Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 23 Jun 1904, p. 8

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$200 $300 DE nn 311 35 $2 00 .9c- Ifk V Seleotead Dundonald. V This department is to the front in contributions to thisgreat sale. A 3316 of stockings always attracts crowds at this store. Bargains await you. No reserve Vickers for Stockings. Here is a chalice. This is a specialty with us and as you know they are all the best that can be had. A straight discount off every pairiyou. buy. Costs noth- ing to see. i i CORSETS v.--- v--I I '1`_he_'re! From `Richard Hilands` asking -to! be paid on dollar for fshovelling Lsnow from theapproaohes to the cemeteries; ' - * N` ',,,m` .Tken:i`&: i AUS`l'lN.8: tw~ There `was on`ly one case on. the docket at the sittings df the County Court and Quarter Sessions. last counsel interested. arrangements- were made to notify the jurors `by mail that attendance was not neces- sary, the understanding being that the case would be tried be'fore such of the jurors as did not receive their n'otice's. Five jurors made an -hp.-i -pearance _a1i'dx Judgia Aradgh pro- ceeded to hear the case. `before them. The `action to `be tried was 'one.`4'broug'ht by James McCullough and James Doug herty, Executors of the Estate of Emma Pug h, against John Salter forthe `possession of a fielil. The plaintiffs claimed that the} had rented a field in the west endf -of the town through their soli- jcit6i'. C. W. Plaxton} to` John _Salt- er.;onv-,the .understauding~ that, if _the~* field was sold Salter was to g`: ' 11%) gasses.-sion. Salter took a "cm", 0 f he place -and stored it in theiegbarn. and -while he was willin .-.t-o tive up possession of the Ian . _he subjected to. giving up` the `barn. Eh jury` returned a verdict` for the . . .01-eswicke. -for ,d week, so. with the consent of .'the d-ant . A. Boys. _for:plf_; As. A t'mIQnn: WAY or smmncrme A JURY-'- -omnr mvm IN ATTEND- - ANCE. AD | Miss. Gallaher. in her vocal solo, `dis- played` -a voice of fine quality and exceptionally sweet. ' A-The duct `by Mr. N. R. Gray and R. McLean was well received. I Miss Moir. as critic, gave the `host lief satisfaction. -:.-----v-- ---w III IaJ.l\/ QVL-IU\ILO `'``'.7 Miss Orrock rendered `her recitation in a. manner especially to be com- Amended. ' -The judges` decision was given in d a masterly fashion by L. Marlinrwho, by -one` or two` short Irish stories. added much tovthe afternoon's en- joyment. Elmo Evans -an-`d the quar- tettebf girls are examples of the musical ability in` the school. ` `Il'2__ l\__# , [have `been sevefal d~3bates._b1_1t Fri- lday s: excelled them all. The af- firmative won 18 points to` 17. No`te'worthy'fspeeche:s we're made by | both .`sides. For I .the affirmative. 5 Messrs. Frawley and Overs and Miss Findaly -were especially gbod aslalso were Paul Findlay and A. Lower cm the lnejgutive. - ngljgzj CIT Q31 ` ralgia and Nervousncss cured quickly by I A ' - LIAQIIIBQQ .I..lEA|\A4~n.n- From Mrs. Marguert Groves ask-". ing' to have Thompson street opened upffrom Ross street, to the town line. coumv counr HOSIERY '7"!9"% ` P; :oc_ch`.I. 3.. Sxmcoc "- i'H_I'CETa_e`if5X}': J: AND .NURAl.GlA cu : Every dollar you spend in this 4 `partment will bring you a splendid turn-`whether a. skirt _or suit. B( are mercilessly cut in price witlu regard to their cost or value, $16 00 Suits for . . . . . . . . .. $8_( $13.50 Suits for..... . . . . . . . . 7.` $11.50 Suits for . . . . . . . . . .. 6_( $3.50 Skirts for . . . . .. . 2` $5.00 Skirts for $3.25 and... 3-5 {$6.00 Skirts for . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4_g _ ,,___ -vuu Llllllai _ When you consider the values that have made this store a househnld word for Linens, the following reductions will" attractyou whether yo are immediate or not. $1.00 Bleached Linens for... 32 8- jj 59c. 50c. 49c. 50c. Unbleached Linens for.. 39c_ 45c. v v `.7 34c. 35c. . ur needs $1600 Sflits for `$l3.50Su1ts for............. 7.00 . . . .. 2_60 Skirts 3-95 3.36.00 4 50 Etc, Etc. Greatffering in Fine linens. When unn nnncrlon H". -_, .. 6.00 Ladies sun and sum Dept. m;.;:boa; ? Couns. Galbraith and Rutledsb `!Il'0V8`d._t=ha.t the 1~eeve' and clerk be 3DP0iIlted a committee to receive the roll from the collector.-Carried. v I =Ald. `Turner asked the ohairmanof` the Board of Works why Small street `had not `been included `in the ythor-` oug`hf_ares re_ocmm_endedA `by the Board` of Works for` cement walks. He stated that the Board had` agreed to 'specifAySmal1-street` umongtat tvhej other.S. __' _ per:-ormance or `me worK.-u2u""` On `motion of Counts. Rutledgb and Galbraith it was ordtted that a grant of $50 made to improve the 10_th. ltinei west 3of s. r. 5 and 6. 0011- mm -10. %'!:Ms9?> e and M` E .1' V`3l t45312':`?J:'3.'A ant `of $3041 ma. ax st? in `b5i.i1dfinsI -sidewalks ` bum;-`3`-Cai i'ied. . .`A\',.__- 4.`, , fa __ --J. Tull? 2o rne1pLsoocn.-Uarrxed. __.Oounci1_a `to me t. *4:11ej 1_m`mr_ 3 .o .-.cl0ck- __-- -- V... V...-a vu-.uvvv.- v.---- Calms. McDermott and Galbraith m~ov.ed that "a g`i'a.nt o`$2o be giV" to rrepair side roads 15 and (16, con. 3 and, that Mr. Rut1edg'e oversee` 110 Derf-ormanoe of -the work.-C'-`-Yfid' 1, 1.!` and The following accounts were P355 ed `for payment :-Alex. Strath. re` pairs- to 'brid-g`B on Marl Creek, '3. r. 10 and 11. con. 3, F103. $17.50: Colin cil meeting`-, June 4. $10: W- Cum ming, pe_dar for bridge. 5. r.. ~10 1`d 11. con. 3, $14.00; Geo. Grant. bows for `wire fence, $6.00.` C-ouns Rutledg and Ga1bra_it1 moved that Hy. McVeig h be aP_l `"l ed tovoperate the roa grader m tlu southern portion of the Township for V1904.-tcarried. . ' On m_rotion.of Courts. McD3rmoit and Rutledga it was ordered that 3 '58 I`a1l't $22. be given`the assessor as `extra. remuneration `for services. Rutledgia Galbra_ith On motion of Counts. Rutlodgiw and Coughlin it was ordered that the re- port, plans, etc.. in connection with Phelpston Marsh Drainage be serv- ed on the Reeve of Vcspra. The by-`law authorizing tlis work and..providing'* fun4ds_ for the drain- ag"e was then provisionally pLL\`SC`d. I _ - The date for the meeting of tha Court of Revision assessment on the Phelpston Marsh lands was fixed for `July 2nd. .On motion of Coums: Coughlin and McDerm-ott it was ordered that the petition for the drainage of I ho1.p- st-on. Marsh be signed by the Re-eve. ma. strange replied to the e'rt'ot3 that he had f-orgotten to insert -`the! name not the .'stree.'t' in the` `report in! the _-ffrst instanbe and `he had new-I or _been~~d:ireVote?d bygthe cqunoil Ito_ rectify the error. I g - r 1 .AIj T The report, etc., of the Eng:'.ne3r inoonnection with Phelpston Marsh `Drainage Wasthen read. No nmnes Mvere withdrawn from the petition. The clerk reported that 1111 210+ tices in connection with Ph:-Ipsrom Marsh Drainag`e' had been mm-..d. The Council met at Phelpszm. J11110 4, according` to adjournment wxzn :11! members present. F los Council other Included. Goods all Prints bible `for Vd'ig'ging -holes .!or- trees ..in _--__, -_.- _---- ' 'Al`d. Lowe asked who wae respon-i the lower _ part of Mulea's-ter street. '-v!14`he-.-Chairmen-.vof the Board of; .Works and the. Parks `A Committee`,- I-'bo,t'h `-denied` responsibility, |A"lA- fl`.-..."...... ..'-I_-.`I.~:.-'A__.. LL- ..|..'--`_I_.. Ladies Blouses Lace Curtains Raincoafs Gloves `JUNE 23, ad in de- 1 re or suit. Both price without 3911110 3, 190"! 82c. 39c: 34c. 27c. .----- -v onus. IJIJtl\IbIhl|llIbI4 . M - -_ { *A1d'. Turner ask-ed whyJthe grading on West. Welli1ig"con: _-_had not` Jbeetn i comm'enc_ed.. .- : _. V-`-:`,`:' A gen Draft: in posits to not rate. VDL VOL. 1 `RARE I Tv s.\m`r T 999! discoun ix bus 8115.. R FERG "..:l.<`i`."`;;;:1.x1`g'e ,`t_ate thai5T the. work had . not `been : ..aiuthqrized{by' . J . ` , ' .A I.) '_.`."3'~ _'I." uiz-_'~-"'...-A.-.;1:_:_-_ , , L=":I.".""."9ei.I:.-1 _|_J I` about I Any pe , recovc an yone cuted. 75_ac double creek Edgar has b termi out an dui ' to He musk SHA. SL1` A . Musq 390`! Small Year. Post and Din .... --.,.. wygy/.. VJ __VIJ_\Al\lll:U__ Ald,` 13a1fvio._vl;.;:sgid the_ at: * *- `.i1r1; ';a~`v * % mg I`. yr-uj j&&'jT Ever yard is reduced, not a piece in our large stock that does notshcw a substantial reduction; One item to illustrate : .8 pieces of A1-I-Wool [Amazon Suitinv,` in various shades, regular 5 price 503., on sale as . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . ._ . . 29c 75c Drawers. . . . .. s1.oo Skirts. ... 50c Corset Covers. $1.00 Gowns at. $1.5o Gowns "ac. $1.13 "$1.25 Gowns at. . . . 97c- at Eliza coats of material, TOWN COUNCIL The most convinoing reductions in Ladies V Whitewear in a. very large and complete range. Skirts, Drawers. Gowns, Corset Covers. at A rare snap indeed. Farasols. A straight discount off `all blacks and 9. lot of colored and white goods worth from $1.50 to $3.00 to be sold % derwaar. are all to be sold at a like reauction. If you are in need of them now is your chance. - ` hard and soft fronts all are reduced, the prices will "tempt you and you ll feel you must_ have one. Come "if only to look--no trouble to us. A Genuine Supply Saleunequalled in magnitudeinnd bairgain-giving. i Everythinglfrorn first floor to top is__reduced--tempting offers all over the store. Courteous treat- ment. No coercion. y Sales for cash only. h Shop early in the morning if you can. Comeits a rare chanc both for [Suits 1 `and Pants for Boys" and Men. ` -----v ---v vwv-1-n own ,-'\a guy use-\a G-aunaov ' is to be sold at a substantial reduction `,-'-A ,straight,discount will be given back to you. EVERY SUIT ad .D;ir~of V ODD] ..P4N."-`S "..`. f ;B9Y;S. _`=`d . MEN : ilen s White and color- ed shirts. Men s socks and 021-} Geo. . . . . . . urn nnein 1'v-ulnar} LADIES WHITEWEAR Men : Qepj. ALD. DONALD ROSS IS ACTING As.` THE `I`OVVN S FIRST MAGISTRATE IN THE ABSENCE or MAYOR BOYS. V I ,,i,,,___._j.__..___j-_... - R_B 36909.8. 39c 57c . 79o 79c us.-1 ..nv vuuusi Lvlllhls (Ilsa ;Ald. Ross asked why a tree `which had fallen across fMary stteethad not `been removed. although pom- .p1aint `had `been `made some time a- g'o. T , - ' I . ` 1: ma. - . c. 1. . .-.- Ald. Strange evidently `began to think that he had answered en'aug'h que'stions _`for one evening` and tart- ;ed to ask a few on (his own `account He wanted to know from Ald.`Tl1I`1l'.'* er if the Parks Committee thought` the painters had done a good vfjob rt work on the "pavilion in.:"the` park. Ald. -Turner replied that the Barks Committee '.'ha_d rnot -accepted the `work y,et and thought it would be time en.oug'h to criticize after gthei i work` had been_a_ooep`ted. T` V'A1d. "Strange held that this was not` part of the duty of, the Board of Works. `but Ald. Ross differed with him on this point. ' In `the `absence -of the Mvayorat" M-onday ev`eninvg"s meeting of the` Council, Ald. Ross occupied the seat `on the dias and the following` (alderman `were seate'd around _the Fboard;-Messrs. C. Strangb. P. Moore, B. L. Barwick. W. Turner, W. Lowe, -D. Lewis, W. 0.; McLean and ice-o. -P-oucher. Ald. Tyrer ame in dur- ing` the evenix_1g., - T` `streets in .Al1andale._, ` "7X1d.' "1'1o'[{{er'1d`as to the con-di-I tion of the sidewalks on th -back "" I"`"""I I `N'T1`heiV usual `by-vlaw. was passed} ex:-' tempting` farm lands in the corpora; tion from assessment for sewers, el-.. lectric lig`ht. waterworks `and street, { watering. 5 -p 1 ` u 1 n .u .q A1d. P~o ucher>said that he under- stood the foreman ,was waiting` till some `pine was purchased with which to do the neoe`ssary repairing`.- $AIJ Dana A.-1--.! --.L_ .. L_-.- .--_L9-`|- 'A1d. Turner and Low-_e introduced a by-law giving authority for the removal of a number of poyplar trees on Owen and Collier streets. around the Central School. The by- ilaw was passed. L ~ _-' lL_- _______I I_',, IA--- _-,-A ,,-_~_ 1' -- ' \lLI\l'-`$99 I-lUVI' J-UK VI-ALI IIIIVV II9*`.IlLI.[Cug 4 The clerk was_ auth-orize_d_`to pay ,"1`h~os. Kennedy-. arohitot of the ,-new town buildinIg's' `2 1-2` per cent. not the amount of the contract price. ` The -Council `then adjourn`ed.- 9 sto'c'k'."et3.'.' 1:3 'i3"'f5an'&'&EEei" b}"'i.". Tebo. Auctioneer and V luator ma be>lAe!t`ati1`BE ADYANOE OFF10 Ii;"t3':L`??-5'" "%4" an tottnlnnd other an-an engine; . tit _ -Ald. 1;1cLean and.Lwis moveid that %A'ld. Ross, in the absence of the) Mayor. be authorized to "sig n all cheques,` eto.,` for the town.-.Carrie'd. nu, - _I__-u,, - - 1 \; ;od.t Ati sci or ! stoork,.roto:r tombs` ;noaI`drE::ed'.. bi'.. Flfahn; ..AhntInn'nni- -And Inn !-hi vnnu "3.'A.'1'd. strangre replied` that ' V the work `was in the hands "of the treet foreman. but that he wou1d'enquir_u into the matter.. "".AI1}i._ s"t'ra zI;?.E'aI2a`a that he had' `directed the foreman to` give these walks his attention. V ' D. J. Quinlan and others asking` `for the construction of a -cemen-t` `walk on the east side of Mulcaster street from Pen-e`tang' street to No. 101 'Mulcaste1` street. _ T _- ..._ u s `Q -.- `ivas badly needed. LII 'I A R-`z )ss-`J5-1;1?e~d to know why "the work of. grading. Collicrstrcet'. had not 'been`commenced at the` mar- ket instead -of at a point `further east. T _FA_RM s'rocK sAL:s. % SALE BEGINSTQHURSDAY, 23.-21 JUNE '- Eveiything inAthia department is to be Jpace to show you how the prices rule. $2 50 to $4 00 Trimmed Hats for. .. . . . . . . .. QA nn .. ea nn _MusIins, Dimities, White and Colored Vestings, Pivqueao and b V A get the knife. One lot; worth from 40c to 65c,>is to be sold at . . . . . ._ . . . . . . '. ... . Another worth from 250 to 40; is to be sold at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Still aootlxer worth f_rom 15c to "200 is to be sold at. . . . '. . . . These offerings are worth travelling miles _to see. 4-: av nu V: VI: 1uuu|cu LLILB IUII. 4 00 to $6.00 " -` -* {$6 00 to $10 00 T ' L 50c to $1.50 Ready-to-Wears for. $2 00 to $3.00 s3,ooco $4.00 SWEEPING REIDUCTIONS IN A CHARMING MILLINERY WEI.`-om the Municipal Assn.. asking` that delegates 'be sent _to the - an- 'nual meeting` in Tormito next Sep- ftember. Every article in this store reduced to rapid selling prices. Our Summer Sale is earlier than usual; here s the reason, our staff, as everybody knows, is a large one, the largest in Barrie ;, they require a rest and "vacation, well earned andgiven to each of our stai July 1st begins the holiday giving, three weeks selling of Summer Goods will be crowded into one._ "We want all hands to do duty during the tree; mendous rush, which is sure to be, hence-`the "sale so early. We have prepared grandly for this event_ and have laid out carefully _our plans for the selling. All previous sales will be outdone in magnitude, in scope, in number of matchless bargains and merciless price cutting. Many customers have awaited this event, knowing full well the meaning of a sale` when advertised to take place .at- this popular .store-no coercion--you lI not be worried, but will meet with a display of Bargain, Values thatwill appeal to every visitor as a stupendous value giving event that has never before been known in this part of the country. 3 `l`lT.~ ...:----n-_._ __-__L2___1-,,, 1,, -11-_-r,._r, 11, 1 .1 V.-v vv _ We ;,>:iJve a; few particulars to illustrate. Read them over, there. may be items of interest to you._ They are money savers. b }THURSDAY, JUNE 23rd. SALEMVIBKERS T _ , --.--_..... ' |`'`-|`5`l-5l``--`-'``Il5a'`' '- Jt -may `be a matter o'f`.ind'ifferenee- De'ba`te-`Re`solved. That I to tsome whether. the militia. laeks justifiedin her present cm` g'uns. rifles. ammunition. equipment Ition. -A`ffirmative-- `Misses arnd all that is3 .neo&sary `to--make and Brown and Philbert Fr a fighting force efficient. It may Arthur Overs. Ne-gutive. "be" a matter of inditfereneeto some Longman anti` Quance and] whether the ,g'reat. Northwe'st with lay and Arthur Overs. u: its splendid figihting material 'be left` 0. Watt. Miss Ault ~a.n'd `Me in a de-tents-1e:ss.state.' and without! li_n and Bedfoorcd. sa. sgm. with-patriotie offers to -or- Instrumental .......... .... ..] ganize `urgently needed corps,"igno -. T -Elmo Evans._ 'A'bov"e all. it may be 9. Vmattefr Recitation. -. ....... .... .. of indifference to some w-he'ther_oth- ' Miss~.~01-rook. `er~o~on'sid`e1ation-s (besides -m`i1it31'Y'Son_t;` o-on'sidera=tions - influence the choice A Missgs ca,m.p?ba11, Edgar, and isadvaneem-en)t' lot. .the__- military ji . A . and Gqllaher. 5 ilimders-.161 the `peoplegiout as .I am Instrumental 1.n~ovv`.<.;f17ee-`to_ie igpeak more Qpdn_1y=,0_D;. Messr-_s. `N. B. Gray and" B Emitters, `I.`.l;1ayi"ioift_en :'fe_;efr1iedfto' "-tin... ;_l'udg'e'sf_ V 1'-1i.1il>`i:io..j'tI-L " % ,e_1=e2to;.e ha 0 _ gov .`.1 ,`,.'ooV;;v,noq,._;-o\o_ `V A.1.,._.`-_u_. uh _ __-_ ..._..--- -vyvs up uuvualj {la is notorious to every thinking mili- tia officer. that several of 'these camps are urgently required. Instructi-on courses `Refused. There `being no cenltral camp this. year. I applied on May 23 to 'be permitted to hold this September two short courses of instruction; accom- panied `by staff rides. for a llimited number of field` officers. fllhils I help- motion. My recommendation` was rejected` 'by Sir Frederick Borden, no . reason being` given. I. One of my: [plans for the improve- ment of the militia has been the issue of large illustrated` {placards for their instruction. -Recenitly I `dec- . sire_d` `to `bring`. theseup to./date, ae- oord'ing' . to the latest ideas. Though I Iliad gbt the new pl-atesand lot- Jterpress .prepared= ready for the printers, my application to have them printed` Xwas returned. . onldorsed, "`15ost.pcned. No reasons `accomipan- ed the 1'ulin'g-. A T = vast number of names of officers who are `professionally unqualified.` The training--ground necessary to qualify thesegofficers .on a. scheme prepar- ed -`by me -and approvedwof fby coun- oil cxouldjhave' been -provided for -9. `comparatively trifling sum of mon- `ey. '-An advevquate artillery range is [rurg`en'tly required. A rec-ommendag {t_ion `by me that local camps `-be pro- ?vided suitable to modern conditions `*4! .....`- J._-:..!_~- - -v n-\rvI\-and-Q vvuunvxvalli 3f war {1;i1`1`ing' was struck out of my second annual report. though it in vim!-nu-inn I-n nun--- J.L!_.I_!,_:_n Dundnald s Statement. GREAT SPECIALS IN WASH GOODS The V following communications were reoeive d and referred to_Com- mittee:- .\ g u .u an no (Contined from =pa.g'e_ 7.) Warning` "to CanL1d`a., THE GREATEST SALE OF THE YEAR STARTS THE NORTHERN `ADVANCE cIeate>d-positive:-ly no reserve Delainas all - l ` 4 lAs matters `have `turned out, Icanll only hope that my protest may have some 'weig"ht- in lcssenihg the unfair restrictions under which they`la.'bo1_`. The circumstances of my dismissal make it impossible for me to issue` a farewell order. I`can bid tham g`-ood-bye only in this informal man- ner. "The closing` meeting (if the 'Col1e=_-1' '.g`ia'te Literary Society was held on Friday afternoon. In every partic- ular `the programme was a success. (It was arranged as ia.ppended;- ` iK}ha.irman-Edg`ar Claxton. De'ba`te-Resolved, Russia is justified in course of ac- tion. `Misses Findlay and Philbert Frawley and Overs. `Negative , -- Misses and` and Paul Find- and Overs. '.l'udg`s-Miss -O. Watt.VMiss Messrs. Mar-` llin and Bedfoord. I - . ......... ..P-ieno solo " - Elmo `I1, 1-: no - | Mia-ormok. Song` , ............ . . . . .. _...Quart;atte Misses Cam-p bel1. Fletcher Gellaher. ` Instrumental .;. ...I ianod'uet j V `N. B. R. McLean. Judg`e`sf_ VDeQision.,.....,w.._... _......,.,A ..- ..... ___ ' -.1-us . cl "i~rSu"71f."1s1Siie."on bhalf of we ' VW ..C.TU.. asking` for the enforcing the Curfew Bell by-law. If __ \ ._. _. I, `Selected I` _. } ` Miss `Gallaher. - .- Critio ....'..Miss-M~oir ' ` `Save-.t1ze;,Kin'g?.,` 2...; 099? _-,`3v..- Had I been able to help to place these troops of such fine natural qualities in that thoro`I1g'h state of |vpreparedness' which is their due. and {which `the nation `desires. it would have_. been an achievement of which ;I `should ever have-be*eh proud. -__--_ -_ ...... -u.-av uuuvv uovu IJAUUULI` a'ng'ly pleasant. My observations of the forcq have, confirmed "the big}: regard which 1! formed in.South Africa of the sole- ldierly qualities of the Canadians. I 15..-... ._-_ -`l--- 1-... .... vu us. uuo uauauxuua. From my `brother officers and fel- low soldiers` of the rank and `file, I have received loyal and ung`rudg- Hug support. which I can_ never 1 forget. -,|.v~u .v -- vnulu vv 1.1.11 51.604. 1U{1'ULc My relations `with the officers anei men of the force have be en exceed- .'.......ll-- ._1_--- ' ,__ , _ . _ . _ . _ .. `II: ..uu.uau\.9:a_ I-U 31.10" Iciafully resist aggression, living in a. fool's paradise.. V `K . I take leave Of the Canadian mili- tia with great regret. I `l\.l'.. _..I-LE---- -J1 ` `and %heir state of readiness to "sue-g -.'.v..4-I..`lI__ ._-_'- B. c. 1. Norms Frawley Block, between Bank of Commerce and New Barrie House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . From J. I. Ball and others,-askingv -`for the Vconstructiqn of a cemenlt? sidewalk 'on Bl*ake street, from Ne'l- `son Square to Puget street.` . I

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