rm: u~rrnn1:s'rsV or muuux. nu COUNTY or smcon Avnnj 1-an noumton dz? CANADA :Ott-I g1gE, COUNTY (31? SIMCOE. ONTARIO, MARC_H 3`. (i'rr'eat trouble `was `experienced. by the farmers` in getting `into town on Saturday. the `pitch holes being` very dangerous and so numerous that a great `deal of" time was con'sumed in covering. even ,shotrt* distanc`e,s... On the inside market . butter was-firm at from. 170. to 190. with 209. real- ized in some cases`. .Egg's continued to `bring 25; and 30 cents though more plentiful on account of the mo- -deration of theweather, Next week should see `-an a-ppreciable drop in prices. "Chickens were plentiful but brought 10 cents a pound. and even at that pri.ce the owners held out to` sell only in large lots. As foreseen by the Advance wheat has continued to go _up in pri-ce and -reached 98 cents and `a "dollar. The general feeling is that `it will go still higher. There is plenty of it in the country. at- though it is coming in fast now. The high prices are not caused entirely by the war but by a doubt" as to how the fall .wheat has wintere_d. Many big millers are afraid that the crop in some `sections will be totally de-o strayed. If they are right prices will naturally be sent sky high. Flour has also been influenced by the ex- isting state of affairs and has gone up from $3.80 to $4.75 and $5.00 with in the last few weeks. Oats are sel- ling at 31 to 32, peas 61 to 63, bar- ley `40 `to 43, rye 48 to 52, buckwheat 45 to '48.ored clover $6.00 for No. 1, alsike $4.00 to $5.50. Live hogs are worth $4.60 and dressed hogs $5.50 to $6.00. 0 uv Tlr;e'Toronto Telegram speaks as follows concerning "the City farm- ers market-The present (pirates` price `for eggs will soon be as a tale, that. is `told. The fine weather has induced `the hens to get to work again and. soon `there will be a good sup- ply. Toronto ihas (been especially hard `hit; the price being as high as 45 cents. while in New York at the period. of greatest scarcity the price was `but. 40 cents. The American ci- ties of t e north secured their sup- ply fro the Southern States. Be- cause of the duty and distance Cana- dian dealers could not profitably do this. One firm at the St.'Lawrenco market is credited with securing a. oarload of eggsat Chicago yester- day. Fa-rmers are beginning to bring in crates to the St. Lawrence Mark- et.- `but `despite the increased sup- `ply `the `demand is stronger than lever, Butter `is selling at 23 to 25, turkeys '14 to 17, chickens 14 to 16. geese 12 -`to 13. ducks 12 to 14, fowl. 10 "to 12. .Wheat went up another notch `this morning`. the quotation being from $1.06 -to'$1.09.' The farm- ers are still holding back. hoping for higher prices. The deliveries to-day were B00 bushels red wheat. 400 bush- els `goose wheat. 100 bushels spring wheat. 100 bushels of barley and 600 bushels of oats. Auction Sale `of Rqgigtered % Shorthorn Cattle The {second annual sale of regis- tered sh-orthorn cattle will be held at Glen Allan farm. Allandale, `on Thursday Maroh"17th. commencing -at 1.30 p.m. sharp. Catalogues` will be mailed on application to S. Dyment. nBarrie, Ont. Capt. T. E, Robson. iAu-c.tionleer. { I V - You have one of the best Catpet Weavers in the province in Barrie. the business 1: carried on at the north end of Peel Street. .All kinds ofweaving done and guaranteed. D. CANAWAN. 9-9-p ` The ratepayers of` `Kinuston win ` vote on `a proposition to purchase the jplant of the Light. Heat & Power \Co. for $170,373. the `value having `been osoertained by arbitration. A Special General` Meeting of the Share- holders of the above Company for the pur- pose of passing By-Laws of the said Company and amendments thereto and also an other business that may be legall transacte there- gtuavill be `held in the all of the Public ,,,4 I\`_-!IJ3._._ __ IHTIYINAIT 'I'II'T 161.1. Wednesday March 9th n-cur: run A Ivvnuiavv (Vl!I'l\VII\ ' THE" %BARR|E' %AnnIAagM9onrAnv Ola Will. UU HUI Ill Duo uuu VI uuu Luynnu jnibmy Buildin on FRIDAY, THE mu `DAV OI` MAD 1001 (#4 n nInnIr nm \i.'ibx;a':`1-}B1ii1 i`xi an "THE 18th DAY OF MAR H-,' 1904, Int 4 o'clock p.m. 9-9` ` . M fr. '1'. YOUNG, ~ Notice mm-.bv' gins. an-muse co nation as of Ch . " R.S.O.. .tlIIt|l|penoII ha. clni`1:o:9:9 demandI at tluoitgta of `tho '35 Geo: GIIIVII. hound. whodluloa ouhout rho ...*` '" -*~;a.'.:.~. 2.2.. "::.`:. ...n.:.J..'r.': fa. ...'.Jun nfthcnld a.au5'o. ' h ft! 1' (money: `.1! tci'BP:VE8.'i.sso`:f e ggngn of Barrio. In I-.1-an I hnntv n9 Rlmnnn Fnrmnr. da. Wu '" '"npiI"" ' "E '7'" iii '33;?i'"e'I'. -'3"3*~'3`*-"'5: 53'u."*":.': "'*."......*"` l'sa:":?.:; . ' I ' `iadguriaauuzu and mum.` - f ...u...|..`- 3- ...:.a.... John}. shim: mu! nu.-nan; V: (II, full . oriod_-`by ntgtutory Andhko Notice thntdtu the add nth day of- Muclmgoc nlqlououton wilt procudh diml- M-th-:. `of._..tl.- laid ` Noco; 1:9 Qreditors SATURDAY MARKET. USNAVNB. 1538 OK F110 'l'0Wll UK EDITIO- in the Uounty of Simgoe, Farmer, do-_ BARRIE Omrcz : ~ aamm-:"r1' BLOCK, l\IIKIl f\E <;ARP.:'_r wehvmc. `(L-IWMITEDV) * seeiry. `If the roads begin to break up` now b_utter will be worth half a dollar a. poun_id.V . -;ve your coal orders with `J. G. spatt. _ ' ' A The `regular meeting of the W. C." T. U. `will be held next'Mond-ay `at 3 o .olock. ' . V - -Vickers `Corsets._ Vickers .Cor-t sets. Viokers Corsets. Vickers Cor- sets. Vickers `Corsets, Vickers . Cor-.. sets. Vickers Corsets are the Best. T Every cloud has a silver lining and although. `-the blizzard of Monday and Tuesday was paralyzing in its inten- sity `yet when March is heralded in with such accompaniments it surely looks `like an early breaking up of the `winter, VVVVVVVVVVVVVYTYYYYVY V V V Y Y I; Locals Around Barrie A \l:lAE_ PENINGS or A` wmn:K._;t1;` Town `and V1c1nity-Condensed ...'l"""` :News"for Our Busy " Reader-3.: Last week at the Grand Opera Hoi1se,'l`pronto Gt lghly spoken ofby'To'rono Newspapers.` . . ` P1`iC9S-25. 35. 50. 75. Boxes $1.00- Plan at Robertson's Drug` Store Saturday. March 5th. ' ' -Ther'e's fa house famed for Dress Goods. It's Vickerisv. ` Orillia Bpard of '].`rade_is.co-oper- ating with `the Grand Trunk in is- suing a ?folde;r descriptive of the at- tract-ion ofcouchiching as a summer resort. ` _ . \ a `= H-f-Lidiest `buy your Corsets lat] Vick- ers and get what s right. _`-_..-,.... _ .._LI-x _..-- U10 unnu bun vv Jllltir -a -35-.-a -On Monday morning a sablef muff was removed from one of the cloak rooms at `the Central School. A re-I ward will `be givenofor any informa- tion leading `to its recovery. A. as ,o__ .---_.1,_-__. -_.....v.. |JCl:lL--\.I\.I.I.n\/vu: uv -gav.w . , The bhildren of the Baptisbsunday School `-were given a most enjoyable: sleigh `drive on Saturday afternoon` fol1~owed"by refreshments in the Sunday `School. - , um- ,_;-!-IL._ `|.---..... t... (1...- . -Good in "their goodr;<;'-evar y pair--Corsets at Vickers . nu _ La` s|,a___. _ LL- 1').....I.!..L Q.-....1.-.u lJu.l.ll1u-J uavuuv-0 _ `-Try `the `Specialty house for Care sets--Geo, Vickers. V - Owing to sickness Mr.V R}. R. Ga-` mey was unable to `speak at Angus on Monday. Mr. Haughton Lennox M. P. kindly oonsentcd to appear in his `stead at short notice, v-The best `place to buy Corsets. is Geo. Vi.ck~ers`L- , ,-.|,__ ______ _____ __;, \JUUo 1 ntvausu ' ,,. -Dressmaking` parlors now open at Vickers . ` ' ' ' ' -The only} Corset spcialist in town _--Geo. Vickers. Word wasmeceived in Bariie on Monday of `the sudden death. at New- castle on Tyne, of Major George Ro- gers. `brother of `Major Jos. Rogers and `Mr. Frank Rogers..of `town. Particulars are not to hand ylet 2iv- ing `the `details of the `sad event. The `deceased `had never visited Ca- nada. " ANTED--A Good Cook and Huaemaid. Ap.-T. ply no High Street. V _ _ 3 - .-LadiesI `dorm; experinent, but buy the correct v'thing in Corsets at Vick- ers . ` ' v ' ' ' `The Board of Trade and the Town Council met on Friday to talk over matters connected witlithe town s interests and it is probable that the Council will appoint delegates to at`- tend the meeting at" Peterboro of. the_`-Transportation Commission rela- tive -`to the completion of the Trent Valley Canal. ' Quite `a sensation has, been caused by `the `fact of an infant being recent- ly `born at the` County gaol. The mother lot `the baby was one of the woman mow .'oeing'.held on _a`char,.:e of `child-murders This `infant is said to (have `been still born and the fact that `the mother had given birth to it was_ concealedifrom the gaol offi- cials `for some ten "days by the con- cealment of the corpse beneath the `bed. Strange `to say. there will be no inquest. - ' ` - ' P. T. Barnum once said ;-"1 you have $19 to put to use. pay $10 for the article and $9 for the advertising- I can out talk any man but a printer. The man who publishes a_. paper and every week talks to a thousand men. while I am talking td one. is the man I am afraid of. and I--want to be hie- friend. The. business man who does not advertise is a poor stick. Trade `with the men who advertise if `.7011 want to get bargains and the worth of `your money; .:. _ IcO:lIIO Faro-V-,Fv-enlh and curse! Fish in area: variety, 0nten,d,zc.,nt B0'l`Ile. . wmms. w- a------ spy `Clyde Fitch`s popular pastoral D133 iLovers Lane," i`s to be presented at `the Opera House. on March 9_t1':. by the same oompanyaas that at the Grand Opera House. Toronto, 5 last week. This yvill be an exceptional chance to see in our own town a particularly good attraction. even for a city.\ The Toronto papprs all praise biith play and company.` For exam- ple. "the Mai1"and" Empire~`sa'y's it is ..'.`sweet and `wt-hole someT in tone. and cleyer in` `construction. a .The play is opresFented_ by a_ cast which in`_cl1_1de-- ceiferCa,l~ `c`ap'able - people. The `minor . were 99`!>.t.1?1 5 m191;: -. id *1!!! ""?*i9.:3ttin8' `V)?.fm1`:`.?h. s.a<`1mired:?'_j 1!? - _V V 10! 'lj`EA.8--:.'.I|:kon _q would OUR` CRITERION. _------?-"" ++++~:-~:~--~:--:-~w----:-+-:-~:---%:-+~:-~~++:~-:+4:- : { '.:'_=a=_:.I A THRILLINC wmca WAS Pnssmo THROUGH 37: _ ABARRIE BRIDE on asRsWi::D- _' DING TRIP. _ - .Mrs. James Gardhouse, Iormeny Miss `Mae Grose, of Barrie, passed through 9. .te_rrible experience a feav days ago, being a. passenger with her husband `on `the. `steamer ` Queen. book fire .while on the way to Van- eouver. Mr. "Noah Grose received `a telegram on Tuesday stating that Mr. and Mrs.,Ga1'dhouse had arrived safely `in Vancouver and were leav- ing for North Bay. A_ despateh from Port '1`_ownsend -gives the following particulars concerning the affair :- ALL-.. _.--.c.....:...,.. 1.1.... L........-..:...... ..-- l""` """""""'f "'""""'-` `-' "--" " ' After -suffering` tthe harrowing ex- [pe1"iences "from fire and storm. the steamer `Queen `to-day put in here to `report !the loss of 14 lives.- ,4<._. ._ J L____ ______.__. ________ lvv vrw-v .v--- -.-.V __ _._ __ __, Two menT`Tand two women passen- gers and ten of the crew were drown- ed. About 3.45 Sunday morning, while off `the mouth of the Columbia Ri- ver. firesbroke out in the after sa- loan. The` fire gained headway ra- .pidly. and soon threatened to en-- velope the whole ship. The heavy seas meant 'death to any persons sent away. in"the lifeboats. The flames Lecame more and more threatening. until when it seemed but a choice at either. death by fire or drowning. Capt. Cousins `ordered the lifeboais llaunsched. They were manned and a -number of women and children were `lowered into them. u.--v `r--\a\aI ----v -...v.....- Hardly had the boats -been cast loose than 2 of them` were ca.psizedl3y huge waves. Those of the passen- gers and crew ._who remained on board-._ continued their fight against the flames `with increasing success, until at` 7.40 a.m. the blaze was [brought under control. When it was seen that the danger from fire -was past. Qaptain Cousinsrecalled the lifeboats and their occupants were taken aboard. o The Queen, was headed for `the mouth of the Columbia, and about 9 o'clock the steamer Santa Monica was `sighted. `The Queen signalled `and asked thevessel to stand (by until temporary repairs could be made. _W'hen `everything had been made safe the Queen continued on Co the mouth of the Columbia, only to find the seas onpthye bar -too rough to allow passage in. The distressed craft `was `-pointed Itoward Pugei: Sound, _when bad fortune still pur- sued, end` iwher. she rounded Cape Flattery she `encountered a terrific electrical storm. With difficulty she weathered the gale. reazched here without further mishap and proceed- ed `to Seattle, where she arrived about nightfall. ~ - - V bud: 11.: uuuuvuu Thewtown teams are busy removing the snow from Dunlop street. Pro-. [vision `should also be made for`lfre'e- _ J_LAI_- VIDIUU Buuu-nu axcu yv Luuuv L\I4I. u... u... `mg the gutters of ice immediately, as if the thaw continues under. pre- sent conditions `there will be :1 lot i of melted snow to carry off in a` bun`.- |ry: _' . 9 I I` 3 L- ut`lL2I.`l.... .... .6 LI... t`v|nv-\:!!(\ , 41:9- The 'tea,c-hers of the Barrie p-ublic `schools [met on Friday afternoon l_asL and discussed matters relative to mu- `tual improvement. Inspector Mor- gan presided, III` ,.L L--_._ -..- 1.---.. ..-_.._..:..... l-_'U.l. VVi.LV'.l..l!n.lJ--|.l.. 1:116 BJQVHIIUU U1` hqe. _only those wxslnn to learn the prmtxng trade need app y. - V vvl. nu. u .-.`~~ _.--_ V M-r. Robt. Cristoe. who has con- dueted av book-binding business in Ba :-rie -`for the past ten years, died suddenly `at noon on Wednesday. The `death of Robert Gould. who left; Barrie some ten years ago -to re- side` `in Toronto. occred. Friday last. The widow, who is `a sister of Mrs. Robert Bmchanan. of town. will have the_ sincere sympathy of many friends here`, '~aswilI the four surviving child- ren. L 1904. .I._y. _ . - ., The Children of the Empire dis- tributed fldwers a}: the Royal Vic- toria Hospital on Paardeburg Day. us 1,: ra_2_;_-- __-`L- `L-.. tutu-us The \Vil.bur Opera Company pre-' sented -La Mascotte, "The Chimes of Normandy" and The Bohemian Girl at the Opera House_lasi; week. Mr. Fox was unfortunately unable to" `tal_:e the leading part on account of -sickness, but notwithstanding the awkwardness of.` the situation the company `thoroughly delighted those who were in attendance and if a return date ban be arranged a most liberal" patronage would be assured. :.-.--L----. . The paragraph entitled `fPerished in Pursuit of Prey. published in the Advance of January 28th. .reminds the `writer of a. similar curiosity, seen a `few monthsego in Christ Chunleh C9'the'dral. `Dublin. In- the crypt is a. glass case in which are` preserved the `skeletons of a." cat and a rat,ta.k- en tsome years ago. out of one of the `organ 'pipes,- where they are sup- ..po',se_`d to have been lodged for about two p1_1pund!_'ed-- zy`ears. ',l.`he( velocity with? which the\ eat deoended the in- fte`i:io`r- ` bf-?'1:he.:epipe. wedged her tight- .:ly.-.ethe;i-qp;3g.ing _b"eo'a.me smaller and :99;11&i!Izlet%?iiiI9r38Pd"U10 1`8`=- W139- , :11 ._ \ IV &IlVl-I CLIIBG-U -av ffi;).` !_,s not; ra_o'o_rded. - Imra, M. E..`Gr 3/Wti! G G bl ` i11du _ ch; .13 I ; ` Anotheg .iJry jltem." EXPERIENCE W O 0000000092 Fox SALE-_-Toronto Incubator mew. no on! capacity. Apply 3: Charlotte troot. - 9'" Y7 VVY YYVVVVVVVV Social and Personal ' `Mrs. A. S. Burton is visiting friends in` Aurora and Toronto. FranlZ;T"1\(dfoCarth-griwas up from To- r,onto_for a few days last week. IKE-.. 1|r__,_ 'II1"I1 _ L I `M. M. J. [Fraw,le(=.Ty7i(.;11':;,i)e1n`dingia. ew fe\v"weeks in Arkansas.` ' __ --v~. ..v- \n|nJ -.p --uuu "naval `Miss. Ma;yV'5'fillmot is able to be [out again after several days illness. `||)l'_;`.' If (1! , -, I nu I I `i:r5s} i{:{{um'y' `[.{{ 133 w1 1'{TcS visit her sister, Miss Dean in Pasade- na, California. 1-.-1'\Ii;s Hartt. Mulcaster St.. is taking weekly lessons from Prof. Tripp in .Toron to. 1ur_.' 1-79,. A _ .. \aqv\-u ---rr -` ' , V T Mr. Vin _Meeking was up from Aurora `for `a few days, during -the early `part `of the week. 7(3:_3.7I7'l$*'p1r1"17`,i Arfihje "{{7ei;.""" W _ Dr. Arnall was confined to his re- sidence T with `a severe cold during` `the early part of the week. |' `Miss "Be-atrice' Williams; 1 friends `will be p1ease_d to 1 that she is improvim: in health. l`! 0u#C. ` Mr. `Frank Itogers left on Wed- nesday to resume his official duties at, `the Hbusevof Parliament. Ottawa. . Miss Jessie McLean has been spede ing the last couple of weeks as `the guest of the Misses McKee, Mary St. V M19. Wm. Moo`!-`e Went to Toronto on business last Monday and was stormstaycd in the City forseveral days. .. .\ -... 1:\/Irs. (Rev.) Thos. McKee left Wcclnesday to- participate in the VV. 0. T. U. week of prayer `(sgrvices in Hamilton. Hr. Dan Quinlan, County Commis- sioner, has `been elected a member of the Legislative Committee of the :\Vestern Good Roads Asso. Mr. Dick Powell has been confined to `his home with a bad attack of grippe since zhis return from playing hocke' with :the Juniors in Listowel. Mr. =J.vM. Martin went up to 0riI- lia Ion Monday to spend a few hours on (business; The storm persuaded him _ to dengthen his stay for a few days. '"v Orillia News-Letter-Miss B. A. Walkin,` of Barrie. is spending $1 couple of weeks at Mrs. G. Cunning- ham's. The Stayner Sun says-"Mr. and Mrs. Devlin were in Barrie this week. Mrs. Devlin remaining several days with friends}! i _ VMrs.` R.`A. Stephens has`been-suf- f_ering `from a severe attack of rheu- matism for the last fortnight. On Tuesday `she `was removed to -the Royal Victoria Hospital. 3_9nY WANTED-At The Advance 0:- ('\...I.. I-`-unnn uuv:u`-u:untu L1` `nnun Magistrate Ross was able to be down `town on Saturday and receiv- ed t1"warm welcome from many friends. This is `the first illness he has experienced in fifty years. Mr. and Mrs. John Devine, accom~ panied by `Miss Rita Dcvine. are leav- ing thisweek fora trip to California. They `will remain in Los Angeles un- til "Mr. Devine recovers his health. Mr. J. C. McKeggie. for eight years president of the grain section of the Toronto Board of Trade was present~ ed with a handsome silver loving cup by the members of the sectionron" his birthday. on Monday. - L." P. Duff. K. 0.. of Victoria B. 0.. formerly a teacher. on the staff of the` Barrie Collegiate Institute has been appointed to the Supreme Court bench of that province in the place of Justice Walkem. who has resigned. Mr. Duff was one of the counsel be- fore the Alaskan Boundry Tribunal. which met in London last summer. \Vhile residing in Barrie he was unit- ed `in -.marriage to a daughter of Mr. `Henry Bird. Many friends here will extend congratulations. ADDRESS BY "SP1RTALITY-- WHAT IT IS AND WHAT 11' Is. NOT. 1 \ The meeting called last ,week by the W. C. T. U. for special praver was `poorly attended. Presumably because of-the extreme cold but it was noticed -`that an afternoon tea the same `day was largely attended. We discriminate `in our devotions ap- oar~e.ntly. Those `who were at' the prayer meeting enjoyeda `rare treat in listening to Mrs. Blanche Johns- ton_ on Spirituality! what it is. and `*.v.ha`t it_._is not... It is not sentimen- tality, or an ebullition of feeling. stir- ring `the emotions. Neither is it` `spasmodic in character. Nor Phar-_t .f88ib8l ;_in` its practice. But isa cloa- - `gen gellowship with God. 5 A desire for 91999 frelations with Him.ae'nk-:- *the_{,writt'e1'i`'and pr _ che!{_::' .{ $1.00 PER ANNUM` '_smaLn: corms mvn CENTS LUIILGLLGQ 5133 van --v--_-3 - `::'8o:_nfv`v_hergf2t V with, good ;ee_ot. `MRS. JOHNSTON TRAYE1) OR STOLEN from Loveriu `I, Camp, Lot 8, Con. x of Voapm. Ibout tho I5 of Fcbruary-a Hound. In W! `' `mi ` Cocker S niel. black and curb . Nl P""_ iving in ormation to Chas. Durufordo `l|M3 50., will be rew':u-dad and any person retaiuin them after this notice will be reoponlibo ca DURNFORD. Ruuclton. ' ` - ' ucuu Luuuu-..-.uu u. .u.. ..,.--._...-- BARBIE B .A].\T.O'2EI A general Banking Business conducted. Drafts issued on all parts of the world. De`- posits received and interest: allowed at high- est rate. ` V- - MRT9}`L1'-E.- cu our.- (Con l;1:;l;ufed.) many, lehrd `JD --cu. vault. uusuuuu Ivy HUGE IIITIIBI 9| 3|` wife from Rmlwav. Power I-louu. lea ame, Th Ir f!Inc`i Bast Hon? cgunoctlou Wiiithh 9 ot a` I O olocttic, 7 duced 0: 31: pgaglol. Fm : hnnhlr` patina` apply to Room :8, 9 TORONTO 813. Toronto. to; o LET--PENINSULAR PARK HOT Popular Summer House `situate on the cm of Lake Simcoe, reachedbybontuorvicn or cub. wge ouch.- lrf and Hunt Hanna in cnnnnctlnn u-Iolu nuns`. cl: loan. a. ow well with splendid Iupplyhofiatf a caring orchard ofchoicofruit 39 Inns in when and about 10 mm ploughoti rad) M` p V 11]!` crop--al|foueod and under gtouudhdrliud. ` loll. Bank Barn qoxo. nope as: none Iullothor outbuildings. Largo brick with ._ eqllu, Toma my. Apply $0.10!`! I-_3N!!, 5 " Mtlluug. V _ ` ;<'._3- I r s -._--.-.- on REN'1`-A you tux-nigh V ..,."""%V Qfnilln `nu -nngblnmn au.J- :A.-n-`nmn`&I'nh;-..`: I-'\._u.1n l:I.l:aLV'.l'-A W011 IIIFIIIIIIW .A 1'09!!! r*se::::.:.:..=::*.*.:':~,:.-.:*..:'.:.!=::%~*-J t o lloohnnloi` ~.1_n-tmrga IIIIIAJ ii -Ann-dln. ACRE FARM FOR SAL!---`l`h`o ,WoIt Half of Lot '4, no; VH9?!-9' xoo acrn`.al| cleared and nude: v , dz. Iowa. flow with who I1; -` , nan: in did: tin: ofchoinfmlt. an Bank of Tortmt_u_ ogv - . ., _ . 5; John R. Lamb. :.4mGm..$ 3z--:~-:~~:--:-~::~~:--:--:-~:--1-~~~:~-:----sow--:--::~o:-:y:~-:- Lover's Lane +++$++++++++++++%++ Established 1890 Phone 146 W. F. DEVER 6:. COV Stock and Bond 7 BROKERS ` Direct wires with all Exchanges. BOSTON. NEW YORK. CHICAGO and TORONTO. smrxucs BANK DEPARTMENT Current rates of interest allowed oxyac- nnunts LI.l'!6 and Small. Advances made to` farmers. Sale Nofed discounted or collected and a. general bank- ing business conducted. . CAPITAL PAID UP $3,oo0.ooo RESERVE IFUND $3.1oo,o_oo to- 4-I6 Totai cat .,-,---,--- Prenld em -- Andrew Thbmqon Vl(-e- President Hon. John sharplo Gen ! Manager G. H. Balfour. ' _.. . ._.-.-.-u--rn 131:: A-Ix-rr~1'1=" I The value of an Emulsion of Cod Liver Oilidepends IIFPOII its freshness and the wav it 15 made. cw Emulsions are as carefully prepared as ours; those in general market have been bottled indenitely and are seldom fresh.. In order that our Emulsion may - intervals. EMULSION of COD LIVER `OIL is the remedv that physicians must rely on for the cure of Throat. Laryngeal and Bron- chial afiections. and those debilitating eon- dituons marked by poor nutrition or impov- L`l'iShCd blood. Our Emulsion is pleasant to I i , I always be perfect we prepare It at frequent | ' I take and is good for children or adults. ! Emulsion ciao. Liver on; Robertson's` BARRIE. References-Duon's Commercial Agency, Dominion Bank. Toronto. ;-:1} Bank of Commerce, Barrie. auted--At oncea Dining room girl and _a; Chambermaid. Apply atjthe New Barrie USE 0-0 GOOD OPEMNG for smart our Man to V .le'arn-the business at GEO.VI KE 5'. 9-9 Large Size, 65 ms. .._... AT _.._... : JR SALE-_-Toronto Incubator now. IIDOCC` Drug Store J V Opposite Post Office BY CLYDE FlTCl:I :f J . S'|_'|N. SON, MGR-.' Tan BEAU'I"lFUL SCENIC PASTORAL DRAMA NE W ADVERTIS EMENTS o 4111. No. 9 WHOLE N0. 3609} SAMUEL WmsLnY.. Proprietor, or interest auowcu . counts Large -- Iau.\avI\, |DUNLOP STREET :3: Bank of Commerce, name. .3. 6 +++++++++++++++++++++++ om`. 1 SIXTY I ZDAYSI Fur Goatsl lg Coal! coals; a Fresh Mined. Clean. Dry. Briahh -Q 93.9. SALE! +4.. ; ~ ` FARM TO RENT \ The farm procrty of the late David Davidson, ` situated on Lot 0. 3:. th Concession of Essa. con- sisting of too acres mg 1 mile from the villazeof Anvi. All parties interested will apply to JAMES DA IDSON. Breutwood P.0. 8-top Mm no tiatake! mm), wow 01:` . TORONTO STREET. Office--91 Dunlon Street, Barrie l'U&"1U IT 1i"II`I We have I. large amount of Private Fund: to land 4} and 5 per cent. on the security of ood farm Mortgages. McCARTI-IY. BOYS & URCHI- SON. Dunlap Street Barrie. . LATI-I AND SI-IIQNGLES` l Sealed Tenders mu-l::d "Tendere for Fire Hell" } will be received by the undersigned up to WedneIday,'Mnreh 16:11. 1904, at 12 o'clock noon. far the following works: .[`he erec- tion of 9. new Police Court, Council Chamber. Lock- up and Stables: and for alterations and improve- ments to the Fire Hall buildin in the town `of Barrie. `Tenderewillbe receive for the whole or for the verioue trades. Plans and e cations mav be seen at the office of the architect, Thou. Kennedv. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. . E. '1`. TYRER. 8-9 Chairman of the Fire and Police Committee LIME. . % CEMENT Assmms mmun T0 umanlmnnsl In the matter of BUCHANAN 8: PEN- STONE of the town of Barrie in the county of Simcoe. Hardware Merch- ants. lnsolvents. Notice is hereby given tha.t,Robert Buchanan and A. W. Penetone. trading under the name. style and firm of Buchanan Penstone. I-latdware Merchants. have made an Assignment to me of all their estate and effects for the Eeneral benefit of creditors under the Provisions of hnpter l47t R. S. 0. i897 and amending acts. T . . ~ A nennntlna nf Ce-ndhnnn will ha Iuuhl ntlhn nm nf ameuamg acts. - A meeting of Creditor: will he held atthe office of` my Solicitors. Meear_I.. M.;Cnrthy. Bo &Murchieon at the Town of Barne. on Thur-sd_av e zoth day of March 39:24 gt 11.30 a. m. to recewea` statement of affairs. appomt inspectors. and for Ache ordering of the affairs` of the estate generally. ` . ' All ....-.m.. chiming to not unun the estate of parties entitled thereto, having re the aifairs` ot the estate generally. All person: claiming to rank upon the estate of the said Insolvents must file. their `claim: with me, with the proofs and particular: thereof. required by said act. on or before the date of such Meeting. and after the a8th day of March" r9o4I shall proceed to distribute the assets of the sand debtors among the arc! only to those claims of which '1 shall then have gadvnotice. and I shall not be liable for such uuetp or any part thereof to any person of whose claim I shall not then have received notice. _ -. J. R. HAMBLY. Anni nee. e A McCA_R'I`HY. BOYS&MURC ISON. - Solicitor: for Anignee. Barrie the 27th February l9o4.- , ` 9-19 AND` runs EVNORTI-|WE_S'l' LANDS ran SALE &-U c ESTABLISHED 1865 Capital - - $2,500,000- est $1,000,000 Thomqon m.....p.-.-...mem Hon. and informationto ` l ;+;.;`..; ;;,.;",:.:.;`..: | 6-13. unmet AND am! These are the coldrs of the _ -. GOAL AND.WOQD M|GKlf.lWM[HI330l.l All the bags quality and uaranmed. -"'1 """" "". . :"-"" Try `a ton. It will certainly please I you. ' ' ' '< PHoNE 88. Li 1 Nut,` LSt:ov'e, Eglg Grate I Otce 41 Dunlop St. ' Yard Mot of _Mary St. spnmc srvuss IN HATS coming in diily nap RIVERVALLEY LAND a LOAN co. $AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA J` '"Phnes&33 a.x1_1_l:.'87. % V % 1 Mined. Clean, Dry. Bright _Th9 .3?'393.'. 9 HURRAHI MONEY TO LQAN. ---o wmm at----' * M TENDERS. IN ibis`. -W; heilnox. Ascot. BARRIE. Vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv |