Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 14 Jan 1904, p. 4

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,d __ vvv-unusual See N xt Week s Papers for Programme of Second Week s Sale. sleeves, [with Vnlenciennea lace pared to give lessons in singin ply at her residence, OW g- Ap- or P.O. Box 9. FOR-RENT-A well furnished room` suitable for meetings and convenient- l located over the reading room of t 0 MeohQnim' Tnnfifnfno mow 50 . nu.-awn over the reading tine Mechanics Ingtitute; me be hired at reasonable rates. App y to- the. LIBRARIAN of the Inst. tt. ` , choruses andrecitations by the child- ren. especially the solos by Evelyn Vickers and (Melville Richardson. were well rendered and the audience` listened with delight to an address by our former pastor. Rev. A. T. In- gram. of Goldwater, who was warmly greeted by this many friends here. Mr. John Gibson. of Vancouver, B. C.. visited relatives here last week; Miss Gladys ERG linhnuua ll` 7"`-.. ..-5 vuv UUD U UL Gentlemen. Moccasins for old In Moccasins Kin__ reat variety. 3 or_ felt soles. umber Rub- kjnds 4ma.dLe, all at very` Jrmuxgy 14, 1904 rArdag;h, (am, Jronto Universit_v)s and 2.3225 761.43 25 I 5c 54 24c 23c ".l.'l1e cigarette habit is in growing -_`one. and. to my mind". a degenerate T habit for the young. Opposite where I live is `a sohool..= Not one but many evenings, in tact almost every even- ing .in the summer the boys oongr.e- ."-gate"itrom eight o'clock till ten. for] _ltheii',games and plays. many of whichl I Jnreimrmleas. But It cannot say that :'-of their assooiations._ for their talk A `obscene `and vulgar, putting -to jhnxne the most hardened criminals- f.[.he.ve ever met within penitentiaries. have seen some fifteen or twenty `ya sit along the curl} etonefrom ing their cigarettes. and smoking by jgthe hour unmolested by -(anybody, not `breaking up till ten or eleven lien Atofourteenyears of age. produce` Uclooi: at night. I know of -no great-. -er product of ` evil than -the oongre-. jevfeuingss.- Many of. our parks -i_i1-the ":gat'6_ system `of. young made in t_he. lnmmer,time. especially _in`_the' cenhfof `fat the GitY- `h8V9 ben. ~thx-`onged. "bf. ' V I,` youthful degen_era'teg.` ;_ `!.l`heA`V The annual report of ?Prison Gate` .Wor_k has just been issued by Major `Archibald and much food for grave reflection is furnished by his state- ment that after a careful study of the Bituation he `finds cause for `great 'alarm_ in the recent rapid develop- ment of Juvenile criminality. He at- tributes such a state of affairs to the 1 feet that in many cases children are A being allowed to grow up in dense ig- ` Durance of anything resembling moral `culture. Emphasis` is laidon the fact Ithatboys receiving their criminal bent in their early youth very seldom re- `torml Trashy {literature is nen- lzioned in the report as being a po- ltentagency in the production of this A increase of juvenile criminality and l nlgarette smoking is also condemned 1- ol 'a:taotor.\ In reference to the lai:- 1 -l'.orV'Major Archibald says :- ` ` ` u wmwmwwvwvvwwm 5 `Juvenile Criminality, A"q uiet but verypretty ._we,dding took place .at the residence of `Mr. Alex. Ness. of Vine, on .Wedncsday. Jzm..6th.1'whe'n his eldest daughter. Miss Margery. was espoused by: Mr. Wm. Robertson. also of V-inVe.,_ The bride. who was"u;11atte`x1__1e ag most beoomii1g'I?.')t1`ayo[_lin s31it`V _of"' *bl.ue.;olo.th-' .Mi`s. [and Mr ` ' ilett ' "V Last week the Advance complained that the Dominion Government's con.-b templatedaction of lowering the was ters of Lak-es Simooc and )Couchi-- ching had not `been (discussed by either the Councilor the Board 015 Trade. The Mayor. at Monday night's meeting of the (Town Fathers. took the Advance to task for the criti- cism. stating that he had been in cor- respondence with the Government in rieference to the matter long before we ever knew such action twas con- taemplatied. `All we have Ito say to ' this is that if the .Mayor is sincere in ' this statement. and we have no reason ' to believe otherwise.` (it xseems .a grave error of `judgement to carry 1 on such negotiations. without plac- ing the facts in his `possession fully before the Council. The fal1ac y of the.` Mayor's course of proceedure was "shown on Monday night`. when he announcedthat an interview had been arranged with the Government for Thursday next. The Alderrmen `had been given" no opportunity of `thinking the question over; and na- lturally many `diverse opinions were expressed {concerning it.` "11! ' .they [had been placed in full possession of the `facts some xrionths ago. IWh9n the Mayor began his correspondence on the subject.` tdoubtless `some in- teresting data could__ have been fur- nished on whichfto base the discus. -.sion`. It seems odd. too. that the-bu-T-`_ siness men" of the Board or Trade should._ `have been so completely fig -.' noredby His ' orship. as well as the." Council.` V `I . _. . .' some ifeforfnatory. in. hope. of` their reclamation." Weflded. at Vine. a reception V at the: re - ;brida s %f9th9rg<>n'at-hej n1At"_Jr,9`.';gugati*3iasemw* Ald. 1CILean through-t_ um `if tn; ayor vv_n_t to Ottawa heshould be _ by. tha.;G_ouncil A be? v _._ _ -'vw-u Aid. Stephens and _Ross-That Chas. Hunter and John Woods be appoint- ed members of the Board of_ Health-- Oarried. - I - \ The Mayor called the Council's at- tention" to the fact of the Govern- ment being about to undertake blast-_ ing` operations in the Severn River; which would have the effect of low- ering the waters of Lakes Simone and" Couohiohing ; by '\several `feet. in -He stated that the Minister would re- ceive a deputation (at Ottawa _. on Thursday next in ,refe:renoe to the he :_had~_been`. corresponding on the '_question `for some _'tir_ne. - - .Ald. 'Cow`ajn and `Turner moved that matter and took ooeasionto critic_ise_ the Mayor` join` "-`the deputation .on V Th* 4P- - - v-- - a-cvukrsluulo`-'\Jll IIUI-It Ald. "Ross and (l`yrer_,-That ?the `Brotherhood, of Railway Trainmen ~ be granited the use of the Town Hall on Feb. 15th. atoost of heat and ljght --Oarribd. T % 7 - AI. _. _ .......uu U1 mu. uowan and Turner. Theeeleotion of the auditors then oamebefor the Council and a large number of names were voted upon finally resulting in the election of W. R. King and" N. F. Lewis. > Ald. Cowan and Turner-That $10 be granted the Toronto Sick Child- ren`a Hospital.--Ca`rried. - Al; .'n'--,, .._...v--. as CILIIUIIIIU`-K5 Rev. Dr. McLeod was re-appointed to the Collegiate Institute Board on motion of Aid. Cowan and Turner._ "l`hn`-nlmu-:..... `..a LL- -~ _-_,..-. ..-4.. wuvvuxa \lUl.l.IIII!I-C00. The report was adopted by V ` the Council. as amended! 1.)..- 1-... at - - v_ -..v `wane: vuusulubce. {The chairman ruled `the amend- ment tothe amendment out of order and the amendment was lost. Aid. Stephens retaining the chairmanship. , On motion of Aid. Cowan the name of Aid. Lowe was substituted for that of Aid. -Cowan on the Water. Light. and Sewers Committee. T118 rnnnrf ulna at`---4--` 'L-` -.----own Van. 1101 The Mayor moved in amendment to the amendment that Ald. Stephens be transferred from the chairman- -shipof the Works Committee to that of the Parks Committee. ' .'I`|-... --L'-!----- A - ' ,---uwuuuuuvu ULIUI ULU1` 1 Ald. Moore moved in amendment to the report that the name of Ald. Strange be substituted for that of Ald. Stephens as chairman of the Board of Worlns. ` mt... -an-__,,, - -- ....-...-v vuv uaoouug was U610. Ald. Tyrer. Stephens and Ross `re- plied to the effect that `nothing had been dieogssed beforehand and that their actions had been governed only by gon-sideration of the `town's best interests . _ = . On motion `of Aid. M-cIaean and Cow-` an the Council went into Committee of the Whole to discuss the report, Aid. McLean took the chair. - On motion of the Mayor. Ald. Lowe's` name was `struck off the Finance Committee and that of Aid. Cowan isubstituted therefor: Ala 1ur--..- -~-~- - '- .._v v \.u. -luv J. Upul. la- .].3[cLean attacked the report and charged the representatives of vWur.da 3 and 4 with playing the hog and gobbling up `the best chairman- ships. He also charged connivance stating that the `matter of the per- -sonnel of the committees and their chairmen had been cut and dried" before the meeting was held. AIA 'IV........ a4.---1__-r - '* adoption of the report. ALI 1u'..'r......' -u_-- ~ -- A'ld. Tyrer and Ross."moved the__ _. . .. --. J .n.v\oJJc"J.U\3\JI-"II V U: The `report of the Committee` ap- pointed to- strike the Standing Com- mittees for. the year reported.through Ald. Strange. naming the personnel '_of the committees as 'subjoined.' with the first named on each committee as tsoohairman; - ` r -Finance-Aid. Ross. Tyrer. Lowe and A Strange. - 'IA`-_.I__L -7, `I V` ` ` ' ` " -v--v- -- Press. Advertisifxg and RecopAtion-- Ald. Barwipk. Ross. Turner and `Ty- rer. _ A _ --. vvvv nan; uJIa\alJl.lVll'D auu .l,`UuUudl'. "Fabric \)?Vorks`.-- Ald. Stephens. Strange. Barwick. McLe`an.` Turner; Lowe and Ross.`_L ' _`Ij'i'11t:s;.t`i-or.1:vi'?.:iLlways and `Indigent- Ald. Cowan. Barwick. Lewis and Moor. ` ..--.-.-avg gvu-3-3 uuu L UUUU1'o Water. Sewers and Lightt- 'Ald. Moore; Cowan. Stephens and? Pouohar. `Dun!-.I':- .1I1'-_.|_-_I A I I .. ---, --`-vv-_.\I Inputs .l. UIIVIJUI. 0 w'Fire ` and Police'-` Ald. Tyrer. Strange. ' Ros and Poucher. \I1'...J.-_. -- . -_ .... . \IA `IL nvnugasa. 1.` 0.115. ` The following communications were ~ V From J.` J. Gibsnn.. [John Powell, J. B. Edwards, W. R. King. N. F. Lewis. G. W. Plax-ton and M. Smithhapplying to be appointed as Aud_itons.-Received. , '- ` From J. Ross Robertson. asking for a grant in` aid of -the Tononto Sick Children s Hospital.--Recived. V n......... n__ n_.u v cry- I Market . and Parks--_'Ald. .l`u`rner.. Lewis. Moore and Eouoher. `I32..- - - _- -- V-.. ~ --u;utJ|\-u.:J.UI7UUI V Uuo rl-From the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, re rental of Town Hall for February 15th.-R-eoeivcd. rm... .......-_L . A- Comxuittee was `called Vito. the *.~fac't thatrBarri`e was not mentioned on` the tiine-tables of the. railroad; although Gra,venhurst' and Orillia were both t_zam_:ed., _ The matter of the erection of a` summer hotel. w_as resurrected and the committee asked to look into the'pos'sibilities of {doing something inthis line. to arrest the through` traffic of tourists to the Northern wilds. In concluding his address the Mayor urged for uuited action in endeavoring to attract"new indus- tries to the .town and spoke optim- -istically of the `chances of securing` electrical power either from the Se- vern River or Niagara Falls.- ` VIN]... -c-I'I_---!.... - - -- ` INA`UGUR.L . . ~ ADDRESS Continued frbm age 1.. an .n..I.'u.1 msuu Mr. and Mrs. H. Knapp. of dale, .vi'sited-.over New` Yeaj with Mr. a_r;d_-'M,IVrs. E. Pratt. - _ ArtAh u;:ij`8tnke8 =liftL `last `we :}l!;I"` "t ` Ald. Stephens advised against has-I ty aotio.1 when so many diverse opin- ions had,.been expressed. `The Alder- men should bevgiven a chance to post .them(9elves. _ I On motion of Aid. Cowan and Tyrer. a motion was passed naming the May- or. Ald.. Ross and- J the Meier _ as a. `committee 'to,/draft ag .memo_rial; ` to .the .Dom_inion_'_Gfovernment. _ pzfotest `against slowering: of the water. v- -u-D `I; I'll`! V1 IDIIIVI Aid. Stephens suggested that it would be a great benefit to the town it the water was lowered a.couple of feet. as a` lot of low swampy land would `be cleared up. . . ' V ' Ald. Strange expressed the opin- ion that -the. lowering of the water would leave the sewer pipes exposed in thebay and impair navigation fa- cilities at the new Wharf. 1. Aid. Moore said that it would pay the town to lengthen the wharf as well as the sewer pipes; if by lower- ing the water of the bay 1. the fever hole caused -by `the marshes on Brad- ford sweet could be abolished. Ald. Poucher and Tyrer went on re- cord us being` "opposed to any change in rresent conditions. ' ` ` Ald. Ross thought `the lowering of- the water would only create more marsh land. ` Ald. (Iowan was` against the low- ering of the watexf. AI) (:1 ` ` ...... vv UV` uu.uu.u an memorlal. [0 he `Dominion Government. protest- ig against tlie ldwerinp; of the wa`t.e.r. The Counoilj then adjourned. Sarjeant 6 Smith na, Hundreds of Bargains such as these make our Sale Shop in the Morxring if possible ` ' DOROTHY CORSET COVERS, entirely new style. made of ne long cloth nicelyltrimmed at neck and Ileeve, with Lace Beading and Baby Ribbon, ' e in at.'.......' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. LAD ES UNDERSKIRTS of ne white cotton and ounce of lawn with three rowe of insertion and one of lace. with dust frill; sale price. . . .. . . . . . . . . . .3 LADIES GOWNS of ne white cotton, fancy front of hemetitched tu cke. col. ' lar end cuffs. nicely trimmed with ne embroidery, sale price . . . . . . . . . . .. LADIES GOWNS of ne calnbric. fancy front, set with insertion, trimmed - with lace and Baby Ribbon, sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 __ -..-- r_--v . loo YAi%D 170123` LINEN."1A1'3LE DAMASK. bleached and half bleached. good patterns and width, 50c value. sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2oo PIECES FINE swxss EMBROIDERY. done up in.4 yd. and, worth {mm 400` to 600 each, sale price - ' ` r o u u c o a o o o I o o o o n I o o u o I o o o u I o n a o u c on puutern. 3 map st...; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..'.'I . . . F37 warm QUILTS, gized 72:86, "not: final), regu- lar value 31.25,. 0:10 Drico T o o o - . . o o Iol0OU'IoIoo soo mans PURE LINEN Tow} LLING, hmy weight, regular 70. Sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. can 21;.`-..-. __._- __-A . , , . . . . . . . . . - - c - o sLEAH1_3D i'*;L"13`LL7"1'.i1'~I'1'1.I, 58,incl;. wide,` lIAf.l nrn Q hngn -I THIS JANUARY SALE was originated primarily to make business for an otherwise "dull month. It has developed intoa great supply month to ladies who can anticipate their ~year s White Goods needs and take advantage of the extraordinary low prices that prevail at this great event. ' ' . ` Owin to the factthat preparations for this sale have been going on for months, we are glad to say t at, although the price of cotton has more than doubled, we bought in time and can sell White Goods this year as low and in some cases limited quantities lower than ever. Following the lead of last year, every department will oer its inducements to create a great stir among wide-awake shoppers. Here is partvof the rst week s programme. j JAN UARYW wun E cons SALE [EVERY PIEOE OF TABLE OAMASK, EMBROIDERY LINEN, . PILLOW OOTTON, SHEET ING ANOOAMBRIO, ' ATSPEOIAL SALE PRIOES --..-you-..-aa J. LII-FIJI-`J All patterh. `map at. . . nrtrr-an Arvrv nun. - """"] ]'I ` Ills JJIGIJ` New ` Year s` `day Q Dun L L t A ` Knag; ` Allan- 'LT..._. 17'. _. Last `for At SARJEANT 5* SMITHS JALIJJLV Av '71 Ill 0. price _. .' toss-ago _ _ _... ._ Bzizrriev. e_NextFAriday`we make our Annual Display of White Underwear. 2 This is the attractive feature of this sale and we ask our lady patrons throughout the County, and particularly in Barrie, to come and inspect and pass judgment upon the style and wonderful value of our showmg.. - 6 . BlGGERandBETTE|hhanEVER Isa; Terms Ceiiii V__.,_ -___ v --n_ul:v\.Ill IIIIJ IIIV . . That the coldest part of the winter has yet to be experienced. 'f_ Personal comfort ought to have first consiu. ration. `AW_it`h' this in view we ur ently ask your attention to our most 3VjxceHent:..assortnient of .WAR FOOTWEAR including the best of f_oreLa.diesand Gentlemen. old ;;_Pdx. s`and Oil- Tan _in_ _ great ' V` -, ' V A V _ . "*I`ow` Ladies Underwear Specials VARIETYAGREATER THAN EVER ..__.- .--w--any The concert given by the children of the Sunday School last Tuesday evening was quite a success. The` .--o `ran - soul-AnvIJLI yin iss Bertha Re'yhold_s returned ` on. Saturday from visiting friends in ,Midland. nu_- -,-, - - - " 1ItIr's. Herring is spbnding: 9. few .we`ek-.9 with her daughter. Mrs. -Ed. Knapp. of Collingwobd. -Messrs.` Ed. WVilson Tand Irwin "Knapp visited at Mr. Jas. vMuir:. s' on the 7th Con. reofexitly. gnu-{pier `T.-.-.|-.. ....._-l. 11 1- ' -._ v..'.'- cw.` avg: LVVOJJDIJQ . Sandy Yorke spent Snmday _at Mr. Rohert Carsoxs. ~ `ts..- 11__.L1, in ~ I I - Mr. arid Mrs. Harry "Pratt became ` the proud possessor-s of a young son lmlfurnnlr Some of our young people attended thetea-meeting at Minesing Station `last Thursday evening and report a :good time; 4 ' ` last Wedndsday. Desmond will Ttinue. t9 live on the farm. 37c 270 97 54 LBS, BLACK scorca FINGERING-.extra good quality, regular price 70 3 1b., sale price . . . . . . 350 YARDS FANCY DRESS MU'SLlNS,fasn colors, regular 15c so 20c, sale price O O U O C U C D I O I Q I C O O I` 29 DUZ. SCOTCH FINGERING HOSE, sizes 6 to 9;, regular value 35c. on nccount. of late de- vliverv will be cleared out at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PLAIN AND FANCY FRENCH FLANNELS, in pale blue. royal, eardinal. pinngreen and grey, regular value 40c., sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 PIECES 015` TWILLED SHEETING, 3.4 _- 94 width, regulgr value 35c., sale price . . . .

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