Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 18 May 1905, p. 8

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l a. non. IDUVUILIIU m9k` ;9Iue.., voicing fhe opinionsi cu3ee whd read this --page.-DoIn .Sa"t:34mda_y hi-gjht. an arramgement made early in Janu-' ary for additionalgpower to the de- veloped by the Electrical Power Company. This grasping corporation. `through auxiliary organizations. al- ready vhas Toronto .'by the neck, and this distinct kick in the diaphragm will make it recognize that it does not own the earthyand 'fulness ' of power `thereof. The Whitney Gov-, er-nme'nt is showing the temperance people that it can do much in the way of b`e,ttering_ the liquor traf- fic .withont__any demagogic resort to sgread~eagle resolutions "land 1111-` workable ustatutes. `Altogether, `I fcel ltha.-t I owe an._ apolngyto the {gentlemen of the Opposition` w`hoar_e !1.<.N"n19!11.hP8 -Of `bib? S3`.Vemment.' } their a.b__ity `and in? -tevn _tioiis.`;"iand ix} this".'e_xpresaion !ot`? _ {3ipP`l:1`.0V_'.vti} vauoommon-sjense a1 1vI__rca.- T ;~s_oh_,glt_1le;ilgd-;nipist.rIation? I feel that I, I Regular $7.00 Skirt, oh sale 3/00. V % R-gular $8.00 to $8.50 Skirt, on sale $4.50. 0 Regular $3.50 to $4.50 Skirt, on sale $2 50 Regular $5.00 to $6.00 Sliirt, on sale $3.50. 157 Ladies Skirts, in _black, navy, brown and tweed eects, all well made and up-to-date style to be sold at` a. big re~ duction. , ' . Ladies Straight Discount. tion of B. R. T. - __. naonvl "vMr, ilrs. D, J. McDou-ga_ll left on Monday for Buffalo, where Mr. MoDoug'all will_ attend the conven- Men'S Rain Coats And so on, en's Suits Half Price :1-$2-1? QCIQGIV TTITN 64 Ladies Rain Costs to be sold at once. A bxrgain for early callers No reserve. Regular $4.00 to $4 50, on sale - $1.50 Regular $5 to $6. on sale - - 83 25 Regular $10.00, on sale - - $7.00 Regular 315 to $16, on sale M - .. $10 50 `won- Quinn.` Adan`! 3851].] 80 Fine Mercerized Black Sateen Blousga, tucks and gimp trimming, new sleeve. Regulsr $1.25, on sale - - - 88c Skirts `No Reserve. LADIES `Rf\}I}_IuQOATS_" ,n`=nc DA:-n (`Anna L Mrs. N. Macnicol, of Toronto, 5104} oompanied by her son," was the guest of her mother. Mrs. Geo. Poucher, last week. .. ' > . F !+.E5 early in the morning if you when goodsare sent on ap- oetl .vv v-vy V !-IQ: ' ' , The first .-sittings of the Court of .. gay-isio_in_ will._he"held on. 7th June! j.Gbun'il_ "fdeolined '_fto. `a abyalaw. 9.hl '3t% . 1 - w '-0-' ~" --'1", - ~ _. 1",,` -On 7}V=:1L'n_.)`Vti_n; Coutts--Cameron, or- `deretif-I;h'a. t`t`h6'Ti`easurer pay to D- _of" forty dollars in full or an" deinands re bcl-aim .ror `damages. `['1`:he-a-cootmt of ;Wm. Jones for $13 for` repairing wash- 0I,1t taking driftwood from 8th . - 7- ' x.-`--V 'v-':0vvI-Lul. UL }vv Lu. Jmes _for $13 for wash- `1*.,am}_ takmg driftwood ;_"".`-.`b1`" _Wa3 passed and ordered ['jt`5b9.-'P3I.- ' '" 'lI\'L`..-.A9.'.`_.n-~.`.. . . .D00uments roceived and read: A Petition from Wm. Holdsworth .-ind others re new school sec. by-l:Lw. A communication from the South `African Memorial Association" :1sk~ i'!rg.*h Cmmcil for 3. grant to the fund. o A, communication from the 'Gl_ima1k_Road Machinery Co.. Ham- .i_.;v0l,.,v8.lS9i _.fI`Aomn'1`hos. Foster, D. Bird, asking j1l!'iiv"l1;_igI_`'.`.f?lf.'_l19if;"nam.t>.'s struck off the `~l~isIfofi(?:v:crgrs 1 5: caighwa ys. xx. :2 iv ..l'\_.L -a\\I ULLIJ adjournment. All the members" sent. B Council I met The condition of Mr. Jas. Piri-e, now lying in the R. V. Hospital; `is a Source of grave Vapprhension to his friends. A A ' Vespra Council. _on 3rd May as per MAY 18. "1905. -' 1)I`g`. ...... v......-u-..-_ vs uuvnnuug uvvutugu John C. 1!/Iilcas, of Mada.was'ka. has `moycd into the house recently vacated -by Mr. P. `Heels, north town line. ` 2 T ' ' Miss Elsi Crowther left for Tor- onto, where she will spend a -few days, prior `to returning to New ..York. ' Allandale is prepared to share its accommodation with the" n1_Lni's`terS attending the Methodist Copferenoo in Jurne. ' T % ---c, ._---v- ...-on vvuu uansgvlyuuvuo Rev. H. D: Cameron addressed the: Y. P. S. `C. E. of St. Andrew's Pr-es_- abyteriam Church "on Monday eveni_ng.] '|\ITv~ TAR... (`I 1\.l`:I.... -1!` 1a'_.I__,__ u -u~ `r`iVI Mrs.A'lf. Hooper has ret u'r~ned af- 'ter a pleasant threeweeks' visit in- Midla.1d. - - T -.. -v-u.-av usnu .l.luL.|UVlllUo - Mrs. Myers. who is organizing a4 `-companion court I.0. F.. is sucoeod-A ing better than'was anticipated-.` Don L! n n..........-_ -.I.I.._.._-A H ~-~-~-- I Mrs, J`. B. `mcnonm. who. .lxa`d_ been visiting itn_ .0w'n 'Sound.- to- tumod dun Thursday. ma T)......._- _.Q \1,,,, 1-r_`,u v..v--v-- wry: ona\n5u\IuJO `Mrs. Breeze, of New Yoiks is here` for her usual summer visit. and is, staying with Mrs. Lyons. .I `IE ... ;...'..I. `ll ... 1-_-|-- W H. Knapp is bqautifylng -'home by a new c`oatj_of.paint. `Ir 1" Q I)-......~L... L-.. LL- A_2__,1_-__, .-v--- no. u- on n vvuvv Vb.lllto Mr. J; a. B;un'ton has the Ttimbon for l:he`new wharf nearly roady. A Mug 1... ur..\..\.. :. ~: .. `m...---.I AL ---v-J 9;-B vv sun: 4.11.0 no .11] VH5: Mr. and Mrs. Leslie PouoherAwi1l.. on` Friday, start on a. two weeks` visit to Toronto and Belleville. `t..- 'll'__-A, . _ . . V. nun. auvusuu; Luau Wo Mr. John Harris has bpurchased W. B. Taylor s `new house `on William street. ' T Mr.Vz`t'lex. Ness has xi1ov.ed'into'tho house 4 lately vacated by Mr. -T._C. Bnmdtord.- V i _ - fQurterly1,~ Board-'I`nnis~ Oh:/using Hands-4-Fra'tfrhVulV Sermon---Pe L % sons! Jottings. }V A L ' ` owwuwoownonwnwn Yesterday `was pay day oh the I. The `local `tennis G111) hs 0P30hr .1`. R. - ized for the` season w_ith"these offic- -rw or - - -- ` _' 9 1. u-vast xvauy. V "i&I1";.' is `in 'Stroud `u t' hc'r.sister's.5 who is" seripusly i-ll.f Mrs: Bradford. of Toronto, visit- ed her son. ` Thomas. {ast T week. `In . 'I'_l!_. 11' , '- Ho! For Niagara Falls. Events` at Hard on the Cat. William Whyte. of Win_ni`p83o Asg sista.-nt President of the` C; P. Ru", .who is in Monytreal at present; says: .tha.1:' there are `I excellent` fproapeots .'for a .re'oo.ifd crop in the. We_Bt: thi.e` .yea`r.- `A: start has j1been_,z,nade" .in ;seedi;'1g,: ajxjd {the iaAin`o"u\nt: of ~2vn,oij:_'_-,_ _ta';~ee;:_wufg;e~m_:fb9tter;;~;-?. ` `of: V.` B0~000 : -Wren" The Monagerie will be] a delight- ful study for all lbec.a_use it oompris-' as more wild. tame and Z strange beasts` than our people .have,_ ever" `before `had an `opportunity to, see. The show isgreapl; in everything and small nothing; ` - - V `_,`___-.. ..,.,..... yAu|UlLlU&l5 with the grandest morning street parade ever witnessed since parades `were first exploited. In the great shows will -be several new features` which cannot 'be `seen 'e1sewhere. Those who have observed t`ne"mons.-. ter Bovalapus pronounce it the -greatest, the strangeslt amd most unique marvel to" which the deep ducean ever {gave -birth. The lshaggy, -fierce, though beautiful, horse-ridi-ng lion. the Roman.-Hippodrome, `an ex- -act re=produ.c,tion of the course of ancxiezrt Rome and the mold-ern races a.tt_a.c'hed. to it, are at once excit- ing; exhilarating. `and in all {things equal to the fibest` races run an a modern raoeecourse. The p-irons. which consists of "one hundred." and fifty, superior acts. performed by one_- Ihumdred superior arenib stars. re,- `quires Jthree` fullchours in which to give them. _ 9 At the recent iqua'rie_rly services in connection with Burton Avenue Metihodistschurch a large number partook of the sacrament." The re- gular official meeting of the Board i held subsequently, disclosed a satis-` factory financial condition, the vari- ous departments being well ahead of last quarter. An additio-.1 to the subscriptions of over one hundred `dollars wasshown. while the mem- ~bership,r.oll increased by.16 in the face of heavy removals. Rev. J. J. ARedditt, who was present. seized `the opportunity of congratulating the pastor `and the members on the healthy, state of church affairs. The decision of the Supreme Court in the appeal of the Oanadian Paci- ffic Railway Company Blain may mark the end of a curious andApro- tracted piece of litiga`tion..which has occupied the courts for upwards of three years. By this decision T. J. B1ai.n..of Brampton, who is. the plaintiff,..is confirmed in the award of $4.000 damages for_ an assault committed on him on one of the company's trains. The effect of the` litigation, if" it - goes no further, or if an appeal to the Privy Council ;results in Mr. Blain s favor.'will be ;to place in a very clear light the. duty of a railway company to pro- tect passengers. - ' At the Presbyterian Church on Sunday evening a Large congrega- ltion heahd Rev. Mr. Cameron's elo- quent -sermon on the text Consider the lilies, etc." The music was of Imaterial assistance to_ the service", {the choir rendering the -a.nt.hem |Guide Me." in which T]&Ii'ss M.` |Thompson and-Mt. Pearce took the ;`duet. Miss Ethel McMorra.n's more- oially well received. Mug solo,..My Saviour, was espe- Burton Avenue`. Methodist Church had .a large - attendance `on Sunday evening. The pastor took up_ the apostle John's add1"essto the Scribes and Pharisees. Misses Bruntom and Gilchrisnand Messrs. Berry `and D01- lery, rendered a =quartette in an ac- ceptable manner. In. the anthem Mrs._ Humphrey was leading soloist. Mr. George Wilson `has negoti`at# ed the following real e3tate-'tra.ns- fers: Lot on Bradford St.. 0. G. Arthur (Midland) to Mrs. Thos. Met- calf; lot on Main St.. G. P. McKay to S. North : house and dot on town- ~line. AG. Kindred to Fred'k Barker. The membersiiof St; Georige'si Siio-9. oiety and Sons of England" will com- memorate Viotoria Day by `attending divine service at St. George's Church. Sunday, 21st infst.. at A11 a.m. The Rev. Canon Murphy will preach. tenni cluii) the with `these ens: Hon. `Prea...'.vJ_. L. Burton`: P'res.,-Rev. H. D. Cameron: Seo.. Wm. Steggles; Treas.. Miss M. Ross. . . Awan Ipsrjuawns 'VV)StE8N nun A.`I"`NI_NE'l'Y mnmox 3asnVm;.s.% % A nzconn cnop. SURELY comma. 'ogo7`aDmidt. '; Yn :vi.:I!o,-9}t_l(nrr8'3 . "Have you ever seen a oat tget mix- ygad up with a,aheet of sticky fly. f baper? If not you have missed one of .tthe_real sights of this life. `The '."terriied. jumping-, spitting. _mewing ""oi`atnre presents a most .ludio;'o`us "$'peota.cle to all onlookers. and pans-' '93" an ~imme'nse amount of Jaughter gfun, but Vwhen. the frantic and % d.ene'd. pet `become:-3T jalzpositl` he:-ed 'by:the sticky stu_ff.~9.'n_d aama o,_.`_to '.pa_rpbl:s,. p-1_;rt`;ajiixs,'.- t9..""_egnns to be tea-h'zed`.if1i 3 fzails ; to- ..am*' a . Of the` episqd `re Td,oi`g'!idea'-itha ___-v--- --uv-1I1I&I`IT' *1tyo"mm_ man` 3? `son, ,` dro poeto`I1|rd;ndourm1`))x1:ese;;:a:i:eu8"~)r p S mom the mineagf 5' We&:`t.i'n box cats. _Its 11 and clean. We have etoglveoarembe veg. Wesoroen qvox-ai1\I.acreen_.,` ' ./._ ` , |Price foij Cash. th Lewes} ur~L1noof Buildars Supplies is` _299g1etv NOW Is`TnE'nm: TO 5 cm` YOUR SLUPPLYLIN STEWART`-.-A,t 71:;;.r, street, Tor-i ontd. to Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Stewart. a daughter. 1 .The article pays a high `tribute to the consecrated ability ofvefv. Dr."Witten. the honored: Rector of Christ Church. and concludes with a message, of hope and of confident optimism for the [future that lies before it.- i . _ DIED. . M DONA_LD-'0n May 8th. `at the re- , Tsideince of her sbrother-in-law. Wm. 1. Allan, Churchill. Mary` M. McDonn- ald." u . 2 , A '5 .u- _ BlllZ_`th8 `centre of Barrie to the write!` and its chief_ attraction was aeharidsomeilittle church on Collier street. built `of. stone and brick. which is known in the community as Christ Reformed. Episcopal Church. The building.` capable of .seating -four hundred people, is cruciform in shape.'tho1:oughly -churchly in ap- pearance, both inside and outside, _ and, advantage "having been` taken of theslope on which it -fronts, is two stories high, though entered by only a `few steps in front.` The ap- pointments of the church,are good, and the pipe organ is one of unusual mellowness for so smallan instru- ment. It is easy to see that the founders of this parish and the builders-of this churchnew well what _they were -doing. and did` it well. r`It `would.-be difficult to de- scriabethe feelings `that welled up within us when we were taken over this stately little building and knew that the self-denying "d8iV0ti0Il of fits people-had freed it from` all en- ` cum`brance.? " a I 2 The, town of Barrie. Ontario. is beautifully situated on Kempenfelldt Bay, whic`h'is an arm`of Lake Sim- ooe. .In the -sumlmer, when the trees are clad in verdure. {it rises from the shores of .the lake with a v-olupp tuous beauty that reminds one -of the Swiss `Italian lakes. When first seen by`? us, a few days ago; although A`winter still lingered in the lap of spring. it was bathed in ?sunshine and looked truly beautiful. Our readers are reminded of the excursion to Niagara Falls on Mon- day, June 19th. under the auspices of Canterbury Lodge. Sons of Eng- land, Collingwood. The excursion _will go-`by a special train. Tickets from all stations morth of Brent- wood good "to return either by spen- cial train on Monday at 7 p.m.. or by any regular train up to Wed- nesday night, June -21st. Tickets from Brentwood. Angus, Utopia. Col- well and Allandale valid until Tues- day night. June 20th. The time of `the fare `from the different stations arle:--Meaford. 6 a.m., $2.70: Thorn- fbury, 6.20 a.m.. -$2.60; Field's Cross-. Ving, 6.26 a.m.. $2.50; Craigleith, 6.35 'a.m.. $2.45; Lake Jct., 6.45 .%i.m_., $2.35; Colliingwood, 6.55; $2.35; Bat- -`teau, 7.03, $2.35; Stayner. 7.15, $2.30`; Sunnidale, 7.30, $2.30: New Lowell, `L34. $2.15; Brentwood.` 7.40, $2.15; :.Angus. 7.45. $2.10: Utopia, 7.48, $2.05 :. ;,Co1weii, 7.55, $2.05; Allandale, 8.10, :;?$2.05. The special train will arrive '? at Niagara Falls at 12.30 p.m.'. thus Q-giving those who ,..may wish to re-` Vrturn the -same evening `ample time } to. see the wondrous sights of that ffhistorio ground. Side trips may be .=.r,na;de to Buffalo at a very low cost. , .Any further information desired `may had by writing the committee. .J. Godden, G." E..Hawkes. J. Lookton. Ad `II A I T? ' . l was: Lemon B_aos'.s-Hows. } ._ Every man, woman o'r child who {knows anything about circuses, and - who ever saw the great Lemon Bros.` [will be dieligh-ted to know that the big shows in all their magnificence land exalted grandeur. will surely {exhibit at Barrie on Saturday. May _ !27th. and precedes both exhibitions the several departure -of the special train and -seen the___mons.-. Bovalapus the `towhich deep ocean -birth. The shaggy,` beautiful. horse-ridi-ng -act course. of Rome modern to flbest `a -.'yrh-e pirous,` -which one yhun.d_redr and . one; ` superior arenic re",-y ` `q`uires_!three'-`full-hours which to fifty; -performed give _ .ful study because morning ` elsewhere. at _ Menage`ri`e 7w.u1 es; . . ` V _ pit o om_pris-A` `_` es `wild. ; and truth` [As to hisgimpressions of Barrie ; and the Rgformed Episcopal Church. `Dr. Freemantle writes appreciating- ` ly .as, follows: ' We Vi: The - curreht issue` of ._ The `Episcopal ~ Reconder jot .Ph-ihgd'el`phia_ may - be, designated ' a 7 Barrie -niamfber, `or. to -`be more exact. a "Christ "Church" m1mber._ On the front` page are pre- sented a cut of` the edifice "and'_t'_h'e Tphotagravures of -four of_ its leading workers and promoters. There isan .in`teresting historical sketch of- the} parish -organization. dating from` 1876. Rev. Dr. William `A. Free- m`a~ntle s sermon, preached. `here on Sunday morning. April 30th',`appears in full. and will long be remembered by those who had the .good fortune to attend. In speaking or `the church and its outlook. the editor has. among other things. this to say: .1111 - - __ I Aashsn aou (Fina 133%-oabtln REAL:s1'A_1": Acsnrs '0 sun. .-....A 4.. 1'\____ , Coal Coal M.-. p. sum. on you _.. __.. .. v--p vu and, 7W. `Tom. VColl.i-ngwoo<;." BORN. T8151 IYORTHERN ADVANCE Now, as well as at any other time,! it is perhaps `becoming to adsmit ~that prior to the general elections in January I underest'ima*ted . (tzhe good sense and capabilities of gov- emment `AW-hich Premier Whitney has demonstfratedwsince he has oc-l copied-the chief place in our; pro- vincial Govemment._ Absolutely and ' unequivocally I ` opposed the re~ election of the Ross Government. but with iplainly stated. belief that l Mr. Whifney and his frieuid were ,.probably incapable of_ doing ; any} ' . thing more -than demonstrating their .ianefioiency.. L hold` -unchanged` Ttliio, view that not, apother moment` could` the Rosa_Go_tre1`nn1eirt hays. been; jean -` grated,` `put -I *aocgpt_ -ttge-o.1t;;,-,'jme_`;,g ; fstihe not une'on'nnon ~nctis;take`thAat`ft'h - ppppsition has; -not'qu`_a`lified' theiia; ` lies , by, he. ,d"eiola1'\-5d`: poliey-.: `oi- Age . osi-t`i`6n ;`_6n::_n`y ` - A '3"`to "uhde_tt;ake 1? `1 1 '. s GEORGE% KERS SUCCESSOR TO FRAWLEY 6 DEVLIN. Reniember. May 23rdAlast day of sale. Shop early the can. Prices for Spot Cash. Messenger will wait goods proval. o e SQCCESSOR DEVLIN. Frawley _Block,LBetweene the Bank of Commerce and Ban-`tie House - % - ' Phone 169. vv U05 _m"'1;."'X. 3E":rI$presbyi.u~::;n -Church will hold, a- sale ofkvork on Friday, from 4 to 8 p.m., in the church basement. Refreghmentsh served. Admission 10 cents. .' . _ Next Sunday being the 400th anni- ; versary of the birth of John Knox,` Rev. H. D. `Cameron. will, at the: morning service, take up the life and work of the great reformer. )4 ments at Vickers %r:eme.mus%%%sa.e of % nAeadv~to-wear a .1 At The" Penitent Bench. 81 Ladiee Silk -Blouses in white.` black, pale blue. green, brown and abet: ailk-all reduced during sale. ' 480 Boys Tweed and Serge Suits all reduced in p r i c e. `Also 40.we1l% J V made Tweed Suits in sizes 26 to 34 on sale at Bo ys . Price % % The pricesare cut regardless of cost, and there are real bargain offerings for e`ve1"yone`%in T V ' J ' % % I 3038' Sllifs - % % Men s'Rain Coats. ' Ladies Silk Waists `- Men : Suits _ % Lag_lies Coats Ladies Skirts And the.cr<.wds are tl 1er`e to take_ ad vantage? of this great nlnoney-saving opportunity. Women; boys and men alik. are Interested, In this great economy sale. Half u J-II Mr. Dadson, manager of theVD.-tvies pork packing establishment at Tor- onto, gave his Allanduyl-ev -c'ustvom- cars a friendly call last week.- . 7I'\'L... `I Regular $3.25, on sa'e - - Regular 83. 75 and $4 50, on sale Raqnlar 85 00, on gale -. . Regular 35 75 and $6.00, on sale Sale Continues until May 23rd. --v wv-un-Qua. nun-,\d \l`\IV' SILK WAISTS IIIII` .Suits| 60 Men s Rain Coats, in all sizes,ein grey, fawn and tweed effects, all to goat a and _Serge,Sui%s--'-anyone you choose at` 9. fo regular Lselling price. `Also 20 in sizes 34 to 38, to go at -n. 1). .G. M. wakriend. of Orillia,_ an official visit to Minerva .Iiudge, Btroud; 1`uesday,. evening. v!9ait *=im9 was u.-u Iv vuao Mr. Htxghes and family have re- moved from Saniorkl street to the house lately oocupied -by Mrs. Burns, morth town line. '. *

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