[eat in: euuluxuuu.-ua..L_x2`u:.u. J iGowan-Tyre`r-Tha.t ;`_his Council apprvove ofithc prinqiyle laid do-Vy`n\ in the ne.\vWAct_ regdimg County _K}oumcils, which lprifvidcs. that the `h'cads_..oIfgnunicipiglities consti- tute 't'hat'bo-dy, and t`1}Z 1t this ex- prcissiotn of. opinion. be _jpommunio:xt- e`d .t_o `the :_prop-3r_ aubh-c>`;~:i?ty.-.'Cv;1rried. fl\-__.J.. 'QL.a.|...I..,A.u:`i,;'T`:hn`1" ihn `wirn `Rn V "*." *" 7 `` t'```. ```.`'``'.-.,V'.'- -V - T3'rre'r -4S:*.phc1I1s54-'I`hz;V15`:_1;the Fire `& Bali-c`e' Committee be cggixpoweured to punch-a'se` a. "vault (`.40-orffiom Messrs. F.ra.wle`y 8:. Dcvlin at a_ cc-c-st of $30. I -.Garrie`d. ' l- I111 T.-,4 #',A`A Ac Strange:--.G3-wan-That the piece of O-?m_0Ilt walk occnstructed on east side` 'o~E'Tor-c-nto"street from Eliza- belth street. running north as far as the` nao-rtlh side -of `the l\Iet.&m'd{~3't church ,she`d, be `authorized by the g0atLm.cil1-'Car11ie'd. ' rrn_-a. :1-.. l`*3....:.- kg` |vuu_u-an 1.(- \/'ol.I. xgvu. ' ATyrc`r.-_0c1wan-Th:1.t th-3 Clerk instructed" to notify Commissioner Wells that as the Council is not cer- tain as to the amountiavailab`-.9 for the -further construction of cement walks that actiucon ire` his 1'-cqucst for cuctnstruction of crossings on Collier street at Owen _a1_1d C1a_ppertcn sts._ `has to be` d3`fer1'eid till the next meeting. pending investig'a.tio~n of the ce'm~3nt sidewalks uccou-nt.-Carricd. The Council then adjourned. _ {T Partridge"-Opcn season Sc-ptcmter 15 to December 15, both days inclu- sive. English c-r `Mongolian pheasants may not be killed bk-.[ore' the 15th of S,e`ptumbei', 1905. "` - 4~ Qnv\rnrnn`(` OI D`t2pL'JL1.ll4'\:l, .LdUUo M P11:-ver-_OpI:-n season September 15 Tto Decvzmber 15, both days inclusive. \ ._ A _ _ , A , _-__.-t`l l,.L.Icv ur-_au_. `LU .IJK}U'.'A.L|UvL :.u, -u\..,.. _ .By an `Order-i>.n-Council lately pass- c`d, :11;-quail can be killed until No- v'e`mb~.r 1st, 1905. Snip-e-0p::n seas;-:1 September 15 to Dccxmber 13, `both days inclusive.` May vnezm be bought or sold b;-[ow the 15th day of Smtplember, 1905. ..-...I,JA.ul- -$1) .4 r`r\_ Lul: tutu u-.:._y U'L u--,_;.ui......,-, . . c . -, person .nvc-t a rcsidem and do- miciled in Ontario may hunt or kill any animal or bird in Ontario with- 'out having procured a non-rcsideni. licdn-se. 1 T De`-:r--Opsn seassai, November 1 to November 1: ), both days inclusive. Only two deer may be taken in one season by one person. A 'Ducks-Ope'-.1 s-sas:inScptember 1 to December 15, be-tli days inclusive. .Ge`-use and E3wa.n.`.t'-- Open sc;1son ISe ptA[nb-er 15 to May 1 in tile fol- lowing year, both days inc`lLLsiv~:. A HareS-0pcn season September 15 to Defcember 15, both days inclusive _ Moose --0pen season for moose. reindeer and caribou in district south of Canadian Pacific Railway. between iMattawa and Port Arthur. Novem- ber, 1 `to 15; north of above line Oc- tobe'r 16 to Novembei" 15. -~---- ~ u`1\:V\k`('l )V` nr 0.21`;- Luuvl. LU LU .L1\:'.vvn.g.--..- __. Only (me moose, reinider or cari- ibsyu may be taken in one season by The L013 001. rloo. Ont V linn On : one pwrsuu. No hounds or dogs accustomed to ?pursue' deer are allowed to run at large whore deer are [0-und during the c1.cs: season for deer. - Hounds or `dogs running deer dur- ing the close season may be killed on sight by any person. who shall not be liable to damage for so dos . Peg Tunkards. The pegging or marking of drinking cups was introduced by St. Dunstan to check the intemperate habits of the `times by preventing one man from taking a larger draft than his com- panions. But the device proved the 1 means of increasing the evil it was A intended to remedy, for, rening upon St. Dunstan s plan, the most abste- mious were required to drink precisely to .a peg or pin. whether they could aoberly take such a quantity of liquor or not. . Dntny_nl' For Once. Boy--My `tooth aches, and mnmma said I should come here and let you look at it. Dentist-I see. It must come out. W6i1 t take but a minute. Now be,-a ? brave little man, and I'll- IL__LjI__ u......u,a..n nfF\_Mnmmn De 21' UFUVI: llI.I.u; `gnu.-, _...._ _ V` Boy (hastily backing off)-Mamm ~d1dn tlsay I should let you pull it; she only said I should let you look at it. . Lev'er s Y-Z(Wiae Heaa)1>ismrecmne Soap Powder is a. boon to any home. It disin- fect: apd c_lea.n atxthe same time. . ` .. 3. Onta Csame Laws. E'sI{?r BES_T Fware Store. Eide their 5 use their ey do so such ad- In new Elbueoo [ Insvluwc } . I E'3..`."`. ..': ICE. Bgrrio.` .VthT ITS 1? : {I_)[`(Si`.d1lS.-'Il'Cll `nu. . I i BRlADFOl{D.'--Masfte'r Allan _.Mc- lmnstry, aged absent 1; . years, and son of Mr. J.1s.- McKinstry. had a narrow (-s.c;ipe '-from a horrible {death on Friday last. He was under om: ` of Mr. .C. Go~ode`s elevator bull-`dings land in st-zne wily came into loo-ntaict. with the smiling. was _currie-d., mun(1`the shaft several times and [besides had all his clothing stripped on his body. Luckily for the lad. me of .-lh;- -pulley belts came off. but this had. bmn :1-djusted :1 second time` er-2 Mr. Jas. Bryden 'd:isc-over? ed lli'.`_cIlU.SC`.. The boy was immedi- :1l0'l}." v_\;ii";c:ilod `from, (his "perilous qmsilicxi and `IL 1.a`c(fJd und'3:r the care cf .1 d(:c.Ic-1`. ' l1elitt1-3 fellow was consi(li-rrihly l)[`11iS'3}d about `the sh.:.`;l(l<~`i~s am-:1 izlrms, (but tl11`3_'WOII1-_` deris lh:ii ll.` wais nut:-t killed on the spot. llv is :il)1~* to be .8.bK')`ut;,' but in iulur-oh will gxlvg`. the elevate-rs, a_- ,1_-.L_L H \XTZl~nn:-a wide b:-rxh,.n:- .do%ubt.-VVjtness ST;\Y.\'ER.-Some very reckless :~:h:>mix1s: ins .be'cn in-duglc-d in late-.` 13' on the m1Vl1Apond common. and` cnc'd;1_\' .:'~c:~nt1y :1 stray bullet pass- e(1t1n'c-L1;I`n the v."md:o=\v of CI, house an Jc`.m sxn-1:1, and Imrrowly miss- i`\1C'I1.`L.f U1: c~3cup.u.nts. Steps arc, to be 1;1k.i1 at once to stop this. luluu-. nxu _.,;v.f wnav -.--V' _` [?<`CF<`...~s-*n.~.<< with (firearms -.in the -.- (`nu , 1|- _to be tukg !`(`CE{1J'.`S?\1i.'S.- ?t0\t`:v1' _VHI:l7'11-r '\'Eu'.1`;n-:1 Exp? -ed m_.s Tz Jcs; \`L'.- (mo, \\ "oer 51 11.. ed X11: 1` C-i_.1}u-. J Vr_em=;:d 1 wars, ,\f` _ at` the 1 mt)`: A-Iun 8 ~ I I . .5 L T everal large orders fo ` `ha 116 output will consist '0 ,sm_al 1 3v~ bar . -imnv -andrt..atco};~u~wui;oV \ DLLINC A Synopsis of what is Tpansniringh Around About us. as Gan-nered FroIn The Exchanges of the County. :-: nuvunn - ..v-- rorsmcgtwi [cf avvvnvv ~.-v-..w- - v--_ ..-v.~ _'.._.`.v---., on payment of--:1 small a1'ss?3nssmen?tJ- Arrang~e'm~:.nts have been made Ifvor. Idisposing of th,e?st-on-sk `no`t3-takven up my the` cold sh{.1r-zihoxltders. ` .oRILLIA. _- The Public. Sohool 1 B.cca-.1'd'.is de'termin~3d to see that tlherveg is .3 zmuccrd rreigula; 'e.tte1_1. .-off`; children of school age at `the ,1 .u-blic schools than in, :~*fomze r terms; and will not 'he`sitnt e `to invoke the aid of the l.e.wua.nd make an ~ example of paments Nv~ho'allowth-airchildren to. 3 remain aw-ay.;rom`school can `the slightest pmtext. '-.'I|i'e `vteachercare to [report all absentee: to 't'he_.Prin- ci-pal, and `he. "to a special committee . not the Board. who will have rpolice court summonses xserved by the Tru- ancy officer on -everyone not com- plying strictly with -the: law. - It is compulsory -for all children between the ages `of 8 {Hill 11 years to at-. tend school during `-the whole school term, unless excused by {illness `or other causes prowidizil tut inlhc Act. _Se*ve.re penalities ure \pI`0Videid for- the non-compli`-once rwitth the pr-ovi-, siicinis of the Act, and upon. convic- ticm. the {Magistrate shall impose in `fine of from $5 to "$20 on any rpm`-T the" _a.nd ugpcmi cen vic.- i_Mag ist~1fate~ Wti.-n-e [pf $5 one u'pair- * ent orv guanliunrwlzo allows a. child to remain away. `from school.....;The5 Chum-ovh oft-lie Augels'.Guardi.a.'n. was the scene of- a pretty wedding .. on Tuesday m-etr`ni12'g. when Mr; '-Clayton `S, aWe!bb I-and rMiss N eliie {He-l`_w were uni.ted"~in `marriage, `Reva. Fa-' thefr =Moyuu. otticiu.ting._ The bride. who -looked oharming; L1) cream voile, as-veir si1k..zm-d '11:-Lt to! match, enter-` ed the {Church leani-n-g` cm the arm -of =he'r - fat;'h-3.r, while the "Bridal Chorus," Ifrom VLohe`n7grine, `wuss being played. Miss 0r:J.-}1-alwzxy act-ed as ht'ide`sm:1vid and .w`:us.. bccominglyh hcuwned in ,g_'.'ccn` voile. with hat to` match, aud.car1'ie'd a bogus : of pink -roses. Mr. Edward Hinds assisted the groom. The ceremony `over. the happy eouple left` the Church as the str:a~in!s of Mende1ssohn s _.We:dding March rang lfortll. They repaired to the residence of Mr. Hulway. Front. street, where 1.1 sumptuous breakfast w.a:s partaken out , about forty. guests being present. The `hmo-use was beau - -titully deeoeratc.-d with cut flowers, and Smilax. The `_brid': s table was uiaintily Aa.rra.nrge{d in yell-:-w `and `white. `Mr. and `Mrs. Webb left` on] -the` 1.15 express 501' Buffalo. and St. Leuis. a'te'r their return they will 1'eisid-3 in 'By.n`g "Inlet. Ont. _ -- The b1'ide"s g-sing-away gown was a tail- cur-made costume or blue; with hat ta matKch.-Timek Q .BEETON.--Mr.Ch.ar1e's Baxter, "cm jc-var th i"rty years :1. resident of Buo- tcan, and con~ne'ct-2d" with some of it_s principal (;'nt-srprises, `died at VVood- bridage` con Sun.d9ay. Mr. [Baxter had been in lpc-0-T `.ncalth for {a year past, and :1 stroke of paralysis has- tu_e;:1-:\d his ve.nd. "He ways of [English birth, coming to this country at the age of two yaars with -`his parents, ' who settlrad n .Yo.rk CA0-:u.nty. He was by trade 0. wagronm and follow- ed this` callhlg in St.rv:.etsville and Schxcv-mbe`r.g. in` |\'v'\hiOh. la.tt-Jr `plum his _first_; {wife died. T.hirty-three years`- he s~2gttled1in~ Beet-cm. anidt Lsuhoartly s1'tte rward-s wazs sunitaeud i-n marriage t.c.t tMrs.\~AsScI11o-o1cra;ft, widow `of the `I 1-ate Jun-hn Scihoot-Icr._at't. He "was, -for L-u/vv v-u'un 1r'\13nV'Vr'-v`v-n V- a luarng Itime',. engaged 1-1;"t~1-1'e:'11o_t'<:'l `business. and built the Queen s ho- ht__e'1'in_It his t_o1wn. By -his first mate riage he leaves three children: Mrs. G~nc-odyelar, Chicago: M'vs.~ ;Rass.V Lu-- 1 .nn,-_.'I.._ |`l).._-4.A.. .Il1.....`\..n4-4;` V"v`VU~.v\--o v---v-~av- ..----.. `--.__, __ %ua;n; and Charles !B.axter, ; I`|s-ron-to Jtmotivcgn. The` \c hildr'2-ni by the sec- V-ond marriage are Mrs. Johnston. To- rornto. and Walter. town-. The `fun- eral tccok pLac'a.oq1 Tncsdkly at_-W` ood- bridge. Mrs. Baxter. and Waltr be- `ing present. He was in-`his 68th year. ` :te!rri.bl--I3 axccideut occurred "yes- gtevrday. morning B.bou 5.141` o clojc_k ,at ithe west end of the village. which ,ne`arly cost ;Mr. Wilson _Irwin. -a `young farmer residing in Adjala. his life. He was dri|v`u_\-g into B1eet9vn- with . `,3 `wagon oontairiing a pig three `sheep, and closely following -a bu_g- ~ -`gy driven by Mr. Fred Watson; 0`! '!the same rtdwnship. 011- .o.ppronohjng . i1th_u crossing; Mr; '\Vutso?n -*1 :-a`ar` .:moving nortnboun-d !tra'-in w`hi.stle'. _`!and whip'pe;d_ his horse smanjtly over `tbt: q:ro.sing._fI1a then. 'Enmd~ a_n_d~ ' .beokonm1_ to Mr. Irwin tdkcep'hw'ok-`r ' {but t_:_he latter appargntly ,g_1id mt .-"notice hi signal n'nqd-ilroivi-1-'fm!W%l dc -narrowly _clcnr_iug um mils. but the engine .c.;aug.1,nt Asp` W319 T. w . rri!ziru'~=1':c.i1r it. iI."1.11<~"-.1<",!s`1.irr\ r.r:r.`,.3?`97!r.f%'.r _' -- mnts * bai1`_1;g~ `thrown :to ` -`eadii -hide.-`;` 1. Mr. .Ben '1Dc-rsey `was .orroosAing.. .K .hQ.V t Vggaveygz d at... avg-hq`3,.t ~ gn;},y,t;Lega- . ;-.1 'n....;" .....'..:A}',.`.+ 1 .nn*`hn arfavsd 3iG'n9 3u`5`-`IV "N """"B """""""' * \lI\I-I u u _ _ "" I: |j_g\| h\J 1 xv: V t` ";.;.Wo,;;'_ tg ori ` 2 V, p ,. .;81I] -3" , . _ , , A "`1i%`i1 'injhr,y':'%tes%B:`? Nvalfwsra V S6DAS ; when they tl-unk of 1 1 A 'I_ _ \IT..3 .v.`In 6- I any`: (I In `fl ,!l'TIL__ u'r~+u;h..2..-' r*-.'2HAih .".'9UW-~I\' 8vU.U..t'l"~"`1'9,~. a:..r,~J V`-V:4"""""-"".'* graveyaxu a.'L-Ilguu .xgugutylsgsusg,;;Aw.,g,.-V- id '1-hB'a.oident..' ' he glrf _ tipoh ` tlie'~ some "1!f6"`~f`U'\1`l3)'3&`." Iiwiu-` . uncoocnsoiousg. '?'arrrkV. ,on"n,iI.actit11'a=i!0X_B3 5 - lyirisz cm;-$1.19 *zr93an!mist`i= ..-Fi.`.M' .fH; .`c.'3 ` ;,le,~_..'1,`1JL;., %' w+aws.$$1;i:q-n,.%.V actgims J9 % `fIiii<:`1ia z"`:,i1 l%iedf".`;'i_:I;'kx`ui1-t W affeff. "".'. a}-"%`."."= "f-ngggyl` T939, 951 7 . _ ` . 5N.'.i;~:r..1;&R,E AM. . . , 4 V ;.L~,';,.;'3s`hjep` ;1i.&-; a;..-1 " mad `I8`*t._ ~ AL,_ _ ...-- 13.....- .-.,. hurrinad 't~'o the $905- `.. , - us. 5` `S `I. ` , ;a2fLT 88I- Ac- 1y broken and that he was other- It. w,asf~o-und that one arrntivas bad-' wise badly bru-ised and shaken up.` At last accounts he is getting along nicely. H : has the sympathy of a 11-cast of friends _in his trouble. The injuwd horse will pro-b'.1bl;.'Vhm'e to`! be'_ dv:.stroycd.4,--`Wor1d. ` `T-he Ruri-Decamll .C'ha.pter 9.: -South l Sim-_c-oaej mat in `St. J c~`:1.11 Ts church, ' ; M-cwno. cm -Morn-day and Tucfd.1)' of ` this Iwe`-3k. `An -c-p:mi11-3.: service w:as| held :-11 'Mc.xn-deay `oven-ingl, conducted l by' the Rev. E. J. James, ~c%f Allis- , ton, ta-s.sihste d by the rector, Rev. 1?. R. Sctzmes. The sermon was deliverevzl X by Rev. `G. A. Rix. re: -;-2' of 0r.ange- ' ville. lfro-m the 2nd Chapter of Tim- ` c-thy, 2 and 1_5. At nine` o clock on Tuesday :3 celcqbratlc-n"of the Holly Communion rt-dok Iplace, vRAur-9.1 Dean Re`v.`.\V. G. G. Drcyer,'re<':t`c-r ovf B:e.- tcon` land .Totte`x:=h:am, c-fficialing, as- slte'd by the rector of-_Mono. The naassembled clergy then held a. bu-si- 'ne&1s sorsslccn at the rec't o'ry lastnlg ` umtil thre e c clocl;.wJ1ich was :1 most 1 ppraofitabld one to fall `present. An . msplrin'g -feature of `the me=3tin.`g- was an hnexcellent-paper` on The Second -Cc-ming of Our Lord. b the rv`c4- tor of the parish, Mr. -mes. The: '. clergy present were: Rev. Rural De"a;n -Dre er. :Beetom; lRev. P. B. S-ne's, - mnca; Rev. B. J. Jamvrls Allistaon; J:?.e'v. VIC. Holdswmtlh, aosemont"; Rev. E.. J. Ecolestorne.` H-ovrni-ng s Mills." ._'l_`h'e next meeting- of .t-heqdtxanery _w1ll be held` at lvy. TROUBLES1 The The Deanery Meeting. Grow Are exeeedingly prevalent. As a people we are not careful enough as to what we eat and drink. ' Weak` kidneys lead to chronic blood-poisoning in many cases if not attended to promptly. - d n Barzau Is the best medicine for weak or clogged kidneys. Makes them good as ever. Try it. In etaaessz-.2swt %'%%.r,I,,.':/15; ADVANCE Donnot waste money on `cvw vgm`; N_,,__, Witt- . mmoson. 0N1 . IUI av [usurp av vvu % at all druooists. } T (Gravenhurst Bann-er.) ' Knox church was the scene of a `very pI".`.tty wedding yesterd-1yaafter- in-o-on when Marion Campbell, eldest daughter of Mr. Dougall McLv2o--:1, be- cumc` the bride of Mr. \Vm. J. Bu- `c'ha.:1-an, so-n .of'Mr; Jame Buchanan. '_Re'v. J. A. Dc-w, of Knox church, of-` t ic.i:1tc(.1. The church. which had been very prettily dec~c~rta.tcd by the .M.E.%- sic-n B-and ladies with mountain ash b e`rri';~s hand gt-lvden rod, was crowd- |c`d when Mrs; Aiken sung. O Prem- `ivse. M9,", in `her best? -style. .ho.r vc-ice never shcmring up to better advantage. The `bride than .;I(z1tI\rct1 the church on the "arm `of her f-.1t*}1v;~1' `to l.he str;1in.3 of the \Ve`d.ding March [1'~c~x:`1 M-2z1d.`.`s3o}1n~, `which was elficivzntly rendclfed by `Miss M/mvrvy. ' .1` The` bride llc-eke-d `very charming in a dress of white crepe lde chine with long tulle` veil and wreath of orange blossoms, she cnrried :1 large `bunch c~f_wshite' bridal roses. Miss Annie` McLeod, sister of the bride, `as maid olf honor, loAoke drswce1; in lwl1itc`_crv:..pe de Vchene. and cnrriefd :1 b~oque't of white carnatic-us. Mr. Donald A. Sepe'ncc, of Barrie, was `gm-o-msman. and Messrs. `Harry Bass and J. D. \McLe`:d. brother of the bride . were ushers. After the cere- _ many there was :1 reception at the lmme of the bride s parents wlxen ab:-nut sevv:/nty-fivc guests sat down [to zrdainty re pa`st. The happy cou- lple left by the 3.30 train" for [Chi- ' cage and other w-nzstern points. They we`r3A the 1'ccipients of many h;1n."L- ` some? and useful presents.` The bride s gr:-Eng-away gown was of blue` pebble cl-o.t`h --with pre'tty- hat `and veil . to "match. Up~c-n tthe'ir return Mr. and` Mrs. Buchanan will" re'si.de in: Grav- efn-hursat. - - T Scm_e of the paints :- -Pretty Wedding. guests from outside`; LAs'rJ4MoNnAY More CeVn:\en Vt Pavements _ ; fora While; % o Zfevs. krgeded tiSff!.C- rraa: BRIGADE BADLY IN NEED _ 305112-; REPORT mom was: ' . can-.2` coucnznmrsor-1aa:- ' HALL NECESSITIE8. I ;. -`*`.`` p `The ppstponed ,meeti.n`gn- of the Town._'Co'1,mc i_l' was held` on, Wednes- evening, when it was ascertain- that there res extreme" `probabil- .it of several wards exceeding their gfgsppropriataiongs in the` matter of ce- _:'1x'ie`nti tpzivement expen`ditu1`e. `A halt *'n_ the work -was therefore called -Ltmtil aninvebtigatoin into the pre- state of `the fin'an`-ces can be ,2-he'1d V under the Mayor's supervision. *:!An'othr imprtant matter which lfeommunication from lChie`f Smith. of fimvn would be almost helpless in of u big conflagration. as there a meet =regret'tab1e shortage of Lilxeee. The -com'muniea.tion read as igollowsz-I have the honor of here- -zliells E-or immddia.te attention is` a. the Fire "Brigade. showing that the preisentaing Wtro -you the report- needs and ..re=quiremenit.s of the ',l?re Dept. Since my last report we have had 34 alarms-19 fires and 15 tglse alarm;s--n-one of them of a serious natura I have to re- that our hose` is in a very !,h-'_hi`d c.cvndit1ion. I do not think that have more `than five hundred -jffgt that `we could depend upon, if five had a large fire and had to put he`avy'pressure.- :We have about 1100 feet of inferior he-se that could not be depended upon. The most of it is over twenty years in use. I would recommend your honorable l\!|I\ __L _. 1__._ '\na\n -\rv\r wag J V..- __ igpgidy to tpuz.-Q:-1};-a.ssss`*1.0ooi t-;et'3_E.' T-hose `ifipir t-he`-Birrio -Han. and 500 feet"`for we Alltlndaler They have but 500 feet .t?h.ere, and mhen that is wet therel 1754.. none on the reel until it dries. I. w-oiuld also ` reooomend the pur- ehs_ase' cif 3. thee}: and ladder wagon and equipment `_so_ that we can organize 'a._;:l1-ook and"ladde'r company. The old _W:zi'gl-on is badly` broken` u-p an-Id , I [think it -is rather old and out of date for repair. \Ve also need two or three light lldiders for Allandale, one branch and two hydrimt gates for Barrie -_h-all and a set of swing harness," to be put in as soon as the hall is ready for the horses... The following alarm 'boxei-3 should be put in; No. 1.`B1va.ke' st., corner o-2': re- sidence c-flate Mr. Mclieggie; 2. cor. 01 , Charlotte and Berczy streets; 3, ;cc-rne`r of Mulcaster and Penetang streets; 4, corner Owen and McDon- ald streets: 5, 'corner Owen vanid n-north John streets; 6, corner of Bay- iie'ld and Wellington streets: _7, cor- ner Ross. and Mary or Toronto sts.: 3, co-rne'r-of Elizabeth and Bradford streets; 9, corner. Elizabeth and Fran-cis streets; .10. corner Bradford and Vespru streets; 11, Bo-thwell s corner. Allcrndale; 12, Central. Bar- rio Fire Hall. _ _ =\V~. J. Justice ealle-:1 .a`.tcm- tiicvxv. to the` condition of the w-.1te.r table can Knmpenfeldt `street be.- tween St. Vincent and Rodney sts.; also the dangerous condition of the? :brc-v. of the hill on St. Vincvrnt st. -vs. srvv v;. -.;;u D155- ..-- -._~ . _ , . -Chas. McGuire wmto giving notice that the sidewalk in -Iront of his :prcpe"rty on Duhlop street is in a very dilapidated co-nditio-n and needs filling in at fr-on't of shop. _-.-.-_- ....cA......,,1 4 The Board of VV-orks, through its Chairman,'A1d. Strange`, rcc~cmm~en-d- ;e_erl that, ':1l t~3r the Vc=:-m-pletioxn of the cement sidewalks n~c-w authorizeiby Council. that walks to the cost of; $181.25 be cc-nstructcd in VVard No. -1. The adoption of the report was "moved by Ald. Strange and Pouch- The c-3-mmunicutions ware to the Commit est; 4- 111' v 11, , In amendment Ald. Ross and Ste- phens moved that no further work be auth-cnrized, but tihzat the actual amount toebe` expended in- each ward be ascert;ained.Aand that one gang of men be employed to construct walks a1re"ady aut-h`-o-riz-3d" if money is` found to be available for the works in qudsbicun. ,, ___-L -4.-. 1.1.,` .-...........-I.~.Aanl- II'IJ'L 29 All \1I.n\4..rvava- In a_me'ndmen`t`to- the amendment Ald. Gowan and McLe'an moved that no further work be done on cement side'w.alks until the next meeting "of the Council and that in the mean- time the cost of the walks in the-.. diffewl`-amt` war-ds be ascertained un- der the direction of the Mayor. The am~3ndme.nt so the amendment : was carrie'd. ' . -5 n I` `LL--\ | `V-`I5 V38 1 ICLIQ The` Market and Parks Covmmittce. through its `Acting-.C'hairma.n. Ald. Le'vris recommended that authority ` be given to have the square on the south-e`ast corner of Collier and Mul- castdr `street graded and `cover- ied with suitable eartth for seed- ing down and to _have' a fence 8- round it similar to that at Dymc'nt s G~core'. "at a cost not to exceed $300 providing the funds are at the` dis- posal oi the"Committce. . The` report was adopted. The by-law providing for the ab- olition `of dry-Garth closet pits. cess- v,p_o~o1s_,_ dt-c..`n bath.'side's of Eliza- .b`e`t h (and Dunl-cgp Ystreets. betwein V MuIcg&' Ezird J-ihn Vstxr-acts, receiyjed { `x`t `:t1`t1i1`.t,11'e'z1}c1i1'1'g` ' and__ .was duly Q Iiaesdd cn_.mOtion of Aid. ,Tyrer-nd :-.':w ,=-._;: =_;_'; _ 41;. .... ....m'.I 4'.`-.1-nu? Rina DLupu\u.m. . L A [by_-law was also passed `providing gtor" ,thq removal of certain .t`rees`on J-.ohn~. `Mulcaste`r.- `Bayficld. Owen Col-T ,jli`r`.` Dunlap '_m_d Blaku -greets. ' ' vii1__L LI... f"hnA1~`|;_ Jllp ..lJuu1-uy q.uu .u....... __--.- _,6tgap;;cns;-:-Tyrerg-7ri11.at the chant- m1_1n.:o`iche Board of Works have aigfvvalk `fat -corner of Owen.` anal `D.t;J,xilica_;_;atre;ets on West side -brbken} " `u?g;:'1a,rg'e'1y,cppnin;t made be- ;am I referred } OF V} M. A . :`e e: i ` .. t .i Tyie~ea-;=1:;a .v-mama tug ';Barf':iAe""Ca`1'jrijag"z Thavh; `byf statiif-i _.;;to1:y?'?:? .3 _de:e1gn~atio:i { `of, " - the ~ 7mat'ia`gve`r = and zcretary `- `u'r.-V 'nisheld ` evi-denvce that all ocensdi- tiems .ehtit1in`g the company `to tho "l_3rom" |t'he tmvii. be it. resolv- "dd. that `the proceeds of the de!he'*.n- hxreb, uissued It-o raise said loan. be paid it-o ?t`he` company, on the Finance Dc-mmi.tt being satisfied `of t'he`per. I-ormaance of salt `the terms of this agreement between {the comparty and the" town, `to be perf-oxjmcd by the company 'bdfo-re receiving the said 1:osan'and_furt~he`r be it resolved that the Mayor and Clerk be authoriz- (:`d and instructed to execute. con- 've`yance of the -lots agreed to .~ba -c-cn've"yod to the company by the tawn- in cac,c~orda.nce with tvhe_terms of the said agre*:.m nu ,L mnyn 1-- __..!.l A... I titunu WIB-vv@.o\I`.-v-` ._..---.__.. Ross--'1`yre`r-Th.o.t $350 be paid on use-aunt of J. H. Ne`-zlandfs` conitraot on `fire Ihalls'r-a`Ca;'r ied. `I .A`,.L LL- l"`CI\|t\lL VQOLI4 \u\r U-vvvvvna V. --J -- -~___V on his route` and this m':1Lt-er to be va.ttIe`ndo.d to` at ~once.-"Lost. 1' Ac ` UL! `LL10 u.Ju:.5.w--1\.au-.n.;.\... L St-eV`phens-B.pes'--Moverl th.-1t the Chairman of Fire & 1 o1icv3 Commit- tee vprocure suitable hose for drivp of Mr.-a;te'r cart to attach to hydrants ,,,_1L-__ 4.. L- '(In|aUK7LlLl.' .\l lull my vvvv vu -\._,_. xBUS3-MOUP8'-Th&t the action of the Board of \Vorks in ix:-crausinlg the width of `the crossing at Poyntz and _Dunl`crp satrebts to ~:,f_`ivc feet the {iv;a`1k`west of the inurket to nine fe`-at be endeo1`sed.-(3a1',x;2_ t=.'d. ' ~l"`uuvnn _-"`vrI-n`v`__r"1`\-fl? ' n.T}1ni] Rd 55 It is EST.