THOMAS. KENN DY & co teats. Both .. ARCH we `a B1902. B arrie. The Sydenham Mutual & mtawa + and__Y9rk THE" B LL PLANING 1v_:ILL com. I\III'|C l`!..-....._L--:.__ . _..... yuuuxugg o. :3. corner tuchmond and` Bgi streets. Toronto. Tele- phone. am. 1336. Instru_ction_s left w1th Strathy & Eaten. T Solic1to1_'s, _Bank of Toronto Building. Barne. Will be promptly, _attended to. ANY QUANTITY or MONEY T0 `Inn... ..LA1n___-n pr` . $70,000 FOR INVESTMENT ON GOOD `tannin.-Cl.-I ......--IL- A L 0. H. i:.YON. PRIVATE` FUNDS To` In... ...._ *n_,_1 13,; ; . - HOMOEOPATHIST. Hours.11 to 1; 7 to 8. Residence and Office. Corner of Dunlop _a;nd Boyntz Street. - T - FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES The Svdenham is tha Inn-moat -.._.I-- r- --4 ~~- DR. W. A, ROSS. PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, et`c.. L. R. C. 8.. Edin., L. R. C. 14.. London. Offices and night residence, BrQwn s Block, Dunlap street. Barrie, Telephone, 77, $'No new name will be added to the Subscription List until the monev is paid. ` c._Vl__ -1, r `.1 .1 I --_j. DR. J. ARTHUR ROSS. L. R. C. E . [3, s.` BROAD, M. 1).. 0. M., F.LT. Ir IV DR. J. 0. SMITH. L. c. P.S., ONT., 1I-L- ,3 DR. J. F. PALLING. GRADUATE OF PHYSICIANS. V H. T. ARNALL. M. D. c. 31., OFFICE ,, ____ -_--......u..- u.n.1.:.u.I \JUJ.!L' pany. Carpentering.` building. _and uanufaoturing. of doors,_ sash. bhnds mouldings. etc. Planm og all kinds done _sat1stao- toniy. Hot last drymg k11n.' Dis- trict agenoy_tor grained_ lumber. Factor . B_ayt1eld St.. Barns. Rodg- ers & allxemuooeasora to Geo. Ba. , STEWART & STEWART. BARRIS- HEWSON & CRESWICKE. BAR- STRATHY & ESTEN. BARRISTERS. LENNOX. COWAN 8: BROWN. BAR- THE NOR'THERN ADVANCE G} A. RADENHURS1`, BARRISTER, I . LEGAL. % . DONALD R088. 1. L. B..- muuus. n W. AULT; BARRISTER. SOLICITOB. Proctor. Notary. Ccnveyancer, etc. Special attention in drawing and prob_at_ing wills,- obtaining letters of administration and guardianship. collecting accounts, etc. Offices, Rots Block. Barrie. Money to. loan. _._. ..~.-...u-.-a..a. vs .I.\l.L\.. LU loan at 41-2 and 5` per cent. Easy terms of re-payment. Lennox. Oowan 8: Brown. Solicitors, Barris- ters. etc. II 1 ll`7YI"E"9` Sv_dc_nh:un is the largest purely farmers compapy in the..Provinco. Independent. not in the Association. --,--- - v-- -..u u .u~a.:.uJ..:.'u.V.l. UL` UUUJJ freehold security at lowest rate of interest. No principal money re- quired until end of the term. H. H. Btrathy. Solicitor. etc., Barrie. _._v..u. -.;.-va.A.5;J .I.'\J.LVlJLJ LU 'lo;n~ on Real Estate at lowest; rates. Farmers` notes discounted. Collec- tions made in any part of the Coun- ty. Real estate bought and sold. Conveyancing in all its branches. Marriage Licenses issued. Office, Ross Block. Dunlop street, Barrie. etc. ,-___ . .--, .- -- :MrVC..-l3. C. lvate resident Physician and Surgeon of Toron- to General Hospital, with special at- tention to Diseases of Women, and Nose and Throat Work, `also for sometime surgeon in charge of Emergency, Hospital. Toronto. Of- fice and night residence, upstairs in McCarthy Block. 21 Dunlop b`t., Barrie, second door east of Doug-all Bros. furniture` warerooms. near Five Points. 'l: hone.. 105. 'E[:rinit-y .UniVersity, Toronto, Fel- tice and-`residence. 18 Owen street. 4 low 0:`. Trinity `Medical College Member of the College of Bhysi-. 018.118 and Surgeons of Ontario. Of-.; WESLE(V&.CREW, PROPRIETORS 'Phone.. 54; P. O. Box. 96. "S`.,`-Edinburg; M. \ Glasgow, member of the British ()p thalmologmal Society. b'pec1ulLy,- Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose.` Office, 78 Dunlop street, Saunders Block, Barrie, opposite Post-Office. and Railway btzuion. 1m; 0? 13}; }1_a}v"1a E; iniil. '6i~I1'.' Ila), Office and residence. corner of Owen and Collier streets. Barrie. ters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Conveyancers. Money` to loan in any sums at 5 per cent. Office. 13 Owen St.. Barrie._.H. D. Stew`- art. L. L. D.`, D. M. Stewart. "a'1a31;RaT17 i5ioZ1;.'.1uT1a'a].`6I. the premises at night. Solicitors in High Court of Jus- tice. Notaries Public, Conveyancers. Offices over the Bank of Toronto. Barrie. Money in sums of 352,000 and ugwards, to loan at 5 per cent. . H. Strathy. K. C., G. H. Esten. Luxuxabxanguu, auu guuuxan uuu.uu._u:.a, Notaries, Conveyancers. etc. Of- fioes, Hinds Block. No. 6. Dunlop street. Barrie. Money to loan at -41-2 `and 5 per cent. Branch Of- fices at Creemore and `Alliston. Haughton Lennox, Alex. Cowan, G. E. J. Brown, L. L. B. "A:t'cr-ney. 'S:licitor in ` Chancery; Conveyancer, etc. Office. first door. Owen street, over Bank of Commerce. Barne. risters, Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, Proctors. Notaries, Conveyancers. etc. Money to loan. Offices, Ros B1ock..Barrie. C. E. Hewson. A. E. H. Cbreswicke. T , 1 rgv ' out---ry c-u - c-v' 2 ----_ tar. Solicitor. etc. -Bank ot"1:oro;- to Building. Barrie. Money to loan. -:-v-vv_-' vw uv .---1 v. ----v .. risters. Solicitors for obtaining pro- ~' bate of wills. guafdianshig a_ng1 ad- ministration, and general ohcxtors, \Tnfnr;c-u r`.nn1-rnvnnnnru nfn `Of- .___ __._--- ---v -._-_-, .. r---.. Subscribers now in arrears for three months and \ over will be charged $1.50 per annum. DR. R. P VIVIAN` MANUFACTURERS. MONESE T0 LOAN. mnommors. VSURVEYORE FINANCIAL. Lt actua nuunfa'A'in etiiiizii:'Ib'ri No. 8 WELLINGTON STREET, BARRI ' " Buildin ' 1 t d. Pn9rx.No.g1l-5.9 us pmgaPllec(I)1!;I;1?yetime.- 44 To A Domiqion Square Piano. nearly new. and Ray" mond Sewmg Machine, nearly new. Apply at ADVANCE OFFICE. ` monu sewing Machine, 2 OFFICE. " 3:31. El" 111- I."U.l .LV'UVV11l'Gl.LGLg &ULUu' to. Montreal a_nd points east. . I 7.56 a_. m. For Newmarket. Aurora and Toronto. ' 12.16 p._ m. For Newmarket and Toronto. 5.26 p. m. For Newmarket, Toron- :to. Montreal and East. 1--1n H` h 1: - '1 e ou:?..?:.:.u:.:::s:`.i`..f:;:E:::";:::,;`: o2``ia hreo. A I 0 II pp 0. H. LYON G_E_D_B_GE RANKIN? PIIIIII AIIII) SEWING MACHINE ENDOWMENT cNSURANOE POLICIES U help you to win in the 8 Wherever an Office Er g Ann no-...J..._J._ _J1I ......_.. uul au.uuuiu1C' HRS a.1r9:u1_\' 11!- creased 30% over 19.3 t year. M :1_\' W- . send you our handsome i11ustx~;m_-(1 lib` 0 page circular FREE for asking. It i~ very convincing that we are the BE>"-1'. Q & in The Advance . .. ........... nu u1uL:t: nm DIOYBE 1.~e new g our students will give the best sun: tion. Our attendancehas already Q 30% `Ins t vmr Mm- Has awell earned reputation for tiw BEST in all lines. A tll-,m>11;_'h and up-to-date equipment, an efilcic-nt .~t..s?. Everything taught is taught the }3l~I.\"" way. The foundation we L{iVc ml`: makefor each student 8 sure Stu]! on be right road. You l1 approve of tin way we show you and iiuderstand aim advantages of our i11st1'ucti0ns. We'll help days of progzi ~.~. an Ofma R. nlnvau :-- $1 per Ammm in Advance THE EXCELSIOR Business college V-:_***-` D. '- Private `funds to loan \ , counts collected, &c.- : hm nuns I-la-..Ll.. K`. 1 |.:UuIll;S connected. &C.' Qice over Hambly & Baker's Ba.rri.'Ont. `The Mercantile, of Ontario. .-mi The Log ` ` don & Lancashire of Li\'e_zpooi _, \ The Waterloo Mutual, of Via`-.erloo. On: The Economical Mutual. of Berlzn. our The Standard Mutual, of Mark1::;r;;. 0:: Also L1ovd's Plate Glass lnsuranc-e Coo- pany, of New York. , , ___..,.._. ...z I A4All 11:11.11 r._V 1,3, [Condensed advertisements on first pagg M}, 88 wants Of all kinds, lost and .`ou:x1, pmpeny for sale or to rent, specic 8I'tir_'1.<, etc., etc., 3 must be accompanied with the cash, and win be inserterl--hrst insertion 2 cunts pcr word, each subsequent insertion 1 `cent Imr `,;-.-mi (names, addresses and` figures counted 3, words); but a. reduction of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertion. of, the same mat_ter'exceed four. 1-u__A, .- '-REPRE.S`E.`a'.T -rm: FOLLOVVING Fnur. Cox~u>A.\'uzs': -.""'Isp\- `Ill .-......-..4x-I- A A `- \/lJ)l'(\.\ Inn Z `The Mercantile, drm Rx T..Y1(~nah-iv-n as 1' ;.. Cuts for advertisements Inns! in every case be mounted on solid metal basen. Tl-jOS._SMiTH Trains leave Barrie for and arrive item the under mentioned places as` lollows: . A _ ' 4.41 a. m. For Newmarket. Toron- II-au MnnkmnnI' nun:-`I nA:nI-as nnaf LIJVVLLA '0 _ 12 changes of .-_'u1vertis:xn--nt year. It more are re(1uiI'ui, ._~.,1,;j Will be charged. [ AII7D1`fI.L'uIIo ...:11 ...-.L `I ,. -1` AELANIJALE LOTS % FQR_ALE. L -ngu. uu yuan spun - `Advertisers will not be a}1c.n-mi 1, W Space for advertismg anythirig lown regular ' business. Shoui-:1 thew `transiennrates will be charr,;r:d for su. vertisem_ent:. V ' I Ulillo '-L' Anny JLIDCI uuu. 1!) C81] subsequent mseruon 5 cents Reading notices, 10 cents "insertion ; 5 cents per line fo insertion of the same matter der 5 lines, of this characte 1ines. Obituary Poetry 5c. D91` for per line. `3 PE? linew P91 line, e ' M r each 3 items 9 chug 1` .ments in the paper will_ be sold at a "T Advertisers will please bear H'1 referred posmons for luval advertise In advance nu _Lj1V~:u. T5 of one-third on above rates, on count will spepial positions he rule will be smctly carrled out. CONTRACT c1I.A..\`(;E.<.. In mi ' notice of `intention to change a:iv(-r.iI:3(c1m:x111:` must be handed into the office not later gh ' Saturday at 10 o clock, and the (_'1lI|`y' for 911?: change mu/st be in THE AI)\'A.\'L'l."I)fllI;0nl)g later than {I2 o'clock noon on Mm week, otherwise the a(lverti.sv1 s::::1'u1lx1<:vI:;ang may not be made public umil tll; ` lowing. I0 nknnarda A: 'u.1--;\..`L.'.. . ~"-ax in my % ' Ck fol. I ATEg . : THEHNORTHERN ADVA BARRIE NC; ONT. T A `"' " HI DVANCE 3 yr the largest circulatignozgnantl? have County Town. pap" Advertisements are cha space-l3 lines agate meas:;f:(11n:1E:' for an ' fun , ____.. - -..a u an] [SING Legal Notices, Auction Sales, A etc.-First insertion 10 cents permiisemenu insertion per hnelne. line} 0 innnrfinn nf fhn aonnn ...a.A.A,., Uhnu 2, `West Baldwin Street. An 8 Page 48 Column Ne\vspaper,, j Pnblishcdtrom the Oice, :23 Dunlop Street. Barrie in the County of Simcoe. the Pro- viu e of Ontario, Canada. every Thursday Morning, by ,' J a'cob s Terrace . . . (SL'CCESSoR 1`O ScRdc:uuz $4.5.`- '7-i'HE ADVANCE ormcw. COMMERCIAL CON'1 }`..U,`T THOS. ._ SMITH COND 1 1 menu ADvERTmr.m:.\'rs.' Insurance A:gent Conveyancer, Eo c. TRANSIENT A-DQERTISIVG \Tnl-{nan A 11 AC1 -.. (1 , I ron sALi-:1 Qn rst mortgn E t L 2.20 a. m. For Orillia ,_North Bay and S00. - . . 11.34 a. m. For Gravenhurst, Sco- 'tiTa Junction and Parry Sound. 12.59 p. m. For Muskoka VVharf. 4.00 p. m. For Orillia, North Bay and points West. f 9.24 p. m. For Orillia. 11.15 p. m. For lingwood. Meaford. 212.15 p. m. For Penetang. '- 3.40 13.113. For Stayner and Coiling-_ wood. V 8.00 .m. For Penetang, Coiling- ,woo , Meaford. ' 11 Dailg excepb Sunday. ` dailr. Penetang, Col- \ i Jun 9 VA '_ I | 5.`. uuvvu :1: U ployee is Ileedexi LL- L--. _ -1 p Box 110. Barrie` ovi-_g..1 to use fhei, ` mg the` ' mm Hmnx. 11 Hardw; ONT. RATES. paper " accor ` make 0 mt; dmgg, 110 mg} have paper PH: In IL BABRIVE RAILWAY GUIDE Barrie. IN ONE BLOCK OF TWO ACRES S {"51 L: -y -uv EU vuch ad- J. DD`- Ac~ Chgxl the rArt (Inc tru th `chi ion. 11(- I Tums or Susscnurrxoze. Rheumatism. B:W\\\\u H [he says} >is" it` for, any o;mmqt' _` tail _ ;e.n` a,.. byom unit}: ;ja._ Wh`at is k-n-own as the tilniversul transferzrble steering propulsor, a French invenltivon. -is a light explo- sion motor that oa.n_ be attached in. `place of a rudder to any existing boat. without boring a. "hole in the `stern post. and can be -remov-e"d; when desired. It enables anybody to convert a rowshoat into a gasoline. for `the temporary needs of his day's iou`tin`g. No rud der is necessary, and as the propeller can be turned oom- b;'lete1y_ around` a` reverse'_action is given. `A launch `to which a twelve ilortsepowver apropulsor h_'ad `been at? tached towed a 300-ton',oanal barge V loaded with~.1_50 tons of_ sand. That sound Libral at Stratford, Mr. "John Pringle, L~1e`n-.. writes a. breezy letter to the Enron Expos_i-h t-or warning all anti sundry `from the wrath to come` as the fruit of `the. 'G_.T.P.' " .p1_unging'. T "W-h_at. n1.a 11--That `the Government be giv- en`-'th.e powers of _-expropriation in- the -event` of my `d-ive'.r'siona of freight 4 from LCan~ad'ian channels. * ' I A9-Tha_t_ the Goverhment }sho1j1l`d have haulage rights and runniing powers over the W~estefrxi'divis'ion for the. `same period` granted to the company over the eastern division I 10-`-Tha btthe `Government be em-. power_ed to e_xpropri`at'e the railway from ocean to oce'arAiA` upon paying fair c-orlnpensativon. I b ' A . 8-That. if the 3G. T. P. attempts `to `force `upon the iGro.verr_1me.n*t uh- prlofitable branches, the Governme'n`t secure any or all remaining` bran- che's; H-7-T'hat the prairie sectiori shall`! "09 4cVon1p1eted within four years /of the passing of the act. ` 5:-That the stock" of the `G. T. .P. 'should not 'beVp1a-ced on" the m>arke_t` unless isscd payable at par,` 6--That in [case the Grand Trunk or Grand Trunk Pacific shall divert tra'ffic`tvo Porntland, any comp'lain't therc'"-on shall be investig:ited- by.the Rai lWKay Commiission ahd rportcd to} Parliament for `action. sa 1' y. I 4+-That alien lab-our shall not V be. employed` Vinbthe construction` of the; railway except where` thej.I') cpar.t,- ment Wof Labor `decides it is*ncs- .3-~'I.`hart the Government `,should-} receive shares of the common stockw of the G.T.P. in` proportion to U16: G~overnmolnt' aid` to tho` cnte`rpris'c2. ` } 1 - That the _G. T. P..2.Comp-any` `shuold `pay a _`.f_air renta1,for any` lease `-of` th line from" VV'inr'1'ipe'g'tol North Bay. V 2%That the G~m}crrime'nt should su- pervise `the. agreement between the ! two: companies r(t.he Grand Trunk and; Grand `Trunk Ptacific) respecting the: `stock `issue of the G. T. P. ~ and thus -prevent any creation of Wilt-I cred stock. ' 't`cures without ever hearing of A more wonderful thing than the cure even is the nopular ignorance concerning it. People suffer {With "rheumatism `for years and spend im- mense sums of money in travel -and salicylic acid. `Two men a `few months ago in the same business ves- _ta'blishment _were Stricken down I The Liberal p:irty' has `voted down ` amendment`, after amenldment offer-Q ed by the Conservative p:u'ty in the vintersts cf the public. The follow- ing is- a syno1)siFs of the imp'rox'rin claiuss subniittd by the" Opposition! `this session`, and boivled out by the" party which is tieidto the {.apro_n string of the Grand`-'1`runk;--' with rheumatism and both of them` `have been cured. One` was `cured by taking the treatment at the A Hot Springs of Arkansas for 45 days. The other was cured with 50 cents worth ; `cf salicylic acid and "never lost tat day "from his work. What the%Libe'rals have Re- ` I je%cted.' V The only adffrice the Chronicle has` to give `the sufferers is that thc`y| ask. their physiciavns to tell thm what they'know about salicylic acid. ft Itfrncum-ictism is the .ctt'cfct-or imi brobic life in" the bjlob_d' the nurtur- a1-'_ cure must be some mild` germi- oide which will kill the macrcbc without `seriously injuring the pa.-V ytient, and this has been found .in salicylic acid. It would be folly to say'th'a.t it will cure every/case. `but the large percentage of cases, espe- cially acute cases. ivhich yield to it ,is one of the most wonderful things in" modern medicine. ` Editorial Notes. 1.ut:_ 'uy-Law carrnes, a supply of wat-| or for fire_ fmrorbeotioq and domqstfo fp-ur.posges_ w-11 . `be o_bta.-meid by a syp- tern samxlar m principle to that 111 Stayner. `The supply will be obtain- ed from Maoktays sprin creek, 2.80 feet above the mwn. ~ - mm mm uu u-um Maoxtayas sprin 280 above the tdwn. hm will be made there, and the` water turn- ed to a stora e reservoir att _ the! north ;end d_f `t e -town-,` with an tele- vation df 100 feet less than that _at: the. gfdgam. . 1'his.f would give-A._a titre: premure riot 70 -It .. 2:9, prq-': V;,,`,_. . _ . n if gaaunvlblvllt It is` officially announced that the close season for` black bass and" lu*nige will remain the same this season as in `previous years, so that shing: will `beginwon the mor'n4i`ng~`of: the 16th . of June. It was proposed` that the close season should be extended unb til the -end" of June. and many {news- papers stated that has and lunge( could not lawfully be taken` until July 1st this` year. .The (change. however, will not come into effect until next season. ' On Wed'n'esday, Junta -_22_n d. that ratepayersgof Creemore. willvote on: a. `by-law to raise $17,000 to construct} a -Isystem of waterworks there. It the 'by-law; carries, supply of wat- era for fire nrnrhennn mm! A...........u.-::. It has been decided. as a result of the recent discussion, 'to`hold the Stayner. `air this year {as usual, `A- number -of new s tookho1d'ers are? joining `the Association, and a unit- ed -effort will be mtwde to assjure'fth<.~ success -of the Exhibition. TL ,-._,n- _.. - - ----5-an Afternodn and evening sessions held. - - ` ` Soott s Hall, Duntroon, June 15. Leonard"s Hall, Creemore, June` 16. [Orange Hall, Everett, June 17. Mrs; -Colin -Campbell, of Goderich. and Miss Gertrude` Gray of Toron- ,to.. will deliver addresses at` all meetings. . AA!L.,' ` __..--Ov ...uu.;;g .a.Vu|.I.u-VVOI, UUIIU Ll)- I! Grantfs Hall. Singhampt-on, June Mee`tings'of the W~-est Simcoc Wo- mone s Institute will be held at the uncfermentionled places and_date1s; .Tmv'n Hall, New Lowell, June 10.` Town Hall, Sunnidale Corners, June 11 V * 11._ Women's Institute ` Meetings. ,, , _._-,,_.1,....,......v, u. 4.1. uuuyn `non: Kinig, Wm. Boyce, Stfangre; Queensville, Jlohn Merritt, R. "H. Widdle; Ebenezer, Paul West; `In- nisfil, E.- Hughes, Fe_nn-Tells, W. VC. McCullough. Nantyre. ' A .....-......l.-4_: --- - _._-....D-., ..vuAaI.JL\.- I A resolution endorsing union of the three denominatioms advocating same was unanimously pas-.sed. .. `4\I vunn:.-uxuxxuu, .u1uu1.UlU, S. Mmiton; Newmarke-t, [E. Jackson, H-on. E. J.. Davis ;.C_ooks'town,NV. C. `Henry, John Kidd; _Al1iston-,A C. R. Knight; West Essa, A. Downey; Bond Head. Jas. Stevens; .'NseLwton Robinson; _Totten_!ham, Wm. Pqrter; L1'cyd't1own;` Kettleby,'E. W."1_;ove; 'Schom'berg. W. D. Walker, Dfmker ron; Aurora, John Stcphcntson, H. R. Miller; Thom-psonville, J. H. Beyb nnn - Tfingn '\X7`... 13...... cu_'_,, ,r --.......~D, nyuv. Lb: 1J.vJ)U_)'1lUIlo uMr-.3`.- M. Sissons of Beeton. was appointed lay representative from `this circuit to conference; Bradford, Q 'I\/T.-...L,.... . \?~--- ` ` "` " ` :~'wn18tim ma near V material `are '7njeo`rl-yi `don -4 lble what they `were -' twsoxyears ago. to enter into such a wild scheme." ' _Mr.. Pringle recalls the fateof thei one-`tim~e`A'fina;n!ci-al and` railway mag-_i mate. Jay Cookie. who 'un_d'ert`ook to, `build `the Northern Pacific, on the tail `end of a `boom at least 35 years too soon. `The more costly and out-- rageous the scheme is,-" says this ld L-i`beral in a` letter that 'spe(aks, ``.the more money will be in it for the promoters. who are, lsupposed to be all right as longfas the money comes out of the pockets a of `the `producers. It appears to me the farmers in this province, .whe;- ther Grit or Tory, who are willing to hypothecate their farmsto `enable any Government to build a railway over 3,000 miles, costing over $150,- O00,000,through a wilderness where `I10b_0dY lives, to a` one-horse place. like M-oncton, or who believe in scat- tering six millions of "people over a uterritvoryvvlarger \than the Unitekl! States, are fit subjects for a cer- tain Ihouse in Lon'don. `ME'rHon1s'r' MINISTERS ASSEMBLE ANNUAL DISTRICT "MEETING HELD IN ALLISTON LAST WEEK. ()range'Hall, N ttawa,_Juine' 13. (1-.....A.... 'r1'-n n THE RORTHERN Ai5vA1r"CEl In_ 1893. ae_num'ber of other rail- way oompnniqs were ' amalgamated with. the; `then G.'1`.R.. and` author- ...... .. ..._, l... u.. xaruament. In 1884, power was given to build the Northern & Pacific Junc- tion Railway from Gravenhurst to North Bay, and to acquire the stock thereof and to , consolidate. In 1891, the Northern and H. N; &. W. Ry. became fi`nally.m.erge_d or amalgamated with the N. & P. J. Ry., and the G.'l`.R. `was leased to the G'.'l`.R. perpetually at a rental [equivalent `to the bonded debt. T 1'. Hana 1.1.- The micrdbic `theory `seemsv tq be almot Wemonstrated. There ere )erhasps'thirty kinds of rheumatism. of thirty patients with the same `kind of rheumatism the disease and _remeklie`s will greatlvj yary. Yet "the 'treatm.e'nt` which ;3rocee'd.q an the .IIpie1j9Ib_ie' 1':heory_ trgeet 1 web the mar`; j w A _1_.-....-v..u av I-nu uuuuuru UUDC. In 1892. the merger thus effect- ed was ratified. the amalgamated company to "be known as the G. T. R.- Go. of Canada. - I rz1[tif}c<`l'"Vb 'A`c`1.:mof -10nA ....,.. ..u uuuguuuurst was ratified. V In 1875, 1876. 1877, statutes auth- oring further loan and affecting 1st, 2nd and 3rd preference bonds were pesssed. and in 1878 `the lease of the North Simcoe Railway was con- firmed . 4 V lqeirr--ci8;i:,vl:;.11thority was given to lease other lines-of railways, and in 1872 _a lease of Northern Extemv sion to Gragenhurst was ratified. Tm 1-OWE 10!! I '_..._, wva-uu, vvvo In 1868, preference bonids were authorized, a_n_d under this Act bonds were issued to pay off and reJde em other bonds` and- to improve road and rolling `stock. 4 run` ,_ _-...., V..- 4:buv..u UI. LIIU uuLupu.u_y in the railway and rolling stock. chattels. etc., were trans'fe&`red to the G~overnme'nVt. Lwith power to se ll to pay bonds, etc. ` 1 nnn ,.--V,----. 1 A In his letter to the council. Mr. C. E. Hewson, county solicitor, gave an interesting` history of the Northern Railway. In part, it is as follows; The company wasoriginally incor- porated in 1849 -as .the `Toronto; Simczoc and) Lake Huron Uniion. Rail?- way Company. In 1850 thename was chamged to -Ontario Simcoe and Huron Railway Union` Co. In Jan`:-. uary, 1851, the county took stock` 50,000 pounds, Halifax currency. ` In 1853 thecapital stock was in- cr_cas'c_d and, ,a11j cl1ority r given to borrow, 300.00.0_;pounds sterling and other `powers. conferred. In 1857 0' power was conferred as to naminig a"d'irector so. long as the county held stock for 25,000 pounds. and the-name was `changed to The: Northern Railway Companyof Can- wd'a. ` T ' A `flirther discussion ensued whenw Messrs. JIIPD. and-{Whitesidc moved, the latter withdrawing his previous motion, that the chairman of `Ei- nance dispose' of the stock._ This motion was also witlulrawn and on motion of Mr. Campbell` the report was `adopted. '~r_n, 1 .- t-___ --- VJAI`-F -.t,...... ._ After . 3. half hour discussion vMessrs. \Vhitesid'e and Thorpe Amos)- ed that the report -be referred back`; to `be so am_end ed' as to permit} the [committee to sell` the stock when, and at what price, they deeme'd ad- vismble. _ . _ ` _._--... __----:, \/C-L\ ...-...v us~_y va -vv V- ` On opening on Wednesday evening` the special committee re the North- ern Railw-ay st-ock presented a re - port, also a letter bearing on the matter `from the county solicitor. The committee rejported that they had d'i-scovered `that in the year 1857 the county had sold stock to the extent of two thousand` pounds. and yetire- tztined thirty-six thousand two hum- dred and seventy-six pounds sterl.-. ling. They also reported that they had had the stock converted into 3.; like amount of the stock of the `G. .T. R., known as the Grand Trunk consolidated stock, and on receiving the said certificate, hadithe same` sent `by the Bank of Toronto,` Bar-. rie; `to the London agents of that: institution,` with directions to sell at the -same price which would` net` the county 15 cents on the 3%. Thu highest bid, however, which coufldbe pr-ocured was 13 1-2 cnts. The com- mittee asked that they-'be' empower- ed to sell at this figure. ,r_ ` AIL..- `|.~1C ` Thisegrees with the latest theory [of the disease. `Many years ago it* was believed `to be the result of {uric- acid taken into the system by ex-l oeasiv-e meat eatingy This theory {was succeeded by the acid and alkali theory which traced`. the disease` in- 'k1*iferen`t1y to an. -exces or a de'fi-i Icienoylof acid` in the "blood. The prel __pent theory is that rheumatism is `a. Idsease of the blood and in` its origin, though exposure'm'ay name it why `favoring .microbio `action. The `County "Council met, in C011)-I. 'ingwood, `leis-t week,_ no business. however, of any moment w-as[t_rans- acted during the first day or two. r\_A _ _, _ __ , ,, 111' , 1. 1 First Half of T June Session Held in Collingwood. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON EQUALIZATION CAUSES A HEATED A DISCUSSION. OF WHICH FLOS GETS THE BENEFIT. 1111359. all rigfs of the c.r'r?zTESv 1 fhn 1-o:]urnn'- n...Zl ....'l12._,._ _;-A-n Yigprj IPoor Hair? the hair is not properly nourished. It suffers for food, starves. Then it falls out, turns prematurely gray. Ayer s Hair Vigor is a ; hair food. It feeds, nirisnes. % dru disappears. The hair stops falling, grows long and heavy, and all dan- ting the crippled `pedezstrians. Let ilsease is prevalent at the present _`cu1iarly trying weather we have in Rheumatism is quite prevalent in Chicago at the present time, as any` `one may see for himself by \_VB..tch-1 `him stand at a street corner and notice the large number of pa'ssers- by who use crutches oricunesi. Let {him watch the people who get on `or off the str_eet cars and noticer how many do so with extreme care. `Let him go into a.ny'1arg'e .resta.uran't hand `notice how many people take`. seatsor rise `from them with evi- dent pain. 4 ' it There -are two reasons why the . di- time. The human system has run Brown. {in the con=se+quenc'e of six months of monotonous winter diet, and the blood has become impoweir- T ished and perh-a.~ps' diseased. . _ T60 this conditiopnimust be added the pe- the month of May. consistinngof a northeast wind, at a ftem:perature- merhaps of 35 for 40 degrees, blow- ' ing almost. interruptedly for six tweaks. ' ` com 1:. but Ayers mun-. amped the fallingmnd also color." . (3 R Wnnn I .nn(Hno.N'.J_ y hair In; omln out terribly. I was almoct Afraid. to comb 1:. But Ayers Hair. Vigor nromntlv smnnad the fA1limz.a.nd also 1381. the Northern leased th e - `Kr ur 'n.. -_- COUNTY COUNCIL- I ma nuunu color." MRI." E. G. K. WARD, Landing. N. J. -___ 1415115 11 100-DOG L115 f. Ry., andqsuch lease'wa.s A..+ ..r 'D....1:..'_. --- L ___ ,-..v.. gvuuv vvuq Parliament. to D. 'n-_2at_ '-p J. c. AYJER co;. Lowell. 37383., jun This word will arrest the atten- ti0n._of tliouszmds of people , says an` `ledit-oriu] "writer in the Chicago Chroniele , like "the flash of :1 met? lteor or 21. clap o_f`thun It sug- fgests to them a. wolf s11-upfiing amid `snarling at their heels, :1 ifire_burn- ing in their bones, nighs'\'ve-ats, night- mares, and the fabled bed -of Pro- .-cruses. A simply remedy has pr~o-i ven of grout value in giving re1ie'fi to sufferers, and because of this the x.`Adv.-mce gives the article `from` the Chronicle -.1 prominent recogni-. `tion. Almost '.u1ythin~g_ that can be .'said about the `disease possesses for its sunfgortunate victims, a lurid_in- ltereast. Says the Chronio1e;--