Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 12 May 1904, p. 7

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10 ll 12- 13 14 15 16' 17 18 19 (IA '1`AKl*J NU'[1U.W [[1812 C116 ELUUVU la a true copy of a proposed By-law which has been '.taken into considera- tion. and which will be finally passed `by the Council `of the Corporation of the Town of Barrie in the event of the -asent of the electors being ob- tained thereto after one month from the first publication thereof in the Barrie Examiner newspaper publish- ed in the `said Town of Barrie, the date of which said first publication in The Examiner is Thursday. the 28th `day of A-pril.'1904. and at the hour. day and places -therein fixed for taking the votes of electors, the polls will be held. Dated this 20th `day of Apri1.1904. `s .E.DONNELL. \Bv-Law no., A By Law of the Town of Barrie to raise the sum of $3,000 to provide for ex- tension of Waterworks System on `Victoria and Ellen Streets and any other Streets deemed advisable in ' the Town of Barrie. n Whereas"the~ Municipal Corporation of the Townof Barrie deem it ne'- ooasary and expedient to rovide Ior the extension of the _aterworks Ssiem on and `along Victoria and` E len streets and on other streets thmoughout the Town where deemed necessary and advisable. '1- J... ....I_' And` whereas W-ovide for said. extensions ' ot the aterworks Bys- item will raquire the sum of $3.000. A_J ..--|.-..-..- .Lel..-Q nah! "I'nnin3nnI TAKE NOTIQE that the above is o nrnnnnt" RX`-lJ\V O-nnuun Ann-`Ir 'tem Will r\luII'U :|ul.lU 5|-Illl VI. Vvpvvv-I _ And whereas the said Munieigal lopnoil have deemed it necessary or mud pprpoees to issue debe.n_I;ures of the sand Munic; al Oorporaazlan tor the sum of $3.0 0. ` - T ` And whereas `it will be requisite to raise ennuall durin the term oi thirty years ereinat er _.men`tioned . by apecnal rate .1:opay the said 4d_6_b. to 'be created by thus By-law. and in.- terest thereon .:__the sum. -91 _ $173.49. -- -._----_L` `J `Ll:-nu l.U'l. X|. -I-HUKDUII Iquv nun-I. .v- V9 --,--7-} And: whereas the amount" of-tl`x_e: v._'1nol_e rratoablg . ropoxfty of th-9, .l_;u.nx-` . pxpalnty at the own 0!; Barrie. aneord- `I m to "glue last Revised Aasoament R0 1. `hem the `Agnemmenti Roll for the yaar . 030 K33 `I V 'An`d2 when-e'Vas 2-mg mount. For "the! existing Debenture Debt. o_the said Munioi ality is $270,295.82 of which; nopar either of g;'inoipal_or"i1x:taA;-.. estvidin arrest. . 2 _ '1`hard;!ore. `tho ` ~l1'9ni3&a`l:= Ooungil _ ot-t1:eGorporation.:ot_.:_ . * 3*!?*i'!~2i?'\=w-4"fol! ` Tovzniii `X Oipallty OI `[113 '.lU\V11 (fl. J-MLLAID uvvtu. uf ' '0 the last revxsed Assessment T t l1!%.1 1l being the_Assessment Roll for the your 1903 18 $1,627,185. -..L.......-... Han nvnnnnf nf, Hug 1.--ht to_ _.to`d; of` 009 for T. the-.. pu!:n9~a.a .aM.c1.:ia31e'.1-%.-it' % ` 'A7!.IX|', _1_f:_ . .,1E`hgg;` U000 Va 349 25 V 363 22 377 75, 392 as 40s 57 424 92 441 91 .459 59 477 97 497 09 516 93 537 65 559 16 531 53' 604 79 628 93 REA 0` `iii CIA IUVU 1908 1909 1910 1911' 1912 1913 1914 1915 - 1916 1917 1918 1919 unnn [DC yUiu' LUUU JD |J&;\v-Ip-n-vv- - And whereas the amount of. the "existing Debenture Debt of the said Municipality is $270,295.82. of which no part either of principal or interest is in ax'1'ear. _ -In 1-,__` LL. 'Il'.u-Inhnn` f`_n|\nn}I nf J 98V 1921' infill Town Clerk. $735 82 0 '19: Q villi! VG 735 32 3 735 82 735 82 735 82 735 82 735 82 785 82 735 82 785 82 735 82 735 82 735 82 735 82 735 82 785 82 735 82 735 82 735 82 735 82 0 est payable that year. or coupons for ' interest shall be attached to each De-4 : shall determine. -'95: 1-"W30 y 13?'.`_'.~', A .2._-i-]'j:ha[t the raid Ifiebeneurea so to Ill ` ` it`e"1"`e`ht"*a;t' the rate of ~percent., p ` such Deben M . thirty annua `Y; ccessive instalments. such _anni`ial in talments of principal `and interest to `be of such amount that the ogre ate amount payable for rincip an interest in any year shal be equal as (nearly as may beyto what is payable of yfirincipal and in- terest during; each 0 the other years of said period. and one of such De-I bentures or instalments of rincipal shall be payable in one year tom the `finahpasing of this By-law and the remaining Ibwenty-mine `debunturcs or instalments-of principal shall be payable on the same day in e_ach of the (29) twenty nine succeeding years. and said yearly instalments of inter-*_ est shall be payable at the same time and each of 4 he said Debentures shall include the whole amount of inter-0 bernture as the Mayor. and Treasurer pad V. be .-.the.~.said sum of. $3.000 _ .. % inn bl 1 .0 ?""si.aii"i`? pfyiii in y 3."-T-That th'e said Debentures as to the Rrinoipal and interest" shall be "hung In cf +}lll `R1-annh nf the Bank this` E}i`n'o'ip1I1' a'xa' iire`s't` "pays. le at the Branch of the Bank of Toronto in the said Town of Bar: urn... rie. A 1s m an-eugj. Thereforp the Municigral Council of the Corporzntxon of the own of Bar- rie anaots as follows :- _____- .A.'L.. unit" nuiivu A. me. A s - ; 4.-'1`hat it shall be lawful for the Mayor of 'the_ said Municipal (_3or ora~ _t1on and he 18 hereby authorize and instructed to sign and issue the said Debentures hereby authorized to be issued. and the interest coupons (it any) attached thereto. and to cause the same also to be signed by the Treasurer of -`the said Municipality. and the Olerk of the said Municipality is hereby authorized and instructed to attach the 'seal of the said `Muni- cipality to the said Debentures. I _ 5.-There-shall `be raised and levied in each year 'during the currency of sai'd_Debenture's or any of them by specialrate on all the_ rateable pro-f perty of said. Municipality in the same manner as other taxes are levied. a sum sufficient to pay and discharge the said several year y sums 0|.` prin' cipal and interest so accruing due as the same shall become respectively payable according to Jthe terms of this By-(law. that is to say. the 'tOl2_Ll sum of $173.49 in each of the said `tr-nn~ns.' - vgqvan 7.-The votes of" the duly . ualified electors of the said Town 0 Barrie shall be "taken on this By4l'a.w on .a--..... v. _v vs.` um 6.-That this By-law shall take ef- fect on {the day of the final. passing i there-of. V FRIDAY; THE 20th DAY on` MAY. ` 1904. ` ' commencing at 9 o'clock in the [ore-y noon and oontinuin until 5 o'clock in the afternoon at t e~undermention- ed Flaces and by the following Deputy Re urning Officers. that is to say. in Polling Sub-division No. 1. at Wm. Caldwell : Sho :. Fred Marr, Depu-ty Returning Ofxcer. . Polljng Sub-division No. 2, at Mark- et B_u1ldm ; E. (B. Reid. Deputy Re- turnxng O ticer. - -6 ll L THE..- Pollin Sub-d-ivision No. 3. at Fire _Hall: Jo 11 Clayton. Deputy Return- xng Officer. Polling Sub-division No. 4, at Mo- Bride's puty Returning Officer. Pollingigub-division No. 5. at Hogg s Woolen ill: Thomas Duff, Deputy `Returning Offioer. -- V - . 15-..- hop: Warren Johnson. De- I"""""` ~.---~.~-~ Polling Sub-division No. 6. at Fire Hall: John S. Brunton. Deputy Be- turnix_1_gVOftic,er. ` - - - ` - n _ cm. oununub, v ggggg -- 8.-'l`hat on Wednesday, the 18t_11 day ofjMay. 1904. at the C0\1ll0ii Chamber in the said Town of Barrie, at 2 oiolook in the afternoon, -the Mayor will appoint. in writing sign-s ed -by him. two persons to attend at the final summing up of the votes. and one person to attend at each at the polling places on behalf of the persons interested in and desirous of promoting the zissingp of this By-lav.` a:nd_a like mrm r of [persons inLerest- p edem and desirous of opposing the passingbof this By-law. . I` .1u1 1 , LL- ....:,] 1'10 BIHIULS an a.u:suwa.~-- T1.--That to raise the said sum of $3,500 for the `purpose aoresaid_ it shall be lawful for the C01`pO!`&.tl01\ of the said Munioipalir to issge de- bentures of t_he sand unioilpalnt to said amount 1n sums of not ess ban $100 each payable within 15 years from the date of the finl passing of this By-law. . . V - nu, .;. LI... >...'.2v.I Anknnl-ran An fn 'JlA~v.n.vnn.| V- vnaa-- --_, 9.-That the said Clerk of the said` O_ounoilVshal1 at his office in the Coun- Oil Chamber on the.23rd day of May. 1904. at the hour of 2 o`clock -in -the hbernoon sum up `the numbdr of votes givgn tor and against this By-1 `Iona VIJI-Cl law. Ywvvv vw Revad".'n first and second time in. gopen council on `the 20th `April. 1904. `rue VOL?! UL G ._lL\Iv\rI.lw\- .__, ,,, ' which has. been taken into considera- .t1on; and. which will be finally passed big the gounoil of the Corporatxon of .+ .. m........ ...c- mu-rip. in the event of "TAKE`*NOTICE that the above is 19.` 'tru`e"oopy`*of a `proposed By-law * whiah hgqbegegn tagpg into oonsidera; " - !....1I.- nnnan 10 ll 12 13 14 15 16 .17 18 19 20 21 `an by the Souncil` or me UOI`pU1`uuu.u u. -;the Town. of` Barrie in the .th_e assent `of the electors be`ng ob-_ tunnel! -thereto after one month from? gth, :1;-st publication thereof in _the, 'B9.I'I:Ae'Exam1n9rf newspaper p_ubhsh-5 &ji'dj Vit1;the.s`a`id Town of Barrge, the, :"_o._:te `o_t-* .w hi`ph* `paid first `publnoatiqn . my 5 *Exa;hin`e; `is .. -Thursday; . the ?:;=ot;:;_Aprxl; 1.904; .334 at .~ the .;a.a..a.rLy. 'e =;.nna.e;-s:nlan es=_;.theremy. 1x_`ed~_ [28th.-:dayv of: April. 1904. am: uv. um, hour; day and .places,...1herein-. fixed rater .t_agkng`~_the votes of electors. tluof In b9:1.1,11-,..; - % _ . 9?-3.! k ._ . W. . nimmmm. *%i+:.2ot.h %; :.A`%A SCHEDULE T0 BY-LANV xo.-.. - the Munioipai .WLh..e1r1?23;n nf Barrie deem` 1 45'": 28 (III $120 00 117186 115 63- 113 32 110 91 108 41 105 81 103 10 100728 97 36 94 317 91 15 87 85 ' 84 42 so 86 77 16 73 30 69 3o 65 13 60 79 56 29 _51 60 46 72 41 65 -86 as ITIIDII UV VII 25 )9 )9 26 13 09 `ntin $ 53 49 . 55 63 57 $6 60 17 62 58 65 08. 67 63 70 39 73 21 76 13 79 lS_ 82 34 85 64 89 07 92 63 .96 33 V100 19 104 19 108 86. 112 70 117 20 121 89 126 77 .131 84 , 137 ll ..142A60A lA8`:0 154 23' TJ~16o_4o _~1c6 3; E. DON NELL. An- I1`- 01 Luis Dy-Law . 2.--That the said debentures so to be issued for `the said sum 0! $8.500 shall bear interest at the rate of 4 percent. per annum payable yearly. Such Debentures `shall be payable in 15 annual successive instalments. such annualinstalments of principal and interest to be of such amount that the aggregate amount payable ~f~'or principal and interest in aniyear shall be equal as nearly as may e `to! what is payable of. princi al and interest . `during each of` he ot er years of said period. and one of such instalment: of principal shall` be payable in -one vear from the `final passing of this Bylaw and the remaining 4 instal- ments of principal shall be payable on the same -day in each of the,_14 succeeding gears and said yearly in- stalments o interest shall be payable at the same time. and each of said Do- bentures shall include :"the whole` amount of interest payable that year. or coupons for interest shall be at- tached to each Debenture as the Mayor and Treasurer shall determine. 7! ,1. 11,- __!.I 'I'\..Inn-`C-usual: on fn 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 19:1 19!?" 1913 1914 1915 X 1916 1917 1918 I919 1920 1921 1922 vl923 1924 1925 1926 1997 1923 l9`9 ` 17? 49- 9173 49;` 173 49 173 49 I73 49 173 49 ,1 W949i -173 49|_ 173 49:- 173 49` 173 49 17349 .173 49 173 49 173 49 < 173 49:~ 173 49;" 173 49 ;] ' 173 495, 173 49; 173 49.. 173 49! . 173 49 173 491 179 49, nun All] 191% 1924 I 926 I928 I 930 1931 1 l\.|.\ ii-L 1 933 1934 1 907 ]9:1_ '\JJ.V .u n--_. . `Town Clerk; ` -r 1 ___ One of the Canadian -agents \in Australia writes that Canadian out 3 tolgaccos have made their appearance: 173 49 ' in Mcibourncu He poinits ou't -`that 1733,49 `nearly all out `tobacco in Australia `ishimparted in herme'tically sealsdgi V t'ns. and `that Canadian "tobacoos will gime in require to be put up in this way. '1' 1904 The Canadian tobacco men! would do .LL,- ;beji'ter to look after `their own trade! I at_ home ins tead `of attempting to B0 baccos in sealed -`tins are growing W `S more popular in Canada. `and the . . ngidgra-V Canadmn manufacturer W111 before- nppgsed 1.-vtion of cent 0! un _ Oh-. . .._ 6. , . .~4gm.1i'..:5 ".`~.`u." "3 , _ tinninxg if he. expects to hold` ovqn ' his. own` market; It is iinoono English -exporter capture foreign markefts. Engiish to-. ed to_ do better in flavouring and. e:vab1o~a `at he should compete suoc ,tu~1!`y,_{. i -".?Auo-1.1% L - - - _ _..n.' :...'...`;...V.IA.:-.";`p'v`K" lI The above Amount has been placed at our `pong! for invcstment in Mortgage: on Real Lowest Rates at Interest No Valuation Foe A Gauoral FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE businesa alto transacted. --CALL OR WR!'I`E- MON EY [Mom-:v;1j the `town: Ot'oe-With Messrs. McC1rthv. Bayn_&.Mu;'c.:h'uon Solicxton, BAR RIE. O.1t.-6-ly. s:i:is*'s'%'c%n'c'on V7-2 x An admirable food. with all 1 t's - naturalqualitles intact. tted to build up and maintain rob ust health to resxsn winter's -ex- treme cold. sold in }{ lb. .b1ns, labelled J Alums EPPS 8: Co. Ld.. Homoeopathic Chemists. Lon don, England. . EPP8 8GGllA Drugs and chemicals; G;-Vl;VG `STRENGTH G. VIGOUR. BALL 5. M_AR R VAMLIQA. for ice cream. for instance: Bmcmo Powmm. for cakes. One. is a. drug. of course ; the other a "chemical 3 T and there are still others-SPICES of all kinds. cream of tartar, etc. The bes ghee to go drugs {mat a DRUG ` Q"l`l'\D The druoaht Irnnwn mnleabau : In the Kitchen %lace STOR . The druggist knows moteabou hem than othet pepple. We keep a good drug sforc. Come andfaak u _about Kitchen Drugs. - .L\.I.i1yUl uuu LLUU-Elli DI. Ballad-L uvvw-.--v--v 3.-'1`hat the said `Debentures as to principal and interest `shall be payable at the Branch of the Bank of Toron- to in the said Town of Barrie. - -. - I,,_,n-_I `D-.. LL11 Mumuwms onus smnii \Il'rI\au-3 -w.---.- . {Rooms for oiees. in Ross Block, No. 97. Duolop Street. Fire proof vault; lately occupted bv l_)r. Wells. Alsotwo rooms with vaul_t, lately_ oocu bv Hood. Jacks & Fruer. Bu-nsten; unne:t: possession. ApplytoC. H. ROSS. ' ' I-tf. Boon. Innnnrt` I. 1! `OI-`I-`ICES Toznsnrron LEASE n,-I_ `Y- ._ I'\.._I4_ ACUT FLOWERS-Roces, Carnations, Violotu, fresh every day, Bouquets-Buttoa- etc. hola Hand or Corsage. Funanl Token: in gnu dguiamn. $19o.ooQ.oo to` Loan. 'r/u-iii: MOS` NUT mrous. ___--; QLLL noun nlllu or vuluuguo as any... --_.... ._ any VEGETAB ES--Cel , C_:-isp and Toadct: Lettuce. Cabbage. lumps, Beau. Canotl. CC. smfns-mom Seeds. Vegetable seeds. Plants _ and Bulbs. TA7YA_I_.A._QR ' "'`` V UF`r`I\II'IIG Anyone sending a. sketch and deacx-lgtk lckly ascertain our opinion free I! et an `mvenuon is probably atentable. Comn tions strictly oonnden al. Handbook on! sent. free. Qlcjogt ggency for sec-n-i`ng _...._I. `lug A unv I2-av-v-. an ! aunt. free. Oldest Patents ._--:..l -A u... -mmnt. chm-ae. in th ti} Ebiiiritfal. xency securing taken rouuh Munn [U III LLIU Sulu. LUWU -UL JJCI-IIIVO 4.-That it shall -`be lawful for the Mayor of the said Munioi al C0!`p01'- ation and he is hereby aut orized and instructed to sign and ieaue the-suxd Debentures hereby authorized to be'is- A euedund the interest coupons (it any) :mac'.hed thereto, and `to cause the name also to be signed by the Tree- Burer of the said Munio1pelity.'_ and the Clerk of the said Munioipalntgris. hm-.by authorized and instruete _t_o' n.t:1uc`h the seal -of the said Mumm- hulity to the said Debentures. - J AUII` `Q- " he-eD:`-3 will dye Woal Cotton, Silk. ']ute o , Mixed Goods in one bath-tl1e_v are the latest and must imoroved Dye in the world. Tryapachge. E All colors at I D. H. McLAREN'S DRUG STORE`; aotf. tinomsr AND snnnsmm. Telephone :5. - :55 Dunlap-St.. Qfvlvlvvu u -v .7 ..-- V- - - -._-- A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest culauon or any 1-clentme om-nal. `reruns. 83 year: four months. 81. 80 d by all newadealen. RIKISIII n (I. -nan_.\_.|______ Q... BEXALL I Miss Gladys Ardagh, (reb- Ichsq honors at Tomato University) 1' Pupil of Mr. E. W. Schuch is now pro- pared to give lessons in singing. Ap- Yply at her residence, or P.0. Box 9. . not-seu_|ou. nppny w s. - Barne. lanuuv 1. mo: ;`(:;G'.:~'."(`v|i'1'- trTd6fha Sold by all newaaealen. swan & co.`se==~~. New ygn Bun-:h omce. (.35 F 8?... Waahmzton. . . shall be taken on this By-law on pclllly LU L11`: Batu .lJ\JIl\ADCVVIO ww- 5.-There shall be raised and 16- T Vi(`(i in each year during the currency of said Debentures or any of them. by special rate on a`l.lv the 1`11_t9b`.. mun:-My of `said Municipality In the mine manner as other taxes are 1.8- - viwi. fl `sum sufficient to pay and dis- ohurgrc-. the said several yearly sums uf ]i!`inci`1l and interest so aoor_\1in8 v (luv :13 te same become. respcotiv.-01) . rmynhle according `to ithe terms 01 this By-law. that `is to say, the toml sum of $314.79 `in each of sand years. G.`-That this By-law shall taker.ef- fuci on the day of the final passing fhc-roof. , . " 7.--The votes of -`the duly 'zualilxe_d 01uc!`m`s of the said town o Barrie FRIDAY. THE 20th DAY OF MAY. ,1- 2.; ..LLA 'CAIun_ _ anndian Tobacco Abroad. '\V|{n [BU Duguau vapux pun an g---- ? txalia. when he oanmdt [compete with'`; fhim,at home with an advantagyinf duty and in tro_i~}.f. - ' . ~~A-.-....-.. I-ho `R1-shah tnhncoogonrot. 3. duty and In Il'8!'g..~. T A-gpafn the British tobacco. cure: is ,a-igrvod advertiser./.:-No o`mher=':nla.qo English `exporter has his. n`I:e_!`. ' ;u;x;lesAsV 9035:1216` the; spa ` a'nd=the.;:pm} pgaag notice, without. cnarnq. In wv HIIIMCGII. n...n-gnu! Iumklv. Lancet ctr ARE NEEDED EVERY DAY SINGING in DUNLOP-ST. BARRIE. 1 ll Ulla" """""" I'IulI I} J-.`h D. Insurance and Real Estate Agents. GO TO THE NEW Household ketch and descn non may .-opinion ether an ' Communica- on Plant: uvv mr nncurin intents, I? Mon msy nnth LI DYES -nlucos and by `the following Deputy Q-vvov noon ahd continuin until 5 0'10,k in the afternoon at t, e undermentnoned Returning Officers. that is-to lay? in Ward No. 1-At Caldwell : 8110113 Fred Marr. Deputy Betuming `om- cer. . V , - W d N . 2--At M rket ..Build_in8.*. E. Bi."P.eid,Deputy`Reu1fnin`8 .1._.3`~` Ward No. 3-At Fire Hall-: John` Clayton, Deputy Returning Vottioerm \xr ..._`.av u- 1 A4. an-...n.:`.1no 5-shnn: uxuygun, _uupu.|.,y .l.\vhu.Lu|u3 V-',-""" ' W d . 4-At .M Br"d_ *.s(h.oP -xvargn Igghnson `Dexfuiyt %9t`.1 ni,3`3 ' VV ul'I`BIl 11011118011; KJJUPUVJ "`_"`9 """'` Offxcer. T W a N .-5...A1:'H aWoll_an ghoggs Dxtt. Dgpugggneturnmgt 1061-. K , _r ' _s _. .. )5 W. a . a--At 1!`! Han: John B-:4 Bru!'1l1fon.N(l )eputy% '- Raltgrni Q1;14`9i?-' -.?. 0 l.\.._L ~__ m`..-.._-...`..-.. an. `1a+1i:-.1116`: gt; ' tef1tn* pt May?133`4. at fe, cgzxgsoil 91.1%. `*9 In the said Town qt `a.xfrie'. '_a .- '3 oglllxack in_ `t1x_eK;`u'f1;ia!'=1IilO9I}&h11..?I&O;`. );yIg._` _o:A-.1 $20 `L` `?owtiea7? ml. ne?ov%3%1 33** ta, .33? lane ' ` i-A .7 `~:9 5-,`. x 4 *1, `is in the `fore- K A951 an`! `in Poration ~b..nnnu_ vualvvvv Read. a first and-`second time in 0 en ' Council on the 20th day" of A til. 1 04. E. DON ELL ` _ - . ` Town Clerk. TAKE NOTICE that the above is a truce tth` and B-lw which oiggs %een `eta `grip-into congidgxw ation and which will -be -finally passed. bgv the Council of the Corporation of t e Town of Barrie in the eyent not the assent of lthe electors being ob- tained thereto after one month from the first publication thereof in - THE BARBIE EXAMINER. :3. news a` er ,_ published in` the said Towno arrie. `the date of which. said first publication is Thursday. the 28th day of April, 1904. and at the hour. day and place therein fixed for tak- ing the votes of the _e1ectors, the poll WI 1 be held. ' . E. `DONNELL. Town Clerk. 1`:-`"1141! nun- onn. -.1..'.. .4 ;\.....n 1nm V BORE as E 5;? I> uI}n ` 3y.mi,g;.;; 3,. % 33 gs 3*}. T3 A 3*`; 53 33-! A By-Law of the Town of Barrie to raise the sumpofl $3.500 toereet a huildihg for a Council Ghambetr. Police Court Room and . Loek-up.t0 make a additioaa. and improvements. to the Fire Hall` Building and to build "a stable and to install an Electric Fire Alarm System throughout IUWII UIU Dated this 20th `day of Anril,1904. By-Law No; 10 `ll 12 13 .14 I5 A By-Law of the Town of Barrie to raise the sum of -` $I,500sfor the purpose of procuring Hose e and other necessary ` equipments for the Fire` Halls in eWnrds Nos. 3 and 6 of the Town of Barrie. ` A Whereas the Municipal Cor_ oration of the Town "of, Barrie `deem 1 neees-y sat and expedient !to pxjocure Hose an other -neoossar eqmpments -for the use of'the Fir_e rigudes in Barne and Allandale Ward. and `be provide for such Hose and '-equipments re- quires he sum ot $1.500. .A_..I __L___-__ LL_..__!j rI---..-2I I.-;.... `KIOVVJ IO`! 9KIlI VII `QlG"'VVI `And 3v_hereas the said Council have deemed it expedient to raise 881d sum by depentures repayable in ten years withlmterest `at 4 per cent. payable year y. A_.I ---LA._A__n' 2L -.-III L. .-g-Annunc-v _ nd whereas it will be necessary to raise annually during the term of ten years hereafter mentxoned. Uby `speonal rate to Bay the said `delgt. to be greeted b .1`. is By-law and Inter- est thereon heaum of $184.94. LL- Univ oovnvvnc Una`! QIIDII-I Ir- Vow- . And whereas the amount of the whole rateable roperty of the.Mum- oipality at the own ot Barrie accord- in to the last, revised Assessment Rol being the Asseament Roll for the year 1903 To $1.827.185. L A...` _-.1.-...--.. 1.1.- .._-....a. ...a .u..'. ._ '".Xn11"JnJz'.2'n-ia'&3iiLE'&: th6.e;- isting_De bentpre Debt of than -bI_ud_. Munxonali't`{ Ia 270.295.82 of whnch 1 o 0 I 0 ` UIJI nail I an II nunnnlnn Ah Ill (IF- '\ii';`: oia'1E_t"i'ss"s6.'g'1z5,'za 7;: was no pan; out or of pnncnpal or anter- est :3 1n arreuf. ' . Whereas we luuuuupm W. ...e......... of the Town of Barrie deem if heces-- >s:u'y and ,expedie_nt to erect a build- jng for a Council Ghambew. `Police Court R0011} and a Look-upand `to make certain permanent `additipns and improvements to the F1re_ Build-` mg and to instal an 8l80l .I`lO Fire Alarm System throughout the town. And whereas to complete said erec- tion, additions andimprovements will require the sum of $6.500. And whereas the sum 0!`. V ",$300` yu- has already `been pljovided for_ by ' law towards ad_d1t1ons an.d_ u_nprove- _..\nr\l`E in Hm. Fire Hall Building and `".".l`;er`-.1-at`<;;`;m'.-I-`1'aa Munioi al Council of the Corporation of the own of Bars 110 enaotl In Iollo'wI,:-'- . c ` 1.-That to raise the said sum of $1.500 tor the `purpose atoresaid_ it shall -be lawful tor the Oorporatxon of the said Munieipalit to issue De- hantuw-as nf the sand unioinalitv to l.l~l1JI `U0 IGWLIII LU! |uI.IU VVIIIUIGUIVII t9 jssue bentures ot the eard umonpalitg to said amount` is eums_nqt ' less han $100 each payatble wgthxn 10 _years frem the date of the hue! passmg ot tlns By-law. ' ` IIIL-L LL- 1..-!) `-'\n.kA:.Luuun4;n -A `L FLOOD) so`, `am vv I 2._--That the `said Debentures so to i` he issued for `the said sum of $1.500 shall bear interest at th_e rate of 4 gar cent. per annum payable yearly. uch Debentures shall be payable in ten annual successive ` instalments. : such _annual instalments of principal ` and interest to be of such amount that t_he_ a gr ate amount payable for rincipa an interest in any year - shal be equal. as nearly asmay be_tc what is payable -of principal and in-, terest during each 0 the other_ years of said period. and one of such instal- ments ot principal shall be payable in one ear from the final .passing,_o this y-law and `the remaining nine instalments of principal shall be pay- able one the same day in each of -the i nine succeeding years and said` ear- D 1y` instalments of interest shal be i payable at-the same time and. each. - of said Debentures shall include the whole amount of -int_d115$ - `P353-"19 ; that year or coupons for `interest shall i `be attached to each.Debenture as the . Mayorand Treasurer shall determine. | n nu.-i. 1.1.- -_..':.I `l\..I...-Juana an tn L`&KIJ'\l& BIIJVI bvlnuugvo uugawuup `.v-v___-____. ` 3.-'l.`ha.I: the `said Debenturesns to prinoipal and interest shall be ayable at the Branch of the Bank of oronto in the said '.l`own'ot Barrie. ' ,1 -1: L- I-'_._.A-.'I A... 1.1.. LI I-III? Unl\l JV VVII VI. aouagggyg 4,-That it shall be lawful for the Mavor of the said Municipal Cor crass tron and he is hereby authorize argd instructed to sign and Issue the stud Debentures hereby authorized to be issued. and the Interest eouponse (1! any) attached thereto. `and to cause the same also to be argued by the Treasurer of -the said Munio_ip_auty and the Clerk of the stud. Mumexpaht xe hereby authorized and jmetruete to attach the seal of the amid Mumeipali- ty to the said Debentures. ' 2 ll_.... -I.-II. ung rnnInnil` nail jcycuc :2 Bill JJUIJUIIBVIL vein ~11 6.- here shall the raised and levied in_each year during the currency of said Debentures or any of them by special rate on "all the rateable pro- perty at said Municipality in the same manner as other `taxes are levied. a sum sufficient to may and discharge the said several can y A ,, oipal and intere ac accruing [due as the same become `respectively ayable sums of prin- din both `I: . "I thl `-1 or ghggris tg ea `heut`:_i1::laum or31lT. 94; in each 0 gid years. .9 . i -n _l_ ;;._ n_ 1.`... -I...2II ,I~nIvn of-` 3% In Full 'UI.'HGI\l Jvswohgll t k f 0.-'1`htt~hi` B`-lw s a Na e eg- tent on he diay gtathe '_ti'1):alWpo!.asingb ;;_`.;..'_s .1 ..n.I..-. .1-1'... `.`.ui:I8n4I bkndii - ` wards aaaxuous uu~u_ u_uy1uv_U' 1:2`/nttsoto the Fire Buxldmg and ' 4 .t' f's'dAEleet17io-Fire ' f}3r`,SE3e$" trouaglhout ` the town. And whereas a further 511111 of $3500 will be necessary to eom_ }eta mg said proposed erection. add: ;ons and improvements. ' T ` . ,1 -..1........m I-kn amid ffrmnnil have 18140 00 , . 133 01. 12ar':s ' 118 17 110 31 . 102 13 93 62 ' 84 17 75 57 66-00 56 05 45`70 34 94 23 75 12310 IUVII 1906 I IIAH IUVU Ll9l0 l9llV 1912 1918 1914 1915 I916 1917 1918; 1919 Aw-.1 my Lit san,;;.i;~. am: : Warren Johnson. `Deputy Returning Ottioer. V ' T - ' .W.e.rd No. 5-At Geo. Hogs`: `Wool- len _Mill:fThos-. Dntt. D61-`f\1'1Y\ Re-_ turning Officer. Ward N-o. 8--At Fire Hall: John 3. Brunton. Deputy Returning Officer. .45 nn_.4_ ._ 1._'_ 113;; J... -3 xl'-_- inn: can $1-nlvvlnp awvruu B-V-That on th .'18th day of May . 190} at the Oounoi_l Chamber in the saui m........ .1 'n......... -4. 0 ..o..i...1.. :. +1.1. at- ovvv `no Olocna w ----- - - .3` I115 uouznou UHIIIDUUF III II: aeuu `Down of Barrie at 2 o'clock in the a_t- 'ter_.n9on. the Mayor will appoint in writing. signed `b him. two persons -ho attend at the inal summing up of the votes and one person to at emd at each ot"pollin_'g laces on behalf of the persons interes ed in and desirous of promoting the passing of this By- law. and a; like number of ersons _1n- terested in `and desirous o 9Pl10s1n8 the passing of this By-law. n m1._:. up- _.::a u-n-..t. -c 4.1.- nn:r` 5319 `III 35% `IL VIII? Cl `CID 9.--'J,`haI: the said Clerk of the. said Oounoil shall at his office in _sand Council Chamber on `-the 2_3rd dafoi May. 1904. at thehour of 2 0'0 ock m the afternoon. sum u the number "of votes given for an` against the By-law.` _ e _ SCHEDULE T0 B_Y-LAW NO.-- `E n '3 9. ' E . an O on E E qpL,uvu uv A ` . Read a first time in open Council the 18th day of April. 1904. Read useoond time in open Council on 20th day 0f`ApIfil, 1904. - i . T % - LE. DONNELL. Town Clerk. , an ]II1p1'UVULuU11I--30 V ` And whereas the said Coupoll have deqmed it expedient ,to raw: `sand sum of $3,500 by Debentures re-pay-. able in 15 years with interest at ,' _\r\iC ...m+ mnmhlo. vearlv. t TAKE N0%`I`(t31El2 that thedaboe `is a rue copy 0 e proploisb - avw which has been 'taken into cons1;;1era- tion and which._wil! be finally passed by the Council` of the Corporation of the Town of Barrie in the `event of the assent of the electors being ob- tained thereto. after one month from the first publication thereof in the Barr1e_Examiner. a newspa er pup- lished in the. said Town 0 Barrie. the `(late of which said first publica- tion in the Barrie Examiner is Thurs- day the 28th_ day of April. 1904. and_at the hour glay and places there- in fixed for telling the votes of the ieleobors the polls will be held. E. DONNELL. ' Town Clerk. - A `l\l\ vugo v-v- Dated thi s 20t.h day of Agril. 1904. I3?-fiivTo.. A By-Law of the Town" of Barrie to raise the sum of $10,000 {or the purpose of constructing Cement Sidewalks and Crossings within the limits of the` % Town of j Barrie. _-Whereas the Munioi al _ Compara- tron of the Town of arrxe. deem at necessary and exggdient to construct Cement Svdewal - and Crown! where Aanecessarr land adyisabe thmu hout the" own of Barrne and `to e! eet -such` im rovements re- `quires the sum of .$1 .000. ~'And whereas `the said Council haye. `deemed it ex dient to raise sa_1'l sum by 'deben `res. repa able an ltwentyyears. with interes at 4 per `cent.. payable yearly. . ._; --.1.........- :o- mm um nnngasarv to .0811!" payame yuan Ly. `And whereas it will be necessary raise annually `during -the term of itwent years `hereafter mentioned by bpecia rate to pa the said debt. to be created h this y-law. and interest thereon t e sum f_ $735.82- - e- ----- -u... ...........+. .9 the * `And whereas the amount of the whole rateablefvroperty of the.Muni- oipality of the own of Barrie accord- in to the last Revised Assessment R0 l.`be'n `th' `Asspes ent Roll for the yeaxz. %908..e is $1.62!Il:185.00. ~ A ,_ J ...\.._....a -I-`an hrnnlinf l)f- ex` Seal`. 1.800.` I3 Qiclgvllupanvvovvu . And whereas the amount of the e};- isting.De`bent}u-e. Debt rot the seed Mumcnpalitey IS $270.259.82 of" whxoh ..... M.-e nifhnr of nrinoinal or interest lu ICC-UIh-\r Therefore. the Municigal Council of - the Corporation of `the own at Bar- T18 enacts as !o11ows;-. 1.-That to -raise the said. sum of $10 000 for `the purposes aforesaid. it shall be lawful for the Corporation . 0 of the said Municipali to issue De- bentures of the said unicipahty to said amount in sums not less han $100 each. ayable witihin` twenty `years from `t e date of the final pass- ing of `this `By-law. _ 0 2,-That the said Debentures so to be issued for the said sum of $10,000 shall bear interest at the rate of `4 per cent per annum payable early such debentures shall be rpayab e in wenty annual successive instalments. such 0 annual instalments `of principal and interestto be of such amount that the aggregate amount payable {or -. princiggl and interest in any `year * `shall V. equal as nearly as may he to ` what rs payable 0f'~l`l!lOlp8l and in!- ! te_res_t_dur1ng__ each 0 the other years ----- J Ann ll lflh Instal- ` f "3 500 by ueoenyures re-pay-. $11 3125' .4- pervccnt. payable yearly. _ ;_,: ...1.cmnnu H` Win he -neuessarir Municipality is $z'lu.zov.uz u;_ vvuxuu pqpartyeither of principal 1s m. arrear. _ '.l.`herefore._the the Co1`p_0rat1on_ qt of I __--_ tub uggluguuv s-....-vv-..- , ,, prinoi al interest any. . equal as nearly as be to 18 payable of grineipal ink terest dump other` years of said perno . and one of such instal- ments of principal shall be payable in one hear from `the final passing of this y-law and the remaining] nine- teen instalments of principal s all be payable on the 3ame..de,y in each cg}: ` eaeh of aaidbebentures shall include`: the whole amount of interest payable 1 ~ that. ` ear. `or won one for. mteufest 1 .shalli= e attached o eaoh;Debe.nture as the Mayor and"1`reasurer shall de- 1 v termine. . .. _ _ _ . . . . - `.1-.5`-.. LI.-- --:`.1 `I'\dhnnl-urns as. to 1 ermine, . . _ 3.-That the said Debentures as to the grincipal and - int9reat.sha11 be aya__le :51; the Branch of the Bank of .oro_r_1to_ 1n the Ia`i`dH'l.`own of Burma. . `4,-`e.The;t'it shalr"~bc"!aw'tnl tor the ` Mayor`-of ~-the lam`: gunicigal Cor ora- ; tron and he is hereby ap horize and ! instructed to `men and tune the sand e authorized: to be i no . and -the nterest coupons (it y$'ett_ached.. thereto. -hnd-.: to, cause ;thz,i=ame_;,alo. to be Iigd. by; the :t1`v1:%1`lQ:A`:tkMt:hg3i&uwi9iH *3 - 4` 1 B, ` 6.: ~ _ __0 3 ' 35, Wt. e_`:::.,*:1...*.; a V. eM;.lAxe-wI.,Iti1_r-are=Al,I\ane I,xli-' . s1,5oo_o3 8124 94 129 94 135 13 140 54 V146 16 152 00 158 08 `I64 41 170 98 177 82 55 00 H 49 81 44 40` ` 38 78 32 94 26 86 20' 53 . 13 96 7 12 1905 1906 1907 I l\l'\O pBI'Vuu.uL. yu_yu-nu _,v...--,. And whereas it wi_l1 bi: -necessary to raise annue1ly;durmg_ the term of 15 years hereafter ment_1oned by spe- -~n1 mm M `nnv the send debt to be IIIVEF l909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 $184 94 184 94 184 94 134 94 134 94 184194 184 94 1184 94 134. 94- 184 94 oipal and `interest so accruing due as the same become respectively ayable lacoording to `the terms--of t is By- law. that is to say. the total sum-of `$735.82. in emeh. of the said years. lIII_-L $1.3: Duo `QQII Q?- LLIUI DUI :- 7.-The votes of `the `duly ualified Ielectors of the said Town 0 Bar_rie shall be taken on `this By-law on `FRIDAY. -THE `20th DAY OFV MAY. ` 1904. commencing at 9 o'clock in the fore- noon and continuin until 5 o'clock in the afternoon a the undermen- tioned laces and by the following Deputy eturning Officers. that 18 to any tiln `[00:05; 1]] Vlllll-' VI. tut? uunu J1-nhnfrc V 6.-Tha.t this By-law shall `take ef- fect on the day .9! the final passing thereof; a um- -.1-_I_. ...-..I2B2nA sa;y,=m _ Polling `Sub-division No.` 1. at Wm. Caldwell s Shop: Fred Marr. Deputy -Returning Offxoer. . n_1ue___ no-4. .1:_:..:-_ `L1 - 0 ..l- Morl'L hereatter menuouuu uy syc- cial rate. `to fpgxy the said, created by thus By-l_aw and interest thremon the sum `of $314.79.- ' - .\..-.... J-Ln nvvmnllnfv nf ~fhn '.I.IUl-ul. 111115 \JI.LLV\?l u Polling Sub-division No. 2. at Mark!- et Buildm ; E. B. Reid. Deputy Re- J-cs.`-a:-na-un n `:n1\-In UL JJ.l.lllU.lI.l 5- .I.'l- turmng Ofxcer. '-r\,II!_ .. (1_-L .I:- LII-I-111115 \JLl.IIJUl-0 Polling Sub-division No. 3, at Firel Hall: John Clayton. Deputy Return-. ing Officer. Polling Sub~divisi'on No. 4. at Mo- Bride s hop:.Warren Johnson. Dc- puty Returning Officer. -n-n:_...n--I. .1:..:..:.._ 13.. it til` 'Cl'r`u1-r e put] Luuuux 1.11115 \JI.LlU<)l`o Polling Sub-division No. 5.` at H088 - Woolen Mjll; Thomas Duff. Deputy Returning Officer. 1-. 11-,_ _. a__u_..1:_:_:-.. \*r.. 1! nl- `I33:-n 1\UI.u1u|u5 \lLl.lUU1o . Polling Sub-'-divisipn No. 6. at Fxre Hall; John S. Brunton, Deputy Bee- turning Officer. :1 mg... __ ur...a.....-.:.... 4-1."- 194-In Lul 111115` \lI..Ll.UOL . 8.-That on Wednesday, the 18th day of May. 1904. an the IXJUMQII Chamber in the said -Town of Barrie. at 2 oolock "in the afternoon, the -gaior will appoint in writing. signed Y im, t-woipersons to attend at the final summing up of the votes. and one person to `attend at each of pol- ling placeson `behalf of the persons interested in and desirous of promot- ing the passing of this`Byp-law, and a like number of persons interested. in and desirous of opposing the passing of this By-law. V l`I'II'_L .Ll_- _-:.I l`|I-..`I.. `J {Jan 543:!` UL LIJIB .l-lJ"l.u.-IV: 9.-'1`h'at the said Clerk `of the said. Gpuncil shall at his office in the Coun- Oll Chamber on the 23rd day of_ May. 1904. at the hour of 2 o oIock in the 'a.eUc1*n-oon sum up the numiber. Aof; {totes given for and against this By- a.w. ' ` - ' SCHEDULE To `THE FOREGOING _BY-LAW No.-- $3 $545 5552' i 73582 20 707 52 28 30 1924 810,000 00 Read a first! tim`-e-in oi council on the 18th April. 1904. _ sad :1 second time in ofen Council on `tho -'20.th April. 190 . V . . - E. DONNELL. ' Town Clerk. tn'01'U`Ull LUU nun: UL Iyvg-opuvv And whereas the amount of 't,h_o whole 1'z1teable']Property`of t_he mun!-` oipality of the own Qt Bucne accord`-L ;...T 1'n fhe last

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