yo IAIJI-IL) .D1IBJ.\-1D.l.IL`J5y DULJJUILUIJ. Proctor. Nqtary, Cenveyancer, etc. Special attention in drawing and probating wills. obtaining letters of administration `and guardianship. Loollecting accounts, etc. Offices, Ross Block. Barrie. Money to loan. v. `'`...y -w.-snuv a Luwuxp All. a W Worslev gtret. Atjlg. ` yo . 5 I - ` MANUFACTURERS. MONEY to Log; zncnrrncra sunvmrom FINANCIAL. PHYSICIANS. Boniw _ `urn. v-u u--vuvy Iv "blur Sub-Icribern our in uncut for three month: and over will be charged $I.5o per annum. i'IiITn"Iz'A'r3n cuumcw No. a WELLINGTON STREET.` BAIEB` > `. `V . V l_ pIem:_. !.J" . a Rs! ADo - ' Square Piano. nearly ""- "` TH `:.`S':g'!g";,'.Machinc,'larly now. {Poly at `it .. V Anon Omucn- .'iJ'"" "IT'c"17' :` 'Xi'1v_A1*;'.<':'"op'r'rnc"1':' -' I Qt}! ' ' mace Polinn, in reli? m;:;i;`d3:"::;mfm thereon. A), n u nvnn %APIAI!Q%:AIn SEWING MACHINE roIa_sAL: 3ouuouoo3uucooom3 A ENDOWMENT nNSU%RANCE POLICIES V 0 Has a well earned I'p11laIlun for the BEST in all lines. A Il]u!'Cv11_`..'l1 and no-to~date equipment, an t-fllvlit mall. Everything taught is taught the l .l`..~"I` Way. The foundation .we L"l\ e will make for each stud`-nt a sure stall on the rightroad. You ll approx--' of the way we show you and 11mmsta:)d the advantages 0! our instructions. We'll help you to win in the (lays of progrt->5. Wherever an Office E-- plovee is neerleal our students will give the be~t .-atistnc- tion. Our attendance has all`:-.'ul_\' in- creased 30% over last year. Max` We send you our handsome illustrated 36 page circular FREE for a.s`l lt is very convincing ghat we are the BLST. wI:sL=va.cn:w, PROPRIETORS 1 Q AELANDALE LOTS FOR _S_ALE. ' Private funds to loan on rs: mortga es. Ac- ! 8 | counts collected. 8zc. ll.-- ....-- Ll..._L.1.. 9. n_v.-,'_ IL,L,,- H r.,_- ' cuunts collected. ac. Ofce over Hambly 5; Bakefs Hardware Store, Barrie. Ont. THOS. SMITH nu: uxercanuxe, oI_ UnT.8.I`1Q. ard The Lon don & Lancashlre of Lxvex pool. V The Waterloo Mutual. of Waterloo. On: 3 The Economical Mutual. of Berlin. Our The standard Mutual, of Markham, Ont Also L1ovd's Plate Glass Insurance Com- pany, of New York. ! (Inn: for adverlluememn mm-I In every icnoe be mounted on solid metal bum. in-_Ios. SMITH jknnuzsnxr `nu: Fouowma Fuua Xxscuxc ` COMPANILS: The Mercantile, of Ontario. ard The Log dOD & 1,..h('R.Qh`ir9 nf` Tjvnvnnnl . __ --_ V _-.. .. .4.-...__u .5. ~_ Condensed advertisements on first page ovch as wants of all kinds, lost and tounfi. pi'.I.e,,y ifor sale or as rent, snecic articles. etc.. etc mnst be-accumpanied with the Cash, and wilf ibe iuserted-brst insertion 2 cents per word, I [each subseqneiibt insertion 1 cent poi wont ='(names, addresses and figures counted as !words); but a. reduction of one cent per word Evcill be made when the number of insertion. I of the same matter exceed four. .. I o 'l reterred positions fo menu in the paper will be sold at an gdmw o~ pne-third on above rates, on no othvnneo count will special positions be given M9` rule will be strictly carried out. ' Th coxrucr cluxoiss, Advertisers will vlease bear in ' ' notice of intention Ito change advenggf It! [must be handed into the ofce not lane;-mm. Satntday at 10 o'clock, and the copy for change must be in T11: Al)VA.\'(JE 0330: later than 12 o'clock noon on Mend; in D" week, otherwise the a(lVt`.x'ti.s'er s an uouy1'1cem`eny `may not be made public uuzil the week fit `lowing. - ` g 12 claxxges of Adventisemems allowed W 88. . I ` -, ) .` ` Rvillr be ch:r:i.are reqvmedr `J 1111 osxtlou mes Aduz.-Mm... rv11"` C\l\` I - -1'l_,,~. \ . IO Nouw is me will `be added to the Subuctiption I..uI.uotil be money it paid. ' - ' ..L..-_!n.__- , . __ E. _ , 1 .| .1 , I n In: uv vuun avuo ` Advertisers will not be a11m<-ed `space for. advertismz an ,own regular business. Should itransient rates will be charged 1 i vertiaements. A ything Q1 f0_I18e their us-lde thei: they do p. or such ad. __.'__ --_... ..-..m,lsmG Legal Notices, Auction Sales A etc.-.-Firs: insertion 10 cents er"m.m%It5 subsequent insertion 5 cents P91? 113% , Reading notices, 10 cents per line. insertion ; 5 cents per line for each I" 5:: insertion of the same matter. A118? der 5 lines, of this character `inn: nhifninmv D;\nL_.. : ' -, llines.` Obituary Pbetry 50. per us. a uu-so, vl uua cnaracter, chug line. T I Tn: ADVANCE s1,,m.en the lamest circulation at a ~.Uounty Town.- A:lt1no:nn-nn-.|.. -._,' u W %`Aov:-:n1'us _ ` A -_$"E Tia THE NORTHERN ADV A BARRIE A Neg. ONT >savuJlvJ A v Iv Ila _ Advertisgments are` p ace--l3~hues agate m "Preterred for unt; in Oh`: -nnumm mill 1... _ ,1 THE EXCELSIOR Business College Apply at Iluwvc 2, Wu_t Baldwin Street. Tu: NjoajI'HEnN ADVANCE, I J mob : Terrace .. _(_SL'CCESSoR TO SCROGGIE 8: Svzm.) COMMERCIAL CONTRA ff-71'"1: ADVANCE or1'm:. CONDENSED ADVER'I`I.< EMENTS. Insurance Agent Conveyancer, Efc. TRANSIENT O. H. LYON AUGUST 18, /` ----"` Suing leave Barrie for and hrrive from the under mentioned places as (allows: ' ' " `M1 3. m. For Newmo.rket."roron-- minivan] and nodoufn nan - , ..... ... ..~... cw, h cash, wilf n 2' cents per 11 1 per wont gures ` nun 1...-.0 -._ ._ \ `RAG? V n to have any I'9}nr In J RATIS. Bafrio. it per Annum in Advance `IN om; this: gin rwis ten 5118 iier BB) PORTRAIT Studio, 32 Dunlop Street. " 'U In Illa HUI LVUWTIFKUL; lUI'UI:|"" to. Montreal and points out. _! 7.56 a. m. For Newmgrket. Aurora and Toronto. - V ' 12.16 p. m. For Newmarkot and Toronto. 6.26 p. m. For Newmarket. Toron- to. Montreal and.Eut.V .\u 8 Paige I8 C0I;lVll IVlli 1ewupaper, I. Public-Iwd mm the Oice. :53 Dunlop Sweet. A _Ba.n-iu m the Couutv of Simcoe. the Pro- muce of Ontario. Canada. ovary X`hurulo.v~ Morning, by Iv-uu Juan. nu: ruuuoaug. uuutug W00 .Meaford. _ 1 Daily `except Sunday. daily. 2.80 a. m. For 01-ihllia .North Bay and Son. ` . - ` 11.34 a. m. For Gravonhurat. Soo- tia Junction and Parry- Sound. l2.59- p. m. For Muskoka_Wharf. 4.00 p m. For Orillia. North*Bay and points West.` 0.24 p. m. For Orillia. 11.15 p. m. For Penetang. Ool- |iugwood.- Meaford. l2.15_ p. m. For Penetung. 3.40 `pm. For Stuyner and Collins- wood. ' 8.00 .m. For Penetang. Colling wnnc _ Man fm-:1. Jackson ls always an acceptable ` -- gift -- Imam: nAILwAv auto: Tuna or Suaccuurrlon. New Facts. ' Most important this. as it throws . an interesting sidelight upon the methods of the .'.I.`reasury Board an'd emphasizes the necessity of amend- ing the Audit. Act, by providing for appeals by the Auditor to the Ex- lchequer `Court or Supreme Court. The fact. became clear as brought out by Mr. Lennox that the Treas- ury Board with the opinion of V the Justice Department `before them . r plainly `declaring that the govern- ryment could not `be `made liable .to ~.ipey--that theprovision as t-o light`- King was ultra vires - yet -declared , that` the `questions raised lby_"the' .`aud`ibovr-general in noiway affected _ "the obligation to make payment for the `services rendered under-the ex- ?isting contracted. -Referring to the `Treasury .Board.`i rMr. Lenno_x said of the opinion of Mr. Nepvcom_'be:_' ' _ They knew theyhadr-.the `power to right this" wrong, "I"h'ey`*knewi "they had the `pgweyto `yapply ; to V V Acourti.;wou__}_1..3feinedy . the [mistake f "mthev:ws`re : 13.`1?`:53I?)`It-fhi,P33'9i!-`ier r "did i roceupy,-sth_!r~`l:new lit f an in 1? orlder-in-counfo__il`i._': 1i S.~r yexoaggaaa. gins t - Mr. Le-nn~o-x also b-rougiht out the a_ct that the day `before the` Treas- ury B-oard over-ruled the auditor- gencralfs pro-test about payment for light Inloat o-rd'e'red.`the low officdrs of Department of Justice `had given an 'opinion_ that the vauditor-general was right. It appears that the lease which was given to Mr. Davis by that Railway Department. and on which his excewive claim `_ for paymentrfor light was `based. was not in accord with the order-in-council authorizing a. lease, Mr. Lennox `staggered the Minister of Justice in the` delbatci last week `by fortifying his emphat- io statement from the considered opinions of Mr. Nowoombe. the De- puty Minister of Justice, oommu_ni- cated to the` Treasury Board the" they gave their own judgment in ithe Davis case asifollows:' - uWhat influence in the. cabinet was it that in April. 1902.'conceaded the right olt `Mr, Davis to `be paid for 216 electric lights _a1lege'd t-o be in use during the Ipreivipusl :winte'r .1 when in Fehru-ary. six weeks before. the c|ffi~ce17sA~of the department. had reported that Mr. Davis had no au- thority to have the lights `going. and when Mi`. Davis had tacitly ad- mitted that he `should supply only. such as the en-ginedr required, and when the e'n'gin;e e'r had reported that 30 lights were `all that could he needdd? ` L .7, f we ` -riapoosrted -that i `needed ion the ..oanh.li 'havin'g'; speeified '$h' p`ldo_es -hA:..Tj oon eludes the netport`fby saying that `the Ibown or Cornwall in its` own inter? est Alpiiht clamor. for more `lihts, but .-that the number..oIf,lig_h't's' here given will allow o`f goqd* light at every. point who-re'"we have to work during the winter nights. A This appears}-o -have been ~oheei'I'ulli"yh' eon- ourred in by Mr. Davis at the time, and at all events as was shown on- ly .30 lights were kept burning dur- ing the month d! March following. But all the same Mr; Davis put in his bill in April claiming for 216 lights [or every night from theyth of October. 1901, and the `g(ivearn- ment .aepproved- -and inlsistpzd on pay- ment; gwehyv As Mr. Lonnox signi-. oantly demlanded. what brought `a- bout -this sudden change of "attitude-V I may point out thativnifii the proper construction is as Mr. Dav-' isv oomtends `for. it is clear that the Minister 04f Railways in enter- ing` into the contract or the 19th Octofberi exceeelded -the authority nmder which he was, and express- ed himself to be acting, for the order-in-council `of the 9th 0cto_- ber. 1900, plainly {intended . `that _li.ghts_sh-ould be paid for only FOR. EACH NIGHT DURING WHICH `LIGHTS SHOULD BE REQUIRED AND SUPPLIED, and the oontr/tact. upon proper proceedings "being Itaken. wouldyin my apini-on. be refofyied acoxfdingly` ICPUIX". Labor. as they may to [minimize the` spogntaneit of `the populai outbreak in furor o!`Lo1-Ad Dundonald. the fact reinaiane that the incident has stir- red-:thee`hpe.opleha'1s_ no other infuident * -has tote mnnxe ,g~a~y._; Everyne` ad- mits that h.e;._:9_l.id.pb_t5 ehe the cone ; gIt`ituo,ne_l i:5,9t}.iK 3i .;vt')!`;:.fI:)1:i:ngijngf me. `But ever.-and again,.in the mid- not swim. One would think Erom e the. frequency with which -these words occur` that swimming was a -difficult and almost o_ccult art.-so hard `to learn as not to be worth while "even though `one'. s life might depend on it. It is generally easily aoquired in. -`boyhood. A couple ,of ; lesson-sis often enough to give con- ifidrenc-e in onietself in the `wet- er. and the rest comes easily with a little `practice. There is no. pos- sible reason why every` boy who lives within reach of open water . should not learn to swim. Some mothers take what seems to them a safer course of keeping their sons on land. on the principle that, out of water they cannot get drowne'd. -It might "be argued with equal `force that, aslonger as they stay in the water they are `safe from `being, run over by a railway train. Quite a- side irc-m the facts that it is most often the boy who has gone out to `bathe without his parents know- ledge who gets drowned, and that any_ landsman is liable to fall in- to the water from a wharf or an icxcursion steamer. the man who is hot acquainted with the water is not completely developed. The court- lage, self-reliance and resourceful- ness of the English people. which have spread the British power to. the -ends of the earth. were largely dteveloped on the water. The con- rather remote. rd'ange'r, and the skill required to avoid it; the excite- ment olf a close race and the` pa- tience ne(e`ded in bi long beat to wind- w.ard against a gale; the intimate acquaintance with the 'fo-reels of `na- ',ture in blinding sun or ipitch-dark night. `make `sailing thegreatest. as well as one of the oldest sports, and one for which every descendant of -No~a`h_ has an inherited liking. But its greatest delights are for (the man who can on occasion risk an upset. kn-o-wing that it means no- _ thing worse than a duckin'g. There are some who. though unable to swim, sail small Ibcats in rough we-a- ther, and many who take row boats out on the bay with only the wig`- uest idea. of how. to `handle them. Death takes his tell. `but in many . eases lives could -`be saved at a trifling expense if the municipality took the trouble to erect a e.w `shelters where the boys could` change their clothes `for. bathing suits. as via dlonein many of the cities and towns in Canada. At.present,. a com- menda.'ble_l'effort is being m-ade `in Barrie to"st'a.mp out the habit-_ of bathing in the nude inside the cor- poration limits. :While this is very well as `far as it goes. it does not go far enough. There are plenty of `boys and men ' who have not time dle `oil the hehlth-giving" ple`asure.N ' the handoif. death snatches one orj two.- without` warning.,.and almost 1 invariably -the report of. the drown-A ing contains the comment. "He could stant presence of a possible, though . **to -go outside the limits for a bathei . and not having access to a hoathouseg - i in which to change their `clothing, are thus deprived of `a valued pri- a couple of little shelters along the the shore could surely be arranged. ` by the Oouneil.d'a.ndi the boys thus be Dlmblied with facilities "for, learn- ,, igig 1:o"swim._. ' I'Vi108O. l'l`he cost of a `couple . of n.`L. Richardson. M.P., is, a Lib-; mu. He is the dditor of the Win-` nipeg Tribune, "And this is what he th'i1iks~about the Dundonald cm-.:-%-# e_e\;;,ef{..h`';tA -this : season or nathie ` 'cal1's `mankind "to. the vwater.` and lhathingfand 'boati'ng eclipse all "other amusements. To `boys e speoiali- ly the can is irresistible. '.l_`_he y `feel the need of washing `as at no other time.e and on hotvaffternoens repair to play in the cool water, as their ancestors have done since the world began. A Others `again. devote all their s;pa re time to the delights of paddling. sailing. rowing orehasing just ahead of the smell of a gase- line yacht. ` Learn to SWill \r-` Dundbnald. ' NORTHERN ADVANCE? f"A:'E3_.fB;ment'. Mu`P.. _was .o-1it ..da.yua1fter `being_ for _ ve wdxzks , inf 1ta1. ~ . -L ` A: 6' V` . -n _~u.`...-. .. L4: V.'..n..v ....-;_.~'-.` -ucvu-,y..-` a-Luv: vcuug . l.'U'1 LJVU WGUKS _ `St. Luke : H H . _ _ 5 ' Berio_.'i. dirautqr uh can-. truts in tfhe-fMxlitia._Abapagftgngyntghaat. Pierm, An'ton_e. agx Ifalian labor-. ~` "er. `was struck 'a.nd"ki1le'd by a train 1 in Longg. ___ v . _j with that `streets -which have . been enti.re'1y neglected. The rate- payers `have -beobme Wsuffioiently in- `terstod -in the distribution of these "walks ms to enquire into" the na- ' ture of the ``pull_` which has secur- ~ed -pavements for certain streets and ' c4n_ election .d1ay more, ?th'a.n= one- awche present alderman will;;wo'n- dbr W-hat;struok_'11;im:wh,t1 the bail- Every meeting of the Town Conn-j oil is followed by indignant protests from the ratpayers, when it is learned that` the aldsrmen still per- sist in the [reckless "folly of order- ing `the construction of cement .pave'- inents on treats` . w-hero property does not `begin to oomparedn.-_value 0rillia`s `Ham at Ragged I-`taipids caused` the farms to be flooded `at round Sparrow Lake--atV least. so i it was dlecideki in ._the Courts. last? week. and` now Orillia 'is'addled `with 3 another big bill of! expense: The! citizens of that town. however. have an abiding faith in municipal ownership. and despite. all the lab. sitaeles which have `beset their pow- er scheme from its inception. there is not the slightest inclination to sell out to P. H. 'Patri_arohe, who offers to take the wl'1ele.`proposition_of their hands. and reim'bur,se`the' town for its enormous outlay to` date; The Ottawa. Citizen says; ` The government contract with Mr. M; P. Davis to supply power and light for the operation of the "Cornwall can-` :11 was discussed in the House" of Commons late Thursday evening. No motion was before the House. Mr. Haught-`on Lennox. M.P.,` Conserva- tive. initiated the discussion by re- marks in connection with an esti- mate for expenditure on the canal." No-thing practical followed. But to Mr. Lennox is due public gratitude for the attention which he forced parliament repeatedly to` give to_t'he- matter. _'q .4! a ` ' A great many who" grow strawber-' ties for home use permit the part-i ches to grow up in weeds during the summer. and then depend upon the.` weeds and grass f-or protection dur- ing the winter. Bad business. Bet- ter clean out the "beds. out {the sur- `plus runners, cultivateand give the new plants a chance for a proper" growth, and then mulch for the win- ter. You 11 think next season you have a different kind of berry. The goverrnment handled the Aquess tictnyvery badly all the way through._ and richly deserves all the damage} that _may oome to it over the sub- It must clear to everyone that his "course was `dictated `by. the very. best and most patriotic motives. The people love a daring`. bold, self-sac-a rificing man. and `Lord Dun.donald s action has therefore appealed to their best sentiments. To see him `malign- edvand dragooned by the . party press. and to-see these organs call- ing upon the people to refrain from participation in farewell demonstra- ticmsi has angered a large number of people to such an extent that theyhave gone out of their way to impart a warmth and enthusiasm to the demonstrations that would not` be inevidence if the Liberals had been `less vengeful. |i1fVi29r| Thicvlyc H air "' 1!}. hair clhatro out.MI"t :ev:t1-Ipgdd HI II On On! I `can u kg: cuyao In nu thiekpuud -331. L. X. Bxrru. L:::.:".'.*'i'.2.'?"*" J; 0. A72! 00., Lowell Hus. This falling -of your hair! Stop it, or you will soon be held. Give your hair some Ayer s Hair Vigor.` The fail- 1,l' will stop, the hair will grow, and the scalp will be clean and healthy. Why be satisfied with poor hair when you can make it rlch? -4-` 1 1 nu (ma .325! `?n`.`..""v.....":.}E.1.'{'.?.?.?:m.'i'.`m.a Editog-ial Notes "SCOTT.--A't Orillia. on the 8th, inst, tho wife_ of, John Scott. man-age!` Dominion Bank. Orillia. of n 2 uaiugnter. . o -HUNTE-R.--At Newmarket. on ,Bun- Z Aug." 7, 1904, to Mxf. and Mrs, B. T = __.Waitef, Hunter. a son. A U19 resi.-`N e:.Mgc,;o~ r `E THOMAS KENNEDY &. 00.. ARCHI- toot_s. Bothwollh B1923, Barrie. THE }iT BALL PLANING MILL com-_ I`-__-_L-_D-- U T with Btrathy O W111 1VVV_.l..N. MURPHY as ESTEN. ON- tario Land Surve ors. Engineers. etc. Established 1 52. Office. Medi- cal Building. 8. -E. corner Richmond and VB: streets. Toronto. Tele- phone.~-;'- `n. 1880. Instructions left V __ Eaton. Solicitors. `Bank of Toronto Building. Barrie. be promptly attended to. ANY QUANTITY or MONEY To-3 loan at 41-2 and 5 per cent. Easy ; terms of re-payment. Lennoxu Oowan & Brown. Solicitors. Barris- ters. etc. .__v-:- on. DI? IUD` 4 as 'he was apeoifioally`or(1ero'dV toi `light the oanal-that he Ihould he: asked why `he was 1-igming vtho can- al. and noitifieid that there was no .c-onasion for light `during the close. hnayigattiau. That this was `donfe `Mi. [UNw1N. MURPHY &. ESTEN. oz}. tnnn T.nI\ll nntynnn-an Ii` n n . ` . . _.. $70.000. FOIi INVESTMENT on GOOD c....'..\...I..n ----__2L-, ,4 0. H. LYSITJT PRIVATE FUNDS TO I..._ .`_ n- V DR. R: P VIVIAN. HOMOEOPATHIST. Hours.11 to 1: 7 to 8. Residence and Office. Corner of Dunlop and Poyntz [Streets DR. W. A. ROSS. PHYSICIAN. SUR- - geon. etc.. L. R. C. S.. Edin.. L. R. C. P.. Londqn. Offices and night residence. Brown s Block, Dunlop street. Barrie,` Telephone. 77. ij_-. DR. J. ARTHUR ROSS. L. R. C. P. K`, (V 1` " DR. J. F. PALLING. GRVADUATE on` STEWART & STEWART. BARBIE-' ` H. 1`. ARNALL. M. D. c. M.. OFFICE in Both~we1l s Block. Aliandale. On the premises at night. { . 1 I1.-.5- -2 1"`..- 71 "7 ' DR. J. C. SMITH. L. C. P. S.. ONT.. W` hni? 1i,8~h*! my .wit .4 , STRATEY, & ESTEN. BABRISTERSQ ' II_I'-' HEWBON _& CRESWICKE. BAR G. A. RADENHURB1`. BARRISTER. ' AA.L___-_ 29-:--,~L-_ LENNOX. coWATTE*`hRbii-: BAR- _`_L___, `(V ,,,_ __.._._ ----..u- \a assay \J\JJll.'\ puny. Carpentering. building, and} manufacturing of. doors. sash. blinds . mouldings. etc. Planing of a1l| kinds done gromptlyvand satisfac- torily. `But last drying kiln. Dis- trict agency; for grained lumber. Ifaotor , Bay-field, Si ... Barrie. Rod - era '8 allie.auc oesaors` to Geo. Ba 1. W. AULT. BARRISTER. somcvron/. - -Dvlnllfnm `Infarct (`Anna n n n A not nfn . ` V LEGAL. ` y'BONALDfROSS. L. L. B.. BARRIE- } ter. Solicitor. etc. Bank of Toron- ` to Building. Barrie. Monev to loan. ..,..v . v.` 55` v an-c-au.;aJ.V.l. VA` \lUU.|J freehold security a_t lowest rate of mterest. No-prinmpal money re-; nned until end of the term. H.` . Btrathy. Sohcitor. eto.. Barrie. sMiZC..-il;. C. P.-*5-`-.. ute resident Physician and Surgeon of Toron- to General Hospital, with special at- tention to Diseases of Women. and Nose and Throat Work. also for some time surgeon in charge of Emergency Hospital. Toronto. Of- fice and night residence. upstairs in McCarthy Block. 21 Dunlop St.. Barrie. second door east of Dougall Bros. furniture warerooms. near` /Five Points. -phone, 1u5. vgup .55-AVRQJJ EULVIJQ LU `lo:n ;n Real Estate at lowest rates. Ross B ook. Dunlop street. Barrie. Farmers notes discounted. Collec- tions made in any part of the Coun- ty. Real estate bought and sold. Conveyancing in all its branches. Martin e Licenses issued. Office. During the controversy, `b-ettwseal the audit-o-r-general and the` Depart- ment o-1"` Railways. the department was very emrphatic in reiterating that the g-o-yernmevnt was bound `to pay Mr. Davis the year no-und for at least 250 are lights on the `Corn- wall canal. and 400 horse power; or such light and` power to that ex- tent. as Mr. Davis could -.de,lu've.`r.' Strange to say. Mr. Leunox Vtvvas able to show. in the House the` oth- or night that. 'before the anatfte.r.' came .bef-are t-he` . auditor-general! (that is. during the months of `Feb- ruary and March. 1902) the govern-: ment took an exactly opposite poai-j 'tion. Mr. Lennox pointed out -t`h.a't! am the 6th dt February. 1902. through at letter from Mr. Stalwart. super- intending engineer ofithe canal. the!` department became aware.a_nd up-g -patently for the first time. that the 5 canal was ac"-t'u'ally `being iigh-ted.` ; Yet no order ihasd been given to Mr. Davis. Dealing with this, Mr;- Len` "wax pointed out that the papers at the department show that "on, the. ._13th 0-5` February the conclusion is, recorded that Mr.` Davis was Tact titled; -to. `pay-meat except lace `E inn: 1|..- _-_-- Mum`. to ..mr;~.=*1. 1. V l_{,;rk-pa.tnok.; `o T .Norw.ood. 1. s. BROAD. M. 1).. c. Mfxti if I` T 11 r\ (1 rs __- -- - - ....-a--ave. \uI \.lJ.' Trinity University, Toronto. Fel- low of Trinity Medical College. Member of the College of Physi- cians and Surgeons of Ontario. Of- fibe and residence. 18 Owen street. & S.. Edinburg; M. F. P. & 8., Glasgow, member of the British Op- thalmologncal Society. Specialty.- Diseases of the Eye. Ear. Throat and Nose. Office. 76 Dunlop street, Saunders block. Barrie, opposite Post;-0ffice.' and Railwa 4 btation. Phone.. 54; P, 0. -Box. 9 . ' -(1a{e' cx'f_I`)1";.H_z-1-rvV'-i;a :9; Smith. dru- lia) Office and residence. corner of dwen and Collier. streets. Barrie. '-8olicit_ors "in "Hi h cou:t"Jr" Jus- tice. Notaries Pu lic. Gonvevancers. Offices over the Bank of Toronto. Barrie. Money in sums of $2,000 and upwards. to loan at 5 per cent. H. H. Strathy. K; 0.. G. H. Eaten. tors. Solicitors. Notaries Public, `and Conveyancers. Money to loan in any sums at 5 per pent. Office. 13 Owen BL. Barrie. H. D. Stew- art; L. L. D... D. M. Stewart. risters. Bolicitqrs of the Suprcmo Court `of Judxcature of Ontario. Prootors.-- Notaries. Conveyanceru. etc. Money to hgn. Offices. Boss Block. Barrie. 0. E. Hewson. A. E. H. Creswicke. _:_._.v_ . --.u v. ---w- .. -.' 2..-- ` risters. "Sol'ici'tors for obtaining pro- bate of wills. guardianship and ad- ministration. and general Solicitors, Notaries. Conveyancers. etc. Of- fioes.- Hinds Block. No. 6. Dunlop street. Barrie. Money to loan at 41-2 and 5 per cent. Branch Of- fices at Creemore and_A1liston. Haughton Lennox. Alex. Oowan. G. r E. J. Brown. L. L. B. i 1`Atwt'or-ney. Solicitor in .('3.h:.ncery. Conveyanoer; etc. Office. first door. Owen street. `over Bank of `Commerce. Barrie. . (Fr:~m' the Ottawa Journal.) _ A summary has `been given of the main lii~stary and present condition of the Davis contract to supply pcuwcr -and light on the Oorn wa1ll canal. In the recital. mme `import- ant points were left over, which Mr. liauvgliton Lonnox, M. P., develope'd in his criticisms last week. These bear on two veryeimportitnt thin-gs. Namely. first. that some poweirful influence was at work in_ the cab- inet t-cigive Mr. Davis a very fat `thing: s-ac-C-ndly, that o*ver-ruling of the audit-cr-general 'by the Treasury B`-award (aslias -part of the cabinet) are possible in the very teeth of ad- vice by the Department of Justice) itself that the .au` . is right. and that what the Treasury. Board is prc-posing to do (and gid do in the Davis matter) *is_illegal.