Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 21 Jan 1904, p. 1

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:03 .aa muurance agents and conveyance:-e undenthe rm `name of Sara ie&Smith at Barrie.0et.hu been this day diuolv by mutual consent. All cfebte due to theieeid rtuerehip are to`be paid to Ting. Smith at hie '0 over , I-hmbl & Baker's afdwue Store`; Ogen Street and ally partnership debts to be M y me ' Notice of Dissolution afrrartnorship 1 `* NOTICE is hereby given that the co-partne rehip henetofore subsisting between the undue node: I use cl Co `e een nder 5 'n::':?cfsc:o8;:i.&smu an. .v3.`.::.-n.'.'j... s..... 3.?! '-was ' . Barrie. 11.`... so; 1954. Take notice that the General - Annua Meeting of the West Riding of Simeoe A ricnlturnl Joint Stock` com ny will be held onwe neednrgthe 2'lI.h~ It 3 P-me. in Council Chamber. in the Town of Battle. , .._, By order of the Board." . 3-3 I ` FRED. MARR, Sam-Ala pr, Wet Riding of Simone Agrioulturai] Joint Stock 00.. | -_._.. 1... \IvnaJ\JIa\4.lJ IICIDD ..I.l tfernoon. . Mr. Fraser Jwas an pld pioneer of this vioinity.'bei?ng 85 years old at the `time of ,his death. -.....-- sauna-I518 but: yuan WU\'5ln " - The fuheral of `the late Mr. James Fraser took plaoe at A the English Church Cemetery last Sunday (af~ +.k"I'\l\l'\"I M1` `lwuunknn-nun 3--A -- A-- SHANTY BAY *At the annual meeting of the Me- thodist Sunday School. the following officers and teachers were elected- Supt. .R. Williams: Asst. Supt. Jno. Sanderson: Secretary, H. Palk;Trea -V zsurer. B. Sanderson; Librarian, Alice Malcolm; `Organist. Ethel Williams: ,Teachers.. Jno. Sanderson, Fred Palk. Mrs.` Sanderson, Mrs. William. Miss `Brownie-e and Miss Clara Campbell; Assistant "Teacher; Mrs. Jas.- Ha-rt; 'I'2.._-.. - I """ __._ via-on`! vu:'vJ..|\'1J. g All]. n 0 550 11311` La fsss Ethel` and Alena Williams have been visiting in Barrie and In- `nisfil during the- past week. 4' ' I 'l"l-an I!nJ........l -c 11.1.- 'I-1-- 'I'-- "' new 1. l`alJ"l'llI. L 111' UL on retail trade and agents for manufactunn house having well established business; loal`tern- t salary Saopaid weekly and.expense_' . money advanced ; previous experience unnecessary: position permanent; business successful. Enclose self-addressed envelope. Superinteudent'Trs.velers. 605 Monou Bldg., Chicago. _ 48-3 The engagement: is announced 0!- Miss Muriel Atkins. eldest daughter of_ Mr. and `Mrs; Elliot Atkins. of Kil1ingworth."_ Eglinton. ;to Mr. Harry Strathy. eldest son of Mrs. J. A. Strathy. _ . - _ Dr. and Mrs. Moher and Miss Mc- Donald. of Orillia, passed through on Fridayevening on their way home from-Toronto. They attended gthc opening _of the Legislature. ' Mr. F. S. ,'McCluskey. of Peterbo-, ro. is visiting his sister. Mrs. W. R". Mick. Worsley Lstreet. Miss `Edith Moclusskey. of Orangeville. is also a guest of Mrs. Mick. V Mr. James Keenan ' is `.'renove._ring from a very serious attack of bl_ood-- poisoning. resulting from `D. Vpeoul-.` iiar growth on the thumb. I ~ I Misses Kathleen and Mabel Powell are able to be out again after being confined to the house during the week with illness. `7 ANNUAL MEETING. Miss Mau d-`Proctor. who was fhe guest of Miss Grose. has returned to Toronto Ito resume `her studies ; at I-Iavergal Coll-ege. ' } Rev. J. Pift Dewis?came up from Toronto on Friday to visit his brother. Mr.YD. Lewis. who is seriously _i".- T Mr. Thos. Keonedy was in Toronto last week. attending the annual meet- `ing of the Society ,of Architeous. Miss Wild; Malone, of Owen Sound. who was the guest of Mrs. Jack Dy- ment, has returned home. WANTED AT ONCE-For Mauitobh-a am od class reliable Tinsmith;-steady employment. wages. ~ Apply 303 Drayton, `Ont, or T. H. HALE. \Vinnipegosis, Man. - 2-3-p .-.- snvunnone vaav yawn VVUULI Mrs. Charlie Clark was `up -from Newmarket.,,last week ,- for 9. day or ztwo. ' .._ . .. -._ Miss M. Lennox weeks with her Black. Craigvale. Miss Ida`Le\;is. of Utopi.a.Vhasv been home for some days during _her fa- ther s illness. ' - ~.nv vv vvno I 7`3Er. J. E. Black. of Sihta1nta.Assa., is spending the winter. with friends in this vicinity. `wL`&'1'.1_. (Dr.) Smith has returned from Port `Hope. where she has been vi- siting her parents. " ' ' `ht- 1' 13 are , . . -- - U-QMILIVDO Minns has been confined `to the house with illness for a por- tion of the `week. .--v... vs-o-nu; vv uyvuu uuuuayu - Mrs; Thos.. McKee has been quite ill during the past week. `IA ..- nm.-'_l:_ 1-n__u, , - `Mr. `Charlie Carmichael {was `hp from Varsity to spend Sunday. MR3-av man 'A'..`D'.... L-.. L--_. ____sL- r3 Nolice.to1`% Creditors. FARM FOR SALE--150 acres all under cultiva- tion, well fenced and watered 3} miles from Barrie. good buildings and good orcll l'f`.O. BOX :98. Barrie`, 2-5 ard. Apply to _._-.- -- Ir. J-|nIvI0I" yCIlII'r gyu: -srkxiraar `& s ' - , "Anus scnoaem. HOS. SMITH. ' is spn`din.'_` a fw Lsister. Mrs.` :VJas. Prices were firm. on Saturday and produce was marketed inllarge .'qu.n-' .titi.e's considering the weather _and -the state hi the feeds. 'l3\`1t'_t'.e1j_V sold? at" 180.. eggs from 25'to 3Q_ce1;;~9hick`-{ ens` soc. to h $1.00.. tow} 5oi}t'o;' .,75c.'., and "39d'i 99 per ,!b- _. A report from the \Board of tWorks was received stating that the wharf at Allandale required re-building at a cost of $1,500. .The suggestion was made that the Dominion Government be asked to contribute `$1.000 towards the expenditure. , .The report, was -adopted.` ' ` ' ' . I ` _ -__ - -c\l |l\I\lI\I|rJ I On motion of Aid. Stephens and Coyvan. the. `directors of the Barrie Carriage Co. and citizens who will be effected by the closing` of John St., are invited to attend the next com-A mittee meeting of the Council. Mr. George Ball -was appointed `on. the Board of Health toreplaioe Mr. Jno. Rogensan. ren s Aid Society. --vvvn v vul . . . On motion of Aid. Ross and Tyrer a grant, of_ $50 was made to the Child-1 ni` ___`_3A__ A A` 1 An- - paid for repairs `to smolitstack and $83.90 for re-,winding two amatures on old are machines. On Permanent Repairs $154.50 was paid for over hauling Brown engine and $366.84 on a new line on Dunlop street; The De- benture and Interest for the year was also paid. After these amounts have , all been charged to the Operating Ac- ; count there is still a profit of $171. 1 62. On Plant Account, the -, system was installed during the past year. according to the wishes of the ratepayers at a odst of $1,800. A ', fuel saving devicewas also put in at 1- the works at a `cost of $270. which saves the Department about 15 per cent. in fuel. Three new transform-. ers costing $375 were put on Dunlop street, which enables us to give a much more satifactoryV lighti . A longer service has also been given K the consumers for. the past four ' months, light being on at 3 o'clock `_ daily. In the near future it will be auIuAD\1' xy Iv uvnxnb - ratepayers. or Order`.-in`-`Council to -raise the sum` of. say. $3000 to in-- stal. a new alternator of `the same- type as present one,-also -to erect new brick stack and -to purchase -meters for future demands. In` "the Water Works Department the extensions on John St. North and Blake street. for which $3,000 was raised, was finished v during the last summer and four ex- tra hydrants put in. In addition to this a small main was laid on John St. also a-.main was run -from Charles St. This work was all done within the $3,000 raised. In the operating ac- count of this Department the fuel has also gone up largely. being due to the advance in . price of fuel" and owing to a:-large number -of leaks in mains. The number of gallons of water pumped-was greatly in advance of previous years. In the Expense "Account again $75 was expanded in repairing leaks -in Allandale exten- sion. The Debenture and- Interest" for this Department has also been; paid out of operating account. The net result` for "year shows `profit of $87.-'-' Received. meter- 1 necessary for the own..b,v vote of. the A North. west of Bayfield street, and ' to Owen street on John St. North`. ` ' T 'WAN1`ED-FAITHFUL PERSON TO CALL rptail trade an`d_a_ge_ns fgr maugxfacmring km... 1...... .. -.4II %SA l`URD_A 'YV MARKETS .. w- nca van`: 1' IQVVL III C$2V `ulII.I..I"-IKJCQ wThe Light and Water Commissiom ` ers przeseznteada statement .for the past i year as follows ;-In theelectrio light department. the expenditure has again increased. The Fuel account for the first six months went up enormously owing {largely to Vithe price of `coal, as a -result of the strike- last winter. The Expensek account was also unusually large_,___ $75 being .....:.a c-.. ...__...:_.- .u.. _..,S, s-..v...-.n .nI\4b.l|b'llIJ\ll\Il.l GVUGPHUU M-is-.yor Boys reported that for. the present the Government would take no h1'rthe~r~ste`ps in the.` matter of lowering the water in `lake Simcoe. II1L_ T0 I Cq . 44 .F`I1`v1:e1_1;_'.Tohn _ Rogerson. ieignihg from` the Board_of Health V and sug- gesting that the Council remunerate. the Medical Health Officer and In- spector for the extra amount t of work don'e by them durigt the last 18 months.-Resigh;1tion accepted. line... I)....... ....__-_J..-.1 L'L.L :- - W].*`1-`.;I-1.11IFdI-rs. _G`l;;i`fo yle.A asking `to "have" the roadway opened up `between her residence and that of Mr. Spearin.'- Recevied. Fro}; the "Children's Aid Sbcity. `asking for the use of -the Town Hall on January 27th.--Grant_ed. 1'.I..,__- If It I Mayor Boys presided at _a shurt session--of the Council, which 3. was held on Monday evening. The other members presentwere Ald. Moore, Ross. Stephens. Tyrer, Turner; Cow- and,- MoLean_ and Poucher. ....._., r&`Cj\t\~&l` (Alan: J. UIIVLIULQ Communications were received follows ;- T T " ANN um. BIsBu3'17)_1ITrHm mam AND 1 - wasrmn COMMISSIONERS" WAS sunmmmn. -- T V A COUNCIL MEETING %Lwi-M'E'I--- .Q_E_MENT- I On Tuesday night a. snow-plough .speci4a.l_was. sent out on the Penetang ` bl`?-nhL`At9_"-relieve. the vacated morn- ' " , i;asdnger:train. which was stall.- :,(vh"i1.'t.sj between Phelpstonv -wvqvl\rLA Ihv uuv \.lI.l\IAo Manager Powell announces a concert for Monday, January 25th; which will prove a great` `treat to Barrie s nu-. , merous music-.lovers. The artists are Mrs. Cushing-.Child,V lcontralto so- loist. of Boston`; Miss Mabell Stanley Leonard. reader and entertainer. of Detroit. and Miss Georgia . Turner. violinibte. The company is under the managementof Mr. W. Spencer Jones. who handles the best Concert Com- _ panies which visit` Canada. In ta com- plimentary` notice of over a column in length the Peterboro Review speaks in the highest possible terms of the highest `possible -terms of the `car- tints. The fact'th'at Mr. Jones is in charge should be '6 stifficient guar- anteefthat the cbmpany is high-sclass and `will rank with the best that.has ever vifsit-ed t'he;'town.~J V n -- 2... .1. , Rev. C. O. Johnston will deliver his jlistly` -pdplar lecture. Seven (dif- ferent persons. of whom your are one" in the.Collier-St. Methodist Church on Tuesday . evening. 26th. Miss J essie Thompspn. of Berkley St. Church.` To- ronto. will sing. The public arecor- dialily invited to hear Mr. Jdhnston, `who is one of the `most brilliant` or- ators-. of the day. Voluntary contri-. bution `at the door. Box (`hm-olsuut-vi. the purest and but 8! BOTWWBlL S. Grand Opera House. Jan. 27th. R. L. Milligan and local talent -will pro- duce the rural coinedy drama Uncle Joshua" on the above date; Mr. Mil- lig-an has in his `possession a notice given him by the Northern Advance Sept. 11th. 1884, twenty years ago. when he played here in the farce `co- medy Nip and Tuck", stating Mes- srs_Baird`and Milligan are excellent on `the stage. and made, during the course of`th_e evening. many hits. ---...- u-- -v yup: `-A lot of le1;)ns, slightly damaged selling off at 100. per dozen at James Vair"s. - ' ' `nu...--ac vvggpr vnavu-L A -.-vla ies of Crown vllill _Metho- `dist Church will give `an entertain- ment on Monday evening, Jan. 25th inIst'.- Elocutionary recital by Miss Laura Peffer,_of1 Toronto, gradu-' ate of Whitby College and music by the Collier St. Church rquartette. Refreshments will be served after the entertainment. Admission. 25 cents, cildren 15 cents. .- -One of the worst cases of asth- ma ever, known, was Mr. Sim, of Leamington. He suffered from- as- thma and bronchitis for 28 years, but has been completely cured by a new .t1-catment and will send particu- lars to anyone troubled with asthma or bronchitih. Write E. Sim. Box 125,. Leamington, Ontario. 'L_ g` 1- ;. vu-in can .. V`Vz"X-trivt-s'.21v1-1-1;-1;'e1l meeting on "Monday the Barrie Carriage Co. elected the following officers.-President, F. A. Lett; Vice-;Pres.,V N. 'Dymen`t: Sec.- Tr'eas., "T. T. ' Young; Committee, L. Evely, J. C. Irwin, J. R. Hambly. W. C. Hunter,,H. H. Strathy K. C. andg)r. Sxpith. _ -' _ auu 111'. t?LI.l.lLu. '- . _ --Speczal run on fme sweet Mexxcan Oranges. 150. per `dozen a. James Vairh} Make no miatalie ! YARD, FOOTLOF _ TORONTO STREET. ffice-91 Dunlonstreel, Bargig j- -o..- --...--- W`-EC-"ae{vil1e Oranges at James Vair s, 200. per `dozen. ` -A1 :1 I .. '--- - ZThe"z1ririu;1i';n.eeting of the mem- bers of _ the Congregational `Church will be held this evening, when tea "will be served and schemes discussed in connection with raising the church debt. _ _ - .s- ; `Mr. N. Hughes has sold_ his p:';-; perty on Owen street, to Mr. George Sneath. of Midhurst. ` The Copeland Brewing Co. (this year again issues its very handy and complete little vest pocket reference annual of athletic and other sporting events. ' 5 t I ` ` -WANTED-A Reliable District Ag- ent-to represent one of the oldest and most progressive Life Compan- ies in the Dominm-. To a good busi- ness producer a liberal contragt will, be given. Address--X Y Z, Advance Office. ~ ' ` o -:1. _,- .-- -..--_. --. - v---..u-v--J- blover Honey Qt Jan.-es _Vair`s, 10 cents per pound. !I'!'I_- rI;,__I-,_J r\,,, 0 rd 1-- Ln-rows "uus-mmon9u world re- nowned test: In black. arson and blend -alIo Ootfees aunornwnnms. 30 degrees below zero `on Monday night. `I win-manna inns: -as - n_..__.n_ ## , _,. .- ..-'_..- --v-uv `av u-v-any -.-.- it I-J--I` Judge Ardagh has sentenced the North` Orillia man. Pallister, to two months in goal on the charge of con- cealing the birth of an infant. The two Women charged with murdering lthe child will be tried in F_ebr.uary. 132..- `I`I,_ , if G. Soa_tt. . ` -Leve your coal o\rders with J. 3M+4+\+++'+++M+: I ++++++++++++++4++++++++++l zowofwwowkwwwwoo: VVVYVVYYVYVYYVVVVVV V779??? i Locals Around Barrie Snoigplough Accident HAPPENINGS or A WEEK IN Town end Vicinity. - Condensed News for Busy Readers. '. I The annual meeting. of the share-' . holders} iqtghre. Quaepfsv Hotel was` held day at rngqn When;.'_th0.~- {gIf The annual meeting in connection ; with the Barrie Tanning Company I was heldon Tuesday. when a very __ satisfactory statement of the year's , operations was submitted and a di- ,.vidcnd of 5 per cent. declared. The - following officers were re-elected.-A Presidcnt. S. Wesley: `Vice-Pres., M. J." l9`rawlc_v ; l\i[an:z:.g'ing Director. Jno. Sinclair; Sec.-Trcas., J. J. Gibson: Committee. Alcx. Sinclair` and Dr. J: ,0." Smith. Special services will be held in the Salvation Army Hall. Collier St.. on January 22nd. 23rd and 24th. Aspev cial meeting of members will be held on Friday_ the '22nd, at which Mrs. N. B. Johnston is... expected to give an address and bible` rea-ding. Saturday and Sunday the meetings will be con`- ducted by Brig. Pickering, Provin-L cial officer for central Ontario and ,Staff-;Qapt. tass. `the Chancellor.` 7The`meetings will be -interesting, and iinstroctivii. , All are welcome, +.:.$.-.-_'1.-`vI{:`V;'J-1.:e;`xr.icke acted Plaintiffs and W. A. "Boys (1 -'r p -,- ___..-- V- xuv vuujpallj y Lelrv counsel, Mr. W. A. Boys and red -served by the Judge . On Tuesday, last judgment was `delivered in the Company`s'favor, dismissing the ac- tion with costs, the Judge holding` that there was no contract between the plaintiffs and the G. T. R., their "cause of action being against the coal dealenfrom whom they bought the coal, and who was responsible to them, for its `delivery. It is -reported that Parker & Moren will appeal from the decision. 11` LAT:-I AND sl-lIN'GLEs L l i ' W`. " An action of more than ordinary in-` terest was brought by Parker .& Morren of` this town against the G. T. R. to recover the value of a car of coal which they claimed was receiv- ed by the Company and not deliver! ed to them. It was tried at the Coun- ty'Court last month before Judge Ardagh and :1 Jury when a verdict was found by _the jury in the plain- tiff's favor subject `to the determina-w tion of a .motion for non-suit made on behalf of the Company by their IA ,1 . cnnniuol `M'r W D------ O` .vu vvLuvuvLJ U11 unuuuay, I\UV W. H.-White conducting a service at the church. The pal]-bearers were Messrs. W. A. Boys. G. A. Radenhur.s`t'.` H. B. Joyner, R. L. Barwiok, E, E, Vwilliams and Dr. Wells. """ . ' ' The death occurcd on Friday last. of Clara Isabella Holmes. widow of the late David Holmes. Esq., at her residence on McDonald street. 1The deceased has lived in Barrie for the last twenty years and during that time her works of charity have been numberleiss. She was so intimately associated with Trinity Church that it `will be almost impossible to fill her place as a willing worker, who confsidered no sacrifice too great to make in the forwarding. of church Gchiemes. `Of a bright, sunny and lo- vable .`dispositlon, she b.umbered= her friends by the score and her solo surviving daughter. Miss Bertha. will receive their sympathy in her deep sorrw. The funeral took place to the Union Cemetery on Monday. Rev. -' T N .1XI'I.:+.-. ........1.--4.:__.. - _--'-- -'- AFTER MONTHS OF SUFFERING BORNE WITH CHRISTIAN FORT!- TUDE. DEATH or MRS. HOLMES ,--__ r.......~.. vz. 1.150 vvuxn WILL be given by Rev. Robt. Atkinson. of St. Giles Presbyterian Church. To- ronto.- The annual report of the Se- cretary will also `be read at this meeting and citizens will be givcn an opportunity of [becoming memt rs of the Society and contributing to its funds. . -__., .,.. - up..u.v.-.vl.1LD-`].InUVo I ; do ea. ditt. Sheriff Drury and Rev. Dr. Ma-' Leod. Secretary-Rev. C. S. Pedley. Treasurer-Mrs. Martin Burton. Agent-Chief King. An open meeting in connection with the Society will be held on Wednes- evengng next in the Town Hall at 8 o clock, when an illustrated address on various phases of the work will he (?:I`7nr| I... `I3... 15,: 1 An The annual business meeting of the local branch of the Children s Aid Society was held" `last week, when the following officers were `elected for the year. s , Prelsident--H. H. Strathy K. C. Vice!-(PreIsidents-Rev. J. J. `Red- AH-+ a1......::.-as ~n_-_ns - Cl-IILDR`EN S ATS AN OPEN MEETING TO BE EELD IN THE TOWN HALL ON WEDNESDAY EVEN IN G. . ~ u 1 .` Cough.Cure {31. oo1T>1:r: ANNUM IN ADVANCE '8lNGLE COPIES FIVE CENTS . . , Salvation Army. rie Tanning Company. G. T. R. Wins. SOCIETY -for the `for the A O%Oo5_0_- Our Quick Relief !___ vho pur THAT `Boris CURE "':i-=j~;"_1s"e?:'{:E:a: :.Li.~i'c5:a: A general Banking Business conducted. `Drafts issued on an parts of the world. De- posits received and interest allowed at high- est rate. ' W .` D.. MORTON. `Manager. ';_'H~-4`f&44'44M4-'+4"!4'4i Q'7' E ;-:14-i:lent V - Amew Thomson Vice-President Hon. John sharpie ~Gen9l Manager 111. B. Webb -FR A T T A T? " - '6' 0!- 3; John R. Lamb, g:.1::,g,.,,,$ P`?'?'4""4`3"'f"3' ``4"3"""9` 0UN|0NBNK0Fl}NADA - ESTABLISHED 1865 0.5%`. Capital 0 - $2,500,000 $I.000.000 0 _ And:-nun 'I`I|nIn nn `Lct,RR35P`.m,3,.3 1535. ,..`L.`. ? K ` -Io . Bank iurnntoi} ,,<..,._`- '6 117,72 WQCXIII Invests Funds in Mo agosit wood rib j v\ of Intorut or.:i_n-Rental cg:-ipg _{Pi-gpergiqbu ..-_ -- v_ uuu III CIBIUD seeded down. For f'ur'ther 3;:-t-ion : apulv to E.A. LITTLE. Es .. Allaudale P.O., STEWART & STEWART, licitors. 1-; Oweu.St.. Barrie. 2-5 go:-M-:s-. ~:--2-o:-s-1--as:-4:-an-z--s-oz--t--1-z--2-eta:-gxoez- ~s- g '1.-__=_I_a_ ' .2. BUYS AND SEALILS All the best quality and guarantefd. BAizim:. .... .. AT ` `V ROBERTSON S 3:33;? :OppoSite Post Offife 3: in A :1--- ____ ah mix: I P On -illiemwhole it is the best cough cure we have ever seen tried. It does the utmost possible good without possibility of harm. Pleasant to take, ` prompt in results, equally good for 1 children or adults. fails to do what is expected of it about once in two hundred times. At such ` times we desire to refund the money 4 paid for it. n...oI.m mknl- :5 :. 4.1.... I......a. ..-.....I. . Advances made to farmers. Sale Note) 4,. discounted or collected and 1 general hub ing business conducted.` .1. voL. LIII. No. 3 ` WHOLE No.36o8 SAMUEL Wzsuw. Pmprleoor. SAVINGS nun`:-5. unrnnxmnu 1. Current rates of Interest allowed on any counts Luge and Small. 7 R. H. HAYWARD g WWI N N I PEG` : Total CAPITAL PAID UP 3.ooo.o'oo mnsmnvm FUND 3.1oo.ooo- bv -- 25 team: Expgonp V--V . . SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT `....._s ...a.. At` :nl>nrAlf nllnuu-(I an ac PRICE 25 CENTS N EW ADW;iTl8EMENT8 c MONEY TO LoAN__. I a `noun nnnA----6 -1 "-5--*` ;Il5ffoU1aa% Farm Lands Wi11_nipag Properti_es... Cough Cure. . . . AR'l'MENT ' allowed ac- T Tl Small. rs. 3: Lgeneral - $ MANAGER ?t*r*:?:t+:%:%{.% m :Ot1'-I -uvvu ' 36-3-p `fr ! 2-5: unxuu uooul In one nntn--they are `the latest and I most impmvad Dye in the world. Try: package. All colors at _ A . I D. H. McLARBN'S`DRUG STORE; ~` 2-ti. | |A_gra1$MusicaI} Treat I Theie Dyes will dye Wool. __Cottn `Silk. me 0 Mixed Goods in one bath--they an` a latest improved Dva in tin world. 1'... ......|..... ~BEXALL_ . cleared an fortable c` _nnA4-6-1 LL. Tege Ea `tie '.c!c|.>l_:;s '0; tihe . f COALTAND BOXES M|GKl..[:Y[NI_%30Nl We have started thoueande of young people ' In successful business career; and can do the name for you .1-`he,9* new term opened wiuhe large attend- ance. We can Jest as few more, : Write for free information regarding . Gre Shorthend,Touoh Typebwriting, Boo eeping, etc. w. BRO OKS.~P1-incip a_l . oooooooooooooooogopoooooo unnNct~nnnMN1 3099000ooooooooooooooog g Coal! Cog!` a Fresh Mined. Cienn. Drv. Bright sxxwsr mrsrsl Fur Goatsi ggg SALEI uuvnr. I I U LUHN. We have a large amount of Private Fundi to lead 4} and 5 per cent. on the security of ood farm Mortgages. . McCARTHY. BOYS & l5URCHI- SON. Dunlap Stteet Barrie. . GRAND oP:nA I-nous: MON DAY, .gAN. %2`5 Mus. _BBR'l`BA CusumoT-7C1;n. n of Contrnlto. ~ _ f Mzss Mnnu. Suxan: I.oomum,oDatro`it.~ 188 I086! XIV!!! 9- trod. ` ' '~sawvion? isa:~' ~ % ~ Mn-ant; The Landing Hous fox"- ' A Everything Musical j AGENT FORTBE Hei:ii"z}i{a :i%':i.i:u. Piano The A Canadian`: Favorite J W `?`:.`;.`;...% waaarnem and solo Violinist. A V % M!s4}Y- SW03!` Jomg, AND was 7' .FOR_ . Oc 41 Dunlop St. V Ygrd toot of Mary St. ! MADEIEASY . LBOY WANTED-'At'The Advance Of- ttioe. Only thosewishini; to learn. the printing trwde need app y.. . ' ____________________________ Mined, Ciean, Dry. Bright _ N ut, Stove. Egg 6 Grate; Try" a ton. It will certainly plane I you. A A . 1 PHONE 88. J? .5?'3!`:" _F" 9: 5 srnmc STYLES IN HATS coming in daily SUCCES H _! H %F..-PC-3-ixrrettl -10 won by careful and ner- aintent; effort. To V young men and young women T it in -`---H-OWNED 1Y--;-i- - Phones 33 a.n:i-V.87'\' iTORONT0,0NT. HEIFER ESTRAY-Strayed from Lat xi." Con. -23. Innisl (the Morton farm) on the` ioth November and last seen on the 14th Concession on the nth of November laet--a two year old Red` Heifer with a little white on the ank. horns turtled in. The animal was roughly built. A. reward of five dollars will be paid to the pnrty giving satisfac- tory information of the whereabouts of 8-: above animal. GEO. LESLIE. Allandala- am- By tskidgi course of study at the '- nu` uruura wmn Fl Retaauamction. Household IN ran` tnrinsfs of 3Xnn_n'. 'rnx`.._cou1'rv or swoon mm was names. or CANADA-.001`! cnmmou. ;nvsl uneu. . ` ' And further takq notice that after said last men- date the executors wil!.proceed to distribute thauneu of the deoauedgamong ,:he~ parties en- ,hs.v.in*3} wand _oely 5fth0.`clIi3! -of `V `W _ ;.9h4l|.-;:thcn:3nIfnn9tc0- :5 - ' A. ` - 3/... - ,' r. .- _- on: -uv "1'iuh ay or"robrn`u-y, A.l). 1904, Their nn.mea..addroucn and dose;-if;;:;za and a utateuicnt of particulars of their c ' 3 and the na-- of.A _the 'nqq`u:ji_tNifanY) fuck! by quly _cqm- ` I In the Matter ot the Estate of Robert - Smith. 1:30 of the Township of - Been In the count! of slmeoe, L lien omen, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby `van, pursuant to RS 0. 1897, Chap.` :29, ._38, andgmendinicte that ell p_ereonI havnng claum , ggamet the state- of the and Robert Smuth. whe `chad on or eboyt Tthe Third day of December. 1903, are required `to send by Net, prepeid, or to dehver to Stewart & Stewart. Solncatore fortheegecutore of the eaid eetate, on I ._.9.=!~`-`fore thc, ` .. -'-u*.g_. .g,__ -, 4?... .. .-. -._ A __ BARBIE, COUNTY OFSIMCOE, ONTARIO. JANUARY 21, 1904, wry mxormavon ot the whereabout: LESLIE. Allandale.

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