UUIIELIL UL 1&0; 1.; avuupro * Rev. Mr. Bedford founded his Sun- day morning sermon on the text `'80 He tbringeth them to their desired Haven.` " -, ,- .. - ._.............I 110' NextT Sunday - evening a `general memorial service will" be conducted in `the Burton Avenue (Methodist % Church `by Rev. Mr. Bedford. . . _ ,_' 1.-_.--..-J. ....l- '_A 45..-can-uunvnnnr` `III I V11 AV`: 1 0 ans; 0 `nova--v- -.- Services have` not yet `re-commenced in St. George s Church. but it is % hoped that the Bishop will take some st'eps"to -fill the pulpit as soon as pos- sible. . T. 4. T . -.-.__,_'_._1';._ on .1...-.......... Bl. U190 `The mercury dropped to 33 degrees below `zero on Monday morning and the L. pupils were allowed to return home\1ro;,n ecnool afs_ ,.the roams were her _ A. _ > V. 2:` Chantle: F Re9i4*AA `NoI;THERI%TwAnvANcE% Caledon East, is Mrs. James Can- .).stre,e:, V Toronto Farmers Markets. Toxomo. Due. 30. 1953. ~ wh . b. 000.00 CIIIOIIOOOIOIOO ms: 2".,.`FF ____________________ __$ 3*:*__t : our 611' : up `ON is quite Mr. William Cannon and family are back fromiia `trip to Guelph and Cale- don East. They are accompanied by Mrs. `Cannon s brother. Mr. William Huntbr. __ 1__J. `Ill ... 1'4`-p-tint`, ozoouuuoooohooooouooooooooooooooouuoouooouoecuuupuuououuuooo 3 On aunuay evening last Mr. Frank Heard. who has returned to Allan- dale. sang How far to the Grave in fine voice in"the `.Presbyterian Church. I .I1\lI1IBI'. /117' 1r-|....... 1...: .12:-ink!" Unurcn. Messrs. WV. Kelsey (and (Bright `Smith `took the solos in the anthem Praise ye the Lord all ye His Peo- ple Sunday evening in the Burton Ave. Church. As an offertory .010 Mr. Kel-Vsey sang Abide with Us". Penetantz He1`a1d-"Mr. Henrv Haw- ker. Sr., is taking a well earned holi- day in oMontrel. Mr. George Dodson of Allandale. is replacing Mr. Hawker ' 7. _.. a.'I.:.. Iv-o~nn'h nf [he * as engineer *1` III 1'!!! \.aI ` Now to the Lord a noble Song" was `the morning anthem in the Bur- ton ` iAve.V (Church. The solo ivas taken `by -Mr. Joseph Kreitz and the duet `by Miss Laura Wice and Mr. F.` B. `Smith. Mr. Smith and Mr. W. Kelsey sang From Death unto Life. The children of the Presbyterian Sunday School were given an outing -on Tuesday. when four sleigh-loads drove around through -town {for some hours returning to a fine sup- . .. , ;-_-_.....; .4 +111: f`.hnrnh- nours ]'.`BLl.Ll.`uIu3 -.u .. ...... -.., per in the basement of the Church. They entertained their parents and the teachers during the evening with an interesting program. On Friday night last. at about `I0.- 30. a single and a ~`3double-header freight train -came together with dis- astrous results in the Allandale yards, One was north bound and the other south bound. The engineers onboth claim` that the semaphores were down for them to come on and they came ,,-, -u....... ...~..-uznmu g-rn nver VVHCCI. WHIIC-oonoo teduoonoo oounulcnoollioa-0 \I7hnat annng _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _______ %VeryVSpec|a| Bargalnaln all chrlstmas Merchandise, Mlllinery, - M ~ Mantles,,Etc. --_----__:._:@ _.._ eE\'7ery- Mantleein the house reduced. Excellent _Assertment still to choose from. $5.00 to $;8;0O Coats clearing at $3_75 | $8.00 to $12.50 Coats at $5 to $8.25 HANDKERCHIEFS at Clearing Prices 150 dozen Childre_n s White and Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs, worth from 4c to 8c., clearing at 3c each ; 2 for 5c., or 25c per dozen. % MEN'S NECKWEAR Men s_ ne Derby four-in`-hand Ties, regular 25c., clearing at Men s ne Neckwear, regular 50c quality, clearing at New Spring Styles which have come in` exceptionally early. VALUES UNPRECED ;Fine Black and Oxford Frieze Skirt ; heavy weight ; made with_ fionnces, very special at, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fine Black and Oxford Grey Frieze Skirt ; new cat. with panel front and yoke, worth $5.00, at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Very Specio.l-Fine Vicunacloth Skirt in Black, Navy and Oxford Grev ; new spring style, self trimming ; ' $6 00 ; our price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A New Creation-A nine gored Skirt of fine Black and Oxford Vienna ; prettilv trimmed ; worth $6.00, for. . . Swell Navy and Grey Twill Cheviot Cloth Skirt. elegantly trimmed with Black Taffeta piping. ` IMMENSE COLLECTION T0 CHOOSEFROM.` PCSITIVELY THE LARGEST IN BARRIE. JAM ESVA|R& SONS. , AND, I.emAuc: LOFT `Tcumsnans Goon? IS WHAT WE_.'ARE DIRECTING OUR WHOLE ATTENTION TO THIS WEEK Afes a xhost.s;1scessful season we o'er our enre stock of Untrimmed Felt Hats and ' Ready-to-wears, rangihg from $1.50 to` $4.00 to clear at each 39 ' Trimmed Hats and Millinery Accessories at Half Price. 2.. L1... I311:-_ 1'3 1`up1a.v1u5 a.-u... ....... on this branch of U 08............u..g.u- Butter, per Qound...............A.. Chickens, sonny. per pound........ Turkevn. nnr nnund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . St 991$t;%5.1$i_.11g SENSATIONAL OFFERINGS IN LADIES SKIRTS MAu1'LasT1'" MARVELLOUS nEnuq_1'no_ns: Vww wwuugrg far-lined boat at -1 . V Ladies fur-lined Capes at similar reductions. Children's Coats, regular `$2.50 to $5.00, your choice for $ 1 _75. `The medallions over all-over lace. ier flowers were pink roses and pink car- znationss. The - -groom s gift to the bride was a gold watch and chain. To the bridesmaid he gave a neck- lace of amber acnd pearl heads. After the wedding (dejeuner {had (been served M1`. and Mrs; Wallace left for a `trip to Hamilton." Ingersoll and Ot- tawa _ `followed by showers of good wishes. The bride s travelling suit was of blue broadcloth trimmed with buttons -'to -match and Persian braid. . The fhatpwas of blue velvet to match , the costume and was trimmed with L silver sequins with white plume fas- _a tened `with stee.lA-buickles. cRAIG'HURs'r. L ..'AMrs. Cassitiy. Vof Sudbury, is vi- |siting her brother. Mr. J. Swan. __,!_ _ l'\.._---.. l.l'3W.............u.u...........A Dressed Hogs.......f........'.,.... Rnttpr, nmv nnnnd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... l'llrQIl anva. -van. \:--;;v.., ..-u-.. v ` Mr. C. Ambler and wife, <;f .(i';>;:n- i hil1.f were -the guests of Mr. Geo. Mc- Lean_ over Sunday. 11' ru 41 ,:_,_..!J-J ..L I-Ln AJUuAI_ V J \JuI.1.I\.|~J 0 Mrs. Geo. Gaston presided at the `organ at St. J ohn s Chunoh on Sunday Vinv the absence of Miss Maggie Swan. who`isA -visiting friends in Barrie. 1-!` -u- . ,c., 1-,;2-_9 A.) ......:..l VVLIKP 1'3 'VlDl.LlLl6 LLIDIJUD All .n.zu.A.;;v- The,_St. John s Ladies -Aid social on- =New Year's night was a splendid success. there being over one hun~ dred . present. A7--- ____-;_1._._ ___ ..._...-I-Innlnu :a run: LOIA klLv9I;JJ\aI ` Our weather prognosticator is now often confronted with the question, How long i-s this spell of very cold weather going to last?F.or during !_ihe*_ gweek the temperature has I1 o ,ldi pretty` "steady-_at about 8_ deg. iiwzo 0` -The "highest being 2 dlg. uuuvu zero. T Re; . ._- Cf: , H UNPRECEDENTED. fl WP` _vited to attend. evening. 13th of January. His dis- course .will be illustrated by lime- light views. A All are cordially na- wmcxeua, sunny Turkeys. perpound....... Duck8...............-cu. Ana- .purpounu........ V ILULI .LU abuvxnuo The band -has received their uni- ,forms from Toronto at a cost of nearly `$135. The. '?'memb.ers have made arrangements to serenade the people of ~Mine-sing at th rink on 3 Saturday evening. .. . qr 111-,, 1r_*rl__:.:.. ......J .241: u.y\A\`: LJGLMLUGJ uvuunu c ' 1 Mr. .Wm. McIl:ride and wife spent. New Year s (day with Mr. James; `Johnson. at -Dalston. ` , -1. o .a-1....|..` UUJJILSUIJQ G-L 'JJIbhJ|-IJAAI V On Monday morning at 8 o.c1ock' the mercury registered 34 degs. bee- '1ow zero. a point not observed here. for many -years. The lowest `here last winter. was 21 dogs. below zero.` Some of the young people of the. Congregational Church to.o_k advan-. tage of New Year's day to pay Rev, and Mrs. Pedleya surpf me visit in the evening. The 11DlIlVll.ud but web come Iguests made themselves very "much. at home and the time was spent in a pleasant manner. with a. variety of amusements and music. During the evening Mr. Pedley was l'p',resented by Miss Coates, in the name ii#I!mPer6` an if the Bible Union with a.Waterman fountain pen. as an indication of the good feeling existing between I ' the d-:: their.` `le;ade`:rI*`inp max. II` nights" 2;; Sunday A Pleaseant Surprise. . . . . . .$2.75 09 zn wx. VV --$4 00 15c 35c 000000 ooooco0IO|I0oOI0Ioooooo V Eggs. perdoz...................... Pntztnnn. nor ham _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ Egg`; pefoozn......o.........g--o Potatoes. perbag.................. -Beef. hindquarters per cwt......... RM-f. fnrnnuunrtern. nnr cwt . . . . . . . .. ' hindi;uartrs cwt.. .... Beef. forequarters. per cwt. . . . . . . .. V Mutton. Vga!,perpound.................... Temperature `27 below _zere. The coldest weather ever known for .110 holiday season. ` Mr. l1arry"'G;ose .`took-- :char8'T .0f-' "the methodist service Sunday` eve. -in the absence of Rev. Mr. MoKee. ' T tf Train service considerably disor- tganized. . ~ ' K c x Mr- Jack ami Tom Barry. mof Chi-' cago. were home for the ho1idaTys.. 1;L[1;s. Sproule and family ha-v .Ite-A: "turned from a visit to '1`or`onto._v A. Miss C..Douse has retufned td To- ronto -to resume}, her studies, also Miss .T. Donnely to _Barrie. ' - `T We `are sorry to report t_he'cg.)n;'in-.5 ;ued illness of Mr. Frank Barry;._;bu|:A hope for a speedy.1'.:esco1_7e1jy. - * A number f.romV'here 'att_e'jj;dedv Churchill 1?ink Tueday.-7 - .\ * The` Lefroy .Presby'te.rian, S__.TS. TIT-IE MARKETS LEFROY BARRIE JAN. 7. x904- way...- W 573.... 8` use 3..__ 56. __ gm...` 4} 75 In 45 95 Coroner's Inquest A i U A Into Death of [the accident five feet "had been de- cided upon as the width, This would be ,far enough out to catch a switch gate. He saw the engine leave the track. It -was caused -by the right wing striking the switch-gate. His attention [had `not been oalledto any defect in the bells. Two men were necessary -for each wing. ` Monday `evening's session of the in- quest lasted from 8 o'clock until half past two the next morning. The evi- dence is crowded out of this issue but will `be published next week. The following verdict was brought in:- "We. the jury empanelled on the inquest to inquire into the cause of the death. of the late James Paton. fireman on the G. T. R. engine-pus! ing the snow plow on the Penetang branch. north of Colwell station. on December 23rd. after hearing evi- dence came to the following conclu- isioni c. ` T That `after the snow plow passed. the Atownline the right wing was put out and came in contact with _the switch gate at Walker's graveipit in Vespra. derailing fche [engine on which `the ldeceased was fireman". and "cauising it to. `be overturned into the ditch in the cab `of which the late James Paton was confined and ` fatally scalded by escaping steam. .,'1`he accident was caused by admis- take made by either the foreman, M:cPhenson. or the operators of the right wing. Hunter and Givens. but from `the conflicting evidence weyare unable to place the responsibility on either` one or the otherfof the said i parties. .{`Wee also find from the evidence that inexperienced men, were tsent out on this particular [plow and that the spring on the gong attachment on_ the right side was broken and tied with a string. thereby making the gong de_pective.A and they plowi should not _,l1.9.\'re. been ent.out,`in that r condition.'~ f _ 4. V - . - 4% ` A'fu"AR11,IEnF_% % L % RIQKARJQ,-BLOW;-On" ,_t_h9; 12nd 'ins_t.`. at "cth'e'-L -redde1i3_e;o,ff f`t;I1'--bri . ._pa_- . J wits. R93;-,f-J; Harry. . mc* A1rd .`o41!,`n.1tuI1tLo_. L : j `Continued -from V page 8. James Paton ism-.*`n.-mama} .%Acnoss "rm: an I -"*. .. '1-ammnoaa xssemn.-s`1=u'r - ` comm-xszon m A. smasn FRIDAY NIGHT. Items` of Interest Concern?- F in; SixthWgi-d 2 J-nIIIIuI.I\J' LVI IaJ.A\l adv-n\nJ-ru Miss Brennan... -of Montreal, is i- ` siting friends V here. ` l -at _ 1-n_-'. .1 -n . _ A _ -._:.I -g.__._:l_ ----.... '2... j ill; i , Mr. and Mrs; John" Jordan hav `re.- K turned `from Elmvale. L . - l-lALLL\I\.l. I-I-\IlJ -A`-Ana Vvt-`cu E ` The. Misas _Shepherd `have been %ho1`ne for the holidyxs. " _A 'Il'-__.L._-_I 2.. _.3 5151115, LL Lvuuu , a.|va.vo ' L '> \ ` Orillia last week. I E 9 Mrs. Robert Cannon is visti;_1_g_'re- 1 latives in `Caledon East. .-\`-~.-- i .M1=s. -George Lawrence is` visiting jher. parents in Teronto. _ " Mrs. Fleetbham is entertaining her brother from Caledon East. cum: ... I Mr. Fred Penny and `family were "in ` g.-4 sang... -..a-- -v_ - v--_.-J _. L Rev. H. D: .Came1.-`o-n gpaks on "The 1 two Gardens next Sunday night. 1 III: _ 1, ,1_I, A 11,, A In 13`L!`I,_I_ 1!_A.L__ v.-.u---e ac..- uu-v-..w... .--.-- V - _... . i Messrs. Amos.and David Miller. of `Toronto. are visiting their mother. _ Mr; Fred Hamlin_ has returned to hi-s ; studies at Toronto -University; `I'D 1! 1" `nu vvv .-guy .s---qvpv -.a-..vv-- A-llbevrt Hunt and family` were in Churchill for the ho_liday`s.u 1-1' 1-; I1, -I__ ___ ufl\L- V-vugvu -\~Ivv vs vs... ..... ..-.~.vr"`V\-- Mrs. Coulter. of "Burk-e s Falls. ;is visiting her brother. Mr. Joe Day. 1`r,____- A__-__ ____1 1'\____I 'll'!II-.. -1: What.........n......... IIIQI oatsnlotoCIOIIIIQIOCIUQOIUI UOI Peas............................ Bar|ey....................`...... Rye .........-................... Flour........................... Buck'wheat..................... Beetbycarcass................. Muttnn.................. ...... Live Hogs, selections ILO to 230.` ` hnavvnr lie` I:....... I "'M`a3'saJ'BE1I;EZzI` is` 313' 't}3I1Is gattending `her grandfather. who is 011 _ . r L.. -- -_ q I an 1 van vs-4:v- a.; wag; `run-\4\.\'Qn .-.v--... Mr, :Waldon Lawr has resur_ned his `duties at Albert School. _ '-u-. -.-v ..v..v -v-..---., ---c___. ~ "]`."he aeatffot Mr. Alf. I hilp`s father occured last week at Gravemhurst. -I'Miss Myna Ross has returned to her `duties after being home for the holi- 12. ('John: Co'ulter. Cumberland St., has built a fine barn on his pro- ` perty. ' ` '-:1-__. 1~rr2n:___... 1.-- IQ.-- -..IIV..A I-.- `viii. Williams has been called tu_ Madoo -'by the serious illness of her mother. .I 'I\U_ 'Q,_ ,,J-,, ,1L, A-nvvanpaa u Mr. Char1es`Dixon'ha.s returned to Hillandale to resume work on (the LGrand Trunl. `D-.. (9 (N... .u 5.0 'I"Lounml-nan uruuu .I. 1' H111`. Rev. G. \I. Craw, `fof Thonntorn. lpreached on Sunday evening in the `Presbyterian Church. ? A _____I_ _A ,____--_. A- 'I_-!_._. _-_J.'._L J. gqvua-:4 uv- ow`. v-.w-- v... A `week of prayer is being condi1ct- ` ed this_week in the Allandale Presby- E terian ChurSh.. `CO I. . 1 motner. Jurs. nuuxur. eMr. Alf. Miller, of Depot Harbor. is spendingthe winter with his aunt, Mrs. `Peter Steel, Essa street. 4-nu 15-.. `ll`__ `The Prices Runng'1n the Barrio and Toronto Markets During the Week. JILL. 1.01.61. }JbUUJp Janna uunvvuu ` On `Sunday Jan`y 17th. Rev. Mr. `Locke. of Orillia. will preach at both services in the Burton Ave. Church. ._ 111- as q. 5 ""siIJS1 &s1;'bT?;vf'155.cE;;}`;g.a 1 wife spent Sunday in Stroud with the &Iatter s grandfather. -gr, -r.___:_1 Lu.....__.... -1! `IA : nnnnn .nIa Ia\7.I. Illvll N-IIJ\lJ VIII! Mr. Walter Vaughn was [amoxllgst ithe City visitors i1_1_ town for New i YIear |s. -' -- o~ ,-,,,,,__,--_1 I..- V1&i$"1i11. of Ca `visiting her sister. M2 lnon. William street. ,._I__. `L- .l. mu; poo Mr. Luke Spearin.- accompanied by his family is visiting his brother in Collingwoad. ' ' 'nl'!__ 'r\__._:I1 -0 (Q.-.'l...`l.\u 'IPnnl- -In llllllp VV l&1lu.1..|.| >3; vvvu Mrs. B. Maey has returned to Nia.garaVFal1sTafter a visit with her mother. Mrs. Miller. .1ur.. A-I42 M:]]nr hf `nann+ Flm-hm-- IGLLOL D3 51 lhll\.l.l.IJ-IaLA\t.L n A Mr. David Steeper. of Minneapolis. accompanied by his family is visiting his uncle Alderman Poucher. 1 A,___. (II. IAGJIU us. 1; ',AI\lI.|A\4l . Mr. Her; McMillan has gone back to `the City after visiting his parents on !Cumberland street. - -n- as _ _-_AA J g__ `______ Alli! IAIIV-V LLl\A\Ib a.n.au-up ; vv-v-.'_ ._ Miss Moore has returned from St. Catharinesywhere she spent the holi- days at her-home`. '|A'__ 'l"l'-_.`L 1u'-'nr:l`I..... 1.... IHIIVIIL In-mnly IJII I\JuA.L:p:vA-snags. -.n.. V... Mrs. --McDougall arrived in town from Scotland `last week. to join her husband. They have taken Mrs. Oar- son s furnished residence. T It -I'\-,_____ I____j IABIUDUKIIIU anu (ELSE. IIEIllu o c 0 0 0 - o Wool Pncks........................ 'IJ-.....I.I2.I`- _ _ _ _ __ Wu 5 L31 LIIQLIQVL I \I9l\l.\J.||\avI . Mr. Charles Chase. of Parry Sound. is a guest. at the residence of Mr. Herbert IMcMorra_n. I` c._ ___o.._. LL61 IIIJL `I Id-VLVJ-IA-`IA A Inna! At seven: otlock Monday morning .the `thermometer indicated that it was 33 degrees below zero. 1 '11,, 1-\,I___1.,.'I' .._E.. 1...... nnunn :v-n Cu-Arr: WEB UV uliaavuu uv-vvv auvavu Mr. B.o_bertrLevia has come in from Gelert '.'to `try examinations in tale- graphy. 11.; A_.LI...-.. l\'..-..n :5 +n `I-\.n nn'n a-1-n- !5=1"-.v- A Mr. Arthur Overs is to be congra- tulated on.late improvements to-his `barber shop. ingluding a couple of lrnodern chairs. , J_-_I_ __'__A. :__. IIIULIUI. u vuanspo Rev.` H. D. Cameron took part in the Angus Presbyterian Church con- cert on New Year s night, -L [N1-.v_v -Year's night. W 1 .___. -3 l'I`I.....'I..o- QI- LVUVV 'LWGL L3 uxbuuu . Mrs. Sharp and son. of Charles St., left last week to spend the remain- rder of the winter on theiother side hot the border: 1 '1 n1-_____.|__ ____:,1 UL 0116 D91. uvsu Mr. Homer Heard. of Toronto. paid `a flying visit to 6th Ward friends last_,.week on-his way hoome from a trip to Beeton. II-IL - AI'I_'_.`l-`I.. I'...`I!...-J Aus-3'I:n-can 11 L11`! DU Llvvbvuo 1 The Allandale Ladies Auxiliary of ` the Royal Victoria _Hospita;1 .meets on Frid_ay_ afternoon at 2 o clock in I the Presbyterian Church. 'l`-L_. Q 'I')_--..J...u.. 3.: ulsAtsI!l)`I`:I\iU _ '_I)Il l|-Io M ;\r.. ; . LLIU J. LUSH; I.vJ. nun \a..n-..v...- Mrs. John S. Brunton is recovering after a very serious_.i1lness. She was `able. `to sit up on Sungiziy. much to the i delight of her friends. ,,, -|t_. 'I1-.`lA-...`I J...-.-`.1.-ml `kin Run- WOO] l'lCK8......nu-u.. House!-iides...............