UNw1N, MURPHY & Esgnm, on- 3 tar-in T.nnd .`nI~nnnnv-.n 070.000 FOB INVESTMENT on GOOD freehold security at lowest rate of interest. No prmcipal money re- "quireu unul end or `the term. H. 31. btratny. Sohcltor. eto.. Berna. o. u. LYON: PRIVATE FUNDS T0 ' HOMOEOPATHIST. Hours. 11 to 1; 7 to 3. Residence and Uttxoe. Uorner of Dunlap _a.nd royntz streets - U. W. A, BOSS, PHYSICIAN. SUB- so MI 0. Map F0 To ! A. 11 STRATHY & ESTEN. BARRISTERS. STEWART & STEWART. BARB.1S- DR, J. F. PALLING. ,GRADUTE OF II__ __ _ -_ I.\_I DB. J. uziraua R033. L. n. c. 1. .N6_uw ulna will be` added to the Subscription Lkt until tho-Inonov in paid. ' ..I.--_:I.-___-_.2._ _____,_ 1--,.L__, , ,.n - , 1 DR. J.-C. SMITH. L. c. P. 8.. 0N'.l3.. ; `;.z,.` :; "'?LEGAI.` 1 8088. L. -11. 3.. BARRIE- G. A. BADENHURST. BARRISTER. nfwsow & CRESWIOKE. `BAR- H. 1`. ABNALL, M. n. 'c."M.. OFFICE LENNOX. COWAN & BROWN. BAR- | W. '1Lt JI;'r. :;l%.RISTER. sonxouroa. I I Pre`.:e;*+--}Iet-9,ry. Cenveyancer. I.-te.| Special attention in drawing. and V probatin-g wills, obtaining letters of `administration and guardianship. collecting accounts, etc. Offices. Ross Black. Barrie. Money to loan. __ -----v-.uu annual \J\lJll.' ,.any. Carpentering. building. and l.I.nn1llf30T.IlI'iIl8 of doors. sash. blinds muaidings. etc. Planing o1_ all kinda done gromptly and BBtl8f8.0- togily. Hot inst drying kiln. Dis- trict. agency for grained lumber. .Faotory.,B_aytield St... Barrie. R0d- on & Gulliemuooeaaora to-Geo. Ba . -.-- ...-.-. -. '- -_. _ ' --g.u u... . vs an-AVJLVJH J. .l.\l -loan at 41-2 and 5 per cent. Easy terms of re,-payment. Lennox. Oowan &. Brown. sohcicors. Barris- .._.. V-.. _.y. y on... Q 1-Ava:-J Q9 toil: on Real Estate at lowest ratea. Earmers notes dxsoouuted. Collec- txons made In any part of -the Coun- my. Real estate bought and sold. Uonveyunclng in all xts branches. marrlage Lxcenses issued. Ufnoe, oss block. Dunlap street. Barns. 3-vv v-u_-v-u wuv -uve-vy IC ya .-I Sublcriben now in eneeu for three month and over will be charged $1.50 per annum. 'M~.'c.:1.. c. in 5.. 0.. late resident` rhyznoian and aurgeon of '1`oron- to uenorul liospual. wltn special at- tentxon to uiseases of, Women. and Nose and Throat Work. also for some time surgeon in charge at Emergenoy_ hospital. Toronto. Ot- tloe and mum. residence, upstura in Mouartny block. 21 Dunlap a`t.. Barrie. second door east of Duugau Bros. mrnnturo warerooma. near lfivo kolnts. -l: hone.. 106. I Is}. b`dinbu:8:- _l1.'ET't:."a;'b-`.; Glasgow, member 01 um BriLisn-Up- tnahnolumoat society. bp80mlLy.- Diseases of the hiya. Ear. '1`nroat. and nose. Onice. lo Dunlap street, Saunders block. uarne. oppomto rust-Uuice. and Runway btation. k`nono., `as; 1;`, 0. Box. 96. Zlizattvez o-iv Drs. hlurvxe do smith. 0ril- ua). (Juice and. resmeuce, oorn_er or .-Jwen and Comer streets. Barne. '-g"eo'zi.' e_Ec.. 1.. 1:. 0-. 5.. }-3415.; L. 3. U.A1 ., London. Utfices and mgm; "residence. brown s block. Dumop sweet. Barrie", Telephone. 7'l._ - - - - .-:_.--_. -. ,--v--- w_?_: Trinity University. '1`oronto. Eel- Juw ot '.I.'nniLy _.meaica1 Uollege. member 01' me Uuuege of _rnys1- onans and Surgeons 0! Uncano. Ut- noe and reamence. 16 Owen street. _t;r's'.. Soli;it;1'-s.-'I'\Iotari'es _Publi::. ` gnu Conveyancer_s. Money to loan -.1n any sums at a per cent. Utnce. 13 Uwen ISL. Barne. H. D. Stew- art. L. L. D.. D. M. Stewart.` -v--u:---v-- - _v-v.-. ,-------_---- --- --, "A?t'orney.' [Solicitor in Chancery. Conveyanoer. etc. Uffice. first door. Owen street. over Bank of Commerce. Barrge. ' - - H I .ristrs, So-lvicitqrs of "the uprerp Court of Judxcaiure of Ontano. Prootors. Notaries. Conveyancera, nfn Ilfnnnxr tn I-nan llffinna RHQQ iifois "in'f1I"cE.IF'3E 3"'u;.' tice. Notaries rublic. Conveyancers. Utnces over the Bank of Toronto. Barrie. Money in sums of $2,000 and upwards. to loan at. 5 oentf H. H. btrathy. K.,C..[(:`r. Eaten- per u__ DUBL- J Esten. face 48' olumu Newspaper, V Publiahqd from the Oice, us Dunlop Street. Barrie in the County of Simcoe. the Pro- viaco_ of Ontario. Canada. ovary Thundav Morning, bv _.._v_.___:, cw .-_-. w---w "in-'Bothwell s 15-1-00-1;. Allandale. 0-1; the premises at mght. -:-v-vv--' cv -- .--v ---`v V risters. Solicitors for obtaining pro- bate of ,wills. guardianship and ad- minist_ra1ion.,a.nd general Solxcitora. Notanesa - Gonveyancers. etc. Of- fices. Hinds Block. No. 6, Dunlop street. Barrie. Money to loan at 41-2 and 6 per cent. Branch Of- fices at -Creemore and Alliston. Haughton Lennox, glex. Cowan. G. Eu Lo Lo 0 " ' _ .l.'IUULUL'3g L` Uluililip UUH V U auvvz 5! etc. Money_to lngn. Ottices, Ross Bl00k'. .mI`1`i0. C. E. Hewson, A. E. H. Creswicke. I 'ef;: -B-nnk of Tore;-A_ `Barrie. Money to loan. DR. R. P VIVIAN Theatres. BALL H}Z?LANING` MILL com: (1.. aunt... s-..3.. ._ Mgzetmcmuiznas. - MONEY T0 LOAN, F ?AnoH11*Eo1's_. u.uu an. 1:01` J."Ul1ULLI..llgp`\.IUJlll.lE woo . Meaford. 1 Daily except Sunday. ' dai1.v. suavmzom _ PHYSICIANS; _.EIN,ANCIAL. nndilgc; .;Pno1n _1fIo. 156 nnllnmuu cnutancrqxgm 1:o.,A%,6_.J_\.'9`E,.IIaI15TGT9N STREET. BA 1 L . H: V. ~.s..*-.'.`.'*.- _. ` law ' _ I E (1 en: Insuralc` Poliaa, g|"m:nonY 1`& hotoon. Apply T mun Ann sswma mcumt 'FOR SALE . A Dominion s 9:. I w. and W mood Sewing M`:cul:ir:e,ne::iyn:f:;.y l.1AcPI$|Y-3` T13? ADVANCIOFFICE. ` OO0uououuuouuou'o' % AENDCJWMENT INSURANCE POLICIE5 2.20: a. m. For Orillia ,North Bay and Boo. T . 11.3411. m. For Grravonhurst. Soo- cia Junction and Parry Sound. 12.59 .p. m. For ,1S_:Iuskoka Wharf. 4.00 p. n_1. For'0r1llia. North Bay and poxnts West. T _ * 9.24 p; m. For Orillia. 11.15 p. m. For Penetang; Col- lin wood. Meaford. . ' 12.1 p. m. For Penetang. ' 8.4g01()l.m. For Stuyner and Coll1ng- W , 82n%~m1:a?nta"8~ "m8- round, In tau` APP`! sue mennutoua, O1 untario. and The Lon don & Lsncashire of Liverpool. The Waterloo Mutual. of Waterloo, out The Economical Mutual. of Berlin. our The Standard Mutual, of Markham, Om Also Lloyd's Plate Glass Insurance Com- pany. of New You. Private fmidn to loan on first mortgages. Ax- eounu collected. &c. Oee over Hambly & Baker : Hardware Stan, `attic. Ont. mun, 'l referred positions for local adyem ments in the paper will be sold of one-third on above rates, on no other count will special positions be given. Ti`. rule will be strictly carried out. ' ' A ` ' _CONTR.AC'l' cannons. `Advertisers will pleaee bear in mind . notice of intention to change advertisemen. must be handed into the oice not later 1}," Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy for gut: change must be in Tin: ADV.-\2~'f; C later than 12 o'clock noon on week, otherwise the advertiser may not be made public until lowing. A 12 changes of Advertisements allowed . year. It more are required, composition me; will be charged. Advertisers will not be allowed to use thg, space for advertising anything outside thei; own regular business.` Should they do M transient rates will be charged for such ad. vertisements. 3. s aunouncemen} the week fog` at an adm A. __,~_._ --- . ..-.. AuA1AlAl'4;V 1.3, Condensed advertisements on first page Ivch aswants of all kinds, lost and found. propeny for sale or to rent, snecic articles, etc., em, must be accompanied with the cash, and will be inserted--hrst insertion 2 cents per word, each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word (names, addresses and gures counted in words); but a reduction of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertion. of the same matter exceed four. Cuts for ndvartluemenu must In even one be mounted on solid metal hues. Mklnmmrr -nu Fonowmo Fm: Iuuum Coummu: Th M 11 . :....s.#=,...,* .,.'.:2.n.2*:r:2v::...T.1=.Ln _r .. = V f__op_ . S j,TH'E` NORTHERN ADVA BARRIE . ,..._ NCI Leal_ Notgces, {mctlon Sales, Amusem etc. -First 1nsert_1on 10 cents pg, nu `ht: subsequent insemon cents per line e` *6 .Reading notices, 10 cents per um` for inbertion ; 6 cents per line for each an in: insertion of the same matter. , _ All ' ` der 5. lines_,\ of this character, ch.,::E`- V1in`es._ Obntuary Poetry 5c. per line_ "3 jg--_ Tl-m|OS.%SMITH TRANSIENT AI);7ERT1gmG Legal Notices, Auction Sales Am etc.`-First insertion ,1, :5 5 line" Reading notices. 10 cents: 1.... 1;. ' BARBIE RAILWAY` GUIDE E T A * Tn: pvnzcz. s '-3:;-,--- - the largest circulatin Zjuanto County Town. y I -V Advettiugments are charged ` space-l3~l1nes agate measme In; ALLANDALE LOTS FOR__ALE. Amalyiat \'-It . II II In . J scab : Terrace . . . (svcczsox TO Scnoccn: & Sums.) Went Baldw_in gtreet. VCOMHEBCIAL CONTRACT THOS. sMrrH ' CONDENSED ADXIEBTISEMENTS. J_.___j -1 , .' Th Money By-Laws. "7-iilaz ADVANCE OFFICE. Insurance Agent Conveyancer, 6 c. C811 me O. H. LYON` 0 charged ac c - . measux e mgkeogznlh AMA ? not 110. Barrie any palnr. In . ONT. h8Vg Palru M; II n` Barrie. IN ONE BLOCK OF AC RES Dlac Tuna or Suascuur-non. \V O W 8 ran spe '0 , d Lad -..--.y v-v-? um ama-mgwovfws 3:9 (`$33135 allxlindneg [in `T3 "`?1 rt; tn: lgengthem 0 ; resent` t,h 4 t 16"`? aws lhahea muscular POW .t '99` cl,e.an_ W1 ha. '5 }joa d.~ 8ig`no4If,.B6dl_A`f`a;9; , @9115 . . r2v**:;'a%. .*.:*,:h-. M offa1:ID4`4;d)`di9hl1``:ffi#*-A ; On, ~ % `M9. rm AV5dr~_.: kg . , \\AlQIAQ6\JVV &'L(LlIl, The Vim? ` '""- ~ u1`:`.;`i3i` o31=`:$``t ~`3"`E~.1as;`;33 ..._... lior the words he uttered` ir1"pr:_1ise of Seottish songs at the eompetitlon ar- ranged f-or amateurs in the Christian ` ,. , Institute on Friday evenin by the 0(Y10my-m9- It `does "'0'? 5"-71` 7" Rcusebery Burns Club. Sir glohn Ure matter to the turtle whether he stays Primrose. who was eeeempenied _b_,`. bmleil-111 The S1`f3 for an 110" 1' Lady Primrose. said in the course of Almost alone amen God's creat-. u1-es,'the turtlehuse ut J. single spend `an equal time `on land ill the . t d-t f -A t-t need `arises. He is northern flsh, flesh g,:ai,fr:,;h'iehrtf1s I 1101' fW1- 9'9`? his B311 Purtakes f Scotland were to be sung. `Some ir-v the "characteristics of all three. Eat- dueement in the ehepe of .han_dsom_,l 3 !!! `S?-ems 3- mere sPf1itY `vith _ rizes was offered to those who trial hun snnoe-for weeks at atnme he may -0 render them with beeeming die, be `headied'up in a barrel (wnth the nity_ end in these days when the ,._ -bung out) and emerge after his long was e greet -deal ef trashy mus-ie W fast `a aren`tl none the worse for _u . A ' `- his en greed a name from `mode we as much that was excellent nt . , d 1' tr ' .~- fro light, Mnd almost from axr. And Y1?` me.3%h e,1k*, ep" an effort b final ' E `may -'15' 5 5 that; -501188 which were the lor of our 9` ;hh'3hrP`.w,rm"'P1{ dd..{l`;E sec-_untry_.` ' There was a. mirth Hf itn3- ` 31:9 `"9 6110391 50` 1t3 :l" an _ A beauty In the songs of" Scotland which tlh,t $31)` 9` U11` :1-I . fl *i;`cl:argd use hed_nevere been adequately fathomed. 8 . t ?,.V 99191311, 9-: deah , u on 3 He mstanoed "Annie Laurxe" andsomu {J _lv-_._\?i1.t{8.,If3h ggsehlgnuivgrin _ of the songs of _Burne.` and asked oIo':x`.;ulwsiv::no'oFe:n`e:nts-not the `musclegs when we -oould nd human` ``n' Nd: only but my oc- :.3:t':::"p::r::*:21"' `i`2"`J.13i.`:`:ea.`.i sfsseate::la*:~:2mas*dee zmgz wow soor?%~nd-mu=:oa1-sootana. had` elapsed sine the meat "had been "9 .`ii't::ll?'ls'tl"1T`wh.5h!3"' out out: of who eon-rapo.~oe=-,an`d` no one 233, .,(,',f. }1hfir`:.wH;n: :3~.tl1`l% l;o.;vev,irl1'11aalne1.etha'c en`y:1itere- nger: would "' "st e mill utihg a 'com.petf-- beautxful songs 0: . before ` us rthowe eel in 1: `'e` extremities. nun. f w . 9, ,, , . .. .8o'olftis h song."~ .. ,eng1gg~:~:;;~heed+`.had;git: mouth wade . . L -. eo.nee.wa9ryeo9lsUh1yxnneertedxwq n- t1{Ae``heE:}9li:,t h'% .t' _. - - .- ;?'el -'l?vVPl9n l**%9'9e:,l9r! a~m%ndIb19?or ::1?i?6'vod't` etor*;h:n;a;iiese1rae-e;: ~ ~ 9. hp 3 A-Fa `-.;s-.};t,9gY9_` ,ii9rt.-. a."week.` 1101` does it trouble =himto1 his address that the eluvb deserved! e mom iii ,e _ no finoonsiderable A g Dan'e`..;notieing"-thet the down-i ' ' r n prom ng.<".;:..;t_' ` ~ Wawiiers `0 prnvida 10.009}=`oi;;thg alone among-God s creabt-. u turtle. has t a suigle qnemy-D-man, not seujn .-`to matter whether bqneath surface an hoqr or I)` ixlrnnlv` nan nlgnu ll- o--u.\.`I.'!.. .1 .-... L... cu. `Uy ,|.uwI. UUUJ Luna WOOL . | The `Army's beneficient o ra`tion_s are maintained purely `by `t e free- will offeringsot` the people. `The needs of its vast _miss1onary labors among the.hea`then abroad`.anld the down)-allen at home are chiefly melt through -the a.g'I3n.cy of Self-Denial. The army is doing splendid work in j ' its Industrial Homes. Rescue and Ma- "cerni'ty Homes. Men's and Women s `Shelters, es'ta`blished in different cen- tres in"this country. while the world in addition `to pecuniary sacrifice. dc- over the Army has about 500 similar refuges for the fallen and destitute. ' The enthusiasm wi'th which the Sal- v.ai cionis'ts themselves enter into the ` `Self-{Denial week is remarkable. and` itfwould probably be hard to find a wearer ot the-uniform who has not 1 1 mod himself some luxury or partial ' necessity of food or. clothing by way of discipline. The Self-Denial fund is ` considerabl augmented by assistaniee 1 from .ou'tsi e friends far and near and I this worthy effort should not be for- go"."ten `by those who are in a position to assist. From a phamrphlot we gleam `the followingremarkable in-. t formation ;-The `Army is now _operat- I ing in 49 countries, has 7,5999 stations, 15 796 `regular officers and 45.024 10- cal ones, and its work resultsiin 250,- 000 `persons Wconfessin-g conversion `every year. `It handled 1,611 crimin- ,' als.-last year and 5.850 fallen women.` helpe_d 20.000 oordai-ly. has 16 farm` 0CIl|C{Ill8S, 132 s um posts and 37l1a'bor 1 bureaus. _ . v . A _ . y,:ti:at* , people ,,will :vei. see say. . expended on;.side.milk.s-.f until9:_;jsox1_1`_ assurano` _15`ceied' tronn iihe '-Gonna "oil --that -`tli 7p1ivements`~1w'iIli`boi cdnv-' stxfudted on some systcmf. fdiiftring` from `that adopted last :i'yea1'f. Many off? the" blocks" laid` [in `the ysummmp ox .1903 5arq,in vegyibadishape. the gram-' .bl-ing' laiivay of the trip dressing being`! po?ticea'ble '50 a degree to mkev it ai, grievous eyesore. asjwelln as :94 menacel to-. `the drability of the pavement.` T_1ie - 1?)_e_`0pl`e `y_vill__ lxiaturlally 1_1old"the'A` Counbil- -rsponsibl `fbrh Che iohxli-7 tion `of `these pavements and unless` "'chis: `responsibility can be, placed on. other shoulders, _the_ Aldexmen should i not Vbegiven an oppofciinity o_f squan- I 1 T dering any more money in the same` m_anner. ` . ' ;. l Nnxr wank" "ram aanvxrzon ARMY ' wxu. MAKE:-'E)aONAL sAum1~ Icaz. The w`e11-knexve self-denlial week of the Salva'ci`on Army is being observ- ed. by ,tha.': body thus week. ; The `A1-mxz'c hnnnfininnr nnnrwnns `To the.-`Editor Advance :-I beg ta?! be allowed to state my conviction that ` at the recent Uunveution in `reroute. the bee. umitteu one very importan. resolution. My contention `is that the name oi. the organization; of `which Mr. Spenee is l:`ee..ish.ou_1u have been changed by the members or the so- ciety `in bunventiun assembled. I -'1'ne name or this organization is` The Ontario branch of the Alliance for the total l:'rohibition of the L1- quor '1`1'aIric.-but seeing the o_t`.l 1- cars `do not have the same to live up to the name of the organization. 1, would suggest at making over-...ot` the name to .~.-.uit the altered aims and sell -aimposeci work 01' the Alliance or-, 1ice1's.v_ _. _ | The Ontario Union for imposing Go--3 .vernment' Control or time ,l.a_.qt.~o.r, T_1~a1'I'ic on _the Province" would carry; the courage `of truth tell.ng' ill the very words. and .1 am `sure that all -intelligent people will agree with me that the oognomen would.` -be Month euphcmous and veracious if the above name were adopted by the Alliance `Charity rejoices -in. the truth. `ah. well as covers a. multitude of sins.| H1`. or... ..n....+..,....... ....= (\...r....... ..-..n- Wub Will UU uuuu. If nothing is done by our Legisla-. tors. then 0. vote of Lack, of 'oonti-'-. demo in the Government will follow an app_eal to the country. for thus moral ISSUE must and will be faced. and settled right". Yours truly. _ Mrs. bara F. Tracy. Minesmg Ont.` WULI. LIB UUVUI-5 G l.l.l.I.I_I|lLLlLl .U UL D1113- We, the electorate or` Ontarxo. want the Liquor Act or` 1902 enacted and- cxnf-orceda_`We faced I_che.. ljtefercn-. dum condntnons and have a nght we will not waive. to demand the L_eg1s- lation contained in_the Act. e not yet forgotten the struggle, ex- penseand trouble we took to express what we supposed would be a "man- date to our Legislators. and we are waiting. the 200,000 who voted. to see _ what" will be done. V "I43 -`A6-'I-.3...-_ -4-. Anna kin Arum T nIu:`o|, We have Vitality of a Turtle, `. SELF-DENIALWEEK Change the Name; - - e ; ' `h ' "`d: J,h_ fin ' ; .... LU]. uuuuunu--ln11810al' uootland. p_a.i`l'.i0tio Spotland-+- -when lsho _ recog- mqed tht In her own songs she had opnos `for all -time'.. .He- hoped `that oonoort would be no inoomsidbrable faotorin `promoting 9. greater love! or Scottish song.` * 4` - Mr_ A la`, 1)-"'__'_ __m_;_. -..:.. .-.'.2u;.-._ . trashy. as well was was delightful to find effort b- ing made to keep glory ecountry."'1`here was wealth in songs which had_never mstanoed "Annie and some songs of Burns1.'.and asked where could find aesion. human aspiration. and -human eeling. etter portra ed. Itwould be a ood b dag for Soot and--musical - Scot and. na iotio 7 80otla.nd-'-'-urhnn H113 `vam--- um a.u.u1Da3 uuu. Luu t_J1u`D aeserverl; ' great credit for institutugg a ticen in which the Scotland w_ere 1 shape of '_ fared _to trio l *9 ;them becoming mty. In trashy. me `well 8.3-much thm wan. `m....n....+ :. Ul. `L110 U}}llllU.l.I. '. Llli1.L ALGA: `J!.|.UJ. 1.151 " syn fraw _ L labou_r1ng u1};d'orT ha1l1.1cma-. 'c1-on, "no `the mind` whnch led hum .to , `suppose `he was being.-'_ pursued by per- , s,.,or spirits, and no -blame can `be zitached to the train crew: and "I `!I14i"\l\'r\ n\n" n vInnIvIf\`IIP auuvnvonuuunlln I-kn -*1is,"~a.s' a jmat fu_3r of faot."inexousablo. It [beams `that there is actually not Iuftioient {hose- to supply -this r9e_l.' ~ whenv `the lengths `used _Vz_1tV a "rec_e;it .1119 are drying in trio tbwer.:( 1`he:re-3` _ to_rg. if-one fire tollows anotho!r'~inf ;fIg`x 1i_ck. iuooesion. the h'ou9 zwouiii haxf F ~t Ksfyrt` I UU l.LLU:UlI\ 3ll LU LIIU lfldlll UIUW p auu ;i further .`that a rmyster surrounds the _ima'L`ter' of how said A ex. McPherson _2c.ame to be in `the neighborhood of the 'tragedy:_ and further we recom- E mend 'tha'c a fund should be` provided ' the `Coroner forfthe [purpose of ob- tainina; evidenlce and proper ayment in ,all importan't cases of V t e fpre-a I l s _ sent character." ` I. LORD PROVOST PRIMROSE AND '1_`R.ASHY. MUSIC. ' I Lay Uul l'0uLU I01` IDEODIHB. _ Accounts to the amount of $33.60 V were ordered pai'd. V `Adjourned to meet at the cell - of the Reeve. T - ' . ucPn'iuns53z'-s_ -7 f; L. non. 'i A Uul'U3U Lu accept-.lt. As soon `as an operator and teams can be nroouro-d< for road grader, the Reeve. Counoillorso Bell. Cameron and Pearsalllo meet at Clerk's office to lay out route for machine. Allnn11ri+n FA #1. ..............A. .5 chance. V (`rr-ii}-ii-Packet.) V `h.6$;:st'{a}.1e W. o. B1ack:s..investiga; tions in the neighborhood, of lGowa.n. ,'resulte'd `in throwing. some light on_ the Idieath of Alex. MePherson. -the` u 1'1f-or.t\ina`te man` struvkhby the Paci-V fic express on`: April 9th. At` the `ad- Lourxred inqueston. Monday. Andrew nu--.-hrfln.-rnnur n Fnrvnnr "V3110 in 'nTn. uul wan -.uuI. uuuupusu. . T No tenders for teams ware\ re- ceived. ` . ` A number, of wire fence rdpresen-. tatives were` heard, and the Council is now in -a position! `to give` "the -rate:-\ ~payers.a good out on wnre if Itiney choose to accept-.it. A nnn `an Inn nnnrol-run anal Jnn.~._- ' 3l11'_n8(l- 1nquBsI;.on- muuyagy. :_uuuu:w . arthcwlomew, a farmer llvmg 1n.fOro, testified to having _met;.,.a '~man.*.a;.n- swering -the description of the dej- cea.sed_.~ when on his.wra. insto Barrie ._on -the Vmorhing of the'9` b. He! spoke ;.a -few words `to 1_1__i_tnn.t~ that time. Mo-" a.Phcrso`n asking.,,.whether he was go- ling to Barrie or -_ Toronto. andfhe an-I |s\_vering co Barrie, T Proceeding with 'h1s evxdence Bartholomew` said :- I Dnl~n'rn3nrr `fr-nrn Rnrrin `hi i-ho tir- `UL uur next. rqeeung. Mr. Geo. Raikes appeared re over head bridge at Raike's crossing. Saul he had called a meeting of ratepay-. ers at Shanty Bay to discuss the mat- ter. but they did not care toexpress an opinion until they had seen plat. etc.. of roposed chance. - - tclcrk o write .Mr. Tiffin for plan `e c. - - ' Clerk nresented one tender for po- sition of 'operator,of- road grader. The wage asked was in the opinion of the Council `too great. and the ten- der was not accepted. Nn i*nn.In rn 'fnr i-onnnu nun-at -not A` s'ta'tment explanatory of . Hm manner in which it is proposed to expend `this money should really be` all `tha t is required to ensure the. pas- sage of this `by-law, as well: as of the one `calling: for $1,500 for the purchase of. new hose. .A large amount of the present hose is old' and haswbeoome impaired` To such an extent as .'to make ` much of `it pr ao'tio1`lly V1se1ess_. of the old lengths nieedfmreplacg-a ing and an additiqnal quanftity isl,r.em.- dared necessary` through the opera- -tion at Tisha" Allandale firie-hail: "1_.'h'o' D!_ es_ent state ot_ affaigs'_in. Allqnda1e' 'IllS BVIUUXIUU .Di_'lJLl.I|.Jl.Ul.HUW au.1u5- I Returning from Barrie in the at- .tern-oon. 'bet.\_veen=.onea.ua two o'clock,` I saw the .same man. again walking towards Oro S'ta,t`|on. I said "Good day. and asked him if h( ivedround here.: He said `Nopbut heyare'-.go- ling `ho murder me.#' He said `them were forty 1h"en after him. and that 1 [was `talking `to one of them. He said g'They gre not men like you an'd me, ibut sp1ri'tual men . L .Two `other wi'tnesses'had seen a man whom kfhey `sup used to be t_he d'"e'ceaase.d-Henry ' ay, a farmer_ liv- ing `in theft neighborhood. and SI Hen- son, a section man, who sfiokcfio; him as `he passed. 0. W. Fand-ere. the =cmnd11c"cor `of ihe train which earried McPhers'c-n s bag age to Toron to, Sld he had no trou'b e on `the run, and had not knowm of. any` passenger jumping off his train. James Fry, the conductor of the Atlantic express can "the 9th, gave similar testimony, The {urn l-.v-nnn-'hl- in `I-ha Fnnnurind lU| (-0 1:3`: April, Burton asked to purchase tnnber on road line con. 11 and 12, op osite lot_l0. ' rs. Currie. -that on line con. 13 and 14. lol: 17. Jno._ Patterson, elm trees on mac`. lot 13, con. 11. _- ~ _ Clerk to give notice that verbal< of- -fers will ,"be received for these par- cels of timber at 2 p.m. on the day lof our next `meeting. Mr. Gal`. RQHPDC nnnonrn `In l\IlI.I| U-II `L110 ULH. KHVU SlI.Ill1'd.1' LL`Ll.l.l.lU1l_Y-_ The jury brought. in `the following" -`verdict; .--Tha`t Alex. McP!hoerson {came `to his d=ea'th by being `struck by `the engine d`i'awinIg"the second sec- tion of G. T. R. 'train`No. 65, am` Ap-. ril 9:611; 1904. near Gowan s tation, and from the evidence-produced we are of `the opinion that Alex. McPher- cnnn '!`.\urnn Inlvmn-n-r-inn nn'n1~ 'I1cnH11ninn.. w.:u. .`uUuLu1g J'uu.u anu oonnrmea . W. Cooke `stated that in burning brush on road opposite lot 6. line: con. .3 and 4. a portion of Mr. .Pa_tterson s 'ence had `been destroyed. Mr. Cooke rto see {what Mr. Patterson would take to repair `damage `done, see how many rails were. burned and report to the Clerk. - (`In-J. ..........l....!' -L'L-L 111' `If 1r-_,,-_ LU |.llU UIU rxi ' ' Clerk reported `that W. M. Home had purchased 8. E. 1-4 .lot- 8. con. 10 and would like time extended for re- moving timber on road opposite said lotwto 11st April, 1905.-Granted. nI`I""l\II nnirn `ll v-\I1uvn`\nn_-. I The Council.` met pursuant to ad- journment. All members present ex- cept Oounoillor S-wan. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed W nnnlm .4-..+..A +1.-..+ :... :.......:..... cmsnn BY sco1'nsH SONG (Glasgow _MMai1.) 4...`. 4.1.- --__._I.I ' `hall. or a talk with any of the mcm-_ pwith `the $3,000, already" to the credit The properly `qualified ratepayers have been asked by the Council to en- dorse. Ia batch of money iby-laws. which will -be submitted to them, on htay 20th; Those connected with the `perfecting. `of our fire fighting ap- pliances are especially worthy of sup- port. The recent conflagration`inVTo- ronto affords an illustration of the need -of keepingapace with the timejgs and {being prepared to cope with fire under -circumstances which are at- torded why being in possession of every possible `facility which the town can laeoure. A visit to the present fire- bers of the fire-ibrigade, will in a very fewvminutes se`t up incontro- verti`ble arguments in favor of the immediate -need of `the contemplated. improvements at the Central (tire; hall `for which $3,500. in` addition to the amount already in hand. is re- I .quired. as well as the urgent neces-- city `for `the purchase .of new ` hose V etc., `for -the use of both the Central and Allandale brigades. _ ' The idea is that by securing; this $3,500 `and using`ilf in conjun,c`t,ion of 'this.fund_. `the present municipal `buildings ` can be `so `fembodelled and en1ar_g'e\i,' as to afford the Fire De- partmen't the additional room which it must 1)osseiss. if it isytAo;be\p1a.cled in la position_"to handle the :reels. len- dine 'etc.. with the cele'rity wvhich rneans-`so much in, the evenlt of fi1`B-1 breaking out. ` Oro Council. _H. J. Tudhope. Clerk. Shiloh?! . M Consumption ` Lung Tonic Wlltahis claimed thmte unscrupulous dealers in Canada as well as in Great Britian `quote Septembers" at such` low prices that the su position is that the are `the make 0%) other months up any jnferiorit in quality 15 not dlf-00VCI`ed until a `cor delivery is tak- en. If the month of make was brand` ed on {the cheese they would be sold I on their merits. `and speculators who bought chea ' lines of July. August. October or ovember makes would be debarred `from quoting them '5' cableror otherwise as""Septembers` V-.._- .|..... 1.. . U 55 al.0110- Skin brand on cheese-Leading Bri- tish importers of anudian oheese_are m_ favour of bran ing cheese indelibly with the month in which they are made. -Some years ago Sept m_ber" cheese became `the favourites .h_ut owing to the improvement in .I)he -quality of cheese during. July `mm . August. brought about by the system of "cool curing introduced by the Department of V Agriculture; the makes of other. months have proved to be {nearly as goodin quality as Septem-. -ers. - ` LU uuy uuuu. UUXBS. Care sboufd 'be taken not to use green. unscasonegl boxes as the cheese particularly the top and bottom, may be` damaged in quality from atlns cause alone. -Ql-:.. 1........_x -._ .1_.___ v.._ `I1 ' uval 13 hers. In. 4 _ u-.u.uu use U1 uuxes 0!: center qua 1L_v. The latter point was very nu- ticeable in uheese coming from the Government ouring- stations. -the boxes bemg made of heavier, mater`- iul; the gercentage of broken box~' GS nn `run n-Hana I-urn V\n~n anni- 81 per 4omm_n in Advance nu, LLIU yc1'I;cuLuge OE DFOKQII DOX` as did not run above two per cent. which proves that it is false economy to buy ochoag boxes; ` nnIn clan an G-olpnn -4. 4... ---.. uua.ca 1053 Ul.A'.l.1B. _ , 2-More care on the part of the shipping companies invloadin . stow- ing and dischargin 9argoes.t is work bemg closely watc ed by the lnspeo~ t-.us of your De artment. .q-'l`}\D `I191: AF Avnn AC I-um`-I-nu bun...` zaulng uu. In nreaxag 18 (N18 l.0.- ]-Damp season, which makes the boxes less brittle. 0 M`--- ........ L:_..'._.._L -2 LL. Kllllilliy. _|dGL01'l8. Boxm cheese-4-The per9entagc_ at broken xes was not so hngh dux-mg "1903. although it still runs very higv. ranging from 5 to 25 per cent. The fallmg off in `breakage is due to.- ]_..nnmn nnnnnn uuhinh m-l:nc Hm. U LLIU Driuau consumer. ` - Cool curing of cheese.-Thediffer~ once in the quality of cheese held in the Government. `cool curing rooms was very noticeable. not only in u_al~ ity. but in general appearance. his improvement is ?due to cool curing and "waxing the cheese which also has the advantage of preventing a considerable percentage :of (shrink- age. During the season of 1902 when "waxed" cheese first appeared on the British market. some `at the Grocers Associations objected. and even went so far as to` demand an allowance in weights. but it was soon proved that there was less shrinkage. which ad~ ded to the improved quality and ap- pearance of the clieqse. quickly created a `brisk demand for cheese coming from the Government curing stations. at an advance in price com- pared to cheese coming from the or- dinary factories. nnV;n nhnnnn_`_"`Ln nnnn and-n run .6 "M"-.~ -"7;aw'a. April 2_1, 1'9u_4. In his report regarding the cheese trade of 1903, Mr. A. W. Grindiey, Agent of `the De artment of Agri- culture in Great ritain, makes some suggestions that merit the attention of makers and exporters. He says`-- "The cheese season of 1902 was a most successful one: there was a large increase in the quantity and ;the steady improvement in the quality was so great. that in spite of very heavy supplies the prices realized on the whole were satisfactory. The mild sweet palatable flavour, as dis- tinguished from the heated and bit- ing `character so noticeable in former vears, has created a large consump- tive demand. which will have a tend~ _cncy _to do away with the dispropor-; tnon in value between Canadian and English Cheddar. 'I'hn' n`:-nn-.-inn AF 'l3l'|:r\v\:u-Irv Ln.` nan. .uu5u_au uuxtuucu. The practice of `shipping too new or green c:u1not be too emphati-. cally condemned as it not only spoils the sale. -.'but hurts the reputation oi Canadian cheese. The salesman. as well as the exporter are to blame (on. sending these immature cheese. and the patrons of factories should inn sist_that their cheese should be held in the curing room until It is in such a. condition as will give satisfaction to the British consumer. nnnl I'III:!|s AC Alanna... VI"I......4`l..._ Department of Agricultuxe. _Con{x:1i`S~ sioner s Branch. ` . 44 4}... - IIllIousncss,constlpatlon prevent re- covory. cure these. with Ayer s Pills. |arsaParia -Eulns leave Barrie tor and arrive. iron the under mentioned places as Inows: ` ' - 0% 4.41 a. m. For Newxnarket, Toronan to. Montreal and points east. _ I 7.56 a. In. For Newmarket. Aurora Jud Toronto. _ '- 12.16 p. m. For Newmarket and a Toronto. . . ` 5.26 p. m. For Newmarket, Toron- A to. Montreal and East. ._.:.._ Vhcn J3; . rs old (or Inn - n_thn.n one thought'I <:>`uld liv bo'ca`use 353% bloot ` But. In I few weeks. Ayers Ssrupsrllls corn- ploul tutored me to health." - V - u. E. Bncxuuwu:n,Vlnoln,nd. N.J. J. O. AYER 00.. bowel). Mun. for Your doctor willtell you that thin`, pale, weak, nervous chil- dren become strong andwell by taking Aye:- s Sarsaparilla. Small doses. for a few, days. -The change is` very prompt and very marked. Ask your doctor why it is. He has our ~fortnula and will explain. The Cheese Trade 1903. iot" $7011? 15e"'a,'Ft:Hie`E. 3-'1`he use of axes of better 'qual~ V. The latter `nninf urne var-x: nu- uuv bll|Jtl\l\f ' `f1?c`iii1dren When you think you have cured a cough 'or_co1d, but nd 3 dry, hacking cough remains, there is danger. Take :p.;m.%as<.. moo L V at once. _ . . . It vyilljtrengthen thq lung; "and stopjhqi ..'\ `i _;ii_: _l`Joaj'H:hN ADVREI aqua. vu now How fours `truly. L- II? A Clmonsg ` Publication Clerk -Japan is 6 some extent. at. least, s l':.il,_lA an gadtern ooumtry influenced by. vsf'ente1j . _-thought... The statement is tori-oboratedf aw its th'ea:tree. many-of. ; - wit =:-aandimtad fionj atrtot-x ` IQ! Ltd Pm fthw: menus KENNEDY & co.. ARCHI- Bothwelrs Block; Barrie. THE ANY QUANTITYWOF MONEY_ T0 uuwuv. munruox 6: ESTEN. ON- tario Land Surveyors. Engineers. etc. Established 1652. 0ftice,Medi_- cal Building. 8. E._ corner Richmond and Bay _street.s, '.I.`oront;o._ Tele- - phone. Mann. 1336. lnstrucuons left ' with Strathy & Esten. Solicitors. _Bank at Toronto Building. Barrie. wul be[prompt1..&tten~JiAd to. lAMuI:L w:sL|-:v. Pidpmzvon