Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 14 Jan 1904, p. 1

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Bank of Tornnlo '4' 4- I-llvllvn unv alumna: gun-._1-..'a.-J no ----vi ----`. Miss O`Leary. of Winnipeg. left Tuesday for Arnprior and Montreal. `after spending a. `tweak with. Mrs. Fr_ed Hart. ~ . I 0 1 1___.,,!_._. ]:ii.x;:i;';'nd' Miss Hinds have returned to town `and taken apart- `ments at Mrs. Murphy's Bayfield St. -up-_, 4-us-___,__ _n 'Il'r:_._._..-.. I..tJ.. -.. `arson uuguo ' Miss Laidman. who is heturning East from Lacombe. Alberta,is spend- ing a'e_w ~days`with her sister-in-law. Mrs. A.~W. Laidman. 1,,,_. L..- ` dial-AW: Cl! `V dausunlnuonu Miss Kathleen Pearson has he- turned to Toronto after_spending a. couple of weeks in town, the guest of |Gwennie Rogenson. ,0- _.-'...._ `ELI-I4. \J VV OIIIIIU Lvua I41-p-?\l&l Miss "Olen Lemon's many little `friends will regret to learn that she has" been confined 120- the house with illness for thel ast few.` days. ___`I.- L-- umess IOI."l'.I.l,B.|. 6.3!. Low. uayao Miss Clark. of Toronto. who has been spending the past weekTwith_ Mi-ss Perkins; Mary street. returned home on Monday. - ...- ,,:| -In-2..- rII.. `V LIIJLLIU URI -bid-\l|..|\a.u-J: Dr. and Mrs. Cross and` Miss `Gla- dy-.s. of Australia, `who have spent se vergl months in Barrie and vicinity. left on Tuesday for a. trip to Great. Britain and expect to arrive .home next June. ' I Q-u , __; al'll`!.... TY Au. IIUJI In I! ILIIUI Gravenhurst Banner`-"Miss H. An- derson returned home after two weeks vacation in Barrie. Lefroy and Churchill. accompanied by Miss M. Sheppherd. of Barrie. who spent New Year's at ormer s home. ' `I L fI-__.-_ LUGL 3 GI! LIII-11133.! D LIUCLDV Cookstown Advocate-"Mr. Gowan Banting-. of Barrie. who wa.s.assist- ing his uncle. Mr. T. A. C. Banting. our popular jeweller. with the Christ- mas trade. returned to his home iast Saturday night: .. '|r__ rr---..1..L-.. 1--..-- `II `D 2-n- G_IaU~l W LIIEAIUC ' Mr. Haughton Lennox. M. P., re- turned last week `from a_ -trip across the continent to_ Vancouver and ex- presses him'self very optimistically concerning the great future in store for the West. He was particularly impressed with the possibilities of Al- berta as an agricultural district. As he passed through this Territory the temperature was so mild that droves of cattle were grazing in -the fields and at Calgary on Christmas day a cricket match was in full swing and at Medi-cine.Hat. a little further west it was fine `and balmy for the horse races which were run off that day. .Mr. Lennox was also greatly - im- pressed _with {British Columbia's -prospects in the fruit. fish and lum- bering indu:stri&=1.l. _ " LIME. CEMENT, """' ' 1 wet gia3{gA'i`$33?E1`EBra1 1113- r1t_ Agricultural Society. . u nauvivnvr 1111 A IIDDD D A D " ':_"""""" ""`"Ul I will be-1'1-e.-Id in the COUNCIL CHAMBER. BAR- -RIE, on -'-_n nnnll weunesuay. 20th, 1904] THE J .4 Barrie Carriage Company A The 1-`irst Annu;T}`e-x-1.eVral Meeting of the Shareholders of the above Company for the elec- tion of Directors and other general business will` be held at the Company's office, Owen Street, Barrie, on.MOIDAY, the" 18th JANUARY, 1904, at 4 o c1ock(>.m. . Dated this 4th ay of Jenuar , 1904. _ W. C. H NTER, ` 5 ' unnnnnul; 1-2 ii: 7 ` UTICE is hereby given that the Annnol Meeting of the Shereholdere of the Bertie {Penning Company, (Limited), will take place at the oice of the Company, Brodtord Street; in the Town of~Berrie, on TUESDAY, the 19th do of JANUARY, 1904, M3 o'clock p.m., or the pur no of receiving. the report oithe Direotore or-`the neat veer, electing Directors of the eeid Jompen for the ensuing veer end trennot ng each other hneineee . of the Com- peny on my be e dient. By order of the d. . _ j V (_Signed) G. `H. ES'l.`EN.. 1 5 `Ran :-ntmvv. the b_.ehh TICE is hereby given met me co-pnnnerulp heretofore subsisting between the undete edne Insurance Agent: eud_Conve eoeere under e rm nuneofSero ie&SImth at rt-ie,Ont.heebeen this day dieeolv` by mutual consent. All debt: due to enidognerehipy `ere tdbtpeid to_'l`hoe. Smith out :13: Buyer: Hprdwlve Nation at Dissulutitfn of Partnership urn AND sl-Im'o|.:s V. j?2T`- h . . I ..E`.?.`.'.....`:. :?I.;`. .Z...`2?..`.. `t&cu &' ANNUAL uamuo COUNTY or smcon, ONTARIO, JANIiARY 14,1904. No:-uce: (LIMITED) At: I I _ iu|o 7 ~ R. J. FLETCHER, Sdc y_ I W `Score _;~v.V 7Make no mistake! `YARD, poor or T moaomo STREET. 7 uffice--91 Dunlon Street, Bajg -v---a-ywv-- Vb` LING. Secretary. OFFERS sues!-:s`1`1oNs: TO THE wuuous s - couurrm-:s MaynrBoys 5 Inaugural ~ Address Discussion Concerning the Lowering of the Water in the Lnke--A Protest to he The newl} Aeleotedmembiers of the Council met on Monday morning and taking the formal 7 declarations. took their seats. with `the. exception of Aid. Lowe and Lewis who are `on the sick list. nuns lllut "A committee composed of Ala. Strange. Ross. Tyrer, {Turner and Mc- Lean was appointed` to strike the standing committees for the V wear, after 'whieh the Council adjourned until` the evening. __-,1;I2_... -1. _!._LJ. -9..I--I_ \ALJIaA- vuv vvvnnsanau On reassembling at eight o clock, His Worship Mayor Boys congratulat- ed the members on being elected to the high office of Aldermen for the most beautiful and one of the most substantial towns in the Dominion. He regretted to miss the familiar. face of ex-Ald. Powell from `the Board and-also expressed regret at the illness of `the two representa- tives of Ward No. 5. In referring to commithee-work he urged on {the members _the necessity of formula- ing a definite program to govern them during the year and to work along the lines laid out as closely as possible. The estimates should be passed in April in order that_ the taxes could be `collected early in the year and applied on the bank over- drafl. Two years ago the Council faced a deficit of $4.800. To this an- other $1,000 was added by a call to pay certain debenture coupon-es which had been overlooked when due some years previously. This debt of $5.- 800 had been redunced in the two yearsto $2375.14 and His Worship asked the co-operation of the mem- bers in an endeavor to wipe this old deficit out entirely. Mention was also made by the Mayor of the ur- gen-cy of taking some action during the year in regard to securing suit- able sites to offer new Industries in order to avoid in future a recur- 0 rence of the difficulty with which the Carriage Company met when own- _ ers of property in many {cases ad- vanoed values to a high figure as soon as they learned that a site was being sought}- He knew of some towns - - which were expending $10,000 in this ~ man-nier. Another matter for (the Council to consider was the recently - enacted ligislation {whereby} it [a by-law to such effect was passed be- I fore Oct. 1st. the municipality would be represented in the County Coun- cil _by its Mayor instead of by a re- presentative chosen by the present method. A question which he would also like to see discussed was the expediency of changing "the `time of municipal nominations from` the af- ternoon until the evening when a ' larger :attendance of `the electors |' would be ensured. Turning , his at- tention again to committee work His 1 Worshipasked the Board of Works " to consider the `advisability of (re- _ moving the stone-crusher" to {some I place where it. would be less" of an eyesore and public_ nuisance. \Ano- ther matter for this committee to take up was the Allandale. wharf. In itspresent condition it was unsight- ` ly and`. the Mayor believed `unsailei. By prompt action` the Board `might be able to secure. the Government pile driver. noweworking at the Bayfield 7 St. wharf and make. some much need- edrepairsgat Allandale. `The Market and Parks Committee were advised " to direct their attention to t`he~mar`-M ket square,which;`~-the Mayor thought. should be. cleaned up and, beautified . by something-in the nature, ofthe "grass plot in front`-.of iMr_. [Dy- : `m ent"s i"res'idence.',: -A water fountain. . v -for horses was also.-needed thereand _ - ithe.mat'fte_rp of removing -`the;sa.l_e.s- to the rear} .,o_f f the `market fho'1'1pse ,mi`ght ' 'also be `conde '0 " `-rT:hei.F:r.. and" .1 Made, Ann` was nonmuon Si Wcumna oun cnrrxluox. _ .__ FMRM FOR SALE--:5o acres all under cultiva- tion, wcll fenced and watered 3} mile: from Barrie. gnna buildings and good orc ard. Apply to P 0. BUX n8. Bame. 2-5p -_ \lI IJUIJBIO Box olnoenlau-I. the pnrst and but at norwwnnvs. ' Fireman's Ball Friday night. ` -Leavo your coal orqers with J. G:_Soot_t_. ` 4- , 4; _ __._.-_A -1.` I.--` The Lib_eral-Conservative Associa- tion of North Sixncoe will -hold 8. Con- vention-at Stayner on the 21st inst.. Fish shanties again decorate {the bay. but the catch per diem does not amount to much yet.` many of the fishermen not securing more than a dozen or so `a day. ' - -We notice Carson & I1easman' are -selling marmalade oranges at a. ri- diculous price. 9 doz. `for $1.00. 4 1-4 doz. for 50c.. 2 doz. for 250. Oppor- portunities like this are never-..' re- peabed. - A -n a -1, ,q1,__ _-L 1.112-'roN9s Tnasentbtonau world ro- nowned tons In black. green and bIend-n.lso Coffees aIBOTWl!la I98. I tr v - _ V -. A special meeting of Trinity Church Vestry is called;-for Monday evening. when the Wardens will announce Rev; _.q __ --o- _______J L W. H. White s' f1:oii'51wi1_}e,`g$}"t' the resolution asking him to with-; draw his resignation._ ` It appears that the death of the late Alexander Brown. Esq., of Holly, wa-s not due to injuries received in a fall on the pavement. but was the result of an affection of the heart with which he had been troubled for some time. The following ministers officiated at the funeral on Thursday, Rev. Messrs.` Cameron, Watt, Craw and Carpenten Mr. William Larkin, of Oro. who was born two and a half miles north of Barrie 72 years ago and is still a resident of Oro. was in town on Sa- turday and in_ remarking on the re- cent cold-spe1l,'stated_ that the pre- sent winter had never been exceeded in severity within .his recolllection. although he agreed with Magi~str.ate Ross in saying that the temperature? was about the..same in 1903-4. -One of the worst cases of asth- ma ever known. was Mr. Sim. of Leamington. He suffered from as- thma. and bronchitis for '28 ears. but has been completely- cured. y a new treatment and will send particu- lars to anyone troubled with asthma or bron-chitib. Write E. Sim, Box 125. Leamington. Ontario; .--v, -v..-._---_,, Little Muriel Arthur. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Arthur. Midland. who has been visiting her 2grand- mother here. Mrs. J. G. Sibbald. Mul- caster street. was stricken down last week with pneumonia and succumbed to that fell disease on Sundayw Mr. and Mrs. Arthur, who formerly re~ sided at Shanty Bay. will have the -sympathy of many friends in this 10- oality.` .-\1`'l`ED-HarneIs maker, goon Cutter a_nu htter. State ex erience, salary and awe references. ALEX. IN RTAM.TMidhnd Ont. a-a-p` v The- first .robin of the season ar- rived in Barrie early Thursday morn- ing; Mr." Fred Warren caught sight "of it in a tree just in front of his gre- sidenace and describes it as a fine lusty bird` wearing an air of joviality and bon camaradic. which. to say !the least. appears a little illtimed con- sidering the recent fit of bashfulness -shown by the rnercurty. `A robin was also observed later in the day. amongst the vines on Dr. Wells verandah. -Remember. the Grand Picture Travel Talk 3 in V [the [Presbyterian Church. Monday nigth, the 18th. Bring the boys and girls. Admission. Adults 25 cents. Children 15 cents each. or twoadmitted on an adult ticket; y ' , v-v__.- 7: The !death occured on Monday morning of Wakefield H. Love. aged 36 years. at 'the residence of his bro- ther. Philip Love, Mulca-ster street, with whom he has lived since the death of his father, some six years ago. The deceased had been a suf- ferer from diabetes for the past 20 years and although he complained of additional pain during `the week, no immediate danger was apprehended until Sunday, when he sank into a state of unconsciousness from which he never` rallied. The funeral took -place to the Union Cemetery on Wed- mesday. , - . | 0 oqvur`-..-J - .Word was received in town 9. few days ago, of the unexpected death in St. Boniface Hospital. Winnipeg. of E. Fletcher. brother of Messrs. Church. LMonday night. the 18th." R. E. Fletcher. of town. and J. H. Fletcher. of Minesing. It is about twelve years since the deceased left Barrie for the West. At the annual meeting of the Ba_r-z rie Liberal-Con_servat'ive ' Association on `1`u'esday ovehing Mr. H. H. Stra-5 thy. K. C.. was elected President and Mr. `A. Maloomson.` Scroetary. `Delegates. were appointed to attend South Simpoe Lib.-Don. ,Con- __v;_e'ntion. in Gookstown zon F1 -iday. A '_`_'S'p,,6`Oi8_.l,`1'.l7`8ill_v\Yill `probably be char- ` ,ior.;the occasion. In ase` .o-.- Parker Morren {FRIDAY'S Hock!-_:y_ Barrie won by a very narrow Margin. THE coumewoon TEAM HAS Bmrm srnmnaramuno smcm LAST WINTER AND PUTS UP A. STRONG ARGUMENT. The result of Friday's hockey match between Barrie and Collingwood was somewhat of a `-disappointment to many local lovers` of the game. but` the -close score of 4 to-3 should not be regarded as an evidence of weak- r .e-ss in the Barrie team. but rather of unexpected strength in the line- up_ of the visitors. Collingwood has secured a couple of new players since last year "as well as Barrie and as the two teams were always very evenly: matched these new men enable Col- lingwood to -still keep up in the race; If the Barrie boys. however; had playedthe same aggresive game that they put up against the Mrxrlboros. they would have \.run up 021 larger -scorIe.- That the local team is quite fast enough for senior company can- not be gainsaid. as the Marlboros af-A ter being defeated here were able in turn to win from the St. George's on Saturday last, by _7 goals to 3. Barrie s small majority over Co11ing- wood. therefore proves rather that the latter team `is strong` father than that Barrie is weak. If Col1ing- wood had entered the Senior series a"foI1r"EIu1Tlg'6p 'Ju13"-i;}e'L'eLT formed in which `the rival [teams would have been very closely matched. t\ 1-1 , _,L___L_.I .,1:od .:;;;g.:"X";uy'g;g""15;ay WH ALE. W?nn?pegosia. Man.` .,..-.. ......, ..-.,.. ..,-, .... \lAJ' ... ..... ... On Friday night the game started off at a pace which could hardly last. as the play was too strenuous to be kept up for any great.-length of time. The checking was very sharp and the work of Galloway `bordered so close- ly on roughness `that with -a more -strict referee he would have been out of the -game for -the greater part of the evening; Hockey is not a par- lor game by any means -yet a certain amount of protection is guaranteed to the players by the -rules) Slash- in g was indulged in. also to too great anextent by both teams. Col1ing- wood scored the first goal and 400 excursionists from that town made themselves heard, but it was nothing to the noi-se created by the 1500 odd Barrieites when Lewis tied-the score and when Schafer dropped one into the net from cover-point and -For- rester added another before (half~ time.` - - IA IT Inc _ ,-I that ended the story. LILIIGO In the second half Collingwood drew first blood. Then Lewis Daud Forrester made a pretty` rush.toge- ther the latter scoring. Collingwood got another before time was called and ,1 __ _Il_--.- The games `were scored as ~follows-- First. Charles Collins, 11 1-2 min- utes; second. Lewis, 1 1-4 minutes: third. Schafer. 6 1-2 minutes; fourth. Forrester. 10 minutes; Iifth. Charles. Collins, 12 minutes; sixth, Forrester. 9 1-2 minutes; seventh, Tom 1301-. lins. 8 1-2 minutes; Tne teams were - - 4`! I n-u ,-__ _.-!_..L 117:1- 11115. O J."{4 Lluuubuag Lllv v-.......... "V... Barrie-Goal, Thomas: point. Wil- Iiams; cover-point,`Schafcr: xentre. Lewis; rover. Forrester; right wing. Caldwell; left wing Ridden.` ` 1 -r\ LL ......,, .,_;.!nL \la.Lu IV 01.: , 1!. Lu vv .-gt, . - . _ . _ -- Co1.ling'wood-Goal, Patter-son : point. Galloway: cove!`-point. Andres: centre. C. Collins: rover. Andrews; right wing, McDonald; left wing. T. Col- ANNUAL MEETING HELD IN ALLAN ' DALE ON TUESDAY. One of the largest meetings of L. 0. L., of Innisfil District ever held. took place in Allandale on Tuesday. Jan. 12th. The following officers were elocted;- - W. D. M., Bro. C. Srigley. D. D. M.. Bro. R. J. Hill. Chaplain. Bro. Brown. Rec`.-Sec "Bro. Anson Black. Fin.-|3ec., Bro. W. B. Sloan. Treasurer, Bro. I. -W. R. Arnold. Lecturer, Bro. J. W. Reid. D. of C., Bro. W. Armstrong. D. C. M.. John Stewart, of Thorn- toh. `installed the officers. Speeches were given by E. A. Lit-(' tle, M. P. P.. Mr. H. Lennox. M. .P.. Mr. Chas. Palling. Mr. Wm. Arm- strong a`nd'othe11s. ' J ;1.oo _PERZLA}Ii*IUM IN ADVANCE _SINGIaE COPIES FIVE CENTS Miss E, M. Long; late soloist __i_n the Church Eglise due Saint-Esprit. New York. has opened a vocal studio at. the Queen -s Hotel. Barrie, for the season of 1904 for the cultivation of the voice in song. English Oratorio. ballad singing; French and Italian Opera. will receive special attention. Voices placed by the Lampcrti Me- - thod. Those desiring tuition can have personal interview by calling at the Queen's. between the hoursvof 10 ii... m. and 3 p.m., _ . ._.._-..____ -QLJ-`Ill FLETCHER:-At St. Boniface Hospi- -tal. Wnnnqw. Manxtoba. on Dec. ` _ `I. Elnnlettp Of. ;___ t-he %.'W1llxa.x_n` Flel:o_he1`,..;0' .i'l`h9? . rs . DISTRICT L. o. L. WAN1`EI) AT ONCEf-For Ma.nitoba-a. first class reliable Tmamxthz steady employment, nrnnnl nmumn Annlu and Drnvtnm OIL OI T. n _Voic'e Culture. _ DIED "MATCH. M. 1.. r vnux pany. Owen SI-eat. V yU\l`"| BOX 276. r;1H<.`1< bs'1`KAx--atrayeu trom 140i :1. won. :3. Innisl (the Mort farm) on thg xoth November at d last seen on t e nub Concemon on the lath ot November last--a two year old` Rad Heifer with a little white on the `ank. horns turned in. The animal was roughly built. A rewlrd of ve dollars ill be paid to the party giving satisfac- tnn infnrmntinn nf the wherenbnuts of '3-e IJDOVG `JIJII `I XVI-IIC'UI' -II Jaw vv vw BARBIE EB.A.Zl.\'l'6H~- A general mun; Business conducted.` Drafts issued on sll parts of the world. Da- rpoaita received sud interest allowed st high-. est rate. `W. D. MORTON. Manager. "v'e a`o'1'xF' `I. 'a'nTi.e"p'$aa1"o"{`1L' is 'r'E' ;iv`i'n&'."a':i.'raEZ (or) information ofthe whereabouts of 3-: above animal. GEO. LESLIE. Allandale. . A 50-3-9 AN I`l:lL)--FAITHFUL PERSON TO CALL. on retail trade and agents forsmsnufscturin house having well established business; local to tory ; straight salary $20 paid weekly s.nd.expense money advanced ; previous experience unn 3 position permanent: business successful. Enclose self-addressed envelope. Superintendent Travelers, 605 Monon Bldgn, Chlcago. .433 IIEUL VV1lLV'.l.'A.IJ"-lL LUIS JUQVEHUU UL t1c_e. `Only those wishin to learn the prmtmg trade need -app y. A - IVI&I`fI Iv TUIUI ` We have 1 large amount of Ptivnte Fund: to loud `qi and 5 per cent. on the security of farm Mortgages. MCCARTHY. BOYS & URCHI-. SON. Dunlap Street Barrie. BOY WAN!l`ED-At The menace 01- `-:An (I-\|n I-`noun; ---3a\\:uuu I-.4` `Anna I-ha order `3? Iu1Jti3{ 's;'13sj"o': F can stock, etc.. to be` (conducted by_ L. Tebo, Auctioneer and Valuator {met `'11: Inn. .4. man A'n\ 1'A\1nnI numwn WAN _1`l::U A1` TUNL;t'.`--ror Manuoua-3 nru good wagcu. Apply 303 Drayton. Ont, or T. H. WHALE. \V5nmne2osis. Man. 9-3~p uu Hall. at 1.1113 \lJV81V'U.lB_\lll._\JllIg where terms and other `urran egnentaj. can. be made. Farmers tin, It to. then` advantage to call and :en&\81_111o for rates. ` . . _ A _ HLUUL, OLD LU UU QUUIIIIUUUUII U _ I-lo ma be left at THE ADVANCE OFFIO , urhnv-A for-van ant` 4-Alngn npunnanvnnnl-A V 31:5":-u-{B-i::':_a::E::b 1865 Capital . - $2,500,000 Rest $1,000,000 Preuldont - . Andrew . Thomson vice Pronldem lion. John `sharpie Gen ! Manager I. B. Webb q- . -u--n-u-nu--I51 2'3 A 'k'l"fH'1'.. The North East Quarter of Lot Six. in the {nth Coo. of Inninl and Park Lots twenty-one and twenty-two. being part of louixin the :3th,,_Cqn_j conion of Inniil. Suidhrm in good cllv lollh ill-7; -`cleared and in 1 good stat! 0fTI{l_Vp'ogg fm-table" dwelliug,4-hoAu_u =_'an_,d A - .; oroctodtheroou. v rclunl. ~ M. T . ,r.. ....v . Advancueu made to farmefs. Sale Ntu discounted or collected and n_ (meal bank- ing business conducted, SAVINGS BANK Ul:l'l\lLlavu:rna .. Current rate: of interest atlowed on .10- counts Luge and Smtll. _ Total . 6000600. Our Quick Relief . j Cough Cure. .4 . . fails to do what is expected of it about once in two hundred tlmel. At Inch times we desire to refund the money "paid for it. 1 n.. Hm whnln it. in the but couch paid [or 1a.: -3- On the whole it is the bent cough 3: cu re we have ever seen tried. It does the utmost possible T good without E posaililiw of harm. Pleasant to take, fnmmpt in results, equally good for c-hildxen or adults. PRICE zscmjrs CAPITAL PAID UP. RESERVE FUND 3.100.000 :-11-30 . _ --- _-_ All the beat quality and guaranteed. . . . . . . A T . . . . .. ROBERTSON S ma Opposite Post Office BARBIE. {% ONT. - vi-'++~!-'5-4'4`-2-`%j4"$?M;l+'i4;4!-4-+%'-%f'!' .4. _ TEE ' ~: $ VOMFORTABLE ROOM with board for two J x_young.men -willing to room. tcgother. Applv `) ')"f\. ` 23'! wxuaaau SERVANT WAN_'l`ED. _ Appafo I M. L. IVELY. office Bu-no Can-sage m- unu (\u.'pn grant E042-II Farm For Sale pr `tg `Rent BANK DEPARTMENT ~....-... ..... no interest on Id [EIFtRVbS.TRAY-Strayed from L6: :1. Com. .. I....:.m lthn Mn:-uni cum) on tha mm. '-.-.\_N'lEI) -Hax-nest maker, good cutter and En... Sign namnrhnnca. nnlnrv and rive jNEW ADVE RTIIENIEN'l?$ oT FARM STOCK SALES. ..3. I - .2` _. -1013 R- L3mbv 'AAI1:lAlGBEl`.!ANOll$ 3"%"'*'""+ "94'4'4"44'P4'"P?'f`4"f ;III. No.` a WHOLE No. 360 } SAMUEL Wnawv. Proprietor. MON EY TO LOAN . I-_.._ _,_ __L _I'I_!_._A- E... ICYOI In C III ID ICTII mar panicu `paw to A. lglo P.O., 095 ` WAR it-% 1 Own , ;ott1 9-'8'? ' 'I'|u ' "lip ` ' "l"K'1'.eaIin?z`ii'ou;2 ESE Everyt ' Musical gpnmaemrr song: EAT Cough Cure Fur Goatsi A.A F:Garrettl 9.!.. sALE| ,s1x-1'? % DAYS! iI'iuitzma%riT(:o. Piano` The Ganglion`: Favorite ` A .We have etnrted thousand: of young A people in successful business career: and can do the some for you. The new term opened with a large attend- ance. We can seat a few. more. Write for free information regarding Greg Shorthend,Touch Cfypewriting, g Book eeping. etc. - 9.9 W, BROOKS, Principe! \ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOQOOOOO AND FURS 77 FOR - { coXiI Kiili W601) noxns $5oo dowu-balo.nco to suit purchaser--will buy. 6 lots in Barrio-- on Wellington Strut and 3 on Berczy strut (on loc). Well onced. good orchard. ujmnll fruits. Also home of tea room: on stone foundation. pnrlog aaxu, dining room 18:14, cellar name. with coal bus o&'. Hard and hot : water. inside. There is a good noble. hon coop: And woodlhod on -anon:-1 A `II M nrf. .' THAT ions CURE miles. A lto . IF PH) Y&9 '.l'lI0l'O II I [coll Ilnmu. nun I 4 9 1 Wollinwn street. one (loot cut. of Peel. :4 House sud laotuo. 3U.'BllIl_3!I' Half acre Lot. `gm of Lot no. Vupn, on Mill and. Applyptol BEXALL; Coal! Coal! spnmc STYLES IN HATS coming in daily _` jjj Home and Lot 151.0. I. Nellou Square. and laot,No. 38."Bhkc_ Stu-oat. Lot lb. Cm Phones 33 and 8'7_ Leave Your Orders with them and - _ aeteeulefeotion. V j Town Prioperty Foxi Sale These are the c'Ql:>1:s '01-` {he ,,,__ . _ _ _ I ..H uB"'.A ! ---O,WNED BY----- TORONT0,0NT. FOR SALE IN awuor. WM. $'I.'EPHENS`.: 3++4+++++++++++++++++++i` ma mrnusrs or many. .'l`i couxii-iv or `swoon, V I0 . M :P. KEARNS. Market Mr. Rex. Ardagh is home trox Bri- ti-sh Columbia. , - T V 1,013 _ A..9-__j._ 2.. IuI&I \I\J5IlI-llIJlIbl' Miss Thornley is `visiting friends in Toronto and Oshawa. -___ I_9.I __ ___!L`. uvlv vnlvv Inac\- iv-wanna vv v- Town Clerk Donell` was laid up with a bad cold for a couple of days last Wl6Bk.' I A ' luau , tHII<,__ _, ___J_ - 1---- .I-..... Thos. Gilray spent a few days at his home in Euphrgsia during the past week." A ' V u H U v v v v uni . V I Miss Hannah Cameron went down to Toronto on Tuesdayto spfend a day` or two with friends , .. wMvi;s'v `eien of \B',raoe- bridgehas been -spending a week in I town withfriendsa _ -u -w are u 770 1,, I._.__- "'3' , H`_I\Q\f' 7- V - u i 3-~zo++++-a-+4-a-+4-a-++-a-++-t-3-1:-1--I-++ j

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