-qua-.5-.yJ . , .R:'n:d:ste{r.~:z'---Bast Yaarling. R. =;G. Refave. Jcchn Srig'1ey,A1bcrt Marling; Mn-are and .1 caa`1, R. J. Russell, A. D. and N. 'Cumpbe`1l. VVai1sa-n Bro-s.; Frc-._1l .c_sL` 1904, John Sriglvey, \V-ilas-on Bros.;` Twn;--yehr-019d. R. A. Stv:.p.hens, R. G. Re`-:~.V"e, R. F. T Carscwdden; Three`.- yefar-::i1~d Iaattawc-had lto vohic1e,VR. A. S-be.`-'hCnv3, "Alex-. H.` Ness, VV. Boake; Befst s':nxg1v3*Itur.n:c.ut, Noah. Grease, D. W. IJe'Rc-y-; `-T~:aam, A1-bert M3:1-rl~in~g, W . J. VV.-.1-1ke'r, A. D. and N. Caimpb-L111 iStsai1lic-n. H.'J. . Bsarn`hai'dt; J. J. IC:-mg-`h'1in; Mare" a.n.d.LEoa1 of 1934, N. Dy~m'e a't. S. -Dym":.nt; 'Ye=1r1inlg, N. .Dyme. nvt, S. Dymcnt: Stallion, N. Dy- _in'e n:t; 'I`lw~o-'yoaa`r-0-ltd, S. Dyinent. fl\I____ -A-_.. -`...J ` L&A\/lulu , 5 J mu- -.--..., IHe'1v`y Dr.:Lug=h.t. .- i VVa.-lte`rV Lc.c-xmrd; YITWO-year-c-Id, E. DeJGx:.e1r. A. A."Armstr:nxg, J. .W. Fenvneull; `Ye!a.r1in\g. Rich. Roe, A. D. ax).-d~N.`G'1mpb<.=`1l; Foal C11 1994, Wm. Wiggins. Rioh -Roe; Brood Mar-2, R. Race, Wm. .'WiggEn's;V -Bl--3.-toahod Pair, Ratrwei Broos.. S. Kisscsck, J. W. Fen- nel; Satallicul. Clyvdwz, Ora Clydesdale ca:.'.; Stasllion, shire. C. G. .A.tk'u1sc-m- |\ru , w- V ___ ,, -Gen-zml -Pu1`tp:o:z:<;.' -_ '1;v{r~o-yvea;-Kc-71~d, NV. D.IMa-nkmsaan, .A. D. &. N. .O:mnp- bel : Y-:m`lixn:g, Wm. Gmmt, Walter Lelscniamd. VC. Wilson; Foo-11 osf 1904, J~chn` P.orw=e', C. M. Hickling`; Brc-dd _M.a'.re`. -C. Mu Hi-ck'lin'g. `C. G. Atkin- son. A. D.` and N. Dam-pb-e, ll;_ Match- dd Pair. Joe. Edawlard-3, .P. Shanahan. Vm. v VV=igg:i7 - ' l"lA}I\fII1'1' ` --`g... ...-3a.-..... 1 ~ CAITTLE. ' - .DuT-ham.-Bu11. 3 y_e(:1rs old or up- wards. Jnamela Occurt-ts; 'Dwo-yxar-old Bu-ll. S. Dyment; Y~3aa.rli.ng. Bull, C. M. Hiclnli-ng. S. Dymemt. S. Dymc-mt: Bull -Calif. S. Dymenlt, Bunj. Webb. .lI1hncnL D. Soulw; 4 . yrsars old Cl!` ove*r. giving milk, S. Dymvzmyt. C. -M. Hlickling. B. Dyme`n't: `T.-w-o-ye.ar- cel'd hdiufar. B. Dymant; Yearling hei- Ifdr. S. Dymcn't. -C. M.` Hick-ling, S. Dymekut: Holfer caibf. _S. Dyment, .C.: . M. Hickl-ing. `B. Dymefn-t: C-acw. unam- 74 y`e'a:rs._ giv-4ifn'g milk. S. Dym-mt. -.-.c._.._._ .n..__. ..:..:..... ....:n. W uncut -uauu. u. .u.. nuu... .. ..-..___. `F-at Oat-tle'.-Fat Caow or H-3-Lfer. P. V: Cnoglhan. J 18.---H-e`rd cif any Bee-f breed. f 3 Dymehst; gBu:ll.-a`.ny' -age or breed. L3.`- Dymenat; Best fema: of any age. _:;70.::':M.LLLHiaokl-izig; Best Lnlwh Cow. L. ' and? 2nd. - ' Jbhn. Sand- isawdvrsonz Rmnf: .~Jo~hn Sand-I I JV'lI|lI9.y 3: VIII - . Jrsoys. - Bciw giving mi-lk. W. 1 ;M~cdre : `Two-year-old Heiifer. 1 P. Cro- lllp' `now W i... B +I|(lUla ' `tBeGlf AGra!des.-0otw giving milk. L. I I..Vai-r`;"Dwad-ydar-01-d hoi-fer, P. Cro- gho,~n;` Ydar.-1-img Steer. L. I. V_air: Calf, L. I. Vomir. ` P. Croghban. A _.. `I"I'..!.... `D prize List. V...-..'.--. _RAB`BITS. HORSES. V -.`E:w~:A. _Jchn ~.San'de'1fsoh.;' Gilph . m'e`r, Jacohvn Sa.n'd~3rson=: Ewe Lu-mh. _ ` John Sande'r-son. ' - -\ c v- ' v '\avAAIA TLec.cestez;f-:Xed -Ra.m,` :Ja. Fon- ,ne'l1. D. O N'.`.-ill; Shearling Ram, Jas. `Fefnnell, D, O'Neill: Ram Inimb.-_._Jas. Ffe'nne1l,' D. O Nci1l, - J-3.3. Feninell; A;ged Ewe, Jas. Fcnnell, D. O'Neill. `Jas..Fen,no1l;-'!G.immcr. Jas. Fexmell. 1st and 2nd: D. 0 Ne'11l._ rm 1' Sou;th'down's.-Age d Ram: S. Lem- Lcun: Ageld Ew-3, 1: . Lemon; Gimmer. "S. Lemcn; Ewe Lamb, S. Lemon.` ' T S'hr~cIf)'sIhire:s.-Aged Ram, G. af-or.d', W.. D. 'Mon`km_an, W. Wigginls; Shefzmlincg Ram. Guo. .Cr_a-wford, `W. . D. 1VIcnkman,' A, A. Armstrong; dam La`:mb. Ge':a.Cra:w:fo11d, A. A. Arm- st'r`c~n-g. VV. SD. Monkman; Ageld Ewe, A. A. Arm;s.trucn'g. AA". A. Armstrong. W. D.` Mrmkman; Gimmr, G. Cra.w_- Jiond, W. D. Monkmun, G. Crawford; Ezyve Lzamb, W. D. Mccnkman. Geo. Cnawwi-o~r.d. W. D. Monkman. ` `IT- ...I ` Ubass 23.-Be)'st `ptn Long _Wo<:dl: S'he'enp, James Fcnnell, -Bent pen S'11ri-nt. Wool Shdcrp, Geo. Cr-a.vv\1 ord., f(Mi.nea's'invg.) "V V 'l1I ('1Q '\:JJJ.MAA w..o..u.4; ., _ PIGS. . `*Be`rk-s hircxs.t--Bcaar. one year` old {and cvve`r, S. Dymvmt: Boar of 1904. Gela. Cramntord, S.` Dymvznt; Sow, one year old and over, S. Dyment; Sow. c_4f 1904. S. Dymehit. ,1. an. _ . _ . _ ..... 1 L31. Lvvig I-IO JJJ I.Ll.\rnau- IT_a:mwor=t!hs.-Robe'rt Stranagzm. J. Miarlin; Bclr Of 1904, Robert Stranih @811. J:1s.`Mar1in.: Sow. 0'3-G ycarfolcl and over. -0. .,M. Hickling, iRo-bet-t-' S..tran1_agan;TS-cow of 1904. C. M. Hick- liing. Beceberat Stnanxagan-. ' ,,-1,..L!._-n_ C.,... .....-s. -C1-unit. . 11118 3 .Vu'uvL xv -I unnp.nnna--u--.- ;Yorkshire'.s-B-oar. one year-- am and oveix Geo. .Cm~wford (Mincsinn): "Saw," one year old and over, G. .Cr,a}w- \fomd; Sow of 1904. Ge o. Crmwiurd. ff- .__ \JKJ4'I \JLr(llVVI.I-\l'L`\l. -\lc ----.--.-- Dogs. -' Gr`er'-hound, `dog, William Gretmsfield; B10-o-dlhound. H. .W'al1- twin, H. .\Va~1l:win; Foxhound, Philip Love; Earl-ier. dog. Philip Lovc;. H.` VV`a:l1W_i11; H:arri'e r. bitch. A. Malcom- son.` A. Rayme'r: `Collie, dog. H. Oli- ve`r; A. -Rayner; Dollie, bituch. C. C. Hinds; B~cbt.aile'd Sheep. H. Wallwin. H. Wwllwin: Spaniel Cock-3rJ, H. M. Dymehut; Spa.ni:a1,'Ccckc4r, bitch, J. F. Jackscm. H. `M.' Dymemt: Spuu!ie~l. any other vwaricty, dog, Dan. Bolt- on. Charles Plaxxton: Fox '-Terrier. Sm'C0Cut'h dong; H. `E. Ellis", R. Le`a.d- le'y.; Fox |'1`crrier, Smooth, bitch. H . Olivr, VVm.` !'1`rancoy; Fox Terrier. V`/'i.re hair-:d,'Id-csg. .H. Oliver; Terrier. any o-t~he`r v.arie=ty, `dog, A. Marlin. Wm. Green'Eiel-d; Pug -d:s-g." A. M-.1r~ lin; Hc-undls. EH. \Wr.1.'llw'in_; Betrglcs, A Dr.` J. `C. Smi.t-h; Spamies, H. M. Dyme`n-t. H. B. Mysrs. I , DAIRY PRODUCE. Best 10 lbs. Butter in pounds, Mrs. W. Partridge`, Mrs. John Key. Mrs. S D. McC'u;aig; Butteir in cr-:;-ck, not less than 20 lbs., Mrs. VV. Partridge. ' Mrs. J. Campbel, 'Mrs. John Key; ' Butteir, not 12'ss.tl1an 10 lbs, in cru:-c_k, Mrs. D. McCru-gig; A. D. and _' N. campbeui, Mrs. T. Mccull-ooh; R011 Butter, not less than 10 lbs. in- rvc-11:3 0:52 lbs. catch. Mrs. W. Part- ridge , Mrs. Jamcs "Hubert, Mrs. D. ' Mcuaig; Farmer's Cheese, Mrs. D. M.-c.Cuai~g, Mrs. J. (hmpbe-'11: Curad. . Ham. =a.rme`ns _curr3, Mrs. W. Pant- rifdlge, C.` M. Hi-ckling: L:-mf Homa- " M-.1'.de` Bread. Mrs. J. Campbell, Mrs. Cuaig. A. D. and N. C -am-pbc11; Mas 3 .p1e` Sugar. 10 lbs., Mrs. John Key, John N. Kely ;. Imperial Quart. M-lapie` 1VI-c1'as.s.s, J cvlzn N: K2'y, Mrs. Jocnhu Ke'y; Honey in co-mb, 10 lbs.. 0. H. VVils-on: Handy. ext.r-meted clov- 0 V .v- Lb D. r .tr3izte'd io:ass\vc-osd, 10 lbs, 0. H. VVil- ` 's:~n; Honey. extra-.cte~d bugkwhe.-1.t. C. I H.".\Vrilsc-n; befst named collection of I` hone`y. (C. H. Wilson; assc-.rtmr..n: of - P;-ckles. an b-aetrtl-.\, Philip Lo-ve. 1). c. " Campbeil; camllvection of domestic um- V neld sfruit, Geo. Ottawuy, L. I. Vail`; it ms'scr.tmont okf home-m`aude cakes, A. e`r, 10 lbs., C. H. \ViLs5cn; Hon-3y. ex-A D. ranvd N. C-.1mpbe`;l, Mrs. Thus. Mc-- Q !C'u*11J:+3"n. - . 1 r,,_ .rn-1..I.. vu -vv; V Wuno ` L _,,, % qc1 $ss v23.-`13t";;c;;"c]t '1;o- rfioga Gda. CI'a;WL_fO\I`-d. C. M. Hickling.` \lT!1I`____ ; Gampbdll. - |\JL\l.I.L.-'-JL|o 'lP\-.1-u'vlnt=ry Prefparlvd for Tumble. - "Dress-aid t'I`urkey. Mrs. J. Campbell; `Paar csf Dremed Fowl. Mrs. R. J. Rue.- se`1l, Mrs. D. Mc.Cua.ig. MANUFAOTURES. ` [Class 34."--Asscrtme n.t otf `Cloth, Fla-nune`l B1'ank~3.ts. ct.c., Jane McCar- _thy. Mrs. D. M|c.C'1,mi-g; pie'cv3 -of cloth Mrs. D. 'MmCua:g, Jayne McCarthy: pielc-3 cof szztinctte, Mrs. D. Mouaig. J-ane M3cCart hy; piece of white flan- ne`l. `all Iw-o-ol, J`-mes McCarthy; `piece of co-lo-reld flannel, Jam: McCart~hy; white flannel, occttom warp, Mrs. J. 0a.m.pbe`1I. Mrs. D. `McCu'aig; c-:-lorec tL;mne'l, cotton .wa r.p, Mrs. D. Mc- Cu.a.i.g', J`a-ne -Mc'Oar.t`hy: Canadian! twv e'-ad, Jane 'MoCa~rt`hy; pair of horse -lbl1a.'n'ke.'ts, hnnrdspvurn yarn. (Mrs. ',D. M00-Imig: pair Blarnkelts. hamdspun yarn. J`a.-ne'M:cCar.thy. A. D. an-`d N`. 1- Antwan! 1ITr\D`t7 \I'llJJL1l`hI\I5ho T LADIES` WORK. `Dc-mebtic an-d F-ancy. Class 35.-A.p- *p1iquo' work. Mrs. D. Lvawia, Mrs. B. W. Smith; Ba.tte n.burrg, Miss M. E. Ross. Mrs. S. Boweh; bedroom `fur- 'nishings. ocrneisting of .be'd spread. pi=l1~cMr sham. |toile`t and stand covers. Mns. D. Leiwzis. Jan-3 Mrc.C-ar.thy.; chi`lrd s drefas. Mris. _Ncil McEa.ohcrn. A. D. sand N. Campbell; `cruoohet. w-2:-rk. coytrt-on, Miss M. E. Co.m~p.be'1I. Miss M, E. 'R<.\ ss: crocvhdt work. wool. ME- M. E. --.Oa.mpbeIll. Mrs. D. Lewis; eocIve`rlct. worsted Berlin, Mrs. L. I. Va-ir. Mrs. D. Le4'w=is:' drafwing room: "or `fire screen. worked, Mrs. D. Lew- ~ ispdlarnving. best` specimen on stock~ ing. Mrs. D. Lewis. Miss M. E. Camp- be'll: drawn work in linen`. Miss M`. E. C4am=pbe ll._Miss M. E. Ross? Em- bx`_oi2de`x-y. on silk. Miss R. Miller, Miss. Io-la P1{n;=ton.; embroidery on cloth. . AM-us. _ B. ISn].'M'Jh3g.QIl1b1'CidCl`y' '%Ail1r_., M4 3- Bc~ss.: ldbbhhp o-...._ (Cqmitiazneld . wntindd to his b b3'gh.t1~3.x(:1 years Ia; _issurvive d by si; [bupland and IM . u... Aw1;l_.: `V. [}0\lI)lu.uu u`, __ ` \ Lake. Ass-`.1.-; W C Vwi ', . ' "` ' mm Blanbhe and Myrtle I.-1t ho-mg_ ' rm ., wok 1~.1a1c:-. no .'Lh._. Unimilv 'fu_neral; _V6S[.cI`(1(1y -.1ftL`I`nc~on_ wh Wmetery service will be held in Uh'1`1;1emorial church Ln Sun-d,uy evn`iI;g :t~hodist ` ext. ._N Star. . .r[0TTE.\'iI.-\.V[-. . -- It was [with vx- E ipcpul 1 -e'mr;1'c(,."]`Ci the pempie oif T'0tten- ham and vicinity learn-yd of t-hc_ in- Lciiidakl rt-uwv-..i1 ;to Toronto at one oi Tot-tcn'ii:mi`s most respectve'd"and gr ycium: mt-.n, BIT. L.. Cassius Hugiies. [or over twenty years on- g,;1ge(l in 111;` p1`_intil1g business `here. Mr.Hugl1L~S has definitely decided to locate in "Tommie rind engage in the amt pi`esvr\`a.ii-V0" on Co-lborne street in that city, `and is in Tomonto mak-A ing {1T1`LLl)g`L`XI1'L`n!i.S "C-or .':eu1o\'al. "Cas-. SW," us he is familiairly `known to his.[`x`icnd5, is :1_ nzxtitvc oft Keenm1s- ville. :1'n(1c:ixiie to Tottenhzim with ` his fzli`i1L'I`. Mr. _G-3::-rgc Hughes. our- uown clerk. \v1i;~.n it.-he latter moved` `the plant of the Sentinel, which he had o.~?.tz1.b1isiiad in that village. to Tottcniizini about twenty-three yezirs ago. and inanagcd it [ever simce. Since . Ti10.S_`l1iiIH"i Ce:1Scd p,u.b1ica.tion- last. 'is'in.tt-`r, Mr. l{ugh._s hm been cc-n-. tablishmi-m in Hi. M-c-rro-w block. Ara me `who has =w'cf taken" an. absorb- ing iI\.I('I`.`.\" in the advanicement -ciof tiital-:\\`;1.~iiirs "i-39.3 will be keenly limit.` 117 ins -vwr .bee':1' the presid- ingsmii in ;ii;: ii-':'r:ss.s~3 c1ub,'wthi'ch iiUi\1l`.i(i;'.Ci`. ii to such :1 high "state .c~t (:ifiCi nay. 11;: HJJS repeaitedsly de- ciintki lJ111!'.:C'li,-iiii50'IL (}I`S. until last mix`. \\'h ii iii-: was cl-::cte.`d to tho hit"`J<:l~`-I 1- ~iI:<.:i in gift` of his ieIi1:n.v-ciiiz I1.\'--Iii.` roe-V-er~:.ihi.p o 'T_o-ti- itnilzull. ii .i1i,i1i(l certainly not be I111:-wc:i It; .i' ;)`H'[ Twit-ho-ut some fit-4 Ring i(f5liXll"~!:_i`i1 (Of the regard of} ins u1.ui}' ilrii-'nfi.`~:,' rvniii :1 movvimenaii ducting :1 cz,-mrucrcial printing 0.3-` ++++6`+6+gNNf4Nf%*9'PA .-. barn in East...GWi11iIb1ry;_ ihly 1311.; 3 N =dC;},\.sthf _(1;`,1::E mold was the son; olf it;i:\-;_' late Joihjn lam-_";:`Tugsday mom D1-a.pe`r. at=h-3, rm-st l white; -to-~ r6'1"' v W'llil~lm Case) was P-r'a'hi t`': uh? 5-InA`di'am .."l "S9339 .` when 1) . I it Mr (Casey Island. Mr,._- Dralpe`r s` :li..mi1'y* A con- hi . Iranu on sisteld cal on-1 d-uugjhter =and.six. sons. -' .b;rn'il1 g1_:1 ';I3"v11;n u'v.1._1d ~_t\he' surviving` m"T:lm1bGI'S being Reu- us! 1*: 1'f[' t`:, with his pa, -- be'n. in .Manltio1)a': Samu;->1. in _.Elm-T no 11` `;m:m,yu,a`de of black- v-ale`; William. on tho tolwnl_inra;_'Jas. 3 "`"`w.u1` .1 `and algal, work- on theold ~h-cum-zlstead. and Mrs: Geo. 111` 5 I[.:.l.l.l ":1! "Toronlto came to Ndvils.` elf Wcst Gwillim-bury. _ I'T`hc , 31" t.'. [i,_;m-. years ago, where funeral to-ok pla-co on Friday" to iWi1-. .;I2m=C"'`,1:H_[" d,eS1ded_ and acoumu. Isconis hill ce'm3._tery. and was large dllzls Sm of this `world ; 1y'_.att.elnldeld.gvRov. `-Iinmphrey-s mod. 9 V, Vmrs gjgo he put in to-ok_ charge and pr'3ao:h'edy.n ap-pro- , d5~ M`mj\_` ions at the township priaito" sorm~cln......Mr. _Will. iFari?s.' of` Vr d bbt he was not found the Socotoh Settlement, met with on ` 1 b0,:.[[i_ cc, choosing raitlhor` to alcoident cino dlay last; woek, where- {his own biusinuss w.hich he "by h6`su$.tIa!inCid, a "broken rib . and l :l.1lv;'ntlively. He W673 a straineld .a.not-hor. He was sttotlding .1 {I110 Methodist church-for l a bhrdshmtg at t'h'3~ h-Gvlllelstiealdv. Tami nnnl l " 3` `` `$ ~1`ii;?.:` ;.Zga`lli`2ip5;i f; . `. crvutives, I on 1 ' 18 - ~ A -I . wwards Lht, ,ccnSiavi9h panty magn. -a smlallopeh-in-`g ..w-hi-oh hald been . ago his health failed and lifhutlgi o~c~ve`r-3dltVvitIh1_ sl1eav$S.t witt_-h . .i . * l o .` ' ' . u a e l pnmd v'1..?U1omf:1x:ldgs:tg:0[;fi cg. tll-`I: nth::tfa` 01:13 rg?r`:jmios T mxv-area: mnot b5".`SS(,,d0,(`, [ml gmdually anId`dur- xgrela.-bv!.r.. He is diooinag nicely... .'..0ni mmu,.' ml, `\`,.[g~hC movnths has been Friday of last weisk, Mrs. Rolwe. be- V 1ngt,l"c$d1`0" .-r lis bl:-d. Mrs. Gasey died loveld wife of _Mr. Thos. Rowe. of -tlhe ?"h:1I:1 you rs la go tlhis month. He Sootch Sdttlvs-ment. passed sway .a.- . M by six chil.drv:_n: Mrs. '13. telry a lingcrling illnlosasof many Miss -Mary, olf Foam rnon:ths, in the 63rd year of her Lakc ASm_.; 0,, Winnie. Blanbhe age.`Focr woelrs. yen m-out-hs. it :was lat ho-mu`-_ _'m1'~` 'fl1!19l"~11~ kn-cown ,tha,t she` .co.uIl-d nbt._poss1blY Union oomotory raoccvor. anldntlhlat {itiwas only a W,-(lay "1`homemor1_a1 -`question of time _'w.l1en she would `Y 36.. held the Methodist sulocumb to the` inevitable. She was Sm. U\b`u1M(L:lV' even`-ing next. -- aprelparod for the lcllalmge which a- `hm ` V w.a.i.teld herranld during `her sickness V aiccc-mpaniddb by, much pain at times, . It with ex- silo burr-3 ulp wiith" much Ghristian pa - mmu ].`,I,_,1.N pea-pie T'otton- tienco, and at`|l8)St gloat-1`). -xyas 9. and learn-ad of 1n- hiaappy rellelase. to her s1_1lrermgs.v .A lo q one husband and two dauglntors are .lefl: l ,,{'1`ot~rcnlx:nn`s most. rospecte`d and to mourn he r rloparturo. lThe fun- Mum y(.un',': L. Cassius crawl book pl-mo: on Sunld_ay aiEtorn'oon L, L.\,_. CV-_L-rL 6_J.L'l___-_.L . 'l_--_..-.....-.. wlsv I *oUNTY n1s'm%;V1~ =1` bzmquu`. iscn`[u;--` `:\'1"h ul1~`1C obje'ct in-vic-w '\`.'11'xcl1 will :15`-s.ur11~e' shmp-3 .wi:thi'n a `few d:1y.s, "-.7:`;.'n::b'L_', in the [form of: .i3 'd`i>r1s:r-r as-.th:1t which . befall -:}e1S`ax_1r1 ::H~ }':iS imp1(}Jm-ants, .harn\e~ss, . c.buch1:x `1:v.~:.~: hitt'i:1`;:-,' :1 man. with- V ._'='1'~` i11r_`.|.!..i!)g .-cctrn to fill the 8110. The in H10` ".'i1,`!iI`~.`: v '. _ . * W) inf: hhuncs sh-ovt forth. At .BVA~\V[ -'3-~1 is xafrpily not ozfteh | that we luv ' (`.0 record, `such a ser4 :1? J_V`."}.!I1_\'=)v!`;, Bzznldlu, on Friday lgst "I`1l':~u!f:_-z'm1 who Loss by fire- ! his b`l1`I1$.,' *t.h<:` cnvtiure se.1son s "'9"H11"?`1r~.:t' horsus, about thirty ou - . . . . L a n1<,1.1I.:- 5 warnlng xs Cnough to M3111 HIP 3_]'gng".33t' I a 5. [1 I 1 - u : a They were "-`."1n\e sW.`_1S as `far removed cm(H1`}\.- jmrn `as. it convcnjently to bn_:f .n1~.`l w..-r;._'t1ung wfls tthought mM*1v`~'CL1X\` zlgzutxstg afccx-dent. SQ-p-. i . `. A1:-1:1rl~: bl-giw trom :the flrcv to the straw` yard 0113 r . " _ . ` ~1lru.~h v.:;1's made for the stable I 11.` x , . L .W I11 n:~.r.s.:s out. Mr. Jo`hn sto_n.. 4 1 . " . hi f1g1t-`A1 and `ano-th-3rVman~got' '_1n 1301"? 111:; could get the hor- ses ? . , . . Nut an-.1 led out. t'he1r wvmy was b1C`~Ck(:'d by a wali of fire ad: the `low lid ."i.he`y _wcrcT com-p.e`lled to ;:dV""110`_u1c..1)1e animals to their fate. I the, *m={kc their Tcqwn way out. Twhichj. 5' `did rwiuh difficwlty thr-o-ugAh a., f E111 iwin-dmw nt the` `further and ,q Cf I '3 ; H -thy `bi1`d'inE- So (rapid wn5Cthv3V_pro- ha { flames thnt the men my atim-2 `to tear tihe "'Wi1'Q' . 111- . V . ` 0:tt' `if-C-m uthc wiutdmv and omwl: _".`r': the fire was upon 't'.he'1n.?` my could be` done but eo'fst_,;anu`j .' Be": the hear-d ear.n'in$'gs_~;~1 ,,o;:(;` T'he__ .ho;g: ,___ ,I I - . (3 '.|.'ne `WW5 }3 W 1b3'L3 11:r1parf:u11s(inTI{1e stnaw `tack "1 we'rc:'c1asted -in their 'b0-'3' 93, gt 1116 horses belonged to 't'h 'h`r a'* 9;m<'*n. Sidndy M-ocrrosw. -The towl 1933. L in Lodt up my $3.500 and *9 ``; `F.`aAa1ce mas Lmlv about $13000` `BRADFORD.-The ldoshh "`%Pi93,";.".5"; Weldnesday of Last` ."VfQ9__};3t'7' n;cc.' ?+_+:+:'N++" i2~ A synopsis or what is -rrmg.arang% Around About us. as 'GVarneAred.F;-%on The Exchanges of tThe%Co4unty. %:-:L v-~q-- vv... r..--- v-- ---_-`...._., -_ to the` Scotch Settlement` -burying gr-cuu.-n-ds, {and was largely` att-2:ndcd. The Rev, Dr. Smith. her_psast~cr, per- il -cprmeld the last and" rites.-_-W. itn-ass. YBEETON.-'1`-h_e` men in cthzmtge of the` C._P.R.bsurvey have lelft Be,tcsn and are znvcowt ini Essa 'ToM'ns'hJp. If h the` tlinvevtsurveyeld through` Beeton is 14 the` o-n-3..11'ltima.te1y oh_ostm, annl from `C Vremsarks msand-e `by `the chief enginenr. in it is]'t=he* ;best tlhey have I-ournsd, this Wvillswge is piamtiooularly. .50-r-tunate. A brief sk-aqwh cuf Vtthe rcuulze through this district will be` ccf interest to jWcrl'.d 1`dmd~;rs. Starting a mile and .a-h:3.l.'f west of Bolton, the proposed lin.` wi-ll oruoes ath-3 Hu`ID.lb'-31' and mat- .e'rshod, and Iemnterinlg 3.-t `Tecumsemh, run about (two miles south of Tot- tdn:h.am. 'fc~rmi.n.g Ia .-hora-csh-oe curve eflfst at` t'tih1a.~t jtown. Fzr-oim tuhcgrve .it -passes zmountd `lth-0 east side of the .G.l'_].`.R.V _tr.-auck-s, ruxminlg within sight of that nailway from the 6th to the 8:11 concdssionslx It will =run -south at` Boston through Mr. Jas. Riddell s pncrpnty, almost ggarallul with the 8th concession and Mainstrvzet,` cross- . ing it just dust of the House of Re- fuge. It {then passes V t'hrough the pro:pr.tics of Messrs. Joseph and Cy- ` russ Dunham. curving j-om the form- t Ae"r`s p`la1ce;'cncsses the corner of Mr. ` l Wm. Ha-mmefll s lot and over Mr. Jamefs. E4ar1oy`s. they have then a 1tive`-jmil-3' . tl-a_ng.nt tho -'1`ho.m.pson-ville. From that highly-xfavoread villaga they cross the tqwnlino eastof Nic-T cclston. passi-n-g `on through the` towns- ship cef Essa via Co.1w_ell. up the ats ` Eel the W'-illow Creek to-Cralighurst and H'Lllsd:ale`-thr.m `to `Bala. Parry Sound and Sudbury. The engineers ex-pe.rienced consider.a.'b1e difficulty in geit-tinguav`thiirte.e4naf.o~ot gnasde from Bl-cotton -to `the ilflats `at Bceton; -but "an-aw 'the`y h.aTvo succeeadeod agndlgtot a sp-lemditd -line. The \b3.]J3.-[IP38 of the survey `wl~1l'be ca:-m.ple.tedjin about tvwucn we`-zkts, and no time- will then be lcst {in pushing the road.'tIhz`oug\h. ...VV'r'.-rlsd. ' H .` " ` I C I 1 \ ( 1 V. i 1 1. A the` dam on top oft'h-is .lo`oso`m:Lte.r- ORILLIA.--Mr. B-.xttle.~t`he oo-ntr-ac- tovr, was in town on Monday. and is. 1i`:3ut=i:sIEiie$d with the way. - the work ' is progressing mt Raggosd Rapids.` Wnh.i1d wo may nncyt give you `paw; er cm the 15th df next m-ovnlth, said Mr.` B.a.tt`le. y.cu- .will have it in a very: folw. diays after. The delay -is oaruseld by the .en-'2-rmouxs 'q-wan-{ti ties cwfobouludefrs and loose rock we found in the bctttom onfvtho river. We have t.a~ke1n `cm-c dleven V on this side of V-.t.'he` river and we are wctw wourkimg cm the north side. `Ix! wee haad bsuilt; iatl. as we! omul-:1 easily have domfe. vwd wecnrlld have _beem"*inishcad now. but you would not `have fhmdo so good zyjclb." In t=;Lot it` would have` 'lefak'3(d haadaly _'in. av-occuple oit.years', ' _-Wd.w&mrtT to give you aorst-class job.- ~ _;-L _1.:...||-lung: `J-"kn unnmgq 'VV'U'W|d1l\b UIIELVV Jun...---.-...- --... aznld .we are rnoot at-imting `the money (to do it`. .WeI` have three -divers at twctrk aznid hinv {wired to Mctntrqai anld Ottawa for -three more suits so as to rush the work. We haveover 60 mdn mt I.wctrk."_"Mr. hat-Ule ex- rpdcts to -hayc "the work coqmpletcnd bdoufe the middle of No-v_embe r and ,thi`1_ksV-w6'.wi`ll have scme power by of Miss-Rom M :'o_&;1id:'b;_,?cecs61id_ aaug'h.1; tax at Mr. and ._I1ra ;G;a.jo. ,_.Me;tedyit}_.\,.' to MP-. t,9.ok, .& .v1a99.%; 0 D11 . _V' U510} -LI`!-VQa\auvw--_ at the` ,bti s hazing Vh:; sfdneaa5y%$ -wdmc'ne ;ff1\11<> % h:1i`V*{W=% A-i>ttl=i1r * :};' we I ted \ It is nun!!! 4 ed by` the Rev.` Jcsezph Odery. _|The.- bride `entered the : drzrwing. sro-om. .ldain~in-g car the arm of '-her -father. while`. the strains Jodi the Wedding _M.ar-ch we`:--3 -p=l1aye.d by Miss Laura L1-o-yd. The` bride wore, a 'h7and.some 11 g-c-wn Olf brocaidddl ohiftfonover white 8 ta!tfe'tta,p andher bsquet was of wihitcp D r-cseis. She was a-ttenided by her sis.- il te`r, Miss Lena, _.who swore crepe de C to-heinze with trimmings oat silk a.p- #3 plique. and carried `red noses. . The X3 "maids otf honor we're Miss Ids Mere- G ' diitvh. a-ttire d_in white silk. `and Miss Ildaa; Moanddein in blue eolientne, both carry-ing bcquelts of sweet peus. Mr. i` Freld. Wilkins. out Hamil-ton. support- ed the groom. '1`he_bride's-going-em way g`-ctwn was a -brown whiipscord. < ` silk shirt waist {suit wtiih hurt tau muastxc-h. After a bwaoiweeks trip to the` S.ta`tes; Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson will res-id-3 in 'Bea.vertioun. . DOLLINGWOOD. - As: The Wil-` liclws. Stramond. the home of Mr. . and Mrs. Fnank 1"I`i-1le'y_, Stratifcerd. _a . bveidlding cif usnusuazl interest `was sctlefmnizeid on (Tuesday aifternfoon. - The` oc1n.t.r.ac.ting p\a_rti':s were their 1 *da-uighte&', Miss Isa.b~3=1le_ Hume Till-ey and Mr. Deugimlid McLa1'.ty Durrech. ccii Coillvingww-odd. The .br-isde is one_ of the city's lccveliest Imuivds. and Mr. Da-rroich is .we!ll~ knotwn amlowid-31y ustt-.Qme.d throughout Wcsteu-n On- utario, being vice-vpresiident ` out the- Onetariuo Hocke`y Association, `arid hav- - inug `wcnm-a-nly `friends as the trav_cl- r linug `re)r~3sentaitive cit -`Telfer Bros., iCIcllingwoe-d. The ceremony was per- shoormd-at 1.30 :p.m. by Rev. M. L. Ldutoch. .`fcrmer1y pastor of Knox Churich. Stratif-o-rid. assisted by Rev. Dr. `M-c.Cr-ae. cnf svfvsstminster, [former- ly cef Co11ingwood.'iThe` bridal -pgzxrty stood` beh-mitih a wedding bell of white 1'=C43'L.S and esters in 'i'ro.n't of a bank caf palms and fefrnis.`-T`he col- or scheme of the parlo-ir was white, that of 't`hd._'-din-ing-roctm Wire `pin-it.` The bride l'c-c-ked very handsome in `he`r g'C9VV!l of wvhiteitaff-3i_:;1, with e`m.-briccildere-d ehiIf'fo.n clverdress. and ? oarrying white roses and maiden -hair aerns. The bri-desmaidswere Miss An- nie"T'i1lv3y and Miss Lnura Darrcch, lo sisters caf the bride and groom. re- S_ spe c.tiye'13.'. They were bee-c-mingly ,:a `L- .1:1._._..- .-.:II. ....-,.`| : inn min ny- ,. 3 aliplz PL- KIICIIMLIU-ulug uuuvn u--. u . V V . . -- -__- steel and Iructn 'Comp`anVy, organized w-irtth a nrominal ca.pi.ta1 of $2,500,000` to 9.-clquir and mper_ate the Cramp Stdal Wctrksat_ Collingwood. Canada. The Steel C.o~rpor3.ti-on will tzike over the CanIa.dainT-firm at am early date. In this `oonnvebtion it; is said that the new c-cmp_my. whichyis cal1'ed"4 the '_ Nortthorn Stel and Iron. Cc-In`-1 on J) ___!I'l ..`lL2.....-.1-nlvv kn 1 "W1 (.I18_J.V'L.u'l.u1'.:Lu unoux u-nu --...- -,.__ pamy.`Limite|d. will ultimately be usdd as the '0-Jnadiam subsidiary` ci` the s't~ce'l l>ucrr?p`ora-tictn. and that `the nctw plant may be in ape`r.atic-In sooner. than if the cor- tpuorriattion un-dertook to build an en--9 `tire new plant at any paint in Can- ard:-1. Until theirs are furhhr deve.l-" cmmehts as to `the, ability of steel 'oc3m-panids ncxwb operaait-intg. in Canada to moist the~requireme.nts`ot the new bsnlnxty laws t'h'e?ro. the 'steel co,rTpcgr-` 1.ti_'1itd1_; 'Will" not" tdisclccse ifs` ` , "~ito`e.(3a.xisidia1_1-`tra;de_; , " 5 3, `I- " C1:tb e+. ndlor-`1T nf.'ake the `ran; but" they -1"n'ake` ail of him but ma hands an: {ace and that's a pretty considerable area of me num'ax.TanIn~a".' ' I -14-..- -4 II Call Ilnrn. 1'7 '.:rrhnnf % 1.ey:5Ty-z (was: Read) Disinfectant Soap Pqibiicr is bet1_.'er.tha`n cther powders, _` as % it ` is both ' 3 _and. di`si,nec,tax.1tM.,_ A 34% Mef! who wear always look` well; otherepayv aT' tailor twice [as much and never look well High "prices don't always mear high quality. TDISCRIMINATE. Buyelethes ethaf se the styles--tha* set `the Standard ' of fine `tailoring-that` are guar- anteed by maker andretailer In other words. buy "Proggess" Brand Clothing. 6` Progress Brand Clqthing -\I Q}? 1 ` omen I I ,:.>~` _`.., . V _>.' . ' ( I` `K _ I` V .f n mm r uvxmann rm hp m\nnn.n.nr\nn_nnAnn/ 3. < iDi%s,cri'minate gages. J wue Sta Sold by Leading Clothiers throughout Canada. Letfcfs of 5If-Made i.. .2rc/rant _ While the regular` features are not ndgleated, the October Canadian Ma- gazine is a -P1`rC1g'1"L`SS Number! "A pe'tusa9l of the articles specially bear- __ .A.L_i _........J. no`-rvnmlhnc van:-In"`I"|'Ir [IUIVUBGL l.'L `Luv u.|. I.A-vuuaa uyvv...-.J ing cm the gr_-mt advanoes made""1;y Ga.n:a'da in 1;e`cen\t years will rekindle dnstrhusiasm in the :br-east out every pa.-triuccti-c rein-d~:r. 'l`~'he facts are bas- -u __._-_. IL]...-. .......-.~.~A.a.'~F +1}-nn fhirfv- `y:I.'L1JIL.II.1'u Luau-.1. 1.... -......... ...._..` __.,_ `dd urpcon the rccordsolf the thirty- sdvcn years sincevic-onfonderntion. with special raference It-o the growth dur- ing the census period 1891-1901. As the cr.unsus.vc1umes are not yet is- su-e'd. this i-s -the first bnsud vimw df its re`su'1ts which has yet been given to the public. Bella. 0901-3, the Ncerwgian colony in- British Colum- bia, is t.ake n as typical of the W'es-i tern settlements and its histo-ry will ` ` ` - " L___-g_L.!..... 1|1'I'VI,.,. ` Luru 3'JLL|c1.ucr.u|..:v u1.|u. I --_ be I-cound most interesting. `I`he Pr-c~gr'es:s of Higher Education for Wnomefn. by Hilda D. Oakley is a sp1e`n'did fnzsature. Mr. Archibald Blue ccvmpars the profits jmwde by farm A L -... - _. ... .1- I... um-1-n11:F-10- \3L'I.LI.l)llL(A) ML;-I ytvnnuw 7.... ----- .7`, _,,, _ ers with t.h|cs+3 made by manufac- tures, whil-3 A. L. M~c.C_re'die osmtrasts .8 LL. C.-scum-mt-nut nan A.v.|ur\r_- v._... `the ca.rni.ng pcrwer of the` `-with t.h:J.t at `the fish_':;rm`:1n. ?__M`AR'TIN.-`A`t -Pe n-3`t<-mug.u~is2xe,ne,[ on I : Tuesday. September 27, thewvife` c -f W. J. Martin. cf `.1 daughte r.A ` { KM Alliston Beeton .. "Cc-okstown .. Bradflo-rd Dupe Herbs to cure ..*1`*I>='n A Progress Number. is the Indian cure for Constipation, Stomach. Liver and Kidney Troubles. Since its introduction to the Canadian people, thousands have been cured 0! these Diseases. It is purely vegetable - and contains oniy the ingredients as used by the medicine men of the Indians, `lne `lane. can `Iunnnnoun On n!` (In! I), but ILICLIICILIC uacn Ill lull: LlI_\-IIUIIIQO Just how we happened to find out what these ingredients are. is told in our new booklet. Write for a copy tree. CCIIIQAAII ADD 8: ant can In nannulnfnfill, LICVV UUUKICI-n W I'll: IUK 3 &UP IlCCs "VIROOIJA" is put up in capsule form. 50 ct: and $1.03 a box. Sold by an drug- gists or by mail prepaid on receipt of price. vmqua inohm aauaoir c6. 28 Jordan Strget, . . TORONTO Let the V Children Eat. all they want of Mooney : ` Perfection Cream Sodas Just what the little ones. should have for. mid-dayj hncheon and sup- per. * lt's- V how 1` VIROQUA !`.?] `?`!?S!>: I these light,` delicious A E 2`Ii tisfc- A I The Fall` Fairs. % BORN. 71313 {I10}!!! `medicine men telied on na- ture for thei: medicines. I Nature has a cure for every ill - and. the medicine men found the cure for each speci- c disease. .L ....... ..oct'.' .... ..Oot. Th Indian 5133a:-an conga ..,Oct. 11-12 11512 18-19 .; ;:g -- `POU'LTRY;" :_, . - A'if13.f8~W=#S- %%'da%x-k; 70+ H. `?Wi1sc : 4 `.;li`gh:t. 'C."`H_. VV,.~i1.s-3-n`, E. S." ihjangmam ;J Gcvnhin s.:']E ia: nt1-idge'.. c. H. IW-ilsc-1'1; Coohins. any o-thegr color. C. H-."'_Wils(;4n`,_..B. ..Ma1k-in: LDork`insgs. 00-1- crd,fGeo. Ra.ikes;`Gxames, B.. B,` red." .W'm. `Greenfield, A. Rayner; Games, Indian. Joe` Rodgers ;_ Gmnee. an-'y euth- e`r color. Wm. Greenfield, William Gre r3nif~i`e`1.d;` Langslmms. _B. Malkini Ldhno-rms, Whiote iR.C., `C. H. Wilson: Ldh-urns. br_c.wn 129.. C. H. VVilsc-11;- Lethxcarns. BusL =f_,' \F, M. Smith; Hou- dans, C. H. .Wi1so-n; Hmnburgs, black, TA." M;1~1cu::-lmson; Humburgs. any Oth- e`r cycalo-r. C. `H. Wil-sc-:1; Spanish. A.: .M~a.1oc-lmson; P1ym=out-h Rock, bar-' rdd, C. H. Wi'lsc-n. C; C. Hinds; Ply- 'r1' \`T."l.......... J.Juup we 4..-. - cg-Jug- -Vlirmb-mt=h Bocics, '\vb'it:z; I-1. V\'fi1:<:;u.` I}; M-a=1kin; Wyan-the-tte's, xvhitc. C. W*i'1SCl3 B-anutxams, B. B. red, Game, S. Bingham. A, Rayne-`r; Bamtams. ;aiiy c-t`he`r co-lo-r. K. Lount'Bnn!tams, ` "}~.t.c~hin,V C. C. .Hinds. McKe rnun' IIL...-.-. . Dru`-5`-.\wv\n'! C.n'l\r-its-.114` T`n.Hn M-\_ Y:9'U`Llll-I] --v--v- . . ='. j:e.; Ban..tai;1 :;.. John 31 ?1'y, C. C. Hinjds; Dunks, Roucn. C. Wilscn; Ducks} Pekin. John Mc- . Racy Gretnwc-oad. A . `:{;:Chi-cks.--BrahmE18. dark, C. H. Wil- Brahmxas. lignh-`t, C. H. Wilson, L-e`-a-d-Icy; `C-c-chins. Pur.tridga, C. H. :, Coc-hims. any other, C. H. `W1-lscm: Games. b.b. rod. E. s. Bing- _ Ii_am. `A. Malcolmsonnz Games. Indian. j`/Joe` Ro\dgers_; Games, any other color, _A_ . Males-mson . Wm. Grebnxfiel-d; Leg- . `horns. white 1`. c. C. H. Wilson. C.` 4 1 . "II. Wilsm; Ldghorns, br. r.~c., C. Wilson. C- H. -Wiilson; Lefghdrzfs. Busff. J. M. Bo-thwe`ll; Houdnns. C. -H. Wilsdcn: Hamburgs. black, A. Mal-cgc-mson; Minorcas, IC. Hinlds, V. -E'1'de`r; Plymouth Rocks. barrvsd. C.C. Hinds. C. C. Hinds; Plymouth Rocks. white, K. Lount, K. Lo-untz Wynn- dotttb, whitc,vA. Malcolmson. C. H. Wilson; Bantcams, b. rb. red Game, K. La-unt. B. Malkin; Bantams. Co- chin, C.-`C. Hinds, McKe rnun Brcs.; Bzmatlams, African, K. Lo-unt;` Ban- tams, Sebright, C. C. Hvin-ds; 0rping- tons, 0. H. W i1son; Du-cks, Pekin. C. H. \\'i1suu. John McLucas. - v\ `I nnulnvnnj vs:--. -__.-...... i`TPi'g'eons.-I`.uIr. 'i`:xmble1's. B._ -.Mal-1 kin , C. \C. Hinds; Pair J-ace-bins, .A; Malcomson; ,P:air Fantails, A. Mal-m cc-mscwn. .0. 1C. iindrs: Pair Barbs, Rc-y Gre_ un\w4oo-d; Pair Poutcrs, A. .MaIcomso1), I air1Home`rs,` A. M>.1-lcom- I sch." A. Malcomson. `I\ A Y'I`I'\I'fI'\E` '_ Blst [Pair Rubbitts. 'R-3-y Green rwo-od. ' .-....`.--..-a -I5vI -u... \., ._.. ... _. _.......- _ E -c 1 Irarrirage H~t;nrses.-Tw.o-year-old, D. Gs-utts, John Sri-g1e'y; Yearling. R. ` (.'a-rscnnddeinz Marc and I-oal, J. A.` .1- ,r,,,__44 1-n_,1 -1: Inn: 1' A T ..-V --._-._. Misce`i1a.n'3cnzs. --Su-ddlve `Horse, S.` Dym_'e nst; P-any, Single Driver. John Syhefpra-rd, E. S. Bingxhn-1m. 'r1'-._--_ m.._-_. ..-,..... ...1A 1'\ ,jLe&m-c-x; Foal of 1904, J. A. Lemnox. _R. E. lCarsc4a1dde. n;.Sp3.n in harness, Edward .W-ilsctn, Alex. `Ness; single `horse, 16 `hands, - I'.' A. Jcgbb, W. D. Riavc`.h;' fI`hre'c-yc'a1'-c-`ltd, Noah .Grd3e. D. .A. `C`~:m.-t'ts, `Alex. H. Nv:s: Best !h'a;ck-ne`y ,c-salt, J. ;A. L-3:nn-`ox. John. _Sri.?gl`y; Single E1"-c-use iun-der 15 3-4 hrandxs`, Am 'Warn'ica, D.. VV. Le` Rsuy, R. J . Mc.Cc~n'ke`y. \4`C-O] cu-u--~ _..-._ _- YT,-,_41f__._ T1 If` % lnsuu