`V f:,1mss Glacl`.y.4rda1a;(p:1;; vgldsa honors at f"Torqnjzq _ Anivri... 'PIi1`.QfM_r_g;'_'E.ffW;: ' * . ,_;,.. H,` ._. ` y~ n'd.'_* L}&ar-.-l-5'83` `V Tlfe` daily. papers last week pub- lished details of atgfmat oontlag'ra~.tion in -Chicago, where by the burning of a `theatre so_me,600 people lost their lives}; I, . ' ".'.']:1;;1;gmnt 53:13 -been hahded out in the cause of -Wallace,,vs. Garrett. dis- mixssingithe-aotion without costs. A. -E. `H. Creewiake for p1tf.. W. ' A. Boyzs for dfdt. ` 7- If\ ._.-.___ .__I__I-_.1_.. _.-_.-_.. -.. 9113-311. 5y;tor' }it}1tI * `ow ` A -very scholarly paper _onVFaith and Reason as authorViti_esin Religion`- was read -before the Ministjerial As- sociation -on` Monday ,afternooi1 ` by Rev. "E, -D. Cameron. V ` --Tiokets for Friday evening's In termediate. Bhampionahip Hockey Match-'-Barrie vs. Co1lingwood.~ in the Chrystal Rink.- can `be procured at Robertson's Drug Store, mu nnnwu `D.-.1] Mann l- I-Inna`:-nu-,_ so-v .-- av- up-avg, ya man `:53 -guys. Vac `Mr. Henry Ball, Mary St.. Gener- al Agent for Simcoe County. of the Sun Life Ins. Co.. has received a tele- gram .stating that the ioompany did- new [business to the_ amount of A $19.- 673.000 last year.` an increase of ,four millions over 1902. Of this sum Mr. Ball "was instrumental .,in securing -business to the extent of $100,000. 1:1! II 1 WastRid.i1?1vg7"i"1'iit`i{u`t;""luc}t}`i;`1t)ral ms-I ` tri9tLg1'iculturaI _sn_ciaty. { | `._2I L- I.-I 3.. `L- Efiivlflilr II I A nu-nun!` run In win he held in tin: COUNCIL CHAMBER. BAR- RIE, on . -' ~ Wednesday..l`.a`;I.|_?1_I"ry20th, I904` (LIM ITED)_ o The First Annual General Meeting`of the Shareholders ofthe above Com pany for the elec- tion of Directors and other general business will be held at the Company's oice. Owen Street, Barrie, on MONDAY, the 18th JANUARY, 1904, at4 o'clock Pan. _ _ - 1\-.|.-.1 `L1--n;L -vw-9 -v va-av vgvvoav van. wygvvgyvvu Walker. the caretaker of -Woodlands, -has received instruct- ions rfroml the receiver of the Craw- forieetate to continue looking.~aft'er the property as formerly. Mr.~Walk- or has` saved the creditors a -neat sum by his thoughtfulness in- caring for the buildings even when__ there seem- ed ' no ,poss_ihility of reimbursmelnt. " -Mr. Frank Yeigh. will give his latest picture travel "talk"'The Grand Tour" with` 150 magnificent gsterep foptican views in the Preshytexun Church Monday. January'1-8=.7, Don't mm it . ' ; . Mm no mistake 2 YARD,`F00'1`TOF TORONTO STREET. T `Office-91 Dunlon ;..ae:.`s..ge A I--- , .. OTICE is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Shareholder: of the Barrie Tanning Company. ;(Limited), will take, place at; the oice of the Company, Bredtcrd Stre et,.in_ the Town of Barrie. on `TUESDAY, the_19th day of JANUARY, 1904. et 3 -o'clock p..iii., for the purpoee of receiving the report of the Dlrectore for the Poet year; electing Director: of the raid Jouipnny for the enening _ yen` and tranepting Inch other hneineu oi the Com- enyee __yhe _. _lent.~ . o .. 'p`~~=By org: oi--thzxgferd. . * ing."--2 . . . ii: . sciioox. sn " '1`ead`or_I"w ill b iodvod by the `undersigned sixcordcoftwo hudwood. two-xhmla CTION NO. x ORO. * `. ;,,..o I % +++++3| nu-1-outs 'l`EAs-laI|Ion9a world ro- nownod ton in black. urea` and bIond-ulIo comm unornw luvs. . THE Barrie%car`i_ai|ge company -3-Frank Yeigh's new Picture Travel Talk '".l`he Grand Tour" makes a de- lightful evenings entertainment. 160 beautiful stereoptioan views. don't miss `it; Presbyterian Church. Mon- day evening. the 18th.` Admission 25 ` cents. a Brigade was called out at about 'three o ola:k. Tuesday pm_or.n- ing; an alarm having been sent in of: .aoeou_nt 'of smoke issuing from the Examiner office. The firemen~disco- vered on arriving that the proprietor wasponly firing up on account of `the [cold spell. and had left thestove door 1-2 TFNi?ER9 FOR W663 904, aeaac1ac.;a. ""`*` Dated this 4th. ay'o`f"Jagua. . 1904. ` . `II TNWIVDD ' EIFER ESTRAY-Strayed from Lo: 1:. Con. :3. 'Innial (the Morton farm) on the Jet}: "November and last seen on the nth Concession on thejzth of November lut---a two year old Rod .5:n TLA anhnn` `nan rnuuahllr I-nu? Heifer with a little white on the ank. H_>;i;sftuI"nod nf ANNUAL;. MEETING The Annual Meeting of die \ 33;- _.' RI 1 Nojrnc: At i1 R. J. FLETCHER, Sec'y. aausuung Secretary. U L` L 1318, Secretary. The Daughters of the- iEmpire;are `working for the deep sea fishermen int Labrador. e_ Dr. `Grexifellfs descrip- tion of thei'iawful hardsh ips and po- verty touched all who heard him here a `year ago. Everyone can help to fill our bale. Flannel. Flannelette. yarn. spools of thread, and anything our shopkeepers can spare will be gratefully received." Articles to be sent to the Public Libraryl `Lottie Ross. Secretaryi " III`! , $ , 1 , , , 9., "1 Ir- An 1 uu--rtu 1 :1 us. rnnauu Lu u-1.5.1. on retail trade and agents {gr manufacturing house having well established bulmeu; local tem- ' torv: straight salary. $20 paid weekly and expel! money advanced ; previous experienice unnecessary: posinon permanent ; business successful. Enclose self-addressed envelope. Superintendent Travelers. -605 Manon Bldg.. Chicago. ' 48-3 q.-vs-a -av-- \rvvvQJ -. The explosion of a lamp in R. Mc- Donald's liquor cellar. while-a plumb- er was at work there. caused -quite a` fire on Friday last. The damage. however, was slight and was largely occasioned by the water which was used "to extinguish the `blazes. "A couple of hundred dollars will cover the entire. loss. The premises. occu- pied by J. Mccandless and Geo. Sim- mans, as` well` as- the offices `above, werefilled with smoke and for a time it was feared that the flames would be difficult to control. but the prompt action of the Fire Brigade speedily checked the advance of the fire. e i . .*Magistrate Ross says that the be- gining of the winter of 1853-4 was marked _-by` juust--`such weather as has been experienced this year and that the (temperature rarely` rose above the zero mark all winter. This is rather `cold comfort. but there is a silver lining to every cloud and Ca- nadians hav_e `every, reazson to be thankful -that the miner s_ strike took place in 1902 instead of 1903. 'I'l -rs r---` -- -- -..----- v- guru'- The Eharity Ball in Aid of the any- al Victoria Hospital was a great suc- cess. although the extreme severity of `the weather undoubtedly kept many away. The ladies who under- took Ithe management are to be con- gratulated on the manner in which all the details were carried out. The oommittee wishes to thank all who kindly loaned. assisted and other- wise contributed to the success of the affair. NUPTIALS or Miss Maui A. PALL- ING AND. `am. JOHN mzmnnv Agcann. wznnmc Arr Marsh Hall. the residence of Mr. Charles Palling. ilnnisfil. was lithe scene of uninteresting event on Dec. 30th, when Rev- E. W. Murphy. of St. Paul's Chureh. performed the ee- remony of uniting in marriage. Miss Mary A. Palling and Mr. John La- Alexander Brown. who lives on the Essa 3Road, near Holly. met with an accident on Monday evening, at about six o clock. which cost him his_life. He was walking west on Dunlop St.` and just after passing the comer of Owen street slipped and fell strik- ins` his-head sharply on the pavement. He; was carried into Robertson s drug store.vbleeding profusely at the ears and the Chief of Police shortly af- terwards `had him removed to the Wellington I:Iotel..where he remained in an unconscious condition until his death a little later on in the evening. Mr\.4Brown was 57 years of age and was well known in, town andecouxntry. He leaves a widow and two sons. the latter being 5 James A.. of ' Toronto. and AH5y.'r-vey .M..gm'ail clerk on -the `North `Bay. train. Thefuneral. takes .al999stdays`.(Thursday) at one okslockn j Wo`r`Vd ".'v5v'as_ Irweiyeil inV Vtown op \ T9`.15 3to.ti1_1 `?htt= Bamul. ` 1- nt1l9n!9s;.; Bi.8.;,J3ar Pei. t.-% wh9., Vopekn Ia `few Tmvinutes while getting sbme wood. , I 5 -' zenby Archer. .a prosperous young` farmer of Hillsdale. The bride was costumed in a pretty gown of white silk and` was assisted by her sister. Miss Elizabeth. who was becomingly attired in grey voile. The grooms- man was Mr. Thomas Arch!er. After .~jurstice had been done la bountiful wedding breakfast Mr. and Mrs. Ar- cher drove to theirihome accompan- ied by the hearty good wishes of many friends. The gifts-which were received were very `handsome. Among-st" `those present at the wed- ding. were Dr. and Mrs. Palling. of `Barrie; Mr. and Mrs." James `Palling. of Toronto :` Reeve and Mrs.-Walker. of Medonte: Mrs. Wm. Ball. of Moon- stone; Mr. and Mrs._ W. C. Burridge. Toronto: A. Little.` M. P. z1_x_i_d ` T?- ` ... .-. .`."I`j. -T` 1 1 D 1- s.|u.o- . Uuly LHUSU Wlulllf. Ll prmtmg trade need app y. Mi'I:i?tTe-."M17.*a`IT James FE`- guson. Allgndalez .Mr. and Mrs. John Neill\and the Misses `Neill. Holly; Mr. and Mrs; Edgar, Archer. Hillsdale. and Mrs, Brooks. Holly. ~ AN_msAizoAn 1Anumn FELL on ma: PAVEMENT mm urmczmn ms SKULL. '4 A sunnm DEATH. _Died it' A'St.`.Louis. mmsn HALL. Vito; Findlay name over from Orangeville for New Year's. at-_, 1-: TOWN PROPERTY AND DWELL- - INGS FOR SALE " Qnna vgov Iv vvn vvnvu \Il.I1&1lb J.l.1U\l.|\.l.Do_ Miss Phillips, of Hamilton. spent the holidays with friends in town. 'n.f_ `I5__.I 13' n, u Miss O`Leary, of Winnipeg, is vi- siting Mrs. Fred Hart, Dunlap St. `Miss Minnie Lennox has gone to visit Tdronto friends for a month. Miss Fisher. of Detroit, is visiting Mr. and Mns. Fisher. at the Que\en s. , . `|f_ A `I 1'-I1.1L _ - -_--_cvv---v gv-n gwvvv J.\IloIsL VMiSs Berry. of London. spent New Year s with Miss Una Lu:ck.g V... n nun an-new \JA.||n Jaurvn-3 ` Mr. -R. Addison. of Ottawa. has been spending a few days in town. `IKE..- `I -._-!- (1 , `LI, 1 I , 1 vtrv.---cg.-5 nu -vvv Iain. no 5;; I40 11 A10 Miss Jessie Smith has been spend- ing the week with Orillia friends. `I-11 all: A vv Ion G13 VVII-Ll Lxxcuua [LI LUWIlo Mr.7F'red E; Smith spent the holi- days with his parents in Guelph. `In... "n...:.n... :. ...__.....1:_... ;1..- ~._..u _._J _. -- guy... A-nu: tau; vpavu ac; VJ IIIIIOIJIJ Miss Dodds is spending the heli- days `at her home in Woodstock, ..-a. - 14-`awn. as-a.;I_-.70 L'.|al.AU.l.; G-In U110 \t|.lQU1.IDn r. .A. A. Hallett came home from Port Dover for the Christmas holi- days. v -I-I.` .- u..' -._ _._.., .v. s Miss' Esther Baylis`s,V of Penetang. is visiting her aunt, Mrs. C. Horse- field. . L" `. ' :Z="."-iii; - Mrs. Myers,` of Toronto, spent `New -Year's with her sister, Mrs. J. Payne. :1 cvv. . - - - - - _ Mr. Will Vair was iii Stfatford for New_ .-Year s.L Bank Eoronto -.-.vu~n.-.n` iiiss Perry has returned from a }visit `to -Creemoref "1t;.wArthu: Whish has returned to Toronto alter spending Christmas at Woodcot. ` -_-- -u--v- ' cap; Xriiur Batten. of the -'s'oo". was in town on Monday looking up old acquaintances. -`fog -.-. g 7-- - _.. 'M'rv.;1`11~c1.Mrs. J. H. Reid and Miss Rita have returned from a two weeks visit in Buffalo." - v-_ u--u`v--o-an-vi-Qawrircuri Misses Delamere and Maud-e Mc- Kee. Mary street, are spending a V month in Montreal. -- - V.-vv av: v;nv Pusan Iv uvmu 3[r._ Andrew Pearson, of Peterboro, spent`Sunda_v in town at the residence of his uncle, Mr. Fred Marr. v_..-- V-.. --.vq-rn vu--- After spending two weeks with his parents. Mr. Elm-er .-Lusck returned to London on Monday. - nu... '|l'!_____ 71-- -.-n nnv 1 -_Carson. Small stregt. -._-v.. v.. .-guy-nun:-J V * The Misses Hughes. of~-Ncwmarket, were holiday guests of Mrs. Andrew - -\a--. nun`: '-Mrs. Bro1.;x._1.. ;?"fc;1:onto. has been spending `a few days with Mrs. S. M. .Wells. Collier street. f'I*zi{xI'g >'li'-58:1-d-:'.']Iz`I'1"." Ed. Hodg son, of Barrie. spent` Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Bell. ` Messrs. F. D. Miller. of Toronto. and Walter Towers, of Midland. were holiday guests at Inchiquin. `II._ __.J- 11-,,_ `II fi`I 1-: .1 1- on -v..v vu.-pgvv v...v-v pg. vauv vvvgn-g.-6- Miss Bessie Cunningham`. of Gril- lia. is visiting her grand-parents. Mr. and Mrs.`James Brown. Small street. `U A av: Mr. and Mus. E. D. Cunningham and "son and Miss Annie Rayner. of Mimi- co, Bpent the. New Year s holidays with` Mr. Alfred Rayner, Sunnidale Road.- L" I ' Penetang Herald-Mr. A. T. John- son. merchant tailor, has purchased a business in Barrie and intends mov--' ding. to the county town in a few weekss." "\N!ewmarket` '-Era- " Mrs. C. H. `Clarke. and Miss L. Clarke returned to Biirfie on Monday after spending. a two fweelns visit with Mrs. (D12). Cla.{rkb." A ' .-. , w. . _~_. .._...- gvannwu gr: `an ;.a\a--u Miss Grace Mickie, of Gravenhurst. has been the g'uest'of Miss Beatrice Lawrence for the past Week. `II . A_.I..---- 'n . . _ _ __ .12 `I'I-L-._L-__- Mr. '.wauy Hopkins. of the,Ban`k =0: Commerce Istaff. formerly of Barrie, has `been transferred from London to Toronto. . 1 .-. vs:-Q` "illIr.."K';`reong`e 31. Miles. of Russel- fton. is moving into town at the end of `the .month. Mr. Miles has been a lsubscriber to the Advance since 1871. ` -Mr. W. H. Bennett. M. P.. of Mid- land; was in town spending New A.Year _a;.-with his brother, Mr. J. H. ~and~=took,_in, the ball in the ` ESTABLISHED 1865 _ Capital ' , - $2,500,000 Rest ' $1,000,000 -n---.I-no __ Anal:-our Thnnnnnn .nava.la\`\-ILA u -V1.5-':van3'l:I~1:.;. Will Bothwell. of To- ronto, have been been holidaying in _town with the latter`s parents. `In ... 111' `r 1-1-11-;-n_-;_,. _ , 1 1:1- -u.-g. vanv lo a. \~a.v.|.nu .-vii-1:3. W. J. Bel-l`;"of" Bettlon an; Mrs. W. F-. Graham. of Toronto. visited Mrs. G. Tegart last Wednesday. 'll`_ YT.___-I_I 1 \_____-_1_ __-_-L \7-',,, -vy-g v -\a-ulv v - vs-g-vu\av-J n v"i9E1."IIarold `-Dyment -spent New Year's day in Collingwood and took` in the dance fhere in the evening. `Il'!__ `I1- _ 4-0 0, R l\ in vUna\| .-u.;.\.n vunsnnvu A..IJ.\Jvv Alp \J|.J.|.\h-A LJ|aL\J\IIu Mr. E, Nuewton Jory. of Kingston; returned East on Monday after being in town for New Year's with his father. ' j 1'. - t .s `"M}.".EiL'. Reedy and children and] Miss ,'.l.`hurza Johnson, Toronto. have been visiting Mrs. Martin Johnson, Kempenfeldt. `|r9_-, -:\,_,-I1. ,; A ,, Miss Daville, of Aurora. town `for the Charity Ball. the guest of Mrs. T. H. Blake street. ' Mr. 'aI;;"iIrs; D. W._ Steper. _of Minneapolis. are visiting` with the'lut- terfs "sister. Mrs. S`. ,;Weaymou'th_. _ Dunlap .' street. 'nl'.. -__ g 111,. rcL`-__I9_ rn__,I__ -9 - -.---r _ 3... www- Mr. -and Mrs. `Charlie Clarke. of Newmarket and Mr. and VMrs. Fred -C1a1;ke, of ]?~ete_:__rboro. were in town for 'New Year.'(s. flthl A C\ - I was in She was ;Re-_ LATI-I AND SIIIINGLES unxaaua mauu and nultn Holman. Mr. Harry Laidlaw, of the Bank of Toronto, passed through town on Friday` on his way to Port Hope. He `has been transferred from Mea- ford `to the branch of the bank in that `town. ` . - Miss M. E. Hallett returned `to Mid- land on Saturday. after spending the vacation with her parents in town. Mi-ss Hallett was amongst those from Barrie who attended the Collingwood. ball on New Year's night. 'Mr' nn `If..- 1') `IT 11,, ..n..-- was .a.1vvv .l.'Ua.1 5 lllglu eMr." and -Mrs. B. W. Hunter came . up from Newmarket for New Year's. Mr. Hunter -has returned home. but Mrs. Hunter -will remain in town for a couple of weeks as the guest of Mrs; William Hunter. Mulcaster St. Amongst `the Yuletide guests en- tertained lby Mr. James McBride. were `Mrs. McNeil, God-erich; Robert Willi-s McBride. New York: Thomas McBride `and wife, Philadelphia, and George McBride and wife, of the old homestead near Cookstown. Mr. W. J. Sutherland was called to Illinois on Monday by the death of his brother. Hugh B. Sutherland`. The despatch which conveyed the sad news did not contain any details. Mr. Sutherland will bring the remains to Bradford for interment. `If , `I the house as the result of a badly, crushed foot. Mr. P. J. McManus returned to his home at Thomaston, Mich.) on Wedv-3 nesday. He had spent the Christmas vacation with his mother, Mrs. Mu- Manus. IMulcaster street. 11:-.. 13.1.. - ~n __........-. uauuavaaucx uLl.'U6|l. , _ Miss Edna Powell came up from` Toronto to spend New Year's with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Powell; She was accompanied by. Misses Maud and Edith Holman. M1` `|'Jn-.-_.. TAEJIA, 0 -_......-v.-us .1.v1. 111Lv1 11.10110 Miss Mary L. Blow was quietly. married to Mr. Harry N. Rickard. of Toronto. on Saturday last, at the re- sidence 'of her parents, by the Rev. J. J. Redditt. The bride was gown- ed in an exquisite suit of grey cloth. She `was unassisted and only the members of the family were in at- tendance, TURNER AND cowem. LOWE AND Luwxs wmmn ram sUccmssFUL cnunxnzyrms ma ALDERMANIU notions IN WARD84 AND 5. -Although the Mayor. Commissioners and Aldermen for four out of the six wards were returned by acclamation. the contest in the remaining two wards was quite as keen as it was last year. the leaders at the polls se- curing almost exactly the same vote as was given the candidates who stood `highest in 1903. The official return is as appended the two can- didates, 'in each ward. securing the largest vote being elected :- . ``,'.._j `Y, 'I`I 7'II', '11,, . int` ..u-_,v-v -1 When the result was announced considerable surprise was expressed at the fact that Mr. Richard Powell did `not poll 3. larger vote, but as Mr. Powell did no canvassing to any extent this will probably account for his `defeat. Ald. Lowe deserves the big vote which he polled as No. 5 never received such attention as it did `through Ald. Lowe's instrumen- tality in 1903. ll , -Il\l\A , ,-II `L- `The annual meeting of the Bare` i Liberal-Conservative Asso. \vill,:`|t a=ke'.'~ place` in the hall over the public`-Ii.-.5-_;j ` brary 'on `Tuesday veveriing next at . -u-ncvscu - vuv -av-`.15 Ward No. 4._Wi11=1;;W'i{rner 102. Alex. Cowan 97, Richard Powell 84. `If u --- turn 1 Al JJUJ. VV ALV LDJJ-AL 1.1.18 IUQVIIIIUU U1. fioe. Only those wishin to learn the printing need__app V onors at"1`oronto , nivera`itiy)`,~ Jfupil of Mr. E. . W. Sbhgqh red w:&sive%1 "lr '1i:'J."s.LL'sv`aiiE;1{ 1. 1}J 1iI David Lewis 52. L. Brennan 51, H. B. Myers 47. 111: n 1 I 1 1 ,-. ....v. V. ........... .. . Ward No. 2.--Donald Ross and R. L. Barwick. acclamation. ,Ward N9. 3.'-R. A. Stephens and E. T. Tyrer. acclamation. Ward No. 4.--Wm. Turner and Alex. zcowan." vvs Av For '3ounc-il-ISafessrs. Black. Hill. Mqconkey and Sutherland. by ac- clamatiqn. an-.a-ua;.;u The returns from Essa Township are as follows ;- Reeve-R. Ball. acclamation.' Couvn-cil-Coxworth 313, Dundas 312, Erwin 260. Bell 257, Banting 219. j THE BARBIE ASSOCIATION WILL MEET on TUESDAY mvmuxne. "\ir;E1 No. 5.-w. A. Lowe and D Dewis. -val _ - A wvvl Ann 1 - o C ` - -..-.,. The Council for 1904 will be com- posed as follows.- Mayor-W. A. Boys. acclamation. Council- Ward No. L1`.--Cha~s. Strange and I . J. `Moore, acclamation. 1' u go I -u -s 1 on .,"V'\'T;'d No. 6.--W. C. McLean and- Geo. Pou_cher, acclamation. For Reeve-E.'-5;;s:43s, s. cu1- ter 187. ` . v-"~].`-1`;-"`l"(.)-(;al option by-law was de- feated by a vote of 328 to 273. ' ordetr"i}{' ;.;..'u;;.' Bales of mm `stock, eto.. to be` (conducted by .L. Tebo, Auctioneer and Valuator my 0 .-`be left at THE, ADVANCE OFFIO = where terms and other-arran emenhs` -can be made. Farmers tin `it to their advantage to call and entiuiro for rates. . ! 8- {$1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE 'BlNGLB COPIES FIVE CENTS :j` LlB.xCON. MEETING. The Council for I904. IN'is.1L. BOY WANTED--At The Advance 0!- :nn nnlw I-1\:snn uIv::I`\:Uulh `nan `Anni: `-`ma IvI\III- I I 8 h9l'|I`o We have a large amount bf Private Funds to land 1) and 5 per cent. on the socurit of. cod farm Mung ca. McCARTHY. novs V-az tment- "SON. unlnn Sh-aunt Ran-in mortggca. McUAl('1`t1Y_. I JSON. unlop Street Bame. "ylllvulliliu apply (-0 OWIII u w1s'a.'1*nrHzNs.. . 4 8` {Wellington street. one door can of Pool. 3+$+-+-;+4-+-+-3--!-I-3!-'3--l-1-dvd-4!--H4-91 - . ~ 9;. . *3 ?=----"`--5 i - f Muqiq Stare `succinct- AN I`ED-FAI'l`l-IFUL PERSON TO CALL for Iunnan ls-nu}...-u nu- -..a-.LIZ..L...l l..--`....- o `Annual 6gp..- 5 'N. '<-`- I'~NG Foar lots on the north-east corner ofOw6u and Klnluncrtnn gtunnfn n|I'.t\u-u(`n(` Lu n "no-u I nnnnb moms T0 :LET-Fun-niuhod or unfurnished t6 \, suit. .3 guanv STREET, A m _neuer WI"! I "U118 wmte on me III; >IllI'lIU tm. The animal was roughly built. _ A of Eve dollars will be paid to the party giving aattafaco -ton infqrmation of the `whereabouts of the `above animal. GEO. LESLIE. Allandale." 5:-3-p All the bone quality and gusnptoad. _ Advances mad `to farmers. Sale Note: discounted or collected and a. gone:-Al bunk- ing business conducted. . . . A . Von. :.m. N I wanna IN % ` Sauugi. Wmsmw. Proprietor. ` SAVINGS HAN Is unran I. max` 1. Current mtg: of interest allowed on -2 counts Luge and Small. ` - Towni Property For SiVLle ' 1-13-P I CAPITAL PAID UP ' RE$ERVE- FUND ` _SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT .......a. .115`. AF intn:-ant nllnwntl nn an roar lots on me `norm-cast corner OIUWGII and Wellington Stteets, surrounded by a.Honev Locult Hedge~-Two_ dwellings-oue brickaud the qtlger roughcast with stable and outbuildings. The back dwelling has all modern conv`euiences--Fruit ts-gee. apples,-pears, plums. chegry, black and rod berries. - strawberries. etc. This to a bargain if soldat once as the owner is leaviu for Manitoba. `Apply on :the premises. N. `U HES. 5:-I ' Nnw Anvnnrfinmnurl. FARM STOCK STALEQT ------r------------7 MONEY TO LOAN . _ _ `_____ ________. '_pn_s_,_._ I-1,, FOR} SALE '. . l\DIll\lV3o Market Sauttjo :01 -t` C\$9. Y ': `President - Andrew Thomson vice-President lion. John shurple Gen ! Manager E. B. Webb BARBIE BRANCH A general Banking Business conducted. Drafts issued on all parts of the world. De- Jpoltl received and interest allowed at high- est rate. _W. `D. MORTON". Manager. --q--u-u--ow vv the Ioth `oncessmn on rear _old homatui-nsd A'reward- ring satisfac- af above d Pup with white tip on in: informa- to GRANT 51-1. Fro nanufacturing s; nnd axnansa At the advent of the New Year. We desire to es; `press the sincere wish that for one and all it may contain366 happy and prosperous days. We also wishvat this time to `thank those who, by their W: range and commendation have made 1993 the most. successful year in the history of our business. .We fully appreciate the fact that a . very large part o( the increase isdue to th kind words_of our customers and we solicit a continuance of these favors. W9 shall strive to merit them by endeavoring more and more to, make this a drug storeto which everyone can come with absolute condence in the quality of the goods. the canefulness of its service" and the reasonableness of its prices. .p -a We went to be your Druggist ' C I J 3.1:-Ts='.s`.KITE| on wo auqvvvaoo vs II mnif li"il'1%.l_I1I_LA1fIlRAL umn fsrxct-Y ours: BA1u'tiE Fur Coatsi COAL AND woon noxns nun AAAAA"AJ An _A OST-A Black and Tan Hound _ white ring around the neck and tanli Finder will be rewarded by sending tion leadin to the recovery of same KNUPP, inesing. 51-1.. THE ANNUAL 1\l!!.E'l`lN(T3[`rWC:l;'l`l-IE VESPRL "80IE1'Y, I mas. Good. and Fine China ` _ Alia item the In-geovt stock T ` Musical Instruments At 3 vm reuonatile price. Call and them As we Begin; I 9 o 4 _ %";u1;.'.;.;;;"` "5"" Wednesday, January I3, I904 at the Secratary'a`Oica at 1.30 p.m. - 1-: ' R. J; FLETER. Sec'y. I MIGKLE. 0Y,M[NI Slllll `A HAPPY NEW YEAR E..H....toall...... AN `FURS FOB ` , no-u wa-vac uuvu wan: TOWN n.gLL.17uoHi1nsr.oN .. -L w IDNESDAY. JAN. ;1.:`3Tl-I. 1904 A0: I n_ln'_ A. P. Garrett $5oo down-balanco to suit purchaser--will buy .-'6 lots in Bu-rie--3 on Weliin on Stroetand 3 on . Berczy stract (en bloc). Well euccd. good, orchard. .smau fruits. Also` houaqof tea `room! on stone foundation. parlor aaxu, dining room 18:14, collar .aax3a. with coal bin o . ` I-ltrdrand not : water innidn. pyemef. A?ply toow`iI ontismhp"R*g_ There is a good stable. hen coop! Ind` Woodlhod on The Sarjeanto. com; 9 woon Herben"(;-.-"IT:-benson. Chemist and Optician ` _ Opposite Post` Office 2` ' Olce 4'. Dunlap st. Yud `too: of Mary I ` ` Phongs 33 and 87 Leave Your or-de're with them and` 0 n_9taa.u1afaotton.9_ _ spurns STYLES IN HAT_S coming indaily xmfinr These are the`c-o1:)r's `oi? the Tlie . Annupzl M ai-dug of the House and Lot No. 1. Nelson Square. A . House and Lot No. 38. Blake Street. . _ - ' -"vHalf acre it. an-3 MAL? 1:. Conoomon 5. I "M " ' ' 9' `Pf Kulmus. V ' I_,1_n Masha? gnulhnh A a Itock ofA-- - ..H U I.=T.r"T.AI-!_I. You can procure: Ahandsom-9` :11`; 411:` V --`--ownmn :ey--?- IIIIU - -.w J--_ in 19o4..... '{:{. i.{a"a.I Ii? Vmilhold IN 3 ' '.' " ' "' Geo, sxgxyvra, Soc'y. _i_ } 3; John R. Lamb, m::.Gg3.,c,, E ~-+-~v---~+4~-3-4-~-!-~-~!-v+~!-+4~~N-M4~19+ 'r!"u7: xufrininsrs 4o1r`Ln.'4\I tIt1 |`:`. or: siucon AND-1'38 noni1mon,orj`cANmA oun_.cnrrnmos. .nvEsl BARBIE. OF` SIMCOE. ONTARIO,=JA_If1UARY 7. 1904. `"'fit` Church `Vestry has decid- ed not` tqaooept Rev. W. H._Whi.te -.3 1-geeignationf ' ` " I 5": "9 11 ` -Le.e your coal orders with J. G. Aoatt. orulaivs Mayor. Council and School Board have been elected by"accla.ma- tion. V` _ A. L- l'.33. f.f'}.?.?':.?:I."'.`.'m.T'r'i..9.'n1'a. ??n!%5'.: as '2 dozen for 25. .13 _no'rn- ...~ vgvgg I-.1`-e reguwlar meetiiig of `the XV. C. T. U. ,has been postponed until next |Monday aftaruoon. ` ' t*I_-._____1,_ .'PI___ !# p,,,,,_,_ ______ pA__ ._._v------., ----- -vv.-u Chesapeake `Bay is frozen over for the` first time in` many years and the prioe_ of oysters will`be forceld up in oodseqtulqnce.-" A ' lII1.r. j,II_, . , __,_. I--,L _,_--1A ___L