P81 1:` soug9_ _ There in both goddwnll-and good some in giving gift! which ` combine usefulnou with beauty. Our nook sboumh in these unuible ejts, - Huir.,C1oth, Hut, Bonnet and other In-hon. Ebony or':Rosewood. n littie ne : grsdo than we regularly can y. } Price: low fggthe kind. . OI A Q-A, y I In a. va.ri`e-3"-:>;'vc4;x'nI>;l`:-ntiona `Cm unis )"ou in this item. ' V n ...n._... - Illlv JV Ill IIIIII eunu- Perfume The kind that it. always Acceptable. Fancy packages and in bulk. Leather Goo'd;` H 1-: _l,,; I'|__|__ _...I I.I..-..-,."`G'.- L-oi` XUIIDIIUQ `Iv-uy Pocket Books and Pursefor `both `Indies and gentlemen". Card Canon, Bill Books, Hapd Satoholu, etc. ` ,.__ _____..__L g-.--:1 1-D;>;-Ilraut. of Barrio Hotel. From Doc. 12th'to Xmas open ovhuiogs . ' till #10 p In. H1-znno e Hmos. We-buss molt-omploteungo of L4 :-Q Q J in AT m AND C0FEEE.'M.ERCHEAN'l?.S; "6:afsoN's __:-- :j:1 nonuiv Bnos. eft r7Id:}i;{1&g1i. Mousvfo LOAN. _ _._._ __._`.._L -1 D.!...a- D. -- wt `iv cu. WPHONE 8'3: _3=E'J`3.5=` ENV 7i`3'5Ii"3et=. xms FU.R S` \lCC'v ..m.` .3.!"!"!. 'cI'vII_\I<; .'ran xnraktgig ornannm} 'rnn7commr qr %stuco :;,Aun ran caulni` `om! cIlI'rlIl08- E; o.pe.so;.';."..i;.'.;.';a;';1 &. rs. J. Hart` {has returud` ' to lt:"_". . ` ' _ ' I ` '"1:\iI-i`s's";G. Barry is visiting in ~T6rb- to V and _Berlin. 'I::;'i-t!-~;1-stun is -spexidinfg/-aj v\ve_:e`k~: wit`h Toront_:.o friends; /' ` ` ` vvxyu - LUIUIIIU 1113511113: \ < \ . ' L Miss Margaret Ayersf of Thiorh-. `ton is visiting friend's here.- \ .Mis_s'G. `1Wit`t6n of Toronto has been Lthe guest "of Mrs..S. 8arje'ant.' I 51-- -r 11v-11," AL I. L ,, _ ; m1``-."i{.'% *Lm;+..mu1uu.. arlrlvculv in` town onVSaturda`y and will spend some weeks here. _ I * 1 .'-A _- -'.... . 6s"`1'_--On Manda: night. sch inst on ma Ban` L R|d--I paxtly worn Home Bllnkog. Fiudat undly leavcat Thornto or 51 MCOE HOUSE. lurk. ;,__|grs. :.J.r;: rE._VWiol1mott has returned ;from` visiting friends in Toronto. f` 3'Mr. Joe.` MoLau'gh'l n of Brampton ; ? visiting his/'daughte_r. Mrs. J. -ill. ` Neolands, . . . _ .o 4 1 _. `_ s. __ - D: :}_IcLe_o:l. was in Toronto on Monday attending the funeral of the late Principal Caven. 'n`r__ '1\__-__ 'll',___- _ , I -:1 BAfB1IE,?-O0UN'1_`ZE,;EE0F s1Mc'oE. omuuo. DECEMBER s."19o4;lE --v--uv -v-quggnp pqvowu ` ` Mr." J`. Morrow of "Montreal. puxj-1 chase agent for the C, P`. R. was` in town on Monday. ' % `II-.. T\__ ."-T-_ J , , 0 HI -_ voov -or-VI! q. --gov--`Iona V-avv_au {I Mr. Percy Morrison. formerly with the Dyment Foundry Co.. has ac- cepted a position in Sudbury. ' Major and Mrs. Burdett of Win- nipeg. were the guests of Ald. and Mrs. Turner for a V few days last _week. ' an. -... _ u - -n Sam Gibson. formerly " of Bar-" rie. arrived from Port Arthur on Friday. He will stay a few weeks with `friends in this vviojnty. `II _ _,I, j-Mr`. Snider. employed by 1_h .G.`Be-gag (8: Co. of V Colling'woo'd. `passed through town on Mon day. enronte for Sault Ste. Marie. where he `will' still can- `tinue to look after the interests of `thatzenterprising firm. . 1|-___ 11r___ an-,_u.L "!IY-__I___ _L L-.. -v-y-- ----v---- can v.--- -------J- 3111-`. Frank Soulesvsang the solo in "The Dawn of Redemption" most ac- ceptably in the Collier street Metho- dist `Churoh on Sunday evening. `I II `II? T1` `v A L , ,_ Mr.,\V. H. Nattress `or Brampton. has taken the positipn with the Can- adianr Express (.30.. left vacant by Mr. O. J. Mayhewfs res'gnation. ` If__ 7.`... K Y\.__.. I_L- f\-_-..L-_. ` -i\irf' J7o'hxTi"."i)'n."1E' 'iJa'rter- master of the 3}_th Reg t.. has return- e_d from the Northwest and will spend lsevoratwveeks with tfxfiendsv here. ..._ - __ _-.5..-g . -~----------..__. f ~ K tum HOUSEMAI mm MRS. A. 3. H. ca ,..----o-----'----~------- IVATE BOARDING F A"l!It1l JOHN STR- V 3:, WANTED--For fami State ` 1 god x ' . ,;,'An5A'3`'5rr1cs. ryxi-One ten Ho R . rvorkiug ordcr. Apply A. 10 ` --On Thursday eveqi 0ST ' tween Powell: butcher. ..m--2 Door Kp_y_s *-',vnel_Is .___.... .._..._..._....... -.---w v--wvcru -- -.--a-_- Mrs. Wm. "S-In-iih. [Worsiey st... has returned from Sturgeon Falls. where she has beennursing her son who "is conyalesoing after an attack of ty- pho'.d_Afever. Her little granddaugh- tar accompanied her. ` The manyfriends of Mr. _W. L. Vair. who is at present recruiting his health .in Denver. Col.. will_bc pleased {to learn of his steady_im- provcxnent. ' ' A V - up II 71 Z:'\ft;'xV_:`t`lie new year1 Mr3. G. F. Levering will receive on the 2nd "and 4th Fridays instead of the 1st and 3rd Thursdays as for-xdnerlyt - `A J..`,._J__ , 'lf_. 1 \:4" ` oru Luursuuys as tor-m'.sny.. _ ,1` The manyjfriends of Mr. J. >"`J.M Coffey will` be pleased to seahim nrou-nd again after hisrecent ill- ness. 4, ~ . . $' Mrs..Fr.ed Harrison of 0wen.Sound 'is visitlpg _-Mrs. B: Ross. Fairvicw _Fnrm. Stroud, `Dinwoody. Esq. _A Dear Frien5is:-'I`he members. of the Liberal Conservative Association of the township of Essa... have learned "with re'gret of the death of the late. William `Dinwoody. Esq.. and `take this opportunity of tendering to you their sincere sympathy in the loss you have sustained of a loving husband and fond father. They also` Fro the family of the late William` -desire` to` place on record their high appreciation of his -sterling charac- ter and uprightness. .of conduct. The first whitechild horn in the `township, he had grown up and lived lin it all his life. and-`had watched its development from an unbroken wilderness to be onelof the finest townships in _'thefcou.nty of. Simcoe. with true patriotic C'ana.dianp.pride. A One of __the__ first"-mem`bers`o'f this n associa-tion he was ever ready to dis- charge` the duties of citizenship "and .|vwhom-he saw fit to differ and the warmest truest of ri_en_ds to_ !t-h'ose who. enjoyed hl8~_O0!}f1d'ell00.' After` spending over three-quarters in so doing was fair to those with.` inf n `nnntifrv in his` native township: Allie!` `spanning .0V.Ul.' Luruu-qua: yoga Iota century m lus_ native townshxp -he has passed to his reward .leavin;z~- the exam le of o. _well-s emt late. and `of -him i may. be truy said, "His works do fullowThim." l n:........4I A... Innlunl :5?! {Jan "l'.hn1-nl WOI_'Ks no Inn w nun." F Sngned pn behalf of the `Liberal `Conservative Association of Essa. GEORGE DAVIS, Iires. THOMAS ARNOLD. Sec y. A Orange Hall. Ivy.f. Nov, 29. `O4. ' I The Toronto W7oi'Id of Dec. 2nd ,sa`ys:-'l`he Meister Glee Singers are`. `the finest 'male quartetto that To-; ronto has_@, een favored with'to1-some ti-me. 'l,`lie singers are ail soloists and their. solos were cap-h In turn duly` a reointed. A humorous sketohgby;-` ` and l_lon!'y. des`orirbed the first act}. =;i';~~ .o.nn_:tr` i.=.own_~L in .. with t. has sft!_;afi4 fI:!toi)6ti1:animen .'9<- It -waso goth . ,n-qve ,m.,i-tstqhaxant . and antertain-J` V nyfgaiassorzucion. ism Miss Ethic-1 1 .2 mvivivi kn n\nzni."th`a,'kqo1y_.9'Mr3, '01.? ' `Hen: IE -I_n-`uesornpu-on. `W..lu&`.Iu.usa nuuwx he gave ..the sketch. "Mrs. or Miss!` zwjhioh was ._a dialogue in an 4- A ad? Q. ,_-r im.`-n d was if` wh`%;i1dox'::' ox: _`;.7mi{t`d` it one` of `the best ` tau; AtLthe.Gx.nndOpera '1; T ' ._ .`18t,h i th " A. `:fi`-Ln$ .`rH58-0;` QCHER WANTED-and" clan ourf to. 'malcor'fcmnle. fog S. S. No. :3 Towndti? of mpg, du_ueo Ioegcn at Jtnuuy. 39:5. gnu -miencem zeachmg_and__ puny expected. J_9nN Lttcr of Condolence. .- J.-7 uowr F`Ix'1fUBI8.'1fO 8dPUOBASED ; _1ro3 'r - `town E A1al-.n-.--A_l.I'I'.I'Ll * nan oFvn`m-ran POOL -BOOM BY-LAW-RBI-`EBBID 1-6 A` cuum'r'ru-1>.aOV1a1o1t iron nomme was un- . mount. nnacrxoua ' .`A.-t- ethe meeting 7of'the' comxcil;ou'~ Monday evening there weree.;present:. Mayor Boys. `in the chair: with Alds. Lewis. Lowe. Moore. Poucher.'8tph- ens`. Strange. Turner; antl"`I`~yrer._ Comunications were read from: (1.) The Lake-field Portland Cement Company re account. - 7 ' ':n\ .1-u-_1_ 1~._II2_... 1 _..:-:I .... ...... MIr`.'7 Marti-1: in a retattiory -A declaration: accompanying his claim stated that _V he was thrown froin this carriage an the night of Oct. "13. ; I904. sustaining injuries thereby` to` the `extent of $8.50 by reason ofan obstructibneon Blake street. opposite E. ward, school. which obstruction was placed `by workmen of the town "while improving the sidewalk.` _L,_._ ____.....--.. A..L'-.-u n-vain 1-in- vvnnagru-on; . v u w - w----- _ &' (2.) 01erk_Palling. Innisfil. re pay- memf: for repairs` to.Prie`s'gra.vel. pit. usx (\;_._,.._.L O. nA.'._--....J. ..- A`I..3..... J l l""' (3.) Stewart 8: Stewart re claim of H~enbe_rt Martin of Oro Tp. L - _,L. ;..L.:. __.,- VVIIIIV Ilrlvoa-3 u-v -v-----r-~__., A The above commun'catIoi1s were re- ferred to their proper committees; Veep I IR. Secv-Treas. Grnfel. _..---4----------. ' :3. duties wyegcn I ience in teachmg and 3` J"WI|')'. I935. salary expeccgd. Report I30. 81 of Fire and Police committee recommended the purl chase of electric light and gas com- bination fixtures for the copncil chum-ber"tm;l police court rooms as: follows: Four six-light combination ` at $27 each` and one one-light comi- binatioa at $7.20. Objection being taken toincurring the expenditures- without the necessary appropriation. `the report was adopted on .'divi- sion. Aids. Lewis and Turner with Mayor Boys voting nay. '-- V - u The Finance and Assvesfment com- V mittee presented report `No. 24. re- commending payment of a large number of ac-counts `mostly of `a minor character. Among the larger items were: ` A The Barrie Carriage Co. dis- :,n_,_.-.L___-_ _-'I.I QKQK A9 Luv: uaxnac vanxnusu vv. u... count on delbentures sold $535.48. House of `Refuge rate 1903 474.74 Electric light dept... street lighting arqsnnd incandes- cent ...................... .. T .... .. 2634.40 On `motion St:-ange--Poacher the report was. adopted. - A nu 1,119.... ,A bylaw to provide for the holding of nominations and elections for` municipal and pu`bl_i.c-school officers for 1905 was introduced. and. after} -the usual readings. carried. ` I'LL`- .1__../___.. .s.....--- jg.` Quite a little 'bre`ezze_,,4pta~ng up` over a bylaw to regulate billiard and pool rooms introduced by Alds. Strange and Tyrer. The`. Mayor ex- pressed great surprise and enquired if the matter had been-discusseid in H committee or if the-movers had any . ---- -l'--._- ....---'A:` LA I u[ ul'IIIlLLUU UL IL IpJv'gggvvu-.. ......~- -_...`, I authority whatever -_i'.ro_m council to procure the drafting of said bylaw. On receiving a negative "reply he complained of the lack of courtesy shownhim in` not bringing the ques- tion to his notice. apart altogether from the irregularity of the proced- ure. A '*- '- I GI ,__ u.1c.. ,_ ` `Alds. Strange `and Tyrer disclaimed any intention_ of,showin discourtesy and after come further cross i iring_ the matter-was on division referred- to the Fire and Police committee to report upon. The Mayor announced his intended retirement `and hoped that the committee would get to- gether before the 15th inst. so that. he might declare his views on the question 'at`, the statutory -meeting of council tohewheld on that date.~ _-.-Ln- `Ra !\lI. `spa-our - uw . __-_ on mo-tion 'l:yrr town will advertise. the usual quantity _ A very -pr'ettyL wedding -toonk place pt the residence -of Mrs. W. J. Hop- kins. Queen Stu `tn NVcdnesda.y."Nov. l23rd.-?at"12 ~o`.cJook'. when her sister. -- -___ _-_.L Miiss Lillie May B-one. youngest daughter oi -M1`; and Mrs. H. Bone of . this town. was united in marriage to Mr-. Harry V E. Sanderson. Rev. Dr. Campbell `of the Methodist church officiated. The `bride looked charm- ing as she entered the parlor lean-. _:'ngV an -tlietarm of her `brother-in'r law, iMr. Hopkins. and `was gracefully attired. in a giown of cream silk lus- tre with white silk seek and wearing white carnatione. The bride was at- itendediby her sister. Miss Boiio. who wore a gown of cream _lusttej with ~`pi-nkA : ribbon `and chryeanthein\ims..' .`The.- groom Vitae attended"~hy Mr.` " Morse ; :O_hurch._ of Midland. Infmdi-' ately after" the ceremotdy and coins` }fgratui_a-tiuoms; the gueets- en-teredv the V" dining and partook of a dainty A _,WQQin$`A,east.-_The syedding presents . W9ir:`1..1!!fiIIrous` and ha`ndaom.o-oom- e lms :5 1 W , , ~;.i_:*.;._ _ .x ;`.* 75335302223558: f"s'- 1,'{Jn.":Z..'n`.'I'.'.'.`.'.`e`i. ' zembe--5 yearlmg Hufer. ogut an Inn. 's'a:'u'ed'.)ys1{ z{1Ts`I'.'}rt1'v` '15`? .a'}`'.`...1 ." z3.o'.` `Ml-D 4 mi. Foy. -ziiaia IIIIQQDJI" VVIUJJ alvnv `Cur ---u_y--.u Mr. ._9.'n yi `Mrs. Sand rant`: 'l,_:t=_on the 3.20 pan, train (qr Bgfrie _ag1igl _a shower of; the good WiDhBs-- J.j**`%3` M % Ill nsnwaauu. .\ The` b1_jide s travelling um wag. of : groan. with hat ' -l:to mam. ` L II . _:_`-:.I 11.5- En-u4In'n-nu`: Nla.`- nun councu. SESSION. vSan_derson---Bone. l\n van Uuawww _..--- - Pouoher the _ for tenders for of wood.. Q -`-Johnston & 1',Wa,rren will frame your pictures Ifor Christmas. neat. cheap and promptly. or will sell you tram-ed pictures _for yourself. or. Christmas-.. presents. Call and see our stock. ` ' -us-v-wv guy- ,.---v- _-u--.- -; --v -.--- I 1 q -'-n n In 1-1- WW.` _.-- V - - . _ ml`? ________ ____ ,_.. ED from the reunion of she uudcni ned, ST1?:_z,Concuuion ug.Eou.a|Iou the ugth uh- "mling He-tars. one whitguutlu red on head and MM! and one mostly red :` I yearling atogfo rod gahwhicc on face. All hum aomall hole: In loft -. An-nenon eivinlr information lint wtlllud A-You"11Tnevjer mind the cold if y;>u ; 4 'we.ai' the .un,shrinka-bl_e underwear we "all buy at Geo. Vickers. i-"At E116 request. -of a'1ax-ge num--' ber of ratpayers Mr. A. VV. Beard- sfey has consented to become acan- rdidate for-a.1derm'an hi No. 2 ward. `CV > GIUVO Walter Baker : celebrated Chocolate aid amen:-a Inn line at I01`!!- _-waunq. .. - n I u 1'!` 11 an If E VTVVVTT VV VVVVVVV V V Bfatlers mu: Town AAAAALA ulna; vs Mr, iginard Mefcalf. Hawkestone`s. w'ef11'-known merchant is in the field 1-isoxrthe reeveship of Oro. Mr. Met- czilf -is widely `and favorably known % a_nd's1;ou1d .prov_e a gtrong candid- ate. _.- `A 1 n 4 ,-n-q-._4_L pog_-Al_4- {rho izzazes of the W`. c. T. U. en- tertained the modellites to.a very enjoyalble evening on Friday. No_v.25. Mrs. McKee gave an interesting and instructive address. and the students took part in at program. giving med~ ical authorities on the evils of ai- .cohol. after which various games lwere indulged in till a late hour. :In__ n___I .1-r2_;.__.- L-.._!L-1 1.-.)! -Bring your 1;-oul-try to James Vair s. This `busy market isorpenu all the itti-me and highest city cash` prices will. be paid for the finest goods. From the`|15th to 20th is the" best Iti-me to market your poul- try.Tegivin-g time to ship for the Xmas ltrade. ` * `cw u 1: n o 11 __._* `-__`__ pressed himself well satisfied with the condition in which the found the hospital conducted. 'An inspectionj of the gaol was also made .t6e same} "day. . : ,_..- n, .11- c--....:...... n..- n-V-up-5vnp nu. yuan vu Qvv_-tr -.7..- -The, Royal Victoria hospital had a visit on Monday last from" .Dr. Bruce Smith. Ontario inspector of haospita-ls" and charities. The doctor made a careful inspection and ex- .\p _,,_'n _-A_2-::_.I _-- :LL. nu:-`Simmons. 8:. 00.. furriers. Our workshop starts all job work and re- modeliing of furs. on Jan. 3, 1905. In divisionUNo. 1 :1 red hot|ncon- test is promised for the offices of. county commissioner. In addition to the present occupants Dr. \V'ells and Mr. George Campbeil, the fol- lowing candidates have declared themselves. Messrs. W ; A. `Boys. Phillip -M-cLe-od. weeve of Oro. and J. W . Shaw. ex-reeve -of Oro. Nom- inations take [place on Monday. the! `19t_:h day -of December at the town? `hall. Barrie. ' I ___ J__ J gone keeping tame Illcr lml nouce Inn 9. .n with according to law. JOHN FERGUSON (dull P.0. *9-5:-p Inna. Qavnnonvu -BegTInning today three hundred` and eighty men s suits and seventy-4 one overcoats will be offeredat a1 reduced price at Geo. Vickers`. ! l -W'e have all sizes in Car:-1'3 Mack- inaw Paxus and Smocksin stock? we are `sale agents in Barrie for gthis celebrated mackinaw. Hunter |Bros.. Barrie. I . - . _ . | One of the most successful and` b2`i1lia'nt"_ stage presentations of the` modern` stage was that " made -by Miss ' `Alice Neilson of "_I'he Fortune Tell! er" and which will be seen at the! Grand Opera House on Tuesday. Jan. ! 3rd, 1905.,with all its" wealth`. of sumptuous surroundings, `gorgeous colbring and magnificent scenric ad- ornment _wh~ich characterized its` original presentation. It-will no doubt i duplicate here its distinctive success. g The Fortune Teller is by Harry B". Smith and_Victqr Herbert. and is said to embody all that `is best in hu.mor,. music, color. light. and bril- \ lancy. The company is a large one embracing theservices of some sixty `people. ' rIn.-_-9'.. A .........L nan`.-sm 1n'n::I'|lT U"\JlIl-U0 -'l`here .s a great saving waiting for you at Vickersi . If you buy `your skirt. `coat. millinery or any`- .`thing in lace co11ars,"don`t miss the Ichance. "T -- -- sn __-.._ `V AJLlIIIJ\'o Cardwell C-ovnservatiires will nom- inate a candidate for local honors at B-._-eton `on Friday. Dec. 16. The coxiventfon opens at 2.30 p. m. The `sitting member Mr. E. A. Little is cxp'e.c.ted to receive a unanimous nomination. . Me and Mwrmundn 0raneI-l0c dozonuu nwrnwm LN A __.l-.. anus`-av Cg gynjgqn uuyjug VII up`: u a.-. -- V - * __`Lea,ve your prder garly for _yoIn; Xmas cake and pudding 1H -.Hmd5 Brqs.. phone 145. ,_,:_1_ an... `r).._..-- Qnnvu` nun- 1-) 17413:. PUUIIU L `U- The North Star. Parry Sound. con- tainedthe following item regarding our former townsman.who has many friends here :-Mr. Hugh Mulhernis leaving the Hotel Kipling about the end -of the year. for the purpose of ',I;hxinxg the management of the new King Edward Hotel at Sudbury. Mr. r'Mvilhern. who is one of the best *'kn-o\'n}`n hotelmcn in ` Ontario. has been at the Kipling for the past -twoyears. andhe will be missed ihis-`many? friends. and we are 1'-`snrefeveryone `will wishi-hinn sne- V993$5: :ine his new sphere. The King i[d'.}whioh is -just` being finish- "reroute; It .ia b0iI'8 built _rry,aJohm; `be the moat sumptuous hotel_ ` Qo_1),iooo`,*mga. is the 1pro- . `--Tex : per cent. of your money saved if" you .'buy your boys` amt m`en .s suits _and overcoats at Vick- .ers --'doV it now.` - - 0ur` suits. re tailormade and equal to merchant {tailored gooa. the only difference being the price. A tailor charges $18.00 for the same. `suit you `buy from us for $12.00. Hunter Bros.. Barrie s Leading Cloth- 1ers.. ' LIEBR ES'I'RAY--%tn'|ved fcom W ,~ lot 37- Sum. u.Vespra._nbou June Inland :_wo you mer, horns maimed to turn back. Au mformg- leading to the recovervof the chi will he ` acd and any party hoidlng` the said animal Elthisdme wil bedealt with according to law. JAIES FORD. Craighurtt, P. 0. 47- .The' meeting of the VV. 0. '1`. U. was well attended on Monday. The president was out of town but the chair was ably filled by Mrs. \Vz_n, Smith. The reports of the depart- ments show much work done. Near- ly all the ladies present promised to `get new memJber$-bcfore the new year. V:-`For fine kid -gloves go to the _store that sells the best. No charge for style at Vickers . -:Nasmith`s Xmaus cakes and ptd-I (l?ngs. all sizes at Hinds` Bro~3.. phone. 145. " -W e haveksold more overcoats up `to date than any season since we have been in business. Our overcoat stock is larger and the prices lower This accounts for our tremendous sale of overcoats. Hunter -Bros, Barrie s only exclusive men's store. f 'i1;}Jr E63-s -V:r1v1`1fzVxi:a;`rk_'1-1i;=;`rfc;:i'1:a:: lmen-t from the chair on Thursday evening.- Dec. 15. `by entertaining: _ the members of the council and thb. press `at a- oompfimentary banquet. . -Christmasnec'k.wear in every im- aginable style. and pattern `at Hun-. ter Br -03.. Barrie s Big Clothing and Furnishings Store. | &L A 1"` _ 1 ` 111 I 0 run ,- -.._-- v-vv- V A 71311;,` Young Maia Club of Christ Church held `their opening "At Home" in the club rooms on Tues- day evening. Nov. 24. when over sixty members were present. A most enjoyable program was given including` speeches and music. and re- freshments were served. The club colors` for the year are- orange. red and `black. .--Our `Christmas shirts have ar- rived. Beyond doubt they are the swellest ever came to Barrie. "Prices $1. $1.25 _an`d'1$.50. Hunter` Bro's.. Barrie. -A more carefully selected stock of holiday goods and Christmas pre- sents cannot be found in town than at King's bookstore. The stock is complete with `the newest and most popular books "for old and young. dressing cases. manicure and shavinr: sets. fancy china. tiffany glass, cellul- o'.d novelties and general fancy goods. The toy department contains the lat- est .in mechanical toys from five cents up. -W"e fit the hard to fit. no man too small. no man too large for `our suits. \Ve are offering very 1 special Value this week in tweed suits at $7.50. They are well worth $12.50 {Hunter Br~o'-3., Barrie. chwhitcon tace. All nlve anmnu now: In um M Anypenon giving` information wall load gun ncovetv ot the gnimals will be te_wItdegI qnd keeping alter this noace ml! in 1. ._h|n at-rnrdin In IAW. 1 '15 is understood that the Rev. Fr. VMcKchrin, iclurate of St.'Marys lCh_lll`Oh. has -been promoted to the lrec-torship, of Stayner. Rev. Fr. AFinnegan of Adjala will take his ,'place h_cre. `Rev. Father Jeffcott of E-Stayner. will go as parish priest t'o | Adjala. _ ' wear. iht go to Vi< the suit. Dri Sunday evening next Rev. Dean Egan will take up thesu-bject Does 'the Cathodic churcsh teach the doc- trine that the "end justifies the means?, A fbrtght .\'oun;: '1ifo_ was taken away on Monday morning. Dec. 5, of Mr. George Young , 10th con. of Innisfil passed away. lie was in his 11th year. The funeral took place on Tuesday to the Methodist Ceme- tery. Stroud. The services were con- `duuted by Rev. B. `B. Beynon. The family have the sincerest sympathy of the entire community in their deep loss. ' ' when Master Lisle Young. only son I The w.oman s auxiliary of the Royal Victoria Hospital are gratified to find that their gross receipts after the entertainment held in the town hall on. Nov. 24 are $142.25. -They also especially desire to acknowledgre with` thanks `the exceptionally good program given by ' the ladies; - and gentlemen. which bunt ributevd so much to " the success lankl pleasure of the even-. ing. The candy table as usual stood first in the financial report. indeed all the tables were most successful. A Hallelujah weddmg was celebrat- ed in the 8. A. barracks on Wednes- day evening. Dec. 7. when Miss Flor- ` once M. Cooper. daughter. of Mr. Geo. Cooper. became the wife of Mr. Wm. `Biggar of Holly. Lieut.-Col. P1189 mire of Toronto performed the cere- mony.. akfterwards a banquet was Be'rveo_l in. the .tuwn~hall in which 'a large mimber -participated. Fol. Sabiith School Lib:-mica Awlarge and varied assortment of Elsie. Pansy and other books at ' .Kfpg'e"' Boqkgfore. This . season : ' e?`+`.e-`.Bpeeie`l~ terms- to Sabbath, "-_ |..`...`_`tgI. ` 31.00 PER ANNUM IN Anvmc: SING LB COPIES FIVE OBITS ?{z'M'--'I hree Spring Ctlves. one red ind E a grey are Heifers and one red Steer strayed In Km-th L Lot 4. Can. 0. lnnill About the but of you want" ic warm under- the real nshrinkable kind. Vickers store. $h50 to $6.00 31' In-- I met ypnk vuvus, one run IIIG and .3. North :3 Lot 4. Con. Q} luuial About the lust of Aqua. Any intormalion lending to the tccovcry mu nnim ls wull be rewarded and nnyonc lIeep~ "qthunimals after this notice-will bodealt with mding to law. WM. HOPKINS,Vine 9.0. AN I 1s.`u-men and Women Ill uua county Illll adjoinin territuriu. to re resent and adyer- tiun old esta Ii-had home of so id nancial stand- it(. Salary to men In weekly. to Imen Sn to sulvecklv with expanse: advanced each Mondnv bv uhdin.-ct from headquniters. Horne and buggy inished when uncanny: position permanent. Ulreu;B,LEW BROS. 8: Co.. Dept. A. Manon my (`lair-nzr.\ in Ann U1 Hula 13 II ISKID I UI V Bl` . PIIFIIIIIIC H`! `In- S. 0 1807 Chapter xagthat all cred tors-hnvul him: against the Estate of the late George um llandde. Minister of the Go: 1. win died on the nth October mm. are require an or before the III! December 1904. to send by post prepaid hstrathy & Eaten of Bame. Solicators for the Ex- glomtheir names, addresses and pemculareof 'n~|nima ' |{"`is, uon'roN. u......r5 -#___,..;-_= ,DJ.4llVV D!` was W5. Chicago, Ill. III. WANTED._)_z- good " `Mail ' K "" "6`P3cc3F33 '"y~`*- .$a "`'= hay. *9-49 ----.. IOU. meu Iitirclnima. Ann 1:` I H "7\'?:'"`x r E`r TAKE NOTICE um gftey Ithlallmrnlioned date the Executor: will dum- htethe assets of the decealed hzninc fern`! on!!! Joclaims of which thev shall havrhnd notice. and Vhllhey will not be ab`: for th bl Issolito _3lIV Iugon of whose cla-m thev shall not have recewed we at the time of auch diltrihution. ' a\:-\--- A znniii A 1I'I' ANTED--Mon end Women in this county and adver- u'..... ..M an. lhkml hmmn nf an M nnncinl grind. Nogxga IS HEREBY G!VEN.purnunnt to `R. . l u Rn-I (`Jul nrpr nan that ll cred Inn hnvimz Good homes for small girls. from_ six to ten years Witobcsem to school. W3 WI 9 350 P Item for their keep. Parties that III I tulle MW . of ' Uegirls may communicate with That. GWRV. -' . `mic. agent for Dr. Barnacle`: Girls Home. 48-sop I %,',:`;:m me o! the world. at linking Business oondictdd. "pad on sill! ' ,'9',...md ma incomc mowed as high- on o r . ine p end an oftho uudonl cad gIt2n.Conceas`on 3. Vegan. about thoufoath muo OPERAHOUSE . Friday, December Ith ~-'I`HE FAMOUS- pf LONDON. ENG" aumd by ' IR. nouns HENRY. . Musical uumorismod MIES ETHEL HEN RY. Entertainer. iichoice program of musical and humorous alco- - auspices of the WOMAN'S AUXILIARY ` Royal Victoria Hospital. Prxces V250. 36c.T5Oc. 750- . a"`Dcns at Robertson's Drug Stoto ltvlox lnmn \ Fridav. Dec. 9111; ````'~-- -~ ---~~ <-.__:_._.. - -b utIsrEr{%iLi%"'suucnsl 45 _tt; 5 deep. , uobeo. 5 river 3 o and . 1oy_ed'; gggoncn TO cnmnlwons; S 0" . :0! W R-' j and ! ...wce In here-by 8'l`\'i:['1'3p8uI?hua` 91lf;"`,":,'.';'u of \ t'1ch`pm {:49 cclainb Igdtf Blrrit '9 '3' I ~_} persons saw 3 0 q 0 '*`:....`..:.:.~2`:'.."r- ~*.:::.'." -% It of Snm..oe. an!!! ` ,1 `y of W . idun or upon: the zudb: " vnpnid P .w";gQo(-. ubI"C'qu"dl:M\`||:-adnla 9'0" 'h:dxDWf~'I `hiila:1:atec.' on `I do: $43!! _ ARV. -9.. . their 03"` ' ` I '9 `A-W-W'LK!!tI9!s-Lrs > I A `bottom nm..- u-.. MANKHF Qlllihl ,_....a1_.1sHJ_i3 `aLes a ', ,"!'.'..' --7--` `` ,3`. Auhrnsnnawn. FLOUR hvvo0D 9'` dump; ..g d 1 cu? .J.M' hluut pa-:IuV II ` V j$__I. oo_-.-r':f_ Chnice Manitoba. and Family w prices But value at LKER ] n\IVI'x'.sNI.(I?:Y%i Cnuw. Wu! and Safe, awed and Split V All kinds! Beat quslity. hereb R1` I OAI '5!` I !Q apRurt'||un`Dn:VIl`onnnr6Anns' 41:41"; Wanted. VA Cuban tioiiluvwn sraxrav &'Es'7rEN. Q..l2...n-. FA. Had Iivnnr _._. " u .....? eA:;l'v A?${IRV S.'Ct:igvglq. IKIIIIII 3 53:13.. Solicitor: for (ht Executora. . ., y_ Vhouaon iion. Julius-"ting;-pl_o i Q II. _._ A `cg-n-n-n -w-uvwjwu T . Yard and Mill. John s_:. Uiwn --g- i 1885' I. 44. 44-4n Yuletide liiftsi niqndeu thtmdn stupk. mic. we have all the audit - novelties inch 9.: Fur Scam, Scoldi _m`d_'l`i`u ; - rerggagnimb wedge. lIo..1,oxtra. PMSHA `-Bambi 1. - a man to [Junk s:n1as.:`a5.na#%I4n.nu. Am. la1:ta n*-3u?.* lI0.50. Isahalla'1'ox_Rn1f.IB.t)_ to 115.00. 4 Simn3.923 Co-*1 Huiiug purchased than basin: of D. Bunker. an. AIM: \T\V `FUD Ii!f.I.I NHL AlJ.Ii`.N"I`Q IIII IIIIIIII -V IUWCIW UTIUUSO . Also o full line of the following _:--Fur Coats. Rohel. lankecl, Whipo. `Hornets and Barnes! Supplioo. Sowing Moohlnoo, Peter Hamilton Ecrm Implement: and Bo ire. The Bisaoll -Dino" Harrow and Steal Rol er.- rIv_ L_I__ -_.l-.._ _..j -..nI .I-I:..-_ _..-......l.. .;.'rm: nnnxiz... carga eatmcuuer H ROOMS V . "A iRi11i.T as akfciizl ioollg Qiii 5..u.p: on hand at lowest" prices- > In... - r..n 13-- -3 .I..'. c..II..-:.... . -,I`.... U&U,CW'$_' KWKIII II UK6U. QIUI" 6 VLUIW Persian W1 Raqeuoh ugsunnm, jj jj- ntso '. M. M LIIU CIGBUII IIIUU III! IUW III DICUI -livllvlc We take orders and will dllivot promptly all kinds at Hard nd Soft Wood. Lumber um Shingles. ` ' T l Remember the lilacs. , . Successor: to D. Buokar,oppoyit the Queen : ` In the changes`: coa.Iin_:;vv'n. ' `V-`V Same quantity. Same quality as Nutcis .1 lime smallet in nu . [UT ""95 N: 7|: 3? 1?53\"E 375.15 {ill SARJWS PEA lillll I- A --L _._I !_ ;___.- Tuitable for coal tinge 0:11:11! H-eagrs. Trv I o . V 7.3: SARJ Emjr co. _ ____.__. On:/xcn-41 ` \'4uu1--Footof Mary St ICV III |'l|I'UII|I'U|l III" IIIIDIIIFUU `VI &Io IJIIIIREA. ` we are NOW 1'31-3 SELLING AGENTS for t_h_I__EW_BRE_ll_l5 CARRIAGE C0. 1"'617iiiT nousnxnnpm; : Calilornia Raisins in one pound DEAR MADAM,--Just a little tall: about C hrietmae fruit. The quality this year is excellent` and prices are easy. lowet in tact than for some years past. Packages . wlll be cold this season for no cent: and ta} cents each-laet year thew were :5 cents. We have come special Currants near chernee. . l Valencia Raisin are equallg good. and Candied femur in sealed tine. as freely: Pa-ele we are hrlugini and coft an the day t ey were made liy as mg. as New Ihelled Walnuteandl Almondeare new in . ` ICOI kr | We will be p leaned to have veer cede! for _~ these. I warmest and lthfose e After spendin Iota ' exam c `of m w.ot_'ks fall: l Slgned 1 , GEORI vlVl\lI15 I I v any-nu o W0 have 1. lug: amount of PrinoTFut_:da to loud . ` 4} and 5 per cannon the security of cod farm Mongaoahw MCAR'l`HY. BOYS 8: URCI-IL 5 . . 508 Street Burie. ' As a phenomenal bargain we` have not seen anything that compares with'tho handsomp bhie Fruit or Salad Dishes whioh iovg/o are igivinst with one pound of ART BAKING ~. `POWDER-Q Thby .a`re"..Just' 'what?jy'})u are looking? for : is Vgitta-'-i-_hb_;? oau.se- their grin _ hah:if;emng51.;, 3311, 9i=h;: 1.i5`_W?Ti5 .1. . .`luuB EIIIIG Ill` 9 qqqwuvuu w-- v... ':xmum at Am 7:33:-qxma ._14ownm; Am 49, an your Iunv!i?ia*1isit-. had: come %eer1r- 86 . ' I - 1` .. ~'i