Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 14 Jul 1904, p. 5

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vvra -_ , , jager.` - . The report was adopted. Mr. Juxpp asked the Finance Com- mittee t-o consider the` advisability of recommending George B. Curran.` Orillia, as the County .pupil at "the; Ontario Agricultural College. ` A I-n.n.nr' mmmmendinp: a `bridge Ontario Agnculturzu Uoxwg-c. _ A report recommending `budge over Mad River. Sunni~dale-Tossoron- tie at $1400.00 was `presented by` Chairman Quinlan. of Roads `and= Bridges Committee. and "a-cl-opte'd the work to `be done under supervisidn oCouns. 0Murphy. Mgartin and him- UL uuuuxo. u.I.u:yuJp ..-.u.- ---- ___, self. ` . Awarding `to Mr. Campbell. snow pl-ows can be made `from $16 to $25. and he has -other information which he will communicate to members on application. V ? - A cement walk -will `be built fat an an le `between the Court House -and 'a.i . No `balcony .will` be placed on . ....`|....9., N-.:.I.on nn? and the nrisnnqgl-3 (Gontinuxgd `from page 6.) the County Roads for their 3 n<-u.(Rf:+ '3.il. N-O `balcony .w1u De pnaucu uu ao1er s residence` and the prisoners will 'be oom(pelled' to forego the `lux- ury -of ttelerphonicn `communication with the -outsid`e world. The gaol-is in excellent oondition with nine in- m-a`t_e*s. A `few minor `repairs will be made no the oarqtakets quarters in the {Court House. L `I , - tn; ..1..:.... mf nan-Imw nslrinson` `tho ~_U:2urt nouse. . ` E The claim of . Matthew Hoskmson of Innisfil. who'aske'd.fo'r $500`dam- -ages`-"was settled `by -the'Gou`nty pay- ingn_1g0.' ` ` Yamh is`: neizsnfiatinc wifh . i ' U A 9~T*==*2:*:**i*:.2 321:3` the 1c`.Y".l.~.a:gaaarmRyuanon. both. sides Sam 21-! T118 Townsntp OI glay. L01` LLIU Luau- ing f-of a o`e-rtain road` upon. both sides of which he dfwns property. w'he:ra du_c_ks_ and other `fowl are protecte$d. Oertam _residen.ts of Taywantd Mid-_ .l_and dignpprovg 9!` the .actx_on1of `thew ~T'awns)up. 'Cqg;m_a_1_. _`q`_ dough: Q); F. j t` ,!!-;'!'98=1| !` t~h;eu* ; 4..L.=_ V wicks. "tor th`e-' Tdwnshi . `As three -months had not 911: 2 since-.. /she `by-lawx -went before the .'l.`ownshi 'Co\mc'il the County `Legislators 'di not consider . the question`. `A by-law was -passed authorizing the Wbzarroxving of $50,000 for not more than six manths_to meet cur- rent gxpenses. \ -T`: gnu-rnnn G--rnharn. Of Countv ` P8111 BXIJQIISES. `Chairman Graham, of the County Property Committee, `recoomendeld that $200 be . aid to Barrie on- ac- count of t-he .ock-up.-` The report .was ado ted. C-auncilor Quinlan was intructed t-o haye the deviation road across W. 1-2 8, .8-Veispra made 66 ft. wide. Councillor `Thorpe was given sim- ilar instructions as to road on 11th oon. W. GVwillim'bury.r ' ;!__u_-.'I A... A.- VV 1 \l V1 IILLLLLIII-In Mr. Quinlan was ifogoidted as ar- bitrator to `set`tle 1- fqrences `be- tween councillors as to the expen~ ditures on` roads. 2W-here he is `in- terested the Warden -or some other member will actoin the capacity of arbitrator. 7I'\Ln' pm-l\`II':fIf 1-A-nnr+ urdd 'I I`l`l|hP_`I \t- ` arnntrator. A ? The following report was present- ed by the Roads and Bridges Com- mittee :- u l'l\'|.....L` I-Law -rnnnnrnon fhnf :1 IEE . That? they recommend that a "grant be made out-of the moneys appropriated. for the improvement of county. roads to Adjala. Essa, Flats, Innisfil. T-ossorontio, Tiny Tay. Te- `cum'seth.cand -W. Gwillimbury in the same_proportion to. their respective e~qu'a 1ized assessment as the equal- ized assessment `of the Townships of Vespra _and Nottawasaga `bears `to the -extra. amount received by `said townships of Ves ra' and Notta wa- saga over and a2 ve the `amount they were entitled to under the di- vision of the $150,000.00, less the amount -of any special. grant other than . grant to. statutory Courrty bridges which any of the -1 ,above mentioned `municipalities have [re-a ceived since the` distribution of the $150,000. ' ` (`,1-uoirn-|'o`rI $130,000. . ,Chairm'an Quinlan declined to pre- sent the report. as he` considered it dealt unfairly `by Vespra. Its adop- tion `was moved by Messrs. Hammell and Frawley. 0 In amendment. Messrs. Jupp and Welle moved that the townsnnd villagpshe -added to the municipal-' ities named. ' ,'C~om. Fraser named $20,000 as the sum to 'be divided amongst all `the- municipalities with the exce`ptinon of t-txwnships of Vespra and` Nottawa- saga. as `he considered that *the Jxartter townships had already receiv- ed `far more than their share. 2' 1 I ,,_.;__ vu pun. -_v- V Oom'.. Quinlan (protested strenu- ously against the treatment Velspra. was receivina. The adzditional gramt obtained `by imself and Com. Wells, to which reference was made, was not given to Ve ra at all, `but was expanded -on the ridge at` Midhurst for the benefit of the Flos and Bar- rie people. -He read Ithe report which made the grant last year and pointed out that every member knew at the time that it was not of a. Vespra. grant which was being made. r`.~-an `Kiss-u-slaw: zrant made. C-am. Murphy held that` this grant had been made to Velspra and that (the other m_u-nicipalitjes we're now entitled to equal amounts in pro- portion. He -charged that `an at- tempt was being made to block the scheme to make these additional grants `but went a little too far and was called to order by the Warden. on. no 1, LL _ ....p.u~C-:1`-nu VVKIB uanxcu DU Uluvs N V..- ~Com. Wells thought the question was deserving of further consider- ation and reminded the Council that the matter of snow fences had not yet "been settled. Under the circum- stances 'he' thought. that another ses- sion of the Council was n'eede'd and after `some discussion it was decid- gd `to meet `again on Monday next at :-.v-A` ONE OF ONTARIOS BEAUTY SPOTS- A PRIMEVAL FOREST. A `house-party of twenty-three has `been having a merry time duririlg the '-past week at Stra-thallan, Mr. Harry Pedwel1 s delightful summer home. ' Dhe `term summer home hardly conveys the correct impression, when a plied to this beautiful residence of r.` Ped.w_ell. surrounded `by six hundred acres- of -primeval forest, with the grea.'t virgin ine waving `their tasseled tops 3. 111 two"hun- dred feet above` the ground. Yesl "summer home is decidedly too "cramped an expremion to gpply to such a lord-ly domain as this where the finest timber standimg in Ontar- =- L- Am. :. fn -`ha frnrnd_ Mr. Ped- finest timber stanmnlg m um.- io- to-day. is to be found. Mr. _Ped- we'll bought the estate in the first place. as a speculation. intending to put up aemill and saw the timber on: the premises. but the beauty of the place has appealed to him so strongly that it will probably be many `years before those grand old trees are desecrated `by the wood- man s axe. Birch. -oak and `basswood and `fairly plentiful, although pine predominates and lumbermen from different parts -of the country. who have visited the spot are astonish- ed at the enormous height .which numbers of the -trees have attain- ed. In many instances they run up n.. .1:.+.nma .nf 9 hundred and fifty` ENCE |ed. In Instances Lucy Luu up a. distanceof a hundred fifty feet. before a branch appears and at this great; height some of `them am_ two feet in d`iar_ne`ter a : fact --.x..-x. ...........- .,.1mnc+ nnnred-lble untxl are feet in Cllameu-.r- at ?.l.`d.Ul. which seems almost incredible the actuality is forced home -by a personal interview with these mom- archs of the forest. The fift -acre deer park was depopulatdd o the majority of its denizens. when the Aliens closed the place a fev xyears age. and of the dozen or so which were left behind. all have disappear- ed-but one little doe. which remains about the door yard,` as a household pet. But although the big herd of deer is a thing of the past. the `park being underbrushed. is one of the . most attractive portions of the place in .which to roam. _ _ ma... 1.......... 4-hn~nn-h nufiiated in the which to ffhe house, though situated in m1d'st of this great forest. lacksfnone of the essentials of mode'rn life. A vvaier w1ht_-:e(l_ supplies `the premises"from "the cle'a.r waters of the: `bay, and ipes are 1-aid fall through `the gar `en. which latter, by the way, is without doubt the finest in the district, all the `early v `aJ.bIe`s `be`ing already in season. V T . Pedwell 13 the most hos itable ofsxnosts and `takes-`the keencs plea- in ,placin `his iintei-e-state at ..tI1;;;disposal do his friends. conse)- `qnmtly `for the next con la of mamhd. =2. or-oat deal (it cant . aiming \ .t`I_};_`a~'-.`'(.ll_7\.Ei1..l Ul. urn ;...v...`...... V -, . qnntlyv `of "1;-hsg 'a _gI_'eat deal df ent. aimng w vd-qne ajt 'Stra`t-hallazn. - -g-1', tango ., e steamer'*Elgin L. Lewis .will /make her ttri to Jack-soms ft, 'on.Frid.ay. J11 y`15th. as `sche- _: _; _o_n._a.ccount of havixr a large it smn,` arty 'o`ut"o'f On Iia.`_ ` `I-`or ring as adverti-se `ix ` Major-Genera} _ the Earl `aild yv_~as initugtggl a ma ,,J,_:x B 0@_;. on .4 - Sta `El gin L. `Lewis. STRXTFIALLAN ftl}-if ' azadv-artise ed on. aturday, 16th. nus A a-fterw'ziI`ds"`as - sch $3 nt 0'1 navn `IA!-ls. gn _ V > .11 LKLLBV Ina. as adverti-setl will be ' ill iveruseu `as-so e. will BU ' 16th `and will dule. V `-1-Earl cif I;)un-. GLORIOUS TWELFTH% ? ! Arrived at the Park Mr. Charles Palling. one of the oldest and cer- tainly the most enthusiastic Or- angemen in the County. was instal- led as chairman and short addresses ~ -were made by Re'v. Dr. Wittcn. W. `M.. Rev. W. J. Hewitt, W.M., Gra- venhurst; His Worship Mayor Boys, Rev. A. R. Sanderson, of Angus: Dr. J. J. \Villiams, cf Lisle, and others. At the conclusion of the spee ch-mak- ing the sports were started and. were without doubt the most suc- cessful ever oc=n'duct<>'d in the ~p:11`kg Football, baseball and Olympian games were all going on at once. At baseball, Barrie was a trifle too strong for Ivy and won out by a._ score of 16 to 9. Stroud wasaable to beat out Oro at football '.'by 4 goals to` 0. The names of the win- nets of the -other sports will `be published next week. J-_.__A_ ___:.__. -..........nl-11-icun Mu- L `:1 .L ;L.0.L. No. 805 . - Craigvale Mr. Robt. Black. jr., Masten` Bmadview Boys` Brass Band (Continued from page 1v.)` -:L`.O.L. No. 73 . Angus Mr. S. McPherson.` Master- Fifc and Drum Band. |)\lLIlLD.|.lCau. .u.\;AL\. Iv nun. V In the drumming competition Mr. Thomas Sampson. as usual, carried off the first prize. Mr. Jimmy Scott was his `fifer. Tory Hill. however, did . so well "that" a l9e.c\:'!nd' ` rize was . made up. 'f-or Mr. J. Rowan and Mr. Wm, McQuay. in the Band competition. Stayner was awarded `first prizq, and the Brcadvicw Boys. second. 1... LL ; un- nvf u-or nnnfouf AIL`)!!- D.I`C l.(lVl4JW Duyzs. D\7UUll\lu In the tug of war contest Allan- d`a1e was far too strong for `Lisle and the brawny boys from the 6th Ward easily `landed the `trophy. *Cr~a.ighurst Lodge turned out 42 str-on% LO. . No. 73 from Angus had 100 men in line with a. ma nificent new fbajmner at tlge head. he'y present- ....... . I? . _ n n nnnsvnnnn LI.l'UL1 lu xxuu vvnuu us :.uu ;-4.... banner the fhy 1 ed a. very fine appearance. f`noI:-rn-ola .on'rrnn-{Ari fhll. RF au then` C1(1-um-8 1)I`t:u1:uuu. 0rillia`s band leader. Mr. `Mit- Mitchell, seren3.de'd Band `Master George Hende rson yesterday after- :mion. They played a March. Auld Lang Syne." and efs A Jolly Good Fellow. `Mr. Hendersoniwas seated on the upper verzmdah of the Roy- al Victorna Hospital, and on conclu- sion of serenade rose from hiechair. waved `his cap. `and said, Thank vvr.I`l M1` ' ed very mne ztppezuuuuc. _ ` Crai vale engaged the Bnoadvmw. Boys and and No. 605 march with iall their old-tim-e precision. n..:n:..,. n.......A `nnllnr Mr v`|\/I'i~f.. 'Wa.V cu 1113 uup, an iyou. Mr. Mitchell. T Jr. IV.-Hildia McDermid. Sr. FII.-Cl:1ra, Leg -0-tt. \I.A1len4 Johnston. Louis Vair, illie 2Duw-4 2..-... Tnu(\.a:n Tnhncfnnu dnllstuu. JJUUID V (us, v v - . -.v ........ V % `son. J essic J ohnstonu Jr. III.-Rebecca. Srigley. Viola Johnston. Reta Vair. Arthur Fergu- guisaon. II.--Lillie Minnikin. Merle McDe`r- mid`. Walter Teasdale . Chas. Dawson. (Jamie Minnikin`, Hazel Ferguson. Pta.rt II.-Bert Johnston. Goldie Minpilgixr. Maud` Kell, May Brooks, L `X L - L0.L. No. 472 Lisle Mr. Thos. Wilson. Master Fife -and Drum Band ~ Uassnc 13/unnuuu'. .l..l'lb`11 L'\;.L5uuu;q- Jo-hnsto . Minnikixr. 1 Carl Fergusan. - Sr. I;-J-ohn Vrair, Annie Sriwlefy, Lorne 9Ha-nd`y. Darcy Ferguson. W. lie Smith,` Edwin Handy. Kgtae (*1..- 1&1`:-Ind` ` 116 Uuxnuu, ...n..n .... .._..__ ,__, , Crrnghan. - Jr. I.-Amos Johnston, Irene Daw- st.-n., Maggie MoDermid. Sydne `Min-1 mkm, I Mintnikin, Arthur ngley Lillie` Croghan. Adeline `Smith. A. E. Lennox. Teacher. 1J.U.lJ. LV'U- UUI Warm-inster Mr. Joe`. Reid`. Master o .` Fife and `Drum Band x x x L.O.L.N-o. 904 1 Hawkestone ' Mr. Richard Metcalf. Master. Fife and Drum Band Flu l.'.alru-u. Strayed into the; the sat ofjune, a mod Sow {ha owner can have the same by pay ingexpeuses, otherwise the animal will be sold. ' E. MARTIN. Craighuut remixes of Mr. E. Muffin. about . an` all tram-.. A .IJu\J-lJ- .LV'Uo U00 Ohurchill Mr. .W. B. S1-o-an -aster Churchill Brass and tr In} `v I LoL"`N 234 . . -0. .Str-oud . E. Mcconkey, Masher I`:-`In on!` 'I\v-nnn `Inn:-I VA`-u"I-E l'r\|vII_I I vv - - -__. The West Haif of Lot :6, Concession one. Vex-_ pra-1 no acres, more or less. all under good cultiva- ti :1 excepting about acres of hardwood bush. Good large frame dwel mg with stone cellaf. cenjarnt oor. Lane b- wk` barn 4ox6o. with stablin["fora8 head of . cattle. Separate stable for with driving housc and ha-. loft o,x5o,. Qther Info and `wmmuditfus `uiitbuildings. bout-an acre of oliglurd, ...,-..a ....n and cistern water at the buiIdingQ""d_A gnqd well and cistern wanted at the buildin 0 and a Ismail s ream near the barn about 8 mom 3 in the year. This farm is in Crown Hill and convenient to post nica, blaclcnm th qhqp, chgese factoty. churches nd Ichool. Tu-m_svfnay Applv to W, E. PART enxDa8.>c:9~-wan % A . % A,-s?-as .a.-. ` ay V J4-U.u. Lvu. 'xuv . Ivy Mr. D. A. Ganley. Master Wifn o-nz` nwlivn Rand ' bu.L.uE.SL;;u. 1.1-fan Mr. T`-haos. McKnight. Master Fife and Drum Band LJo.lulJo .LV'U- O Tory Hill Mr. D. Oorbett, Master Fife and Drum Band 00 L .5 A _ L.0.L. No. 414 Uhthoff 2 Mr. David Young, Master Fife and Drum Band A `.1 A L.O.L. No. 296 Orillia - ' Mr. Hugh H088`. Muster T Fife, and Drum Band 2L _1L A ' L.0.L. No. 677 `Goldwater Mr. Frank Orr. Master Fife and "Drum Band 1: x x `L.0.L. No. 837 1If.....~. :-so`-Ar ho? A L `L A .L.T.B. No. 1144 ' Severn Bridge Rev. W. J. Hewitt.'Mast:e:r Fife and Drum Band -.\ School Segtion No. 12, Vespra. I L L L.0.L. No. 985 Craighurst ` Mr. John Caston, Master Craighurst Brass Band I `x x L.T.B. `No. 1053 Bond Head Mr. Adam Averill, Muster Fife and Drum Band x "x x L.0.L. No. 426 Banda. Mr. S. Elder, Master Fife and Drum Band I`. h o JILUL/UI.lK.Uy. JJLEIBUI Frfe and Drum Band VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE nu 1Iy,_. LI-.1`.-.C'nt I6. Cnncension 000: V I`. `U. A. Uauluyg J.u.a.au Fxfe an Drum Band L `.1 L L.0.L. No. 533 l'\.I.u-41. 21] L.o.f. Re.` 450 `I'..... L L & L.T.`B. No. 888 l'l\...... `Dill 1. ,1 L L.T.B. No. 1200 'E\.-..... vtins. me. Es'rnAv. We--- -1: u- If 'Ihe Prices Ruling in the Barrie and Toronto Markets. During the Week.` '}r\ \ \ B13; wool Pucks. . oxsc H.-des. Wheat, white... ... . .. . 'heat, red Wh eat,.gous......... Spnng ........_-- ano:y.... Oa`S:. Pcas...... .. Hav. Timothv Straw................. DreSSCd HoVgSu`onIlQO9_| u_tter, pcr pound hmkens, spring. per. pa `"k1`-VI. per pound.- DuS'k5.-....o.oauosoo|: `weesetvuonn 'n-noon -0011 `Egg! Pei` dDZ..- -ccuou poldtoen. '..... 1... .. ....a u-_--03 at-IttnuCO|'U Ilooocnonucuui on n-conco- Discoun'zs.' Wheels slghtly dud. 38.00 to paw. acuutu qua, .. ....... 1. w. BOYD :3 son. A 1683 Not`:-e Dune sc.. MONTREAL. & /:1 FOR RENT.--A wellfurnish-edM1'_9m"I suitable for znoeting and OOV11 V3`ni.n.,t'* 1) located over the reading r.1'd!v _m Mechanics Institute: may,b h"d at reasonable ra.teu;.` APP the LIBRARIAN of the.In.S|i-, ' 3-' L ,_, : %. `.-._. W, _.|flC ' .` ' (0.. Real Estate Sew" \ .,_La,,-`_ . ~ 1.m._5' `ch ~P,'"w_ V - - 'cnndcntia|- A".""3:.m .. " *-, PO. Box 34z.Bam. .. IVIVIIEV IV Byyfitjr . . \ v . ` W` h t r `n ,v . %.. ..::,`::?;:'w~ lilies. Mc(`.A in new am 14, 1904 THE MARKETS Toronto Farmers n1oNi:v tqisqztufyfg MONEY To g.oAI}I Buuuli Jun! :4, 1904-` mers' Marketa. Tononro. Jun 5. u9o4.- nsur the Ad`- ' degeascd ucuon om - . 7' A Cut this ad. on: Q a $3.0w*::::::'.a*.:l- .9. 1 - Q I 1 --I _Jl._I D35-nu-In hnhli nffrnme " a" a . mu. :- wu'u 's::te3gcner$_wi1h`a"s or Ladies! Bicycle, hhl of tune EIGUE -* ."..'.".*::.`.-.`.'.*:`.'.::`.'`n: out 3 3. Bjcy:leby'expreuC.0.D. aubgcattoexunination. Youcu: _ _ examine it thototqhly utyourEx- u an 1-._,- J ___l..A .. -gal-fondn-u Farmers ` % % I 9 yourA INSURANCE INTEREST place the risks in the beutcompanice in Make "a specielty of Farmers Insurance `and Canada. :. __. . 1- _______ -- nnmndlilif 1 PIECE Luv nun-u - ._ The W881)-l;I`i- "Insufancs Uumgany m..- -1. .1... 1...`: stock companies in Can ) (One 0! me out Ilucu w.......... ._ -..____- i The Perth Mutual Fgrec` 11.1-suranca Go. In... hatter on t e ontinent.) __ -_j ILVUHV Illasuuu v-_- --._ V- The Dominion of Uanada. Guvarantee % and mmant Insurance 00. _ General ngcuu: nun . sun Life 1nsurzIi1'uo., or Banada 1 This is one of the best comphnies for In 1nd Insurance angl before going into an compan call or write to our oce and see ` ` can do or vou. . . `OFFICE 3` _ _ _" do tor vou. A iMcCARTHY'S BLOCK. - Blatik book? of every ds-f ?c:-iption ruled` and made to |I`dr- Magazinesneatly bound, ' A Aktiling and is general hdok-_% Ebinding business carried on. , . -ll` General Agent: for the . . . nu IHDHLWMUU vvau (One ot the best stock companies .n no 4..-! I'.l..-`1'..nuunn~lIl F-ull argggnt of loss paidln nvuvvv D Full 9. oun every c _. |l.'|lll muuuuu L` .11. u aumu won (None better on the Continent.) FvARM$TOAC_K'SALE$ er. I`-or__fuotifon- 8l 4 I `_`,..~ 7 VI nauuawuruwu '..-,_ cu-wIn'ted, an_i'eVv_vi1Vl`iend at ` BI`|I[IICl'O_Ol904 exnnineiuhorou hlyutyourEx- nd if found Eetlecay Intisfucto , __-_ _an nu: Inn: IAQIIIIEIEI jute R.` crigtoe-.V BARRIE. om` Investments :0 any other what we Names of O Sxiccessfuil Pupils ,.in Barrie and Vicinity. _ APPENDED 1s A. Lf_S'1` or THE .PUP11.S WHO HAVE "amaze suc- - cmssruz. . m PASSING mama . " EXAMINATIONS FOR` ENTRANCE J INTO THE HIGH SCHOOL. A i I Girls.-_-Jennie Ambrose`. Pe-ai-1 Ar- mitage. Mary Buchanan. Ma`bel.But-L terfield, Dora Burns. Bella Oa_;ne3'r.- on. Beatrjce Cline. Flomiej !Cmsp1_n, Sadie Ellns. Myrtle. Gordon. Jenme Goring. Isabel Graham, Luella Marra Clara Martin. Ruby Metcalf , Eva Moore. Ethel McDonald. Rita Manon-. ald. Aggie Pae. r!Hazel *'Pa'ttefrso'n'. Olive Pedley. Msaibel Powell. Clara Rodger-s,. Lena` Stoteabury, _Al`fre'qa Strange. Agnes St`. Dinge. iNe'l1Id Ilho'mrp*9on. V `V I v-I I: ,,i T\_____ . ` ..--av-o-mgr--sun-v ~ Boys-Fred Alward. Percy Arm- strong. Dalton Ball. Ernest` Braden. Lorne Brunton, Gerald Clayton-. Fred. Cr-ossland. Fred Foster. Percy Gra- ham, Carl` Hazard. Gecil Jory, Ew-` art `Jory; Keit`-h Lennox. Wm. Log- ue,.Vincent Lynch. Fred Mile, Lea- ter Miller. Campfbell Morrxson. Har- ry Myers. Ivan McCarthy, -.Wm. Parks, Edward Paton. Charles `P. Plaxt-on. John Powell. '1`al'bot Red-. fern. Geo. Roe. Sidndy Sanford. P. V Sarjeant. Harry Stotedbury. James 'l"h.n1-n.nun1 T.n1-no n`trI'a1`, `Rdwa Pd Darjeant. narry DLOL8_'SDl.l1'y. dump: Thompson. Lorne iTyrer. ,E Wells. Gordon Wells. Peter .Wxgg1ns.l `l'`\'_I_ __ T.V.'l---.. asap \Iva \Iv v vn--. .-. vv "1:Io. 5, Ves-.i1r';1.-E. Bisl'1.o;')."-1T'J x;V_)sr-i`11V Carson.` . _. _ . No. 12. Ve'spro.-Miller Johnstone. `No. 9. Vespra.-Er-nest Stokes. W. Young. `Chadie - Bremner. Lila - Btrrdge. Beatrice` Jacrdbs; Eleanor Ja- coibs. Bella Russell. Ana~h Nfloods. Elhhil \W*yles. . ' ` II I'\_.. YTSIJ- T-_.J__. smvnanu. mnw 'r-L_<:-_n:3s WANTED- ~ umums Nmmomo 2-03. mm nxmrmamnr scnoons. "'1`-he School Boa:-_d= met 04 Monday evgning wit-ha Chairman; Mxlne re-: sidmg. and the --f-ollowmglmem err ......-.......*+. -'M'muqrs, `Pm-kefr- Andrews. sxamg. an-(1 tne -IOUUW Aug um-_uuv.- presexit: Messrs. Parke'r. Andrews. G. G. Smith. Love. Carson. Rine-N -hart -and Th-os`. Smith. Communica-* tions were received "as 'Eo1lows:- -1:`--..... 'nl':.ua V:-nu and Mina Eva L93 tions recelveu as `I.Duuwa;- `From Miss King and Miss Eva Lee asking to~`be relxevd of their dut- ies for `the fall term.-Re'ce.i.'ved. 'm..-.._ 11:... A Q1...-:-s +nnAn-iriu- hm- ies D01` tn_e tau terxp.-n.uuu.:._vqu. F_nom _M1ss A..Sh.erm tendgzrxnlg her res: n-an-on from. the Pu`bl1c School Bbaf .-Received. xxr 121...... `Mr `Eva-n' aszlzimz for .Fmm Mr. Evans asking 91- an increase of $50 per an\nun_; 111 ms |sa.lary.-R-ezoeived. . .. u-mm nhu R. Phinins. askxnsz ner- o acm- Eign---wall T lsa.lary.-t(-ecelveu. . VFrom Chas, E. Phillips. asking per- mi$ion to pasture his horse in ghe East `Ward school grounds wdurmg the summer.--Received. - ~ . .m1..,. 'D..~...n-.-+u nmmiffna- fhr-nu~;_rh the summer.-xtecenveu. _ The Property Committee. through xts Chalrman. Mr. Love. recommend- ed the following repairs; That all broken glass in the Central school should `be re%1vaze.ir;hart`: th:"f111r12- no 91- an -nn : e ..-.... 2... `LA shoulq `be re Iazea. tnac um I.u11._|- aces m the est Ward school Fbe rqpaired. that the old walls in the South Ward school should be` kal- Is'aminegd.-.-The report was carrie d. l\____._.:LL.... I-In-an:-r'h` lUJ.l.l.lIl.lUllc?LJ4C Jvyvsu nun. v-----__ _ The Einance-.Committee, through xts Chanrman. Mr. G. G. Smith. "re- commended the payment of a num- 'ber of accounts. aggregating $48.14. -The report was adopted. ` - `Meats. Love and Parker Lmovdd that the floors of the West `Ward School` `he oiled and that cement steps `be constructed on the Easg side of the Central School.-Carried. Messrs. Carson and Parker moveld that Mr. Miller "be notified that the East Ward School grounds are not 9 rentazble as a pasture.-Carrie'd. -- n,,,grL .._,:v n `V .,-(-_- In:-on`- . J -...-- No. 6; Oro--HildaA Lander. No._7. Oro--Leonar.d Caldwell. _ _ `No. 12, Oro-`Richard Slingerland. No. 17. Oro-.-Wm. `Sampson. `- *No. 2. O1'o--Con's`ta~nce Drury. ` No. 10 Flos-Har.per Chqpman.` No. 12 Flos-Arch. `Tram. - No. 13AInnifi1-Herbert Cook. V lGu.n'd1_es -Ruth_ 'Hubbert_. 1`t:uLu;u1u an a. `trunks-Av. -..-____. Messrs. Thos. Smith and` B.` W. Rinehazrt moved that the refquests of `Mia F. M. `King and fMiss Eva Lee for leave of absence for the fall `term be granted.-Carrie'd. `Messrs. T. Smith and A. J. `Carson moved that Miss. Sherin s 1-esi na- tion `be accepted-. and that the ec- rqtar-y `be instructed to write her a~ rtestimoniail `indicative of the hi h esteem "in which she` was held y the Board.-Carried. VI"!-A Munanamnn? Committee, ENTRANCE EXAMS Board.-Uarr1ea. The Mana ement Committee, thrxpugh` its C airman. Mr. Thomas Smnth. reported that Miss Eva Lee was absent ~ six daysdurintg the month. `through illness. Mrs. How- arcg dsupplying.-The report was ad- op e . T . A The Secretary was instructed to advertise for the nev teachers need- ed. on motion of Trustees Smith ankl- 'l`|_.._..___ Op'F1 1ue' Secretafy instruct: ne i.v teachers red. Trustees Smit Carson. _ - -. `The Board then adjourned. ickles Hives; . Richard Pmvell has the .com'tract `for. ~su.pplying Sells Bros &. Forepa ugh s "circus with 3250 lbs. of meat. -The steamer Elgn L. Lewis will leave Barrie for Orillia eve`i'y Tues- d`ay evenin "at 7 p.m.,.sharp, arriv- ing` at Orilia at 10 p. (m. This is a pleasant trip. and boat arrives at Ornllia 15 .minutes ahead of train from Toronto. a _ ._. 1 _.1_ :...1.. Inna in 'I`n1-onto. trom '.I.'0I'0nI.u. The death took place in Toronto. on Sunday, of Mr. Thos. R. Bennett. laged 42. son of Mr, John Bennett. -of Peznetang street. The deceased `was a former highly respected re- :('aident._ of Barrie. and his sorrowirsg wid-ow` and 'i-ttle .- ldaughter will have the sympathy of all in `their Htnouble. i"Pue'sday `from Grand High Mass having been cele- "1`.he funeral took `place on: the Barrie stationy `bragtcd _in St. Paul s church. _'.l`oron- `to. W The death ooourre'1 on Thursday Eight last_-o'f `an old a,n d highly re- spected resid-ant of the County. in -ed 74 years.` who was `stricken with the person of Mr. James Hayes. a-g- Tparalysis ontihe. 4pr~e vious{ Sunday _evenin'g. He was anutive of Wat- ero'r'd.T and ' came to _B"arrie` over 40 years ago. MI-ter_ living. `here 1-'9. ihort` tint?) --he:move`dA outgto C6t-h- 'lii1e-:0}! Ororand`-later "took `f-`aiI:miIi" 9P 1`1i f3f `1,43F. Februaty his again took meaidence /:_n:1?efc`_I %' I "':`?'. ? i3'1,' % =:,r=-2: scnool. BOARD T..HE N0R I ?HERN %AiDv ANc:1.3- L-Ul;'_ Btu Lu? \IUIL&IIoJ I-IV-DI-Inna-i - v . - ..`,. Drivateaenetit. - L A -_,~T-he mover: stated hat when May- 0 .91`. - ...Ba.grr1e ~he..h.ad- Asuoceedddr . in making an arrangement_ with that 1 and - `b'elieved`-- 0 V the - "County c_ou _.som'e'thing along -the same. . The Hou`se..ot -Refu e" Committee _ reported through its C airman..Com. - Ilammell. that plans and specifica- to'ns_;had' been `pro ared for the.-ven'- tilation of. the ouse` of Refuge. _ showing the cost. to `be $1,950 and " recommended "that the Committee proceed with the work. and. - that when `completed to the satisfaction of the Committee the chairman or- der payment of the same. f . The report was ado ted. _ The Isj-inan_ce_ Coigini tee, through - its Chairman. Com`; Fraser, recom- mended. as -jtollosva :-That' no a action be_ taken -in the: matter of incorpor- 0 ating 'the.Board of Police Trustees of _ the Village of Goldwater; that th_e_..ccmm-ittee has `had before` it `the - notice`, to owners df land in Tecum- 9*h a`f.f.t `by. in pro osed -ditch along a County Road an iwould re- 0 commend `that Com._Hammell attend. cm -at the time and". lace mentioned in Sm said notice. on * alt of this Coun- em ty;_ that the County guarantee a,_d- {Z8 ditional debentures to theamounit Ve of $52,000 for the "Town of Oril~lia, vb` $41,000 `for the Town of Barrie and to $17,000 'tor_ `the Village of Creeniore: that the `license fee for auctioneers. hawkers. peddler s. etc. -be $20.00; that $2,000 `be granted to the `Col- lingwvood Hospital to "assist in mak- _ ing extensions t-o cost not less than ,. $11,000; that, as the Innisfil Plow- men`s_ Assn. has laid `before the Council a -statement of its finances. a grant of $25.00 be made that or- ganization: that lthe iTreasurer 5 report, `for the first half of the pre- sent year shows the receipts to `be $102,443.51 an_d ithe_ expenditures $66,952.24. . .-' The report was adopted; The Committee on Roads `and Brid es. through its Chairman. Com. Quin an, reported as fol1ows:--That -the `have carefully considere'd the app` ication `for a grant to rebuild bridge over Boyne river. on` townline of Mulmur and Tossorontio. and would recommend that Com. Mur- phy 'be authorized to proceed with the erection of a new bridge 'and approac_he's=to the` same in con`unc- tion with the .County of-' Duf erin. `and that the Treasurer be instruct- ed to pay for same on jhis order; that Com. Emerson and Martin -`be au- th~or~ized' to have` necessary repairs made to bridge over Mad river at townline of Nottawasa a and Cree- 'more, at a cost of $12 ; that Com. H-arvie `be "authorized to have bridge rep'a.ir_ed over the North River at townline of Matchedash and Orillia -at a cost or $40; that ea - rant of $50 `be made to improve t e" town- line df Sunnidale and Flos. north of the 4th con line and deviation town line on 5th can`. of Flos. {and Sun- it nidale to sup lement `by `a similar e grant: that t e Chairman be em- in powered. with such assistance as he requires from the Councillors more particularly interested -and the County Engineer to examine the ground mentioned as a suitable bridge site. near V-an Vlack and de- cide 11Jp`OIl' the site and lay out anid acquire the roads leading th'etre'to, in connection with the -present Coun- ty Roads System. The report was-adopted. From `Com. Fraser formally re- porting the `sale of the County stock in the old Northern Railway at 14 3-8 per cent. ` `The report was adopted. 0 The `County Property Committee. 14- through its Chairman. Com. Graham, asked that leave `be given to -adver- ad tise for 75 tons of-soft coal and 40 rd tons-_o hard coal for the County it buildings and the gaol.; the re- de ported that c-oal was much c eager for fuel than wood, and stated t at i although `the past winter was the m-ost severe for years past. the cost of heating was much cheaper as coal was used instead of wood: that sev- eral lots are held in the town by ' "the county. assessed in all_at $295. Permission was asked to" dispose of said . lots. The report was adopted. The Committee on Railways and ' Canals reported through its Chair- man `Com. Campbell as follows:-- That your Committee has considered the motion of the council of. the _I`ph. of Ting , and .the `communications from . H. Hewson. town clerk of Penetang and Chas. M. Hays, Gen- eral Manager of the G.T_.R., in the matter of an overhead bridge __at the railwa crossing` on the d'lVlq.lng road. etween Penetanig and Tiny. which is a` portion of the County Road -System. in which the latter states that if protection lS required the railwa com-pany will contribute . one-half c the cost of construction 4 .......... ........:.i-:.m- thin nnuntv will couunr -councn. one-half of the cost or consuuuuuu of same. providing this County oon*tr-i`bu-te the other half; we are of, the opinionzthat `this County should not` be called upon to -bear any "portion of the costs for the construction of- said` `bridge, -and would not 'be liable for any damages that might happen. tWe are also of the opinion that said crossingt is d'a.nger~ous-to life` and property. anld -deem it our dut to call `the atten- tion of the G.T'. . to this fact and Ieoommend -that the `clerk forward a copy of this resolution to! the man- Qfff R U`. L .- ost oice. pply R.

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