vaua UL `Ll.I'D EUWB `[0 want till the C. ` P. R. sees fit to ;build its own rail,- way and give the `town a rental" for 7 the use of the streets which vhavial cost the tow n so many thousands of 1' dollars. Owne A rs of small properties look out for th _ e oromoter. He will Eel: mud fl` all 11:: turn In-Int` 3` 1---" Linevitch Plans Defensive % ` I-`iglH1t., V !.wu.y, .l nave oven wondering Wnat ,the 'Down of Barrie would am by; `making -any efort -to get it e said [railway here. The C.P.R. branch will ' out off from Barriesome of its most ,paying `business. such as the grain `and pnoduee which up to this time lhas come to Barrie, for instance. in the territory of Golville. Grenfel; !Midhurst, Craighurst and the coun- .try beyond. T e -proposed company does not promise us anything in ne- fdulced "freight rates -or passenger `fares. But we have no meed to` worry about that. for_when lpublio opinion is a litrtle_more awakened the .Railway Commission will so reg-ulate rates sthat all will be alike, so we may as well out that :part out and ask ourselves if any two railways. making for the same poimts. ever did cut` rates. Only once in awhile. because frniahf 1-mfoa urn Hvoul I-no Dear Sir,-Ha.ving read your` ria- marks on the proposed electric rail-i way, I have been wondering what? the 'l\nw.n nf 'Rsn-win IIIIIVIII` un-n:n I117.` :nLJJl Barrie, _ Aug. THE PROPOSED ELECIRIC RAILWAY. {LETTER TO THE EDITOR " g; Egie mI`3L1:1'{onl.a-o; Mi&Iarkst4a'y. has been visiting her sister. Mrs. 'Banting, -for the past few weeks. WA aha nlnoaunr` `I-n moo `Mfr flzxni-mu LJl.ll |..11.'.E, `1U1' L11`? 110.51. LUW \'VUCl.5o % We are pleased `to see Mr. George` `Wilson out again after a svere at- tack of hemhorrage of the stomach. |JILODll.|\75 lull`! I. 0.111`? [U-5|. VVcUg Ivy Brass Band attended` lthe An- gus garden party on Tuesday last. Mi-ss Lillie Thompson, of Thorn- ton, spent Sunday. with Mr. Charles Banting. V wnrrnrn I-unvvn lsnvv\vv\l\~r|nnn` 11aIY'I1na+ uuuu gucaal. 01; 1118 11 art, over Sunday. {JG-11 BILLS. Farmers have commenced harvest win this vicinity. K good deal of `wheat and bar_ley is cut-. % ` "IA'!.... TZQLLSA 'I"I--_4L-_. -2 '[l'-__1_-J.I...... Lilla. JJGJILIU 35. WOOL. Mr. and. itr`. J. McKnight spent Sunday` with friends here. I Nfr J-O;+'.0I`It` 'ITInl-n'lna~n n-.`oa'l.:; o CI-ll.I\la. IV LL11 L1 IVIIUB LlUl.,I3o Mr.JMaitland `Fletcher made a business trip to Barrie last week; T1-nr Ilrnna no-n oi-fa.n.n.rI` H>'h.o An.. Miss.'dfad'H`JEto}fYs {iifxig her % fnenda in Angus. ' Kine Annrenn in mnnninn Bar no_ Ll. lC|.1\40D Ill 11.15 U5: . V M155 Anderson is spendmg her va- catlon 1n Tottenham. II... A...) ll -.. Q........nI IV--- ....2..2L.u.I `a" .`"im11a spending her tor, Mrs. W. Ga IULI Ill L \ lr|aCI..IJJaI.I.In r. and Mrs. Samuel C-arr `visited Mr- Banting last. week. `II... and 'II'-.. "I' Il"-I}'...2._'I..L .....A...L GILVU I115 U1'ULV1`g 111.1} 1- UulC3o Mr. and Mrs. `Alf. Robinson. of To-' r~onto, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. .N. Lisoomb. ' mr:.... 'r....n.. 1-5-2; .'1.- ni_--..-1_:n 3- I VGIUG-LIVII GI: Uuul. I51-Illlo ' Mrs. J. Guest. of Barrie, -`is visit- [in-g`_Mrs. Edward Guest. _ f\....-_ QA--I.... - IVLZAA..- ..: o .E\ \J'I.I.V6Lo `3a$f3soar Boules. of Chicago. vi-1 sited his brother. Mr. T. Soul-as. : Mr and fun `Alf `DA!-\=nnAn AF 'I`n_' 3 ` .--_. oa\rAA\AtJ J4v.|Cu ' ' Mie Vina Hodgins and Miss Mabel McMann are visiting in Oookstown. Mr.` .W. Irwin of '1`.or_oumto spent" Sunday in our village. Mr; Jas. Stewarhtraveller. of_To- ronto. visited hem on civicholiday. Mr. Jas. Pnwnr `ha: mm-.n...........I 4... LIV]. uVPd1,bu1U LI-UI.l.l U5: 1 We are glad to hear that the ple who attended the party at . 0rr s last Friday evening enjoy- ed themselves thoroughly. - - (Too Late `F-;> Week.) i Mrs. T. Redfern` spent Sunday in? Painswiok. V :35 t1l..4l.... 'I`.n-can =1` .au-1n-sup`:-an `null : lid!-llVV.lULo Mia Glad Maor's di he, va-uatiim atyschyrlcrhillfs pen ng ma 1' I1..- 4.` Dan unun:4\ ,:.-n an: an:` UI-U Id: U11 Duuuay. e are learn that Miss Duff. our school teacher, has taken her departure from us. WA aha a-lat` in humor I-Haf I-`ho I`"iE7s's Claria Pringle .0: Holly is` mgleyrfniling a few days with _Mrs. W. ILVL uuuuaya `V1011 LIV]. yaxouua. l Don -1': forget the-service in Gren- fel Church on Sunday are 2.30 pm. |_ Miss Hattie Boyce of Co-llingwood ; 1s fending a. few days in the'villag'e. 1 aster Vernon Rusk of AIlandaleV' spaent a week with Mr._ John Hock- rx go. Mn... n|....:.. D..`:.....1n as nnlhi :cT I VUbLu ` There were quite here who attended \Ut`%pia. on Sunday. A an-A an!-rv fn Mr. W. DM. Ross spent Sunday in Brentwood. - - T _ _ - Mr.- Herb. Johnson visited in Stroud last week. i '- 3 _Miss Ada York spent last week wuth. Miss Nellie Wilsotn. I Mr. A. Duckworth of.Angus made a flying visit here last week. Kane `Klan!-fin TI [man in nnmnincr C Llyllla VIBILV LIUIV LG-BI. WEUq ; Mxss Nettie Wilson is spqnding `her holidays with her parents. 'I'!n-n`.1'- fnrn-5+ +1141 morn?!-_n n ufon- Jvumu, VIBILUU. ner-e 0lV10.h0uday. Mr. Jas. Power has returned _to Tqwonto `after a few, days visit wxth visited in our villago on Sunday. T Mrs. Geo. Burnett and nnn an. ('l")o.Ieite for last week) .-'fVI_)--_ YT._LJ.-._ '._ __,'_'L,',__ `an: uuv-Us .L"- It; 'L.I.lIII.KC Unt worth a -four-mile switch? A SMALL RATE-P[AYER. Assn-n [ILL -inn-v ~ BIG` BAY POINT. _---a `'51 Jul.` 'th.. 1905. GRENFEL. % Reid. of Churchill, is holidays with her sis-1 Reynolds. a numby` fro_m % the sevrwce xnj n sauna In VV VVLC ' ;;1:i Mrs. J.` P. Carr '3` at Sun- day with Mr. Henry_ Pedwge s family at Strathallan.~ _ . . Mr. George Monteith, Due.-mnison last week having in Muskoka. appeamd be-- his pos-A betwoan May 1. 1905. and` 7 muskztat skins. dad that the ma- .no jurisdiction. but CAN A PERSON HOLD THEM DURING A THE CLOSE SEASON? Juana; vi \ILUJJJ-'0 London, Aug? 8.-'rhe Moji. Japan, correspondent _of the Telegraph, quotes an expert who has 'ust ar- rived "there as saying that t e cIom- * mg battle in Manchwuria will `be on a scale -of such magnitude that it will astonish the whole world. Un- less a-ce is previously conclufed. it will ecide the war once for all. The expert Iquestians whether, des ite his immense forces. Gen. Lincvitc will be able to carry out his ;plans very` smoothly, for his front exztends three `hundred miles in Manchuria alone, [and reaches presides to the Tumen `and Amur Rivers and to Vladivq- stock. Such an immense line is un- recedemted in the world's" history. I l_; is seriously troubling Gen. "Line- Evitch `ho retain effective control of his communications and to maintain them. . stitujtied Opposition to the existing Government. and accordingly regis- lter their disappnoval of the decision of his Majestys presemt adviser. \ Iirvvv ..-.-__n_-- `ass Luv ruuxs H1 iuancnuna 8.1% DVBT. I General Linevitch has abandoned the .idea of assuming the offensive. nnd has completed arrangements for. a stubborn defensive. possibly fighting a retrograde campaign and utilizing the sitions he has already prepared by ailing back on -them. He has telegraphed that he is confident that he, can wear out the enemy. The reform leaders, having receiv- ed convincing information from Pe- terhof that the Czar is determined to continue the war, owing to Gen. Linevitch s -optimism, have notified his Majesty of their conviction that neace ought tn ho no...-..a rm..,.... .. One hundredand fty acres of valuable farm land for sale, being composed of NJ Lot 21 and N. W. i Lot 22. in 7th Concession Innisl. Soil good clay loam and in good state of culti- vation. 30 acres of good hardwood bush, large stone dwelling house. First class outbuildings. Good orchard. E mile from school, church and P. 0. For further articulars apply to E. T. McCONKEY, Innis P.0. 24-tf Ivaluamerarmrursanginnhi Until further notice, CHOPPING wili I done on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 5 onlv.` v ' Try the |A-`Lou from the New Mill. surr `ovmz MUSKRAT sxms. ' [nus MARKET M ROLLER MILL with friends here? a.JvuJJVL_ vu-L uzopuuuunt.) I\z`I';s.sw.-A...`Shortreed has returned to her home in Toronto after a visit '|l'!__ vv-u V - . . ' D : VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV: At Torontno 9 p manna an 'Il .--I__ We have also received an advancevlslzipment of Flannelettes bought. while the market was the Yerv loWest._ We Want to give you the opportunity to make your selection early and get x-st choice of Patterns, ` Heavy 34-inch Flannelette, I2 I-:'. c value at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IOC `Heavy 34-inlch Flannelette,_ 15 value at `[91 A --., .. l.- I.n\lv.|.-JVL =WILL A"S1`0NISH THE WORLD. fA,,j %Autumn the rains in Manchuria over. nernl T.innvi+n`h I-.1... ..I......A........:I 4.1.- - :-v:-u Sarjeam & Smith H -Ltd-ra.m(;eo.I`1.ll`l`ohe; `wetter an extended visit with friends in Guelph. ' Mr. A. C`. Fraser h.as_secumd.`a xcngsition with the London Street Ry., v The quanterl services of our cir- cult were con ucted in the Metho- dist Church. Oookstown. on Sunday last and were largely attended. . Mrs. Tyndall and little daughter of Toronto were the guestsof Mrs. J. P. Carr ha-st week. 11-__ __-x -r _ _ .. We invite inspection. Prices? to suit all purses from $1.50 to $9.00. They are certainly beautiful garments and made of ' splendid cloths, `chiey TWEEDS, VENETI A NS, BROADCLOTHS and CHEV IOTS and the NORTH. WAY Brand on them is now an accepted guarantee of the best tting garments made. It may. seem early to talk about fall goods, but many customers are already speaking about them and enquiring for heavier fabrics that it really is right in line to announce that we received lastweek a very complete shipment of Ready-to-wear Skirts, all made with` the latest touch of Autumn Style. Sarjeant & Smith s English Flannelettes THE STORE or SATISFACTION. mi`:-.orge Mouteith, , nnnno-uni I... COMMENCING AT ARRIVAL OF `d . th5zt. 93 '11-`lean lxlndrevci? skins bad Mmldsfnz . and in-timtated thria Isa .` : I o o ' O thoi .oth3;yrs. frm7`t` "*3 Dtemd-ant" `ti `t . `tended that :aos6Soln?111.sknatosI.1 killdd 111 h..o'pen- as he `said these `Well9.,i l3t- intended that :91 A!11 rqon~-h_~avm `the skins in this pos- seaou m t '6'` clean season should be sprqawufaen. . L . ' B3113. held that ,3-' f .. mW3f.;;gI ;t 1118.73 the skins an . the close nea- : .,- x, ,r: . Cor-rupoudeuti will klmllv remem-` her no! lo soul their Dene ru containing eoP!'o as otherwise 11: W11 no; csrry `h Clno rcoelvell by us at the time of such dist1'1lnu_10IIi Stgg H/`ks is Riven ux-suant t.o `The Ilcmu - u 95 o__ ntari ,. ha. ter 129. Dqtedizhjs l9th,`ul , 190%. . , 0 \ ,:; ' ABRAH CRAIG,Cra2:zh1'5' - E - 5, I A, '1`. COOPER, Rlmvalc. ,;;; '; J. C. BROKOVSKI, Coldwatcr. glll`. . . o..I:..Hnv Lab, IUUO. After such last mentioned date we will W0` Vceed to distribute the assets of the doccnsfd `"3038 910 Parties. entitled thereto. lmvinrr 1'9` Eard only to the claims of which we shall thqn ave notice and will not be liable for the sand 335.9 01' any part thereof to am` person o1'1l"' sons of whose claims notice shall not lmxc bpcfl ` received by at the time of such distribnt_10n- This nn iuofvnn I-nuv-naunnf tn |'l"hn Ro*\'l3'C`l Notic of Creditors_'.::;a;ns-n111st be gi\'m1 11) Dostor otherwise to us, the Execzun:-s of tjw said Arthur Craig, on or before saw` 1:.\mL1: lat, 1905. Afton nun}. Lg.` .._-__4_-___,_a 3-4- ..... ...:H urn. "OF ARTHUR CRAIG, late of HM` "l"u\\'11.~ }1`iI`) of Medonte, Farmer and County In-:mzrtI. deceased June 26th, 1905. TO CREDITORS 'I' :7-:--:-~-++g:-~:--:---:-~:-+-:----:~+-:-++++~:-->4 ? i H.B. Myers .'! ` V A Lacrosse, Football and; 31 % E Sporting Shoes at New York Styles Tan, Russett and Choco late Footwear for Men, Women, Boys and Girls, Harvesting is the order `of the day with the farmers in our `midst. `ll ..- (1-- v-run: u - Oxfords 3 kc, :4 -3'-!'!f'-*-!!'!'i!-1*!--I-++?!-+'%+++++ :5 1'- THURSDAY, AUG. 10., l\Ien s Boys and Y4;-uths 5 White and Colored Can-I vas Goods. Barefoot Sandals for Boys and Girls. 0 Ivar- Solilcitor `I"I"r'C'1'1"r'f'f'l"l"l"l'1'1'1"l"l"I"U"8'I"I"U` Correspondence. .l...t..!. .2. .9. .9--.0. 3% 1--:--:-:A-as-z-+-5--:~~:-a-z-z--T:-:--1--M--z-+-1-a-~; '- '-V-V-I"-0-V j ~ 35 alhiil 50 per Gavrmelnh T DEVLINEa MURCI-IISON 90oooooooooooooooooooooooo+oooooo.;.....;.4.- :4-ct-'1-3-3-++++~!-++~!-i-+?i-3-~i-'3-I-4-#1-+-I-_~l; ' -avJ- Iv Inuvca KJVUIUKJI 3 UV `J , $|.OO Each. Nlen sB.z1brig g an Underwear, in plain or stripe,at 25, 35c and 506 Garment. V L Men's Summer` Pants. izn stripe annels and white ducks, only $I.OO per pair. T % Boys Wash Blouses, `ages 2 1:019. only 35 Eah_ ~ j Boy9, I\\`7`a!sP ages 2 to 9,, at 5Vo,%1`5 and Men s Summer Suits, in Iightr medium browns, coat and pants only. $10.00 Each. Men s Summer Coats, in 0 black and white hair stripe; only $|-OO Each. = 0 0 0 VMen s Summer Coats, in black strip only, $l.3S Eagle, ` ..-__._- 1,- yvuvov, chi KILJUQ DUIIPU _._--_ _ .- EGGII. Men's Summer Coats,in. black lustre only,$I 40 Each Mcm s Summer Coats, in Black andwhite stripe lustres, only $2.00 Each. V Ladies Vests(at.'7Vc e;.;h:10c, 3 %for%f:5Vc,l2g and we each Men s Summer Suits, in colors, coat and pants only. $6.59 _EacTh.T Fancy stripe and owered muslins, ginghams end Zephyrs, worth from 15c to 35c. Sale prlco Bcj, loo; I2 I-21: and I5: yd. ' e e A T Ladies White Muslin Waists, aregular $1.25 Teech. Sale Prlce 89. e Ladies White Muslin Waists, regular $1;00.e Sal}; Prlce 59. Ladies Black Sateen Underskirte, regular $1.2 5 eech. v Sale Price 89. 11 elin & Murc is0 SNAPS IN Musuns 5 MEN'S scum sum, * GINGHAMS ~ 1 cons znpnvns " PANTS WHITE MUSLINXWAISTS " " UNDERWEAR LAnms.vEs1's BOYS wAsn nous!-:s LADIES SATEEN unm-znsxnrrs % % % nova wasn -suns Now is the time you want warm we'eber5g'oods and now we are giving snaps. Come quick for` they` are going fast. ` ` A f THORNTON. THORN TON. VINE. WARM WEATHER g .,.*.% .L. %. . . 7. "`iyI7s3'.5. McIntyre ant. da.irghtere of e Rochester. N.Y;. spent Sundax with: |Mrs. L. Bloxham. - Mxss Minnie Kell of V'1`oron\to_ is ipending her holidays at her home `I12-.. n-I_-- 1- - - - -' " {JV} 9: Miss Zelma Srigley let last week {for Toronto to resume her duties in ianneotion with the Deaoomese wor . V - Mr. Wes. Beelby of Thormton and} |- Mss Florence r_Peaoook -. 9! Toronto viaiteq with atrgenglg 1;ere,_tapt" u` 4 , J2 vvx y uuuy W_Ul1}OXI1 The nmst severe thunder storm of the. season prassed over this valcinity 1 on Saturday afternoon. a number of l buildings being struck. The barn of Mr. Thomas Arnold was struck. also A the dwelling hmrses of Mrs. McLean. 1 Mr. Roland Beokenton and Mr. Robt. -1 Jennertt. Fortunately none of the buildings were` burnlad, 1 1 S . - Mrs. R. Armstnowg and Mia Lizzie` Gibson are visiting triends in Beyeton. _0apt. Walter Peacock of Orillia % vxsiited wnth friends here on Satur- da . ies` Lucy` Webb of Barrie s )t I a cowple of days last wieenk with ias I M. Dyer. ' ' Mr: Ta`. `Al'..'l'...+....... -..- ':-i.-A- -7 - are very 800d. - Considerable damage was donoby the electric storm that `passed over this village on Saturday afternoon. . Mr. F. Kelsey-of Ne-w31arke.t spent Sunday at his home here. MY`. Inxnmf \T.-LL .- G-- LJJ J-VJ: Don s forget the Presbyterian -garden part to beheld `at the resi- dence _of r. W. J.- .McLean -on" Thursday. Aug. 14th. Music will be % furnished by -the Ivy Brass Band.` Everybody welcome. V ` rlvhll fhf1u"' noun:-nan J-L...._J-- A-I----A- 1 plUaHaI1_E mour together. A good tea. at which raspberries were served was engoiyed b all. The tables were beautiful 5' a` orned with , `A pleasing feaature of -the evening was the booth, with its candies. fruit, ice cream. etc. After! tea the programme. consisting of instru- mental music by the Baldwin orches- M tra. vocal music by. Mr. Jos. Emms * family. Misses White. Miss Keat of Dals-tom and Miss Minnie Wilson of ` Collingwood, and recitation-s by local talen . was. rendered. The proceeds of the evening's entertainment were 1 $43.00. Mr. `ffohn Gobdwin and family. of Thornton spent Sunday with friends TInm .u fnrrrnf `Tan T`---`- ~-* * ~"" ;u`1p w narrxe last week. Mr. John Davis and Miss ' Lilly " spent Su_nd'ay with friends in Thorn-_ ton. ton. `II- Banting. wlr. John Bunton-" is 'a;t ` 'p1,ve}s`Ie`nt" visiting his daughter, Mrs. B. L. Mr ~'l n`h.'-. l1...`..1--.:.. ...:I 1-.-~-- -- '- -O V'cLI Mr. Harry Jennett made a business trzp to Barrie last week. NT!` .Tn'hn ou:n ....;A 1:2-..-1-an "V A very succcessful lawn parity. in connection with Clowes Church was held at the home of Mr. Joe. Willinig on the evening of Thursday. Aug. ,3. The weather -was very -suitable [for such an entertainment. and .9. ,'large crowd _ga'the11e4d to spend .a ipleasant hour together. A rasnherriaa unnmn not-Iv-n-I` VG u-cu on irwnus n-elre Jast week. . Miss Or-pha Luck returned` afirvom s visit with friends at the Lake. of Bays last week. MissiD. Chappell -and Mr. M:M:ul- len of Toronto. returned to that city on Monday. Miss Caldwell of Toronto is the gutlift of her uncle. Mr Alfred Cald- ` we . Miss Alice Luck of Brechin visited her cousin. Miss Pearl Caldwell. over Sunday. ' M - ' Mrs. Neillvy of Toronto is the 3 iueit of "her daughter. Mrs.` John`! j uc . _ 1 } v;uv Iv an 141.148. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Drury. Barrie; called on friends helre last week. Miss Or-nha Tnlnlr 1504+:-n~nnA~.....-..~.' _W01 U umungeu 111- V ' . i The home of Mr. Wm. Hopkins was 4 the scene of a very -pretty----- Oh. no I it `was,-not a wedding. on_ly a. forerunner. It was a ham w----- `CROWN HILL. `If..- fl`! , . .H0l`EY. 1 CLOVVIZSSI I\;.Y. .with . V1191: `_:.t;unt;.fd ` Mr. Reed of Stayner preached in (he _.Baptiet .Ohurch. on Sunday 3*'Pm8- . -. * ` \ \ Mmss Mxller of Edenvale was the guest .-of her friend. Miss T. Prim-A roae.an8.1mda. .. : Miss AElsie,Jyaoobs'o.1`91fo1yto.V . turned V home after npendxng a- month ~;1!41ja_:; F,.:d_-Foypttjsn. . "7; uuuvu In JHUQIIVKIO on Sunday. Miss Ida Keroat of Toronto is holidaying at her home here. ` Mr . ih 1 U16 Baptist Ghumh. nm n.....a.... . '5u9Bl- -u; m1ss_A. Johnston. Misses Belle and Jean Primnose visited in Edenvale on Sunday. Ida Keroat nf 'l`fI`I`tNl\`l\` .-.. _T Miss M. Quantz of Bwarrie is the `guest -of Miss `A. Johnston. inset Rnlln and 1...... .'n_-_---- vu, uu ; u. wa-sgnot wedding. only a It was a barn T818- in . Evexiything went well; no ac-V he young folks epjoyedj themselves until almost mornmgs 1n the iddy dance. '1`.hefl.oor was in exoelent ahafe. ' ' Our 'Daunt ess" football team met Killylea h eleven on Saturday even- ing, ho ding them dow to a vitae. .'.l`hegame Wa8`f88t.'b0th eams doing ` well. Following. the match _ a sump- I .1` lfeizst. `furnished :`yrttl;|.adoets ' yous,-.` *.wu*.*' el _ V .* titer whiph .'t'h9g yovun -.-Atolke -=wh'ilo'd-f the--"iz'w-b "in uuuay unu I011!` DOW members ` izdded to the communion mu.` `Ul. JLIUHUIBL. : In the ab. enoe of the Rev. J. Cur- V rie, who is taking his vacation. the |Rev. Alex. Craw, Churchill. coun-. -ducted the service at St. Andrew s Church onsunday. During his stay here he was the guest of Mr. George : M~ccLean. ` V :.V `This village presented a very live- ,; ii appearance on Saturday evening, 1 -t ere being an unusual number of 1 visitors from the surrounding coun- ~ - {try present . 4` ` MT `Urn wnanon' 15 `Danni . .--..._ W ` [1-ow uay-:5 Last week with her aunt` - here. We are sorry `to report Mr. C. _Mi'lLa ill wilth pneum-olnxa but Ihlope for a s ' dy neoovery. The jaorame-.n.t -of. the Lo1:d s Su-p- gar was dispensed in Zion Church on , unday and four new members were `added. `to the nnrnmn-ninn -r-I1 1191511 50 Mrs. F. J. McLeod or Collingwood speu`. a couple of days here last wee . T ' Miss Campbell of. Vesgilra spent a few days last week wit her aunt zhere. ' vvvca wuu .IJ01`0nl.'.0 1n-eqna-s. - Mrs. Owe of Gollingw-ood,was a. `guest at Mr. Ransier s la.-st .wveuek.v ) M}: N. WiLs`o:n,of New Lowell, was a waiter to our corner on Sunday. Mr. John Martin of T-Cra.-igleith bspenft over Sunday [at Mr. Ii). Mc- Lean .s. SUNNIDALI; cc7I;NERs. Mrs. Car`ru`the1"s ha-.s ream?-ered fom _h-e-r rercegnlt illness. I Mr. J. Buie visited. his -broth-e.r in Gollingwood on Sunday. i Mr. .'|'.nhn 'M`m~a~nn- in .n..:.. rauauu-a.1v nauu 11.01) 8.5SlSEe\_ Railroad operaltions appear to be `active in this vicinity Vin thewpast two weeks.` Nearly one hundred men of differ-ant nationalities, with a large number of wheel scrapers. _arriv-| ed here and are working on the Me- 1 ldon-.te side of the Penetang Road. On the Vespra sidej a gang of men has about completed cutting out `the .right of the town line he- Itween Vespra and Fhos. uoumgwooa on Sunday. Mr. John Morgan is spending }this week wxth '1\oronto gri-eqnd-s. 1.1 pxvavub here taking hotographs of several residences a.-n rthexr occupants, also Vphontographing the Band. The Band rendered severat `pleas- ing selections i-n which Messrs. Wm. ,, I . O! Mr. Wm. Keenan of Barrxe `Was Keenan. Barrie Band, and 1Wm.- Craword and Wm. Robinson of (the Alla.nd.ale Band ably assisted. Railrnad nn>.`rmHnn.u onnoor 4-1. `I... vLou.u15 urn` unucner. Jul`. 1`). Marun. I ;Mr. James Iverson. son Edward `and son-in-Law, Mr. Ernest Giles. visited friends in Midhurst and~call- ed on friends here over Sunday in company with Mr. W. Armstnong ~of Midhurst. ` 1 Tu .4-`kn ..l......_-- -43 .L'-!_- -n v - uuuuay ul. 1118 11101110 111616. Mr. M. Boyd went North on Sun- dai evening. `Good luck. Msarahall. very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. Jno. Walt on Aug. 8rd. when all kinds of games were indulged in. 'l`}m hnmn me 1;. \u..... u'.-I---- if - - u. u. uaavuu. . 1 | Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Saunders of Michigan are. visiting the t'ormuer s father and. mother, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Saunders. - ' A large number of` people tfnom '.Do`ronto took advantage or the xxx- cursion raies on its civic holiday to ` visit friends in this vicinity.. Among `them was Miss Martin at Toronto, visiting her bnother. Mr. E. Martin. I ' MT, Jnvnna Tun!-ann an-rs TI`)-----3 uu uauuxuay, 1`cLu1`lllDg Monaay._ _ I:lar_t of Toron_to Jun-ctxon -1s visxtmgj h1sV brother-m-law. Mr. G. C. Gaston. I iv ......a 1u-..... 1n-_- n H :7 - i vv auauul . . Mr. Prcy and -Miss Nell Ford.wh:o have been visiting their uncle. Mr. Thnos. Ford, sr..A have returned to . .Toron't o; wua u uneasy .` Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Minty` and -family visited friends in Allenwuoiod on Saturday, returning Monday. I Mr.` D. Hart Of l`n`r-nnfn Jun-of-inn ' Miss Mabel_ Williams visi'j:ed the, Misses Burt at Hillsdale last week.! 3 `Miss Cain and niece of Toronto: Junction are the guests of Mr. J. Shaughnessy; Mr and M1-n `n `[1 1m:...;..` ....1. ` uu: V131! LU DUOLIRHQ. -1 g Burn. to Mr. and Mrs. M. Ooughlin. a daughter. _ I Lgr. -Will Knapp s baby is still ser ously ill. T 1 9 Miss Mary McLaughlin of Torotn-\ to is. visiting `relatives hare. ' Ml`- and Mrs Tjntllnun and In`:.... A uu_yI:: (lib LIKJLIJV. ' I I MISS Mary Bnown of Barrie 1S vis- iting her sister here, Mrs. Geo. Pea- cock. 1 Miss Lizzie Duun bf Angus was the 1 Miss Tole. Blough ouf Hmil:t0D is the guest of her. cousin, Miss Gcrty Adams. . ' f `The Oolwell ba-sehall team. under the leadaershi of Mr. Geo. Hinds. is Itobe one olfx (3 teams to play art the Sunday School picnic _at Uto>pia_on 9Aug. 15th. Success. boys. I Mr. George. and M' NI`.-n--v `D----- guest of Miss Mary Rowe last wyegek. ` I1ual.llLGIlUQ?5, LIBS returned home. M155 Chapman of Holland Landing is yisiting her! uncle, _ Mr. James} rvlumeu an Angus last wIese.Ak.v I -Mrs. W. Goodfellow of North Bay. ,who has been `renewing. `old a-c- quaintances, has returned home. I Mi nhbnrman n~P IJ.dln....I `l'-_..`l-_-V Luuu. ouucu-as, D0yS. nnr. G-eno. d M" Ivisiyted in Iftfg-3: lasthsvfrenlgtkafry Rowe W r`-nl\l1tpl'11\\:r at `KT...-I-L `I`I-_, vxuxuqu xn our vmago Sunday. Ge-oi. Burnett and son. Gar- net, of Toronto. are visiting at Mr. A-. Stewart's. ' Mr .l`_nn `I'D-----1-L "" "' c--11 Mr. George Rowe has ratlurmod` to Toronto after spending his holi- days art home. n It}... 1ur....-_ n_-____- - -. aunv -uuxc was passvexu Dy all present. I Miss_Lewis,` who has been visiting friends heme, returned to Barrie .193: Friday. - - % , V v1:u u.u5 U15 aunt, LYLFS. KIOIIGQ. Mr. Lafrenie esntertained a `few friends to ice cream and fruit one evening recently. A most enjoy- able -`time was passed by all present. ' MiSS IWiS. who had ht-in.n v3uI.+-an Lu 1:. umuug 1".-slat;-IVOS name. I Mr. -and Mrs. Lindley`. and -Miss A. Carson of Toronto 3 nt the 11011- day with Mr. and re. R. Carson. I MTR. 8- T-)T'$I+*' drill onunhl-Qxr '12`... ua wan M1`. and Mrs. R..G,arson. 0 re. 8. Pratt and daughter. Em- ma. of. `Barrie are visiting relatives. here. . I [Miss Ma gie Muir left for Cleve- Tland last aturday. I Grover nmmnm. 4.4: 'M 3-I|n---7l :- ` uzuu l.ll. B'L uanuruay. Grover Reynolds of Midland dsl `visiting his aunt. Mrs. Coffee Mrs, 'I'.nF1-Ania nah-.~n4n:....'..-.I .: 1----` uvu. muuaugutlu. `cl. GOD. , 3 _| _Mr. Jan_1es`Muir has returned from ` hxa visit to Scotland. % I pm.rn 1 -uh. 086-1. 1.. Il'_ _,, x -r I gnaw e- nzzrnoi ; - `A we `pretty .weddin'g; took place `in the elthaodist `church at Leufroy. on Wed:ne`sday..last. the on ion be- ing the marriage! Miss No lie. dame y a ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Jam`_es_Bux:ha- 1 .-."were srs. I. M. Gilpi.n.`R:orbt. Mc- nan.`-to` Mr, Walter M. M0011-llough. can -of Mr. Thomas ccullough, of! Barrie. `The bridevwas escorted by._ her father and preceded by her sis- I ter. Tillie. who acted as bridesmai-d. . The =brid_e was beautifully zgow-med in cream Bllk eoliensne over white silk. with tulle veil,` and carried 'a;sh-ow- er bouquet of 'bridal roses. The: ?groom was su ported by Mr. Wilfrid Stewa1'.t.jof tom. and the cere- mony performed by, the Rev. Mr. Beynan of . Strand.` The ushers &l:uGl:l1:fo1`J1.8h'.Fh08. A. Sawyer :0: v Born. July 23rd. to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. `McLaughlin, a son. | Mr, gtafn M11`? Baa !vA.'+1uvtv\._A l-_a._- MINEVSING. All `the farmers are -busy with. their harvest at present. The cmps are very good. CRAIGI-l Ul .S'1`.` AN TENKIIES. COLWELL. TH NORTHERN ADVANCE _,-__ .._-_ -....v.. uv uuu Luv vuuuv UL his property. while `the larger and I so-called influential progerty-owners ` are not taxed so. a/nd th n free pass- es, rellalates, and ate. of other grafts lam `t town in e-ir way. ll It would be bettem to stay "as we are as regards the freight rate. than pay such a bonus as is asked or give up the use of the streets we have paid so` much for unless `we get a `good _rental._. because if the freight I rate 15 too hngh we could do as we'do ,now. The mercha_nt_ will not forget go ohprgga ftohe lretnghtbon theuslgoods. e mug rge . e onus- cou- sumers will -have to pay the .freight ;`te,b:o.nly pr-X ntyanlwners will -py . e on-us. . , e -armer. w o Mire neither taxesora cent towards the bonus. would have to pay his` share of the freight,-while the micr- chant. .whao.oiwns no"`--propenty would pay no share of the bonus. For rhhese` reasons and others whioh would take no too_ much spao9f.lt_o. mentiap. ` `I think .11; would be tn the `best`.1`nter- vests, of the tqwnteo -wanttill` the 10. P. R- N93,`. in Juana` :l>a `b\VIivl `--3` A St. Petersbnrg dgasps.'tc_h' aaysy` The -general staff to-[day mdi9aes% `the na~tn'_re_of ig7nSt_h=a1: it % is expected. will -be oarried,m`1a:s am cut" rates. Only ' because freight rates are fixed by ' the Traffic_Associa.'tions, and they -al- _` ways agree to -fleece the public of ;all they will stand. What _'Barrie receive from the `bonuses it gaid to any railway company, either _` rand Trunk. Hamilton & N-orzth- ` -Western -or the Musk-oka Junction Railway. which moved the distribut- . ing centre for the north from Barrie ',~t:o Orillia and other - places? A |_fGVV: I-promoters in town hoodwinked the ' people, - ut a their own poc- . kets an left the pnopert -owners to ,pay the bonus. So it wil be again. {A few boomsters will be found who, *' for present gain, would :tie up the town for thirty years. Now, sir, which would be the` wiser plan. the noperty-owners to pay a bonus or he_ merchants to pav the same freight` they do now? ind :you. it _9is thgsh sznall ptr-operty-otv_v1ner vzlo pays 6 arges pnopor mm o . e bomus. because he is taxed to the full and often be and the value of whie 80'-Oalled inflillnfi` rsl`nnn1'.fn_a;vnnp.w- i noun uun. 101' tne `promoter. He Will! et paid for all his work, and if you! 0 not kill the scheme. you will Day I the bonus. Fifty thousand dollam . will pay for a lot of freight on all the goods the small owner will buy for a long -time. The free site `and Tremitted taxes will pay quite `a ,'while 1onp;er. So take `the advice of one who has pald his ahareof seve- ral railwav bonuses. Kill the graft. and wait till` the.C. -P. R. `thinks that.` Barrie is w\m-i-1'm .. .r.....~.--....:n.. .....:4-~.... auu yvuu. L111 12119. Barne 1-s Clo LC wart.` . V Mr. -Geo. Burnett of Toronto Was Lthe `guest of his un-clae.'M`r. A. Stew.-_ art. over Rumimr ` -