}:-t-on Wat Flame-l. Mrs. _D. Mq.Gu.a::.g: I00 Socks. Mrs. D. McCu-amg. Mrs. T. Mo Gulllcoch; H-arse Bla-nkets. Mrs. D. Mo- Ouaig: Pavtolhed Quilt. Mrs. D. Mo- Ouaig. Mrs. T. Mocullrooh: Cragy Quilt. Miss Bella. Adams; _.H:o-me- made Carpeit. Mrs. D. McCu_azg. Get). A. Gal-dwell; Blainkets. Mrs.` D. M ,o- Ouaig. A. D." and N. Campbell: Wsool Ghoves, Mrs. .T. Mcculloch. Mrs. D. M-cCu4a.3g; Wool Mitts. Mrs. T. Mo- Oullnoch. Mr-s. D.. Mccuag: Log Oabin Quilt. A. D. and N. ampb-ell. Miss Mary Campbell; Soa P-illcaw. on linen, Mrs. T. Mcculloch, Mrs. H. J. ffwdlvope: Sof-.1 Pillow. any other varie-t_v. Mrs. Georgi: S. Clark. Mrs. T. McOullg:>-ch: Tea Coscy. Mrs. T. Mcculboch.-A Mrs. H. J. Tudh.ope~; Toilet Mat. Mrs. H. J. Tudhope, Mrs. . George S. Clark: ,Wh`sk Holder. Mrs. H._J. Tudhoope. Mrs. George S..Clark: Fancy Photo Frame. Mrs. T. McCul- llooh`. Mrs. H. J. T_ud.h.opc;s Drawrr Wm-rk _on olinen. Mrs. D. T. S cr.i.th- crn. Mrs. George S. Clark: Croc1ie.`i'.- ing ism cotton or -silk. Mrs. George S. Clark. L._ W. Leigh: Ce'n.";re Piece. Mzss Katie G-ilchrisrt. Mrs. Graorg-e S. Clark: Five 0 clock Table Cover. Mrs. George S. Clark. Mrs. D. T. S"cr-.i-th- ern: Embvcoidery .o.;1slir.-en, Mrs. D. T. trathern. Mrs. H. J. Tudlnope; H-air Pin H901-tier. Mr's`.`T. M.cCnlloch. Mrs. H. J..Tudhlope; Child's Dress. Mrs._T. Mccullnoch. Mrs. John C. Harvie: Fla!mel_Shir't. ixmnd made. A. D. and N. Campbell: Gent1e.man s ' Tie-, Mrs. T. MEc0u:l-och. L. W. Le-i5;,rh.l " (.O3I.n1t&m.ueod from page 2.) Perkin-.9; I..a.r.dscapc. Miss Ada` Green- land,'Miss May Ro~'s; l\I:1ri.'* , Miss Greenland, Frank C:u"michal : Ina- nimate so-bjccts, Miss M;.1y Ross, Frank Carmichal. A ` --ar _. - -._. -...--.- qr`-.-.....w-.~-. W~:):ter C:o`.xora`- E..;md..=.capc,_ His: Green!-and.jM. I. Robinsqn :. Marine, Frank Carmichal,` Miss Bessie Steven- soen ; In.animate Objects, 1st and 2nd. F. `Garmichal; Figure, 13 : and 2:141. `Bliss S:'cev'en:-.:o:1': Animals, Mi.~s Steve 8 H3021 . lllll, I\lU(',l"(, V'VlGOvllS. Rxmd ll-oris(as-BrooId -Mnarie. A. D. and` N. Campbell. Neil Mlccalman; Spring C N. M*cC;1lmm=.. A. D. and N. C'1mrpb-0'11: _Trw~o- yrelam` old ccylft`. W. C. VVil.-2-n. Ellis Levizzh; Ycarl1`l`:8` Collt, Neil M`cCalm.-1n: Best Horse 1'01` Htyle rm-(1 spe-`ed. st.allI|ou:1's barred. A. C. vMclntvlrc, W. J. Cow--.1-.1; -Lady Driv'cr. M. Millard. B. O`.Neill:'S c`:nl- Ii-mi, v.s'h0\\`i.r`.'I style and speicd. N211 Mc'C:1lm:1n. `R. N. R(`a'd: F-'lTm'_e1'9' Tncat, Alex; and H. Grab-am. B-- N- Hed: S.u1(llc Base, D. M. McKml's.V. Bic\'c`.(-, Race. H. Gilchrist, :J:o::e`3 R053. 11. McAAr1t'hrur. V ' - . SHEEP. v - -\ ll! 11,..- Dr.awihg-s-T-Pe'..1 and Ink Sketch. L. M.-oun'tg.omery_, `Miss Steverison; Pen- cil Dna-wing. Miss Stevenson, `Miss Greenland; Charcoal Drawing. ,.Miss` Gre-emu.-ndv, M. 1. Robinson: Ink Dr.a.w ing on Wood, Miss Stevenson; 1 :mn-- my on Terra .Oort"c;1, Miss May Ross: Painting` on China. 2-1'um May Ross, Miss 1-`crkins; Crayon. Miss Stevsens-zm. M. 1. Robinson; Pencil` Sketch. Percy Plax-ton.: Am.-asbuur Ph.`otos. J. H. Bennett; Walter Pat- terson: Collec.t'o:1-of Paintings, ';\fi.=.s Greuenland. ' T `j Rootrs. Clollccizion 0:2 Field Roo'ts-A. D. a._:d N. Campbell. Plou':a'toe.s - Carman s N0. 2, `J-3:3. Gontts. \V. C. Wilson; American Wm-:.d-er, G63. A. Cxldwcll. I133. C-auvtts; Bovee, Tracy; Cl.-ark s N10 .1,. J-us. Cautts; Great _: Divide ,J-as. O:>u.t'ts,_ Wm. Tracy; Russertt, C. M. H-ickling. W. C. Wil- stcm: Early Thoroughbred. Mrs. John Campbell: any Ether variclty of `P0- tsmtoas. Jas. Johnstor, Jas. Coutt-3; Collection of" Potatoes, W. C. Wilson. D. C. Campbell. Swezdev Tur-nips - J-as. G3-utts`. G-co. A. C-.1ldw Aber- deen Tu'rnips-Jas. Co:-utts. W'hilc AGlar:v`:)e. `Tu-r1_xips-Jas. Goutvts. Gr-ey. Stone Turnsips--'-Jas. Coirtts. White Field 01`rnc'ts-J-ohn Johnson. Jno. N. Key.- Rd Field (hrmts -..P. . Oh;-ghan. J-ohn John-son. Long Run M'ang:olds-.J. Johnson. A. D. and N. - Campbell. `Yelfvt-w Mzmg-olds - (F. Crawford. 'Jghn _Johnson.h Sugar . Bixatsg-Jrahn Johnson. A. D". and N. _C.a,u]p`bl].' Jvfbh J0'hI1- sun. -_Gfeo.< A. Caldwell. ' ~ - ` GRAIN. h - White w-inter Whec~L't?--W. O. Wil- son. Jnao. Key. ed .-or Amber `Wheat I -W.- C. Wilaau1.' `Jab. ` Key. Spring * Wheat-VVQC.` Wilson. C. H. 'Wilso;1. '58}:-__novw ` Barley-_-W. O. "Wil.s_on. Jno. . Key. Black oa.-ts-0. H.'W-ilslon. W. 0.. wilaogx. White j.oats..w.. c. Will`-A7 eon. - Mrs V..Wid'.? P.1_rt-1"i'dge`.; Large" . Whi't;;Pease;-'-.-VV.s." l c.~ -.Wile:gdn_. Small. ~1. pr` AWiIsn.? ;.n; o. K_eyI.? _Y1g_ Jno.-' .Key`, EIIIJLLQQ L gL~v.w;:A:1_. i`s+4,~.~`.T;. );11ol'1 i~ -Oldanbiyrs. Barrie Exhibition. THE NORTHERN ADVANCE PRIZE LIST. LLLJJJJ. u L0ic(tstm`s-;.'-:;':d Rmxi. R- ,T- 0375.` Widwx. J:-h. T . Run;-herford: S`refII`-` linzx Rum. Wm. 'I`u.d-huo-pe. R. F. Cars- pmd-dcn; Aged Ewe, R.`F. C-.1rac.',1d~du'.1. J. G. m~..;horr.:>rd: sh-carting Ewe.1S"c ; nd 2nd, R. .F. O.u7sc.'1dd-en: R-MBA Lflmb. 1st and 2nd. Wm. 'l`udh'0P-A {`.~..~L.....\],l.. A ,.....I I)... Tmlun Hon- D II ti 1' the ho ololo moor say! .:Id'r'u:turo wItlI'Ay,or o Pills.- New. J.AW. Orchard: Si"; Lawrence. Geno. Azaldwell, Mrs. D. M-cCua'g; Alexander. `Geo. `A. Caldwell. Jame-s" Gan-tts`; Blenheim "Orange Pi_ppin-. Geo. Plaxton; - G-eo. ` A. Caldwell: Snow. Mrs; D. M oOuaig. Geio. O':='c-.1- w-ay; Amgrican Golden Ru.se";~t. Geo. Ot-taway. Mrs-. D. Mcouaig: Red Bound`, Fred; Sneath. J08.` Cuappell; P_evw.aukee. Jas. Ooutts. Geo. A. Caldwell: Nsovrthern Spy. Jos. Cha - 11. J. W. Orchard: Maiden Bl-us . st -and 2nd. Geo. Plaxton: Baldwin. Gen. Qttarway, -I08. Orc-.ha'rd: Colvert. Geo. O.'tvta`.wI-Jy. Plaxit-on; Wag- ner`, Geo. Dtltalwtayo -Jas. Goluatts: Spni.tzexrberg'. Jnons. 0ncbard:" Pippin. Geo. Otltealwiay. G. ` A.` Caldwell; Wen!-thy, G. A. Calw~e1l.~ C.- F..VVo.-t- tie; Yellow Bellflower. Geo. Otta- w'a.y, J.-as. 0-3-u't-ts; King: ori Toxnnkiws Ootmty. Jxas.` Goutsts. Geo. Ottaqsway: `Rhode `Island Gr<'eni'ng.. G. 0t'tuwa,.r; Jaos. Onchard; `Man. Geo. A. Caldwell. Jae. 0ou1tB:`Be:n. Davies. Goo-. Otta- way. G. A. 0:11-dwell; C.'wvuz'-1 R."-d Sgtxreuk, Jncs. Chjwpplell. J. W. Or.c`ba1'\d_: Omaa-rho. C. M. Hzickain-5'2. Ge-o. _R. Wamioa: Wuolf River. Jas. C-ouc."cs, G. A. ,0.-aldwell: SE`-Cak No Further, Jrcas. Onchard. Geo. Otvta-way: Gni.me s Golden. G. ()}t-*aa.way.. J-us. Orchard; De-went Apples, Wm. Tm-cy. Jun-s`. Or- chard: Coo-k`ng Apples. J03. Orchard. Juows. Chappell: Expont Apples. Jos. Orchard. Geno. Plaxzbon : `Crab Apnless. Geno. Pbaxton: M03.-trie-al Boem1ty,Wm. Tnacy: Hys1:~p'. S. G. Blom . Ju-s. Gouttsi Crab Apples. any other va- . riety. Wm. Tmcy. n....._.._n-n-'+In++ `A, Ixpndlev. Jmo. riety. Wm. '1'r.acy. - L Peaxs-Bar'tleatt, `A. I.'ea-dley. Jmo. Ke-y: Lo-ulise Boomze [do Jye-rsey. . A. Leradley. M3`.-ss D3-ta B`c-xrmetv; Duch- nsase e Atng-r:oule.mv`.. S. G. Bl-cw; Cba .p'p's Faawovrzite. Miss Dara Bum`-`e-_',', G. Hmchan: Oolletcbioa of Autumn and Wsinter Pears. A. Iieqadley, Jno. -N. Key. . Coll-uctt-ion of Gr-mp=es-Gseo. S-omers. as A -u-nun A \1'f\ 1:11` n\[r_1;VDQ \J U.` ' vvuvu --........V. ' R PLANTs'A`5`"F"LowEs. sch'as. L. 1. Vsa-ir: Sing*!e Geraniums. L. I. Vrwir: Double Gena-.n;ium-s, L. I. Vmzir; 00.430-3.. L. 1. Vurir: Begonias, L. I. Vrair; Ferns, L. I. Vair; 03119-3- mon oi Palms. L. I. Vair:Co1:ection Haou-s-e Plants, L. I. Vair; Collection wot` Plants (amateur). D. C. Campbell: Basket Gut Flowcrs. L. I. LVair:?Flor- al Wire De.sAign, L. I. V:air;.Oo11e.c'tioa;1 of A=m'n.~unla, Mrs. 0.1v=cn-:1, D. C. Ca,mp-` bell; Oalleotfxosn of Roses. L .1. Vuair; -qwuet, L .1`. Var; Cml1<*..\'vt\io'rx Si:`:j;}e1 g: -tun D. C. Campbell; Phlnox, L. .1. Var, Mrs. Gavcuna: S-tnoaks. Mrs. Ca- vesrm; Z-inniuus. D. C. Crlmpbell, L. .1`. V.-.uir; Pa-n-s-`ms. Mrs.` Cavena: Mari- glo-lds. D. C. Campbell. L. I. Vnaxir; Ast ers. L. Mnonntgnomery. D. C. Cam bell: Dahlias. W. I a.tt.er.~.:'J-n. L. I. air: Sw-ee'.t= P0305. P`. Love. L. M-out om- cry; Gl.adi:ola:s, L .M~ounIt=gom-ery. . H. Bennabt; Nuasturt-xums. L. I. Vwir. ILang~i-ng_B:x~skets. L. I. Vair: Fu- T Humd Bu:-quet.` L. I. V`.1~ir: Table Bc- . The l-.:i1n3S 2c.,l0c.,|l.00. All dru ~ sts. \ For coughs, colds, bronchitYs`," asthma, weak throats, weak lungs: consumption, take \ Aye: 3 Cherry Pectoral. 1 Arays-kep a bdni of it in 1 the house. -We have been saying this for 60 years, and { so have the doctors. % ' " I hue med Ant : .Oho'n-y vPoe`to1-slln my 1 family for 40 . It is the but nodlctno in the world. know. for an throat and lung troubles." -l1n|.VJ.._I. Nonqnou. Wslthun. Run. (IA IL. QII1 - '5 LTCCK Z` Cheiry Pectoral "Mun. Isl. {Hill 51:11, W Lu. Luuwvgwo C:~?s\vv0I~ds,--Agead Ram. John San- deman; Shcarl'ing Ram. 1st and 2nd. John Sanderson: Ram Lamb. Is : and Qd. John ~S-andersaon: Ag`-e-d Ewe. John Szmderso-n ; She.1rlin.'.r Ewe John San-demon; Ewe Lamb. Zlohn Sand- ('!TQ.nn ' ! Anincrease of only two eggsa month for each hen will more than pay forth: feeding of` ;D.oN`F Hzusl All Clydesdale Preparations are gold under a POSITIVE -Gl.lAR- ` `ARTE! _OF __S__A1Tl$_FACTl_0N _or Nothing better for keeping the henhouse clean /than I.|'DlS- DALI CARIOLINE AN'l'ISP- TIC; ` t |:.;.;,;e::.=..;.%=,;.;.i,;;..gfs.....1..x' ' 1;; ts; ; It will give this increase, and l more, besides giving the plumage a 1 better gloss, and in every way keep- ing them in tip-top health, "also making the chicks hardier, For the winter laying of "eggs there is nothing as good on this or any other market. V Keep your hens from fretting by using IIERGULES LOUIE K|L- LEI. Try it and see the ditference in the weight and egg production. Hercules . Poultry F o'od Mako'hensV keep you. I J. 0. AYIB co.` _f_0_r 3% %po%u or SIMCOE. Tresurer s Sale of Lands COUNTY OF SIMCOE. Bvvirtue of a warrant issued by the Warden of the County of ` ` Simcoe, hearing date the 2nd day of September, in the year of ' To W11`: ; V our Lord Nineteen Hundred and Five, and to me directed. ' ' f commanding me to levy upon the several lauds mentioned and described.` being In the County of Simone, for arrears respectively due thereon. together with my cents, I hereby iv_e notice pursuant to the Assessment Act and amendments thereto, that unless the aid arrears and coate be aooner paid. I shall on the hour of two o clock iu the afternoon. at the Court House, in the Town of Bertie. proceed to sell by`Public Auqtion so much of. the said loud: as may be oeuicient to dis- charge the taxes and all lawful charges incurred in and about the sale and collection of the suns. - ` The following lots are patented (except where otherwise stated) : TOWNSHIP OF ESSA. Iuesday, l2th day of December, I905 21 V 1 3\.'ql_ Sc-u'thdowns--Ageod -Ram. Ne'l Mc- Culnmn: Shearling` Ram. Neil M3` Calmzm: Ram Lamb. Neil McCvla_1a'1 Amid Ewe. Neil McC`alma.n: sh~ar- lmg Ewe. Neil Mccalm-an: EWO L5`m'b- N0-il M-cCalman. A - ' ShF:[)sl1iros -- Aged Ram. "'r_m- Wiggins: She-nfling R-a~m,Wm. W18- !- I1-`H Ram Lamb, W-m. W-i_tzsn'ns: `ma EwM.~ Wm. Wiggins: Shear- `~' Ewe. Wm. Wiggins; Ewe Lamb. Wm-Wiggins. .i ` ` l"'7\V`IR `:0 ll 12 13 I4 15 16 17 18 19 23 24 an E 29 30 all- 32 [33 34 35_ 36 37 38 39 ii 42 43 44 45 P I no Z5 50 E u 52 56 57 '58. 59 60 61 ; `The Kdjourned Sale will taka place on t two o clock p.m.,in the` 'l`teuurer a Oice. Mrs. Cave-ma: DEa'n-thu:s.- `Mrs. Ca- vemt. D. 10. Cvamopbell; Calezzdula. D. C. Gaam-.p'beLlI. L. I. Vtaair: Soa'bE:osa. ~.Mrs. Oavona. D. C . ampbell: Cali- xo sis. L. .I. Vrjir; nerbena. L. I. usir. D. C. Campbell. D `GARDEN PRODUCE. . k'JC"' X -WSWINE. V Workshire -'- Aged Boar. A!'h1` P`tVS'0'n. Wm. Graham; Brood Sow. ` M. Mammy. T _Berkshire-Bnc-od Sow, Wm. Wig- gins. Arch. Gr-a.-ham." ' POULTRY. P1.Vmsc- `th R k-W . 'l`1ck F:awIj,1-3 otger kir$-VV`m. Tuck. T`1Tk0y~s-1st and 2nd, Gse:o.- A, 0il|d:wc1l. A T . L Ducks-1st 'a:n.d 2116. Alex. Mc- ucas. 1 '