Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 14 Jan 1904, p. 8

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_v__ _ v~-vl---- --_- Millinery at a half. some less. 1 Wool` Blankets and Comforters. Ladies Skirts. Ladies and Children's Coats. r Carpets. Flannelette Underwear. `Wool Clouds. Gloves. Wool Shawls. Ladies Fur Gauntlets. Muffs and Caperines. PRICES FOR CASH. neranca or EMPIRE. WOOL HOSE,`pla.in, in sizes 8%, 9, 9;, 10, a.- splendid V A i `% line'foroverstockings`, regular 25c, on sale at - :- REMNANTS of all kinds, including Cottc ns, Dress Goods, Shirtings, F]a`nnelette,e etc}, at a. fraction of their worth. CASHMERE HOSE, another bargain lot of Cashmere Hose -. that has marked this store as the leader in Hosiery, 2x1, 4x1 and fancy ribbed, all pure Wool, regular 35c., . 2 5 onsaleat ~ - - ' - .3 PRINTED WRAPPERETTES, id 15 patterns, regular 10:; and 12~c, on sale at - `- ' n O 7 Beautiful Wool WAISTIN in Elaines, Cashmerettes, Fahcy ~ Cords and _ Flannels, regular 50c., onsale 3 5 at - - T ` - - - I in splendid 1 7 - MEN S SUITSAN OVERCOATS AND ODD PANTS, a. very large assortment, all at a. cut . price for ve days only. ' ' V A Mid-winter Sal; continues ~ % % " Great Bargains for the thrifty % ` A _PrunlngofPrleoLs down to cost on Many A . I.lnosFNo_o!'dod%by Women, children and Men January, usua'lly`a dull -month, ls turned Into: U\npax_-sllclod. BJG %REDU(.V`/TIONS IN Men's Fur Caps. All _._...-_. ....D uv-v_ va-vrvvvus 97' `Pnmdent, Mr. G. Davidsop`; sect`, Ir. 1'. F. Cavanaghi Treas... Mr. D. `Milne; Ast.Treas.. Mr. Sid. Bald? ,win;,Cnmmittee. Mr. LW. F. Carmi- chael. Mr. Gren; Caldwell. V Mr. "R... -Botlwell, M_r.V_F. '-Oavanagh; Mr. ' Iliunhananz Property ~Ma-nager. Mr. J. `_,/4 .3 ` the ' Advance : _ Ggmajz Offer St; Catharines, Jun. 13.-Mru. W_._ H. Kottmeier of this city, n,roso ear- ` ly. yesterday, with the intention of 1 using. a.- gurgling-. `solution, `but by ` .miata.ke'_' t hold, of tho wrong bot- `tle, whi V contained qarbolio acid. Before 9110. bald discovered her" mis- ,, swallowed A somo'of_ the poin- om she will recover. Kingston, Jan. 13.--Philip Jarrell, aged 35, brother of. Capt. Jarrell oi the steamer North King, was in- stantly killed yesterday morning in the machine shop of the Montreal '1`ra.nspo_rta.tion Co. His clothing ca.ug.ht'in t-he ehaftingl as he was oiling the parts, and before reliei came` he" was hurled with" deadly forceegainst the ceiling. ' - > Two Elnora Killed. Sydney, N. 8., Jan. 13.-Two coal miners. Michael . Hunter, a cutter, and Charles J ohnson. a. loader, were instantly killed in the Glace Bay col- l-iery .yesterda.y. A prop was driven out `of place by the ring of a. shot and 3 portion of the roof fell. on `them, _ crushing out their lives. - you!-V0 The smoke and ames drove` the family `out and before the remen arrived Mrs. Macdonald was dead. The re caused $40 damage to the contents and $100 to the building. Mrs. Macdonald and her husband were pioneers in Nottawasaga town- ship, Simcoe County.', Four sons sur- vive--Alex. Macdonald, at Indian Head; Allan,'at Stayner; John, at Mimico, and Ronald, in Dakota. L George Parrish Broke in Neck. ` Bowiimville, Jan. 13.--A fatal ac- cident I occurred` ~ at Hampton. ve miles north of this town. Monday. by `which George Parrish, aged 75 years, lost his life. He was assisting` W. Allan & Sons to draw straw, and in descending from the wagon the horses moved sooner than he expect- ed. He fell backward over the load, breaking his neck. He lived in .full consciousness till yesterday morning. when death. came.- C1|_n-,u . __- _. in an 89th You. Toronto, J an. 13.-Firo In the house of Mr. Robert Murray. at 187 Manning avenue. at 3.15 o'clock yes-. terday morning, caused the death of Mrs. Allan M'a.cdQna_ld. of Sta.)/net, a widow, in her 89th year. Mrs. Macdonald was visiting her daugh- ter, who is Mrs. Murray's house- keeper. She had been ill, and, rising at 3 o'clock, carried the coal oil stove from her room. At the top of n the stairs she tripped and fell to tho blaze. _ ' . bottom. _Before the other inmates of the house could reach her she was 3 mass of ames. and a blanket thrown over her only added fuel to the erce. l lirrlblo Inc of Ru. Iscdoluld 6! 810330! In `roronto-nuouod Wu Busy ilma forus and-a protable one for You aunm-:0 TO DEATH. Uni Wrong Bottle. 1', ` VA" `meeting {vas held {Wednesday canning at 8 o clock in the Alpha . Q1111 rooms for `the purpose o'e1eot- -vingnffioers for `the year 1904; The following were; lected ;e_ "l"I`.'__'j-_.L `f_. I! ' IO M uuuuv. win-ma to In Death. . -""*-' \'II3QI&LV \,. I V: Tend be " ed ' f Six co.'5'.'om. :Wn.3 :."}-$37'i'a'i"Lsr3 balance Beach or Black Bitch. to v u III. at" SRIIIIIII Sat-jinn Na, I nun uau nuance Beach Black bitch. lgglriyaeaby March m. a; School Section No. x The Annual General :03;-(Of the Shareholders (and other: interested in the above Company)for the - election of Director: and other general business. will be held at the Secretary: ofce. Owen Street. Barrie. on Wednesday. the 271211 January. . 1904. at 4 o'clock p m. Dated nnth lamuu-v- nun, Th_eBa1'ria Union emotary difnpany umuumuu rlano uompany. Toronto: Wm. Baldwin. of the Central Bilsinoss College. Barrie. and C. M. Keil, of the B. C. I.. were with the band. Mr. Wm. Craig. book-keeper for J. Lo- vering. also visited fthe Minesing rink on Saturday evening. _- V... v-av noun bu one .l. I.`r5l(lU.Il0U OI ll`- and Mrs. Orchard, `iwhere {refresh- ments were served. site which -the boys. after the long drive. did amplu justice.` Mr. T. McLean and Miss R. McLean were present and assisted in entertaining the visitors "from Craig- hurst.:' The band made a fine up- fearance in their new uniforms and his visit to Minesing will long be held in Nfleasant rememberance by ktuemx r. W. Robinson.` of Shanty IBa'y and Mr. W. Crawford. of the Henntzman Piano Company. Toronto; Wm. (If DH1.u!n.`r.< ,____- ...v.u...u- uu.u.uuca.\ The band boys. 20 in number, pa'i :1 visit to Minesing on Saturday evening and serenaded the `skaters at the rink and on this occasion, as on so: veral {former visits. were hospitably entertainedby the residents of that village. This time the band repaired from the rink to the residence of Mr. n!` Mun (\_-L-..J \ - An interesting excercise on Hygeine and Heredity ,was conducted by Mrs; W. Johnston. Meeting closed with prayer; ,. - ' -_. .. .v-, .uuu.uuvuvv aU.l11lUl.l-c 1 Rev. J. H. Kidd met with a v_er_v painful accident a few days ago which will confine him within doors for some time; He was in the act of splitting a block of wood, when he received an ugly cut in the foot, rc- quiring several sl:itches.. fl"'I.... 1.--: I - { Mr. E. J. Burt, of,-Hillsdale, con- ducted the servibe ht St. \John s Church on Sunday. Mr. Burt preach- ed a very instructive sermon. Dr. 1' 11' 17: 1 '_I`ENDERSi FOR woon VMr. Stevens, of Buffalo. is the guest of his father-in-law. Mr. .J. Lambert.` Miss Jennie W:ilson. of Moonstone, is visiting her aunt'. Mrs. .Abra.h:am Craig; `hi I - - .UU`.t, at 4 oclocx p Dated nth Januarv, no 1.1-1- UTOPIAe The Christmas tree and entertain- ment given under the auspices of St. George's Sunday School was an un- qualified success. It reflects sgrt-at credit upon the organist and all who took part. It is to be -hoped that our promising local talent will soon he called upon again to furnish a use- ful and enjoyable program Santa Claus was`on hand and contributed `much enjoyment for the children. j$: SCHOOL SECTION NO. 1 CR0. I-__ '4! L _ , , IN THE COUNTY __-----gpc dvI1.- u-{noun C-l\Ihl1lI|I$lI The President asked for subscrip- tions to White Ribbon Tidings, twelve `arosptndedt The White Ribbon .Tii-' ingsis the new official organ `of the W. C. T. -U.. Ptiblished and financed by the Ontario- Provincial Union. is bright and up-to-date and should be in-the home of every White Ribboneir. ABr -P8r.atioms were made`.for Miss Wiggins. a lecture ;by- whom is ex- vppetetl in the last week of January. or 1st of 'Febr_uary. Further notice gill be given later on. L.. .`_.L____..LI , *- cRA1c5iUET. 1.'u. STRATHY. _ Sccretarvarrie !J.C. C0'Y- gjxmmg 14, 1904 The meeting of_ the W . C. T. U. was attended this week. .'.l`h`e les- pon of scripture prepared by Mrs. Gordon. of Ottawa. Dominion Evane- `gelistic Supt.. was read and -sentence nzrayers offered. Dept. of :' Flower reports 10 .bou:quets and one got of flowers distributed to `the nick. Arrangements were made for. visiting jail and hospital. nn_- 1-n_-...:_I-__.L --u_,,1 , `- '~A*.t the annual- meeting` in conncq- tiun with the Public Library on Mop- day evening, the following `officers were elected ;- '. PrdsL-Rev. C. S._ Pedlc.y.- ` .Secretary-W.T J. Ross. "I5rea'surer-J. F. Smith. . ..0ommitt`e-e-W. J. Hallett. Rev. Dean Eagan. Rev. D. D. McLeod. `A. F. Hunter, A.` Hay and Rev . Witten. ormcuns FOR Tam YEAR. m:..n:c-rmn on MONDAY EVENLNG. , runL1c_Lu31'mRY noun Inspiring addresses were ,made by Messrs. E. A. Little. M. P. R. James Eraser, Thos. Hammell. Wm. Atm- utronz and Daniel Williamis. -------`-u-- A "That we, the Conservatives of the V Electoral District of Calfdwell. at our annual meeting assembled.` -express. our continued confidence _in our How arable Representative. Mr.` E. '_,A. Little in the Local Legislature and `our endonsation of the policy pur-_ 5063 by M1`. Jo Rn -------J - The following resolution moved by: Wm. Armstrong.-seconded by Wm.., Bammell was passed with great en-A msiaasm. President, James Frziser. Tottene ham ;`Vioe-Presidents. Robt. Matison. Iecumsetlm; Jas. Coulter, Cookstown: J. Bell; Beeton; "Daniel Williams. Te- oumseth; Jas. K-elly, Adjala:gSa.muel Egan. Bolton; L, C. Hughes, Totten: ham,'.Wm, Armstrong, Allandale; R. VW. Sloan," Inni-sfil: H. `Stoddart, W. Gwillimbury; E. Garret. Bradford: 8ec.,` Wm. Hammell; Treasurer. A.` Iiilly. ISL- ._l.I____!,_ A. , , 1'10 V 1 I i"'.1'he Cardw-ell Liberal `Conser- vative Association held its annu- al meeting in-Beaten on Friday. Jan. 3th; 1904. for the purpose of aizopoint-T ing officers for the following year and transacting other business. The % officers were /elected as: follows :- `P1-o.uidpn+ Jnrnnu `Pr.-n'anr 'I"nl-l-.nn._ VANNUAL MEETIN( HELD IN BEE- TON ON FRIDAY AND OFFICERS 1| Qrnllll I` 1111-: CARDMWELL M - LIB.-CON. Asso.; "O1-$2.00 Felt Boob, long le leather lnll faxed, been ggede re heed ms! 50 Info $2.85 Gala Long Bcoc,!ell: cock in pull out, came in high lsce,beete gnde, eizee 6&0 ll, reduced price 2 50 Men : $2.25 two buckle Overshoe. ' waterproof. oxen heavy, ccene ' ` sole. nine: 6:0 11,. reduced price ~ $1.75; me ecyle, one buckle. . . . l 50 I00 : 81.50 and $1 75 best grade. ve eyelet. lace oil can packs. to clear V at v ' I QR Vim :-$2.00 longle leather Womonoi `L85 but Ede-A bgon 8!'5d d - overehoel. `lined. clean 3 be 7, re- *I lean : Boot,!ell:eock _ 4 dnced prlce.. . .. . . . .. . . .- . .. ; .81 3` Pl`.o` ` *5 `" -Pl Women : $1.35 Felt Boots, nice or V Iii 11,- P"` 50 Congress etvle, lenther faxed or` buckle pleln. reduced price.;.... l 00 WV: "" Wo,men e Cerdlgen Overehoel. knee ` _ jgngh re uh, p,1o.v;1.35..,;,,. V V --me style; -- 3 to 7. to c on at .......... 1 10 I00 $1~ 5933 5" Mieeee Felt Button Overehoee. eizee 11 to 2, 1-egulgr pbg .3125. 1-,, A 1 35 ducedto...... 75 ------ Lndiel 75c and $1.00 Felt Sllppe , to 6hildren'e Cord Button Legqinge, go at. . . . . . . . . . .' ......... . . . . . . 65 km length. regular vriob 900. Ladies 31 25 and $1.35 Felt Slippers, !.9dN_30d U0}...u...........'.... 50 fgllingd, kipgppgg-33080.3). cg-tin thin eeneon at these nrice|- Every pair of Winter Bocte in the store V A d Since are complete in all liner. bntllmited and cannot noeslbly be dupli- cute 4 reduced in price--actually below cost. See for youreelf in all we sek. Alpha ctub omcm. % Credit 1 Sale; Men : Dept._ % , - " BARRlE S BEST AND 1- MOOTG nrccnsr IN snons mg -sold up to 45 cents and eased or- to 42 cents. Although receipts were not heavy. business {became rather draggy. The public are evidently`be- comirg rather suspicious of the new laid variety at this season of the year, and when there is such a scar-t city." Business would be assisted by the establishment of a suitable in- : nspection.-" Butter was firm at 20 to 21 cents a roll.` Supplies are accumu- lating. but retail figures (continue steady. owing to the demand -in` Mon-. treal! What` poultry came in Qsold well-.-that is to say what was `good stock. The demand was on hand. but supplies were lacking-. -. Turkeys were nominally firm; practically none of- f _ .feri1_i_gl` Chickens A ranged" from .80 ' f0erin8On `_`t-he` streletr-were 'ofaboutf-a'-. r ?`~F Fi.?l1. i7qu#iitit;$e W s;e6h3iSild Pin~. s cents to . $1.40. the` majority on sale ' `being of inferior grade." "were Particularly wants Sonny bird._s_;" geese were `ofteredL at? 11` and` '12*c`ents,; -. J I v -y-VB; u-LII p' '. WA`-good demand and light offerihgs made bursiness brisk at _the basket market this morning . ,With- the `ex- ception-cf eggs. prices were firm all round.1 Forty cents was the prevail- ing figure for new-laid eggs. the ale leged article selling as _ low `as 35 genus.` Some lots early in the m~'vn- ing -sold and 01.- . 4-4. A`) -....J... A I41 I The fact that the_ road-s were quite badly drifted out in_ the direction of Craighurst, probably accounted for scarcity of poultry and eggs on the market on Saturday.'. Fresh Ieggs were few and far `between and those- which were offered `were nuickly picked up. at 30 cents a dozen. Geese`. were scarce at 10 cents a pound; and turkeys were below the mark -in qua- lity. They brought 12 cents. Fowl. sold at 60-cents a pair. Butter was quoted .at 18 `to 20 cents. On `the. grain market wheat sold at 750. to 760., oats 27 to 28. rye :50} barley _38 to 40. peas 60 to 62 and`~bu-cklwheat 40 to 42. . Dressed hogs were sold at `$5.75 tot `$6.00 and liveweight $5.00. The To-'_2 ronto markets areequoted as follows : by the Telegram ;-- A .._-:l ,1- - .. -. -- -' Donations--Geo.. Sneath. Midhurst. $3.00; R. Murphy, Warden,` $5.00; .Alex. Clarke, Sen., $10.00. ' - Jno. Rogerson. 0 Treasurer. .__ - v.u-,vu Mr. and Mrs. Thompson have been visiting the fora1er's sister. Mrs; M. % Wooding, of this town. They will leave for their future home in Wet- aakiwin in a few weeks, A very pretty wedding took plagcj lit the residence of Mr. Isaac Faw- cett, Holland Landing, on VVednesda5f afternoon. the \ 30th -=of December, when Miss Constance Fawcettsawas ~married to Mr. Victor . Emanual Thompson. of Wetaskiwin, `Alberta. The bride was beautifully gowned in white -cashmere and carried'an `ex - quisiteshow-er bouquet of bridal ro- ses; Mr. James `Dew of King -Tp., was` lm_.,a+ man and `I\II :.... 1:u1..'..I 'm-_--_n.-m , , ___. -...._....... .....-- us. 4.31115 ';p-g vvaa best man. and Miss Ethel Fawoett, sister of the_~bride. acted as brides- maid. Rev. G. Spenber, of Keuswick, performed` the ceremony. A 'dai1'1Ty dejeuner was `served, followed. `by congratulations ,,.a nd several bright ispeeohets. The cgiftswere numerous. costly and usefu_l. The `groom's pre- sent to the bride was a beautiful gold *watoh and to the bridesmaid a gold brae.el,et`. _' A; HoLLANn"LANon~ic+ wmnnme IN WHICH BARBIE PE_OPLE WILL B3 xnwmamswmu. ~ V suunnmr MARKETS %%'l`HOMPSON-FAWCETT Royal \(icto_ria Hospital. 'W9man s` Dept. `11o% 100 ,, ,-,__ -..---....._ up-A vulirldlio _VStee`l4 Company, _a. subsidiary fcom-_ . Pa-#3 0` th`Ul1it9d: SP9-`l`5,5;.' 9.1, 00" , pom. _ _.- .. a nun. VGIJI-u].\7| I R.'e'x_r-. Eedford preached a most Iimpressive funeral service` on Sun- iday` evening. in connection with the death of the late John Glassford. He. `took as his _te_xt the words "And they shall come from the East and from ,the West. from the ~North and from `the South and shall ..sit;.down in'the. ,Kingdom of God St. Lf1ke.._xiii. oh.-. f29th verse.` R -. ~ ~ ` :.n1ugu.0_lIl 0] :29th verse. St.` George's Church and Sunday, School will re-bpen on Sunday the U nuqux Uabluso ' ` 17_th i1'1(s,t.. Rev. M Canon Reiner .will conduct the service in the_morning' and. the evening service will, be con-4 ducted by Rev. Canon Murphy. _.-Miss Bin~gham_will sing _'a solo `at the ` evening service " `Messrs, Athol Marshall and Nor- man Dollery have ~ entered into part- jnerahip and purchased Mr. Stephen's. boot and hhoe `business. VMessrs. Marshall and Dollery are well and fa- vorably known to every resident in the West End and should meet with" success in their ventune V Jinn 'hK--v 'D...l-...'I A- -' ` --.y vv I-l\/J. I-Ill!-I-lU_].I.l Uul-8(10I1 The series of prayer meetin-gs held in `the Presbyterian Church last week. were" well attended. e ,The subjects of Rev. Mr. Cameron's add:resses.ra'n in logical sequence and proved deeply .inl1er`estii1g. \ Q` - }I______'_Q_, I`! In -' -voJ snlaubo . . Miss Frances Armstrong "has been officiating at the Burton.Ave.wChurh organ most acceptably during Mrs. Marshall's absence from town. Mrs; :Marshall returned on Saturday from _a. most. enjoyable trip to Milbrook and Toronto." I . - ' _._.- a-vs val Mrs. `Rot; Cannon is. back .from a` Tho .nncn:nn A` ----~-~ I ' `I V - - A I -.-..-1 vv VII-`Illa LLIULIUH In Il.U[lu1'lG. Mi-ss Frances Armstrong took the solo in the. anthem Jesus is Mine" in the Burton Av-e. Methodist Chunch on Sunday morning-. -Messrs. B. Smith and W. Kelsey sang "When .my_ Savior I shall See) as an offer`- tory ~duet. Mrs. Day and her daughter, Miss Sa- d e. of 33urke s Falls. have been visit- ing at the residence of_, the farmer's son. Mr. Joe Day, 0n"Monday. ac- companied by Mrs. Joe Day. they Ieftrto vi-sit friends in Hendrie. M:.na Ia` - - - - -- `~ ` ` ' Mr. Charles Chase. of Parry Sound. Sound. who was a guest at the re- sidence of Mr. Herb. McMorran. last week. returnedhome on Saturday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wensley and their son from Chicago. who has been visiting them. were in Belleville for the holiday season. Mr. and 'BIrs.. Wen-sley `returned to Allandale last week. _ \ ' -Mr. Robt. Levia s friends_wiLl__t3_e pleased to learn that he7was success- ful, last week. is passing his examin- ation in telegraphy. _ Miss Tiny Hazlett is up from To- ronto for the purpose of recruiting her health." She is visiting her uncle. Mr; John Woods. ' ' After being laid up sinceja; year ago last November with a gpraihed ankle, Mr. James Brunton is able to re- sume work. I Mr. Harry Gibson is very low as the result of alaifmin.g. developments in the after effects` of an attack of quincsy; I `1____ `_',n' I -- -Rev. D. Cameron resumes his scries_of character sketches on Sun- day evening next. taking "Moscs"`as his subliect. nu 1-v A--- 'Oon5liqh. 1 A The Allandale Auxiliary of the Roy- al Victoria-Hospital met at Miss VV il- kinson s residence on VVednesday af- uernoon. ` ` < V _. V--. uvgaia ~ vv u-snuauvu V\Jl-ll.l.|ol.GDo Mrs. Chantler s condition was so low on Monday that "her friends al- most abandoned hope of her'reco- lovery.,-. LII - u . --- A vMiss- Sarah Nixon. Townline, has {tone on a two month's` visitto friends [in Grey and {Wellington counties. IA`..- r1`|.._...Ll-__r_ _,: tu- -v vvvv\IlA\ va.A\I &1UV&UJ Illa-DVLII 'n'cTes-_'f$Z"{Jy and J,` Biddell drove up from Tottenham on Friday _to' attend the hockey match. v'llIl':..... o......1_ \7`:_-__, ._.-- no-`vgwv ' '"1i[r.iJohn Graham, is onthe sick list `and has been removed to the Royal Victoria Hospital. ,`-R`-____`____ (1_________'A AW ,1 1' ' $10 a . v-v-1-nvv- v `R Miss F;ankie Murray is back` from a "holiday visit with `friends in St, Catharinleos. ` Mr. and Mrs; George Holz. of Buf- ,_fa_lo. are visiting Mrs. Stephens. Essa Road`. - _ .. Mr. and Mrs. Luke Bpearin are _`hom_e from a visit to Cdllingwqod rfrien- d.s. . ' Mr. John Mainprize has received an appointment as G. R. frleiglit shed det1s.otis:.s . ' ' ` ----. _... .u ..n.u..u;:u5 vv,u.u. it :5lJ_1'6 flllo Mr. Albert Riddell -has `sufficiently recovezjed as to be able to return to ?awor.k.'. ' 35? Miss Ma1:'y`Cu1ross is home from C_linton. ` . 4 91."! .- i in Mgiss Grace-Little spent Sunday in Mingesingg `-l.'____ g1 , ' 1-v u `Mrs. George. Vair continues to im- prove in condition. `M Mr. Ben Parkerfs new. gasoline en- gine is giving satisfaction. . Miss May Duboe. of Belleville, is theigu-est of Miss Alice Logue; Mr. Charles Service is on the sick li-st. He is suffering with a sore arm. If: AIl......L 1):.l.I-'n u `hurst :3; . . I ' - numoaux. smnvxcn IN arm.-roN % -`AVE. cannon m. comzmcrxon ours or _'IHE LATE- V __3onN GLAbS1"ORD. I Mr R Johnston is ho1\e from Craig- ..- - _. J Acnoss %1~'ri1F.J 1iAv `Items or "Concern-Q " ingv` Sixth Ward; Residents .. NCfth'0f BM"! ' Coitrui THE J NORTHERN ADVANCE ` I . BORN. A ' .. "GUTEIBIE-In_-,;T,Barrie. on, `Jap."- tth. . .:R;':Ji Guthrie. ;`7'1.9Q4o;`.t9? , -v`;-M vhuwuuu UL uuc .l3u1pll'6. ` The Times,` referring to Balfour : remarks re .- Imperial defence, say: them is ne reesod why a `question of general interest to the whole Empire could not be: discussed by a. `com- mittee, reinforced by eccredited re- presentatives from all parts of the `Empire. `It is entirely. consonant -with. the 1a.ws"ote tho%gro_w'th' of -our. M1i`**` inwtution- vv Lvxuu uu CV81) Llllll. 1 ~ The "Chronicle says it is a very sensible if small tentative step in the right direction, . The Telegraph hopes the Commlttegyi or Defence will develop into an ad- visory bond of union, from whose minutes . successive Cabinets will be able to secure continuous and reason- ed a.cc'ounts.of.the military and naval requirements of the Empire. Th; . rm...`.. a.-.om....'..... 4.- n-u-.`._-- r-vvuu-voov can 591315115 uuu LIILULUUH UK a council to discuss- matters a,ect- ing the Empire as a whole. It fore- sees that this principle will be ap- plied to other departments where common action is necessary. The Post sees danger in the De- (once Committee trying to `deal with too many problems at once, and be- coming 1 sort of secret encyclopedia. Ifor. the use of the Cabinet. `to inquire `within on everything. ' I`hn `linninln an-`Ivan. IL I- - -'-----' London, `Jan. 13.-(C. A; P.)-Pre- mier Balfour : speech onthe council of defence at Manchester ` yesterday forms subject matter for the editori- als in all the London papers. ` The Standard calls the Premier's invitation to Sir. Frederick Borden statesmanliko instinct, and admirable ` precedent in forming the nucleus of n In-\I1nnI {us .-I........... ..._;.4....__ An- l'nlu'l'or the New schomo By Editors` of London Daily. - ` `rho `.l'u'lR_ Comlsjsslon. J. G. Colmer,` ex-secretary of Land Strathcona, has been elected to the list of Tari Commissioners. -Percy .Hur_d, late editor` of The Outlook,_ and correspondent of. The Montreal Star, has been appointed assistant. secretary to the Commission. ' -..- yup-u.-.-`um: uvuuasuualuvugt a.DBUl-I-IUI for using 9, railway qn Sunday is not paralleled in these liberal. days even `by S~a.b'ba.,ta.ria.n LSq)tlx_a.nd. . ' Lorini-:u:u:y' llnd. V v Lord Brassey was ned a. shilling and costs for riding; bicycle with- out ; lamp. . . ! The. Chronicle says the sclem vote` `of censure passed _on Lord Minto by the Canadian ecclesiastical assembly, fnr nsimr n rnilwav an .Q.nnAnu 6. n...-o gag... vaayuu. uua ugululug uuya (anal it learns Germany has` notied Great Britain ocially of her readiness to appoint commissioners to negotiate a. treaty with Canada. V Ionian) Rattan Gran` B1-103.1: of In Wullnguu to Appoint conunlulonon ` to Negotiate `Inn; was canbdaa London, Jan. 1-3.--'(C.A.P.)-'I`hMo Daily Graphic this morning says that it Imn-nu am-m...... I....`.~ ....a..'A~I r!---A GEORGE VICKERS *;:,::?;, 2rs:::::' ` 7` Ff:-awleye Block, between Bank of Commerce and New Barrie House VVVVVVVVVVYVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 7'j _ Anu;nunuuAnuuAA_unAunAnAnAAuAnAAu. coon comes DOWN): Read these it'ems--if any strike: you as among your needs. mark it and come straight without` delay. If there is nothing mentioned here that you need, remem- her they are only a few of o`ur.special ofierings, All winter goods must go. We want theirriddance. we want :the money, we want the roorn. It s your greatest chance. Come. a q - ~ BOYS. SUITS AND OVERCOATS, inevery size, a splendid range of Tweeds and Serges, sizes . 22 to 34, all at _a straight discount. ' H. nn1e;."i'oT2. congis. veg, 5.53 hpldi auction sale 19 out

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