LEN_NOX. cowm & snows; BAR-' G. A. BADENHURST. BARRISTERW HEWSON 8: cREw1cKE. BARRIS-` J. MUIR JAMIESON. BARRISTER. Solicitor. Notary Public. Private funds to loan at lowest rates. Of- ..fices: Bank of Toronto Building.- Telephone 184. ` -:*--?-? $70.000 FOR INVESTMENT ON GOOD fi-ndhnitl -........:a._ _L I-- 'mz. J. ARTHUR ROSS. L; 12. c. P. & S., Edixburgh; M. F. P. & S., Glasgow. member of the British Opthalmological Society. Special- ty.-Diseases~ of the Eye. Ear. Throat and Nose. Office. 78 Dunlop street. Saunders Block. Barrie. op- gosite Post-Office. and Railway tat-ion. `Phone 54; P.O. Box 96. `R. B. BROAD. M. D. C. M.. F: `[11 `I re-r\- A ntaorily. _ -mapuuraoatunng i Q! doors.` ' sash. blinds. mouldings. etc. Planin of all kinds do er giramptlx and an infan- _ ot last dryingkilh. Dis- `trnot Agency for grained` lumber. Factory. Bgyfield street. Barrie. Rlidlllin ` -n"` R can ...._A`____-. -l _..__ ....n.uu.u.ar- mguu MUM.- '"ny. Oarpeiitering; building. and `i?:'J`sf.'3..`?.3:'?..; 35.. %`. .??:... .'?2E`. .- _i'7u-5t'or`?9; ti`1'3 "art-gt? '1`nr`I ; &` A allie. suaoessors to Geo. vac. nstanusned 1852. Office: Mdi? cal -Building. S.E. corner Richmond and `Bali nfrnnl-a_ 'l`.m-....+.. In-J- ...... uuuuulugg u.n. corner Richmond and `Bali `streets. '1`oronto._ Tele- phone . am. 1336. Instruoti 3 left with Btrathy & Eaten. Sol ` itors, Bank of Toronto Building. Barrie. will promptly attended to. ,,_ `,-..-.,-,.- vs a.u.u.LVn.I. `.l.U llaoan "at 4 1-2 and 5 percent. Easy terms of re-pa ment. Lehnox; Cow- an & l;nH'nI-a 'Dn--3-Iv--- etc. 1' vv qr----- .. -9----' -- ppppp v--- ` tors. Solicitors of the Supreme` Court, o'f Judicature. of Ontario,` Pnootors. Notaries. Conveyancers. etc. Money to loan. Office. Ross Block. Barrie. C. E. Hewson. K.C., `A. E. H. Creswicke. ). H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS fro u`.ts'nu-L Ann 34... ! 11`-.L_L_ -J ` . . -.-vv a. `II-U J;V V .l.`l$LJlI..l.`Jl` 1 freehold security at lowest -rate of `-int_e1_"est. N_o princi al money re- mre-d untxl engi o the term. _H. . Strathy.eSohoit or. etc.. Barne. __v:-' --_-.-w_-.-.--_v, -.-:_v__ - ']'?rootor`; ilotary} Conveyancer. eta: Special attention in drawing and pr~db_ating wills. obtaining letters of; actministration and guardianship. collecting accounts. etc.` Offices. Ross fblock. -Barrie. Money to loan. I DUIIII. - Eaten. I --w.w-aa-cg all. 111- \Jo LII." \Jl`1\J.Q "in-'Iohwe11*s Block. Allandale. on` the premises at night. -- --u QCJ.\IJ.V L.IhLV1L.I'J EULVUD -loan on Real -Estate at lowest rates. F_arme'rs notes discounted. Collec- tions made 1n any art of the Countv. Real estate ught and sold. Conveyancing in all zts bran- ches. Marrxa e Licenses issued. ,Of- fice. _;Ross B ock. Dunlap street, iBarrxe. \ 2- _v__,, .. ___... .. __.,-v ristbrs. rolicitors-, for obtaining probate ofwills, guardianshi and. ad-min`i_stration. and general lici-- tors, Notaries. Conveyaucers. etc. Offices. Hinds Block. Barrie. No. 6. Dunl-op street.- `Barrie. Money to` loan at 4 1-2 and 5 per can-t..i Branch offices at Creemore` and Al- 4 liston. Haughton Lennox. Alex. 9 Oowan. G. E. J. Brown. L.L.B. | `Solicitor in 'Chancery,l Oonveyancer, etc. Office. first door. { Owen street. over Bank of ,Com- merce.` Barrie. V 1` - . ___v -v -u--- vv a--Aw... A-oaa.vsvou.r ters,- Solicitors. Notaries Public. and Conveyancers. Money to loan in any sums at .5 per cent. Office '13 Owen street. Barrie. H. D. Stew- art. L. L. D.. D. M. Stewart. 1 DR. W. A. ROSS. PHYsfc1AN. sun- peon. etc.. L. R. C. 8., Edin., L. R. C. P.. Landon. Offices and night residence. Brown s Block, Dunlap street, Barrie. Telephone, 77. M. 0.. L. C. P. 8.. 0.. late resident hysioian and Sur eon of Toron- to General Hospita. with special attention to Diseases of Women. and Nose and Throat -Work. also `for some time surgeon in charge -of Emergency, Hospital. Toronto. _Office -and night residence. upstairs in vMc,Carthy `Block. 21 Dunlop St., Barrie; second door east of Dou- gall Bros. furniture warerooms. nears Five Points. `Phone 105. I _-. V. at ;saa4AJsJ.I\lp` \J.I;|n1.lJlJl.L.I3l U! Trinity University. Toronto. Fel- low of Trinity Medical College. Member of the College of Physi- cians and Surgeons of Ontario. Of- fice and 1-on:dm.m 19 n........ ..a...--L vluus uuu ourgeons or Ontario. Of- fice and residence, 18 Owen street. 1. J. F. PALLING, GRADUATE O_F I`-2..2L.. *r~r_.:_-__, L-H13 ul. re-pa ngent. he!mox._ Cow'- -Brown. zcitors. Barrlstars. 30- . ' MANUFACTURERS. MONEY zro LOAN. \. PHYSICIANS? ARCHITECTS. T FINANCIAL. - books of every des- .|'lDI0n ruled and made to fair? 5 new \\:`~ $ .. `fhern van! rnununnus ms ' FOR SALE; Anvmcn is provcn to 1 . llnrgeot circulation ofany paper in tnauffgg - I 13 bi 131' the 181`88t_ subscription . , latter fact demonstrates the quaht its ltyon hnvttahariy ad vertismg toydg` at an-aid to p8'Jt?1ge1!;ricg. reach "` "I>1$ Advertisements are charged according to . spaoe-l3 lines agate` measure make one in._.h_ ` = TRANSIENT ADVERTISING. Legal Notices, Auction Sales, Am" etc.`--First insertion 1-) cents )e'r n"`2`, ~su nentlnsertlonscents per inc. `h _ , ing notices, 10 _cents per line for insertion : 5 cents per lme for each subsp insertion of the same matter. All items nnd 5lines,of this character, charged as er Obitnarv Poetry 5c per line. :2; I vvsv uunvuunu V b'l'lHKlENTS. Condensed advertisements on first page such as wants of all kands, lost and found, property for sale or to rent,_ 3 eci_c artxclcs, etc.. etc., Amuqt be aecompanx vpth the cash. and will be Inserted-rst _1nsert1on 2 cents per word each subsequent Insertion 1 cent per word . (namesmddreeses and gures counted as words); but a reduction of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertions orsame matter exceed {our cat: for udvertlunenu nun In every case In mounted on aoljd metal hues. JASmC.HiE`@_`IIl`: $1 1'Hos.sMm-i - H'Prcferx-ed positions for local adw mentein the paper will be sold at an ad ofone-third on above rates, and on no :.21:".::&."..*.:`.,:32:,*;*':.*:*:*.:;;2:tPc CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in mind notice of intention to chan e advertise: mustbe handed into theo ce not later `Saturday at 10 o'clock. and the co - to] o ange muatbein THE ADVANC . om. Ilater than 12 o'clock noon nn Mum!-n : Saturday a Advertisers to axlvertxscnientg mustbe into the 0 change mustbe in om later o'clock noon _on Monday in any week. `otherwise the advertiser's announccmem may not be made public until the w _ cck follow. in . 2 changes of Advertisements . a].]9'd Der Ighiglogrgdo are required, C0mp0Slil0n Fateg V -Advertisers will not be allowed to llsclheip space for advertising anythin t `d 1; ' own regular business. Sbou dmtlhixy-edty 6;; transient rates will be_cha.rged for such ad vertisements. - I Runsnrr I-H: Fouowma Fuu Insuunc COIPANIIS: The Mercantile. of Ontario. ana The Lon don & Lancashira of Live]-nnnl nae mercanme. of Ontario. The Lancashlre of Liverpool. The Waterloo Mutual, of Waterloo. on The Economical Mutual. of Berlin. On: The Standard Mutual, of Markham, On Also Llovdle Plate Glass Insurance Com pany. of New York. Private funds to loan on nt mortgages. Ac count: collected. &c. Oce over Hambly & Baku : Hardware Store Bettie. Ont. --tvvuw-7Z ffIIUI "". lcarlran svnscnmnn, - 3500.000 CAPITAL CALLED UP, - 8150.000 Government Deposit $53,000 Operated ' - under Dominion. License. This Canadian Company has representa- tive: in the principal towns throughout the Dominion. Selects its risks and given an advantage in rates to such favorable in lo- cation, physical and moral hazard Tnos. CRAWFORD, M.P P., President. C. C VANNOBMAN. Vice President. W. Gnnnxwoon Bnowx, General Manager. J. H. BENNETT, Agent at Barrie. -:-Oi--_ hi '. -Q um? um spu GRAIN CHOPPING EVgRY DAY AT >3; 1nn::____,_ _Hn_msunAucE'cnMPAn7 9Ag!L90AL! :A-ply:;-t . . . . . . "THE ADVANCE OFFICE. 4 tf , Barrio. rii i TTTIH 5 2, Walt Baldwin Street. n.J .3"'ofe"WESIi" (succnsson :ro Scszoccn & Smm.) _Insurance Agent Conveyance:-. 6 c. Barrie. COMMERCIAL CONTRACT CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENT on-snarl vulva-o................_ -., n - :Ju;>b u Terrace . . . Tl-IOS. SMITH )ut and split. ADDY \Yt\ 1:111:1- Phone 158-. Vim 4,1905. Comer of Bradfor and Elizabeth Sts. es, Amusement; 1' , . ma. W m ' subs local advertige. d adv... RATES. an auvttflle. , advance other given. This weuumm IN ONE BLOCK or TWO ACRES _-' Trains leave Ba:-urie toi aha arriveA from the undermentioned places-pas Io`ll_ow s: L - - ` _ . * -- I A J._. w 111.45 a. For Gravenhurat. `Eootii Junction. Parry Sound and North Bay._ ~ F A ty_ of Peel._ particularly. have -set a tea evidenced in their circular 'to.li-` is bound to serve. The sale otliqkuor : The impression that the Whitney Government was going to administer` the license department pretty much -as its predecessor did. is being rap- idly. dissipated 'by the course of re- -cent events. Toronto and the coun- ihigh example which augurslwell for a strict and impartial observance of the law. It is noteworthy.` too. ithat Centre 8imcoe's,Co1nmissieners. nense-holders. which appears else- where in this issue. are `fully olive !to ;the i duties -`demanded of their position. and an immediate cessation of `the laxness that heretofore" has !o'bbai`ned is prornised. .5 hotelkeeper henceforth knows that he must "keep hotel. and that he is merelx the tenant-"st-will` of the people whose best interests he` Within proh'ib,ited`x .hours will he puherply, looked after. and we may !!Pt this phase for `the trade to ueume considersbl; diminished --prof-` taontione. . ` - . ` Nihioh. in the opinion not the `Ohm: ~ninionera. failed in neoeary equip- -:.nen_t,; There it no doubt that the: "public will be immediately benefited ;;liy,- `the ~ results _to he gained from 5. 3 personal inspection or hotel premises byythe Ooimniasioners has ltorne fruit. Here `in Bu"ri`e the Iai- Ienae Board. with eointnendable sea-I.` onditioned three or the houses` "'n..i'."_ ..-n-A I 1612.36 1). m. For Newmarket `and ' Ioronto. _ > 7 135.26 p. `m. Fbr Newmaiket. Tor- '0llt,o. Montreal and Ea,st. _ Hf 37.26 a. m. For Georgetown. Gard- `lwoll ' Junction and Hamilton. 4 35.32 p. m. For Georgetown. Card-_ mu Junction and "Hamilton, W 51.55 a. m. For oxmia; North Bay Ind Boo. - Iioau vv :3 o -14.22 a. m. For Newmaike Toi- into. Montreal and points egst. = x8.00 a. m. For Newmarket. Au r- on and Toronto. ' -- . _,. -___, = 54.04 p. ml. For 'O1illia., North Bay Ind points West. - . 4 19.24 p. :11. P91` Orillia. ' 311.25 a._m. For Penetanc. Col- Iingwood. Mgaford.` ~ ' 33.40 -x;:"ivor Stayner. `Collins-~ {wood and Meatord. policy s?h`i;:h_jt:he"!!oard has cit- i Tm: Noun-lean Anvaucs An 8. Page 48 Column Newspaper, V V Published from the omce. 123 Dunlop Street. Barrie. in the County of Simooe. the Pro- v Vince of Ontario. Canada, every - Thursday Morning. by 'No_ `new name will be added to the Sub Ioription List until the money is paid.: E..I._-_.!L.._.. _...... 8- -__A_.._ 1-.. 1.1.--- _.-_4.I._ License V Commissioners at Work. 'p. m. For Penetang. Collins-. avood a:nd_Meaford. A xbnily except Sunday. .Do.i1y'. wvcor 1: wt Inucvuo vocv ova`!-ow, on .-u-nu-vv Subzoriara now in arrears for three months and over will be charged $1.50 per annum. wnLI:vacnw, pn6}ri=nrrons 81_ pqr Ammm in Advance g. FRANK mcxson Vafnamz aAu.wAv auto: Tums or Sunacnxrmox. (l_a aker_of Portraits. mji ._ ___-_-v-- --- v-ocv .--o 7 The -mail was"1'rom `the Ganadian outpost. planted` where the Hudson's Baynarrows to `a point on the north. The letters are -in the hand- writing` of. the `officials and cari- stables of the Northwest Mounted Police 'de a:ac.hme'nt which is ' main- taining the authority `of the King and" of Canada; in"t`hat part of the world; ifrom. the officers - and o`rew of the Canadian "patrol steamer Arctic. and from `men onthe seal- ers and whalers which have been `spoken `since the Arctic went to -the north last `autumn. The mail ; which ceonsisted of of- fioisl loom-muniestions and 9. couple of {hundred private detters. was due spetdhed on February 4th. It has arrived at. the tcepital -sixty-five days later. `It. was entrusted `to two can`- stsgbles and e 4Hu'dsorn'sV Bay eompsvny man named Ford." The 'psr_ty had a dovublewdoaetesxn. '1'heyes_'me straight down Hudson's.-Bay to "Fort Ohurohivll over the ice. in distance of seven- huudmsd miles. They_ __had no"-tents. but built snow bhelters every night. =At times the `travelling wssilmost` Jinpoesihle. and `once the `sled fs.nd"_it_s -lodd "ellp:ied' 'th_1_'ou'h e `gap in the "lee ml was almost lost.. It ms ra- Viewed ssgtel! rand s,0ou've'yed_'lto`Ohureh-* `ill. "where `it, .'wfsI;._..~t`urhed"_` 5ov er_ -Vto .th9,;HliT ;Bo."r"f ttielals ,_t.o he 'Tt`on'.'-5 e ` up; Otitevils 1`h`e`y itook it: to} `Saturated with the water "of the Hudsonfs. and travelling , from .-the edge of the Arctic Circle. .9. wet" little zparcel `reached the Northwest" Mounted Police Department date 042;- tawa recently. c'_l`hou'gh_ wet. Boiled. 'bedr_aggled. and insignificant ii"n_Va-p- pearance, a story of absorbing in-` terest is `connected ,with `it, ,The package contained `a . couple of hun- dred letters i and V came from: Cape Fullerton in the far north.` ' The Arctic sailed tram Quebec on the 17th of `last September. with Capt. Bernier as master. and Major Mood-ie. of `the police. in command. of the expedition, The party con- sisted of ten police constables and- a crew of twenty. The immediate destination was Ful- lerton. where a post had :been established by Major Moodie and Mr. Low. or the Geological De- partment. in the previous `year. Three constables of -the -police had 1.-.... 1.1; an, -_- I vv----'y-uuww - OZ`! rCOI\l .C-II`? saga left ithenev .whe:nthe Ne - tune came out in July. 1904. As the Arctic did not leave Que- -bec until September 17th. and had to proceed -to Sydney for some of her Newfoundland ice Ipilots before proceeding !to -the north. there was some fear that she would find the ice to `have formed so hard `that she coullld `not reach Fullerton-in which case V the lthree const__abjl\es_ would have had .a lonesome and a hungry wait. The Arctic proved "to `be -a `good boat. The letters just receivled :from the worth say the trip w-as made in just a month` and a day. F.ullerton was '-reached Octo- -'ber 18th. just in time to get into winter quarters. Ice had formed in the inner harbor at Fullerton. but the steamer was at)! to make her way through it.` I.n:].`the Hud-son's .8tra~it:s there _was In ice encount- ered. though the passage was made in `October. This is taken as favor- able. `for Ithose who believe in the navigatiotn of Hudson's Bay. and -that a large `portion of the west- ern crop will some timebe sent to. Europe by theee zwaters. The ninth of November. the King's birthday, was celebrated" as a, holi- day. [In :the afternoon there was a general afoobball match on the ice. in which `the police. the crew from the'Arotie.' and men from the whal- ing vessels partioipated. The even- ing was rounded outwith a social enterbeimnent.- Ohrietmee. too. was ankle _a ugrendsoooasion. and the men w.ere"in. with the heat, the uterine were able-sto afford. The round trip was more than four hundred miles in length. end- the two -men who made it had to en- ~dune a `good -deal of hardship. They were `heartily welcomed by the na- tives. whom they met in small num- bers. Jung diiatancee -`apart. ` This *pa1'.t_y.4found large numbere of cari- aoo in 'the vinterior. and `the chief of the expedition reports that there are numerous nieer.` foxes. wolves and ptarmigan in the neigh- fborhood. of the winter quarters. There, are good fish in the rive:-__a and lakes. and seals were numer- ous at the entrance of Chesterfield- inlet.- V ~ ` ' The Arctic `found the`. three police- men in `perfect health and in the possession of a inumtber of !dog `teams. which they had bought from the natives. according ..-to the in- structions of Major Moodie on leav~ ing in `the spring. Preparations for the winter -were at once made. The snow `began }1 allirng soon after `the `arrival -of .the (boat. and it was used .to `bank her in. a wall sevema feet -think `being (built about the em- tire-ship. When -`this had been com- pleted `a. number of expeditious were tsent..out to various points in the metiglrborhood. The longest of these -.was through `the Chesterfield inlet to Baker.. Lake. . T ;.s1-rns.1rnou IiUD80N'8i'3i.4_;l`Y.A' His Majee_ty',`showe_d amazing cour- ` age and '_intrep`idity 7 when facing tig- ers. and `netive sportsmen declared that they had never seen anything to equal his` coolness `in waiting for e hi'a'tig'e1 to get `ready for `its sprixig. ,I_Ie_waa never in a, fhnrry -to `bang % the `land intoi it1.A'bIiIt.h_.\'vih his Tpervea h -gs oalm as it he were _p1aying..a; oo,;'d.;,_ _ {ted 10:1` theright % T ' 15.3319. . 1! . I1"`t-he ministerial advisers of the Onown had -happened `to be present there would:probably' have been loud protests when..upun' the occasion of `t-he King's visit to India. he` de- termined to practicethe most dan- gerous sport of pig-sticking. He made mp a party fpr this purpose onepday. and the risk was consider- ably" incr'eased- hy the `fact that the horse npon, which .the King was mounted. -by `some accident or other. `happened `to ..'he an ` English -animal that `was -wholly` inexperienced "in 'tfhis'_.speci`al ` busineu; His Majesty ca,_me`to no `danger.'but What he be- grcttedg `most .-was that {his `cunt it_`_ impossible for him" to stick ,a'ny_; "pis._"`}H_o_wever.i he. did ,a;~ls`ter"voccsisigh. ' In-In-_, -n--v.`,,-v ; - - 00!!` A Read Indepelndent Opinion '1-`he circumstance is not always appreciated as it ought -to he in these-days that. besides being a fine shot and-an enthusiastic sports- man in the ordinary way. like many other English country gentlemen. King Edward belongs to that rare class of daring -and skillful sports- men who are known -as mighty hunt- ers. and `that. indeed, his record en- titles him `to `rank as one of the mightiest of them all. By his own efforts he has killed many speci- mens of almost every wild and dan- gerous animal that is considered a fit subject for the mighty hunter's guns. He has sought out and killed numerous crocodiles. elephants. tig- ers. wild boars. sloth bears. cheetahs; leopards and so forth, and he has stuck "pig." i (Elpbcaygeon lnoependcnt.) The Whitney Government is -being criticized for its wholesale discharge! of license inspectors. The criticism is naturally from aparty source. The general public does not cai-e `ac straw what special political lean-I ings the officers hold. so long as they capahly perform their `duties. That is what the public wants and that is apparently what Provincial- Secretary Hanna is trying to get. - V, we uoauounwuuoawn -up rrvouasancvv `lands: DEA I Whilst in Egypt also, His Majesty spent several nights in stalking the country in search of hyenas. and announced himself A as particularly anxious `to shoot just one of them. Hyenas never came out except at night. and, for several nights the King scarcely slept a wink or un-_ dressed. so anxious was `he to have a shot at one of the beasts. But they "did not oblige him. and the skin of avhyena is one of the few prizes or -the mighty hunter that adorns - neither Ban-drinaghaxn nor Buckingham Palace.` When .he vis- ited the `tomb of iltameses IV. he caught an enormous bat. On his re- -turn voyage` to this courrtry he had hisvessel stopped `and himself landed on `the. Albanian coast for no other. purpose than `to enable him to enjoy a {good `day's hunting of wild boar. Several ~were.ki-lled. ' Most of these teats were accomp- lished during his trips to'Egypt and India. some years ago.` When he went`-up the Nile it was his greatest ambition to shoot crocodile. and he persevered with it in themost won- derful manner. He used "to get up at 5 o'clock in the morning a and either `hide behind stones or actually lie in the ooze on _the Nile banks in wait for his prey. In either of these positions he would remain for many hours during the day. whilstl the hot sun was burning upon his! head. in the hope ofgetting a shot? at a` crocodile. i At last he succeeded. and -great? then was `thejoy ofithe royal party. No sooner was its `dispatch complete than `the Queen. (then. of oourw. Princess of Wales). who had heard or what ha-d happened. -hurried to the scene and put off in a small.fboa:t forthe middle of the river," that she might have a close view of- the` monster that had succumbed Vtoher royal ihusband s patience and skill. 1lY|.:I..L 2.. 1:\._.._L .|__ 112. -:1- g--L_ ;'Ls Record as a Hunter -vvop 53-110 LUUUO " "iB`aT) A. w. GLEA80 . Notary Public. Hall`s ~Catarrh Cure is "taken in- ternally. andoacts `directly on the blood `and `mucous. `surfaces, of -the. system. Send for` testimonials, free. ' F. J..OHENEY. & 00.. Toledo. 0. I gtzlkdo .'ogalgl vvdruggists. 750. Eamzly Pills for con-` etipayiogla ` _ : . 3 , o [state of 0hio.City_ of Toledo. Lucas. County. 153.; ' A Frank J. Gheney makes oath that he is .senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co..e doing business in the City `of Toledo. Comgty and State aforesaid. and that said firm will fay. -the sum of ONE HUNDRED ABS for each and every case of Catarrh that `cannot be cured by the ;use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. ` T FRANK J.CHENEY. . D Sworn -to before me and subscrib- ed in my Rresence. this 6.th day of December. .1). 1886. _ ` - (Seal) V ' LEAQh_I_ -_--- -voavvw u-v vunnal: vvu-9) "i\llU`3 a.usrnall town. Incuded amongst: the camp efollowers `there were over 600 eoolies.` 60 men `to pitch the tents. look after them. and strike them. 20 cleaners. 20 `drawers of water. 20 messengers. a guard of 75 non-com- miasioned officers and men of the Third Goorkhas. `a -"detachment of the Eleventh Bengal Cavalry, the band of the Goorkha regiment. and a large detachment of. the native police to look after all the others. -'1`it-Bits. ` ' ~` Some of His Majesty's `shooting! and hunting camps in the past] have `been amongst 'the most luxurl- ` out -.a.'n'd elaborate _ never known! Probably `the greatest on record was ; :that .which was fitted _up in India once 'to accommodate" a large part-y. consisting of His Majesty and about ii:-hir1ty_ of his Ifriends. V II\I__ _,_ _4 shooting that in two cases `they `were -settled with single shots. " 1 l\l-.LI_ 1.--`..- _L--L-I__ -..A I.._......Q.l.. vvvav -4 vov-- ~---3..- ----v--- ` Sloth"bears."che`etahs and leopards were killed on -the same expedition. His Majesty's first elephantfell to his gun in Ceylon. It is the cus- tom with the big game sportsmen always to cut off themselves` the tails of their first elephants. and this `custom was duly observed on this occasion. His Majesty found a par-ticular pleasure in observing it. as the hunt for the -`beast had been` a most trying one. andat the con-` clusion of `the day the royal sports- 1nan`s clothes were in rags and tatters. and wet through as well.` He fnad indeed experincnced a maxi-1 mum of excitement when after cle-1 phant. .for on another occasion he was c hasedby a must" "elephant. and if he had not been splendidly- mounted `things might have turned out very badly. 5-..`- -3 `"I '_ `D. VA.`- `v... . -VJ xv- can-u a. 1 Avuuvu ` The usportsmen. their .atten"dants,t and vhe camp servants comprised ;posi'tively .no `fewer than 2.500 per- }sons. so :that the camp was quite a .uu|nnII .._.`.... `r__.n-_..1._ 3 ' 4 uuvuedllfep momqqgng and Entpzrnyume. Kbon _ ~ lithe `.4 .4 3, . J - . g__cL.I \ Cracker Proof Doubtallvve'ves_aidobout MOONEYS PERFEC- TION` CREAM SODAS. ` Doubt the crackers all you` will But one cf} thernroueanwilprove that T mud. nu; governors to Thntbsin to? "p10 intaglllm V'.x'a 0311391 uufatuata. tyoung men and women . who axe competent no shun. in: den: . 'l`hnt`our jDOI!t1on8. at present. . , w__-_- _--uv-www CUIIU U BARBIE I-:%M"PI-1`AsIzr: _.ANY QUANTITY OF MONEY. TO nnn "at A 1' 0 .....I 2 Ah. THOMAS KENNEDY-Ta 00.. Anon: .. ..9..t-.V ;trig 'B19.ky, . Bevin-- :8 ?-}~.=s.;` .~{z.`&"'e .:.'~. ;H A;inAup% .. =.Na'.n..1.x.L,...'..uvsv..L............. _. - Eran} BALL PLANING- MILL cont! nniup IV...`-.......;.'a. -..:..-..A etc. Established 1 2. am .'n'na=- =UNw1N. Munpny & ESTEN. 01:- l -tario Land Burve ors. Engineers.` I u . H. T: ARNALL. M. D. c. M.. OFFICE >:-n Dp.L'I...--..Il!_ `I11 _ _u A I: u n - , . DR. J. C. SMITH. L. C. P. 8.. 0NT., (`late of Drs. Harvie &. Smith. 0ril- lia). Office and residence. corner of Owen and Collier streets, Bar- me. - .1;Ec`AI.. W 7' D0NVi`i:A~Al.LD` ass. 1.; L; 3.. mania. .` 7_t_er~t' ltor. etc`. Bank of Toron- . to ; nil ing. Barrie. Money to Loan. W. 'AU,I.T. BARRISTER. somcrroa. STRATHY & ESTEN. BARRISTI-ins; . Solicitors in High Court of. Jus-i tice, Notaries Public. `Conveyancers. Offices over the Bank of Toronto. Barrie. Money in sums of $2,000 ` and upwards. to loan at 5 per cent`. H. H. Strathy. K. 0., G. H.l Eaten- smwuvr "ac STEWART. BVARRIS-j 1.-.... GJII--1