Drugs and Chemicals` VANILLA. for ice cream. for instance BAKl.\`G POWDLR. for cakes. \` One is a dfug,.ol ccursc_ : the hther 3 "ch mical' anither are still others-SPICES of all kinds, cream of tartar. etc. 1 The best la to get drugs is at :1 DRUG ` 4 STOR .L The druggiu knows more about - therwthan other pcople. We keep a good drug store. Come and ask us i A about kitchen drugs. . In the Kitchen MBHKMWS DRUG STIJRE oz` DUNLOP-ST. BARRIE. ' `cram so: rARu s'rocx saws and other |a:_.- men at `rag ADVANCE OFFICE. =40-Ky CUT FLO\VERS-Roses. Carnations, '\/iolem. etc.. fresh every dav. Bouqnetv,-Butt. n- hoie. Hand or Corsage. Funeral Tokens in an)-designs _ . VEGETABLES -- Celery, Crisp and Tender; Lettuce. Cabbage, Parsnips. Beets, Carrots. ` tc. SEE`..DS--Flow r Seeds.Vegetab1e Seeds,Pla.n ts and bulbs. WM. TAYLOR iJ SWAN. efiian - ...-- -n"--5511 QLCT. SEEDVSTORE tel CPS. asohne -Telephone 15. Ur! lria ban by u nun- ut Mm SPLIT; Aypn Tun: Mann: 7 ' Demons COPYRIGHTS &u' . Anyone sending a sketch and desert tion may quick! ascertain our opinion ee w_ ether an inven n Is probably aatentable. Communica- tlom strictly condent 1. Handbook on Patenu sent free. Oltlest agency for securing atenta. Patents taken t romzh Muna & 0. receive quota! notice. without. chnnze. In the Q .1 `unt 4. 1'Iug4n8A.4n -T_WV-CUV y ---.--- _ ...v., `A hsndadmeiy Illustrated weekly. Lnnreat c::- culatlon or any aolentxno onrnal. Terms. :8 a ear: four months.,$l. d by all newadealera. ' lllllll - __-_ _ ||___` V-..` CUIWIUII U1 Ill, BUCUI-IIAIIJU nunuu -u-... 7.. months.,$L Sofa-by nvdesleri !!r!*.!!.me!'.;,:::..'%"::-.:.!1.eo\.:vJ!ur* roa THE LARGEST LOAD or _.. r__ -*-nun Anna IUD IIJAQQ $I90.000.00 to Loan. Auctioneer, Appraiser, & c. cRArGnv3sT. HENRY BALL QQCIGI 0fI6, Wllllolli CIHIYK "-1 "7 Scientic Hiherican. . 1.-.. ..-..`.....'s.. rn..-a-..o.uI -nun-Iv Ln:-aunt. Mi ; wrong vwi ndced. I- f Ely hand si 1 it. "_ he 511- *7 -___ .7 __ coALia. wooo Msiicunui-V `. (\-.'..`_ nadttlla ant` RI:-algal. cf:-A J AT ifmn LOWBST.PRICE 00.10 A ARE INEEDED EVERY DAY FLORIST AND sannsmmi I-`Tl: Iivvw lvli-oII\r' unuu . Qorluagnj Bradfcrd and Elizabeth St:-get ' C0_TO THE NEW ---AND--1 ` :35 Dunlap-St.. Barri: .-auudllll -understam ted old J8! 7 great circulation Pg medium. it."_ `he a fexamin-ing ` 3 lllil said. - ..Yo'ur lettor oi! yost_er.day;.4 the mean campaign tactics dw`g. 'nst Major currie. is; just .1 E 1 .`d.agal V __ ti . d The `facts are these: .Mn-;`_ -` ix] ; 1 .51 one work'* ' bein .-`limo uftvl . low!" . f V Dumas father was a arnxevr. r the son of a former of Notta-_ asaga, his uncle, Qolin Currie. tot`? ` "M, years, over torty. yeax.s.....a8.0. it the Union Hotel -at Nottawa. ] W Currie: went sailing one sum- i 1 r and got Major Guirie`s fzzthor. 30 was then dying: of oonsu-mption 3 ` _d unable, to work any longer L on `x "9 `arm, to take charge of the ho-` 1` them the summer. .Currie_"s ftather t a your or so,"bfefor< :.f1 I 1 l Edge:-l1u1' _ . ` _ _ gj on the ra1lway.,t~l;en_ g built from, Collingwood`-to d, The hurt caused no hem- ucaior . I `brougzht `on consump- oirlinl-'0 _ i V F W while all the hotel. lie attempt-. ; M, lift El barrel of whiskey` and` gmothor ' hemorrhage. I .` uglit 0 . ::::sum,. :l barrel of flour would hid the same effect. Some _ he died of consumpfioxi ` at the age of 24 year . On the day ` of has dmltil. V his son. our. Major t two days old._ The protest against his charge of his unole s_' the A summer. owing. I _ V to the (act that he . born at the time. `After his ifatiwi".5 iiuzitil his mother went back to live ? on the ;[arm. Slxc _ af- t(rw{ll`d.S' llll.`ll`l`lC`d a man narne Jus. conly, :moth0r l`arme.1' of :Nottawa~ am. The Majox` lived with his mo- [her until hm" death, when he was 13 or 14 yozl'1`3 old. He then_ went toclerk in Henry Wiggins store at Nottaum :for :1 sho1`t.time. He was t]1('ll`i1lk(`.ll care of `by his uncle. Ro- bert .\IcAllistc-r. another farmer of N0iiil\Vi l.`l:l`,l`:l, and lived w it'h him until he came [to man s estate. when he went into ne\vspapel" work first on The Bulletin and -afterwards for. many years on The .Mail. A illajor Dim-ie is a tncu'ougl1ly.l1on- orable 'upl`l,:.l`hi', clean man. oNot .a word can ~l)(- tru1yfsaid*_a-guinst his t.imr:1ctr-1`. Every man who has been (`lllpi(l_\'(`d iy him -on the steel wolks il('Tl?., is voting and working for him. ".5 1101` cent.~at lemst of the busixu-.~:~` men of Co1l__'mg-wood. iii"-,-, mspuctin-V of politics, aI.'e'\l"iiJh.:1'lil]'3Ai.i The -fish colnbines and the boat com- bines am work`iVmf: against him. He knot :1 (il`lnk(fl`, though I cannot say xvlurtlicr he is a teetotaller '0!` came. mus jus Major did . not mhcr mkmg: inother C`?`3`,3%. G_ w, Bruce Auswfs Lutggtg ' on Major ` ; I Collingwood. unli&ghJt%Soap is a wen S0313 Downey. Esq.. Minesing. The making of soap is no longey a chance mixur of_"_i_i1vis_V:'elI4`an_g-V` ous fats. Expert chemists carefully \va`t_Ch 8!1d 105* V")"5P i?` 93: making of - " Sunlight % .-- -15.`-1.; .. y `z: 4,; *' av -A` .un.I.\;...L-,. T ' The fats and oils` must`b__e perfectly pure arid at Of Droccss the soap mu._st`<':omc up to Sunlig1;t"stgndafc{J It`: cleanses your clothes perfcct1y, ma"k'es your 'b1ankt*._t's `soYft`_,_,d does not destroy your most dziinty linens or ijurg y`ou1;l1zixids.' __ L`.,,,v' \ . 4- ' u , - _ _-___-n-_ --.-n 1.; 1......) Q... ....l'o. ntivniu , . . . . /. \|\--~7$A\)J JVAUI III\l-l,\o|nuca-J. ---vv-v--_>v- ---J'--7: (5.. -..l.'..-__, K `Y; .Sux~.hght Sqap washes equally well! ;n Vl1:.1xjg1,[_gxj gofg dcgler 15 uu.horizcd_to return`tlzcqgurclzasc -money-_.j;yogig,re,,nq:-` Sausiied. ; ` L _w.-14a`;;,?5' ~:;~.+.;-: .'~ = .. food they .ea.'ta-'- keeps them afat andxheelthy on ordinary feed as if"'j.l.,hey were"*%i;ting expensive-grain. A 2 1 I H` a Nothing like it to insure plumb, tender, juicy lamb and mutton for market-and growspletidid w -. pl - lfyou want your ocks -tolvwinteav M . - /J well at the least expense` for food-.-use _, , I T. ,- Myers Royal Cattle Spice. ` ` l A ` Write for our Illustrated Booklet on Live St.ock- `interesting and useful. We free. - 3' - October 27. 1994. _Myers' Royal Spice C o .., Ninjas : falls, Onub N.Y. FarTEer%Who% Raises Sheep` A slaw: Vnot.".".A t imy xraMt'L. there is hi `:Viiis'; of atiy ill effects {from his` having lived the first` two dayo ohhis *`lite at a hotel.` He hag 'Ii_o. relhtivea in`.-the hotel business `and no idter-. ests an it. dire/otly`or-indirectly.-.1 know _.that he has alwyaysh voted and spoken in favoi` of eey 'a'dvb.nc e.d temperance-movement that has been before*_the pgoplo;-'o-It Vs,t_'rikes sme that (it L" is _a "Ip90;`_ a_x_iswefr'.- for Mr. ` MeCax'thy to ake' to'the` charge; ALAL` -___ _ . _ . _ -- that opposed V every, -temperance measure brought up-" iif3~Parlii1nii5nt. to" say that-~ This opponent_:~ s- father..; hurt {himself lifting a ..\_v;hi_kcy_ -latar-.9 gel Txtorty odd year-s"`-ngd; gi =; ; - an L.` `In r`t`enb\ ` :5 [. Thank G n s that . eve hi - ger was a, first cousin of, Our`- `ric's another. I have always consid- ered him an honorable .1.na'n.4- I can- "said_1bitt(-;r `things becauseesorme one at -the meeting.st"arted abusing >Mc- rel ixrorty odd ,year.,s"`i'ag-0; 7' :1 1: 3,}. - ' Now. as to:.Mr. Wilson. ` His moth-~ not understand ?why he should make such mean jnsinuations _against- his" 'p`olitical opponent. have taken the, liberty ;to` show`; your" letter. to Mr.~ V Lally '\MeCa rthy and.to eMr. " Alex. 3l'ex'k. V_dxyh9`d"ege'_here working hard for `-Leighton 'M1;.Carthy'~. `They c1_aini that Mr. Wilson lost-his temper and Czvujthy and nagged Wil'son.iand that Wilson only made these statements in answer to questions asked. You will know` w~hdthe1'~* this is" true or not. I know that `Wilson would not; dare `to say anything worse -of_ Our- rie than` I have tolfdvyou. but _I` can` quite ~u'nderstand "that, a` good deal depends on the way a thing is said* what impression is left. a N 1 It has been stated `here openly for l several weeks, AND` HAS .NOT_ BEEN DENIED. that Mr. .Wilson has been promised the position of `Collector of Customs at this port in succession to Mr, George: \ ~\Va'tson. who is a- very old` linen. and is to be superannuated immediately after. the elections Previous to that promise and to Major Currie s can- didature. pWi1son and Ourrie were the best 0 f friends. I suppose Wilson felt` that he had to do some- thing to earn his (reward, and when, after the Dalston `meeting had been captured tfrom McCarthy by Ourrie s friends. 4Leig.hton sent an urgent message to W._i1s_on".."to vcome tokthe. rescue at VMin`esing.:"'_heicould do no- thing else than come. 4 ' W "V-_-- `I '._A.... _-.Q_.=uu-34: n. rnI"\`:"| Luuug D5515 Inuuxn vvuuvu Have I 'yo'u1_` pet-mission to publish your letter to me? came and his ` 2?rie.n court-the fullest publicity. .I- hope-- you, gill .Atr;y`. to~ m8,-ke this an:s wer as widely linoivnas t it-N Em. Yours truly, c. w. Bnucm Cngdn as I Emit "Quanta- Thas ;_.%S5'!!1.1.?!8e itmnsziw 1}- V|\ . 3?" is . -way.` V .paadg _ thnaksg ` thrown hetseldll 1 ixivtoi tfruit-9 wsultune. iically , energetie A . ntpou`t the " Ontario; with ite excellent climate.` holdgvv end; will meintaixi. ~a;: forempst p1g'o._iQnf1y ab t_ithe at `me paasilbe fruit-reriixg _lari'd'_in the proviiice is nowj_-o,oc'u~pied._'1}here is plenty of reoin Efvolf: neveouiers.. The A`gr_iou'1- tu'raI'7Co1leg_ee at Guelph has a hor- +_tieultn'rgl " 1d_e`p_'ertmerV1t.. and gtudents dare tauglxt as much as is known a"- Uout.-`fmits. and. how to deal with the pests and diseases with which they are sometimes afflicted. Per-' "hn1I.vnI1nI* -ha vnlnnhhi. if- _u,a.v.y nu VlHVv-HAW-3 -------~-- --- , _"Qs.'howeve1`. the -mdst v aluable_im "mediate worlA; is donne`a`t `the five ex exiiment farms in the 'p'rovinee. ablished by the Ontario `Proving e`i_a,1_goyemment. T The -anthioritiesf find out what `tracts df cduny are .suita5.I for. pa1"_tiou_1ar Vkind of- `vfrnit-. .`and.. report.~. `Eaeh ,expei'iihent`- ale "farm is"eontrolled by a committee of` practical fruit gr-oxvers. who de-W oide what varietiesiot fruit shall be subjected vto-test. Other provinces. from` Quebec to" British `Columbia. are doingthe: game work. Canada is `determined, t.o_ become ' 11 ' great fruit` land. I` visited""`the`:`*best ~ fnruit`-growing:-. -st1'et,e_jhe" in`;.th3 best of fruit`-grow- ing p1>o,vi'nees. B'ezinni11Ig with the valley of the St. Lawrence. there is` a bx-'oad belt of excellent apple C0111)? ;t1_`.y extending1_ri;ht away to Niag;-` ara. b at "the V `western end of Lake- `Ontario. axlength of .288 miles. In `the "-forty mile strip that I inspect- ed, fruit farm succeeds/fruit farm in constant "array. Indeed the whole `of South Ontario is realizing that itsfuture is in" fruit rather than in ' wheat- The quantities of wheat from the No1'thw`e sti m-e driving the wheat grower` out of Ontario. Be`- sides, many farmers sons, mesmeris- ed with the.gla,mo'r `of. the west. are breakingiloose`-from the old ties -in Ontario -and making for "Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan to grow` wheat. Con:sequent_ly, `great as has been the increase of apple-growing , __-L L . . n - an Apples. spell money in Ontario. I .hear-diof one Englishmanwho start- . ed.in the smallest way five years ago- H`e`kne.w? about apple growing. `and he" bought. orchards` from dtlxosfe who didn t; know much. La1st`yea-rm he made a_ thousand pounds profilf; and -{this year'*._ h'e expects to `make two thousand pounds profit. "A man with about 400; can buyn good `fruit farm of a" hundred acres and [make a nice livelihood. ' ._ Great .I3_rita,in is ._big market for ,Onu:1'io apples. Thevhtrade has blos- somed chiefly within the last. teii years. The railway` and stezimship companies have provided systems of cold stor_age,._and so from the time that pears. peaches. grapes and ear- ly apples are`pc`a're_Iully picked. till `l;.l1 _ey. 'rea`,eh_ Liverpool. .the fruit` is pkept in a healthy ;c,ondilion. uuhll 'L_uu. Ian!-In vuvv V- .-L-._v--- gr 7 V in the p1`ovjncc. it has not been so great as the people .want-. ' But all the fruit yield of Ontar- io is `rarely gathered. In the pick- ing"se a'son sufficient labor cannot 1be -got for money. So thousands of trees. bent with `their burdens, stand. till winter comes. or the fruit drops with the nip of the frost. Or. -if the fruit. can be gathered. there `is the difficulty of` shortage of labor ` in providing barrels. Tons upon t_q`ns"of gooil fruit are wasted. sim- ply because Vthere are not enough `barrels -/to `send it to the markets. Again. occasionally there is such a glut on"the'rfiarket that-some grow- ers leavethe fruit to rot rather than go to the expense of gather- ing it.: w - V T _Ail this is'giv.ing an incentive to an industry that is just beginning to awaken. that of jam tnaking. The Canadians have -got away from the habit. -if they ever had it. of cat- ing jam. There are probably two reasons. one that until. recently they did not appreciate the possibilitiesot. Canada. in fruit. and. secondly. many of the jams offered them were imi-s tations manufactured from "vege- table marrow. turnips. sugar and ar- tificial coiorinig`, `The. good jam that 2-` _I 'E.._I!L..`. `:nl\iIII`A_ 511595535 Vlllvllllbo Aalv u\I\r\- iv--. ---v-- is ,consu-med is (it Eriglish manufac- ture.` The Cgnadian, . however. has a. sweet` tooth. and as soon as` he knows" he is" geting the -real arti-. ole he will fproybably._.~take_ to jam eating, I. -found `tha.t`_one or two bf the -big gi_`ow'e_i"s _haVje`th_ir eye on Sam xngnuacgure to` us up -their sutp1us_tp9k or T fruit. E. D_._ Smith jg erebting -jm !facto_r'"yp for. this _ir;ery%P!1rLi s.e- V " ` ' _. ,-___ g`,\_ _ 4'` W 4_`_`.:_ :.;;.:L- jury pgupuup. - _ The retail prioesiof. '0n`1A:a1'fioLh_`Vuit.s `as sold in '1`oron;to'an_d.1Iam_ilton_. are low compared withprice in `thc'..Eng-` glishj market; --Appl,e.s ca_n bqbonght -at "89; [a barrel.-` LPears_ can .be ..gqt_ -.at'- -13. _8d; per. pack basket. A. 20- pound b_aske_t;.`o grapes for ,-the table: can he bought` tor` ls. Rasp- `herriesk itrayvberries, ,o_u.xrantls, and ._l;la`okber,1'ies {are `about 43. _oicf' a: .1102- on; {quart = boxes; ~ }1`he ohoa'p_e__r V: grgpes :.uo_;rto ,t`he'111ali1.Iso<-.91; Canaian Wine; .rv;e; th_.td_ ' st. Ignd.`-`Em Aoonoto, smug- *7 7:`. 9, `,' - -`1V1o`wev`e`r.'* a 'magniEiont _ohunk`o-E the Dominion begi.n;n.i.n'g':to belie the. 'pijpular_ id_a !that anadd In `u`hi_e'!l.y- d"*1iiiiI"7'5fA'h6w. That any: ' " Nd! JOa_n_a.d "T dn1dbt;trconvert:9q m.et1.:sns%% #9 ; _ _ , . _ 72 ?strain _;;;yj..q:"Vi .pqt1;;;` white and ~i?I;:dian _...b!o.o"d.: says `,1 `wriberi incl =t=h.e .` 3l.8"izine4 .` .In`his.:Baflf.atri- ` ' V " e in iesmsvrsefghis1!i;#9..-`!`5.P.::e`%i4*`9 c are instilled into him. from _ . ,,,ear1i.e.sta$9.. bx. ..;x!.1.a.t.!- -,!:9s,l.. ;.11i.ti?91x:...,... . ; . the majority" ``ot_ a t-hf `Indian "is his. matsrnale .idi:~:i8i`d.}$.h9 i'ia!>9ri8~ I .iiil tiniest ' 1`Vi1'|!iT;`.:iar12::5>%:;;i9.!r3ed the V i . `Before `delineating th'e;: untavorai:1e;.- points of they yegagsa "*c`l'i.racter.. we will in juwcet-=-h'we'4a -1-{vbrd to say about his good points. of ` which he A has certainly at-zfew, .`;"I.ikc..t11c.`Ara_h, the desert.the' "eauch`o is charaeterii- ed by hisinnate eou-i`ftes3'., ..hospital'i'ty ` and fidelity to, his master` or leadcr'._ A This is a trait which `seems charac- teristic ofiall p'eopleHv.L-ho live in Ha semi-feudal` state, and was very no-9 ticeatble as late as last century. 3- _ Jmong our own Highlanders. though .. crally is. unlettered and uneducated. `in this age of `manhood - in contact. are -simple and no intricate theolo~ suffrage, -trades ;unions and strikes." the bonds of sympathy which have formerly fattached master and`servant- have been. in a great measure, loosened Courtesy is a universal trait of the Gaucho. He may .be.'and-gen-A butihe never torgeytsotliat heis one of TNatuire s gentlemen. and. unless under strong provocation. is careful not to offend iniany way, the feel- ings of those wtih whom he comes. -But if courteous \him- self. he expects equal courtesy on the part of others, even those plac- ed in authority over him. and would leave in a moment any master who dared to address him ina harsh word for any fault he might have`commit- mitted. `If his dignity i-s respected he will. however. generally be found a Iaithful and trustworthy _i-servant. In matters of religion his beliefs Zgical dogmas trouble him. He shows every reverence for t:h0'.'p!'l0i'5t. be- cause this has -been impressed upon him as a duty `from his tenderest years. The women. however. are much more fervent in -itheir piety than the men. for while the form- (Inn ` __ ..... LIIUII LIIU Llllillg LIJI wv Alunv u..v -.._ _._ .e:_ are frequent church-goers, the men rarely enter a church d_oor. `They lookion it. however. as their duty to comic-ss their sins once in a while. and they can generally man-' page to utter in an unintelligible 'manner a Credo or Ave Maria-there their religion begins and there . it ends. They usually know the most important saints days in the calen-. darsuch asthe chu.rch festivals. for the simple reason that .those days I are holidays on -which no work must W -be done. and this latter duty is 're- _ ligi-ously complied with by. the Gau- 1 cho. The Gaucho looks on the ;or- 1 eigner wtih a curious_:;1_1ixtur.e of respect and contempt--respect, be- cause the foreigner is always much more skilledin the arts and sciences than `he is. and .generally alsoymore practiced in the use of firearms-;- and contempt. because o1'cigners_ are. in. comparison` to {them-selves, such poor horsemen. s `The Gaucho almost lives in the saddle; his horse is his most t1'easured_.:'po'sscssion and even the poorest of theme has one.= ' and often two or three. There is no moral or physical excellence in their eyes equal to that of being a first- rate horseman. and no -man could` aspire to :be a `leader. of the Gau- chos"-.who wa`s not an unexception- ally skilled equestrian. During the wars which aifflicted the country during the last century. `foreigners had frequently to intervene -in or- . _der to defend their own interests. and on one occasiona Gaucho" ora- tor declared in ya warlike, `speech that those gringoes",(term of con- tempt for aiEu.ropean)_ were men of no account. who were `not even equal _to a..single,night's ga1lop-a statement which his large -plebeian ,_1_j 1.; LI... ...J... `Lin Esuuucmungu wuuau um: as-.~.bv r--..---.__ audience'applauded to the echo. He believes that the -foreigner 35 not a Christian;` he he's never sheen bap- tized; he is a-mer-e_ helretic with no hope . of salvation. who cannot ` even nmme the various saints` days or -rc- 'cite an Ave-Mari`o._or Paternoster-a` belief w.hieh hears evidence `of the teachings of the .p1`iests among an ignorant population. V T j In aslow. jaloiiding way the Turks. are pushing :.Iorwa_rd their xailxvay from "Damascus __ to Medina and ...sMec-o.a- .u'n, ; the Hen`-' jaz. Of the total distance at a-` city. ~ the` birthplace of the Prophe-, _etA M_oham`med_.~ the. first three hun-, Jdred mi1es5haveijii_sAt been opeI_1_ed for ktxiffio vgrtih atraixi aiday each way. _'1`h8f railhead. is_ now_ at Milan'._ abdut on. the bprder. 1'in_e,,bet`\vee__n_ Syria and`.-Arabia a_nd,n_ot 1tar_-rox,n `the (head of i;`11e;_;(\_`x\11f3of,"Akabz}11'r.W. the northeastem r. 6,1? 11,1 9f: {the `-Red See. `. I .1 1 ALVA uaavuuavvnon wrung... 7- 4 v--v goldiers under military engineers.` -and the cost has been $10.80!) per mile, ~ In _the three hundred miles completed 1there'lia've {been cen-V struoted .1. two ehundped , and` seventy- ii. hridss. .:l,`?`.?'.3V. .3`,1i tyree tunnels. _o-if "je:ou ti. five"-_l1ur'gdre`d feet .,, , e:a.;semansr. -rIt1"?\vi6:k$1ii7~? .'u:id7:;$6 _ The work ha. been mainly -done by` e:i9eye1nsth ` and. ' 'I $['w`1`:VtV iV9TikE`:`b`tS-5'>*T@i sbV :svit,l1';-solid_V%`;1_x:iaSi)11=1;y waL te,r.:eme[servo`frs.e L um. `- ... . -.;s&-~.'.I'-*1..1"a-. .;...`.a+~f 31.4 -`+`-i`a2.~ %Ga\icho. `buu? _PD|h:I'IfIIfl- '\ v|-\`1n?15AtJ . 'I`3=9;;moat,, d%ff91..t law 9! th91I9e Tiiwsg. 1!='L%h5R'; 53173? 9*W-!. ;D.a-, masam;tqAL;iaa9;L 32. . ""9=*i"!3%.; 911 n , ' .. < A Tors Railway. ace in ai like 411 street town. 1: direizt _T thous- ke pen- uney to itj"e` ;gxt_,;sr,tm*`yougas - From` De}-av. I n $$a_,l:-ih` `e`eetysev;1 miles south. ."t B9in_qou9-1,; railway ,to.I_1a-' ifa V" 'the'_'Vl![e3lit3Ii`ranean i. `V ap- `preaching completion. When finish- .e;1 it will help materially to lessen the cost of constructien on the main `line. everything required. in the -buildi1f;g o whieh.-up to t-hehpresent. has had to 7be'ca1'r'ied over the French Railway from Beyrout to! :])anlascus~ `at `great cost. '. rm..- 'I"nv-Ina or-n nahxrallv V01`? extrava- gant sum.` `The Medina-Mecca ` sec- A1-.. :.. A- I... Anbnn in hand ufhln ""f 3""%?.`* u.-" ...>.1*-~o ----' The `Turks are naturally _ very` ynroud. of the success" at this. their! ifirst essay in building an a11-'l`urk- ish 'rai1way_.with funds contributed 1 `by the faithful in every country and * from the~proceeds` of imposts which do not fall upon foreigners. and the ,op-eningvof the fix-stsection to Mann . '*`~~"L--I an t\n1v:vurU ] \`P_ 'opulIlB_UL 0119 Allan uvvy.`.-- -_ ___, is described as ha.vingtak'en place` `amid great rejo?cing on the part of! the populations along the line. So great is said to be the popular in-| tc'1'es.t in the enterprise. that though small iron articles, telegraph wire ;and wood. such V as sleep-' ers and te`.eg.ra.ph ` polse. are greatly coveted, not a singlel thing was stolen or disturbed. The German Emperor is said to] be greatly interested. in the progress ? A ---I - (`in-unhn v\u}`\\}-ggq {U15 |5l'CiLL1y lllbiilvauvu` u. ....v t..._:___, ;of the hue. and .a German railway] expert who went over it has made a highl`yA_favorable report. both on it3 future prospects and` the qual- ityofvthe wo1`k.done. Most of thei iron and steel employedin the con-, 'st1'uction'was purchased in Belgium.{ It is thought "that whenever the projected railway from `Egypt to the Persian Gulf is undertaken.- ,Maan will he thepdint of its crossing the Damascus-Mecca line. T "On. Tuesday evening. 18th. u1t., .w.hen. `Levi VMayes and AR. Little, teacher-, were going to a. `business meeting in the Essa townline Pres-5 byterian' church, the horse frighten-" ed and ran away. `throwing both out of the buggy. -P1'ovidentia1ly,_ neith-' er was very seriously injured. Mr. Little was only three days absent from the school, owing to 21 bruis- ed leg. and Mr. Mayes `only lost one day s work. The most singular part of it was that the horse ran. about"twelve miles on sideroads and `concession. lines and never broke any part of either buggy or bar- ness. -- - We are :sorry to have to say that Mrs. David Allen_ is not improving ...- ....~. ..-..n'l1l hiya in can `hp-or-_ but David Allen_ is not unprovmg as .we would like to see` `her, but we `hope the" medical attendant will `soon be` able to give. us :1 more fav- orable report. 4 T.._.. ..l.-;...g 61\n:1~ on, `lllbbliuv Aiayvyn` bu. . The. t_tusteeVsT have shown thgazr ap- *p1'eoiation of Mr. L .ttle s scrnccs as teach`er by--reengagin.g himv-for the tenth year. . 1..m+ tuna]: Thnznnn Lucas. of Sun- tentn . .- - Last week Thomas Lucas. of ni`da1e._ paid a hzisty visit to_ his friends hei'e andV.at Churchill. ' C`-_._... A,-nun` mantel` Mo \lv'I'\ in `IYICDGS nere 3.110 ~ HA. Luuxuxnu. Some agent must be doing well in the organ business in this. section of country. Mr. R; Rogers is the pur- chaser this time of another .beauti~ ful ,_ . [Nature's Cure for Stomach Troubles ` UXSCBBC. 1 BC Uly uuusuuy II III III!` 1 `-'1`-he-closer. w get to nature. the mute nee:-Ixipetf we d man; The Indiana thong? continual! over-eating havebeen pact call}: free 0 , Ind! eetion, Constipa- tion, xidnez andvver roubles. If they * experience any `of these diaeuei. ' the medicine men gave them "AMotbAe1--Nhtute has `a cure for any ` disease. The only difculty is to End ll. ' i'.'I`.lm..~lnn-9 we get to nature- the mac tivye cure - or .0. Stom- nch._- Liver and Kidney Dis- eases. How we ` - - ' " obtninedthesa cret formula of this wonderful cut-e,is told in a dainty booklet that we send free to any nddtess. Sold by :11 Dru s or by mail pnpaid on receipt c price, soctsendsmo. '- ` L % v|noquunom| `sensor on. 28 Jordugtlseet. _-. TORONTO 'Mo5onLey 9 : ,: f Perfection .Crem' Sodas . Just what the little ones 5shquldV hTa.ve- for mid-"clay Iun_.ch eon7-a.nd. bedotimc sup ` pet. It_'s*st.1rprising` how L ` r Ask f your cra.ckers .-for. 1':!` R33.E`l.5I;. .8" of Let the Qhildren .YID0_ KILLYLEAGII. VTZT This fanatic ' E-_eact,iptiou 8 been nad- for centuries bg_ the Can- : um Indiana. It is nature's temedy-and a . nasilive cure : Chicago, speaks td yohng 'women `about dangers of the Menstrual ; Period. . To Youxe Wouzie : --I suered for six years with dysmenorrhea ainfnl every month, as I knew it meant three or four days of intense pain. The . doctor said this was due to an inamed 'eondition of the uterine appendages ` caused by repeated `and neglected colds. 55'` 1vr\<|-|'nn' n-in-1: (115117 periods), so much so that I readed" C8-USCG Dy repuuwu uuu ucgzcwuou vvauu. V If young girls only realized how `dangerous it 18 to take cold at this critica.l"time, much suering would be 3 redvthem. `Thank God for L dia la. Pinkhanfs Vegetable om- pound, that was the 0111 medicine which helped me any. W thin three weeks after I started to take it, I noticed a marked improvement in my general health,'and at the time of my {next -monthly period the pain had xdiminished considerably. I kept up ' the treatment, and was cured a month later. I am like another person since. I am in rfect health, my eyes are brighter, have added 12 pounds to my weight, my color is good, and I feel light and happy. -M1ss Aomzs MILLER, 25 Potomac Ave., Chicago, Ill. -- 35000 new cannot be produced. 1 forfeit If orlglnal of about letter prov!ng_'gcnulne- The `monthly siclmess reflects the condition of a. woman s health. Anything unusual at ;that time should have prompt -' on-gal -u-A-\n- AI-I-nun!-Inns 011110 Buvulu uavv 1 proper attention. The above amount has been placed at cm di V posal for investment in Mortgages on Real Etta: MONEY ! MONEY! Insurance and Real Estate Agent. :VO1ce-With Messrs. McCarthv, Boys & .\{.n':his.m Solicitors, BARRIE. 0nt.-6-ly. Lowest Rates oi` Interest No Valuation Fee General FIRE and LIFE INSILRANCE an}: REAL ESTATE business also transacted. ---CALL OR \VRlTE-- `