' ~'I`h rjdd di-d Fm % h-om w (31 Fm rich him mar chi`l' sefl ;w hi h 9`-' ).`In ondjdt tsthfgi mmy onferi:enes- bit the ]'*}lld-ear Sualtesmen `held hexane} the` throne dm" the days .W..he_n; war Jbidtwecn Ntppon and Russia was im-` mzinkmt. and it `was a question of the best man to` command the Nip- ` .|ponesc Navy, Marquis Ito said. '._`Send mogo. He struck the first, blow in {the Chino-Niappon wxar. `arid "h-2"Awill 4 tr.ike the -first now--a.nd hard. ' __`.O' , --..-may- vvugnv vv--..-.~-...v-.--w_V j`So -we hsawe ohosen you'=for "the `ehuidf command," `finished Yamamo-l` Ito Gombl. lthe Minister "of.-Marine. at the close of three hours of in- a_truoc.ttionIs. `.'I`he`re are the ships. ~ And Vtice-Admir,al Togo said: Yes. sir. ' 1Th M'inis.ter of, Murine glaiitced at` lhim inquiringly, `and waited for. more`. -But .V(iic_e-Admiml -Togo stood Podfore lhm silent -and infserutable es. a gramite Buddha, and t`hv3 audience .'wgas presently at an end. - i %But' .t`h:is lqaconio reply to suoh_`d-:- mands, d-lsivered.a,t t-he~elose'o'f such 4e.oImxp'1sio|ate`_d direetion's. '..was'. past tunlderstiandiinig. Even -Togo the Sil- '-e`n.t must `h(8.`V0 some unkr_1owngriev- anlce ranklxing in his soul that had vo.i.ced itself in. this miracle of curt spdecxh. And the mum with a griev- anice was at best but a hal.E-.hea1"ted i.igih|t:e'r.` l'I1hiis must be looked into 'w&i:th qare, for the navy could not be` strustdd in `t-his {juncture to no man who would take` the command nviath a mental reservation. iT1he' M(:n.is(te.r of Marine sent a It.rust~d emiissary upon we Admiral s tnaiek. `T-he cmiissary went to Saseho. :wfshetr-e he remlaine-d /for several. days -nvsiituhout eidsdiing, to his store of know-. ilddigq. But sovmebhii-ng `hind to be - idone. `.-.--v~ -~-..-. --_ . cu--- VV Sad Vice -Admiral -.Togo rthen: IL has come` sto my ears that sun-dry `tools {1'ld'.bl1Sy spreading false im- prdsstions. I will give a feast. to cele-. am own? "ns;a1n'r warm as % was Mum caxuv. or was .mp- ~ ;ANnsm rams. - L1.l'!lKU 'L.LlU 1113!. 1l!\'V""`l-'ll'l.l uaxu. M `sq V_sice-A-'dmirla`l Togo Heihacmrb i-was aummone!d.t6 Tokio, `where -he speH(li_Iy found himself in the Navy Ddp(a;r.1:%m-spit, listening `to `a rather im4port`ant communication. "- ~..n- ___.\ 1_.-.__- -.1___-_. -_-..`.c-.. nu... HAMBLY 6 BAKER,%Sole Agents. *mzs1LnNr I `"'1~i}e'i-'e`-' I!-1:3":-1"}; Powders positively ecu:-`o. llo Cholera. No animal In mon\.' Picult to administer medicine to than the bag. The powder; .. hi 1111.10!` mifh {hair `tuna can Annu I-`Inga: TL-.. -.. AL-.. _9._ _.----.--. ow -u-nu-run uavunuuw UV I-I-ll I-I-IV o B PUWIIBII ,- being mixed with their food are easily en. runffn pick up. They go to the rootof thektrouble, tone up,'the stomach, regulate the bowel: and help the hogs to properly digest their food-will them well at olltimeva-`-nothing like Manta Royal I-log Powders. Why? They fatten the hog: quickly, inure ehoice hams, pork and bacon for `the market, cutest` cholera and ` keep: them healthy. A T` /~ =" ~ J " You ought to have our ilhutrate booklet about livestock. It is free_.: ` ' I\_.__- L- - 4- ` `The Pandora Reservoir is oval shaped, stern d in one `piece from the best sheet steel-no seams, groves, bolt hes s or square corners to collect dirt-.-every square inch is easily cleaned. T ` ' Rnaonnlln nnrn hr]-INA. luau Q nonnntl-n _' 15-`An-so -can-I-uI._IzA mu-fang. vvuuua ulrl.--cvcry aquclu uruu Ia chilly Clciilcuo . Enarnelled pure white, has a smooth, glossy, marble-like s_urfaca easily and thorou hly cleansed--islao impossible to stain or taunt that it can be used or boiling fruit ketchup, i sauces, or any thi"- preserving-time work, as well as for heating water. . - No other range is tted with an enamelled reservoir. When you can get a range like the Pandora which costs no" more than common ones, why not have a Pandora ? ` Sold by all enterprising dealers, Booklet free. 2-an \ London. Toronto. Montrqal. Wllnnlpm-g,V:nco'uver. St. John. NB. ebok Fruit in Reservoir. 1I? Q1isI1f>"*-5 'How _About ` 5 Your Hogs? -~---- on as 009 Remen;l>'e'2:,'-gr get the `eet results (mm food fed to hogs, that they hhonld` have A dailymration of Maren Royal end gnao 5pi"O..,5 T I euvtiasg e um space A.tte'r a (while the `Admiralh spoke. "`Geh.t`lr1_men, she said, `_`the feast at which you `gave nm the honor of your presence itwo days ago was the gaming `feast. Never could the sail- ors olf Nmppon have revelled .:t&1_u.s with their wives. and children about them u~._11esxs~ir_t `had been `tihat rpart-' ing which is the` end. To-night `we sail to `attack the enemy. and from that voyage` there is no return. Be in readiness (to weigh anchor at the signal. Good day." A A , I`ogo Heilhnohiro is a member nu`! one` at the famous fighting famil- ies` in the `famous fighting clan of S3.-tsu-ma. Born Oc.tobe1' 14. 1857, just {four yefars after '-the squadron of Commodore Perry `dropped anchor in the Bay of Yeddo. he opened his eyes upon Qh new `Nippon and he, has grown with he`: growth. L ' --T()-n "K51-6 gvivgvvhtv-13'! the ;ir'st Russian warships were torped- ?odd and sunk at Port Arthur. "wand. and it shall he the :greatesl:~ `fetus; the-navy has em seen. 3'['hzit Kefvezrybody may `be "joyous on `that day. ail rth'. wfficers and men of` this squadron have `leave, to invite thqfzr wives and -ohil-dren and their ndar re`1a-ti.ve:s.- J.--` -.-.v~, .v ---q-:~ -. ..._-- V- -- .whentah{e memage ;rr.i~ved. the `Ad- mdn`a'l Lsummornerd all this ofAfice.r`s by .s.iag4_n _rto Jthe` $f_lagshi'p.? Th-3y assem-_ blldd :a~s sxviifztly as might b3,_ and wh-eh 1:111 ware fgatheresd wtogeither. the`y (w..re `ushered into the Admir- a.l s pre{s0.ncq`.; He stood silent as usual, and b,e'Eore mm was the sam- b0. '21 1'fJiny {table of purowwhite wood; `u-pon tw'hd~o'h Jiay `.;`t'he .th-rec land a htazld jno hds" -th-e short sword or daagger olf ltlhe siamurai. ' `LY- ___.__.I ~____.__ _._.S'_! ._ ."LV __ ,' 1 ---`c=-.- -. ----v ~--1. -- ---- No rwoarvd 'wxa.2s.:3a;id on either side. Szbill {as death rtbe Admiral and his oaxp-twins ccyntmplated the - emblem of Ihonona;b1eTdctt11 before` the_m;'1`h`.s da;gge'r .mcanxt. victory or ka;-ppukqu. and Lt spoke` to thctsemen of modern }NnZ:'ppon as vcle"a.rly_ as it spoken ito the Basmau.-ra.i of old. T So tLhe-feast `was given on the hill; slopels `df Sa.saho.. It was memorable` for ts mtagnificdnce and tor its un reIst11a:in joyousness. - '!'.1-;I-.__-_____ II `T-..L -.-.-y-pg.-.` VJ v--- ---- -~ fI`ha.'t (was on February 3, Next day the" _Admdra`lV made 9. toui' of in- .szpre`ut('Lon. calling` upon: all his ships. As /he` -erpeoxted. he found all in per- xfeuclt cmder. rwitlh every man at :his post. . All was in readiness _for the rwomd Ifrom (Tokio. Actal.'mv3 the intelli- _gehuc.e :t`h.ast `war had been V declared.` nd that `the fleet under Vice-AIL mlimil 1Togo was to `proceed to.Port- Arethur wwsitsh-out delay, and _ attack _t`-h-e` ao,nemy s Efhliipsd at, that port. I}-11am vv-4-gunman:-A n-nu1:1-911.4-I C-Inn AA fleet spd- ghee}:- Iike nut into `the, Yellow Sen. " I. v`. -_.v vauvs J g L UQIISLL IIILLUIJ UL ;l9end. $1.'.7.0v`; John F-8.-wcett. repairs to culve"rt on 3rd Line, $1.50 ; Wm. ` Conne'll. Eillinlg washout on 2nd line. $3.00; J. .G. Scott. for cement. $175; R. MoMuin:n-. -grelpairs .toj, culvert. $1- .50: Large Davidson. large bolts -for bridge. : $7.00: -Wm. Gunning-hum. work on4No. 1 durjsion.. $6.80; Sar- gdant & 00.. cement and pipe for oulvgrt. $284.54; Wqallaoo Carruthers. V-refplanrs to culvert, 750.; William l3);1nn. work on No. 2 division. $23- . (in motion of Mr. Beil; secodded b Mr. D_un-daxs,"-t~hat `the reai . ation `o_ Mr. Cu , ham. as Boa: Com- mmsnioner, be am} ' tor the. current`. ' ~ V_ounafl-2 . nn`17l ~inni!rm?.nia`I;- A _by:.-lagw` wag: ur_:du_cefd_ ,and -pass- wppgantbing Ea ;.,..oo1lector:v 1 qt jrates ah.` "-' `..-`I-C .---u--.v.- ..._ avyau .o &\I\b-I-I IALVIQLUIJ On motion of Mr. Coxworth. seb- couddd _by Mr. Ervin. the following account; we`re .or.dered tobe paid: 'Frdd Montgomery, redgtist/ra:tion of Anna` Qi an . 1-1.- 1-.\__-,_ . -nu. one current y8aI'. V .IOouno:il wdjourned V to meet . at .A:ngu3 on-the 31st.--da - of Ootobar. A V W. rmmuisrnn. -Essa Council Sapte;11'bef 19,_ at the Morrow House, Alliston, all the Vmembers being *pre:sent.v N `f!._-_L-c_ -2 `I._._L _..A-L0,._ __ , `I .1 v-- --v.-n-vv--r -vvso-a- `anv-I-annv Minutes of last meeting read and i conbirmefd. William Cunningham ten- `ddrad his resignation as Road Com- Vmaimiondr of, N_o. .1 roe.-d Ddivision. t\_.. ....-.A_2___ _.Q `ID as V '.Vl`h.is training was common to all samurai in uthe` days of the elder Nei-ppon. It taught :-albove` all things the do-mIinla'nt -weig-ht of "the soul, the per.'Eeot -.bla=lance. palsaivity anld; .ste`azdiness of 'the whole nervous sys- tem, under a-llwzircumatanoes. so that no possible emergency could deprive the warrior of the full command of` hlis senses. 2 . i !The' Chinese. philosopher Yomei merely exemplified -in practical form the dominant cult of the east. the belief which underlies (all her re!- luigcions-na.'me'ly. .t'h-at life being. an entity that is `distinctly a nsoumen- on. is suIpe'rio_r `to any . possible ac- cidenlt or `harppeminlg upon the physical pl"a~ne'._ o v With all his -c.onvfide'I_1cc a.n deci- `siou in aemtion-, he is personally one `o'_:the`mo st modest of men. a plmin, simsplei e:3il-or,_dcasp'Lte .the fact that u1pon'*h;iisAb'rea:s}t glitters the Second 0rde r, of the Rising Sun, a de~cor9,- tion grantdd by the Emperor cn-ly to those` Imho have ren'dere.d distin- gu=i=sho d service ito the state. and one`. 3'-3ne"rva:t.iOn. A ,_ M A , 1 -n ..1 .- m`re'ly to more `than twenty men ix} In st`h;-'t1;=i'c_l:."<;E the e.n;g'.-wgemenf. ou Ferb. 9.Aoff Port Arthur, -wwh-`an. the Jta:panese.shel1s were ~crqaAt1in-g conside'raxb1eL havoc on the -decks of the Ienemy._o-ne of the oficers on ?the, bridge of the Milnmsa. could not ,forvbcIar turning` .to the Admiral, amd ask:in'g Bomelwhat .exu'l~t-ingly.,=How `is Ith-at ?" Not `quite the worst tar- gdt tpnactice .t-hey cou-ld db." ;was Admiral .f1`ogo s sole` commmt oxrthe ~ sitnmhion. , T ` nLIi'fe Vexrpresses itself equally in the 'aloI.we'.ning of a. roxherry tree or the 'exsiet`6lnzoe at a; 'ma.-n. `It the cherry blosom is orushdd "or jtyhc man is killed it only means the -de- strwctzion at one form `of ex.pres`siou not aanythiinlg that could possibly disturb ,the` equilibrium of life it- - -fI. ngooh training lu.m'she.s Ltheh fa:- plamataiorn of men who rush in thou- {the doomedfzireships of Port Arthur oounuing as greater fthan. life the honor at beng `permitted -to block the harbor entrance wtith their bad- sible a. man like Admiral Togo. ,sauu to volu.nte e-r for servdce _on. ink. and. undh ~tr'ai.'nin.z makes (poet-` Doubt of'1x`i'S ability to carry to a successful `co-nclus'zon_ an`y enter- prise ytd which he may have set his ha~n'd, `is as tfar from him as the doubt that `the sun rises in the ---- ---v---v-a\a..- An extreme and relenltless cf2sci- ]-pliinsarian, ~Adm'u'a1 .Togo is at _ omcc the tidal and `terror of the `navy. All he wants is the utmost that men and Alsh=i*ps` can do. and takes .th1a-t. lvike` cveryL`h~in*g else, as a xwmtter of course. _I'1`o `.rigorous tna`-ining in the school of .Yome'i may be ascribed :1 large part of the ability of this sil- 'e`n-t .wIzrrnior eto 'br_east -successfully! the .com'pl=iua.ted` current of modern e'vdnts. ' % ` poub:anwe*ve'saaa`_.ban M_coNEYs PERFl.':':Cv `noN SCREAM ~ SODAS. A` Doubt czhe cx-backers all you` wi1i.'But thc`rst one of] them you eaf, wi!l prove that 1 _we are right and `you are Essa douncil. THENb1i1'HE1:N. ADVANCE `clerk: The Way It Happened. She-Archibald was always trying to avoid" the girls, _Where did he meet the, one ..h Mterwatd marr1ed.?L %. 30- % He.;`13 8hovertook..h!n_1.. _ Wire-I must run .ac.ross the stret ; and bid Mrs. Neighbor goodby. I'll be } back in -a second, . Husb'and-Well, % you'll have to hurry. The train leaves in three hours. .. " . 7 Too` Inch For 813. Oh, zees langviage! complainedthe distinguished foreigner. Your wife he is upstairs when I come in and you call to heem: `Monsieur d Esprit have arrive. V Hurry pp and come down. .' a I . _ Taken Longer. Husband-How is it that women : club of yours keeps you out so much later than it used to? W1te-0h, we've made a new 1_'ul'e that only one mem- ber can speak at a time." ` :7 a Funny. . Borrougha-Mr. Merchant : out, you nay? Why. -_ he had an appointment with me here. That : very funny. New Olce Boy-Yes, sir: I guess he thought it was too.. Anyways, ho was laugh1n' when he went out. V ' Cromwell and the Specter. ` The stories of the White Lady" that periodically visits the German royal family and of the Little.Red Man" that frequently -paid his respects to the great Napoleon are tolerably well known. especially that or the former. But few, perhaps, are familiar with the story of Cromwell's Giant Specter." It appeared to himone night when he was wide awake and quietly resting on his couch. In appearance the appari- tion was a woman of. gigantic propor- tions. Approaching him she announced in tones like thunder, Within the year you, my son, will be recognized as the greatest man in Britain. Creation o! 3 Knight. The ceremonies at the creation of e knight have been various; the principal ` were a box on the ear and a stroke with a sword on the shoulder. John 5 of Salisbury tells us the blow with the l naked fist was in use among the an- cient Normans; by this it was that William. the Conqueror conferred the honor of knighthood on his son Henry. It was afterward changed into a blow with the at ot the sword on the shoul- der ot the knight. - V Not That mu; What did you think of Philadeb phia ?" A A -' . 411' _.-._-_ ..___ ---- l----~---2" t---- - I never was more imposed on in 1my_ lite," answered Colonel Stilwell lot Kentucky. They told me Phila- { delphla was famous tor` its mint, and 1 all they showed me was aplace where ` they make money. F w---nag n-vv 50:1`-vvvi The heat thus "lost" cannot be re- ` placed from the earth,- for this source 1 is excluded by the straw. Before sun- } rise a cake or ice is formed in each % vessel. `To produce this ice in 'quan-' jtities clear nights are advantageous, ` and particularly those on which prac- j tically no dew falls. Should the straw } get wet it becomesmore matted and . L compact and consequently a better ` a conductor of heat, for the .- vapor then j_acts as a screen over the pans, checks .the cold and retardstreezi g. 3 Birds A1-be Mathematicians. The English naturalist, Morris Gibbs, devoted years of study to birds nests, their formation and their contents, and asserts that birds lay their eggsin ac- cordance with geometrical lines, so that every inch of space is ued to the greatest possible advantage. Birds which lay many eggs arrange them in % circles, the pointed ends turned to the ` inside. Others, whose eggs are e1llptic- 1 jelly shaped, place them in longitudi-; nal row. If an egg is moved out of its original position by an intruder, it will be found on the following -morn- ing that the bird has returned it to its 1 rst position. Among the numerous S and often difficult cases which Gibbs A made a matter of study, not one was 1 found which;would not do credit to a ` mathematician. . Ice in India. ` I Dr. Wells, a London physician, in 1818, in his published essay on dew,i \ was the rst to draw attention to the ?curious articial production of ice in India. Shallow pits are dug, which` ` are partially lled with perfectly dry 1 straw. On the straw broad, at pan: ; containing water are exposed to the} clear sky. The water, being a power- 1 ful radiant, sends off its, heat abun- 3 dantly into space. ' rlVL- 1---; LL--- `I-..A.' ..__.._L In. -1): I l 4. - . .. In `one? -molested -by public` _-criticism, the ad-._ ve_rt_isers- have even ._now established \ tastetalness as the underlying essential ` principle of their competition. This} is in window dressing, a vital part or advertising. The beautiful, not the bizarre; the'Aattractive rather than the startling ;, the alluring and `interesting: are now sought in the window elfects of every shop, from the great depart- ment store to the little "candy kitchen; from the basement lights of a modest orist tothe long plate glass front of a shoe emporium, Salaries of several thousand dollars a year are paid in_ cities to the artists most skilled in window dressing, and their requisi- tions for plants or ribbons-totally ir- relevant as these may be to the stock on sale and designed merely to add to the beauty of the window picture-- are honored ungrudgingly. In eect themerchant says, Give me a beau- tiful window that people will stop and look at, and that yet shall indicate generally the sort of goods I handle, and I do not care what it costs.- Charles M. Robinson in Atlantic. _ *in..i..; at} M. ' ` A J 4.. -'..I._. ;-L -:1. A Word oi Warning. GOWIIII and G8kG`I' of all `kinds in stock or made to order. Robes, Grape and all Funeral Requisites furnished. Orders by Telegraph or otherwise promply attended to. G. O. DOLMAGE, Lfamager, Stroud. Ln QQQ. - _-_ __ "Slum Vlotlxs and Show iIo%oL}nVILI7:l}%o |ii"ei::v:viL..Barrie G. G. SMITH UN DERTAKER, HTAEHFEEE '.I . . _ _ . g` . `.".~:~ ``q'. .`.'.;' A : .x, ,. v `-"\for its Subscribers at Hadgsn` Ellis, Oicial ulnalyst to Dominion Gavarnnwnt. report: that '-,9;mzight Soap has a. thorough cleansing pgwgr without danger to the clothes or skin. Fly-Kilrer Made Qglj I....* `II THE ADVANCE BARRIE AND STROUD. With Any Paper IN THE DOMINION Asl:.'for ghe Octagon Bar WILL. Club Clubbing Rates REDUCES EXPENSEV So` the` Minister's emissary pursued his investigcation angoug the officers at -the` fleet, From them he gained no e`n1zigh;tmenlt as (to the Admiral"s sltaste Dlf utimfd, but the _Ad-_ mfiratl was very speedily en- ligxhttened as the Marine- Min`- s(te'r s lstaxteolf `mind, for .`with'- in tweznty-Tour hours, the :-whole ltlat mug with the news that Vice- `A'dm.'ircafl -'1`ogo:w`_aTs discon-tented-wa$ angry beyond rapazir-was so offend- e'd -thiat -he might `refuse to lead the3 tt-le'e.ot-`an'd no one knew why. ..;! .1 TT!__I A J ,._,'__-1 II`, -__ 1:71