1 Door East of~B;rrZi Hotel. spncxat. nnuc _s'r R1: YARD--Foot of Marys run` mrnnnsrs oif; 35:23-13. I `ran 9UNTY -or snioon` AND :Ott BARBIE, COUNTY or SIMCOE, OQQO'999999v9vvyvvvvvvvv gsocial and Persor.a|_ . gnu-n . -... to mac , _ Blake Street. 4; V9 ANTED TO PURCHASE IN 'rowN-com- forta_ble House with modern Cduvenienceu in oodLocal|ty. small or medium sized. Apply to \. unNT, New Lowell. .4; , ._ _ L _ V V Mia`. Dick Powll, has returned from S00. _ " '- - -w - n ,_J L- 1.----.- UJAV 9-avv Dr. Frd J. Hart returned to town last week. , - ~ 1-s--.'-_-` '-n m_..-....t"'. :4 H... lu-3!. IVV_V_Uo V V Msiss Ovie Ewan. of Tororp guest of Mrs. Wells. ' 1`....`I..... '|l'-\X7'.nl>&- AF Gawain `C3. is the uvau in 5 `L030 III. 51.8 '7 vbnvau 1 -Judge Mc\;a.tt. of Sarmia. was` in tawn tor a 1-Jw hours on Friday. 1lu_, A 'I T__I!.. ' 4! `l\uu<|-6.-nu :c| vn... '|-ALVVVII .Ul Kl: LU-Iv uvuav `ran ----...,. Mass 0. ..'Urlin. at Dutton-. is vis- `iting Mrs. Charles King. High st. 1- rr._._1..... ..I! Dnnnnknirlnn U3: - Mr`. Wesley Soanlonv` was up from Toronto over Suriday visiting. his parents. 12:... 1.1.. l'lV........L 4.19 tinnlnnuh-gr v- lung JILLGI \.Iuuu.;vu --...a. ...G__ Mr._ A." M. Hunter. of Bracebnilie, was-n, town ;for `a - few days this > week.. ' ..-p. g 1-4 - I ` , ,_,_ .. -_.._ .l.._.-as yu1'u1u.a. . - Miss Ida Tegart. of Rochester. vis- }.i~ted her brother. Mr. George Tegurt; lsast Awe`-ck. ` "" "\ D I , E lI'\-..-._nl-A `smug; nvI_ lab In Mrs. J; Refid. of; Toronto. former- .1y-o\E Vine. has been visitimg old 'r=ie inltonwn. . * Mr. D`Al:tovn Milne left las week for Chricrago. and may possibly `re- main .in |the' Wegt. ' Mrs. H. E. Turner. of Rat Port- age. is visiting friends initown for a lfew days. 4 ' ' 77------- -C "Dal-Au`-sour`:-\ :q ` no-wauu, Lllvtulqutnnc I 7 Miss Mary Pafton` has. returned Itrom a three weeks` visit ix; To- |`ron_to agd Elaumiltqrg. l"`-_---A_._.-._.; Inna Team Horsg CE OFFLE. (I. {LU `V `AC. ~3- `Mrs. F. Hewson. of Peter-boro. is in Itqwn the guest of Mrs. C. Hewson; "In\c}m'iquin." 3` V -4- L..- _o.I;|u-unnr` &\l'&I`Io\l unnu u.Avug-no-o-V- . Miss `B. Hisey. -of Oreemore. returned &1ome a-liter a pleasant .it with Miss `L. She\ppa1~d. ` -1- :.LL,___ 1|(:___ 13 *5` Ill. nvsnu uxlao _.;. ~ua1;ul:`au.\.u A Orilli-a Ndws-'-Lentter:--Miss D..F1int, was v.isiit'in*g Mrs. TS, Pe'nn>y. sr., Bragdfbr-d road. Barrie. last week. "" 1 `II AI! f\....A_ wfor a week. 1J.1llflLLUl`\l Jvuup A-canon-av. ....-.. Mrs. C. W. Churchill. offaiven Sound, has been visiting friends here 1- r\ ,_-_- Q_--._J :,. `L111 u. Iv hya- Miss Spearin. of Owen Sound. is spending a- month's "holiday with her parents. 11.. 1' 1 tntnnu. `l`n.n.-.n+nu- AF T\.Tn-l putuuua.` _ TM1`. J. J. Tilley. Inpccotor of Mo- `de`l Schools. paid an offici&l'visit to Pr.'in=dipa'1 -Halleltt and .his class on Thursday. ` - - run- 'I1-.I_:....... :5 nlnhinlm nx % Miss Ella Robinson is visiitinlg in Betwton. Tottenham and Alliston. ao- Vcompanzidd by Miss Ida Tcgart. of 'Roch c`stv;r. l.u|.ll`3l.Ia.y. - I on us: ,, r1_-..l...I1-... 4 IJ'ULI\7~3\-Us]. s V Stnayneir Sun: Mrs. Goodtcllow. 'forme'rly Miss Mvai1)1'3 Sprott. of Bar- +rlie. was `the guest of Miss Phyllis Taylor last we ek.? ` V `AM-iss Z. Evans has returned -from a two months visit with 'frien-d's~in Chicago, Grand Rapids an-`d other American cities "' - -, I.-.L-. _.c f\...2I'l:.-. CXILICIIIUGII Illlalvou Mr. -W. IR. _Irw='m. late` of Orillia and Mount Forest". has taken the ma-nagemenlt of` J. C, Irw;i'n`s dress `goods department. It - L.) 11'..- I) `I7 D..:1..n nnv` WHAT Barnum , 1=moi=1.n:. Having -Been Doing During the Bass Aweek -- Visitors to the Town. V I` U I In 5 . All parties indebted to Dr. Laidlaw late of Edgar are requested to call at H. COAT ES ufce,Edgar.and ....1. nn nr before December not. 193;. qt-45 aUU\l.\`J uvyux \I|.Ll\l|AI-1 Mr. an-d Mr?s. B. W. Bailey and little daughter. of North `Bay. and *Mr. and Mrs.` N.- Grose are staying with Mr, and Mrs. J. Dymenrt. 1 -2 11-__.:'u.-... . \Val|.l.l "J.VLl- uuu. a.v;; _ Mrs. D. .0. `Campb`el1..oE Hamilton; "Mr 8. J. `'1'. Brown. of London: Mr} `:1. .w. Ellis. Orillia; Mr. and Mrs. G. Ellis, [Ha-milton, and Miss Ellis. Brantuford attended `the .Wai'lkin- son-Ellis wedding on xTuesday. Mr. L. E. _Wright. Soliciting Freight ;Agen.t_uoE the Dominion and `Great Northern Express ..Compan-ies, Winnipeg. registered at the jKing Edward Hotellast week. Mr. W'rig'ht was {ormerly of `Barrie. s- n|_1_..\ ....--... mu-..`_, (g_,.,,.9,.,; n .n.aJ ..av---- W113 'l.Ul.l.uc.||g un. uu...v- Fr.iday`s Globe! says: Mrs. Gerard` :=Strathy (neb K'irkpatriAck) -held her "tirst rebcxption since. -her marriage yesterday at {her~_Eabher s residence. "Coolmiine." Mrs. !Str.at'hy :\VOI'8 a _ ver'y proltty dress of pale.-green mousselinva dc Lsoie. with garniturc of orehm lace `and. chiffon. I'_1`he `tea ` room was charming `witsh large white 'p'i_nk 'tu`ll prettily `draped on the table. Whai.0`h_ was looked after by `Mrs; Goldwvin K~irk-pmtrick. Mrs. R. Brown. Mrs, Arthur Kirkpa,-trick Miss Mi1e's-and--Mrs. L. Kirkpatrick. 'o'ac)tus`. da-hllias an-d sferns. arranged --_-._._ Mr. C. H. Glassfod. who has done oonsi-derable editorial `work for the Toromto World and Gue'1:p'h Herald. `takes chargetof the editorial depart- me`nvt of `The Advance. this. week. su- . rp'e`r-curling Mr. A. J. N. Terrill. who, ,has pur._ehase'd an interest in the St. Vatharines Journtal. During his two years` residenrce in Barrie. Mr. Ter- rlill actively interested himselt in \ eohuroh workiart-Trinity. being ves- try clerk. sidesman and secretary of the F-in:a.n'ceCommittee. He was al- so -an e`nIthusiastio`~ golfer and curler. Jmd in -connection `with the latter sport gured on the octette which` won the`Distriot Cup for Barrie -last` _ye`ar. ' . .` ._ g- -Mr. D. D`. Mafnn'.' all the Canadian Northern Railway. partner in the _=irm of McKenzie V8: Mann, the -well '*'1:newn'6optraotore, was in. town on ',.Monday'._ travellving hy .his. private ;je'ar; A coo`rn`pan_iede _ by Mayor Boys; is .dr(a1ve gout? to; f`.Woodland_s,,"`the` "={gim n:er T home, of? Mr. Cravv__f:1`_d; or T t; `r l8!1*1f ; tlekdt .9..`,.'.1`.5;`.:`0.".1"7 ` " ;iW:rt:?1ivr T-; has vis- &% `AN OCTOBER WEDDING Nm='nALs on ma. A..w..w1LKINsoN AND MISS serum ELLIS AT THE COLLIER| s'r.. Mn:'rnoms"` can ROB on TUESDAY MORNING. ~A: quiet wedding took plaee at the Collier street Methodist church on Tuesday morning. at 7.30 o clock.. when Miss Sadie Ellis, daughtezyof the late. George Ellis. was united in marriage to Mr. A. W. Wilkinson. Rev. J. J. Redditt pentormed the IIII, - L__.I.. `..4s`oln` _nhgy\yn_ wneu Lula: Du-uu: .uu...~., ....._,,_--__ the G_e._orge in Mr. ceremony. The bride looked ~-c.harm- ing in a handsome shirt waist suit of grey peau de crepe. with hat to_' match. Little Erie. Ellis. of Orillia, niece of the bride. was ring-bearer. and looked _very sweet in a dress of white "crepe de chene. ' At the conclusion of the cere- lmony. as the guests were leaving the church. Mendelssohn s Wedding March was played by Miss Gardiner, are requested to can at :1. Lawn . no vuu. same on or before -----------..---____.._... organist. lI'\`I_ 1__, U1`gu.um_L. % The happy couple left on the eight `o elock train for` a trip to` Detroit. Chicago and St. Louis. Many rich arid beautiful presents bore tokenpto the high esteem in which the bride is held by h_er "many friends. ' . eOn their return! Mr. and Mrs. Wlilkinsorr will reside on John st. ; '_Washington`. 0ct. "i.-Otficial ' bul- letinns prepared by the Interytate Commerce Commission shows that in the last year 9,984 persons. were killed in `railway gwrecks. and 78.247 * injured. An ot'ficer*o -the Commission stat- ed that the increase of fatalities annlually is `regular, growing with the extension of the railroad and population. We have received reports Englanklg which areas remarkable as the killings here. Approximately the English average `less than 50.000 miles of track `to our 200.000. Yet they do greater. `per mile. -business than we `do. They hau'l more passen- gers than we `do. yet there was not one passenger killed last yearf ' -!The records `of- the Commission show, that in the last ten; years 78, - 152 persons have lost their lives in railroad accidents. These deaths are distributed yearly as .Eollows:-1895. 3,136; .1896, 5.845; 1897. 6.437. 1898 ., . 6.854; 1899. 7.123; 1900. 7,365: 1901, 8,455: 1902, 8.586; 1903. 9.840: 1904. 9.984, ' r A comparatively small proportion of the killed and injured referred` to . `in the bulletin was of the passenger `from. ` Eial Proposed New Factory and I I Elevator. V ` A special meeting. of the ~sCouncil of the Board of Trade was held in the Mayor s offaice, Mon-day. to con- sider a proposition 'from a shoe man- u=iactur-.in-.g con-cern, nvhicih is seeking to locate '-here. After some discus- sion a committee. consisting of May- or Boys. President Irwin and Mr. lLamb, was appointed to deal with the matter and report to the Board t a `future meeting.` Another matter came before the Board in the shape of a proposition -to establzish a grain elevator in the town. anld enquiries "were made by the promoters as to what" assist-i "once might `be expected from the .municipality in `furtherance of` the enterprise. , . _ A possible site -suggested was that of the old tannery on. Dunlop .st. No definite action. however. could be, taken by the Council in the absence 1 Ar` mm-n ernliicit information: from` Lafgu -J wuv vvu-nave- ..- w..- -.. v-- o of more explicit xnformation` `froi those behindcthe scheme. _ __ i William A. Brady's eharming rur- al play of New England life, which 1 hxaad long (runs in New York. Boston, Ohui-olago and Philadelphia," will be the attraction at the Grand Opera House, on Friday. Ocrtober 21. The ' scenery i said to be of a most 1'8-7 markable character. beautiful to an exztnaordiinary `degree and highly remhistie. One scene. that 06.5 a ter- 'r.i;tic snowstorm.-`is-4dee1~ar_ed by ex- pants to be unsurpassed in the data- logue at stage effects; it is positive-- ly inspiring in its intensity and fi- ~del'i:ty to no.=tu.re_. The greater part at these `results are said to be due to the expeniemedy hand of Mr. Jo- seph R. Grismer `under whose per- ; equal direo't'ion- on the piece was. lD`r0 d\me,d. ""Wlay Delwn. East? has` i the `endorsement -of. every. eleas; .A" .of_ ' "theatre-goers; zormos and-Iergy?x;n'en,y "P.!`9|f?8'l0Ii%1 7peon1.iand ; t:ste:esnight;=~: "';rs.;3yell}dg;i;t.j;in;;itsrZp1e19eg.. 3. RAILWAY WRECKS LAST YEAR -REPORT `OF INTER-COM- MERGE GOMMIS-V SION. Illbn r'l\-tuba run up--- Eight rooms, including kitchon and bath room. modern conveniences. Applv at THIS OFFICE. . 4!-4'P men MORTALITY f1`hre are 10.000 .0h:ii_1e/s`e im robe} "lfiqn on the border; 0!; Ho'na n'. - Till DOMINION OF CANADA OUR CRITERION. Way Do'wn East.` Locals Mound Barrie nA99m~ImGs or AWEEK m ` Town and Vxclnlty - Condensed i News for Our Busy Readers 'o+++++++~+: --Great saleuf mincoats now. on at Vickers store. 1-|__I_-_..-___I L_I.I 4.1.`:-u ~The Qoun`s i:y:.Beekee`pers hold` their } annual meeting here on Saturday next, at the County. Counuzil Cham- Sei Ul: Nuyy\.-- est prices. `U01. . ' 'f W.ay- Down East," `that i.ntenIse- ly fmtterestin-g romantic play of New England liizfe. will the all: the Gramd 0vpe`1`-3.` House on Frlldny. Oatober 21. 71-..... (`lent-un_\|rnrn1q {\J'pU'l.-a u..I.'uupo uu an.-uuuug. v V . . _ -_ __ ` Mr.- George H088. Game-warden, has received ltlhe licenses for deer- huntli-nlg. and \'-will have them on sale at Mr. J. G. Soott s office in Ross` Block. ' ' 7 ~---- .__...4-..--- AI` "Ill.-7 .lJl.lJU.n- ~ see the new assortment of Flower Poun. Fern Paulo. Lawn Vases. dcc.. at Bguwn &.Co. o. H -- 1 IN A 'I'\___I_.... i-Pv--__ .. Ensign Meann and Capt..Dau-bre- ville will hold their farewell service -next Sunday evening in the Salva- t-ion Army Hall. whey .will leave for their new appointment at Sault Ste. Marie `next 'Dhursday. ___ ..I........4- 35 ma ['10 no; I. .1.-cu uL ouu-._, . -M:rs. I-Ieiamd, 13 Ross street. is` `still in (the corsel: business, and ex- pdmts to resume canvassing shortly. .rn1_..__..9.. .. 1........=n l-'-nun:-I Fnr drngq PWFILD `lav 'I\-Du-Luv vx---v--------u ---- _-,, -There's a house .famed for dress goddas-it s ;Vickers . A Social. under "the auspices of the Daughters and Maids of England. will be held in the A.O.F. Hall, on Wednesday eventing. October 19, at` 8 o'clock. -v1\I- A , -,,`Ij LE- 'I".`._-- 0 II K11091- Mr. Harry Ellis has sold -his Mary street residence `to "Mr. Kitchen and has purchased Mr. N. Dymen s dou- ble 'd:wel1ing'on Ross street. -wh.ic'h is at !present occupied by Messrs. T. Beecroifst and -W. R. King. {The snoswstotm in "`W.ay Down East. nvhich is to be at the Grand Opera {House soon, -is so realistic that most of the :people in the audience -turn up their =coo.t collars and ima-' gziine lthey are re:{I1y cold. 7---- 13--.... .......:...|..+ ...y ln.-um a unit`. sill`! 'bAJ\4J I.A'n\r . `rut--J ____, Isaac Boone. against .whom a war- rant {has been. standing Ifor about a year Dior illegal fishing, was appre- -hended on ' Tuesday` morning by County Contstable Dodds. and is now in jail pentling instructions .-from the a Department at Toronto. "\`|-- ---._ -....:_..L IJ...Inn~.-I- Dntunli ` `Llpirllitxutzul. at. 1.u1uu:.u- -The case against Robert Powell. William VVhite,~Edward White and Roy Watsonyin-, c_om_1ection with the theft "of fo_wl from James Spence. of Vespra. came up` again Tuesday af- ter.noon`b_eEore Magistrate Ross. and `was dismissed owing to insufficient: evidence. -.c 1 u . ______L_ \J VI\L\lL-I\J\lo --Splen/did values in men s overcoats `and suits, `and overcoats and suits {or (boys at V-ibkers .nt--,- .1__... ..___._.. :_...,I Z... 6-Ia. . W HI` I I Elm Logs. Basswood Logs. jianwood B0`!!! to beshippesl by railfrom any station We pay laugh-. . nl nrmal. _ _ 1 l.\IL yuv_yu uu. v ;va.v-... ` Fui-ve offenders were fined in the Police_1Court on 'Friday and Satur- day by Ma.-gjstrate Ross for riding bicycles on tthe"sidewalk in eontra- ventxion -of rtown 'by-law. Chief King -is determined [to suppress this prac- tice, which {threatens to become a publcic nuisance. In lfuture all de- lsinquemts .vwi1l';me'e.t -with rigorous pusnsishmenrt. 13... _,_.J_.;. ...1...... .51..`-n rII`nn'n _ston & Warren are headquarters. [J \IiLLlLn)l.II.lL\-lLl'I.- , --For windonv glass, plate glass, fancy glass; glass of all kinds, John- __L >\J\aIIl-I Us vv1.a>n.a.vnn \~u\r --v-__._-.._ --__, \ -James -.Va:ir (has a car _of sweet `Mexwican oramges coming this year. direct. xfrom tthe Sonora Valley, Mex- zico. Prices. wholesale and retail, will be as chemp as Toronto. sawing 25 per [box.v1ocal tfreighi. 'i`he oranges are delivered in any part of Ontar- io at the same rate of freight. --u-,.. -- nA,_n_ _-n-g__.A-nA'II.--AI-Og `V ,9 .9`... .;q.p.,._.v 9.u-av v-- .. _-c--. Walter B nkerh celebrate .1 Chocolate and ;ocon|-a lull Inn: at 801`!!- wocuvs. ` _ A . - 4a.: :1, On Thursday. 0_c.toberA 13th, the Chancel Gulild o...'TrinIity Church will hold an` entertainment in the School Room. 'w-henanf `interesting musical program will `be presented; Refresh- ments will be served and a table of htxne-ma-de `dainties !will' be one of} [the attractions. Vllhe admission .|. ee* w.h-ic`hl'has1been 'placed at 15 cents, -includes refreshmenits. V * ` --The best and cheapest gas stoves and ran es in the Jewel. For sale by J H. eelands. See them before bizyinz an-Ir. other . A \meetaixrg not retail merchants was called riorvlast Thursday evening for the purpose of {forming a local branch in connection with the Re- tail 'Mer'chants `Association of Can- ada. but. owing to some mispnIder- sta.-nidinxhg in the =aanouncement, no- body turned up. However. another meeting tfora organization .wi1l'be cdnvened Iin {the course of a few. fdayxs. due Inotnice of which will ap- `pear in .the papers. J\_.--_ h`: lI-uIQnn- Q3` (Shunt. ' [ICC]. nu vuuu !:unryv;,.,. Gnpu. Paar. Quince: and (Sheat- llIto--the order on the day at B01`!!- wanna, :;-Start your boy right and clothe him in one `of Vickers suits. 2A Very tpamfual acoidemt happened `one nig-hit last` week to Miss Leno. 6u}t=herla'.n'd. uf lcookstown. Wthile ` _-_wr.l!t-ing` a letter -with anA inldelilble .*px:.11..-the pom {broke off and flew &ut;>n1u :r. eye and before it oo_u=ld bef we Vhagd `dzissqlved. and sp1"ead- ` `ubiy the optic. was t-h` cause _% psi;-. ~sA1t,, present she is v==..IEaig;'ly".,:vvte1l end. her t L .__1iq_` M1114! Ditizens generally will extend sin- cere condolences lie the family oi, -the late James Marshall, who died suddenly at Newmarket. on Wednes- day last.vwh.'ile `engaged in eating his dinner._a1t :the hotel. It seems that Mr. Vlwarshall was seized with a fit 01 sneezing and probably burst a. `blood-vesml, as `his head dropped sud- den-.ly {forward and passed a- way Iwitihout -`further warn- ing. The deceased was a highly re- specated stone-mason and had lived in -Barrie for the last 30 years. . He was a native of County Tyrone. Ire- land. and was born in 1844, coming- oult to Kingston at the age of 16. He was married in 1873 to Miss Mary F. Duncan. of Bracebridge, who sur- vives him with the following child- ren: -VV'illiam J., of Toronto: Mrs. S. '1`. Dean. 01- Gibson: Maude E.. of Toromto; A. C.. Archie and Mar- ion. at Ba-rrie. . 17-- _,- 6-1.--- ll] vu. ..-u.--v. The funerml took place on Satur- day. at 2 rp. m.. to the Union ceme-_ tery, Rev. William Thornlcy offici- a.-tjng. The pa11-bearers were James Ball. Daniel Quinlan. S. '1`. Dean and the three BC :5. W. J.. G. C. and Ar- chie. Sale` of Work. -in the Presbyteri--In Vc-hutch. Admission. 15 cents. Articles __I_ L..I..I.. U`l.1lA1U'1lo l.'Lu.1.|.|J-unusual. Av vv..~.u -_- -----_ Vm;a:y9be' p1_mo'h1aseld '.:frc-m sale table duming the afternoon from 3.30 to 5.30. - ~ -0 n as _ )1 lI__.f_L- Ua0U- -. - . A special meeting of the Collegiate Institute Board was -held -~T'I`uesday evening for the `purpose of filling the vacancy on` the teechhg staaff created by the retirement of Mr. Minna} Some six applications were considered. Mr. Speers. \Principal of Alliston Public School. received the appointment. He will take charge of tube .Science Department. ,,__u_ 122.... ;..:1-....A .....:+.. n.-"I. vuazav Ian. l|-1AA\I .\av.,v;;vv ..,vt...- -___.-, '--For n1en s fine tailored suits an overcoats, just a .little better and. :5. little_ lower priced than any other. l\__2..I..__\ `C ......, -....... ,.----.. -_-__ -.--_, --__ - _;John Franks, (alias Quig1ey)of Flos, wasmp in the Counvty Judge s Criminal Court, ITuesday. on sever- al charges. He pleaded ``guilty'` to two charges of fraud. and "not guil- ty to a charge 0' . tnheft. His case was remanded until`Saturday. -All hot weather goods from 10 I to 15 per cent. off at Five Points Hardware Store. `I ..- _ .. 1')....__... -.-L..n.. ..---not ilrntl van-u`-Ar} IJ.a.f(IVVi.ll'U Dl.'l}.l.Go Isaac Banme, whose arrest was noted. in amothercolumn, appeared before Magistrate Ross. Wednesday morn- ing. He pleaded guilty to the charge otillegal fishing arid was fined $20 and costs. V ma JAMES M-A;-HALL PA.-mks. AWAY warms: sumo ms DINNER." an an un v vow`.- .Bob. Switzer. the man convicted of pa$ing counterfeit money, came up Tuesday `for sentence `before Judge, Ardagh. He was allowed to go on suzspenlded sentence. IThomas Blencowe. the eleven`-year old youth who was convicted of theft. also appeared for sentence. He was handed over to the `care of the .ChilIdren s Aid Society. II,_, _ ,,-._,_ \\r x... v-- v __- . .l!.I.iss Marga;`e=t:.I'..'l1;olley, a young lady well known amd highly esteem- ed` in`Hunstsvi1le.A ldied in the Royal Vtiotorio. Hospital there. on Fridajr. The remains were (taken to Hunts- ville on Ithe =evening train on Sat- urday. and ltaken `to the home of Mr. R. Wicklum. (from whence the ntuneral took Iplaice Sunday. at three o'clock. The obsequies were in c-barge out lbhe local I.0.F. Compan- Iions. who. in t company wimh `the mem-bers_ of Court Huntsville, No. 646 pittended the `funeral in a body. A~ `bout-to 50 1.aadies,an-d 50 gentlemen were 'in tthe procession. ` Miss Bro1- lery was`-a niece of Mr. A. R. Broil- ey. of Baa-r:ie. __._.- _. -__-L-L ..A.....I!...- FIRM ron sALe:. South ha1fLo; :2. Can. I`. Tecumu-nth. Ba acres cleared. the balance in good ardwood busluu acres infallwhrat There is on the property two frame barnsbvith sheds and stahics. alo a good dweliing house, a never-failing spring and splendid well. The firm is situated aboutl miles from Benton. For particulars apply to V . ROBERT MARTIN. 41-43->p `A A V V BOGIOII. P. `:4. `cu. ---..m- -..`.- I'I`he oharge of watch-stealing against -William Brown. -was transferred from the Police Court to Judge Ardagh`s Court, where it was tried on Tuesday afternoon. The case resulted in a conviction. -but on representations being made to the [Judge as to previous good charac- ter. Brown was let go on: suspended sentence. An orlier was made re-I storing the` watch to its zformer lowner. J. R. Cotter appeared `.for the Crown, W. A. Boys. `for the in- Iiormant, and A. E. H. Creswicke for the` prisoner. -Scre_en doors and windows, coal -oil. gasoline and gas stoves, rdErig- errat-o-rs. ice cream; freezers. ru'b- ber hose. all 10 per cent. off: ham- m-o-okvs 15 {per cent. off. at Five Points" Hardware Store. FARM FOR SALE East k of the West Q of Lot. 5. Lon. Io, Vespra situated one lot west of Minesing Vi|Iago--5.) acre: first class soil all under _culivati0n. Thcre i4 1 new brick house on the pneminet. also gsod nuzbunldin and splaudid water and In orchard. Apply on t premises. JAS. FLETCHER. Minesing. ~43 l .. {$1.00 PER A1?NTNUM*I7N ADVANCE SINGLE COPIES FIVE CENTS (LMFr:o.) The second annual general meeting of the Share- holders of the above compaev for the he: ring of the _ annual report. the nenctel statement. _ the election - of oicers and other general business will be held at the Compenv e ofce In the factory at 1.30 o'clock p. In. on Mmdav Octobar nth. mag. Anv shareholder unable to attend my vote he pollution to Mr. F. A. Lett. Preeideet` .rroxzxb`a _ . II- 1-maul- Vnee Preendent or my other +Bar_rie carriage Company ---n1-n3 \ I'll . IV. Idyuluc-Io` v -v - .w.._.._. ._ holder. f Duedthia 3rd sky of October. um. n-`Acct SUDDEN DEATH 44- 'o3d L'c"L3'ia737. I r. HUNT. Ne` rapglicatiqn to Mg. 1'. ll. Lou. rru-nun` Jvgrlonz. Vice President or any than-u THE T. "1". irotmc, $,_A,A on-'43-p iiLwEXEE suns TEACHER or VIOLIN Pupil of_.\!RS`. DRECHSLER ADAMSON, Toronto. and EMIL NEUMANN. Drcsden.>Ge:- many.` Miss Evans_wi1l recei\e pupil: ' I `T C. Term opens Stfnlcxnber lath. Address :09 C1 FLLEGE v STREET. Toronto. or care of MRS. F. BROOKS. .. !'.`l!....L...L Q.-- .. u....-:- -.4, :%7iW6r H ORSES son SALE _ n __...... 'l1`.u- Rah: annlv It DIRCJ`; 1 . I oromu. U! Ull' V 5: Elizabeth Street. Barrie. .i6Ei>T1 SWAN. Orders for FARM ST06K'SALES Ind Othelf sale: taken at T HE ADVANCE OFFICE. '_ 40-1) csTaib?Fd{>m HOUSE, malt` FRIDAY, GGTOBER I4-1 Jerry fro} Kerry` I M ' MANAGER ' E 1 John R, Lamb. Buuux Buucu 4,,;..;....~-~4--~4~i~!~!~-!3+!~PI--1* !-1'!*-I-'3! - -.I-' `" - " to-date . - -. comedy WM`. "9' xp?c\(1,zailf:;',1g':1\`!kx?lc`;32:1!\`Ciavr'I.}t of the season. Strut! . f 0 an \"ide at noon. Band concert 7-3 9" 0 P OUSC. Auctioneer, Appifaiser. 3 c.. CRAIGHUR_S1_' _ Pl "Prices. 25c. 35c and 500- an at Rpbr.-rts.m's Drug Stu!'_e- -V `L L oiii6opanA HOUSE fawn, ncmmzn _2|st 1% L owlmaszl I , Tbe Ieen seen here exactly I! D|`3d- in '1 Larger` Cities. ' V nnorrxz BLAIR PARKER} Elaborate.-d by yos. 3. GRISMER A Pure Plav of Pastoral wee Endorsed by Clergy ;nd-Lasty. Sale of Seats at Robertoowa D1113 3301" L aaIc`kw6~J: I-`on sALI: M- :_-:...a:..... Ipibnhnn and hath I` By Public mac or v.....? % able Household F\Il'I\it|l|'0 _` $I.000.0O0T .. 1.] ant " -;A,'!9rw Thom'o`| I---|... uh-nnnln ,E;`::\eu F "90!!! Ch Residence of H. B. J0 ' _ Bayeld St.. Barrie. on THURSDA 6 ch my 01? OCTOBIR. um. at u o'clock lowing valutblc Pro any, conuhtiuI`A m. Dnniug-room. . Bedroom and. I . It cu. i1)|"I[\`I`l"ugI'e vnz . antaque Oak Flml UN bl . wan t that .niuinr` (\%muh)t\raG.`verv vinuiiun Dinar and 'r':BscrvlcoI am v 3 ($039 . . T . --- =-~ ws.:*.':.:::::::`:;.' ;::~..... i..%;,:}~-:;..:.":`sfs:{ ?a:Erin ugood atticla will (10 W` ` " V urmture. MC. 09 `y Tums CASE. PATTEN _. PERRY SAVl,E--Ayrshir_e Durham Bull_Cnlf about . months n1d.su:tab\e fou stockmg. Apply ;. SHAW, old Greenbush Hotel. No. an ` A - ; uh \M U!` H`UHEa rv.n an-.- Horses F or Sale apply at THE ADVAKN-b FL E. { 4:-4'!-p Wm. A. Brady : IMPORTANT SALE .__.____._.._. ' WANTED--Good wages. .___9.O.y1$nnf Addf P-on !04. '. smau Ur II New unl, ctc.. Hat Ornaments, . -w `ac '..-1.\I--' C". B. JANES & CO-. Orillia or Thornton wrxouc N; 36... Proprietors. - 9 -: Rw ` Ana";-;ur"FI7JuE;on "umem a I lion. John shnrvlo ' re 8 G. 1!. Baltour. BARBIE BRANCH ` 1 Bankivg Buaineu: conducted. 1* Drfteixugd on all parts of the world. De- d and interest allowed at high- "LUNCH WI P.0. Box Al- Greatest Success 'w-. `'1 4 K-41 4! -43 at-In cw--- 104. all `Ash-achaAn Jackets are made from strong selected hides "and are guaranteed. Kstrachan Jacketmu .{i'mf) M RTON. Manager; .-.-.- cu-ov-o~u-co-1-Ow-j UUVO-IIIIG-an . u . .--.._ WOOD! ""IU|`JhIO SU_lVi_|_V_| E'?"%%iNooD` - AI. an nvvn ' I ' "1-_s-A I:;.iu_0F ofiii } cut %& Spln Mixadwaud at $2.25. ` Big Stock of Coal %and%\Noo}dk Fine Curl. Aatrachan? Jacket. 27 inches long. (Our own make guaran- R teed) at $27.50. "Made in You can nan` Anything you antlat lowba ' ' ..._...prlooIfrom...... - Islmmms .8 an. I \ I vlltllnf rth In-an m sAI==iJEAN'r co.` V ._ ;=:ao1~'r:; aa_. H out 6 Oiurxcvn-4} l')uulop St. "__ 2..1oA%PER BARREL _ II-..I- `In-un`nn` FEMALE cuun Stcady employment. Bime. VV an I 1311-- Address "CIT fin: -r-v-----.?,,, ; We also have 2 end.-1 foot Maple, Hemlock. ` Slabs; Shingle Blooke, Cut end Split Herd also Sofa Wood. a - THY US FOR THE LARGE5 ` A LOADS IN TOWN Aleo give neyour order for next wintet e -supply of coal and get. satisfaction. WE HAVE THE OLEANEST AND BEST AT $6.75 PER TON . end delivered when you want it. NO mmm. nunzmn wmz n,umm'(~,; and aeuvorau wnun yvu vvuuu ... ...., EXTRA CHARGEFOR. B GGING Get our Muskjoka AShivngles4 `AT Lolv EST PRICES. T T ' Onq of the bl-b;g!;.dI*ol1 the raujket .- ITAVTH-, SHINGLES'and all Build- ers Supplies always on hand. Cement = 'Ti1_e_ !omce-Igoss \Block.% Yard--I . 4 of Toronto Street. _ I b\1JVet_belie;re thot tug `moat profifev-`r. Mann"; at Canadian a e une `or every ,ouse super 0`. - _ - pom ear. :::::h::m3;;;:; rpiiiiii $2; eto.. for preserving wi_l_.'be; w_ en-v\_ . . _ they come in first. 'p!'0V1d._mg wt: can ~`known'oontraotors. was in town on :.t*2%.:;n2z`s,ue:=:v:::":r.: 22:. Mom ' g . - i , . .- : `oar. Accompanied by h` the Mm qmllty that `S on he drove out to ".Woodlaud.\the the `market at the pr:.nr1n..;isti~ta-:'o`l:E;;'`summer home, of AMI`. Crawtord; of 'ornio.~ fruit Sbhis. , _ 33 3l'ld`.. `3 "1_``i`'~8t.` '-v.Lo'uis.V'and looked. same" I_ over `md meaty` " ' H :a? vj'ew_ ,to purohasin,:;re_turne- or ma nan i i _ 1'` y'l' ` mjre .. be ;_j _.o '1`oro1iIt"o_inLrthefr.erenfu; 11; six to MRS um... Ru l`I-IINGrS` "We keep good co_ufect oneIVv and keep it in 3 good condition.- . Our candies ore protected against all pos- aibilitv of contamination and are kept (tubby frequent supplies. We no on ciulive agent: tor Gunning : Choco- lates and Bon Bonn made in the moat auditory candy factory in Canada. i1;vm'You';.rRIED'oUR } Horehound Candy Robertson s V-p'R'Ac1'xcAL' 1=unax'a'as.A Ou_r_i_own make; `z0cAPOUND` . . . . FRESH - EVERY FRIDAY at .---i!;EST__VAL_U8&lN-- P!-VQSNES-_8_`( ANb as