Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 14 Jul 1904, p. 2

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DB. W. A. R088. PHYBICIAN. BUB- eon. oto.. L. B. 0.8.. l:din.. L. R. . 4.. London. Onion and n QAQ3 -nnn `D-n--n - DI:-AL V&"s.'.` ngow. II. n.. c. 11.. B`. 1. I`I'IQl\ DB; J. n.Pn.miIG/Q .GRA1)UA l'E_0_l'. -_2-2L'_. '7. p*.,,, DB. J. ARTHUR R088. L. B. P. `I.I!_L-_._._ , `ID I5 Fill INSURANCE COMPANIES The Svdahnn in the hrgeot purely lumen cognpuy `in the Ptovince. Independent, [ uotin the Association. V. AUIaT.. BABRISTEB. SOLICITQR. Proctor. Notary. Convcyanper, etc. Special attention in drawnng and` probating wills. obtaining letters of administration and ` guardianship. collecting. accounts. etc. Offices. Boas Block. Barrie. Money to loan. lXbV L&`&' 3? IV QQQV :-ww vv _., risters. Solicitors for obtajning pro- bate of wills. guardianslngoand ad- minist3a.tion.'and general" N_otnr16s_. Conveyanoers. etc. hoes. Hmds Block. No. 6. Dunlop street.` Barrie. Money to; loan at 4_1-2 and 5 per cent. Branoh_ Of- hoes at Creemore and Alhaton. Haughton Lennox. Alex. Cowan. G. E. J. Brown. L. L. B. - licitora. ; Of- ow--;: v w _----g :__..-_- I-Azzorney. A.8';lioitor -in Ch;:;;r;; % Gonveymoer. _etc. Office. first door. Owen street, on: Bank of M11 Anna `D. 91:3 sunny. 1106 malt` aryxng kiln. Dis- trict agency _tocr grained lumber. Factor . B_aytxcld 8t.. Barrie. Rodg- crc & clhc. cucccuoqrc to Geo. Ba uuur. vwuu nu cc, Commerce. Barrie. rilteu. Bolioitqn of tho Snprupo Court of Jndncature of -Ontano. Proctors; Notaries. Conveyance:-3. eto_. l[onoy_ to loan. Offices. Rosa Block. Bu;-no.` O. E. I-levuon. A. E. H. Grumoke. . . {-0 -11.1;-.o"1"inni' ""`" " `"0"! to- ' Bltht. Boelgtu. :31: H` INY QUANTITY 0! MONEY T0 loan at 41-2 and 5 per cent. Easy term: of to-payment. Lonnox. Oowan I`. Brown. Solicitors. Barris- ters. oto. Ynoitoxn, in, H? h 'cou':t ot J51 tieo, Notsriu Pu lic. Conn anoers. Othou our the Bank ot. oronto. Barrie. Honey in mm: of 32,000 pad 11 wnrdl. to loan at 5 per . H. Strathy. K. 0.. G. H. >vv-77 - was 0.1 vdluaaltlillb UL` UV tteohold security at lowest rate of ...`a': .21;..%Ei .`:.?.:`:3P "'" `aw Eaaariaaa `Yam :` """`a` "ta.:: Bot lut'pdgin`: ki'1'$. D IRBIIIIV for rninn In-nghn-. eyanoing in all its bunches. & nun astute nought and sold. in Mari: e License: issued. Ottioe. Boa B k. Dunlap street. Barrio. WWII Inc J Eaton. ll. 0.. L. C. P. 8.. 0.. late raaident Pb oioian and Surgeon of Toron- to `_ana_ral Hpapital, with apecnal at- tention to Duoaaoa of Women. and Noao and Throat Work. alao for acne time aurgoon in ohargo ot Rmorgonoy Hoapital. Toronto. Ot- _tioo and night roaidonoo. upataira in Hpcarthyh. Block. 21 Dunlop 8t.. Barrie. aooond door out of Dougall 1 B_roa. fu_rnitura waroroonu. noari Fave Punta. -Phone. 105. --v.u oannvbll JULVUD "LU "I0-I-`ll on Real Jlatato at lowest rates. 1 Farmers ngtu discounted. Ool1eo- % tions made In any part of the Coun- a). Real astute bought and sold. | nvennn in hu`-na trl. Solicitors, Notaries Public. -_a.nd Convoyanoou. Mono _v_to loan In any nuns at 5 our can . Ottmo. 18 Owen 8t.. Borne. H. D. Stew- art. L. L. D.. D. II. Stewart. 90 K0. 393310 91".`. lull ll tolidonoo. Brown : Block. Du strut. Barrio. telephone. 77. --vv wv -w cjjjovtg ,$-UJDXIIZOX Irinit Univenit . Toronto. Fel- low Trinity odicul College. I_onher at the College of }?hysi- ounl and Surgeons at Ontuuo. Ot- fioo and residence. 18 Owen strut. L: E:E.' Ji 2."n".'rJ:". I .a':'.'6}I1'.' ). 011100 and residence. count of Own and Collier struts. Barrie. .-.- cu 1.-u--wot out-rwg to AC0 V0 & 8.. Edinburzs II. E`. P. & tG1uovlv. 1_nulntB>er_o: the BBriti_n1lxt Op- W0 1.` 019 u 018 0"` Diuuuuot the E 3,. Eng Thr oat and Nose. Office, 8 Dunlap street. Saunders Block. Barrio. opposite Post-Ottioe. and Bnilwzg Station. * `Phonon 54; P. 0. Box. DR. R. P VIVIAN A Anogtoxorunxsr. naxuuorunzns. nonmr rdnom. uonunor; annvmrdfu-3 PHYSICIANS. FINANCIAL.` I09 T space - -13 lines agate measure m:1::' A `T ` An ' gg VANCE s p1-oven t T the `lug st circulation of an? hm Co unty Igwn. P`W in Advertisements are charged din 8 TRANSIENT ADVEBTISIIQQ Tang` wnnnn Ann-.. 0-1 __`, 1 HD1151-N0 . ' Sales Amuse ace, `Aachen . _ , - 5 nts per line. mq9tn1::,mio cesium W " ` |- ,eod.1!1 '.;.;~1.;~'"="' xi p..o.;1s:f=Iz:` P":3:u aim . . -.- a W ..:.`...s:':':.'.::':.*'..::::. .':-.;.::;::.:`? x,'.:;i\ 3*: ADVANCI: OFFICE: / OO$ InE mom acting Iluchwe, 1 ADVANCE OFFICE. IIIII--' {"aTJ'II"I:'A'74n cuutnncggg, No. 0 WELLINGTON STREET. BM ,_.w\D THE NORTHERN AD ..Abv:n'r|s L -3519 TEs BARRIE . . _ ON:-_ y` .``,u u UUIILS `I uIIV"`1vuv `H . Radjng notices, 10 cents per 1' r 11: f" "' _ . , tgpet me oreac an !nB0rtg: :,f6t(1:1eonso.me matter. All item, an:el1]jnes' of this character e , qhnrged ., line`. obituary Poetry 5c. per hne. lALlANllAlEl0I8| Gtiiiisi iIi.A_!!!(.|.N an, on buns cnaract ilienea. A l refex-rod positions f manta in the paper will be sold .: .,. .,f" of one-third on above rates, on no om count will special position. be sink "'4 rule will be strictly carried out. T coxrucr canton, Advertilorl will plan: bear in mi notice of-intention to change udve - "` must he handed into the oce not 1., Bstutdsy at 10 o'clock, and the cop, fa ch age must be in Ta: Anvucx om, 1: I than 12 o`clock noon on Hand. in week, otherwise tho advertiser : um my not be made public until the .1 lowing. IQ nhnnnnna nf `u-v4>s.-...-..._ ,n A T INSURANCE POLICIES /(i`2-hIl[,'0l of Adverjznemenu allowed, ygst. It more are reqnn-ed, compumom ml] be clnrgod. Avnr-nun :4 sum L. ..H..__.1 A UIZIEVIIO Advertiser: not be allowed to an - space for advertugna anything outside ' on regular bnnnou. Should they a" tnnnient nun will be charged for nag vortiaementa. must be tcoompcnied with the each, am he inserted--hut insertion 2 cents pet y Qch`ll1bl.'l0lIt insertion 1 cent pet a (lumen, dramas and ignm oountga ,, watch); but 3 reduction of one cent per mg villbo nude when the number of uumin. of the Illlle matter exceed four. one for advonlunonu nut: in cm can to mounted on solid noulluu. `Jul! -arclntoue. OI Unt81 10.anl `mom don 8 Loncoahiro of Liverpool. The Waterloo Mutua.1.or Wow-1oo.0n: The Economics! Mutuol. of Berlin. Om The Standard Ilutun1,ofMarkham,0n Also Lloyd`: Plate Glass Insunnco Con- pony. of New York. Privno fund: to loan on nt mortgages. 01 counts oollechod. &c. Oce over Hambly & Baku : Hardwucswl. Ionic. Ont. - THOS. SMITH` Rliuunr -mu Pcuowunia fun Immc Counruu: The Mercantile. of Ontario. and `mom don A `L.nnmnhh-a n! T.k1n!-nnnl ITI-{|OS.SMITHI cull! price for Endowment l0"l`; Pohcnen.,iu reliable .lnpanieI or m"`" "n" `"1 nT I-I LYON `Duly at TI: Mob : Terrace ` 9. Wont Bnldwin Street. ' LA writer in the Montreal Witneh exprenee his vieiws on the A:nti-Ci- garette Bill as follows:-"In reading the account of the `Anti-Cigarette a Bill before the Dominion Parliament. I am constrained to express my_-in- dignation at the impertinentiterms levelled at the W. C. "1'. .;U., and resent the comments made by one who evidently did "not receive his `clue meed of spankings at the im- -mremionable period of "his life. I am in heartiest sympathy with those` .who insist upon home training as `preferable `to all outside influences. together with the judicious and et- itectual use of the red. when` ll oth- er means `fail. But permitme to ask. how. many. fathers inthe House `fulfil the privilege otheing the high priests of their families. and how many could with any conscience chastise their boys for smoking cig- arettes when they _themselves smoke? How" can conscientious mothers train their boys i.l_ll,;F'the habits of eelf-con- itrol. when `the head of the `house is self-indulgent. and `sometimes ab- Bolutely careless as to the charac- tter-forming of his children. leaving all in the hands of those ,weak8n` vowels! The reason that the amend - Inent to the Criminal Code was not aoceptnlble was simply. that it would- not `be workable. frho sellers would not inform. nor would the purchaser. and the otficials. smokers themseb -yes. would wink at the inn-inegemenb of the" law. while the lust (for gold would make the merchant,bli_nd to the age or the boys. even at they hire their `birthday certificates .pin-' Weed` on the lapels of their Locate. `There is but` one eiffebtual remedy. - land that is to makeitl impomifble `for. cigarettes `to be had`. we hear much or the liberty of the subject being A jlnterterediwith. `Women hold itgas that as men n a_nd.__ . would not barter . it V vf ewe-y `tor party influence`. self-aggrandizey ~me'nt or `batronage. Everything points to thegeill-being` needed an oi ; saxtcguatd. `to the rising _gel-'lerati'1ina._ `whatever one of the meinheriiiv .1113! "110-V0` I am_.not"argueesy_'_eidi"-` issue 1*: have seen both 1l_i:tt;le`;_..gi"l- COHUIRCIAL CONTRACT 3` ' ' I I I . (Succuson -ro scnoccu & S'n;.) ` conannn mvnmumm. FOR _S__ALE. Insurance Ageht Conveyance:-, 8c. p. by ','TBE AD VA ` u % NW3 OFFICE, Barrie. T I- Olvl_S_ALE O; H. LYON` -_ 4-an Jun! 14 omptly completed; Call me up BUY `l'_n:_ _lII3j'g1;nuAovAuc: ' i "e't me of sch subun Ir` IN ONE BLOCK 0504 out poo rJ ies of TL*,p0 `Pro- met .duy. I-I'll brie and whi Abarti 61 per Aomum {an Advance tel? T dcs' the ing `to vie `IIIIIII wave Dlrrla ulr uuu ua uvv. the under mentioned platoon in wt: - T F 4.41 3. In. For Nawxnnrket. '.l'oron- V to. Montreal endpoints cut. I 7.50 0,. In. For Nowmukot. `Aurora Ind '.l oronto. ` - . 3 12.30 p._ In. For Nowxnsrket` nod `loronto. . _ I30 . m. For Newman-hot. Toron- to. outrun and Eat. nuj-1 UIILIY O CREW, PIOPHIITORC . `Clio new mac will mum to the suuaiusou I_.btuItilthoIouvIopdl.- Suhocrihonuwia unuofonhno conical our will In charged $1.50 per unum. `n; .'-;.i. I. a;:;.;.' ;.;;.;;".;I. Puilinlml fun the Olen, n3 Dunlap Shut. Birth in the Count! of Shane. tho` Pto- vha of Ontario. Cnnh. may Thunhy oniumbv T _-lzlill loud Bu-ri\e tor and arrive I-HA undo: -nnnnnA(l Inlll II .0? 030 III!` IUIlU|CII`I UUIIIH` .1! . llouotd. 3% non; me sum. - l.I0 n. In. For Orillh Jlorth Buy and Son. ":3 . 11.84 5. II. For Gnvonhurut. Boo- th Junction and Parr! Bound. I859 p. n. For luuko 3 {.00 p. :9. For Onllis. North Bay and pants WeIt._ - I14 p. n. For Onllin. Wharf. V p! E. 001- Imgwoodg Heston-d. I816 p. II. For Ponptuug. I! -5.3; For Staynor and Comat- unnu: nAu.wAv cum: Anti-Cigarette Bill. `run or suucnu-non.` _l;:a_P6ntm. 0ollin- ` Sir . Frederick `Borden : oonten-tIon_ is that the {marking of this letter "private" made the contents -of the envelope private. and that he was thereby `jurtilied in ooneidering the report `he uuppreeeed `private. But` un1ortuno.tely"t*he Home ,e.nve`lopo container! that Iportiqn or Lord DIIEGODI-Id ! report which met Bir` Frederick `Borden : approval. `ma which e at sonoe` .prooe'e`de'd to give to t'."."i ;;vvW.-V '1'; "I!"'iL neuron; one :p.u ti._nI;_ it may goyaga o t~`h_e '-`* -'-- * an Only ;a .v5:eeh -or so ego`, '9. `commits! -tee awarded a contract for `several 'carsco'cement to an out-of-town `rm. without_ even getting .'the consent of the council. `It is true that the` cement was ae'cure.* augs1.79V per -bbl..- as against `a "price -16! 82.20 asked-A-`by the local dealers. but then, it is only` delivered at `the ptation by. the carload. "and not in Ismail quantities.` as required in different `portions of the town where the: work is going on. T The 'rown'eou;'o'{F,'wn1`ihave a.` good many; things to answer for to the electors `by theiend` of the present "yea: and -of. these. things. not the least will `be the very peculiar man- ner in which the inemfbe'r's-have/`been manipulating the cenieut and other contracts. ' Certain people have been `asked to submit tenders. while eth-A ers *have ibeenpignordd. `' Tricks like these don. t_go in Barrie. ' "In the `first place he'(Lor.d` Dun- dcneld). says I! sutpprused the ra- 'n`ort.: Well, I {think} 't-h'o.`t` I can now be r-elived from a. charge of that kind`. He sa.ys1`thu`t' it, was in no sense private. IW'ell. it was marked ".private. , ' `Col. `Hughes-".'l`he report!" _ Sir Fr_ed'erick Borden-"The letter. covering the report. ' .. .'l`lhis appeared` a conclusive answer to the charge made against Sill Frddd crick Borden. It was 'hoile'd as such by.'the min'isteria.l organs. We now have Dun`domald`l side 015 the story. and it places the Minister or Militia` in o vponftian he has cccu- pied" ?too `frequently `for the good name dt the Government unfortun- ate` enough to number him among its membersuthat or e (deliberate de-' ceiver. if. indeed. a. stronger term- is not mpprcpriate-. -Lord Dundoni old : statement is -so natural that it will meet` g Qvi1::h`_ in- stant acceptance, `According to him` he `sent "Sire `F1-e.d'er_ick Borden his annual report. madecut in two` parts. in -the same` cover. cnclaing with it clatter `be the Minilter markewvpri; vste.". l` ` 7 who -price. however. has nbthing to .do with the Jqueation. Ratopayeru ;want `to `know, nomathigrg of V this ho`le_+`and-corner system of asking for tenders. 4 . ' " ='1`hat `the town : affairs arenot being conducted on `business princi- iples will `be `forced home on the tax- payers this year. '-by the imposition of a rate in the neighborhood ,of twenty-aix mills--nioe. thing to look {forward to.` that..isn't it!` i-`But what -else can V you expect` when an alderman getewup` in the chamber and `openly charge! that in` i the "mat- -ter of the construction of pavement: the value of certain private prop- erties are being enhanced at the {ex- pense o`-, the town! ; `Pretty `strong language that! Then there is this new scheme of putting in cement pavements in the; outlying sections of the town before the more thickly populated portion has been provided-"for. There arena few alderman who will lose their] municipal `heads, nextyyear. when} theiropponents at the .poll's post up ; the -electorson the manner in which the walks have been distributed" h [Dome of the wards.` U There "are. undoubtedly. men who sit at 'the Board wins `should: be capable of doing business -according to business principles. but they do not appear` to_ `be in a iposftion to give their time to the work," -.'l`his being the .ea'se.' they should not -drop out `and let .others take "their" places! ' The vihole pystem of contract handling in the Council is rotten. In `the.Ho'uhe at Commons the .oth- er day Sir `Frederick Borden advanc- ed as the reason for ;withholding the report `at Lortd Dundonalud. the` fact 't~_h*at it was `marked "priva'te.'.` The Minidter of Militia. aaid:- Condemned By Hinslf. ..r--- ---vu -- uvuouc tulip`! Ijlllhuly ll] AJAX .~.;3'.~:::.r:.':ee.':-e No hoarddqprunion. Gnataatcusvcvcrdincovctad. Tab ftli o` 4 d Valldelle _ ' f 3" 4.1 .x 9'. auuuuuu. uuu W111 IBBVB Uannda U11`; - or no `cloud. but with universal es-. teem pm!` _a feeling that in lrawi_ng a-ttcntnon. to_ too much olitncal mo- -tluenoe in matters `bayou vita `aephei-e. h_e has rendbred an invaluable ser- swoe 'to the military force and uto the country a; large.` . . ~ iiihfiinaelt ..v,r_ith `:I:e' iv-hioh; -he wax. `not ,en'tit1e. it` he now; .'tin)d`s that` it` was a: two. - edged ls'Wor.d `he is` not entitled rto cry out `tor mercy. frhe mental `size to`! uituhej man `hash-been exposed. mnd people will :16 longer re;`quir_e' any- extplanation Idf Lord '.'Dun'donald |s~ t'at`ement- that he had not spoken to the Minister since the _`bebin'nn8 of March last. Lora Dundonalad has let a little more light irrtd the situa- 4t~ion. "It is easy to understanid that when he found there was another member of the Dam`- v ier Cabinet with a mind similar to that or "the Minister of Militia. he; lelit time tovplaiie `himself in a'poai- 3 tion where the fa;etswould` be bound ` lteeame out. The debt the (people of Canada owe Lord Dunsdpnald is grow- ing grea'ter.-Mon"tre'al Gazette. ' 1U3|ll.'Lo' -ll. ily UU I..I.lU.l. LLIU ULLU`l"' ances of Earl Dundonald which in- incurred the displeasure of the` gov- ernment. were contrary to constitu- it-ional usage. but it may beaaho that` they were calle,d'__'f_orth b a `series of acts of a similar kin . ;and_led ,.the ioommanding Officer to believe that they were impairing the e'ffic- iency of the military forces_of the country. and that it was `his duty to `draw attention `to them. Noth- ing could` he more destructive of our .army s efficiency than that promo- tion in it was inlfluenc-ed b _politi- cal considerations. -And. if t is is so to any. extent. Lord Dun'donald s re- marks cannot -be regarded as other- wise than timel _ and; usefi_il_. even though it cost im his position. If constitutional usage. stand in the way of needed reforms. then the breach of it will not be regardeid as an unmitigated evil. _'1`hat the General Officer commanding our -forces should _be an ex erienced men. free from -political aft nities. we re- ard as neoessar . and this can only secured` by. t e services of k one who has attained` high rankinv the I'i:erial' `service. and can act impar- `ti y as between pglitical parties in 'Canada_. It is_to ' re rettedthat the Prime Minister shou d-have even- seemed to `have. s oken of a distin- guished citizen 0` the Empire as'a foreigner. and no amount of explan- ation can altogether remove the impression that he_ regards those who are not .CanadianIs somewhat in that light. .We contend that no cit- izen of the empire is a stranger", much less a foreigner, in this coun- try. and our citizenship is Imperial. as well as local. and carries `with it _I_mperial privleges and responsi- 'bilitiie s. -.We think. also that langu- age as to dragoonin . or that would imply our loeasl rig to ofmself- ov- ernment were `being threatene or invaded. are unnecessary and un_be`- '90!l,1lll8 when nioone seeks to 'lim- i-t them or in any way `deprive us of them. _It ma ; appea to some lit- tle V-Canadians. _ ut it will` `disgust the vast majority of the people of this country who are _proud_ of -the -place she holds in the Empire. and yzhichat allyicosts 8lld _hI88,l'd they intend rte maintain and . perpetuate; Earl pundoiiald.,has_the respect and laffection of ` the force she` has com- -."i`.'.'3.'.;:?;f.`;s"1 ;.`.`.`.!,`3':.`Zi` n+ . ~ . A Innnusngnnm I .4. It is -time that Barrie `became more Uyatexnatic in the'm'a_tter 0`! Itre`e*- trimming on the streets. `At pres- ent `the prevailing model, appears to run `-to beehive! on. the top of pole`s"-a style which has neither utility nor beauty -to recommend it. By_ cutting away the "lower branches or `thegtrees room is given [to run the wires underneath and the up- per branches are given an opportun- ity o'f extending andiforxning great arch-ways over the roads. Strict economy is to be observed tor some time to come. in rward to 0rillia`a finances on account of the enormous expense -emailed `in `the construction of the Ragged Rapids power echeme. e which. anan auet. is '.practticalleyf worthless. although a couple at hundred thousand dollars have been exvpended on` it already. Sidewalk building _i_e to be cut `out. the rate for electric light in ~houeeB ha! `been increased to twenty-`fiver cents a `month for each 16 candle- : vpower lamp and` `stereo arennot to be allowed .,'to burn more than two light! all night. ..The sister `town has `been unfortunate in connection with its power experiments. but is buckling -`to manfully to meet the emergency. Oanaadian Churchman. - A The Canadian `public g_enera_ll . re- gardles o'f Emlitical partxes, wnl have learned wi h -great regret of the tau: paewh-ieh_ has depr1ved_ thd country of the- mvaluable aervnceeof .`the capable and gallant officer. who. for two years neat has been. .in com- mand at the mnlitar forces of Can'- ada; Earl Dundonal , of famous 11n- eage, and `famous also for the `cor- vioec -he rendered to his `Kin and country in the late war, wil `soon "leave our shores. and under circum- stance: that all `well-wlshera of our country c 'wel'tare must jleplore. That he acted wisely in allrespectq which led to the unfortunate de-a ntouement may. `be a matte; om which` there_ may the an honebt difference`- of ofnmon. but all must deplore the rdsu -t. ,It .may be that the utter- nnnhd nrf I191-'I `linntlnnhl whinh in- 0 No1IrdII'ahd Netvougnqu cuted quickly by Q I .-\l unnnn nan `u-gn--u_. - Izun nunaoma- Editorial Notes. ` THE NORTHERN ADVANCE - Mxanug `W 11 `I 't=h H. G. .`& Bruce` ra?iliwayai1:or?r:ed= Ehe St. 09.- rtha-rines Council lut nlight that` his. `com. wished `to extend their line to t. . tharines. and were willing: :64. an-`n'Iv-i-SI-unfn A--Ian. nnnnlunvunl- `(.0 Dis, ..\J3rC.I1U.I'1nB3g anu WBIU Will to contribute the construction`- Ithtz proposed high-level. `bridge. 'ni'an+.ina- of fhn 1-ah:-&nnl-.nH .'u.Iv -pxupuauu uugu1uvuL uxnugc. A meeting of the rebentativedl of uthe Governments` _o Great Bri- *t-ain. Canada. Australna and New Zpaland `has _beep ~arran3e_.d to con- gxier tfhe ablxga.t1onu~ rowm out of .. 8. %9t:i9.sd1-,;N-SW 3 th .8l6F'.~'in :2 C1181. .. 4, . `. `q `.45; 11$; VUALIV Una I-`an-run Suoh people have crawled into "their holes and are waiting" to die. There is no use of it. lt"is unmi- tigated lazines. :1`-hat is all there is to it. V v _ - ~Bome died. not of old age. `.but at laziness. Home would still be ruler of the earth had she, not -resorte'd_ to-`hot `baths, sensuous enjoyment and and every specimen of mental and physical laziness. Rome disintegratg ed' `because she got lazy. I .'1`her.,!fa:;Io1 .1` many` men get old: because-they get lazy.` '1`his'ia alga true of women. Middle age `brings cleax-or vision as to the folly }0f_ strenusousness. and _many 5o`fv the ambitions of younger .daaysV_melt a- way into thin ~-aiir. `Thus-many in-_ cantives are taken away from old~ - R-.. LLA n4.::Iv:I>cv "The young preaeher stirred up a_: row` among them He persuaded them there waaiaometh-ing to live `for. {He `estalblished an art school in their midst. The old women that had `been trying to die for `the last -ten `or twenty began" to pa,in;t` pictures to, decorate their ihomeh. This young man turned `back .(the wheels at time fifty years in that village. - __ .-J' ._ A A , I I . __'.T _- A good sort of gospel -to preach. The gospel of youth of life. Of living `rght up to the last `Way of exeibenoe.-Mexoal `hulk. cau'ClV (LIV Lanvsu uvvu-J gay-- V... or men and women` for the activity. of former years. A ,_ _--3LL - ca-..J-Inna` Into?! UL. LVL II-IUI. J ya; do This. together with a natural want of that physical exuberance which is peculiar to younger p'eople. sim-_ ply cause them to get lazy and them grow, fat, `and their `bones get brit- tle and the vibal organs suffer fat-A ty Idegeneration. Sallownless. p`fla'bbi- nos. come on space.` _ I a - -- L--- -....---1...: .:..a... `Lever : Y-Z (Wino _Hud)Diainfoctsnt soap 1 Powder is 3 boon to any home. It 'lotc|ndo1en.nsattha|sIn9tixnna. .- '1:!;;t }Th}'7v'Ly to do things. Why now? What is the use` of growing old? v . `An enthusiastic -young preacher little old village that had gone -to head. -`Traffic `had left it one sided and it was gradually dying of old age. A large number of the pebpla were old remenzanta or three hun-. dred generations teforme -They had crawled into. their zpalatial. quiet residences. waiting to die.` They had the text of Scripture picked out for their funeral. the lot in the eemetay was ready. Just waiting to `die. That was all. had a country pastorate. It was at Men dovthe same thing. We have psyohologized each other by repent- ing over and over again that people must grow old.` weak-minded and imxpo,-tent. :We' say these things un- til we have brought ourslveui to -be-- lieve them. Old age duet not neces- sarily bring on any of these things. 119. u___,..._ - _`l..L.. 4.--La-4- nuhn ham HXU VII`? T U U--v---vv ` -Every day we meet a `farmer who is past seventy. H0 is rich and has no need to work whatever. Bust]; line to anti `fro from hialnrge farm. where hundreds of man are busy at work under his guidance. round as n. berry. an radiant as the sun, as jolly as a Sunday school picnic. to boy on circus day is happier than hc.- Over" seventy yehrs. too. 117`; `IV! _ __\1 `L _.A L- TI ll -III. `II. VII $3 ; V- nvc-v-v ~-----, - `We. know a globe-trotter who hu1 been a:roun'd' the ear'th"tour timei.` He was almost ninety yvhn he start-. ed` on `his_last'jou.rney. Tfounu. fresh. % yeraatile. enthusiastic. is` it that` has `covered "that at fifty years or x- Ety years. -or seventy years at age `the physical and mental powers ha- gm to wane or yauish. No me has fever idiaooversad any such thing. 5 -(II -an-nun o Inna nan an!" Inn llf vv-Us 1-nvvvv-vuu on-g -_-- -.___`,- i of nouns. a man can curl up. at gthe age of _ fifty years and it he wnqtu to. At sixty he our toll thimualf up in n cocoon `and wait tor gtha undnrtaker to come add gd him. But this is unneoasary. Stir around. ____ ___-;. _ oA___...u. ...L- Nonsense!` They talk Pthelnaeives` into old age. That is what tithe matter. There is no use growing old. Of course, everybody has got to die. At least. there are no in_- timation: at present that we havi discovered a way to avoid physical death. _ .__-`. ' - - - - v pwuuv A ~W.o Haw a notice in a paper rea oently of a man am] a women get- ting married. Both the bride and the groom were put eighty ye'arl of age. Good! That is .-just the way it should be. aWhy. not! '1:here is 9. main. Vwh:orl;v'na` in a rural district in the State of New. York who `began ,the'study 9f`Greekn when he was eighty-`tour years at age. He `is now pant ninety and Q1- joys `reading the `classics in `the Greek `language. lI\L_L 2... LL. -,,- _ A , 1. ; 5 - `cv- But there is no use growing old. Up `to the last day of ~.our lives we ought to be as young as in those days when we played "hooky"Ifroln' 5011001. or had colic from eating green -apples. There. is no use- ot growing old. It is a_relio_of peat: superstition. ' A 4 :Why not! Whyjshou-ld it not 1101 M53 We have just got to thinking it otherwise. That : all. "Men and women begin to talk about rheuma- tics, of old -age. about their .1133 of ` memory and` all that, and all that, I _, ;,II- .,, _,l_-_ Old Men Get Lazy. ___-._. -._--cg wvvIJ nuulolllliyo `.`,,"" ._ . '1`HOS.GlLllAY. `J % A `4'Fi *2 Coumu nit-anon: addtctoed to the undersigned a uric will tecoiye p tempt nltentiop. on Fun Pmm 5.109 go to::|.per Clo: voiu inland to Siauoo lad othqrltocknt ulna nc.- ` - L- --.-vq STOCK OR MUTUAL `At wgws aged. Burk. I`Ill\Q' (XII I! Au The Sydeham Mutual & Ottawa ` and__!qrk dnn n % -LEGAL. oss. L. L. 3.. BARRIE- tex-."8o1ioitor. etc; Bank of Toron- to Building. Barrie. Money to loan. LENNOX. COWAN & BR6WI_`I. BAR- -,o;___ 1-_ -I.L--._-_a- -nun, mnonu KENNEDY & oo.. ABORI- tootn. .Bothwell'a Elect: Barrio. G.'__A_. nmnnnunsr. TB'A(/BRISTER. Kl, A... .A_._ UNWIN. MURPHY as ESTEN. on-1 tarxo VLand_ Burve `ore. Engineerg. etc. Egtabluhed 1 2. Office Medl- cal Bmlding. 8. E. corner Rioiunond * srnwar as STEWART. mama- v\ I`- Qnnyson & our-zswxcxn. mn- srmunr & EB1`EN.4BA.BRIB'l'EAR8. Eour.11to\1;T;1Vt; 8. Ruidonoo and Ottioe. Como: of Dunlap _and Penn: Stroeta _ THE BALL PLANIING MILL COM- puay. Oarpentorin . building. and. munntpotnring of corn. sash. blind: mou eto. Planin of all . kinda done romptly an aatiatam I toll. `III : u--3:-no Ion 'l'|:_ 0. 3. non. Pmvun: xruzws _1*o In-In an Egg] Ii-L_a:- -1. I7. - n. 1. ARNALL. x. n. c. 11.. OFFICE in Bothwelra Block. Alluadalo. On the promises at night.

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