Hours,11 to 1; 7 to 8. Residence and Office. Corner of Dunlop and Poyntz Street: 7 . ' HE BALL PLANINI3 MILL com: n, (I..`........A.-_2._._. ore? & allie. successors to Geo. Ba --:-j` asfvurulug ULIL rlanln Of 1 k_1n_ds done gromptly an satisfac-A toyxly. Hot last drying kiln. Dis-* trmt agency for grained lumber.4 Factor . Baytield St.. Barrie. Rod- I J fa. s.. BROAD. M. 11. 6. M.. F. 1*. `II (1 I t"1'\ r1 rs _.._.__ .. auaasva-4.! u .uL.I.J.JlJ UULIL` pany. Carpentering. building. and manufpcturing of doors. sash, blinds ngoul-dmgs. etc. Planin of `-all kmds Eromptly satisfac- torilv. Hat Incl A.-n:.-... I.:'|.. 'n:- DR. J. ARTHUR ROSS.mL. R. C. P. `I'.\J2_'I____, _, -._ ,__.-._--_... vs nLv.L1JaJ. LU loan at 41-2 and. 5 per cent, Easy terms of re-payment. Lennox. Oowan & Brown, Solicitors. Barris- ters. eto. DR. J. F. FALLING. GRADUATE OF l'l'|__.2L_ `r UR. w._ A. ROSS. PHYSICIAN. SUR- eon. etc.. L. R. C. 8.. Edin.. L. R. rsxdence, Brown's Block. Dun street. Barrie, Telephone. 77. P.. London. Offices and niht, OP DR. J. C. SMITH:L. C. P. 8., 0NT., llnl-A an` `I'\__ 'rI'-___:- o, n -1- H. T. ARNALL. M. D. C. 11.. OFFICE .:._ 11-1.1.-_-_--no- rn ,. .- - ..._- _-...vvu a..Lu.LvLa.J.'l L'UJ.Vl.JD LU V loan on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers notes discounted. Collec- tions made in any part of the Coun- % By. Real estate bought and sold.. onveyanoing in all its branches. Marriage Licenses issued. Office. Ross B ook. Dunlop street. Barrie. STEWART & STEWART. BARRIE- L-___ _`I`-' JRS. HART 8: HART": FRED. J. Hart, M. D.. M. R. O. 8.. Eng., L. R. C. P.. London. Specialty-Dis- eases of the Chest. Stomach and Nerves: Consulting Physician. Vio- Ao MoDu;LuRoCo.Pop & Sc; Ed` inboro. L.F.P. & 5., Glasgow. Spec- ialt -Sur ery. Midwifery, Diseases of kin; onsulting Sur eon. Offices day and night. Lane B ock. Cor. of ` Dunlap an Mulcaster streets. Tel- ephone. 124. ESTRATHY & ESTEN. BARRISTERS. !-2L____ 3,- --.1; -no AID] \II A-VJ-IQ SD M. 0.. L. C; P. 8.. 0.. late resident Physician and Surgeon of Toron- to General Hospital. with special at- tention to Diseases of Women, and Nose and Throat Work. also for some time surgeon in charge of Emergency Hospital, Toronto. Of- -fice and night residence. upstairs in McCarthy Block, 21 Dunlop St.. Barrie. second door east of Dougall Bros. furniture warerooms. Five Points. -Phone 105. near j HEWSON & CRESWICKE. BAR- _, _L-._._ G. A. .RADENHURS'l.`. IARRIS'I`ER. ALL-.__ __ (1 --gnu`: Livy; Jun Lia V0 Lu & 8.. Edinburg; M. F. P. & S.. Glasgow. member of the British Op- thalmologioal Society. Specialty,-- Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose. Office, 78 Dunlop street, Saunders Block, Barrie, opposite Post-Office. and Railwa Stationu Phone.. 54; P.'0. Box. 9 . ' % LENNOX, COWAN &, BROWI:ITi3AR- ' ;:' ; LEGAL . _ iDONAI_a`D 13088. L. L. 3.. mums- `I1 in AULT. IBYARRISTEB. SOLICITOBQ V_.- -- - u ---`.5515! .\al4.vb.|J\J2&I.'l \ll.' ,Trinit University. Toronto, Fel- low 0 Trinity Medical College. Member of the College of Physi- cians and Surgeons of Ontario. Of- fice and residence. 18 Owen street. ` -- -- wu noun-pagan. dds Us Lo Lisp \lJ.Vl-cg late of Drs. Harvie 8: Smith. 0ril- 'a). Office and residence. corner of Owen and Collier streets. Barrie. _- _- 1 ..;--p can J1: \lo Jl-Lop \I.I.'L'J-Ill! in Bo?l;';vell s Block. Allandale. On the premises at night. ___ -v- `V -- 9.--2 tors, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and` Conveyancers. Money `to loan in any sums at 5 per cent. Office. 13 Owen St.. Barrie. H. D. Stew- art. L. L. D.. D. . Stewart. .-.a-q.va.U-my .- .naa.v-I; Solicitors in High Court of Jus- tice. Notaries Public. Conve ancers. Offices over the Bank `of oronto, Barrie. Money in sums of $2,000 and u wards. to loan at 5 per cent. . H. Strathy, K. 0., G. H. Esten. _ . .. '_ v.w---u vv -11.-any -n.aa..-u risters. Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Ontario, Prootors. Notaries, Conveyancers. etc. Money to loan. Offices, Ross Block..Barrie. C. E. Hewson. A. E. H. Creswicke. riSt'e'rs.Tso1icii3}1t5z obtajning pro- bate of `wills, guardianshlp anc_1 ad- ministration, and general Solicztors, Notaries. Oonveyanoers, etc. Of- iiiit H;`a 2.`}'-93 `$3559? `to6' 13`i1`2`t 1 . 41-2 and 5 per cent. Branch Of- fices at Creemore and Alliston. Haughton Lennox. Alex. Cowan, G. E. J. Brown, L. L. B. . _-___y---v on -4 an:--r-' -'--...,.--v.-a-gvg "At-t'orney. Solicitor in Chancery. Conveyancer, etc. Office. first door. Owen street, over Bank of Commerce. Barrie. I`. LYON. PRIVATE FtI?DS` T0 an an 13..-] 'I'.1_L_L_ -1 -I - --, .-V.._..-_- '-v, lf09}i0r_. Iiotary. Convcyancer. etc. 1 Special. `attention in qrawing and; p`r_ol{at_mgVwi1ls. obtaimng lel_:ters of % admzmstration and guardxanship. 1 collecting accounts, etc. Offices.) Ross Block. Barrie. Money to loan. I pvgwoc---2 wt-1; iv iv .1`. 1..--v-yv-._ I:er._,,Siliito1-. etc. Bank of Toron- to B'ui1diq,g. Barrie. Money to loan. DR. R. P V`IVI AN,_' HOMOEOPATHIST. --s_-..._:_-.___.-..._._.___ MAN.Umc:rUIiERs. MONEY TO LOAN. mncnxrncrs. _sIJRvEYtiRs: FINANCIAL. The Callaghan {rial in' .1'o'I'51'1To.] gwher the prisoner was. presumably ,]tried for tho misappropriation; of $1,803 libut wasvovin roality aprogooutod 01-._.,l;`is ' PHYSICIANS. Big AGOODBOCI. U&.lJ.[O1' wnte 7 A l31Y(ll| $%t.,_Buftalo 0. 4.` ' ,3 .. vou can get the best Anthracite coals, Store, Egg nd N: atildweat prices. with discount for cash orders dha ea 1. ed ' '. ~ 050:: at X? Mn`f.`.. ` z'.`I"`sf ."`: oi'1'si'.?`.'f..e: -BlI'rie.ahd B. Parka:-.'n Ijverv s...|.._ Allnndnle - uu_wuu at (I. mot-ren'a. V.S., 62 Collier street Bu-nmahd B._ Parker : Livery Staolas. Allandalc CHEAP COAL ` --AAND wooo ospital M.|.AN|]AlE HITS FOR __s_ALE. v -- w U/$233. , lien`; Estate and Insurance Agent- Get your property on our list ; costs _n0!h|08- Money to Loan--Don't borrow a dollar unul you see me: terms best, rates and charges lowest. Deeds. ortgagee. Wills. .etc., pre red on shortest nouce. ao_years doing business in imcoe. Farmers espegv allv llIVitOd to call and see us. Glad to see you. Al\o Ifor consultation or advice. CE-Op `to B ` H 1 I, Barr e. and Peter Street am` 0 e ` ;R-l1.' _.--.---um oFFICi:'-op' 't Stteet .PARKE'R" 3; Hiiiiiu Private funds to loan on first co(n_1,1{1nts collected. &c. (`Q nunr I-lg.-A.._..-_ _ `II- I umrnnlast The Waterloo Mutual. of Waterloo, Ont Tothl assets. $334,083. The Economibal Mutual, of Berlin, "Our Total assets, $303,078. A1soAL1ovd s Plate Glass Insurance Com-- pany, of New York. Cash capital, sage, 000 And {he Sun Loan `and savings Company of Ontario. +5 counts collecte Ofce ovcr Ont. Rnnssnnr rm: Fouowma Fnu: COMPANIES: an... Il__-__A11_ - ...,......s...u A.uvx.R'l'ISEMENTS. Condensed advertisements on first page svch for sale or to rent, specic articles, etc., etc., must be accompanied with the cash, and will be 1nserted-i1rst insertion 2 cents per word, each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word (names, addresses and gures counted as words); but a reduction of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertion. of the same matter exceed four. Gnu for advertisements must In everv case be mounted on solid metal bases. __________________} SCROGGIE &. SMITH QVVVLAJ 0 12 (ghanges of Advertisen year. It more are required, will. be charged. Advm-+.i.m.. ...:n '..-n. I V . -'n ma VUI500Oj9o(\o 'Preferred positions ' _ _ or local advertise ments 1n the paper will be sold at an advance of one-third on above rates, on no other ac. count will special positions be given. This rule will be strictly carried out. CONTRACT cantons. Advertisers `will please bear in mind that notice of intention to change adve ' must belhanded into the office not later than Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy for such change must be- in TE]: ADVANCE office no: later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday in any week, otherwise the advertiser s announcem en: may not be made public until the week fol. lowing. ' I0 ,.l........... -1 A aw camor write .._""-*-... L, - i-u I-. A- - no I ______,-,,,... Auv1RTISING Legal Notices, Auction Sales, Amqsementa, ctc.-First insertion 10 cents per line, ea`ch gubsequent. insertion 5 cents per line. - 5 cents per line fo 33:33: Br the sarne matter. der 5 lines, of this character, lines. Obituary Poetry 50- P" --.---- All items un- charged as 5 line. '1`nis_ is how the Conservatives pio- pose to deal,with Germany's 48; cent \ labor. What does the Laurier Gov -n 7e rnme'nt intend doing for [the men of Sydney, the `"Soo. `Brantford and other hard hit industrial centres. Apply Qt V-vvlllllll LVVVU-c Adiertisgments re charged space-l3 lmes agate measure m All. DJJVAN` the largest cir County Town. A (`Cn--lr:nn-~- .- 2, West Baidwin Street. THE ADVANCE ha `nun-nah -.'__ Coal is going, but by ordering from , J ac">b a Terrace . .'Hl 5 circu1atioIz;r(rtsu,:,n)t,$)F .: mhr Tnmn _ terent. We `do not desire Ito reduce To so frame our fiscal. policy that labor in Canada shall be paid a fair living Wage. (remembering always that our laboring classes and there`: fore our producers and, manufact- nrens cannot be expected to com- pete on _even termis Nvith countries in which the condition of life among` the laboring claasesin altogether dif- V our laboring population to .the low. standard of \living, to that {hand} ifierce struggle for existence which A prevails in many countries". `We do not want our laboring classes to com- pete without protection against the T pauper labor of any country. f'q1_c_-_ o 1 .- "TfIE ADV.ANCE.0FFICE. INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, &.C. scnoeclt-: 4:. SMITH. } ' COMMERCIAL commcr - BARRIE `Cu: ace . Henderson,s Hatdware Store, Barrie -TRANSIENT It is time, therefore, for the gov- ernment of this country to protect the Canadian workman from 48 {cent Germain labor. The" Conservative party has declared most \emphatics' ally against such ruinous ._ warare from abroad. and _on page 1495. Han- sard, 1903, Mr. R. :L. Borden dealt with this verytquestion as follows; Advertisements [In v-ngn.'_-.l - V -oven to have of any; paper i ements allowed pet d, composition rates mortgages. Ac RATES. 1, 1903 ONT. Yes. it is an, unhappy state of at- fairs ' which should bring. !Sir VVil- lfrid L_aurier_ and Hon. W. S.` Field- ing to their senses. if anything will. At present Canadian `factories -are being closed up and the wages of Canadian workmen (are being urc- duoed, largely. because Canadiansare Iorced to `enter into competition with the 48 cent labor of Germany. a At Sydney and the Sooihundreadls of.men are idle or working for what they _ can get, while the steel works of'e-r$- many are turning out thousands of tons of steel railsfor Canadian rail- yvays. INONE BLOCK OF TWO ACRES Inscnufc. rxc. am 43-13' u 111 L The Liberals havebeen finding much needed.- solace in Ithe idleness of some 8,000 German men and wo- men. who refused to work for 48 cents a day. This is a lesson in pro- tection which should not be lost. on Canada. cry `the Government -`sup-' porter-.5. \_ ' ., Why Canadian `Wages are ` Reduced. 51% new name will be added to the Subscription List until the money in paid. A Sublcribere now in nrreare for three months and over will be charged $!`.5o peg annum. ` 81 par Ammm tn Advance --c-cu uI-uIII rI&vl'Il`9E ll; 8 Page 48 column Newspaper .` Puhliuhcd from the Oice',,u3 Dunlap Street. Burie in tho Countv of Simeon. the Pro- ` vine: of Onurio. Canada. ovary Thundny Morninghbv SAMUEL WESLEY.-PROPRIETOH THE NORTH_ERN__ADVANE 'n'_.n-n,, J..- '1 ' Trains leave Barrie for and arrive from the under mentioned places as tollows: 3 4.41 a. m. For Newmarket. Toron- ' to. Montreal and points east. 7.56 a. m. For Newmarket.pAurora, T and Toronto. . ' 12.16 p. m. For Newmarket; and Toronto. ` 5.26 p._ m. For Newm~arket.VToron - to. Montreal and Ea's . ' ' 5. j-- >.l 2.20 a. m. For Orillia .North Bay and Boo. 11.84 a. m. For Gravenhurst. Soo- . 'tia Junction and Parry Sound. 12.59 p. m. For Muskoka Wharf. 4.00 p. m. For Orillia. North Bay and points West ~ 29.24 p. m. For oimia. lingwood. Meaford. 12.13 p. m. For Penetang. .'l n I I. 11.15 p. m. For Penetang. .001- r I 8.40 p.m-. Forstayner and Collins- W00d. . ., 0. 8.00 gm. For Penetang. Calling- . woo ..Meaford. 2! Daily exoeph Sunday. ` dails. "frank Jack,pn1 171115 A1 : 1\r\1\ri\1\ 1:n1fron1_L _` Earns BARBIE {RAILWAY T5110: MAI'iIi1' '61} v1=61'2'zXsT TIRII our Suuclurruou. K`.h.WI! N centres. p,laoes. and l!P_on;;t11i1?e return:-Win ee19,vei"'e;`9k A pretty howse wedding took place on Wednesday afternoon `at 3'o c1ock, at the residence gf='the bride's pa- rents. in Cookstown, when Miss Etta Wilcox became the bride of William D. Mitchell. {The ceremon was con- ducted by Rev. W. `H. Ma den in the presence of` only a (few `relatives _and friends. Miss -LMa g1e-- Wilcox was bridesmaid. and r. _Fred Apgerley . assisted the bride room. The Wed- ding March." was p eyed by Miss Min - nie L_ong.,o- Newton Robinson. ='I.`he newl bmerried. couple took (the even- - ing` 3 rain sfor. ';Toronto:- band. -, V rather 2,1: :A'. , `l"'l-. .i ,___ ..,........- .....uuuu5 UL vuw 4583 Conservative Association was held in the Orange Hall. Ivy, on Dec. 18. when the following officers (were elected for the ensuing year; President-George Davis. 7 1st Vice--Pres.-Ja`mes Dundas. 2nd Vice-Pres.-J. A. Millen. 3rd Vice-Prs.-J. J. D._ Banting. Treasurer-'-gWm. M-cADinwo.0dy. A `Seoretary-Thos. W. R. Arnold. Addresses were delivered by\James S. Duff. M. P. P.. George Duf..the ,retirin'g president, John Coxworth and Dr. Banting. Delegates were ap-. pointed to represent the --township, at no r VLIBIUJ K van Jan. ` The annual meeting [Of -Innisfil Township lconservative `Association was held at Stroud on.Friday Dec. 18th. when '!the `following officers were appointed for the ensuing year: President-H. Gro.seL ` 1st Vi-ce-Pres.-lJas. Black.` 2nd Vice-Pres.-R.V W. Hill. 3rd Vice-Pres.--J. Jamieson.` - _Seoretar.y-W. B. Sloan. A - Treasurer--Thos. Sawyer. Jr. A committee for `each polling sub- division was appointed, in `view of the approaching Dominion Election, and delegates were also appointed to `at- tend the Convention to -be held in Codkstown on Jan. 15th. when a can, didate will _beo-chosen, to contest the Riding in the Conservative interest. H. `Lennox. M. P., and E.JA. `Little; M. `P._qP.. were present _:-and addressed ithe meeting on the leading political questions of the day. :Township ConservativAe As:-V ` sociations. The weevil, vvhich. is _-blasting the cottonholls in. Texas travelled over two hundred mile-s across i burning sands andvdesolate wastes from the nearest cotton fields south .of_the Rio Grande. One pair of cotton rboll wee-4 vils will produce in `a season 134,600- 000 _ful-grown weevils, which must subsist exclusively on cotton. \The boll weevil threatens to udcstlzoy the American cotton plantations, just as the phylloxera ruined the vineyards of France. The British cotton spin- ners are well advised in hustling to `get an independent supply from Af- rica. and the East and West Indies. Dr. Mackay. Wm. had the tiltwithn Mr. R.l R. Gamey at Beechburg; in North, Renfrew. ' thus speaks of him to a World reporter ;--Gamey got a great reception at Beachsurgt. Be- fore the close and-`at the close the meetingawas at his oornmand';'i He is a great speaker . I had mogidea. he was so clever when 1 attacked him, though Duncan Marshall told me he was one of the hardest men to cor- ner he had ever seen. He is a gen-- erous opponent, too. {I gave him fits; _ butt I believe 'h'e\and .I could meet and have a splendid time-together. There is no doubt that so soon as he got going well he moved -his auditors as he willed.` It was a great meeting." The annual. meeting of me Essa ! nnnnnn ...J.:_- A A Cookstown Wedcfing V kinds of weed seeds were represent- species of weed seeds. those being ` white oockle. sheep sorrel; cinquefoi} ` and black medick were prevalent. in the others over thirty different ed. Of these cinquefoil,. peppergrass, sheep sorrel. gt'ihgV,'ras_s. false; flax. lambV s-quarters. Canada thistle and white cockle; were most commonly. present, often at the rate ofseveral thousand per pound. In red. clover and. alsike, of each of which there were several hundred samples ana- lyzed, there were upwards of forty con_1monest'who_se size approximated that of the clover pseed. Thus in red clover were commonly found curled dock. Canada thistle, white cockleand `ribgra-sis, `while invaalsike. .f?11S0 `flax . . .-t'.,i_`,`,V'95o`.'v"ri.li_`6_'~:W8r une;;;;aim;;fmggihi to v;5i9a. eiomiisrei bilf? `car:1.ie-(.i|;.\i !`:Qht~`a'? :. id and: givs -ground f<">r- the: charge that with this final bedevil- ing of the la\y.iTammany Hall meth- ods tire being put (in the shade by the Grit admiriistrtioh of this Irovince. `A Of over.` two huncired "samples of tlimvothy seed _anal~yzed- during 1903 only four had na`.w`eed seeds in them: -v -we a.nvO' {."15th. 1904. great meVtiIi.g_ss , A;9ounts to the amount of $238.03 .iwe r.e -`yimeaented. and V on__. motion pf . ' ;J..o rd9xe4:`pang;J _ nu. Uufllll ' __ -_ .. `II. II v.AUu.l.yLUu. F.'LA. Bell. one of the surelgies on- Collector's bond, 1903. asked [$0 be released.` `Accepted -by. co"`u:noilv if other bondqmen are willing, and. new bond to be `prepared and presented ta uqouxgcil. ` - .v v -.nv.cn = Collector reported $11,100.05 of -the taxes of 1903 collected _-todate. On Motion of Swan and Cameron.-0 the time for collector. to, return his" Boll. was '_oxte_n~de,d to _1Vs_t . Fel1 >ri_J,o:.t1_'{y. ,( --, -vv .-V. U011! '80 Owing to the long -and severe ill- ness of Jno. M. Young. Hawkestone, on `motion of Peansallend Cameron. the-township and county rates chang- ed agiinst -him on-.C:ollector s Roll. 1903, were exempted. ` 1.` --4- ` "` H ___-.......-mu .u..:nu15 bu VJU 1'0` leased from Treasurer's band after this year. Laid over! ` ' Councillor Swan reported having -in- t'erviewed W. Trail, re road. He re- fused to do anything further than scll present travelled road for $100. 015- fer not to hold good after the end of present `,yean.' According to V adi- rections from` council the clerk `had handed, by-law. and plan ~'of rowd Ling A. G. Cavana with instructions to stake out described ro (1 {through Mr. Quail s `propert.y.; i i \ Thos. -R. Sanders presented` docu- ments fromWC'r6wn Lands - Depart- ment re road on! 'lake` shore south of the west part lot 28, con. 5. and ask- 'ing_to befallowed to change. Lsaidv portion of road. Clerk *to\have`A. G, Gavana examine `said -documents and reportt; ` _ - -` - 1(rJ<');1;1oillor Sw.an [paid cents from Chas. Churcl tree. lot 16,'oon.` 4. V ? n--.2.. M A Dymond fee "The Municipal _Index_, and The National Sanitarium A-ssooi'ation.VToro4nto, asking for a con- -tribution. V Both _laid oyerq ur -n n....... _..-.._. ..u;. ;uvu. ' On motion of Pearsall and Swan. the remaining rates."1903', were ex-- empted. I All ` 11- ._ .__..... ...... vu1ILlL'.IJ.lU\.l . . 1 Communications were read as fol- lows;-Arc d McIntyre, {to be_ lex- verinpted from taxes, 1903, owing to his heavy loss by `fire; the tnustecs off S; S. (No. 5 and 14, statingthat they had exempted McIntyre s school ra;fp.: i-'m- 1on9 { ,0 __v-- \4di\JlI-JIJ r&tes for 1903. V December 15th. 1903. _The council met pursuant to ad- journment and according to -statute. Allemembers present. The Reeve in the.ohair. Minutes ofilast meeting `read and `confirmed ` 1 l",............-.`...:-_L ` -...v wua-avvua- VVLIU UUUUUULCQ thexioet-mortem ascribed death. The inquest was held by`\Dr. McLean, the e local coroner, County Crown ".Attor- ney Cotter. Barrie,` taking` part._ As a result of the \ju_ry's verdict, the two women were this morning" brought before Mr. G. J. Booth. J. P.. and charged with murder. They were -committed for trial. Palli.s- ter also was committed on a charge of concealing a birth. All three were taken to the county jail `at Barrio. this afternoon. ,' Theprisoners do not seem to ma}- izetheir position, and .;laughed freely at the inquest. They claim that the `child was still-born. ; - --- . V-.pv.auvvg -nab W 6518- There was a wound an inch and a half in -length. and `half an inch in depth, extending into the brain, to `which Ithe surgeons. who [conducted 1-1. .....-.L ...-_.L--., - ..__--.. ....vu-uuan "ac Luauu ll! 5' ilast4week s_ Advance ;-A i.coroner`s I jury has brought in a verdict find- , ing That 1 -the child~of Mrs. Chris- !" tina Saunders, whose body we view- ed to-day. came to v'ies'death by viol- ' enc_e.- and we believe that Christina -` Saunders and` Phoebe Davis are re- .. sponsible for its `death; and we fur- . thiery recommend that John Pallister _ be held for the crime ofvconcealing the birth. deathand .burial of the i said child.` ~ ' ; The verdict is the result of an in- vestigation into the pircumstances surrounding thebirth and death of _a child out in the neighboring Town- , ship or: North -Orillia. The.child was born on Dec. 2nd. judging from the post-Vmortem, was killed by a blow, after living only a `short time. Mrs. Saunders. a young widow of 28, was the mother of the child. and house- keeper for John Pallister, `its !fa- ther,'who is 26. Phoebe Davis is the sister of `the formed`. According to women only were preient qizt the birth of the child-. while Pallister. buried the body nextday in the wood- stable Alex. McKay by Pallister and the Davis girl, `when he went out to investigate. last week. II'\`l.-..- ---- - ` shed. whence it was dug up for Con- .The following desp;1tch has. been received from Orillia giving .the par- ticulz_a._.rs of the death. -under suspi- cious circumstances. of the'baby con- cerning which mention was made in 'ln.nJ- .......1_|_ A ~ Boo! mxaummp AND; JURY mnns nmasrn BY VIOI..ENcE--FATHER. 1s ALSO ARRESTED. ' ' J .\ "1 an.- u, :,_ _, I ..` a nun row 1 I i A Noun arm i`gtal. \bWo..-1-1-1:1-%-c;n- Its Head. ono cpuncu. `an paid treasufer 50 s. Church for balsam ` 1 kgs ion was made in ::-"A coroner's . find- .-of ;S'hiloh s Consumption ` THe' Luhg Tonic} Cabbage: Ineedgo. There is one pawnbroking establish- ment in connection with Govexft Gar- denmarket that is absolutely without a rival. This pawnbroking license ena- bles the `holder to lend money on gar- den and other produce by special con- tracts that only hoidhgood for forty- alght hours an the extreme limit. Many a good load of fruit, owers or `vegeta- } blea -that may arrive late for one mar- fket or -that may not be instantly sal- able is pledged. Next morning the stuff `can eizherhe redeemed or sold by the Il'.`.v,'.- ' , An Odd Spanish Custom. 'An odd custom in Madridlis the man- ner of indicating the sleeping rooms of a house by a spray of palm leaves at- tached to the railing` or the balcony. You will see palm leaves hanging to the balconies or nearly all the resi- dences in town. those or the poor as Vwell as the rich. A sheet of white pa- per tied to the iron railing means that the room is for rent; a palm leer means that it is the sleeping chamber of e l pious catholic" who brought it home 1 from church on the last Palm Sunday and placed it there to keep away evil spirits, diseases and misfortunes. It re- mains there the entire year until the ' next anniversary. when a new palm, fresh from the blessing or the priest, is substituted. Ber Makeshitt Rivets. A The following sequel to a nava launch in England was not communi- cated to the press: some years ago a ship which was to be christened by an illustrious personage got behind in con-_ struction. The personage was sure to be ready in time and could not be put o, but not so the ship. As a last re- sort some portions of the superstructure were partly made fast with leaden rivets in place of steel ones, the launch took place, and the situation was sav- i ed. When the vessel cameto be com- d pleted for sea no one remembered a about the rivets, and after a coat or two of paint they looked for all the world like the real article and behaved like-it until the ship got into a heavy sea, and `the process known to Mr. Kipling as "nnamg herself began. it was then discovered that a defect in machinery or other euphonism necessi- _ tated. a hurried return to a dockyard, where matters were hastily put right. -.-London Truth. origin of commonplace Phrases. Expressions that we use nowadays metaphorically were used in their real sense in bygone days. For instance, we speak about beating a retreat," forget- ting perhaps that the phrase comes from the fact that in war time when a retreat was ordered the drums were beaten in a particular manner, just as today it is sounded on the bugle. Then again one speaks oi! going on bag and baggage. How many know what the baggage was? The general idea is that it was part of the soldier's kit. In the soldier's haversack; the _baggage was his wife. The familiar phrase to give the cold shoulder -originated in France, where it was the custom to serve with cold shoulder, of mutton in- stead ot hot meat a guest who had out- stayed his welcome. A feather in his cap" comes from Hungary. it being (or- merly the custom for the Hungarians to put a feather in their caps for ev- ery .Turk they killed. The word dead-. 1 head" is, according to some authorities, one of great antiquity. Itis said that a gdeadhead? was in Pompeii an indi- vidual who gained admission to an en- tertainment tree of charge by means of a pass in the form of a small ivory- death s head. - 3 -point of fact the bag was originally ` cured them of chronic coughs Qannot all_ he rni$talE_n. L '_ Thgre must `b9 truth. in it. A W #A.btt1 *0: thatcvsh fv!=r=?-? . A 1* : Hair Vlr is a grat success with ` me. y hair was Illuftout very badly, but P the H 11' V! t (1 b i i .1. ,.;....aa'c? 8 $1.00 a bottle. . A c. AYE[OO.. ;0WR . .`i. for A ` -% |H3iPVi93fE I*L9sing A%you; wlixt? L .v."1ig at by the `coillbful? ma ydbing nothing? Nwsensc in ` `that! L Why don : "you use} LAyer s' Hair : Virgor and} P_r_-ices;-259., `50c.`_, and 31.90. promptly stop `the . falling? Your hair will begin to grow, l too, and all dandruff will dis- appear. Could you reason-I ably expect anything better?` The thousahds bf people` who write to_ me saying that IHOMAS KENNEDY *& co.. ARCHI- taotg. B-othWell sv Block. Barrie. :.---4AIR' -----r--` % . ENDOWMENT T UNWIN. MU-RPHY-& ESTEN. ON- tario Land Surve ors. Engineers, etc. 'Established'18 2. Office." Medi- cal Building. 8. E. oorner Richmond and Ba `streets. Toronto. Tele-. .7 p1}one.s am. 1:36. Instructions left | Eaten. Solicitors. - _ Bank of Toronto: Building. Ba.rrie.I `promp_ly__attended to. | ANY QUAN1'irY on MoN;:Y_ To Inn... -4. A1 n ___g - $70.000 FOR INVESTMENT ON GOOD freehold security at lowest rate of interest.- No prinoi al money re- uired until end 0 the term, H. . Strathy. Solicitor. eto.. Barrxe.