u-UJB. oalu. ul llJl'lb5l1lp. . Faith, then. an phwat might the_ bhoy be doin up in London ? was the next_ qtuestjion. A ' He has been called "to the Bur. the lordanswered, proudly. _ `Th8 af nun on` LLIU uuru unuwureu, proutuy. `The deputation looked at one an- `other, for the phrase was new to them.. Finally. m .a Loud whisper. -lone said": "Oi dnnt: know .what that manes: but fmme -what '0i- remember of `the pbhoy; he didn't `want no cal- |;,,s m . Cpok tiny white anions and `reeln peas to`ge'ther' for a very goo ve- getable dish. In the country where there is a rg-ar-den a pretty as .,well as tasteful mixture is green peas and baby carrots cooked whole. It ``s difficult to `buy carrots ' small `enough for this purpose.` Salted pecans are even more delici- ous vthangsalted almonds. '1`.hey-are expensive to buy at the contention- er's. and are rarely giepared at home tor the reason that . e nu.ts'ar'e `dif- ficult. to "remove from the shells rwithout, h_re'aking_ the meats. It is. 1. lsaid that. `this _ti`culty_'_ entirely "overcome `by pour.L'n'3_ hoilng wa-ter: > ;:'over `the nuts; lettingttlie` `\vat`et_I6ool` 29!! =9Y8tfl.'l"=f"b3 . =A.' 1.-....~* ..:,.=- .. 4.1} ~ New "York Evening Post.` Peach ice cream is one oi `the most delicious of fruit creams. and is not at all hard to make. - The -peaches must be quite ripe and, of some `ra- ther soft `variety. Peel and mash the fruit. andaweeten it well. Whip -a. quart `of cream and `-partiallyfreeze itbefore adding the ches. When the cream is frozen --o"a soft msh. stir in the fruit, mix thoroughly. and finish. the freezing. Thisemakes a very rich cream. - aka a goal-A-n $1..` ;--!L'I... 10 UL L] `I! ` lin . a vcxy 11011 uxvum. ` Make a water ice with 12 oran`gea , 6 lemons and the proper quantity of water.` Add a `quart of grape juicag, and sweeten rather highly; Do not freeze too_hard. A-rsmx`-`stun `.IA.I3-!-..._ 2--.! j__';._._L 1.1cva_U Luu_nur.u._ . _ ` [Another delicious iced dessert 1s ginger .m \oIusse. Half a oupful of su-- gar is first boiledx with a fourth of a nu ful of water until it machuea the hread stage. Wihif `the whites of two eggs very: stiff and `pour `the syrup on them. whipping until the two are thoroughly mixed. A pugmful of whipped cream {is foldejd in 0 `this mixi_:ur_e_. Aand_a 'cupnf_1_1l qt, _ - . _ - _ __.I _.'-- 7. fuuxvu Lu cu. um llrsl. l]lUlII.UIl;lI. E1309 m. aemold. seal careful] {and pack ,_in. ice and salt for severe. 'ho_turs. .-The syrup in which the ginger was `pm-' served `makes an excellent sauce for this mousse. V . ' t\....I. .L:..... -..I.:A... _._.>!A__ .._.x _.,.l . tau LU-I yl. w_u|ppuu. 0138.111 BS Iomen mnxture. and +9. ogpful qt. preserved .-gin er aha` ped ver fine 13 P T `n1ixe'd- in at he hast `momuu . Place ;I'I Q Ehnl l\nIV1\.I1uu an-`J -n_I_ uuuu U]. Luv l.ll.|.L3- _ A housekeeyizer who was closing her h_ouae for -9. my :peri_od.< , oked'_.her 611701`, m .111 ! (Iu`,1`_, 3vv1j:&l1. h-e.::.._kA.m'fvwm, 1.-. enke _*811!1*.,3.poons.. Jln9pt.;t9Kdth9r,, -and gr = !&I61a.;.=?wAth``l9ur: ' -3 _' -I, : : ,, . on canny i-gt=a..g.;.y. BIB zuuuaav` An 4- Lg.-.A.L `I. Hot Weugeu-.. ints".`: `I"I"C' iiXii'LES L CREAM .....SEPARATORS \ V I Door West Barrie Hotel. -ts-1:-t-:-2-s-e-+~:z--a-s-M-z-~:-:+~:~-:~++~:~++ Ccflli and GiIkIf8 of all kinds in stock or mad toorder. Robes, Grape and all Funeral Requisites furnished Orders by Telegraph or otherwise promply attended to. G. 07. DOLMAGE, Manager, Stroud. V +-:44-1-++4~4-+~:4++++++++++-:+;+-:-++++++-3-4-+++++~-++++ .~.-:- +++++ + cit ` , . " ' .2. _. _j___, gngggj A 1 1 ]SloamVlot_ks and Show Room. ollior-si..Barrie `:% %.-`3.`E`;`1'l.1." %`*`>'-L`"`i8* % `` ~`.`~'. ~.-':tl"...._' 2.. - -. j-I'..\_L.Q;_.I ,_-,. , ., n uauuvtvu . D6160! smaau, IIIID me- lons lay on ice nntix very` cold. Out 111 `half and scoop out _-the oseods. then with a. thin, sharp kmfe neunove %t1g =rI.=tegom. the` riI.rd- 7033- gigs gnu ,. u,1.,-o_,m _._,:=p1o_oes. `nuxwi _ i :1 gm}? -. -:~an'ql_ m'_1t;;?baok~in1_fth0_BhoIls,, 1' ~*, .4 .,~, ' .' -but nlh,Fnnch;zr.a9in Ar as A |_.au'u1u_u.vu. Here is a` cieli htful wsay of servi I `cantelmr i ..Be>cb sm.all.- rm me- Ian: an Inn An inn nvnbiu uni -- -_I.I I G. sMITH UNDERTAKER, No. 3, $45.00. -j If you wanta. moneymaking machine this is your oppartunity. It` may never come again. ` _ Remember we sell the `genuine machine. Do not let agents '-deceive you by `telling you they [have an imitation just as g0(H1as3_ Sharples. 1 h . If you cotemplate using wire fencingof any kind this season you will save money by consulting us. Our stock of Builders Hardware and Mechanics tJ0is is the largest and best we have eve:-.had.e \ T We keep a full stock of Bee supplies. Highest market price paid for Bees Wax. . ' p\4 ' ' QR" t I jmghzng use sunlight 803p for Household Utensils. - I` ` 2 ` ` . .` y;`hay to usehard water it is not an easy matter to wash .4-ho{1'hbld'..utesils. To do good washmg you should have good soap a""nds"Q1_-"a_tet (rain wa'tet). If you use hard water you must have cod and the best soap you can get is Sunlight Soap because it ;":$ofte"5'jg"tg;.1'a_`rd water and. makesa copious creamy latuer. Use Sur all household purposes and the results wxll surprise you_ M V WA.SK r-`oh THE OCTAGON BAR. Soap w a:/3:: I/ze clot/ze: wife wt?/tout z'rzjurz'ng' t/zc /zamis. V A , LEVER BROTHERS `LIMITED, TORONTO. 6,, HAMBLY 8 BAKER. House cleaning time has come once more. We have a good supply Ready Liixed Paints. Alahastine and Kalsomine. % . Paint and Whitewash Brushes. BARRIE AN D STROU D. A1` REDUCED PRICES -- Perha * `r'a fruit `with F W. dree;IingP.shgl' 3% been cried. I: 1;: xaedinsly good and has the ml. ,a|sosp `bomg one of rthe_most am '_ "ads tor `aftectmns Of 1, % andw` 53 .. _. .. Lg'eE'ti1oe leav,'j- 531 1; :*oi: fd-_; iras;n8- ` IS UU'luI.|'.l.u xucruuuuuu Lu. ysaum Clio "these girls mom than ito most 'y0!uLng `things is presented . ti-o-al. . tiemce and selt-denial become the pa- Itural co-ncomitamits of their gemst- itrlom neighbors and out l0ff from society rto a degnee that in some cas- es amoaunts to znonthing less than iso- jlatilolll the a.tI'airs of .the farm oonm to absorb their time ;their more tavored city cousins. 'fh-ey_ / learn to vpnovide their own -am-use-` melnvt-meagre though it be--to de- tthe prac-i sunoushio-ned side of life. P-a-, V and efforts, -and they develop an inxdepelndeuce and capability that would surprise. A Living as. most of them- do. \ "remote trom neighbors- and _.c.wt off i wpend upon themselves for whatever culture or art they may weave into Itheir lives. Here theory is converlted into practice to the exclusion of idle dreaming. And what is the resul*t'?~ `Dy-nun an|1 _rhxnia-nf airla an nnnaihln No. 4, $50.00. ?'XUGUST 3., uzuuuuus. -nruu _Vv.uaI. '15 Luv austere!` Brave, self-deniaznt girls as sensible as they are good Looking. of .'whom Me may well be proud. Besides help- ing mo-ther in the house they often | care` for `the animals in the men s ab- ` eenvoe, milk the cows. feed the pigs. in short. do the ehones which roper,r- .i belongs to the: male mem rs of ,t e huosu-sehold. It is neat an uncom- muoxn `sight to see a girl driving the binder. raking hay. or digging po- tatogs in the rush aand hurry of farm WV01` . Dovhonu no nlnnu nf .n-iris: i(IAn\i'ifv _ ltainments are large swnrx. 1 Perhaps. no class of -girls identify rthemselves more closelg w.ith mheir Ito.ther's `interest -than hedaughters at farmers. This is commendablqizn them. and a mam willrarely nd -a. ' surer ally- than his devoted datbu-g-.hIt_er; aYet this s irit on her :part_w_ah1ch stimulates er to selt-sacritfice im- [poses a fnave obligation .11 on the`: parent, it is .oious to be acce ted without -a. thought at its wort . .With :him~ rests, in great memsure._ his daugh- Iter s tuture. her asgiuuaatiaans and ate` y the result of his teaching or efforts. - ~ - The atmos here of the home. w_ihe- tther pure, e evating and pro ressiv_e or gross, depressing and sti ling._s1s un`~wo- . wheat ruhe ' head` of :t'he mm-ily. ` makes it. We do not overlook Ithe u'n`ot11er`s influence in this-parltieul-ar.` .1-gulp 4-`ha uyiunnf nf vnnfhnrn will noun` -am offering .00 {pm-.' Much is said. and written about the working. girl" and surely the daughter -or -the average .favm9r comes under that head. .t.htough she is seldom mentioned in print. 'n -+'Innc:A `ah-In mnnu than zrn mnaf `tllmoolf cured of Ouhrqh and Throat Troubles. by ` mnvtnura uluuuu-we In Lula `punctual-41.. -but the wisest of mothers will see` some of her best `efforts fall to the sgrcumd where the father's `influence rum in avoounter current, The dau- ghter u-n~consci.ously comes to jud and measure other mengg her mg? er. a.nd.ha,-ppy the -girl _ mm the model man. oh finds` :11 ` I\X7'.n lnninn +5 n-hm nuiv "rInnav'h*f'.nr.- V Leger L.I-!a`rdy,' `St. Bazile de A I'I_..L_ _,_I I! I\ . ` ' 9 writes as fo lows: I.suf- Fered for two cars with - -hroat Ca- `tarrh and " an obstin-A .. I "Ito cough. . V A Psvcmm: > h:clusplen- did c'ect.V_in mycase. lob-~ uined the per`'- % manent cure I ` had so long de-V ' % ;:'i!lOd, and shgll-doi _ hi . '- ', :2, in my power to ncivease t e popu Iri "10:: Dr. Slocum Renwdies in this vicinityg, ` - . IgII4RI..AIi.A`l_.D`_.Y.;.; H1111 "E110 11101-l.U_l 1113111. V ` _ "We hope to give, our daughters- somo advumtages by and by." saida mother. a .farmer a wife. to me ,laJt9- .ly. By advantage was eduoatiom_;and -auh-anoo to learn muaio. Bi ht` ba- yand the aver-z_1g~e amd ex remielly, sensitivh thesegxtls have bean wcork.-A UI ICKQIIIW i Portneuf, P. 9., lgfn an `t\|_ I :.,:_._A (VP-noIVou`ucad si.g,,,,4 1'. . )' : 1 V-vv vi: ' L . ' .5 V ` 4 , "?".;f'.:f*x1ho . '2 runny: an-no going Irllnnillllp I(uIIIIv$Ig I III W best!-M " . So that while one- picking may be rst class, the next from the same garden may :be very poor: . . l i I select only the pic1 which cqme up to the Red Rose standards of richness and `strength in Indian, and delicacy and fragrance -in Ceylon teas; and thus "that V rich, fruity avor" of Red,Rose Tea. is-produced and maintained. I . is good Tea T. H. Estabrooks St. John, N.B., Toronto, Winnipeg I T II `VI? -5--' Fa" (rnouounceo. an-KEEN) Ha I: now anxious to auto Girls on % the Farm, ;Y'OU.know hovy; the quality of stra'vv.ben-i<`.:s' from the same` patch will_ sometimes vary from one day to another. I One day sweet, compact,_v\vel1 ripened, well, colored, picking is `soggy, sour, green, coa,rsely'-avored, poor. . richly avored-riext day it rains, is` cloudy,-following A. 6 H0500 ' T;a,a:lso, on acccgnt of: its` v l::1ti1ity~of ';1vOr, after picking and during the curing process is very susceptible A 1--' 1 .to weather changes. A few heurs of Sun's`hine 0;-bAad_ weather after picking may make the difference between good and poor. tea. Why Tea Qualify Varies othbr. ..g ing and waiting pa`t1eII'tl:7 01` Years r in view of the promised "adv~ant- .- ages.` They save their father the, cost of a hired _man and their 'mo- 2 -ther -that -of a `girl. and yet the good i 1 is a long waayv off. tor father _-still is in debt. `Quid it not be `bet-Q ` ter to give them the advantages now 4 and be a little luonage-r getting out oi" debt? Now,.m_eans `mum `C0. 84MB of fifteen and _seventeen., rhaps than father suspects. When t ey are a year or two older` rxde may step -in and make them `as amed to enter [classes in the semunary where.nbhey' .they would belong." The district Ischool. `subject toa change of teach-~ 'crs every term. may or may motmeelt .` l the requirements of girls of this age. that. depends upon the teacher whr. [too frequently, is ayoung girl he - !self. in love -only with the salaried` -part of her occupation. The drill and disci line of the higher institu- tions of earning. the contact with cultured minds. the `shaking out of- one s self. so to '-speak. the dip into the sciences and. classics which are so `deep that the more you drink the more thirsty you become. all these lish the manner. chasten the inte_l- ect. broaden and deepen the nauture of the future woman. She oes_.away with substantial wealth w ich will make a paradise of home it she so gwill it: to be the cou.nci1or'oI her. father. the sympathetic com anion or her mother, and an exampe to the younger brothers and sisters. I TI vnnv `HA fM.nI' +311: Joan}:-`n .f.nr 1:3- iguuugvx usuuuvzu auu. amuuza. \ It may `be that the desire for edu-A ioatiotn is greater than the means to [gratif it.a:nd whatever is bad must be ob ained at home. Books and periodicals are wonderful educators: a good magazine read and discussed in the home circle _will'make,aome intelleaotual food for all. In these `days -pt __.ohea.p education no _.one need live in ignora`no e. ' ' ; `During summer work hours at the larm begin at sunrise. and oomtinu- inf umti so damn made tor a leisure. hour or J---an AIL...` -4-...` ...I.._,.. LLL. .l-_.!I.'- _..!L_I.L --bedtime. armngementsi are . 1u' uluul. "UUu|lLI.lV. urmg.uge1uuIu.u ans .se leisure two alter tea when the family might. sit` together-to rest. read." play games or: ractice -music as their individual. -tas es dictate.- This should not be overlooked. not every tamily can at- tord a piazno or_orgam. but the sweet guitar. or- violin comes within the reach of all. a:nd'the girl with.m'usi- cal tastes will spend deli hlttul mom- ents with the iinstrumen . moments. which might otherwise -be spent in! .1eading~lig`ht_litena-ture. or shall I- say it ? in tlirting with young men` .--unladglike occu tionl For, bear in min . our wi e-awake subject is `not going tcbe idle of_hand or brain .long.a`t a `time it she 18 a-girl W10I'.th having. and that we assumed at the .out_se.t.= Parents toiling ,toI_. pay off `the "mortgage or this or, that debt are in danger of becoming so absorb- `ed that uthey d'o'.1_1ot.. realize that their mode of life is narrow -and in- comgletez that it permits. a vacancy int e children's lives-which. soon or late. they will tseekwto -fill up. and round out for themselves. The sym- metry -or distiortiong of the future character is indirect proportion to the `good or bad material which -goes into this filling -up process; Aygirl , is ve1'y`.muich.like a: pioneer in a new. 'co'u-nitric. 11 ion .the woods he will build.` is cabin of logs: if an `the. rairie he -will c-_onstr.u-ct aisod sh|aln- yxor dug-out. `Likewise a' girl's -mind;wi`ll. -be. fashioned from the ma- _ tezials near at hand he they.;-figura- t`iv'ely._ `clay. sandstone. or_ marble.- VHcw- important. then, that: the best` ossible zmateriial be placed at_ her -:s.sal.v ;\ | here .ccmes atime -in every g'irl s' rlite when she -thinks and plans for ,}'!the"tuture. Dcubntl-ess she -has her ideal `tube attained. and Ithdvalue ol `.a.:hi~gh ideal carmot I be.` .ove`r'cst-ima.'t- -A atather. and.miother- whwt-that ideal ed. Does it make. no vditterence. to is ? `Are `they ajltogeqther blameless int 1 it iiamt -whalt "1it~sh-ouldf-be 2 How Jli Mgiilh J-"IA I-n`n"c -5` `Ln an-un3J u. `maul: 'Wl.l1lh u. auuulu. -uul .I1D'W *g1'rl.s_. but the lack of the guid- %.;lgag; Just; here. .havewedd,eM_d in `gt 0I.r-diam)-s men whom. a :fewgvyesar_s. Ii .|i.('ia'.-W ' b... --...-.I .1 1. - _. ... _-__._ A .2 .'.l l `\5 J`-`Bit. I-IV!-Vs HGVI2 wvuu.u_u lu. men stew `iyesars. l.f6!_" -'.' would have spurned. A mb~f.~* mg - idea! has -prevented mlany .`:|..'iir I-{fllnwvu dnvnvn-I-inn} J-kn} nrnnna Iu.;.a..I., vg.,g.._1,t`__|g.' ' gga. i_ ll L;.uyuxu.zu mur- mneg . ,, .. sA lm%_l,;,esf-xn Fate 13 exceed- ` 11 `mg 'h,qr.` , . _ Your fate, le. his just-'"=w1a'I:iou~ jmit it`Ato ~ . and ?whn=t' If ixotp, iaimake t.- Do- not `you. Remmn atop ` rtr.d0I5HIfplishing tthehi ,h- eats ` ,` ' ossibl 5 W` *1` .,a,*`1Lb:*.;,:;:12w~, vice :" Ii0t`~ '~hixh" w>h'o 'avvu'1 ild`i ihit" Ith ` mark: dlm .a -.:li:ttlo. abowe::it;a:E.v ary ar- :!'d., t."f-l` .f A 1 :3 t' f th3K3?t1=-*' % '" `h'rbb'f'.` {t-|?'l_l_"j'V I-HUI} VV.|.IIJl-I.I- `ll. iI.UW_ 'yUI`3. `l.t6r":' 4.! it-.-`g -ir1 fro1n:..iommittingj that vgr.uv_est qtgall, e.gj;_&:9_;_s;;v,y;z.V:_ a1pi_t_a.ke.in mar- 'Y'VlYI'- - U&IVll1Up U.I1C. H185, WU8Ko nau- htera of Mr.'J. E. Ing-lqhart, of Pa-'. ermo. while drivin across the G.. 'l.`..R.~tr&oka were-8 1'.ll'0k by the` In- ternational Expmas % and, instantly: ;.ki}d~.7 . . ~~ ; ofquobeu ' nqvinqihil, .authorit:oa" `- %$`_II_:~'-5} -.; ' . ~ - mj: >:'.~.a=- M 1. - ~ (. :1. Iauuuasnug-,:.uI.uul.,y _uuoul.'Lvu luval` Oakville. ,0nt.';` l..st_ wzek. Twno .dasu-1 a-Ir's`n"u-1` hf'*Il'v- ~,`I`- I`. -"fiunhv.nvl>` -40 'Da.; In am y. zuu'uuIge..,_' 'l_lV_-l'.llDl[l`l;` Avg;-d F?I;V::?&.."MgPgN@3&E31,-9:!F 1.9:; fb v-`iiz'AiV J rt: u--t L. E, A ahqo1:ixig;:fa;tgl{ty' foourred Mai S hulzvilln, hf Inn} nniualr 'l`nnn do.-u.. oooooooooooooouoooo Am gngrgxmngagy deheuingd by_ n torpedo boat destroyers a Japanese battauon has landed and sexzed .a lighthouse at Dekastries. a port for- ,mer1y oaued Alexdrovsk. on'the bi- '.berian coast. seven: hundred -miles `north ot"~Vladivostock. 1t` is only a short distance south of {the mouth" 01: the Amur river, and its seizure is` Hooked upon as am attempt to seize ithe mouth of that river. up which gunboat.-s could reaph -Harbin. . TBA `[:n'hnI-inn Aaannnhhr noaam o l.{I.LV|. LU DU. VV 1ll.l.'lU. lJi 1~l.Ll..lU]Ca Oaneidwsytrade for the ear ending June 30 \-totaled $465.22 .407. com- pared with $464,981,972 for 1904. y'The Natieouial Wholesale Lumber Dec~_.le'rs of America will h-old amid- summer cecmvenation at Ottawa this month. 2 A ` {There have been two `hundred o,as4 as of yellow fever in New. Orleans Isince July 13. ' rm... AI ..... 12...... r\....:...a.L:'.._ __.'\_2_L axuvv uul 1.0. , _ , The A1I'an liner Oorinthian. which went ashore off Montreal. was float- ed again." . MA Vnuunn 1\lrn-n o `I'.I\.n-nl [Vials .45 _'iL:"zV-V;r.:':\ rd Lung. found guilty of fob- 1 bing Michael Blake of seven h~un-2 dred pounds at Portage la Prairrie. \ was se:n_te'n'ced to seven years" penal} servitude in England. I ran!-nv-.u ni f 11.9 I'.o Ira Q rxnI0:.4\II. D'U_l. V I In UV Ill lull Directors oi the `Lake Superior Got rationn demy the story that the` Uni ed States Steel Gorponation is negotiating `for the apunolnase of the steel` -plant at the. S00. 'I"hA nnnunnl-Han nf} i-ho I'T.n:..-vn AF l'\n_ murdered 3_by` a mob in Nijni Nov-4 Iitzyircgdd and many persons ;w.ene mu- 1 a e . It 1lT:A.L.. LI... ~r\-_..-s-._ _---_ ,|_ - vD5VUlVIa o - . . | 0 Nearly a hundred mntnzens, aware uTI`:.uVl}Vi.tte, the Russian peaaceplei-1` potentiary. sailed from Chxmbourg. : on the Kaiser Wilhelm der Grzosse, A `:n`\An74\.n Anvgn ml-u-.1.-`L -.L.--I-.....I .w'1`he Young Men's Liberal. Club or again. 4 Toronto proposes to tender 9. than- ,q'uet to Sir Wilfrid Laurier. I'\nnd'(`d a I-maa fnvu I-Inn -[roar nn.-Jinn ' 'VV Uux-cu. . In northern , Gorea the Ja:panese `continue to advance along a 40-mile. ;trovnt and their Yang-uard is now, ;about eighty miles from the mqut-h lot. the Tumen River. ` v " ml... .....4.:.;.. |......1_...... :.. o:......_:__:'H .yJ.- Luv .I.uu.;vu ns1VIa.l.'. I The native banlnprs. in Shaunghai ` `have called a meeting to -discuss `a Q groposal to boycott the `International ` anking Corporation. a United Stat-A `es banking institution formed to do business entirely in foreign countr- I ins. . ~ ` BUD B l bass. fI'|.I... Slit` -pxuxu. 84!. [HQ 300 'l`he,coznventi'on ot th Union of ca-T nadizm Muuicipalits concluded ,at Winnipeg, after -elcsctinsrv Mayor Urquhart, of Toronto. president and deciding to meet at Haliiax next IYQQY 5l.l`ll.llUGU` UUILLII l."Uil_Ul.l '.ElaE1rUL. ` - _The_V1ct-orian Assembly passed a bnll :gxvmg the elective 1`ra1__1chise to i-\v?1_}1en. - ` ` . ._.A_LL4_.. I'1-..A.. LL,` `I . _ . _ . .._ both _on the land . and in. -the navy. ` Wi_despread -dissatisfaction qwith. the meeting between the Czar and the Kaiser pervades the entire busi- men p0 t out that whenever the Empero William has become closely- oonoerned in B~ussian`a.-ffairs it has invariably shaken the economic sta- bility. of thegoountry. This unver- tainty. they say; is-. intensified now at 9. `time when they ~eco~nomio- situa- tion is air ady desperate. and it is believed. t` at if the Kaiser's `advice is accepted it will intemsify mili- tarism and .- bureaucracy at -the egr- pense of-the productive elements of -society. ' Nnnrlv n I-nnvulwnrl ...H-:....... ..........v iness oo -unity of Russia. Business ' I u Luvnu1au1' vvuneun Q61` urzosse- ` y he fisheries depar-tmant stocked the streams amrmnd Strrat-ford w-it'hl` has: "l`.i;e Medical `Association i will meet in Toronto next L Ear. _ "VH1: `: nab nLAg-....- -3 ...--. ma'l..`he. Gtivernornof Ofessa has issued i 'a. proclamation declarirng1:he Jews Iesgunsible for all the disturba.n'ces% bo the land and in -the na_vy.} \xf:.In............I .::......4.:..c....:..':.... --.su. . ,w1u IHUUI. [U .l'Ul'Ul.lLU IIUXL 1531'. The first steamer of he Llnew Canadian Mexican line sailed from Halifatx. - vs C n 1 In . Ann JAG IILGAI B. L. Borden is to live at Ot-bawa and devote. his whole time to ahise duties as leader of the oaosition. -A hinnmn rnnn nhorn -uril-In A-kn `JULIUS G5 IVGUUL` 'UL `LUV Up LEI!-lUI.lu .-A Chicago. man. char ..with.rthe murder of "his wife an vchild. says that he oormmitted his crimes while asleep. - _ '~ (En-unrinl-n gvlbvll-I-an Vinnai-an an-nil-an- '3'iota at the % Kingston p-eniteIn- ` were dissatisfied with the food serv- , tiary._made trouble because they ed to ' them; 1 from Sydnev. J95].- The Pear} polar expedition sailed` \ 1 IBL- f\__!L!_L 11'- l'-_I A , , - I no ` The New Ya0l`k- Sun gives. some facts which seem to indioagte that. passengers are sometimes `actually eaten .in very fast` trains than they a.r_e.1n slow ones. The Pennsylvania Ruad s, Chicago flier. `while -making nnuunmi-manila: om hnuur -non a'.nl>n 1|`) l.\Iu a.uu_ UHIUUSU LIIUI. WLIILU 'lLl`i1LLll5 aevp4nty- miles an hour. nan into l3. II_0lg'l_1l_:. ,,The flier. instead of le-avin% the ranle. ploughed strcaig.ht.'throug1h- the wreck. and the jpa.ssenge.rsA ~aboIn`d.'asleep in their `berths. did not know until atterwmard- howse-ri~ `anus was the accident which caused -theato1;pi_ng of their train. The only -nnravnn unsnv-nu] urn: If-Mn nn.aInnann- nf V BBUHPIIIE UL MLIVII. `I-La-lnllo I-`LIV VIII Iul-I gerson injured was the engineer of he `passenger train. who jum ed .1room his cab. and was bruised. am he stuck to his rpocst. it is likely that he would have escaped unhurt. A sloywer train -probably would have been derailed and many persons would have\._bee:n'injured. But the tremendous speed of _this fast one keot her on the track -and scaxttened aside the obstructions. The accident resembled in no way that in which the New- York 0entral`s .eig-'hteeIn huoIur~Ghica 0 train was wrecked, for the Centre `s -mishap was due too-a. misplaced switch; which would have caused as disastr-o_u-s a smash-up to a Jtrain makin much shower time. These two inci ents point to the con- clusion. long ago reached by `rail- way operators. says the Sum, that the fastest trains are `the safest ulna der certain conditions. and are cer- tainly not m-ore dangenous `than ltzhe `slower under others. The public de- mandsxtast trains. and the railways- eup ly them. For the traveler in one of be heavy` cars t-hatjare hauled A_A_ LL` L_--I_A -1. &I..A .....J... -1 -.._.!I- Wu}! I tuvzu. HUI LHU Inl{nV.lUl. 1: UUU heavy over the tracks -at the rate of sxmile in forty-five seconds it willvbe a [comforting reflection tha.-t if acci- den_`t_ betalls his train his chances are 111 no event worse than `those of the traveler m an accommodation... nnd thblt uxnder mbsvt circnmstlano `es they are much better. ` - - rm:mAm* DIIIONI L .fI-vnnaun to ` . nn&mounm_uag3 m1:nu.:uo:'1 .a.xI::; 'a1ven:Ln p i `I? commuica. .,v,;;:~V,f=;,:n ,,,, `fe;-gm"`{,?;"; '[""'m.....`o$~`. -9" : ~i=. ngwsdenlew _ Trains. and Safety. '3`u'{?`n.``:;a::'??ii:::?n:&.'fg'3& m I`-L." .n.L..naI_ _-.1 __;....4. 4.. News in Brief. THE `V%NoR*n-IERN ADVA V! ...A community which . olose1y,`a.p-l ; pnoximates Be.llamy s Looking Barcl-:`-l ,ward is Oosme, alittle _e.ttlemezn=t.i_5 `near Asuncion. VP-ara-g1:1ay. A descrisbed 3 by Wilhelm `- Lapmann;~\in a Leipsic rjournal. Equality, democracy and % 1-comm-unity of wealth and Work -are 7 the -principles, on which it was foungl- 1l'Il\l L_. _ 4,I,'_J_ 3.. _ --I_..._ ' .13` :;;`1's`a';l,;:." 231;; ;;.I;.:;: ' of Australila;n immigrants to Papa- guay.-` The houses ofthe settlers I-lie ztogether and form a small _vil- = [age and are small, pretty. and clean; "they have only one s=to.r.ey and are. 9 built or` `boards and shimgleod q:r`-roof- ed with _mazega grass. The roof ghangs tar over the side_ walls and is supported_ by posts, a deztail which haho`-ws for :3. wxde veranda`--a most welcome adjunct in the hot weather. On one side of the house is aismall chen. and every house has its gar- den.'Little plauztations 0: sugar cane he between,che h|0!1l:3B andwlne gnar- dens. ' T " I I n IPA r+`\A nnnnn pm` $1..` .1.-...II3..,.. m.1t'-building _which contains the kit-.` 1* Up to the present the -.dv'v._elling. g-h0lhS6S `cover only a',quarter'oi>:the :space- which has been reserve,dbo1'. the village. and when Hcrrbaicmann vis'yted- the place there ".were {some twentyhonses occupied a-ndfone h_u-n- dred and eight in course of emotion. In time the buildings w1ll,_form_ a gxeatsquare, which will l1e___a. bout a larger open `square. I-n additions `number of smaller p1'1`blic'ple.ces_have been -pnovidead for, which will lie; as those already in existence, between the houses. There. is an absolute comm-unity df goods in Cosme, `the only exception beingvthaltgdbjects of household . .or personal u5e-funni- ture, cooking utensils. clothing and 1aood-remain `-the property of ltheir users. -When one -enters the colony he must bring his entire ropenty in with these exceptions. ' hen, how- ever. one wishes to withdraw he does not `receive back the amioui-n1t'o his contribution. `but only. the amount which corresponds to his share for the last working period." . Everyone must go through apro- l_bati:onar_v `period of one year, and beore `this period is completed no membership is obtained nor any con- tribution of -goods made. Every la.-p-_ plicant up-on enter g must pay in- to the treasury twenty-five dollars for each adult member of the tamilg and half of this amount for Jeao child. If then the probatlonens de- -cide not to remain in the colony their expenses to Buenos Ayres -are paid, butthis is not done unless the applicant remains in the colony three months. The only requirements are that. the a plicant be stmng -and healthy. nder no circumstances are colored persons admitted. J A man was describing the dinneri in London that -admitted Mr. Joseph H hnnl-A -fn :i-Ln a;.n:.u.. A: 4.1.... -f\IJ -admitte M}. Joseph H. Choate to the societi: of the Old Benohers of the Inner emvpl-e. Mr. Ch-oate was in his best mood. -he said. With epigrams. wit-ticisms and anecdotes he kept the table in a continuous roar. Perhaps he made his most `telling impression with a story about an impoverished young Irish gentleman. the Honorable Denis Bellow. ll`l:I`.. _-2_I .LL_L `ll . I-1,1: C .IJt7l,lUVVo "He said that Mr. Bellqw. driven forth by poverty from. his fa-.tiher s estate. went to London to seek his iortume. He seemed to be `buried in London. Nothing was heard of [him for several ears. He had been - a gay ounvivia. blade, and in gthe little home village he was mimed. -'l1here was not a poacher -nor a roysterer within ten- miles that had not a soft spot for Denis in his heart. Word one day -passed about that up at the castle news had been` received of De- nis. The village at once" became ex-_ ,cited.:and ta deputation of a half- dozen or so was soon on itsvway to see the old lord. - . cult" l......I 1 ...-_'.I 1.1.- -.--I - uvv LUIS Ulu 101.11. "` y lord, said the spokesman. `is .it true ye`ve got news 0' yer sown.` Mr. Denis ? . V ` . `true enough; New at last boys. said his lordship. ` '`lc`ai+h_ Hmn_ nn nhumd ....:..I.+' 4.1....