Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 29 Jun 1905, p. 5

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Trimmed. MiI1ine,ry--0ne-third o;'f-.-` The Depotfor Campers, Supplies CANNED MEATS v-gv -v-vv-- -r.._..--__ ___ __ In the five Japanese armies oppos- ing General Linevitch. V exclusive pf cavalry andartillery, it estimates that there are from tour hundred and thirty to four hundred and fifty thousand bayonets, which gives Field, iMarshal Oyama a decided numerical M superiority over the strength usual- lly allotted to Linevitch s army. The !Japanese orces, it_ says. `are divided jas hollows: Gen. Kuroki. 115,000 -to }120.000 Abayoonets; Gen. 01:11. 110,000 to 115.000 bayonets; Gen. No'gi.' 85,- 000, to .90,000 -bayonets; Gen. Nodzu, 45.000 'bayonets"an d Ka.w;amura. 73,000 to 80.000 lbayonets. fhe forces` operating in Cor_ea. 1, LL- L!_- 7-..-.. . . . A .......nn . The Novoe Vremya prints an in- terview which its correspondent at Paris had with a_ Japanese diplovmdt. who says that while nobody outside of _the`gEmperar (of Japan and his principals-advisers . is yet in possession I ot_;Japan s terms. _h0.|believes that theiy.-"are moderate `atndwill be ac- _ge>t{_ala.ble.. He .aaasLthat;Japan is an- i `Ham Loaf. d V Canned Duck. Veal Loaf. % Canned Turkey. Chicken, Ham and Tongue Pigs Feet. i Compressed Ham. Chip Dried Beef. Canned Chicken. Clover, Leafi C ascade. Albert. Dundicolle Filets de `Harengs. Chicken. Ham and Chicken. POTTE D MEATS Geneva Sausages. Canned Smelts. -Kippered Herring. Fish Balls. - Oysters. % SARDINES SALMON FISH Salad Brand. Unicorn. Canned Ciscoes. Armour s Sliced I-Iam. Lacobrica. Domestic. ])evi11edTongue, Ham and Beef. V Herrings in Shrimp Sauce- Herrings in Tomato Sauce. Untrimmed Shapes-50. - If The '.Downship of Innisfil having got an" Injunction against `the Grand Trunk, it decided to get a move on `and `accordingly applied to the Board. of! Railway Commissioners at Otto..- wa on"1`uesday of last week to be allowed to proceed and to; have the conditions defined. `Mr. Haughton Lennox` represented the plaintiffs and property owners, while the company's _interests were in the_ h'ands_of Mr. K. Cowan`, ex-M. P.. of Mon- treal. It appears likely that the dif- !tioulties"wi1_l now be adjusted. Mr. _Lennox submitted that the company: -should-.-construct an overheadbri-dgd or provide anw. road -further east. The Board intimated` that 't.he,roa-d. should `be . provided as asked.` `andg .di rec.ted that` Mr. Oowan_ should fad-. certain ;:whether the company ' wi; agree i to this. In the Ameantimgr ;Boa,rd gmows , the; `railwgyi_j.dompgiiig; omr>I6te*::i_t workr, 1`al1%I1d" `veil. " ` ~ ` ' t ` 1' '-_ . .._....,_.., -.. v. ..-.u.., an.-. saw u aaoyvu gap _ Cregse w`ere'v i THIS. lnnisfil v G. T. R. sKIR 1`S-Anotherlargfa ahipmexib in Lnstrea. Voiles, `Canvas Cloths A! Light. Weight Cloths. in all colors and all iizeo; _,We `cu-ty `otne of this In-gent ggocke of Dress Skirts in Ontario. ` Over 1500 to select from. `: 1..75.,.3;V0O,~4.`?00 and 5 00, all special values. - ` ' V ` j5.sa*'.=ach EEK -5c tins. BLOUSES in Muslin, Lawn. Ln: 75c beiow what many stores chuge._ _ LACE C-OLLARS-A large shipment ditgct frorBoi|emi_a, in Austria; Over 200 styles as prices from 25c upito 3.75. All sway below xfegular prices. _ [BOOTS AND SHOES-Invictua, Geo; A. Sister's "`King- Qna1it3"4 Sur- pass Q-aahty, .Standard Brand,.Ideal Top Round and "American" Beo.uty, and all high grade makes. ` ' ' T T shapes and grades, in black or tan. , }~1OS_E - to match all shoes. ' . we saving on most lines of Boots and hoes is from 10c`to 75:; Va hair, covoz-d ing `to grade. ' ' T ` specials in slippers and Oxford Shoes; i Barr`xe s Bargain House. V A .1 Owinvtoth s c essotour aduaie zLm1tho`3grea. cgngmercial aglyit we: are at resent utterly inaaplb 97 J met-.t.in he demands made upon us for`; UFFICE- ASSIS'lTAN'1`S.- To remedy.` this and meet the FALL demand. W94 have decided to conduct all our Q1830` ,; 12 moI_1tha in each ear. 1 "a Durm July an A at weueollo, DI`epu_re to give sppoi courses to those . dqaxring such. A post card of enquiry; W111 ment. with n. m-nmnt I-eulv. Address. '4 mgaxrxng man. A out cam ox quuuuuv _ W111 meet with a prgmpt repl- Add-1`05lv_, .4 2 vv 3-v~--..- - sxceiifnu%siuesiidIIaga.5 _ A_____` - ..`._..a.__-r. Specials lnalncoats for.I.ad|oAs and L Man. ` X } This Store cash Save Ygu Money. CHILDREN S AND MISSES BOOTS; SHOES` AND $LfPPERS-In all THE MARKETS 7c $1.00. 5125 and 431.69- specials In Boots. $1.25, $1.50, $2.00. $2.50 link for $2.00, $3.50 me. {at $2. 75. CALOTHING--Men a suminet Coats and Light Weight Si1its7au'cut T prices . Men's White Duck Trousers, Coats and Shoes. -v-vvuvwv,--.,--... FOR1FIRST OLA-SS` TH E roLLo wmc..Lum-:s: Lustre and Silk. All the latest things at 25c to. 6 and 8 Dunlap St. \ MERCHANT TAILORS Aug ~ 3 can-rs` FURNISHERS: ] vvvvvvvwvvvvvvvvw W t e and giggyou yv -rm`--- - A. ingrodi en 6 consider th "91? f6`ox?s" J31 ulcs uni Wee of to en `and at .t' 8. 1118 W 1 0.5 ~ T1m..;s~vannwa1=~r ca f~:h_K`;:t" , ` _ It I `rang : id9n% pa ho_ as iliowsnnf ` ARRENVJOHNSON. J. I . 2nd ;tw8 5; Di: "at Rev. `James Nankmllwul Zpzretaoh his` Afarpwelvl. sermon. paxt Sunday. > ` The Ellie Spring Needle E Underwear 5 2 %'l'asty%and Tumbling * e the_ _C_a.kes,' P_eqT ux3_g1_ sweet things`?! :1} - .. ..n8.u1 `dam Alex. Milne &Son Seal Brown. B1ack'aud Ivory. Lisle Thread- C`olora-- ` y&I'IIVT Corner John and Elizabeth Strgets. ' Elastic and Unshrinkable. _ Goldein Bxown, Seval-Brown [nd Blgck. V Svi1ka.t;een`-Color-Blue. A -Every garment guaranteed. _Ba.1brigga u-Colon- ? VPAINSWIOKQ % Prices B`Ol_l;'8.4wa`i! 1`: ,. Phone 161. :-:~-a-:--:~+-z--5--so-:-+49-as-I-+3--b+++!-+~!-4+-I`: A The official referee gfolcheese and butter. l`oca.ted at -Montreal. reports to G. H. `Barr, Chief Instructor "for Western Ontario. `.tha'rt out of one 'hun` ed'pe.n<,1` eleven lots of `faulted cheese onlyfseventeen we're from.fac- tories which were receiving instruc- tion. The above comparison shows strongly in favor offtho" good re-. sults following. the. efforts of last year and this spring. The Chief In- structors for both the eastern and western sections report -that prac- tically every factory which took in- struetion last year, has made more or less -improvement in building or equipment. or - NAT'UBE_ IND amsmrs on INSTRUC- . `A _ -._ jrxon. In "the uproaucuon at 'hig.h-cla ss ! cheese it is essenltialtthat the milk ` be clean. sweet and "tree. from ttoreign flavor upon reaching the fac- tory. `But flavors in milk not only: tend Ito lessen the value of`- the} manufactured product. Pout make the process of mlanufacture much more difficult. Both the Quality and the Quantity ot the product will suf- fer when the raw material is infer- ior. -Umless 'the patrons supply milk of good vqmality they cannot in jus- tice hold the maker responsible for the class of goods made therefrom. The health `of your cows, the water supply, the quality of -the food. the condition under -which the milk is drag-wn from the cow, `the care used in seeing that it is not expos- ed to dirt or dust of any kind, pro- per h-andling, etc., all require un- ceasing watchtulness and care. ` I Hereunder is a -clipping from a } card recently issued by the Depart- i.ment {Of Agriculture for distribution `among makers "and producers: `OBJECTS OF INSTRUCTION. 9.; In order that "the maker may re- ceive instruction regularly and per- iodically and that the producer may be directed wherein he 'may improve "the .productionZia.nd care of milk,` the Department` of Agriculture has em-_ ployed a -staff of instructors, to vi- sit both the factories and the farm upon which themilk is produced. When am instructor visits a f._arm it i is not for the purpose of t getting 1 samples of milk to test for adulte:r.a- tion, `but to direct the farmers in making needed improvements and in taking proper care of themilk. All tests for adulteration will [be made at the factory; and action for pro- seculti-on for tampering and adultera- .tion will he left with some official in connection with the factory con-o cerned to attend, -to. ` ' To, dispel the -misapprehension which exists in the minds'oI many as to the aim` of the Department of Agriculture. and the Dairymen's As- sociation in;-providing instructors. a few 'ou`tlines as to the work they are doing are here given. ' neat'1{mi"} 2. To visit the iarnis of -patrons. not in the capacity ot a detective. but to see, theeoonditions nder which the milk is kept and give in sttructinorns as to ,(a) Most effective `a.-nd simple method of cooling and _caring `for the -milky (ob) Best lo- ca-ti-on and equipmen.t ;for oooling. purposes. ;(c) Neoessity for an abun-A. .da.nt_ -supply -of pure watenboth for i oat-tle andor c-loaning purposes." (d)` The deesimb-ility of not allo-wing. cows _ _-__- -;.-..__-..s. Llcv \DwI-r|o'I~I-'I-QvJ -. _.-- ._.._- .. ...- V- to have access to swamps. si;:gna'r'1Tt-: `ponds, weedy pasture. -etc. (e) suit- able places for milking. Cows should` `not `be milked `where "they are ex- posed to odors from` -hog pens or filthy barpyayds, E BA.2R}Eii:IVB5;' ++++~>+a-+-z--t-sew-z-ox-4:-H--is-db-a-o:-viva-gt-~j%,V ---.___ I-ni ordeAr that `the greatet good may result from 'the work of -in- 'strimtion it _ia `necessary. that lt he.: p_roduoer._. maker and instru~tor po- opera.te-getting and giving,-'thehest inf-or-mation `obtain-abl...`%~,-_,_ - ` "With -the 'l1iot'd}a.\Lvsp% June and` July. there: is an increased neogssity .'I-or-oar_e and. thororu-ghne;"ssg in 9sa9in g `N(5i{i`HEiN' ADVANCE CCCCCOCCCCCCUCCCCCCOCCCCCCC`CCUCCOCCCCCC PROGRESS or THE WAR} - AA St. Petersburg despatch' says: Negotiations for the peace confer- ence have taken an -important -step forward. A proposition for the date of themeeitirig of -the plemipo-tIeantiar- ies at Washington has been submit- ted to Russia; andis now under consideration. The -exact date `pro- posed has not -`been ascertained. but there is reason to suppose that iti is some time during the first week ` or ten days of August, which V is about the `earliest period in` which the Japanese representatives` can be expected to reach Washington. s __ .. . -- , ._g .! [3oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocooo3 `M. i~fer;io{r;" Under` Mgnister of` Foreign Atfairs.' and the spokesman of the Foreign Office. in -an inter- view` in the Gazette. declares armistice pending the vmeetingeof the ; plenipbtemtiaries `is irn'pro"oaLble. and-- `he comments on theqiogsibility o.-e. `battle `taking place before e. confer-9 enoe. is held. ', ' ` 'T l The Russky Invalid, the. frmy or-A `\V . Always something hew to show the people it THE STYLE STORE OF BARRIE, and our clientele cntintially refer to jhe exclusiveness of the goods we show. 1V`. -w`-w' :--w --wv_---w, vcwvv wa_v-..vv-.- -- my-. _-, _--wvv Desis. - - '_lE*"1"'c>m_:5'"O"o:':to $.S'c3"iaach Another let of 5c Dny1_iesf--TheyL h=weso1_d very freely. We will have another shipment.this week - - 5c Each MADE FROM BARBIE LEATHER Buster Brown Belts are very muchjn demand. These are made from leather`, TANN ED IN BARRIE; and are. the very best procurable. Colors. Tan, Brown, Black, Chocolate, Red and White TV -' _- 25 Each A BIG BARGAIN INIDREZSS LINENS AND MUSLINS This week we are s%howin%g%:{-BEAUTIFUL DRAWN LINENS, Tea._Cloths, Tray. Cl0t_hs,_ and Sideboard Scarfs. Elegant Drawn Work `I'x,-.._ :23. .n_. Ana-n I-_-A - We havdsome _odd lines of Dress Lihens and Muslins, worth u pVto 50c and 60c .per yard. On Sale. Thursday am. y A- - - - V 12 Ready-to`-wear Hats-- Half Price . 'r`..:.'.... us A .1 BUSTER ROWN BELTS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Corn Beef. Ox Tongue. Lunch Tongue.` Tenderloin. Chicken Loaf. Special Features Nimpkish River. Maple Leaf. Horse Shoe. French` Smoked. V Bassett 1 j Tonj ours Boneless. Lobster. Tongue, . Ham. Vienna Sausages. Cambridge Sausages.` Lobster. Mackerel. Haddie. "Shrimps. f Condehsed Milk and Cream, Coffee and iMi1`k in tins, Staple and Fancy Biscuits, Canned Vegetables and Canned Fruits. Various kinds. A The following list will give you a faint idea of What we carry in stock : In the Grocery Department. REDUCTIONS IN MILLINERY cu'r Ami SPLIT woop HARD AND sQFTJcoM.

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