Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 14 Jan 1904, p. 5

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100 Felt `Shag A 11 -51.-.. `D-.. 03;; i S}:'t67vi7SrE Felt Hats frbm `S-1.`! Trimmed I1ats o.t one-quarter their regular pfic. ? ' Hundreds of Remnants of all descriptions. which have been thro Goods, Silks, Linings, Trimmings, Cottons, Flannelettes; Shirtings, \ to clear them out. " . . . ' 1 - A Many othenerticles throughout the entire store for which we ha` best:proof we` can give you that this is to bathe greatest value-giving yllullll \aovJ clearing at, iClenring Priees for Costs. Skirts, Wnists, Dressing Jackets. Flannelette ` V llnderwenr on second floor . Over $5,000.00 Worth FRIDAY! MORNING, " AT 8 O'CLOCK JAN UARNY 15TH TO 3071-: 7-, , dd sgyls and co1or_s,iegu1`r'75qto $2.60, clearing. price . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :in b` T |:o~ ea;r'a._nd Felt Hats from $1. 50 to $5.00. to clear for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bone-quarter` regular pricg. Feathers, Qtiills and Trimmings of all kinds greatly reduced to clear. m'awouooo)uunlololoootovvtov-0000 Dressed Hogs..................... Butter, per pound................. Chickens, wring. per pound.. Tnxrknvn. nnr nound . . . . . . ... unnocvo MILLINERLY CLEA`RANC to` clear. LIA` which ha-vleibeen thrown out during ouf .stock-taking. Rxfxnants of Dress lfxlhejletges; Shi`rtings:S'ateens, Wrapperettes, etc., all marked at prices bound . . _ ` . _ 11.00 . 19.50 10.00 1.75 39 I9 08 Ol 21 5 37 69 bhlckelll, Ivll. PCT Pilllllln 0 0 o 0 0 3 0 k 0 IIOIIIIIOIIIOOOO '`.`.'...:Y_'..`_`.'_'. f .".`3`.`................ I6 89 75 ;hw6 have no room to enumerate. Come zi1;d see, which is the e-giving style you ever attended, . 150. to 3_5c. Madras Muslins` in Creams. 1 .... ....a.1n.. .1 `oz. L. :n,. 11..-}. LUV U09. Luaiuluu Annuonnua Au vnuunua. . ' Canng at 10c. yd. ` 25c. to 50c. Cush- L-'g",' ion Tops. Clearing . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . a75c.' and $1.00 qualitles` clearing at. . . . . 200 dozen fancy colored Handkerchiefs. ' Dar-I1`nn An in Rn . Dov Anrznrr QVV UUDUII lII1\/J \:\lK\-ll U11 J..I.II\AI\Vl\alllUlD Regular 4c. to Sc. ~ Per dozen. . . . . . . . . 100., 125e, and 15d. fancy Handkerchiefs. Clear 3 for . . . . . . . . . . . . .; . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c , 35c. and 40c. Handkerchiefs for. . . 350., 40c., 50c., 60c. wool Clouds. Clearing at each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T Children's wool Hoods and Toques. > Regular 25c. to 50_c. for. .A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wool Shawls, 'Fascinatbrs, Capes; etc., at less than cost prices,- too many lines to enum- erate. - Staples Woolr Blankets all reduced below present wholesale cost. _Our s ecial $2.95 all wool 6-lb. Blankets. C earing at . . . . . . . 7~lb. Linen Blankets. Regular $3.25 for.. . . ' `Z-lbrpure wool Blankets. Regular 83. 50 for 7lb. pure wool Blankets. Regular $4.20 fnr Eggs.pcrdoz...................... Pnutnen. nrb`.ooIIIIooluIIIIOOIO' 0 `AU: IJIIIV WVUL lllllllllllo upcsulut Wu GU . for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-lb: Aue Saxony. Regular $5.00. Clearing ` at , , , ,- All other Blankets reduced proportionately. 1 only ne Eiderdown Comforter. Regular 319 00 fn ninnr nf ne $12 00 to clear at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . White and Cream Eiderdown Flannel. Reg- ular 302. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fancy `heavy Eiderdown Cloths. Regular 9511 {'n 25:: 5'4-no &'IIIl\l' II 3 . LIIIIOI \lV"ll \llUIallBn LUUSI-IIOI 25c. `io'3 5c. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Regular 20c. Art Sateen. `Clearing at . . . . . . Double Fold Cretonne Cm-taining, regular 950 in An fn nlmnu of AJVIIIIJV L` Ulhl. \JlUUUlllJV \JIuII Ililllllls, lvsull. 25c. to 40. to clear at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chifdmn's Astrachan Gauntlets. in black, red, I cream and grey, regular 50. Clear at. . .500 yards Satin and Faille Ribbons, regular : 15c. and 85c. Clearing at. . .` . . . . . . . . . 25 onlg 35.00 and $7.50 Cloth and 8 ins. broken sizes, to clear at. . . 84.50 and'$5.00 Skirts t6 clear at. . . . Blouses can. coon. u A- ki.=._ y on1"ss.oo mi ; D` LI-Aknn 1.:-An LA n`Ancn -5 Ssteen Waists, regular $1.00 to .9 Kn in (Jana: ul- Il IAUIIUII IIIII-I LVIIVVII VV ID\o, IUal_Ill WLAVV $2.50 to clear at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08.75 Flsnnel Waists to clear for . . . . . . . . . "$6.00 . Taffetts and Gloria Silk Waists, ..J.-5- ..-4-..... -...I.--I.._.. J... 41-..- 6`... III TKBYI. pEl'FU|llIUoIoouIuuooououv D|lckl.............u5...........u VVOVV. JDIIVIIID G|l\-I \.llUlIlI IJIIIL 1' I600, white, cream andmlors, to clear for. . 88.50 Taffetta. Wdists to clear for . . . . . . . . . 33.75 to 34.50 vesting Waists, this seaso: nannaa nrnnnhn 4-A ninnn ol- vuolv UV vwavv V vauaus I! wanna, vuao uvuwvln -3 , newest creations, to clear at . . . . . . . . . . . Fine Flannel Waists, in navy and cardinal, regular 82. 25 to clear at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Regular 81.00/Wrapperette Waists, all sizes. Clearing at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Regular 90c. Kimonas, rnade of good Wrap- perette, to clear at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c. Chiffon Col1arForms,- black and white, round and pointed, all sizes, clearing for Ladies Purs and Chatelaines, regular 600. L. Q1 An 1'... JJGHAUD J.uIuI; uuu. vuwuv-uguuu, -v.....- V--- to$1.00;or . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ....... 0 Regular $1.50 to $2.50` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ladies Lawn Aprons, regular 50c. to $1.00, 0 clearing at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . Muslin _C`overed for. Q . . . . . . . . `..................V n4-T17 v-n4-Intact` -I-A Alann- season's W. pcruoz.......o-nn.......u Pomp pel'bi............_uuu' Beef, hindquanen per cm.. .... .?.. Begf. forequarters. per cm... .. IIOCOICOOIOCOOIIIIIOII vealpperpoundnuoootooiooiililtoto 3.50 ` 2.75 25 B5 2.75 '25 I9 27 I9 I9 I0 1`F{1S YEAR we will not carry ever . a.` doll1 a worth of Heavy Goods if low prices can for e their s -le. Throughowt evervde partxnent many lines are reduced below to`- duy s cash prices Goods are advancing weekly, and at these prices," it will pay you to buy in advance of your needs. ` 63 I0 05 39 89 49 we Wrapperettes, new patterns and colors. _ Sale ; . . . 0. . . .8 .07 12.1,c Tickings, assorted stripes. Sale. . . . .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0. . . .08" $1700 Blanket Cloths. pure wool, searletrand royal. `Sale. . ._ . . . .75 35c. Serge, navy. all wool. heavy serge. Sale. . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . .25... 10c Shake: s, wide, heavy Flannelettes. Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .08 50c Shirts, Men s light mole shirts. _Sale. . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . ' .35 35c. Hose, h avy all Scoch worsted stockings. Sale. . . . . . . . . . . `_ .25 . 75c. Corsets. three lines of D & A Corsets, Sale. ._ . . . . . . . . . . .45 l2._1,c Lawn for 10 cents. Tent cent Lawn for. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . - .' .08 1.2g,~c Cotton, best heavy grade bleached Tjwhite Cotton. Sale... . .10 'GcWhiteCotton. Sale.e............. V . Blankets, very large soft wool blankets, worth $3.60. Sale. . . . 3.00 -05. Emsaoxnnaues, Laons, Gnovss, WOOL Goons, Lzmms ANDALL Cofrrox Goons AT 10 To 20 Pm: CENT. SAVING. ' The return match with the cor-_ lingwood Intermediate hockey team" has been postponed from Friday un- :til next week. I The largest stock in Barrie and the `latest styles, $5 00` Jackets -on sale at $3.50 ; $10.00 Jackets on sale at 87.50 ; $12 00 Jackets on sale at $9 00' ; $22 00 Jackets on sale at $15.00. r11'71"I\rI'\CV Yf_-___1.....l.. 5-. AL;-u-.nn `nnnn Q0 nn nn `In Q1`) nnnn:mIn UGVISIIUU Una ulna): V V. o V Bttlti an 0-7 UU , was v sKIRTs-H;.nreds to choose from $.5o' up to $12.00. Specials? -$5.00 skirts for $3.50 ; $7.00 skirts for 85.00. 3i$l0.O0O Raglans of latest style. Sale . . . .V . . . . $8.00 Ulsters, heavy and tweed lined. Sale. . $5.00 Heavv Ulsters. .. . Cuts of 81.00 to $4.00 on all Suits,` Overc `- Su1e......._ . . . . . . - . .. ..............$7.55 00000000000 390 oats, Ulsters and Pea Mr. Alex. Brown is receiving con; gratulations of his many friends ,on having been successful in winning a` handsome _pair of curling stonesn"'f- iered for competition by Mr. James 4'Vair.- Dr. Arnold was the runner-V-up.; In seotion B or District No. 2fot the Ontario Curling 'Associa.'tion Gup_ competition. the games will be play `ed at Barrie. Jan. 19th.. the p1"elim'-I inary round at two o'clock. the`/Ilret ` `round at seven o`olock. and the se- cond round . Wednesday morngng oA,!1ine_ .:o'olook. * In the prelgl;l1I@ty}=> VJAr'u`:Anr`14,:"i`9\t)4` 5 Cla1.'ing}all lines of Winter Gdods at Bargain Prices J Late Sporting News All the `standard makers goods at cuts of from. 100 tp 90o_a pairv THE MARKETS E Barrie : Bargain House. < j ~ i %q w++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ JACKETS. CAPESQ sxurrs AND suns MEN'S uLs'n:12s AND OVERCOATS The tkfm 33533 77vF.11Y'pT5i3' 3: nnodax,;mnrninc.`:f* " " % BOOTS AND SHOES AND RUBBERS I. C. IRWIN, B/man : JAN. :4. 1904. cl] w 8| on in ';I'.l'..` lo...- IOIIOI II 48 95 A number of the members of the Senior hockey team went down to Toronto on Saturday to witness the Marlboro-St. Geur.ge ;s match. i } L The following curlers left on Tues- day to attend the Galt bonspeil-A.,, W. Wallace. H. E. Jory. J. McL.' Ste-. 1 venson. H. J. Grasett sk., Jas. Vair. ' J. G..Soott. D. MoNiven. Geo. Hogg 'sk.. John Coffey. D. Leroy. A. Hab- bick and Capt. Lyons sk. `Barrie Juniors were altogethertoo fast for the Meaford boys who visit - ed town on Tuesday "evening. The nal score was 24 to 1 in falvor at the'_ _home team and the brilliant play of the Barrie aggregation beggars de-4 lsoription; Yair on !the forward line and Grasett at cover doing especial-I _ ly good work. Unfortunately Rowe. one of the `visiting forwards. was hit overvthe eye with therpnek. He was badly out and was unconscious for lsome time. -Mr.`McDonald. of Col-.' lingwood. (made a ' tirst{-Olass te- feree. being very strict regarding, rough play. .The iteains- _ , A A. Barrie- -Goal, F. "MeKernan: point. "8ootty'? McDonald ; eover-point. El- liot Grasett: forwards. Steve Vair. N. Johnson. Jack Somerville and'Diok PW*u. . - _ ` e Meatord-Goal. Bose: point, Ho-4 hen ; cover-. oint. Smith: forwards. Loueks. Mo irr, Pilgrim and Rowe. _ `V "CHI.-unul Oats-nun t Peas....... Barley.. .. . Rye........\ Flour ` n...'.|....|.-..o }We know You] But look` ! We have them for you. New Nuts,New Layer Raiains; New Figs. New 'Dutes.`LSeed- less Oranges.Spanish- Grapes. A fine line or; Chocolates at 229?" 25-4?`3e51We"-N QIIII --c' -u-.- _ Lot on have ;(o;zr on-_do;r. We 1:11! givo.__ you utilisation. ? I ` . .Are Busy. V 'IIII '_"UL ' Luvs ssvvuo 1*`. V After congratulations _had been ex- .j:ended to the bride and groom. all re- paired to-the dining-room. where the dejeuner "was served; The "tables looked very inviting. being: taste-2 fully decoratedfwith flowers.and Ia- den- with V delicaciels. After zample justice was done `to the repast. toasts were proposed and responded to by Rev. G. I. Craw. the `groom. groomsq. manand Dr. Whaley.' . -up ,-11_ I-L -.. J-I... VVILII ULL IGVUI , The grcbom was supported by. Mr_.- J. Thornton. The ce- remony was performed by Rev. -B.. J. Simnson.` of Queensville, brother of }_g')f .Thoi'nton. the bride. assisted by _Rcv.- I, Craw. ` 1' I_,'I I_-__. A... I11 VLUUNLIJ VA vyvaa v-........v- .~_-._ -_ -, :_ lace. with yoke of tucked `chiffon and -silk medal1ions.= Her vil `V of soft tulle was caught up with orang blos-_ "lsoms and she carried a shower hou-.1 quot of white` carnations and maiden haiit -fern`. {Her bridesmaid. xvas _ bu- loomingly attired in white organdy` over pale pink with trimmings`-of : pink chiffon and lace and'car_rie,d a bouquet of -white and pink carna- tions. while the littlef flowen-girl ,looked lovely in pale blue._ trimmed [with soft lace; ,1 _ J I.._ '1\.I'.. The Prices Ruiing in Vtihe Bafrie and Toronto Markets During the Week. V 1 !L "On "Wednesday ioattornoon. Dec. ,30th; ;'1`he?'Popla"rs."- `the _h o_m'e of? Mr; T and ` WMi's.`__Jumes Simpson was the soon-3" fotha `x?.erj p"re`t-_ty b {wedding.'_ ~ Zivhcng their n`au_ghte'1`." Minnie. was unitAed'ing marxiag to`jMr. `J... A . Corbett. _of? Thornton, `At two o'clock, `while: "the wedding march was `bing played by; Miss Ef Jennettof` ],vy, the bride t~ntm`o.d the paildr leaning on he-: fa- ther's arm. He-.1` ~%i.~:ter'. Miss Maude acted as bridesmaid. while her. little! niece, Reba, of Queensville. made a charming little flower.-girl. , u___2.1- ---..... `I........`l.~A--nnln n-nnrnoa-I Ulla}. 1111115 -Juuav ;.gv_n v... 5---- The bride was handsomely Agowned in cream crepon trimmed with oluny -- -I- _-E J..-_I_...`l .-`l..!l'f..... n-`pl ? Mr. and Mrs. Cor ett left on the % evening train for a',trip to the souLh. `On their return they will reside in their home in `Thornton. ___ ___:l. ---.... -11 `hat to match. T LILUIL LIIJLILU Ill .L1J\JJ..A.|vvuIq ' The`bride's going away suit was of_ dark blue oheviot with large velvet I LI, . _____.--_.---.. All-Iv lav Anavuvvoau . .'.I.`he presents were both numerous and costly. showing -the high esteem ,in. which Mr.` and Mrs. Corbett are `.held. We join with their many friends in wishing them a long. happy and prosperous life. A The appended letter of condolence . was formulated at the last meeting of `Prince of- Wales L. 0. L._ No.` 605. -Craigvale and ordered to be forward- ed to Mr. Wellington Wilson :- T 1-1___L|..... 117'- I-Ln cu. DU LII. vv IJI-llllb %No.i605, Craigvale. desire to extend \ to you our heartfelt sympathy in the great affliction you have been called upon to bear in" the death of your dear beloved wife.` Our hearts go out in sympathy to you in your sad be- `treavement. Truly a dark shadow has [settled ove_r your home and though you sorxiow not` `as those who have no`hope. yet `the familiar voice is hushed./e her words of_ loving counsel will be heard no moref the sharer of your joys and sorrows has gone the the Heavenly. Master will so ,abun'd- antly bless and sustain you. that you will be able to say Thy will? lie done, and when that happy re-union, comps you will meet _ again your loved one. who has gone before, where, parting shall beno more. Signed. ` Robt. Black Jr.. W. M. Wm. Neely. Rec.-Sec. way we all shall go. We pray that` Dear `Sir and the members of Prince of iWales L. 0. L. ' \ "I The Polite Ger-nail. We Germans are not only the non .pollte. but also the most ceremonlone people In the world. Without ceremony It ll not `possible for no to preeent n mend, to take in tent in n restaurant or" to drinker even to utter a single word. Ooneequently I people llke the British. ` which lxnoree end utterly disregards \ these customs, must appear to us a herd `l__L|_ __.. a'r.;..'.....'"ff' ~ .030 STATION. ; . Mrs. McDonald. of Toronto. .~an Miss N. Smith. of Hawkest"one.4spent a few `days at the mime of Mr. Guy` Kirkpatrick last was ` 'II__ A 'I ....__.. `cum ucit .l_\"Il\lI' . ' A blue 0! Action. ' ton "lee." and the young inyvyer. my client to nccueed or blgnmy. and he : guilty; no I began know how to defend him." . Why. that : easy. said the old law- yer. Defend mm on the ground of lnunlty and get a few henpecked hIlI- j I---.I_ '._ LL- `incur ' L311 Ayn; IVE -llnav Iv vnaunu ; Mr. A. E. Lennox,~our new school iteaoher, who commenced duties on `Jan. 4th, is doing good work, .,_..;.- 1.-.... n.......`..' IIIIJ GIIII an`: an us 9--u ' -`bands on the jury." uuuu sun. so Vluuua evvu ....-...._ Some improvements have been` `made in our achbol room as .n_1or.e }bl?a`ok>boa`rd has `be_en put iii. ' ` A BORN.` 'SOMER8-At the Cedars, .nA;s cnnn SOMERS-At Cedars,` Beeton, on Sunday Jan. 10th. 1904, to Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Somers. 9. son. TB.OGERBON-0n the 5th ...insst. at `La ;Grange. `Illinois, the wife of Ed- ward Rogerson.` of a daughter. 9 ` EVELY-In 0sha_.wa.on December 27. ;_ 1903.'to _Mr. and 'M. L. Evely. . . MARRIED . - (3ORBETT-SIM,PSON-`-At "The Pop- - lars," Thomtonp. on December 30th. 1903. b'y'theA Rev. R. J. Simpson, ullrother Aot tThe bride.-- assist_ed_ by. ~ % B`e v., Gs.I;% oiaw`. Tminme, dim;gh;er -ot_% M`. and .Mr9 James Timpgon. Letter of Condolence. NORTHERN ADVANCE I4I|DIK|Il,IIlIl CUIBI, ltvilluouuouqu WW PwkstoooIonouoooavooocnu-Int HomeHide!.-...o.n...`....uno Theone Clearance Sa1e"w1iicb `all Barrie recognizes asthe greatest value- giving sale of t'h_e'seaso"n.' and to which the women of this town and vicinity turn out year1y-n Genuine Clearance Sale` that` has no competitors though many feeble imitators-a clean sweep of every dollau s worth of merchandise which is -not desirable for the opening? of the spring season, opens Our. Great... A January Clearance Sale Of new and stvlish goorls thrown out for clearance. No regard for cost or value- No reservation: No.exceptions. A thorough clean-up of al_l stocks-all broken -_I-.`I ....I ............1 .....;\4J.-. .-1::-unpsosd-q-an-urxtl `Inna nut` av-inn `Afr: n .L`U I.'U5C5l'Vav|vlUll- J-\V|"4BVv vsvuws --- - -v-a- ---...._ ..1. -_ _,__ ____v__,_ __ __ A P V n . . " '-'-' lines, odds and ends`,7so1led and massed goods, dxscontmued hues and small lots to go at a mere fraction of theireost. A bargain-giving event that will surpass any that we have ever attempted in past clearance sales. Dress Goods j:: :: ___ 500 yards ns, plain, and fsncj Dress Goods and Suitings, worth up to $1.50. Clear- ing at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 yards Wsistings of all descriptions. Reg- ular 50c. to $1.00. Clearing price. . . . . 300 yards of plain and fancy Silks. Worth t'.pto$1,00, for . . . . . . . .;...`.....-.... 1,500 yards Wrapperettes up to 12% cents, for. . I . . . . . . . . . .` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000 pards Dress Trimmings; Clearing at in 0 ..................... .. Ladies Neckxear. Regular 35c. for, . . . . Ladies $1.00, $1.25, and $1.50 Belts, -1--- -4- Washing Linen Belts. ` Rogu1a.r?50c. for. ._ . . Ii'o;_iew and Underwear , I_!__'L -1--- An entire sampl-e_;an`3; of high` class Cash-i mere Hosiery in omen s and Children s plain and ribbed at one-third 011` regular. Children's Worsted Hosiery. Regular 25c. - `to35c. To clear at. per yard . . . . . . . . Ladies all-wool knitted drawers. Regula $1.00. Clearing at..` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Ladies and Children's Vesta and Drawers, 111')` _ to 75c. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Children's Combinations. Regular $1.35 and . $1.50. Clearing at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. - Toronto Farmers Msrkots. Tonowro. JAN. :4. 1994. . whatgwhiavtllit ..........'.I"$ to \l7|unnt rnd_-_---.........-cannon 8|} Mn_ _s and Boys Underwear Boys Union three-qnarter. Wool Underwear, sizes 1 to 3. Regular 30c. to 400 . . . . . . ` 4 to 6-40c. to 60c ................ . . Men's 0. K. Wool ribbadshirts and Drawers regular 60c. Clearing at. . .. .- . . . . . . Men s odd Scotch wool Shirte and Drawers,` a reg. 81.00, $1.25`, $1.50. Clearing, each` Men's Unlaundried Shirts, all sizes.` 50c. and 75c. regular . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Mantle: a:'xdxCaps ss.oo, s1o.oo mid 312.00 coats, clearing It axnnnnnnuui T , _ . . _ . . _ . . . . . . . . . .- imw. OW-VV Iuu vaaovv vv--9 '9""""O -' $5.00, `$6.00 and . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . .12 only Coats, regular 85.00 to 87.00 f0I'- - - - 1 t1__A._ --..... n`unn:,I'n Ant` `DWI! t``I` 12 only UUOLB, Avsnu-n yvuuw .- 7..-- _-_ _ _ _ , 10 only Coats, some semi-ts and fawn colors . upto$l2.00,for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A fresh lot of those 81.50 Coats sold before. excellent militias." if not the newest` styles, tocearateach . . . . . . 1 fur-lined_Coat, black Kersoy. regular $19.50 ' f..- - - . . . . . . . . . . . . n 5.0 n L ||ll'AInuo\q_uyv--v, -__.-_- `W, U _ "for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 fur.-lined Cape, regu1a.i'827.00, for . . . . . 1 Velvet Cape. fur trimmed, regular $19.50, `An , , _ _ . . . . . . . n . o o o o o I u 0 0 ` 'g"gy Vgru. In-u -------~~--, - g for..... . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . 15 only Children's Reefers und Long C0t,8. nu I'll.` Knnnh- c18a.l`.f0l'.-.. no. scou- 15 U RUUIUIB Du. aavua '1VVTv'\r up mm. 50 each, clear for.-. ; . . . . . . . . . Cloth Capes. regular 34. 50, clearing at. . . . '. . 2 only fur-trimmed Metallese Capes, regular 312.00, for-.\..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 only odd lines in Sateen Skir.-ts, regular $1.50 to $2.75. to clearest each . . . . . . . . . Ladies Flannel Gowns and Drawers- ' - Regular $1.00 for . . . . . . .` . . . . . . v.6. . . . . Regular $1.25 for . . . . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . Regular $1.50 for. . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _. 2 . 7Children s lines at tremendous `reductions to` 1 only -Suit GreyTFreizVe, size 34, regular 810,7 n1`I`iI`Ia ll... _ . . . . . . - a Q I o c I 0- u O I o o e v o t I 9 what` wnumuvno Iooooonooocouuv Whell. fodounooo tloootcootlioooovo

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