Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 24 Dec 1903, p. 5

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PIVWPD I-I-l\JIu`l|rLIB YIELD Ill LILI-\I4I|I|o\It Miss {May Tyndall, of Toronto. is visiting Mrs. Hubbard, Gowan St. 'Il`;_ l'r.I,__,-I 11'- ,,I- , The `morning anthem in the Pres- byterian Chunch, was entitled Who is this that` !Cometh. Miss Mary Thompson {took the solo parts most acceptably {bnd the duet was har- moniomsly .-rhndered by Mr. LVVhite- bread `and Mrs. Clark; Too Late" was (hung as an evening anthem. "IL- .IL_--_.I_I- 2.. _-_._._-.L!-_. ..___`L'l_ (`L u-u-.. u--..a s-an. v v van.-a-5 w-.-v-.-v-..-- Theqttrouble in connection with St. George s (Chunch has been {settled amicablyand Rev. Mr. Westney has resigned "fr.om the charge and. .it is understood, will move from Allan- dale/in the near future.` _ He will ustill` retain fbharge of Midhurst and Ves- pra; The -Ioongregation is anxiously awaiting the appointment of a new. incumbent. V ` Th:_'fS_utton correspondent of the `Newmarket Express, writes as fol- lows;-"Anniversa-ry `services Dec. 13. 1903. Last `Sunday Rev. H. D. Cam- eron, of Allandale. preached two ex- cellent ldiscourses at Knox |Chur_ch`,_ and `(special music was. rendered by that tohoir. An appeal had`been made ,for ioollection on. the church debt. and 4a generous response was forth- coming. notwithstanding` the severity of the Weather. Mr. Cameron _i_s somewhat `dramatic inmanner and haman original `ways of presenting ibis subjeo~t. which has the effect of am`- pressing his theme upon the mind. s We `hope to` have him`_back_ again at . some _ `future 'date,. bell ; censors. pu` nmgma .m.. J.u.u!v.u and J. `Ambrose; `Standard Bearers. Sir,,K1nig'hts A. Little.ani1 \Vm. :Ru sk Committee, g'Sir `Knights 0. Palling. E. j`MoC9nkey, . A. Hooper. `R. /Macon`- Dr. _. Evans IE9 L "Nhed;;`kPLuniint;;fSir' Knight J-. ' At the 9`on_cIusl]on ` .0: `S =Knight s..5 ' sg,t} 2. gown : nigh in; ix_c1} wan; % Residents 1L"ey| pel'lD..-nu....uuu--- Bllttfp Rp'. I')aoo_ui--I00-O0" 3.,`. .`;`_"'.'....'. i +.".'. PS . .'`. I' Iooovlnunooucu "1iti'e Son Stratford. from To- as well as our xcell 44444 to Va: .-bounteous oyster supper. Dur- ing '-?the evening speeches were made` by Sir Knights Dr. Evans. E.1A. Lit- tle; M. P. P. and M. (Brown. _; L f_. _ .0111--_1..-...I-_. yaw pun. .go .:..o uuu .-a.u~.-.a-v--... Hamilton Spectator :-"Wedne8day night `\Robert Smith. a brak-esman on the `Northern: division of the G. `T. R., 'whose run was `between Allan- dale `and this -city )on a freight train_. was `almost instantly killed by the Toronto` express which arrivediat the Stuart (street station about 7.25. He had arrived in the~ morning from Al- landale and intended returning late in lthe evening. He left the caboose. andlwas on his way to. visit the crew of `another freight from Allandale, when 9'-he was struck down by the ap- proaching expnem. The train `was going at a rate-of about 15 miles per! hour, and the first intimation En- gineer `Pitt had of the accident .was the Bight of -the body -of the unfor- tunate `being tossed aside. He im- mediately !brought the train to fa stop. The `crew on the yard engine up `!the track were the first on the spot, :and they carried the deaidiman to lthe station. Coroner Balfe was notified, and the bodyawas removed to Robinson s undertaking establish- mentdwhere a jurwn met at-'12 o'clock noon; _ The railway authorities are . JaJt- ya` -lqasvto .acco1mt' for the accident. They '-`bay that Smith may have mis- calojulated ithe speed _ or distance of the irftrain, or -than hel;;1.might- __ia.v_e slipped on ` the; track, His, skull was crushed fin. and; .lie :,r_e.ceived bodily "i111/jl.ll_.`l>5.v _The , :.ldd9a.i$d tiwafs aaboixtj 25 `yea r's`. 0f mgaa ihisii`!beni-hire-lav` in'8,,.I511'5' }55Y53 - 7'33?`-..Y?53`; argntqa` `of; #359 - R. A . Thomas has shipped abdut -moo -bariels of .apples,_ t.th_ _1f1__ Hg nmuum. . auilhff. nougn FINISH...oo-oou-ca_-coonncIvI- Gffn Hides-ooolo CO0_IIOOOIIOOOIOi| (`..lt'..I.:_- -4- II. , , _ . . _ . . . - - . T prices. Rev. Canon Reiner, M. A;. will conduct service in the Iabove church on Xmas day, at 3 p.m.. and also on Sunday. De_o_. 27th. at the same hour. The Sacrament, of the .Lord s Supper will be administered on Xmas day, after the A3 p.m.\_se1!vice. Collingwood Curlers have written l to ask that the first game` in the Leighton Mocarth Cup _serios be play- ed on the 30th. inst. ` gg ..Easy Washing .. No RUBBYING NOSCRUBBING ` THE GLOTHES .Y ~1Y` h THE HANDS Y L A You MONEY *5 _ You `run: '"1`i1')'7T'[)p Soap Chips ST. PAUL S CHURCH._ MIDHURST. UTBCH 111933....-o uoo_II0O|0 Calfskin. per lb. . . Tallnun ner lb. . . } Miss Gladys Ardag , (reb- class honors at Toronto niversity) Pupil of Mr. E. W. Schuch is now pre- pared to give lessons in singing. Ap- ply at her residence, or P.0. Box 9. `These Dyes will dye Wool. Cotton, Silk. Jute 0 Mixed Goods in one bath--they are the latest and most improved Dye in the world. Try a package. All colors at , ' D. H. McLAREN'S DRUG STORE1 2-tf. BEXALL SINGING Household` .DYES `V001 rlcxsu...u................. HoneHides......un.........-i VVnC_a`. Wnltoooooi this CI`... I."`.. Xvhnnt annne . - . `Vneaty morocco c-ouoooooolonvooau gO08e.....'...v..-no"...i... S,PnE..-`nu o-auoo>onoonotcunuoou-oq BarlCy-1eunuc-oiooooooonouoovoaoou oatsollllttctoounnn ..oo;uIuouvoo ononocouo-cocoons none. H to lIIDO`llIOooIIIOI""' DIa"V'*f::dWg&, pel'0| d..u....'.... Rough Hidqoocanon:-cc_-coonncIOOl Green Hid . . . . IoIlOIIOIOIIOCOl0" \zalIKllIUp PEI" IU-u-ncooooocoooc-can Tallow Dcf lbnoccoounontnooooocuoc anulung-an ant` pnhl, frmI'|........ Toronto Farmers Ma.rkets. Tonouro, Dzc. a3, 19:23.` Wheat;wh:te...... gnoocotuccooacus to 1 --in* wt` ............ .......... no .`..' i nzsoouoooouooooIvcocolI9 Butte , Pf pound...........a.---n Chickens, spring. per poundh - - - - v- Turkeys, per poundooocouaco-OI0" DUC sconeuu;oc-aqua-IIoUIcoIIOOI'3 Geese...... dune -o--H---H-"' Eggs. perdoz...................V... Potatoes, pefba.g..........g...u_n Beef,lhindquaftef. -pal` 3": coca III Beef. forequgren. per cwt. . . .3 . .v.s` .. Mutton V05!` XQIIZA Mutton vovonooossgonovfuouoha Veal,perpound.................. The Christmas market `on Satur- day was a reoordebreakr Azmd 7g'1'eaAt`-, quantities of produce sold aliemafk ably high prices. Turkeys br_ou9ght_-*1,`lj. and 18 cents. "geese 11 3r,and`..12-?=3s:ex_18,V~j 0hio_k'e;; rom_,65.A1ogn_tVsa% pg.i}" sATUn1iAY VMAgKETS Advance styles at out price: ;"$l0 0O Julkta for `$6.75 ; 812.00 .n3c.;.. for $8.75 ; $15 00 Jacket: for $11.75; $20 00 Jacket: for $15 00. 15 per cent. o Fur Cape: and Cloth Capes. ` . V W -_ T - ` New Blouse Waists for Christmas received this week. New Matting Blouses at $1.00. $1 25 and $1 50, New Silk Waists at'$3 00, $4.00, $4 50. Our $4.50 Waists are worth $5 00 and $6 00 elsewhere. FOR MEN AND BOYS-Give Braces. Ties, Gioves. Fanov Hose, Scaris. Shirts, ` Slippers, Shoes, Overcoats, Suits, Sweaters, Valises and Suit Cases." You can save money on your holiday buying at the Cash Store. ' ' - What better gift than a; nice pair of Sheen or Sl_i.pp`erI`.` Lergeet stock and 1oweat prices at this store, 75c, $1.00. $1.25 to $1'75,v'ull special values. .IRZ'ZjCD Fancy Silk Neckscarfs at 33 per cent. 0E. I ' I - Th; samples of a. big Ond Country House, ranging from 750 to $3 00, at one- thtrd o . - n KID GLOVES For Men and Ladies; all the latest. in Strings. Bows, Dorbyt, Knot: shd Pmfs; 350 and 400 values for 25c. _ ' A JACKETS AND CAPES For _Christ_mas :GiftsV why not give` something: u`sefu'l* iWe show a grea_t assortment of goods suit? able for gifts -and at at- tractive prices; . ` Special: in Cashmere Honiry, 20. 25, 350 ; 150a antic fdr 430. Ex tn values at $1.00, 32. 00 and 1 errin a Kid Gloves in all chides. THE MARKETS J. C. |RV\/I loos: 8:30.... 6 watt. I 0--an UMBRELLAS -Q--so 00.... -V t4"::-6 1 V""Uv 3334.10- sn, _ SHOES Tn-:s. 3:+-:4-9+4--~~z---:-:-oz---++-s--:-++-z-g:-:~:~4-fa-++-:{~a-4-+~:~:~:-+4~oz-M++-:+-:-:-4:~4:--;-:~:-:-4-- 4' V losa 1000 Ann X 73} I ,.,,,, 2.3 95 ` and a good rie you can iiown the largest game. Buy your rile and outt now. 7 Get used to your weapon. You can buy` good \ V Rifles, Guns, Ammunition or Sport%ingGoods The Prices tuning in the Bai-1e and Toronto Markets During the Week. BARRIE, DEC. 23. 1903. $1.75 a barrel. . Hardwood brought five and six dollars. Beef advanced, 6V and 7 1-21(oents a pound being asked for hind quarters with fore quarters a scent a pound cheaper. Dressed hogs were quoted at $6 to $6.10 per cwt. and liveweight hogs advanced from $4 to $4.50. - On the grain market oats brought 26. and 27 cents, peas 60 to 61. barley 38. Arye 48 to 50. wheat 75 to 76, red clover $5.75 to $6 and al- eike $5 to $5.50.. A , _._I,_L... -..- _.___L__I -... Geese were in fair demand at a York considerably above last year's level. - up." Butter sold firmsat 23 cents. "Po- tatoes sold at l90 cents on the stree't-.` 2v syv vv `riots: vs The Toronto markets are quoted as appended by the Telegram :--The prevailing price for turkeys was 18 cents. some of `not first-class qual- ity selling at 160. and 170. They were of course the centre of attraction. shilling a pound. Chickens ranged from 90 cents to. $1.50 a pair, being about steady. Old hens scored an ad- vance selling wholesale as high as 9 4 centb. Although prices` are not as high, as some ex`pected. they are still On the Saturday before `Xmas. twelve months ago, turkeys retailed at `15 cents, and geese_ at 10. or three and two and a Ihalf, cents lower resp_eo~ tively. New laid eggs vvere .scar`ce_ and `firm. good stock bringing 40._ to 45 cents a dozen. Considerable quan- tities of stored stock of various kindswas marketed at from 30 cents supplies being quickly _taken up at that figure. `Receipts of_ apples _w"'ere.l large. and prices ..e'as5"-. .`7Ha3r.' ranged~ easier at` $9 to"$`.!.0.50.` andtwoj. loads -:..~_.a_-;.. Q10,` r\..a... .'.'.'..-.n.`l U'du5lU.l' an IPU LU Ipvovvg um.-... v... -v.._.. of straw brought $10. Oats ranged easy at 31 and '31 1-2 oents|._ Street sales of grain .wefe:-200 ,bush'e1s white wheat at 780. to 79c.._200 bush- .e1s red wheat at 78c. to 7790. , .400;?bush- e1s1goose wheat` (ht 726. to. 731-2o_. '500V'bmshe,ls`barley at 410. to 470., 80?)` bushels oats 10 to 31 1-20.. 100 t 3 `. =I...._1....l.. -..'..., ,,.4.-pm`, 9! , ~- Abe Thomas and Artnur uluxg. oasrs. C.~Snider'. Wyevale, and .6. Bell. `o'.`B_a_rrie,- -were in attendunc; at .8tsV%,Joh9f6 9n Sunday; .~ :. L 1 r, '. 0113311818 UEL3 GI: V1.9 Ibuahels rye at i54o.,."7._ 7-----7- _, Mr. John Bi'okovVLelei{barrister. and wife` .of Goldwater, were in atten- dance at St. John's on Sunday. '1`-hey` 7a;re the gueustsvofshis uncles, .1!Ie'ss1,1s., e '_.l`.h_0ma.8,- and ? Arthur, 1.Crai'g.~ ....r. n 7'.-=`vrIA'|*. Wvavale. .~ai1d7A. `L of all kind; a.t the"iowest pfice from W J. ROSS. otuuenunsr. Dc} lbnoocoounonvnooooocuoc- Iambaixins and Pella. fteglt PlCk8.....u....... I-Ina-g K331`. , ,.__ The Sacrament will be adminis- tered. '.on Sunday in the Presbyter- ian `Dhuroh. Prepartory services will jbeiheld "on Thursday evening at 8 .o eclock. r V` --q --v v-. `av -vvvvnp vv-gvnn-V-4 Mrs. `N; MacNichol and returhed -aust -week from (Mr. 'CMa.cNichol came up ronto `-for Sunday. ` lI\'L- /,,I-_',,- -`u-av won --v-.u.v-.,- g Mi-as Hannah Cameron has entered the "Presbyterian choir _and nvill sing solos. mext Sunday. ` ' `Il`_ fII1'!I'IS__.- 'll'-__.- __'I__ 3.. J_.!_ v--o nguun aa- 'IvN|'.r. (and 311;. ZB'&<`:`i'):)'r1al`d,\bf Cum- berland Wtneet. \are* spending`. the holidays at Bur_kes Falls. ` 'll`____ 37...]. `ll'._'Il'__._.__- !_ 4-__L___ -------J_-v v-v .---_:v~ --v----vw Mrs. Herb.` McMorran is enter- taining (her .pa11e~.nats. Mr. and Mrs. Miller, -`of Parry" Sound land [their daughter. Miss Lena. ~ nu-_. 1111-L-I1 71 _1__,__ L-.. 1__-_ ____ A-.. - ---a-gov an Uta V- u-i'\z;.'.Hilda Anderson. of Graven- hunst, who has been visiting Mrs, MoDon-ld, `Cumberland Istreet. let.` on `.. S'a`turday for Churchill. ll`..- AT__I_ l`II-_I_ 1.. _l_____. I.E.____. v-._ ...v--v H-iidir. {William Moore, .who is driv- ing ron the Algoma Central R.-'R.. is home. l_or 0h1t'stmaS.. c_ t vs I A n In! 1 I u---.-\-u-g - -nu:-nu. evuu w--- yvu.-w-'-u. -_ \ r. Balfour, of Toronto. has been `visiting his sister, Mrs. Peter [Heels lduring the week. Vi \_ ` -|r_. ..._:a `ll ... 'll'-1\-.._I.`l La n--_. was--....v-r-' ----nu iv-cu 'Mr.(Will- Holmes has been up for a few days from Niagara Falls to see Mrs. (Holmes, who` is nursing {her mother, `M113. Page. `ll'!._-#'PI 1"`j, A-. -1` I1__-____ Ufeum notlorcunconoosnno-sco- Chickens, per_pa.1r................, Duckg. peromronololbtltoooouuuuou G `b0IOOIIIIIIOIOOIUCIOIIII Tfneu-:3-.v`-,n.e:narlh. - -- v.--, \r?wUQ van.--- Mrs. `Jaok Clark is down from Gravenhuratfor Christmas and is re- ceiving (a `warm welcome from her many friends. 'nrA_ T Q 'r|___'___1,,__ _____ _-I1_J .J_- n-n\~noJ .. av.- Mrs. J. S. Brnnton was called -`.to Strowd; on Thumday by ' _-the sudden illness of her-father, Mr. Brown, who is mow, however. convalescent. 'Il'- , luv. -11- `vi a Mr. Charles Wilson is ' receiving dongratulations from his friends on having 'passed his junior.exam. at we Onta'rio {College of Pharmacy, To- lronto. A 3' ` i -v.- -ow v v.. u- vv-n-an -zbiibgr-Moore,` of the ,6th ~`:W'a1*d:. School, `Thane. gone to St. Catharines! for Kchrldtmazsv I '1|l',__ 71 1'1 1-, .,,;,_,,,,1 4-,, , "Ski."-Zxb'.":}i&I[ who` was up mm Tottenham 'for a few days returned home `on Monday. V j `|l`!__ |`r`r'._._.'_L l1__,.__._. 1... __.L'-__., ,1 .-av- upon `an... vg.-v Q-n\Da-`avatar-rv Miss `Mabel Archeris confined to the (house. with .illness. / - `r T`! -n 117': In 1 1 -"ia'.".{& ii}; ?xI1'."'\7sFi1iteioreaa an spending `Christmas at Uhthoff. ' H 11".. _13A. __ - v.--v-..5 -n-.--u .-.-.un.-u-uu.~.- Ia. v-an veg; navy Mr. &Fred' amlin is home fr9msTo- ronto '..University for the holidays. `Ara-.. -v:1__-__I_:- nr___,_.;_. 11., -; , L- - V..- - ..- - vnpu.-.4 -V- va-av _-o\I-\QIaJ -as Mitss'Frankie Murray _has-gone to St. ,Catharines to: spend Christmas; 1|r_. "ac1___ ' 'n____._l`J_ 3- -1- 1.1.- nutter. IUD. PUIlUuouooovu-I-I~--I Lard,per1b......u.u.u...y----v Cr d0Z.................u.. PO'atG',pefba'ou oooooo`-ouuoonno H to n."?3";l .f' rdwnnd_ faafdnaouoolozoo. " -M1:i:;;1:fey;;dl i;;:s` o\::` 35 $5.1 Royal Victoria Hospital after being laid up for seven weeks. '|A'9_.-, III` ,_,', I III`. I1`? `I -.v-- `v... u--us--.-v-`up ` R. Cannon has Igeturned frorn Caledon `East, where she has been visiting tre1a.tives4 I 'll'_, .IA.`L 1-|I11_I _,lv,. ,_,- ,_ .n The `placing of an incandescent light. on the corner of Essa hnd Cum- berland \str.eets- would be greatly ap- preoiated `by -residents of Allandale. The 1Crogan' boys lost their fine hound !last week through its being ahot"i_n mistake for (a rabbit. It cost the `unlucky. marksman twenty. dol- lane `to settle the .matter.-_ Mr. A An:gu1s McLennan is suffering fgom -San attack of quinsy. \ `II ... -'T.-....'...... 1l'T..II..... :..".I........ ....... 'NEws mu j % Acnoss -ran an Eltems of *lnt'eeVst7`. Condem- nmv. MR. wmsmmy HAS nmsmnmn A8 1mc'ron.on- s'r. emoaems; THE NEW moUMamN1' Is NOT `YET A APPOINTED. _ V- _.-j 3.... ---.`_.-v_. w. --`---..u_` - \ Mr. James Walker is"down from Berlin for the holidays. 'll'2.._ .-r_L_l A__-`L__. -,,1!!_,__i L- _r ___--- wan--- .-~-_u-~ www v .--`-._v--- Mrs. {James Pirie is home after a pleasant month's visit` in Toronto. 1ur:..`._.. .rmr....`m.....a..n .: vl1......`...4.... :. D6380, PCI'IDuooo|-ouoouoouuonoucoc T k lbItIUtOOOIItOOOCI"' R::':zgT.mlbnnnaI`;|O|OIIOII

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