P61- P`.'3ino; .'. `F110 :..i._ I `o um otaumt `that the chat or '1-dammaking has been `greater than- :iut' woumd `liawd `been two years a80- - .,,,;1_-.1- :LI.., .....-.s.|.ha Lama I-snail 1 vvvw g vv~-._ L WWUIIIIIA Aqunvug ill so On the whole. the results have .3 -..L. ..... ...-_a2...l4u. ,D,..,,In, 1 _-v-_v .7-. V Un .v_uv 'wu-vwo ;~-,-u -%-~ '7V""' > and Roads ihave beui fat11a(ig*hte.ne:t1. g1'adeIsfha.ve been moeivaztetd. it! snot` done azway .wit=h. `and. 3,5 9. `rie. lirst-class hightways have `been `tutuiished. - upon which hdmvy 1oax& can `be drawn with coni- :pa1'.a4t1ive easewanid on wvhiph it is a -pleasure too drx1`Lve.- II\, `the use of bruaid tiires dn Nvagonzs cou-1d.be suc- cetastully enforced tthe .e.v\i1 of cut.- ting the rrolatdxs .uIp .w.osul:d `be sensibly dximsinisheld. ill. not done away -wi-th a.-Ittugeitheari. .n-n,-_- -_`I.. ..I.:n-|-2...` `4-Iunlf T }\'-.V;(\, a-A'vvBv~----- ` `!The' only objection Tthazt I have ihefa-.rd to -the system has sprung from pople whats:-, residences` are on the county ro`3.`d'-3. and *to, whose places the "work has (not yet reached. -.W'e~ hrauvd to Vbmgiin '=t~3omeiWhere. , ;VVe be- ,, .A_.__ _... J.-1.. .. L .........e- om-`.3 LWWVD LU 'IJ\.e'lnl-A 'a-v-pg`. -- _-- .,. A313!!!" A at *t1e -cen'tn'els-t'he and mi-llaiges-T-amid -worked Koustward there- from. aWe were (not able to finish our work. =aLnd `as {there _are always some beople ttdlinid. fault. the'f:1ult- 1.`~in1de_`1*s were .usuta'lly, confined to those up -to -whose `homes the roads were hut finished at the time we were-compelled to desist. It speaks hve-11 zforr rthe system, however, when I ` can say -t'h-at 4tb.e'- I.c.r.1ticism comes from these (people `who must `think hiighily out the` completed portions whvefn Vchey conmtplkaiien because the ba1- 1 axuc-6 is not yet fgimishead. I ne`ve.r was much of -a humtcar 4f-_or -an\ima'ls," said `the retired `pros- peertor, "but I `nhlwve hun-te-d for more mlinels rthla-.n would buy all the mil- liionlaliresin America if they -had ualnmdd out rligthty; ankl I am here to .say it is about as "dangerous kind o'E_ vhumtrlng as going ,a-fteir tigers >\`Wii,Et.h popguns. unless a man` knows his businefss fprcltty well. There s diangeir of starvation, of `freezing. of `drowmlng. of fsa>1lin|g over przzcipices, of running against uwild animals, and Mni:l)de`r men. It s no bed of roses, rthhlius bu'sine[~3s`o'E xprospecting. Every > my-ros.pe?c.tor w-holknows whut s what. oarrrlieis a good: -`supply of morphine." so -itf -he"=htaJpp-ens to break his leg some`whe.re beyond clixvilizmtiony. or runs out at chuck and can't get a new supply, he can just swallow some` dope and go to sleep for keeps. ifs easier than `to be flat on your beam-k and left `the wolves eat -you. -"I ve` `wh:a=d.my share of experlnees, and since` you fellows have been atelllling belar stories. `I'll tell you what hiaippehexd to me dn the Rocky Moun- JLn!__'._ 1- 1....a' Ihn`n,n- nlnsinsz around ~-"'Un8 nay I. ~.I.uu.uu. avu.;w....... ,-.._. iainug. mud got out my -pick amd wehit in c=h(ase for it. I.hakdn. t lo- calteld it up +"to,t&1e. time I ran into a. grizzly bear that looked as big as an dletphantt. (ne weather was get- rtuing cold,? and .I thougnht _the. bears braid reftiiresd forntxhe winter. but _I- ~ --.5~L..I-.\.-. Mn ulna ` `GHQ 'l'ULill`Uu LUL .-uuv n.......-, ...._ guess I was mlistak-zen. May-b this and htaid got caught out in the cold against his `will. `Anyway. there . he was. and tjhefre I was. and he look- dd as if he hadn -.t had a meal of v.icatu1a'ls since` berries were ripe. He: m!a1de' for me. :and I wermt up the neiaaresnt tree, which wasn't nearly so high as I `would have` wished: but 9. garnizzly can .t cli_m:b, so I was safe enough (ctr mhe mime. ' If I'd had my gun I -d` halve had the `fun with -tvhlmt bear. but the blame gun was ` wound t'hd hill. resting againlst a -L-___.I.-..... an 41 annual`. 351'. , "Lt -,w'.a4s.gett1ing toward the shank of the e-venting. and I tthought` -when nsis-hat dame on the bear would `trek '-for -home`. so I made myself as com- Iorttabld as circumstances would per- mlit `and waited for my chance to go :too. `But it` didn`t come`. The moon `came out shortly after dark, and it . as so light that I guess` the bear didn't know "what time it was. Whe- ~t`l_1e&`_ did or not. he stayed at` the 1100.12 of the tree watching me. -At thirst 'he` ri-ppesd off the bark in Wild h`4t!tdm`p'ts' to get at me. but van time 1 wore on. me wore out. and settled Viroqua Indian Remedy IA Iouv QQpnc' - -___._u stone`. as iharmlosss as a crow`-} Purely vegeteble. Rule of are hen. (from the fofests.) It is the secret formats of the 6 Nations Indians. Used `by their medicine men for centuries. Only introduced-s few years ago and 11- reedyhsscnted thousands of Indigestion, " ` ' * Dyspepslnv `Consti pstion. niliousness, ' ' Liver and Kid- . :n___I.l-- Baiting a Bear. Ul ynuuvo vv-gu- for our booklet about the discovery of ' this wonderful foi-mun. testimonials and move about the remedy melt. we send it .` A vlnnouj nwuun sum co. Mrune-s cone son stomcu. uven mo nuonev rnounes. ac? EIJ.{.i;. so cu and $3.00 a box. Sold by ____!.A- u -v:- ---- , nu ? Druggists or bymail post- pald on receipt of pdce. Write 1.- .1! AC down `to a quie`t life. In the mean- .t:ime` I .b-3-gtan _to get cold, and then ta good de al `colder, but the bear. eu4dsd`le d up iii his fur down below. diiadnit seem to _:be suffering much. F-inlally I got so cold and so cramp- ed and tired hanging on to a limb not so thick as my arm, that it was 11111 I could do to hold on at all."I`!hen I mas re`al scared. and I tried to sc1a.re"t~he `bear. But he .wouldn`t siuare. He knew his business, and he `lat got to the` point where I couldn't holvd on any lonlgefr. and I began to say my pr_`aye'Is `before letting go janld dropping imto the grizzly's giz- jztavd. Atthat moment I thought 0E ' my morrphtine: I hiad a bag of things . I a'l~,ways oarr;ie`d- over my shoulder. L and were was a ba'll of twine in it. afnld with this I proposed to tie my- sdllf to the `tree and swallow the morp'h1inge. Then.` when. I awenit to she`-zip. I wouldn t fall out. I _d:'.dnt . wtant t-hat m'e asily bear to get my 1 r.emo.i=ns, t-hougxh I don't suppose he .wou`lvd have` eaten much of me. ``I was winding off the twine wvhein a grc;a.t idea presented itself. If the` mor-pthine would `put me away .be`an'? Possibly he could takemore. but I h!a'd `enough in my !`J5ldC\ pocket to klill '40 min and that ought to do -for a be'.1r, even an big - ~_!_..I-- l'I"el.n' nmnn-hr nnr new `Was looking for fresh meat. At last - why wouldn't it. do as much [or the . 13:3;-A;hi|h`i the Region of the Kidneyet irregularity of Bowel or Kidney Aotion? F eveehneee? chilly sen- eatlone? Pufneec Under theiyeei - Briok-duet Deiaoelt or cloud- inose of Urine`! Dropey. of the Ankies or Wrists? These are the danger signals which testify that the kidneys are not doing their work of expelling uric acid from the blood. Unless these organs are brought into ahealthy condition, the blood will be poisoned more and more. Some form of Rheumatism is like- u 1y to follow, and Diabetes or Bright s Disease of the Kidneys may result. You must act at once. Disorders of the kidneys brook no delay. To make weak kidneys strong and to cleanse out clogged kidneys, IIAVEYOII] Uugul. Lu uu LI.Il. .. .,.,.,._, _,,~_ __ as a grizzly. The thought ut new bite` into me. and I b.rae-37d up. I had some d'r:ied meet and other eatableis in my little . bag, and I had the met- rphline` in my intside pocket. I got out t'h.e.me1at, .a1-piece not bigger than my fist. I `cut :1 hole in it and put in a few five grainr pellets of the sleepy stuff. I had more. but I tho-ugxht I would `try that much tor :a_ starteia Then I tied the load- eld meat to the string and let it down _be'Eore the beur`s nose. He was Oakling ltlhings easy at the time -and the meat smelt good to him. Instead oltv gejttning maid and rising we to -ApIa`wV tholeh in -the tree, he sniffed a minute` at the meat. made a grab at it and down it 'we`nlt. I su.ppos-`-. I might have` played fish with him by rpmllixng on the` other end of the V ttwtint-1. but I w1as.n t `feeling that way I left the --twine go. and. a.Eter shak- -J __--.:...n... 04 3.3:: Fnnn. It is the product of the `latest scientic research and is the great kidne regulator. Bu-Ju is sold by a druggists; `box of 50 pills, 50 cents. Do not accept substi- tutes for Bu-Ju. ` Wwwz Hutu: vnnn- N. Y._AND at It au'u.- uuvvu u. u-.,..-.. - .,..`,l._, , have the ing lhis he`a'd. and pa.win'g at his face,- hevgot the string down where the melat rwas. Then he lay down again wtiath u look up my way. `as if to say. '_'W=-heh are you coming down?" I could hang on a good deal bet- tdi` `then. and I` took a. new hold. and watiteld for the dope to act. I di-dn .t know the` dose `for a bear. but I fhdpdd I had given him -enough. . For an hour I wazizteid; and than the belar began to show `signs of lans guotr. 'He stretched out sleesply. and. at-`last tumbldd over. limp. as if he hnnldmt aniy moire `use for himself. A --, I J...-on; -;1;3r more" to: I thought it was my time . the` other side of the trc m ,.L _ .. T ' gang];-I ml'|n' X; DHIIIUJIIL uu-y Luuuv \A-av -..- __V_I_ time. and down the` tree I went as fast as I c'ould. The` way I got but out that neighborhood was a can- Ito smake. I _ought to have be e:n Itoost1i:E. to make good time. but the scare took all the stiffen- ing but at me, and I hustlcud like a. tiiaamount. I `had semsc entough to - 1 1 .,__ _-_I_}.-an uvnrr l'l"II`l`I `HHS. I Ganamount. 1 mm atzxxau .;.......,,.. -- hdad `for where my gun was. and took thlat alorncg. Next day I went. black. 'prospe'c:taing for bear. 1 got him. He was dcader _-than Julius Oaear. from which I have always bustpetxtads `that 20 "grains elf mor- phxine is always an overdose for a --! __`I.. 09 ` Wash greasy dishes, pots or pans with "Lever s Dry Soap a powder. It will re- ; Inpvne the grease with the greatest .eaae. 36 The Kidney Pill That Cures Ll ' ~- Luzw vonn. N. v..ANo ZWINDSOR. ONT. Use Tnde-Mark William J. Lampton. o. and The Lou lverpool. , angg-`IA; 3-; - v V- `vvwuv atorloo. On: or Berlin. Ont arkham. Ont aux-anco Qan- 7 '11-32?: Fun huuunc Pa nun: II the L 8: SMITH.) IITH [gent m" -% V199 far 31* non; borough an lcieut stat? ' ht the BEST ` e give will : ure start on 1 rovv of the` erstaarl the ions. We'll. of progresa. ` ea in noeded 1 best. satlsfao- 4 We M4. "` `J11 $Vl-\l|Ll\.lu.J. -...-_ ALJ >I[L`lC]`.(*,Y`, `of 119 -E1- '.mc' L,:_3~1;x Cump;my. addre'ssed'1_ council in conncction `with the he the strcet-l*'_1ght- "Mr. 1*`1:mche1' suggested 5331 U111. .incu.n~deasoe-rlt lamps lu.~ oi W5. lured uLA0V Jnstaal sevgn. We lighls in uhirty-o%neT _-clusters '-415lJqmI' ulonth. ITIIN cost of 1c11=un.g'e, he` esttimate.d or $500_ an-d if `the a, he would wave to ,,;;u1uusL :1 five years contract. 3 present gtrut-L-11-gllting system "1.85` -per month. ~[s the town $- 31 the ~c-ouucil .will- hold 2a special L x ' ""' ~* --....1.._ hn 0 . . . . ? ; - -~.,-d over . the lpr1~nIo1p_al [0 con.~:.id(-.1" the chxa.-nige. -, , v 0 _ .._ Thex regular C0LHI\:::~.g_11.;) of the Board of mg LI. Hospital was `held in .-d Room on Monday. * T118 (, refs statement slmwed a bal- Wsuf ,55143_ :Tho su1per.in.ten'dent n`wrtnodHas :[o1lo\x;s: Pattien-Us` Eeas. $30305; 1m,ie'nts wadmeit-tczd d\1!"i!18 mber 17; pa.t;icnts in hospxtal. shim ;bcr' 30 18; `dent-he. 3:; 1351103 swsons 4. As the October 7meet4 :90 flhe `hospital year. 8. ShOI't ,3-t ufthc rwolfk -10118 W33 read- 9 ;aw`1`ota1`tnum~ber of patients treat-V a.. `Ann. ....-.L IMF vn|I;\f'l`lnnOB. $5?` some o[ the most amaportunnt items o+9o+9o` ' Wrebiddqr. _o` Orillisajz Mr. and Mia.` "f John` II_dlme& and daughter`: Mr. anjd' Mrs, .We'11:in`gto-n- Fishar; Mr, and Mrs. Hu-msphiiey ,!'1`re_s_.iddr. `of Do- trofxt. ma Mr, `A1~re'd Mvaades. of -'1`o- . -ron-to. (~ag`ranrdson-)`.` It as a` remark- _ able` fact that Mr.` and. Mrs.` *Trosi~d-_ T ddr. at Detroit `have_vnot,lost a sin-- le desoenidant.` by death, .Many guts. . mua.r_ke'd It-he alppreaoeiatiofn :01`. the hap- - py tdvent. and, the "family unlited in a Iapefoal tprctsenxt of a" handsome pxxrsofuot golid_,. The presenmtuioli was msad by fthcj eldest son. at the `hour 0.11 _3the` wcdrdlin-g. fifty years since-9 3 Io`-ol'ook in `the afternoon. and was aoo'o.mlpanIie`c1'Iby 1a writt rm address. Gxupressfrn-g -genezfal `ha; gin'ess an~d_ -con-gnzntulatuions. 'Altoge`t -r the re- uniion Iwuas~a' most` ha.) ` one. and .rnIany Onillianxs twill jo... the reta-'. triveis in wishing `Mr. and Mrs.` Tre- ~sdde'r many `liurttrhcr years of life and lhmppeindss amonig us......Mr. Pe`t- e'I."C`11l`li`Sati0. oxtiher of Messrs. W. P. .+++w6 _V,ER_ _,_402Lthe`r1n%'M?\G9'1yo 5131 ` Angus .Bz-all. d-letd last ` * -nvber -29. alfater a u!5f"3:`,%5 ;,`,_Nd 47 years and _aiax 1` .1-\`1m.m1 took Vplaxoo trom .1,u.L. of her father, M1`. -3.. SM V rsuuxlidale street,` on .[H:`:I.n00[1., 2nd inlst. Set` 1 Mac. Patrick's church` . _ I 1L.n1;m;1s .mz1.de at the R. d1Wu_,_ Mm Ball xms born in: , id \\_';1:;~' a 1'i'Ec-lolmg`, 're- 1fer.1:cS;(1Lax\t. .01"; the tow.n.-Su.'n. " I_.T0`\:_ On Monday. Mr. A L `1`ll'tCl!(`l`, the V131- addI`essed_ .;x11cz1.ntde:sceI1lt l=glI`ib\11".-d . 'l31'i"n`1p-3'1 Q 11`. m'[t-md 41.0 dnstal seven- :f":' 1.l[,.},1.; Ul1i1`Ly-one clusters .1\': In ` S cost or$41.5u~1"" ., 0.. . ' . . . .hep1'01\o~ed(:11-.1a,:_0%d ;`i`;*:`: rand H. .M. lC'hrzzstie. -dxod yesterday 4"" 0` ' "' T mo.rni.ng ,a:t_*t*h~e' rcaidenbe of his 01- ``` v 1d 1: v nae M3. made, on a e D H ll...`-1 five years` contract. we `presum ts $21.85 monbh. [me council hold 11 . . - ti-asion the hm`ge' "" de`r son. West `street. at the rfupe agu o.t`_ Iefughuty-four years. Mr; iclhriistie w1a1s Ib_o.r.n at PeTt'h. Scotland. ankl came` to Canada .w-ban a youngaman. 1o:oIaitain:g wirst at Montreal. but later wefnct {co Nlisagara-on-`t-he-Lake. w-here ho" 'cmga*.ge.d in business. ' He was rniarridd in `that `town. in-1842.` to Je-' mvi-m'a Kilgour. `who survives `him. He n._-._!....I..... -4. GI. (`oi-kn:-_ L`: LINGWOOD. The 1n0-01..i.11g the m`e".'1'0li1llI1uIu`uu1 UL yu.uw...... ---..- 54' -268; -oostv of m*alin~t~emanoe. $5.- 55398; pat'icnts' -`fees. $3,304.78: Sal-' anies and wages. $1,428.75: fuel. $603.13, uml In-L`at, $352.66. Mrs. -'Andr`e`ws, 1rranlcaial-Bcore;tary. in -`her xeporlt outlined a plan afor work for the` next yam`, \V`:h=l'Gh caused consid- emble "discussion. The plan involves the orgmrizzttiou of hospital auxiliar- ies.in Thormbury. Clarksburg. Stay- nel, Crcemore larnd other surround- ing villages. and tto\vnts'. also a, girl's auxiliary in Collingswood. `-80 many [nalt1i_e`nts strum these V `places avail thdmselves of the advantages 0! hosphtninl _trcut.ment that the Board `l6t_:ls`sure the lwdics will be glad to hdlp the mmimenanbe .in this way}. MIDLAND.-Shortly alt-terl 't-en 0`- nlqck on 1<`ri.(lmy `morning last {fire was d.'iscovo'wd in `the Ghew Bros`. mill yuan-d, and almost_ simultaneous- ly -lvhd mill wlhistlu`. and that (If the 81u.v3llbT {I-uv.c the 9alarm. ltollqwed ahontly mile : by the town: -re bell; In `1gId\\' ~m:inu:t(:s the Other milla .nlose'd dmv11':1nd hundreds were on - aha scene, tuzxrflng `away latah `from- lhduiles and carryin-g it to a place at safely. The tire `hmdi originated an n lath mile, pretty "well to Q18 dost side of the yard. near the edge ml U11) . nnld ulpon bainu -discover-' ddltxwo stmnn1s' of water were a`p-F Dlwd to it from `the mill `nose. Short- 1l`a1tc`r the alarm was given `the W Ounzudu {run Furnace _ComIpany's W; nrvmrd amt mneir `hose aw-as `Wkly adjustdd and a` strong fmm issuud -forth upon the now" "{T00sin'g {lam-ea. for; lt"h0\lBlh' the N1! hose kept `the -me in -check tor lime. it was now gaininig ra.pl`dly. Wt-he aslsaistanma `from the smelt-j `Was very namely imdeevd. While am this Mas taking `p-lame}. `hue Itiremen Illa`!-A l.......4 -_:_, _. 1. _ `LL _ ___`~n unva- 3 intcrulcmz I 'iu~nL'1'u; L ' `Jug 1"'~'--\. _` Huunida1.u 9.. . .1 '\{oG - " non, ins . j - 't So I r- :\'hL-.111 at St, Patrick, |\\l1S a `vast b-E113 . ` 1` ' ' I1 1'.n[C_10lmg `D 1| mm :01; town Sm. . ._ un` 11;. The Q Mr -3 ...... :3 lltmlug 'p'lG1UU. UHV 'I-unv-oov- "W9 hastening `to jhhe scene and Wing hose cou'p'-le'd ;.an;d in: 1'08-Adi" me. and it '.was oonqtdesrame time Wore Mxlis could he taoooulvlimg)-`d' usrthe mill is quite an di-stanuoe Ltrom *`h6i.I*1re hull. and no hyndramt in close. . Mxamity no 't he' me. so it requir- dd an `unusual hmounit Ad! hose. *0 % with mhe Iscune out the `blaze from. um Marest connledtiion. but 9)-rl ,me mule time `two more atrdalni` We vp1Iayingon \t'he burning lamb. e Ah was confined to 8. few `D303 0! F` and by and by .o'n.tirely_ exti_!|' 81I1sh*o'd. mhe loss will not-..be very M3 asks. great deal 0|! `the `lath- `.8t1i Bomttdre-d \o.~bout.'..was net 40-- -Wd any \3.nw man be atliod up 311' L b!rdle`s agwin.-Free Press. . ORILLIA.--On lMo.n'day 'alM0`~!`UQnvJ - .`b'P 3. Mr. and Mrs. Thou. Tre.-V ::_caleb1vated t`he.ir golden wed- . _ _._1 x..'L.I_"n.-I-.; rwhuh soon in-'-gan `to tell. add the` I . ' "V-uuvwmcu Luau. -gun-awn -v-- Qmg . . I I1 most `happy and in ti61"83|`--'- '3 !I\`8.nn1e 1`. at `the home at their "i`'1'iT\V. Mr. John\ Holmes. ".B5l' $316 Farm. Barrio road. Mr.` and mug Trebsisdor were married` -in 1854 Cor 1ton. on the 3rd or -Ootcpbera` . shontly .a1tte`r .t'he\ir arrival "tram" Q Irwurll. En-glantd. `A `new years. Int *0! settled in Orillia. and have bah m.....g._, . ,.n_-| _..._!.I.~-"I-A *0! and have . 5 TI`-Sipeoatod ma uaatul reside-M8 % " .*h8 Ma-co` tor thd greuter.,parl'- glts `history as a vil1ag`ef'an`d~'|:6W01-g `"33 have tha'd three sons and "11""-9 n"8M._e'rs. an 01! rwumm. "W"eh~ husibtanlds unzd mives),..V,Ye..1.'.0.-..i)1`..r. ' They are `Mr; Wm. _T1'`i'd9"_.?` A Syoopsis of T whet ioTronpiog V4 Around About us. as Gathered From The Exchanges of the County. :-V: 3 1904; .an.d in; 1'63!!!` _ ` ----~ ll-d6!!'ab`16 t.Wsor1'k on the James Bay 9` Re.i.l.way. nomth and South is beinlg prosecut- `from ed :w5|t1h -vigor." says the Parry Sound VId!'9-mt 01058 Sher. '1`he.l1ine north is covered with gunige at morn to about two miles It 6! ho! nomth oi! the town. and a gang of 10 from .ohoppe\r'e is "clearing the right of 1. but altter, w~_a.y_.to Portage Creek. Maura, John- more streams I ston & Bdverlltcke, exvpeotg about one later. I hundred men w`ci.t!hins"e.-week.: when tell. the the work will be rushed with great vigor. The line has been ehanked to` entirely extin- the dust side at Strain`; Lake. in-_ L1 stefaud of the west side as,_was_ tirat` V .1 lath. uintetn-dad. Work on `the MoQuire pro-3 Itn-was not .in- .pe'r.ty.` on Ohureh street`. began on be uttied in Fniday; :At the present north` and Press. at the mile east at the Seguin riv-V V day -amteiruoon. .e`r. aydnillinc tgenf is at work, the tire. Thus. Tre- line having been swung a little eut- ir ward gains to allow o!`_a.* straight y intdrest- .oroa's'mg-of the roiver. The ronxl will` of areas William street with an `over- . Mryandl be built under the line. ltnot be-~ . married in -i`m~'tl:igt1 Wenonah Wlhhe um-unu uxug,-uw.u. u an ....... ........ ..._._.. --,. was also in - bu`sine'ss a:t_S-t. Cathar- 2ine`s_ at one Itime. o. nId, moved `to Mea- , `ford n 1864. where *he resided until- a Ifefw `years ago when `he came .to -s4pe`n-de =hIiss '1je~manin@ days with his sons. The Su1"ViiVi~l1@ members of his .t:amIi1y are`: Mrs. Brodie." Montreal: Poitenr. mt -Me;astox~'d`:~W.e P. and H; M.. and Miss `Christie. Orillia. The dee_r4ase\deivvas an elder in the Pree- byutewan church `for over sixty years. an ardolnrt tprohibitionist. V and - a stmunmvh uhitberal. `He lived `an exem- plsary me. and -death had no tor- rors =or him. After a tedibus illness he pamed auway. suerng no pain w;i.thout a murmur. He was garn- --Q -_-._ MI...-L .31: fI|II u (luu.l.'u|uI.- &J vv so-3 30-on. dd as a shock of corn Ttxhat 5-s tully 0 miuve. !'1"he tunonail takes place at .- dvto ` o`-olook to-morrqw a:tte'_rnoon.-Pack- 3--- tT-he Seed xDi.vision- o the Depart- mcht o`! Aga-maul-ture.' Ottawa. has just issudd an illustrated bulletin otmthe .W-dead seeds oonnmodly itound in Ti-~ j mathy. A-lsils and Read Clover Seeds 2- .....m 1........... .4-Jm-Iv Inman tnwgnxti. mutuy. 1`l|L`D uuu Lvuu ......-- ..--__. It is we'll known vt-hat large *qu'an'ti- 1 ties of seeds of many noxious weeds are each. year zuuw.i:ttix).g'ly~ sown with games anld el-ove'r seeds. The rvescmblsauoey of many weed seeds to the com-m'eero;i\a.l seeds _ rwibh which. they are `found. makes .their `dates:-.f itivon diatti-cult `to `am uutra`in-e`d eye. even it they be,-present to the ex- teht of several hundred per Vpouxtd. _-L LUIIB UL OU\`lVIl6I~. any----.--_. `,-- It is. themore. of great imlportanoe to -be "able to tident-i~fy at least the sohda o_! those weeds A-`wh.:i-oh are sor- iously injurious in agriuou1ture. 1`h-e ltext and `illustrations of this burll-` '.\vA-.. ~..-:n.a\ mun |nn',`|_ 1281!; uwu Iuunuauuuu v. .....- .._,_- tin (No. 16. `Ndw Banjos) are vpu;b- Lisho'd' witzh a` view to assist `tarm- ` its to identty [-the more mmgeroua wdad seeds ooxnmou .~to grass and clover seeds. jI'l`he dllwstmtiovna ot_ sued: are `tram '.draw\`rngs `by J. H. Faull. Ldqturer. xin -Botany. Un'iver- I 'l|---4-1.- .....A zblnd .AnunI-i.ntinlI.l Faull. Lecturer. am -nocuuy. uuI.vua.- siaty or Toronto. and the -doaorlptionsv are by G. H. Clark`. Ohio! 0! the Hood Division. Ottawa . -'to whom 8.1)- ;plsi~oaA:'ions tor oopieh or the` ~bulleti-n should be` asddrosaed. `A9 who odition xis Limltdd. it Iwill be sent` only to I those who apply for. it. Bulletin on vweedseeds. img wttviguh emxugh' above the ` ;s.tree`t to allluwx lonqdod wag- ons ttu 'p'aUs Southwand U16 him is covered with men from here to Ba.la.f Kennedy has about two hun-drdd. Cote ,.'&~ty tor _si1xty.`. VMu'a:tt's about sixty and Phillips & Jasoob a good gang. Others will be `put on as mast aa`t'he'y_., og.nA._be `hired. The` 0.P.R. surveyofrs _uar_f still fun- n=`Ln_,T1i,'n\eh all around `1_m*tdrw;1_.Vand` some of them." a-re__'.;:m . ,akstuh~es_. -' . `. :`- * ' ` 4 wmsl, plats: 0! W L a.=.. i _' . ,~.~~ \ '.:.~3;'v%4=.-vi,-ifs. wt" , ',r may -.u'.u ~ . ; :3 The Railways. - t mortgages. M- : .81:-dwau Scorn. V - .(Mumii~e-iipall World) A ` `Every deipariture from` `established meithocls. esipeciallyi in municipal 11'- ataairs. is met ..wi=th._oippdsition. . No rel! -orm. hoiwever meriiiterious. eam be e\arrtiedVthrou.gh- without more or less etlifort. This may arise from the tlftaicrt that no plan ankl no design can" be perdectt and .wtith-out some weak- ness Imd d-elfeet. fro criticize is al- 'Wia-ys easier than -to ereate. ' There are always t-hose. lacking the ability to erelaite. who endpea-.vor to gain promtin-e`noe lby diseoverintg defects in ` the` pliamsanlcl proposals sub1rri.tte.d by ut1l1'e`rs. "Ami in every reform there are` those who.` in existing 'ocn ti-ens. possess pr-ivile-ges which the iproposefd ehiamigewoulsd remove. For. ath-e`se reasoxrs. among ~ others.` the hltlotptlion o ! a -county road system` has been a matter of more or less uip-hlill work Ia~n~d xdisooura-_g~eFmen.t. The remarks at Mr. Kenriick. in last month's issue`. inthis respect. cor- responld. -largely with the experience at wMr. ,Qu1in'la:n. chairman of. Read laud `Bridge Oommitltee` of Simcoe County. whose` report eonbalined the -last, annual refpert at the Provimoial Commissioner of Highways is as" fol- -loaws: _ , u 1 . - --~-_A-_.. qnno Hm (`.m1nitvC0un- -loiws : oil of Simcod passed a by-`law ede- sigmaxting ce'rtain roads 5-for improve- me`nt` under the ' Act 0! 1901. but xtrom opposition on the part of the Councils `oi! the local municipalities, arising" -in a great measure -from the `tear that our County council could n-ot.- or would -not. spend the mon- e`y to asrmuch advantage as the lo- uanl authortiels wou1d.-annd in part . [from dissatisfaction as `to the` roads dlignialteld. the answers `returned to our counctil we're `suxtficien-t_ly num- e`r-ous to ensanble Vzthecouncil to pro- - cefed. ' ~ ~'~---- L Amuunlrnli V`:- In January. i902". the Couwcy Coun- 1 County Roads of Simcoe. ceeu. . - A , _ 'Bdl:`xeving. `however. that the `gag- mtlive answers given by some at the mumieipwlities were caused by dissat-_ saaetiiou with the` me: designated; the'.'eeunty council in Juneuof the same year passed `another { by-latw. s1igh;tlyAd.is!e`1 -ent to the ti st as to ' -the rounds. anld suubmtittcd the usual quebtions again. with the result that more` than one ztthfmd of the mum`:- ,,,_.`l L.l.o.-nnc;n1II' H.` Rd: ` tliaat our work `had. -to 5" V33 In-vv I'a 8DBUllIuu'I- --- wards. thus rcictle-ring the arbitra- tion at 85 purdly formal character. _:'1`hrough' want or consitleu-atiou. however; a mstuke was made in one or two coach. in the -selection cl ar- ether the county council? local municipality being un-`* mnultul out the` asct that the I-ale. oil the! municipalities are vvdia` tNe)1Ii'ie'd from `acting as arbitrotoragv and the result was in `these cases W A `be! done over} cumin" in` order to avoid some Jperaong `*1 "W?e. V -the cg, `a:r*1`A'`....f`37"'t-.-':?:. "9..9n!9* 9V9r;f attic.-il - .{ri{a1} `Wyn sehlson a.-c1'vanc,in` . we were anxious to btigtin work. amd in' May work bc- LI- .l' _..._.l... a.\`nuI;(\t` {AF}-pr CO UUBUU VV'Ul&| uvllu. Au um.`-J IV --__. .-. `gun on the roads selected.` After ninvc-trrrinig -a great deal of empenrse in this way. we` a=d`verti.scd our de- befmtureus-$100.000 worth--bear.in.-g 4 per oenxt.. for sale.` and recewinlg a num'be r `of offers, we accepted the` baht. and proceeded .to close `the _ ddal. only to find that our difficul-d bids were not yet over. Acting an advice. we proceeded on the assump- tion that section 9 of `the Act war-A znzmst-eid n oorucn-ty counieil in rai,sing~ xth'8' `funlds 'w&ict.hou't :submitting the nu unnn 'iaq11inaa' HOD UIHL auuuuu v in. V... ---- ...,, in raising ml? 'wlit.hout' the B10 fquesntomii us to` `the `issuing `I13 of who didbentnres and raising the Iuznldls (to *the rateipayers under The of Munlinciapal `Act and obtaining their fwd bissent. A-my ordliniary layman rwould " of [course irmagin-e` .`that the ratep`ay- ers htayting once approved of the scheme ;w.hlio'h necessarily involved the raising of .rthe funds. it "would not the necessary to submit practi- cally `(the same question again to them in `a. diifezren-t `form. =Haid it occurred Ito1us.tth\a't this was riot the pliaiin mean-inlg of {the Act. we might in order to avoid trouble. have sub- mitted Uhe necessary by-law to the \r.a.e[payers at the same time as .we submiitteld the questions `set out in suib-secittion 14 idf section 2. 'i'1`he so- lircitors iior the rpurchiasers of the `de- ' befnit-ures -nalised the objection Irhave spoken of. and .we`were .t-hen in a dilemma not -either stopping our work and subm'-iott-ing ca Iby-laxw. rwibh the possibility of its defeat. or going` to the :Leg1isl~a'ture. Aifter discussing the _iquestiion_ with the Provincial V Commissioner or CHi'gtuw'~.ays. twho atlaiteid it was the intention of. the Act that '=.the county councils should have the power to raise the enecessary iiunds\wi~.t hin -the limits de- Iindd by section 9. we brought the matter to the attentionot the Le- gislature. and at the [last session they put the section in question be- yond doubt by adding words to show nleiasrly tahe intemtaionn as already in-.- - ttenpreted to `us. - ' e ' :We designated. in our system 434 miles. seemingly a "very large amount but comrplaratlivey small in View of our very Barge `area, It was the size oi our county -and the difficulty in satisfying the differemtilocal mu- mi'oipa.'liti"e`s that determined `us on" naming so much. `As it is-.. however. 0' we. I_ think. made a mistake; `-we 3 shnou-lid h1a.'ve selected `fewer -roads. a 33 1% mliletages. NV e Should Ihaive been h able tokpush our work to a speedier 119 _conic`lusion with belt-ter resul.-ts. \.'e 33 have azlreaidy oonstruciteid- about` 128 M miles of ~r_o\a.ds. at a cost of $61,802- pour: e"rs ban 1 maiin Eff T some 3 Kit`. 4 xn"ulcB oh`. stone. it was the only unamemial used-. and where `good gmavefl could she obta.ine`d. and we|ll_ro1leid.a11ter r,a.tiun.ltu11e results were aldzmrable. NV e determined not to 'pu.m'has6`e`team rollers, because of the number cthtaft` vwmxl-d be requir- ed to do our work. li't -being consid- drod that. -owing `(to the `feet that we would-have ;to depend on `rains-' ail! to dlamlpeh who road, nvtibhotmt mhlioh rolling is `useless. we would `need so mlany rollers to take advan- mage at these cttlmea. that it would only V -pay us `to purchase` the ordi- nary horse rollers. .*1`.heee nroller `hlmvet gtlven godd"resu1.ta. The roll- ` ins. `however. must be done when ' the road is tlamlp. ' Grlwvdl. when dbtai-nable. we ltomld the most economical roaxdzmaking ma- ` tetrlizatl. add. nvith the exception of - _ LL .1-n ...........;.-.n-nol>.A a1-n]: v-wuznvuu. u....__-_ $150,000. One `thousand dollars 'n\ll(l1'60. uxnu 'I.uI1~.y -uvw-=--- --~--- btt t'hs_ pusm two? have -determined to qped in tho ltoiwnlships in proportion in t'h |B$euseId. `.V9.1l1eI- 'lh'd rexnniin-ins 510.000 we _a!dd tor tlhd imiprovement at `those roaatb gen- eirnly used by more than` one "muni- oiuaality. that is to say. for example, hhnser -lelaklinis (to a market town or oannmeu-owl centre and passing .t!hmoug.h sud atownehip naamain t'h:otruug.h1Bare for who mtetpuyor-3 of hnorthdr .tawnah4i.p. out of the gen- hluth at the county we provid-_ dd $5,000 `for ltlh-3 improvomont of the mask in the rural parts at the T" -w-ma- and innmwomxua village: ,9. mniniug this-_ hdWdver.0toosuo!h roach L (as are alt: h,ho_ oroads ow1iu;'h}in` thogeuvaem-p;l system. 9;?- L53 Ip-9&ci,euoe>.:taaohes nsgthat .;th_qse go. miztlin. t.1m*ww.na.aand v$11.a.eso;om4 and mo `-` ~'~: -w`,,._` 't,.~1"`_lI.I'. .0.-.0:;:o.A_ -M _ ,-. , ~ Uu'\`u\u':..|J lNI%Vl\lIV|V\l\-_' nu--- ._.... _.c..--7 in. all cases is greatly the disad: % vantage: _oI. rt:h.o_ omnmnnzitiem, I was