Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 11 May 1905, p. 2

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DB. J. F. PALLING. GRADUATETOF .l.`J VV DULY _LIn vsuyu -- -v...._ __, __ _ ters, Solicitors of the Supreme Court ,of -.Ju_dicatu_re, of 0.ntario,: Pnoctors. Notaries. Con-.eyancers.l etc. Money to loan. Office, Ross Block. Barrie. C. E. Hewson, K.C., .'A. E. H. Greswicke. VJ-`S\t1.I-l...l.L 5D .L`Jb.I.n.a.aa,Vg ---.--------_.__, _ Solicitors in High Court of Jug-1 -tice. Notaries Public. Conveyancers. I Offices over the Bank of Toronto.` LBarrie.- Money in sums of $2,000 and upvards. to loan at 5 per cent. . H. Strathy, K. C., G. H. .`l3..L.._. I. MUIR JAMIESON. BARRIS'_I`ER. Solicitor. Notary Public. Pnvate funds to loan at lowest rates. Of- fices: . Bank of Toronto Building. 'l'\..I.....`I.. ..-..\ .1 Q1 DR. J. ARTHUR ROSS, L. R. `C. P. & S., Edinfburgh; M. (F. P. & S., rrlnennnr nnnv-nfhnr nf +1-no I21-H-:n.h| UU(I.l'L- =Esten. UV` MU}. ID L11-JJVVLAJ.II.sy -- ----- --._ sters, `Solicitors. Notaries Public, gmd Conveyancers; Money to loan- -u1 any sums at 5 per cent. Office 13 Owen street. Barrie. H. D. Stew- art. L. L. D.. D. M. Stewart. R. s. BROAD. M. D. 0. M.. F. 13.3 pay`... :A._I.?r. -BARRISTER. soL1c1:r_o'R. ` -~. I`;-nw4\Cv`|U\lIQT )+_ HOMOEOPATHIST. W. J`. PATTERSON. M..D.. 0. M.. DInnu:n:nn .e11v-rvnnn uAvmnnnnn5L o JJCLIL U]. ll UB5 ` Telephone ` 184. 0. H.`LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS TO} F.-ns. d. b. Day.u1n, 1.4. U. E. 0., U1` .|.., (`late of Drs. Harvie & Smith, Oril- Alia). Office and residence. corner of Owen and Collier streets, Bar- $70,000 FOR INVESTMENT ON GOOD `}'eoh.' E'c.. L. I'c.7. s., E.iE{~.'.'. if R. C. P.. Landon. . Offices and night residence. Brown s Block, Dunlop street, Barrie. Telephone. 77. I ANY QUAN'*iY OF MONEX Trinity` University. Toronto. Fel- low of Trinity Medical College. Member of the College of Physi- cians and Surgeons of Ontario. Of- fice and residence, 18 Owen street. UNWIN; MURPHY` & ESTEN. ON- up 0., nunutuuxgu, . IL'- I. u. 0.,` Glasgow. member of the British] Opthalmological Society. Special- ty.--Diseases of the Eye. Ear, Throat and Nose. Office, 78 Dunlop e street, Saunders Block, Barrie, op- j osite Post-Office. .and `Railway tation. Phone 54: P.0. Box 96; `THE BALL PLANING MILL COM: "M."'o.,'i.'.'6."i=. .. 3.. i;.t`esae Physician and Surgeon of Toron- to General `Hospital, with special attention t-o Diseases of Women. .and Nose and Throat Work, also for some time surgeon in charge of Emergegcy Hospital.. Toronto.` Office and ight residence. upstairs in McCarthy Block, 21 Dunlop St., `Barrie. second door east of Dou- `gall Bros. furniture warerooms, near Five Points. Phone 105.` I THOMAS KENNEDY 5; 09.. 'ARcHf:' `I. A'._-L.. -'t\__A.'-..2-' .111, ,1 . u. _1_:1.LL.urboUn, n.|..-1.1.. u. Lu... Physvclan, Surgeon, Homoeopath- -i'st. Office Hours-11 a.m. to 1 p.m.. 7 `to 8 p.m. Cor. Poyntz Dunlop Sts., Barrie. Phone 1.-.v..< v--.-.-. - \4AVJa'\-V Av V`-10:1`: on Red] -.13`-.s:ate at lowest rates. Farmers notes discounted. Collec- tiuons made in any art of the County. Real estate= ught and sold. Conveyancing. in all lts bran- ches. Marria e Licenses issued. Of- fice. _Ross -13 ock. Dunlop street, :Barr;e. - _Peter7tibi'o _ j_-ra~tepa;yc1_'s V defeated rdve 'he` fgjxfe s.yste_Vtjn. i_;n....p_xoy1de,L$25.b00.___to im- ,-vv _ we-.v ....w - .a-na..-a.;4.|.1 .5 \Ia.V \\.r\ILI freehold security at lowest -rate of interest. N_o principa1`money re- uire-d untnl eng1- of the term. 13!. - . Strathy. Sohcitor, etc., Barrie. LNY QUANTITY MONEY TO [loan at 4 1-2 `and 5 per cent. Easy -terms of re-pa ment. Lennox. Cow- alt] &. `Brown. olicitors. Barristers. e c. _ ` r.__-, v`.v-v.--__ _. ...---a-.pu' Ila.` tario Land Surve ors. Engineers. etc. Established 18 2. Office. Medi- cal Building.hS.E. oorner Richmond and Ba; . streets, Toronto. Tele- ph-one.- ain. 1336. Instructions left `with Strathyv &. Esten. Solicitors, Bank of Toronto Building, Barrie. will be promptly attended to. .__._ .-__:: Q -no-aging.` vi `manna:-I \l\I.LI4L' -pany. Carpentering. building, and mgnufaoturing of doors, sash. fbynds. mouldings. etc. Planin of all klnds done. promptly and `Ba isfac- toyily. Hot blast dr.yi1_1g kiln`. Dis- tr1ot`Agenoy for gramed. lumber. i;Fqwtjor'y. .Bayfie-ld street.` Barrie. 8: Gallic.-successors to Geo. E ,` . _. ` C` ` I .\` A V 1...- _,.,, .--v-v-.-w- now save. :3; t`-A.c:(s't`s:'O1-1;:a1'io`IBlock'. Barrie. ` '.1.65-a. m. For Orillia. North Bay Ind 800. ? - 7 :11.45 a. .m. For Gravenhurst. /Botiia Junction. Parry Sound and North` -Bay. V ' -4.04 p. m. For orima, North 3., nd points West. ZPHYSICIANS. E&EY mo LOAN. MANUFACTURERS. S'UR_V_EYO{RrS ._ FINANCIAL. 13.; BABR18; p vn-__A_ Nqnhi Advent 515 1 inh.'......'. -7 .. 7 37.28 a. m. For Goongetown.(Car(l- well Junction and Hamilton. ` ! 35.82 p. m. For Georgetown. Card-. -well Junction and Hamilton.` V} #;nu~ 4` l$'Preferred positions for local 3. - - _ments in_the paper will be. sold at an (3,`(.';:)' -of onezthxrgi on ahove rates, and on no othge account W111 special pos_1t.1ons he givcn_ Th. rule W111 be strrctly camed out. ' CONTRACT CHANGES. V Advertisers will please bear in mind th `notxce of intentron to chan e advertiscmen? `mustbe handed mto the 0 cc not later um` Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the eopv for Snell: rchange must be m THE ADVA.\'(..`E otee not later-than12o clock noon on M . onday i week, otherwise the advert1ser`s 8nn0lln(teTn8]t x_nay not be made public until the week follow 11) . ` f2 changes of Advertisements allowed W. year.beIgh1:!ogr;eare requ1red,eomposmon rate; Advertisers wxll _not be allowed tou.=.c-thei. space for advertlsrng anything outside the{ own regular business. Should . . `hey do so tran_s1ent.rates will be charged for such ad verusements. V- __-...__ .. . ....-- pI1|'_AIl|..\ . Condensed ac v_ertisements on rs! page such as wants of all kmds, lost and found, propeny for sale or to rent,_ specic articles. etc..eu~ must be accomparncd with the cash. and wiii be 1nserted-rst gnsertion 2 cents per word each subsequent msertion 1 (-(-nt per word (names,a.ddx-esses and gures counted as words). -but a`reduct1on of one cent per word will bp' madewhen the number of insertions of sam matter exceed four Cuts for advertisements mun In every I cape be mounted on solid metal hues. [THOS.SMITH Rnrnxsnxr `ms Fouowmc Fm: Ixsurunc Commsnzs: i The Mercantile, of Ontario. and The Lon dnn 8: `I .n:no.m:hirn nf T.ivnr'nnn ! Ina mercannue, OI untarlq. and `me Lon don & Lancaehire of Lxverpool. 3 The Waterloo Mutual. of Waterloo. On \ The Economical Mutual. of Berlin, on; The Standard Mutual, of Markham, on Also Lloyd's Plate Glass Insurance Com . pany, of New York. Private funds to 103:: on first mortgages. Ac counts coHected.- 82c. (`$5. An..- Ll-.._LIu.. R. II-l...-'.. lJ..-J.....-- Cu... COUYIIS COUGCICCL` NC. Ofce over Hambly ` & Baker's Hardware Store ; Barrie . Ont. x I THOS. SMITH ` 311.25 \a,'. in. - For Penetang. Col- lingwood. Meaford. H _ ' - \ ' 33.40 p. m. For Stayner. Calling- mood and Meaford. ` V` -1--__. 'lN_1I2-- `CJPITAL SUBSCRIBED, - $500,000 CAPITAL CALLED UP, - 5150.000 * Government Deposit .S`~53.CO0 O1-eratai V . under Dominion Lie-nse. This Canadian Ccmpany has representa- tive: in the principal towns throughout the |Dominion. Selects its risks-and gives an advantage in rates to such favorable in lo- cation, physical and moral hazard Tnos. Cnuvroru), M.P I ., President- C. C VANNORMAN. Vice President-. W. GREENWOOD BROWN, General Manatzfh ` J. H. BENNETT, Agentat Baum Th 9 %%-E?9Hi%tv ms cHEEs%@.iu%'s_ A'i .lAN|]AlE LOTS FOR SALE. 9 Blank books of evefYd`e:; cription ruled and W` ; (order. ; J ._Mpgazines neatly bf f`+ Wa general.:;"o ;] Barrie, uutiann spun. `GRAIN CHOPPING EVERY my Ar FIRE IusunAnc"cuMPm urvvu u-..- ._-.._ v 18.00 p. m. 'F'o_r-cPenetang,ACol1ing- {Wood and Meaford; _ ' A 7 xmily except Sunday. fDai1y. CdummcuL CONTRACT RATES. ; column { column 5 column .QA|-..!. _ C?./H-..! TTUU: - TT" 7 Brightest and Best at lowest prim- (Svcczssox TO Scnoccm 6: SMITH.) *u;;a ;;.a`;s.,;t wgoa CONDENSED ADVEP.TXSEME.\'TS. -_._-.I _J_-__A___,, 4 APP1yI;t 2, West Baldwin Street. BARR|E..: TH: Norrri-Iznn Auvnucz An 8 !'a_o_48 Column Newspaper, _ Published from the office, `123 Dunlop Street, 1 Barrie. in the County of Simcoe, the Pro- ` Vince of Ontario. 3 Canada. e.ver.y Thursday Morning, by Insurance Agent Conveyancer, fe. , Jacob : Terrace ` ` 3 THE ` 7 ADVANCE0FFICE, Barrie. | 1Wk. 1 Mo.I3 Mo.E }.';.'..o1r'___ juuand split. ODDTRTD Y7`TC`C MAY 11. 1905. flew name will. he added to the Sub acriptidn. List until the money is paid. - - G.`-.1. . :`..`-tk.n.g. mail! {:1 nwnnnmn fnvv flu-an .mnnt'|1n `Phone V LJAOA ..--_ Corrier of Bradfot and Elizabeth Sts. I" r ~ .i6 Mo.i1 Y . Crist0_I . IN ONE acnpuptrx. mun uubu we uluucy m yam. Subscribers now in arrears for three -months and ever will be charged $1.50 per annum. l3;emption `of Farm Wood-1 lands. ' \Il.E.LEYia`F;Ev\A~l;'l='7R5VPi=IIETOBS 3 Mr. J. P. Downey, memher for South Wellington. has a Bill before "the Legislature with the dbjeet of empowerin-g municipalities to exempt certain woodlands from taxation. The Bill defines .wood.la.n ds"A as ."lands having not less than 400 trees lto the acre. of all sizes.. of. one or more of the following kinds: White or`Nor.way. pine, white` or Norway fispruce, `hemlock, `tarnar-ac. oak, ash. -elm, hickory, vbasswood, iitulip (white- .Wo0d) lblaok cherry. black w.ailnu.t';` {bu-tternut, ~c`hestnut,. hard maple, Iblacik locust, or oatallpa, and which have lbeen set apart `by the owner {for the `sole purpose of fostering the lg!`-owsth of the trees. and which are . `not .used 'for `grazing live stock. or `for any, other purpose` which would interfere with the natural `growth `ofthe trees." `- i -9 Judigingptrrom ` lthe iexperienoe of `several of {the "neigl_1boring`[Sta,'te.s of the `Union; unwise "taxation has tends ' - led 'la11gelx to :bring about -the de- ` lstr,u`oti'on -of the forest, Vjust A-asfju; ildioious tax exemption has done nmuohy .lto ist`im`u'l'ate its- preservation and know-t.h`. A V. - ; A v. M`:-. Downey'.s 13111` is the .-logical. \ You-toozne "of an increasing agitation -innfavvor of. Provincial reforestiag. ; . and seems ito be? dr_aftedc-alonfgi carci- inltelll-igent ` lines.` l.'1"he - oouni T `oil 'of any township may 'gran.t"the 'oxompt'ion my a two-tahintis vote. hut {by-flaw thus passed `shah not ex-i -.'euxpttmo1'-e,.t_han one acre-in ten and :' Plot exceeding-_.25 acres whole at-he .la_nds"5,hel`d `under single T fjorship. V_.P_rovisi_on. ~_is_ _rna_dej_ ??*ii*!uinzs '*1!..`-,-',*p:!1Pt3011. so Ibex; agwthe pr9psrt_ y;l:n'iquestioiil P9 P.``9`l9":. 01 per Ammm -in Advance 39.24 p. m. For Orillia. ananu: nAu.wiw cum: It` 1.`?1"i'. E*3 *158'}U??1 TPrvI9=i! "Bill '5h_7ad ` c> z1__:sidero;B l'e_`..`z:i6__ T T` Vioiwe hnutment. ' ' ` of" I Tums or SUBSCRIPTION; em #13: it ljor -P-eneta.n. Col-1 Plain. Candid Talk from aWeI|-known Man} A P. c. Gibbons. of. 83 Mac Gill `st, Toronto. Ont.." .has_' been greatly benefited by the use of Bu-Ju. the Kid_ney Pill, and .'he tells his experi- ence in `the following straightfor- ward, candid letter. whichvis printed in full. just as he wroteit. _ "\--_..lLA I\.-`L Tasman ' Ill} Ll-ll}. Juan. an Q9 VVLIIUV-out '1`oron'to. -Ont.. -Ju-ne `9;'V1904. Claflin Chemical C_o., Windsor, Olntt. A LL-.. ._--D.._!-`nu `Av ULa,:.uu vuvuaavu; v_v., -. .._--- -__,. Genitlemen: After - sufferim ' for ` nearly `two years "from `Kidney and Rheumatic trouble. also being unable to work an-d_.under heavy expensetfor medical itreetment. I--oe'cam~e; dis.- 'coura.ged, and `thought there was no possible cure {for me. when a `friend advised me -`to .try` your "Bu-Ju" Remedy. I of course `thought it no use and expected `the same result aslall my other fruitless triu1s. but con~sen`ted to try 'them._ _When ater "using :two boxes I found my `con- dition `somewhat improved. I have only-use-d `five boxes and now I `am strong and gfree `from Rheumatism, amd I r.C-all `saivncerely recommend "Bu-' ` Ju `:to all sufferers of 'thesame._ Yours" very ftruly. - I 83 McGiil_St. . P. GIBBONS. D V91 .l.uu1 MOGill St. . '9` Ill; `'13:. c. GI'BBoNs.. S-uc`h evidence as+t'his should con-. Vince all..who are_ s-uferin-g from kl-dxiey `trouble, or marny, of the vari-_ ous diseases that `arise Lfrom dis- ordered kidneys. that;Bu-Ju. the Kidney Pill, is` the remedy'th[at the,-y req_uir-e. What it, has done for Mr. Gvbbons and thousands of others, it will do for you. Bu-Ju is t`or `by all vd-ruggxsts. v j i 1:? The a'n'inu'al report of the Minister of Railways for the past year con- -tains_* interesting statistics of the progress of railway ibuil-ding. and earnings. There were, up itovlast y.ear,'19,431 miles of road in opera,- tion. the addition during the year. being 443 miles. The period of most active {building in Canadawas be- tween 1874 and 1894. In the former year the length of operated railway was 4,331 miles, representing the own- strubtion work of thirty-eight years. By 1884 there had been added 5,942 miles, and the record was 10,273 miles. This was increased by 1894 to 15,627 miles, or by 5,354_miles. The gross earnings of Canadian raiglways for the past year were $100,210,834, of -which $64,673,319 came fnom freight traffic, $26,001,-' 831 fnom passengers; $4,031,662 from marriage of mails and express, `and $14,612,022 from other sources; ` 'I"1na nnornfino` aynnses amounted $1,4,01Z.UZZ II`0lI1 0`ne1' uuuruua; The 0 erating expenses -amounted. `to $74.5 3.161. divided as follows: General and, operating charges. $20,- 154,064; cost of motive power, $25.- 879,359; maintenance of` way and '-buildings, $15,569,060; maintenance of cars. $0,960,676. the `balance being made up in other expenditures, The no? t3,91"n`)fl`V`R WET`! maue In otner t`.X]_)Ullu1Lu1ua.. The net .eamin`gs were $25,656,274. This gum` was available for meeting interest charges on the $449,114,035 of Ibond'ed'indebtedness and the $145,- 559,412 of preference. and $347,158.- 117-of 01'-d=inar.y stock. mr....1. M loan n'F Hm. n-Anita]. it 11'!-OI 0Fu=1nar.y BLUCK. _ _ _ Muc_h. at least, of` the cvapntal. It as plam, brings the Investor 110 re- -turn. There are eighteen roads which did not earn their running ex- penses, and are thus put in the same category" as the lntercolonial. the. Government road, UOIIDOU met. on Apru, auuu. vvu.u all -the members resent. The ten- der of W-m. McMi lan for operating the grader at $2.10 per day of ten hours was accepted: also that of Ben Home for "ceam at $33.75 per The complaint that enoes of o n . McKay and Wm. Perrymarn. were on road allowance was `laid over. Harris !Wigge.was ordered -.to have fence removed `from road val- lowanoe_'by J-unelst. Several ` rants of money for roach were lai over till the road money is apportioned. A.......~....+a~ A9 4:05 RF; frdm (`.h.m`|es C111 tne I'0a.(1 IIl01lUy 1.`: uppuxeiuucui I Accounts of $95.55 fr 111 Charles . Shaw and $65.80 from _. 1. Clark for snow `plow work were passed. "No action was taken reigarding shade trees cut `down opposite John Gil- ` lespie`s. Offers we're received from machinery companies `;for a road -grader, but `none of these were ac- cepted. John Ellsmere` asked for a ` new road scraper. Robert Carsca-d- den asked to 'be transferred from olliing su- b-division No. 6 to No. 8. go. action wastakein on R. W. Metwp oalf`s letter re si-d-e`wa.1ks in Hawk- stone till next meeting. No action `was taken on the communication from 'the Toronto City Clerkaskin-g si~gna_tures for a petition to_ give married women similar rights in vot-" inn; towwhat spinsters and widows GD oyo . `V 0 . _ . eganding the formation of a new school section out of parts 8. 10. 11 and 13. the committee reported that the sections _coneerne d would have to take the initiative. On motion of ; Messrs. Robertson _( and Thomp- sonit was deoided.to take no action. 1'teasons~give1_i were : The strong pe- tition a__1_id_ individual protests from parties interested: , the `petitioners not -being zn'e9.r_ly* so badlyisituated for school privileges as many parts of `the Township: that the number o_ohild`ren f school age in proposed section woul not meet re'q-uirememts of the Act. and the formation `of a new section would make `four ..we`a ones. where three strong"-A section ' -V-VI... , -gm . " _The RGGVH. and,__Coun, Robertson will My out the route. ot,iie.. road grader` on this ~5tih. r The _ptre'a;surefr vi; s insbrncte _yto'pay.r-. snow ":plow p (ml is and other.aecounts presented; - Dounoil ;ad,iou;7iied_,~-=to. meet at _;'j;the_;_. "Aal|'=:lf.-Hnn Danna 2 LII) ll _ BUJV Ill JJUU. ; VI) 5 call of `the Reeve. our-vw --nu 1--gnu; - 1 33:55 as? I-I:AoAct-u`. T. - , R 7 AN`D NIUIILGIA OUR! '1` ._ V0933: counou met kc; April. 26th. with n `:1..- mamlmra nr.-umnf The fans- Canadian `Railways T Eeufalgia; :n:N;d;e; qy 1 l n. n tannin:-nn` u-Annnul 0190 Council. _What is the Proprs Basis for Railway Rates? -The ta-tes cha-1`.g*ed'5b5" ra?lw'ays for freigh't and [passenger se'rvice. should `be based not [on what it would cost to duplicate the roads today. but an IFI-an nnf nf fh. roads t0 'dupU0ate the roams LU'u.i1y, uuut. on `the. cost at the `time the were built.` . . - . " That, in effect, was the argument ' of .JohnW.i Loud. traffic manager -of the G1'.and_Trun.k, fbefore the Railway Oommission, at the sitting held in Toronto last week. Is it sound? It `w uld lbe laughed at if advanced `on be alf of a `private business enter- prise. The farmer who -demanded a price for his-_ whea't based on the cost of sowing . by hand.` reaping with a ssickle, and threshing with _oxen. would -be -deemed a `fair uoa;ndi- date. for the. asy_lum. The. miller the cost of producing by the kind of .-machinery in use 50 years agro. would `be iquietly passed to one side "for `treatment by `the Osler-Trollope method. The same general ' state- . ment `applies to all lines of private] business. Prices of production in all the ordinary commercial under- takings must be based on the cost of a modern plant operating under ' modern vconditions. vWhy. then, _ should a -different; standard be fixed- " for a railway corporation? Why should the cost of service by a` car- rying company be fixed on what it cost to `build a road -at a time when the hand-shovel was in use, rather than on the cost of duplicating that road withvthe aid of the labor-saw ing machinery `of to-day ?` Surely: the fact that the right. to exist, has been conferred upon a- railway by "legislation `&:acted {by the people s representatives, does not `carry with it any such further mi- v`. le,<=res as Mr. Loud demands.- Weekly Sun. L _____ I who lbased `the price of his lflour -on . |VNationl 'Rcvords For Live`- I Stock.` The efforts made by the leading -stockmen of Canada, with the` en- couragement of the Dominion `Min-T ister of Agriculture. for a National- .system of recording ure bred ilive lsfock were successfu ly 'culmi`nate'd -4. .(\L4-.-.....'-. Ind! urnnly Iuhan |fI':1di flf!` l 1 Si: ! at 1 ock were sucoessluuy Uullullluzbpu _ A-Ottawa last week, when ldadinrr stock`-`breeders |from- throughout Canada, representing various breeds. signed a ree_me`nts with the Minis- ter of griculture forvthe co-op- eration of his department. and `ap- pointed :1 National Record Committee to ake, the '-responsibility of manag- ing matters of common interest to the various Record Societies. As a result of the agree"ments, the Min- iSL( .I` undertakes that the` seal of his .dep\;1vr1:mentv shall `be attached to all certi-ficates of registration when . pp`roved by an officer appointed by "a ham. IlIm. V The following-were lected as the Executive Committee:-Chairman. R Miller. Stouffville. Dnt.; Robert 'Beith, Bowmanville;`Wm., Smith. Columbus; A. `W. mith.- Maple Lodge; J. Brevthour. Burford; John. Dryden. Toronto. -and R. Ness, Howick. Que; A. P. Westervellt, "I"...-nnlvn can-an onnninfod .QDl".Y'I3+Y`V_ ?Howick. Que; A._ .1 . westerve; 'Toronto. was appomted Secretary. ` Lever s Y-Z (Wise Head)Diainfectant Soap I_Powder is a boon to any home. It. disin- fect; and cleans at the sgune time. 3. The Provinciatsecretary is right in his contention that, the Govern- ment .!being -committed to a .-strict enforcement of the liquor laws, the men chosen for that duty should be those in yvhom the Gpvernmemt can place entire cornfidenc. A strict enforcement, without. `fear or `favor as regards individuals. m s a non- ipolitical aidministnation o the Ilia-_ censelaws. It would in many cases bri_ng.an intolerable condition were the execution" of the laws left1un- reservedly in the `hands of a set of men grown gray in the notori- _ously,partisan serviiceeof the pre- vious regime.--`Lond0n Free Press. State of" om}; pf "1`6ledo, Lucas (`in-nnlrn an LILGLU UL vu'1vp vauJ_ va. .-v-vuv, --v...--- unty. es. . e - Frank` J.-Cheney makes oath that heis .senior partner of the firm of F; J. Cheney & Co.. doxng `business in the `City `of Toledo. County and State aforesaxd. and that said firm will ay"the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL ARS ufor each, and every` case of Catarrh that 'oa.nno_t be cured by the ;use of Hall s. Catarrh Cure. ' FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn 'to before meand subscrib- ed in my presence. this 6th day.of December. A.D. 1886. ` ' (Seal) O ` , A. W. GLEASON, \7..L.. no. 'I \.-.I.I!n . , W. GLEASON , Notary Pmblic. Hall's -Catarrh Cure is taken in- ternally. and -acts `directly.on the blood and.-mucous surfaces of -the system. Send for testimonials free. . F. J. OHENEY &. 00.. Toledo, 0'. Soldwb ` all Idruggists. 75c.- f1`ak_e all s Fa;_n:ly Pills for con- stnpatxon. . L * . IJUIJUI.I.I'UUlp (lull: .lUUV- ' New York City is authorized to utilize its water supply to generate electricity for` oit pur oses. .nnn flan T nan nnlz nnrf in l.l.|!Ll.I Db. dU.l.l.I.lp Liana. LU" uuuuuu. . ,A despatoh ttrorm Oonstan-tinople -`Bays it is u1_1ofioi_a.l_ly stated that g;h1;; rnl:t;an,__. `xiv-dl fi mobnhze a:. hundred % t` pps.sa%%t?19%.re?!r9J+: `UIUULICIUILJ LU1 Ulla PHI U565- -Hpn. G90. W. oss opk part in a ~dxsoussgon_ Ln) the'Leg1slature on. %1_1 Provmcnal Treasurers xevanu-e 1 a I` - ll\1...`. `DA-no-cant.` `-1:11` `A-anions: f`\a.n-- Ullla ' The Banquet `of `the London Cham- bergof"Commeroe to the Canadi-a.n I 1an111faot1`1)ers'_ has tbgen arranged uzauusauu` L.LO!`,_l1_1.!.16 T _ T _ .. ..I . The Canadian Govemment is in- vitinsx [tenders in London .for ships fit,ted.-with refri erators. to. run 8-t. ...Jo1;n..~._ .B.. to Lo"ndon., .A1|n'uu`R1\. wnii r`AQ"`|`.:i|l\'| Trustworthy Men Bow Santa Claus Comes to the Press 1dent s Family. 9 Wagon loads of gifts are receiiied at the White House at Christmas time. They come from all parts of the coun- try, the majority of them from. persons unknown to the president and his wife. These miscellaneous articles are the private property of the recipients, and p the numerous parcels are placed in one i of the family rooms for examination. ` They generally contain the names of the donors, and to all these notes of thanks `are sent.- ` ,1: AL- A____I_____ BIJILIJLLID . L\d uv On Christmas eve all the employees of the house-'-the clerical staff, the ushers and the domestic servants-are given, through the established muniti- cence of the president, a ne fat tut-_ key. Fifty fowls, selected from the best in the market, are purchased for this event, so that everybody about the famous mansion has reason tor-rejoic- No one expresses his happiness with a more beaming countenance than does `Jerry Smith, theold colored man who has been a member or the presidential household since the beginning of Grant :-3 rst term. Jerry was Presi- dent Grant s cook, but in these days he dusts the oices of the White House and keeps things tidy there as the tra- ditional pin. A nwI__ __...:.:._J._ _._z J.I....I_ -.I..l...A_.. ....- I L A Quaint Christmas Custom. I The burning of the ashen fagot is a .;curious custom obseryed in Devon and Somerset on Christmas eve. The fagot consists of green ash sticks cut lengthways and neatly fastened into a bundle with withy bands. At 8 o'clock in the evening this is placed on the re with much ceremony, when the family and invited guests are gath- ered round the hearth. The ames lick round the bundle, and, when the 7 iirst green withe holding the fagots bursts,-glasses are raised and emptied to A Merry Christinasif The break- ingot each bond is -the signal for a fresh toast.` Legend accounts for this ,custom'-by the story that aiire of ash 1 wood warmed the stable at Bethlehem , while local tradition tells of a green- wood ilre kindled by Alfred the Great. during his lonely wanderlngrin. Som-V erset; y 1--up-vagu- The presidents and their advisers are usually men otiadvanced `years, and ii is to be second generation from them that the White House looks for the trol- ics of childhood on Christmas day.- Woman s Home Companion. ' % thing `For a bite a.t`bedtim." vvhat mud bebetter than a .gla.ss of milk` and I Mooness Perfection Cr:-urn Sodas Rania : Belated Christmas. 5 - There` are two_ Christmases at the Russian embassy, but the real celeb tioh comes on Jan. Q. The fact that joyous festival is, byreason ot`the`_ - or the Russian calendar, somewhat on lated does `_not,'however, aect e en-' thusiasm `with which 'thecelebra on is carried out. At a time when most of her American friends are removing the Christmas green from their5 ~-homes. Countess Marguerite Cassini_,- the ' tress hot the,,Rus_sian' embassy, is supere intending the decoration` of a mobster. Christmas tree, generously laden with ._..-'..-_ L.. .-_S AI_- .Il_.L_DI...AJ__` -5 .LI.-4.- `mm emu: ne: bakery.-1 ` Crisp, inviting. delicious. In the aamagh: bum; that keg Jus3th5 presents, and <`.!et.I-ibuisien-Vet t!:eee- rgmembranea is followed by a grand dinner `which is thoroughly Ngussigni in ' Its menu and appointments` Vandvjas pro- tracted Somllgtth.c!W=1:,;illo. ., -.._(z;`va; - . glans}; WHITE House GIFTS; RowN. BAR; ' (1,`I!_J._.... VI...` AMI -n;nin HEWSON ,& CRESWICKE. BARRIS-`s LL... Qusnvnvnov S'1`~RATHY &. Es';EN.- BARRISTERS-' n___..L .: 1'- I STEWART & `STEWART. BARRIS- -11 A,__,-_ 1'I--1.'I3- lulu I-lo nos; - ....... ,, `x'Tt_9r "3fiidr. tc. Bank of Toron-h ` to hnilfql-ing, Barrie. Money to Loan. `JlJ.l\I1J..\JLIv; TPnoo.tot.;z+Notary. Conveyancer, etc. =8 peoiai1i'attention in drawing and pndb_ating wills. obtaining letters of administration and guardianship. collecting accounts, etc. Offices, flhoss block. -Barrie. Money to loan. 1;}. ARNALL. M. D. c. M., OFFICE j in BVo=thwell s Block. Allandale. on` the premisesat night. IENEUA; DU '7 AL` \lu `:.r;.uv--. -., ._..__- risters,` Solicitors rfor obtainin 'pndbat'e`of wills, guardianshig en vatfministration. and general ohci- zbors, Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. Offices. Hinds Block, Barrie, No. 6, Dunlop street. Barrie. Money to` loan at 4 1-2- and 5. per. cent.\ =B_ranch offices at Creemore and Al- hston.A Haughtan Lennox. .Alex. Oowan. G. E. .J. Brown. L.L.B. D.-R. J. 0. SMITH. L. C. P. 8.. ONTJ l.1..Ln .. 13.... `|'.`In-min .9. Qunii-`H f\1-iI_ in A1 nAUDL`1l\JLIhJLj Ala-gut-:---.--_-, `Attorney. Soliitor in Chancery, Oanveyancer, etc. Office. -first door. ` Ewen street, over Bank of `Com- `Jam:-in DR. W. A. ROSS. PHYSICIAN. SUR- `I `D `D (V G DA! T ..n..'.. AL- UWU11 LICUL! 1: meme. Barrxe.

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