3- :'.`?{ .:: .C"'$. A Synopsifs` o`f 4 Around About The Exchanges of tlie ,,.++++++++,. T . -.n n.. or-n..-.....|...- 1--.; 1-.--` "_.L'.-._I" u by 1.!-I.3l.u.1 111115 v vvvvv .. - Polling Sub-division No.-6.-Orangel "Hall, Craigvale. Wm; J. Leonard De.- puty Returning Officer. -I-1,112.... G--L .1:-v:a:nv\ Mn puby IMUBUJ 111115 \ILLav\.u.o Polling % Sub-division No. 7.-School I House No. 12, John Srig-ley Deputy` Returning Officer, ` '-'- `I! W _ J!..!...2-.. -\T.. Q (11-an !-nl IIULLII. lung \II.LlV\4J.a V Polling Sub-divinsion `No. 8.-Grange Hall, Painswicke. Wm. J. Coulter Dc- puty Returning Officer. T 'I'\-II!___ a-.I. J=up=n:nv| KY3. 0__gnhnni uuy LIOBUL Llllla \.n.;un.. . Polling Sub-division No. 9.-schooi House No. 14, John Fennell_ Deputy Returning Officer. ` LVULILQ 111116 \lL LLLL . - Polling Sub-division No. 10.-T. A. Jebb's house, Cookstown. T. A. Jubb Deputy Returning Officer. I A n'u__.l. -.. L1..- 8:84-nan!-L A-xv nf Tlnn , LICPUI-J I509: 115:: 5 .. ..... -- 4.--That on the fifteenth day of Dec., A. D. 1903, atshis office in the Town- ship of Innisfil, at the `hour of 10 o'clock `in {the forenoon, the Reeve shall appoint in writing _signed by himself, two persons to attend at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk, and one person to attend at each polling place on behalf` of the persons interested in and desirous of promoting the passing of this By- Law, and a like number on behalf of the persons interested in and de- sirous of opposing the passing of this By-Law. -- Jul u A 11,. ,__::l `I52- !.i%i;uor fhe Township of in the Count-y_ * of Simeon; vagvu -. 5.-That the Clerk of the said Mu- I__fOlIAl..I,IIv L7 7 1e. 1 ah : I bought of you {was 9. God-send during the. long cold winter of last year.- It cheered us and made us glad and happy. `I would not part with it for ten times vw_h at `it cost if I could not get another. We have thousands of similar Vlefters telling` of the pleasure and derived from the Berliner Gram-o-phone. "` - ---`--- cxinvv V {Q dance 2. 3:`m.mza. : (Q3 sVAI..t jav 3_l When there is a` pufness under the Eyes it is a certain indication the Kidneys are not working properly- There is danger in neglect and the trouble should be Immediately corrected. The most effective remedy is Your Money Back if Gin H115 Do No! Cure. ` _ ` _ (`S given the effortsto re- OE ;I10Hl- 1`. Murklo from the Gamebrizige 1Do ll_.`' `` License Inspector Breen IT aL;1d u` cluznpgc of forgery against Dom tit .h'ici C i1lI;I1]3]1, off` G:-.m'1ebrid ge. {nd f()I'(" .\I:mi%t1~PLpC:fr)r trial Fnd.ay' be`, Ve1'1o1L DIL ' F` Bruce-m Bea` sumnm cOna1ip_ears that .,early last Licowh lm innts wfsre made to the` the m`MI_:.l1lLc or _aga}nst Markle and T}lc.\ c con; l'(:0?duct of his, 43hu.Se'.- mm from (1)) dfxg s purported to Jemab- the Trent CTR . 1ea%"0r' an employee on peamnco hf :14 -? ] .`h subsc-qgeyt _ap. tiliorx i f- eagerslname uponnha pe- luumk 1ic of Markle when the Susmci-(Sn Unstc. was re`moved-`,!rOus:d and an invguft` $.01-nethmg '.","3 8r(:.~..< S0; ,rs-lg-'l(.)n ha.s. been m PIIO`. er u`.e dm.<=d `ems the WW` Bree `is .co:r.1mun1cat_10n~s._ Ins.p_e'ctor` the C0u~md?<>[(13ng -under Tdzreptnon sensation y rown Attor.n~ey '`.an3-d =`;a~ ` 70` val mt Was produced on the~~;arr1--_- chi1'o..,0wn * M A- Stantn- P9 aps D&`Ia`ph.er of the Attorney {'Gen.e.1' -`L 9 of tb`:1>i1rment, who `on x_a._1n1_pa.[,1on_ mi W ' Dreamed Went Cu 0 be the wrxtmg of un:Ii1l1>b'i`;l1. The case was x._z1ljon1tx`1:`d_ . ther. I-Iursday, 17th.. ?.wa1t;9_g_ ; van cvndence and, Wxtnesees.--`Bea -A. cpf E"Ws- E % fire b EM0RE.". Th"``.}.`.v3 zth . We outun a8Ina11bi1 e 1 ear of Dr. 'Bradleyi s,svo1tiof*adj* Al I 22 ` tnate1'y there; % the roofs og f'or.t1-xey act at once and do their V druggists 50 cts. per box. 6 box -- __ -._.-an Q4- vs`. uuwi ->, rite hymns or songs, or play for you to dance star to a Mazurka It will entertain the entire fami y kl. .Costs one-twentieth as much as a piano or orgnn, |_ more variety and pleasure. "A child can operate Tm-: 301.: onuc. t {Re Kidneys. `Zones .,,,wae-m~a.m:;ptovmear new M I . _ _. do-isnea to look-~ these s, human lite would neh. ."1`_he kidneys are the dltersxatfii the: blood.` They catch the poison. ill. Vthestood and expel; it from the system-.; , That is. they` do. these things, wlieis tiny, are in-, healthy and vigorous ~ Ilition. When they are weak. oroverw srorked, or classed. or handicapped by: the-ravages of disease in evenla.'.'sllghi:.` L decree; they do their assigned. work: more or less imperfectly. or not at-all. When the kidneys are not working well. the poison which should pass from the system is returned to-the blood. to circulate through the-- body. A A Excess of uric acid in the blood. causes a milammatory, muscular or articular ` rheumatism. for one thing, and those who have suered from any of the norms of this distressing and danger- ous malady" will say that. this is enough, The best authorities on the subject, however, believe that this is only a small part. and that to kidney irregularities are due a long train of bodily ailments. The kidneys often give warning, though not always and not always in time, or the dangers which menace the body from their ab- normal condition. Among these dan- fer signals are weakness of the back, pains or aches in the region of the kidneys, irregularity of the bowels and kidney action, chills. feverishness. . puy eyes, brick dust deposit or cloud- mess, and a dropsical appearance of the ankles or wrists. When any 0: these symptoms appear blood poison: ing to a certain extent is undermining the fabric of life. The result of the V latest research into kidney troubles` and their cure is the vegetable prepare '- ation known as Bu-Ju. which is put forth by the Clain Chemical Co., Ltd"; f of New York, N. Y., and Windsor, Ont.` It may be purchased at any drug store in boxes of 50 pills at 50 cents. It` were well to pay no heed to efforts to substitute other so-called remedies for this dangerous condition, as Bu-J11 _. embodies all that these have with the addition of the latest-upto-date discov- eries and enhanced -skill. in prepara- tion. nici`pal"(3<);1}1ci1 of the Township of Mlnnisfil shall attend at Allandale at the hour of 10 o clock' in the forenoncn on the fifth day of Jan., A. D. 190-1, tosum up the number of votes given for and against this By-Law. , ~n__'r____ _1_...I`l ........... 2-.4-A I-\ll u \.A u-Bn.~;.-~pu -.4...-u ._.J __ . 6.--:Ihis By-Law shall cox-ne into operation and be of full force and ef-b feet on and after the first day of May next after the final passing I thereof. .1 on 1*, -1! `I .__-!-.!I LLIUI GUI: Dated at the Township. of Innisfil this third dayof Dec. A. D., 1903. _ Reeve. \/-vs 1;: (Seal.) TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true elcopy of a proposed By-Law which has been taken into consider- % ation by the Municipal Council of the ;Township of lnnisfil and which will be finally passed by the said Coun- cil in the event of `the assent of th'-`oi electors being obtained thereto, after_ one month from the first publication thereof in the Northern Advance . the date of which publication was Thurs- day the tenth day of Dec. and at the hour day and places therein fixed for taking the votes of the electors the polls will be held. (`Inna "Dani-no n]hrlr_ prusy Uuuuaclun nu .I4UAu uu\...uu... There is some difference, the Budge quietly observed, between trespassing . on time and encroaching on eternity.-- Succda. --- Time and Eternity. I trust I am not unduly trespassing on the time or this court. once said a prosy counselor to Lord Cockburn. xLrn|._.__ 1.. ..-.~... 13;?!-'nnnv1nn fhn 'h`|t1 . .-- ..--~ 1-. mm nnnnnnoo? work most thoroughly. All . boxes for $2.50 or direct from E Co. WINNIPEG, MAN. u(.3has. Palling, Clerk. Clerk. rather sensation- IVVKVI-I-LIA o.-.. . most any kind of a. aratuas "would hayq I L 5 "took place at St. James Church. 0ril- i iveryii one i this season of (t heNyear._was destroy- itwals Geenl that the store was doomed. and it. looked as though the adjoining buildinghvould also be_- .. -,'.0m9`~av1'eY.lto the devouring element. ` a number of young men mounted the roof of Bradley's drug. store, which fortunately is alat" one`. and by mak- ing use of all the water that could be . handed them in ~'pails, kept the fire '-confined to the one building. Mr. `Hood's loss is estimated at about $5,- 000 over and above all insurance. Dr. Bradley's office furniture. books. -etc.,' and O." W. Bradley -.9 stock `of drugs. stationery and fancy goods, were re- moved and seriously damaged .much of the latter being totally ,des_troyed. Goodssand furniture in Winning`_s tail- lor shop, Small`s barber shop. John- ;ston s tailor shop and Mrs. Madill's !residence were also `gotten out, more ior less damaged by rough usage. 0. ` ,W. Bradley s loss is a heavygone. as his goods wem nearly all of la perish- 'able nature, and could not stand the `rough handling of well meaning but Imisguidedp eople.-Star. ` OR1LL1A-A very `pretty wedding lia, on Wednesday. Dec. 16th, at two `o'clock, when Miss Constance Tassey !Hope, second daughter of Mr. `Ro- [bert vWade, was married to Mr. Fred- `eri-ok W. Grant. youngest son of the `Rev. R. N. Grant. D. 'lhe 0:16- 1 . pENETANG-On' 'r11".d. `f1l':'W:i's_`7e`j"',`-i ' Thibodou, an 8mPly'`m ` F.4.it';'i` Q) ook Boxy Fatry" 'V3':'. 7` S8, of his left bani! nippedligothtjgylff. W at the first joint. and ,`6n-t'eM`m*.t 4 day}: thlS week AJoshua'fMill.er~.%.}yajg;_ unfortunate' enough to ealso lpse*__ stat; nger by the \same saw.-y-Hcraldiy VICTORIA HARBOR-Last week{ while teaming across the bay.t,-Mes:- `gm wm. and Andrew -Dunlap `.hadi_ W misfortune to lose a fine "team'~ horses. When they were - Iabout V half way across the bay the'i_o.e. sud- deniy gave way, honses. harness` and sleighs were immediately engulfed, Fortunately, the `men escaped with nothing more serious `than wet feet` and damp c10thl!lg. x.. . I -- - BEET0N--Govern-or Ross reeerds two more deaths at the County House` I . last issue. Ste hen Bliss.- Smcc 0111` P ,l wmmitted by Nottawasaga couneil..} died on Saturday at the age of 7_2i yea]-5,: Remains interred in `the; county burying ploton the farm. Bob; Jones; committed _:by .0rillias council, died on Monday, aged 1'83 Years, He was an inmate of the home _ '.__ ..'imn+ three vearws. The hndv urns .`r\- w`: --.- _- l "" --- .---~-- .- ierickp "Grant. .:youngest son of the `Rev. B. N._' Grant,.D~, D. The cere- mony was performed by` the Rev._,Ca-n-G on-Greene, rector.` The_ .bride was gownedin white satin de leon, with. pearl trimmings, and a berthe of Chantilly lace. -Shecarried` a shower . bouquet of white -ohrysanthemums The bridesmaids. Miss Mollie Wade,. sister ofxthe bride._and Miss Edith Grant, sister of the bridegroom;-were . gowned alike, in white silk-pleated voile. black beaver hats, with black 3 plumes. andcarried `shower bouquets : The best i man was Mr. George D. Grant. and the ushers were Mr. Irvine Hobson. Midland : Mr. Rapley, \Mr. Grant, and Mr. Donald Beaton. A re- ception following the ceremony was held at the residence of the-bride s father. `after _which Mr. and ylirs. Grant left for New York....'.,.Mr. Fair- Wbairn. an Ontario" Government engin- eer, came to 'town _la-st week. "and in company with Reeve Elliot and`Coun- cillor J, R. Harvie. drove `_ (out to l where the North River is dammed by ~ rocks in Matchedash. ~for the pur- pose of investigating the feasibility of ' removing the obstructions so as to ' drain the Pu-rbrook flats. Hefound , L___'.I ..._ 3-4.1- ` of yellw `ohrysanthemums. - I it Q flfl Gordon = (_.ll`.ul Luv Lususvvn a.-aw... ..- _,_____ a fall of over twelve feet in eleven hundred feet of river. `With reason- able expenditure it' `would be possible "to lower the river five feet at this `point, and this would lower it for several miles above, and would drain !'a lot of `\ land. It *is estimated that V ed in Orillia town-ship, besides con- `,siderable in Medonte, and the lanld is of the very best "to be found in this iten thousand acres would be benefit- I I. loamy surface. Mr. Fairbain will re- port to `the Department, iand_ the district - heavy gclay ;with rich ;ToWnship Council is hopeful of get-. `ting a grant for the work next year. ._s....___ I t CRAIGVALE. . ` The Scottish Concert Company from Aberdeen, Scotland. will hold a con- cert in the S. A; .Ba'rrackLs, `Strand, `on Xmausgnight, Dec. 25th , under the auspices of the. Ladies Aid "of the a `' Presbyterian Church. Craigvale.' ` . hlhhlunnu L Avpublic examination of -this school was held on: _18th inst. A few of the parents were present and the_trus- tee board was rrepresented by '~{Mr. F. W. Grey. ~_ Those present [express ,1` _.-.L:..:,..l 59 'n'1e`r`a ~interebtA*beio&fe"`~1il Better Than Evr `".$.`he Waekly` the . [armors busmegs; paper, pg-omnses to be even more 1ntsreatin`g_.*to_, `e Atarmegs in `1904`tha.n intho pa.at. '.l`he,S1m 13 one. of the few! ipapexa tha; soriptlona %may be`1tt~at The Ahvanbe Office.` "< ,. :`. ` 5 "A . 4')` '3ft i`82`." _ KILLYLEAGH. ~~- `L .-- C A _I `s OUTCLASSED comm T1"l`iIrk%e%ys. < GAe ce% J and 9 Duck: were mare Numer- 0| of Higher Quality`.- am muons nu1.xznn_-manure V naooanr 19 came A room: mo omaxims wmu--`As man A8 15 0mm 'Although`._the prize list `m the Poultry Fair was considerably out down this year.'Iyet_: invturkeys, geese. -and duolns. the exhibits outnumbered those at the recent Guelph Fat Stool: Show and Mrparry Brown; of To- ronto. who acted`-`as judge. expressed the opinion that in point of quality the Barrie show\also took precedence over the big Western. Ontario fix- ture. e ` " `I `The entry list on Wednesday last was 8. big\ one. .In turkeys-there were thirty exhibitors;' in geese, fifteen: in ducks, seven ;'in chickens. `fourteen. and inbutter. twenty-one; Many of these exhibited in .several classes and a number ea',me from greatdistanoes to compete, entries'xbei ng received from Mitchell Square. Apto. Russel- ton. Elmvale and other points twenty and thirty miles away. __,1,,--1. 1.1.- ~__-.l -...~_ uaaxn vans VJ IJAI-\ou-r mu - The prices at which the fowlfwas sold must have` been most satisfactory to- the exhibitors. Turkeys ibrought 17 and 18 cents a pound. geese llcents. `chicken-s 15 cents and ducks almost anything that was asked. 2._ - I!._.L `.1 L1... ..._:_.. I-Ill`, vunmle nnuuv Ivvuu-1 `--Jan`. "Appende:1 is a _list of`-`the prize-A wi "rs;.- - .tIIIu-v-vs vvrnvrri yeu1a_. --v '- -~- -~- ------- - -_-- .......... for about three years. The body was taken to Orillia `for _interment.1- World. ' ` ' - ......1r\Y1'.VT) A xxr:.....:....... ~.:...._....-._ ` `TURKEY'S. Class I. ' ,Best 8 Ggbbler Turkeys. $2.50. $1.- 50, $1.00-1-st Miss` Jessie Wine, Pains- wiok: 2nd Miss Ethel. Bonney. Crown- Ahill; 3rd Mrs. John Wattie. Midhurst. up vs mn rn GI1 an dual. 1.! I vvspuunv - ..-.--.- `Be;-3? u5 \"'1`uurkVeys, $23.0.` $1.50; `$1.004-1-st Mrs. Chas. Lightfoot; Oro Station; 2nd Mrs. '-James Maw. Mine- sing. 3rd Miss Lumley. Minesing. ' Class II. ' - . Best Single` Turkey. over 20" lbs.. $1.00, 750., 500.-1vst|Mrsb. John Ken- nedy. Apto; 2nd {Miss Lumley. 3rd Mrs. James Maw. ~ - an n An 11 ,, annc vu nu-.n.uu v But;,si:mSui`ngIe VT1;'1I.*key. .16 to 20_ lbs., $1.00, 750.. -50c.-.-1st`tMrs. John Len- nox,` Minesing; 2nd Mrs. W. T. Har- `ris, Grenfel; 3rd Mrs: James Maw. 1n - 10 H... - I.I' \Jl\?.I.II.IJ5 Q ULVI Alb` O30 \~n.nnvI-a Best Single Turkey; `'10 to $1.00. 750.. 50c.-1st Miss Wylgs. Mine- sing; 2nd Mrs. Chas. Lightfoot, 3rd Mrs. J. Coutts. Midhurst. ' A 1: (H1 ll Qv.n.a.Iuu vu `av:-uv-.a -.-_.__..... - Best Single Turkey. 7 to 10 lbs. $1.00, 750., 50o.-1st Mrs._ E. Allsop. Eden- vale : 2nd Miss Lumley. 3rd Miss Ethel Bonney. - T 2 l1I_ .... -`l'1"I' JJVIIQVJ : . ' .Cla.ss~'III. I Best Pair Turkeys, over 18 lbs.. $1.50, $1.00. 50o.-1st -Mrs.-`W. Har- ris, 2nd Miss Elson. Oro` Station. _s_ m___u_-___ o L- 1.. II... LIB, uuu JJ-uvup \ra.\r -you--- . Best Pair Turkeys, 8 to 10 lbs-.. $1.50, $1.00. 50o.-1st Miss Lumley. 2nd Mrs. James Coates, Guthrie: 3rd Miss Wyle. . ` 'I'\__.L 1-\;s_. lI'\_-__I_-_.. H IL- A-all nu-`Inn `Elf V V J OIIKIO . Best Pair Turkeys, 7 lbs. and under.` $1.50, {$1.00. 50o.-1.st (Mrs. Chas. Lightfoot, 2nd Mrs. John Lennox.` ara Miss Wyles. . f1'I'.V`I.VQ`IB ca-anus`: Iv J-v-uv GEESE. . Class IV. ' Best 5 Geese, $2.50, $1.50, $1.00- .1-st Albert Pratt; Painswick; 2nd Mrs. John Cowan, Vine; 3r dAMrV.s. .Wm. Grant, Crown_Hill. ? ' mu r'n mi nn HE- \JLIblJD. \IJ:IfVVJ.A _ on Best 3 Geesg, -351.50, $1.00, 750.-- 1-st.Albert Pratt, 2nd Mrs; John Cow- an, 3rd Fred Bonney. Crownhill. n n-___ an-1 nn nz-v an. 1"]- U] lllu V -. sTAYNER-A Winnipeg `despatoh .` states that Byron C.~ Jacqueswoom.-1; mited `suicide at eYel1owYG-ras_s,` N.: VS . V `L, on Monday. by `-shooting. hi1;psel_f;7 .-L- ..1.n:~6- Tn 1Q0= Tnnnuinn An-kg" uni! UL I.L -.|.' L v\A .n.avnna-av - ----__ . Best 2 Geese, $1.66. 50c.-'- 1st Fred Bonney, Wm, Lautenbach, Vine; .3rd Mrs. Wm. Grant. A- an -1.` urn ,' 1 __1_ ,ULu. .Lv.|..L Best (o:s'e.'i3f 750.. 50c.-1st Mrs. John Cowan, 2nd Mrs. Wid Par- tridge, Grown Hill; 3rd Fred Bonncy. ,,-,,,; 11...; an nn -1:- cm- ,1.a+ ` h1lu5D' \.ILuvvu 4.14;. , V- -..v,.. --..-___ . Heaviest Goose. $1.00, 75c., 5oc.-1t Mrs. John Cowan. 2nd Mrs. Wm. Ro- bertson, Vine. '~ I I /~u\1-1-rtrrm - 1 DUI. hwuug V ILIVJI g `Class V. Best 3 Pair Ducks, $1.50. $1.00 750. --1-st Mrs. John Bonney, Crownhill; 2nd Miss Ethel Rinehart, Crownhill. 11:1 nn -.K-. KI], Ell J-VLII -IJVLJ U - L V nngw-nu-A - w_ _ Best 2 pair Ducks, $1.00. 750.", --1st'Dora Bonney. Crown Hill; Mrcs. Joh1_1.Cowanv. 8rd`Mrs. A. ohrist. * Russelton. , -- - - 7- -n---:__ an nn 6:. U111 13!. . LI: uaaun nun. Best 1 pair Ducks, $1.00. 75c., 50c._ V.---1-st Mrs. John Bonney. 12nd Miss .Eth_el Rinehart, 3rd Mrs. John Cowan. am An. FIE- an 1.qo -.[`Jl..l..lUI- Luuuucu u, u..u. -........ v.....-- -- Best 1 Duck, $1.60. .75c.. _5o.4i} Mrs. John Bonney, 2.nd Miss Dora Bonney, 3rd Donald Bonney. FOWL. ' - - "CIBJSS MW. 1 Best 3 pair Chickens, $1.50, $1.00, 75c.-1-st Mrs. Wm. Brown. Dalston: .2nd Mrs. J. Chapel. Minesing:.3rd `Mrs. J. W. Brown. Dalston. Benet 2 pair. Chick-ens, $1.00. 759,. 50c. -1st Mrs. J. -Chapel, 2nd Mrs.'Wm.- `Brown, 3rd Mrs. A. Standen. Min_e- sing. 1_ . ' ' ' `.Be.st lipairlchickens, 750.. 500., 25c. ` -1-st Mrs. J. Chapel, 2nd Mrs. Wm. Brown, 3rd`Mi s s Wyles. ' {Best 1 Chicken. :75c .. 500.. 250.-A-1st` ' Mrs._Wm._Brown. 2nd Mrs. J. Chapel, 3rd Miss.Etjhel Rinehart. DRESSED POULTRY. , L 0la.ss VII. ~ v. :- ~ Best Turk-ey._14 lbs. a_._n`d over.- 1.00. ` 750., _50c.-1st..Mrs. John Bonney.`2n,d .-Miss Ethgl" ponney. 3rd mag .w_y1e's, *..:B`est Turkey. `8`{(tv:V_1-`(I_i;lbs.. `$1.00. .75o..: ~ 50o.s-r1'st;...,Mts J"- fwnttie-..Midhmr.stf.: 2nd": Miss !n;j1_ie',`IBonn ey,.....V3rd`r ? *i.Et.1m1...':Bn13x- J J I `` -W3 VECHGI ybonney; `Dru LLIUUIU J.Lu-vu Best pair Ducks. $1.00. 750., 500.- 1sb JohnVBoimey. 2nd Mrs. Wid Partridge, 3rd Fred -Bouncy. . 'BoSt'ipair\ Ghiokns._over8 lbs" $1100. .-75h'.`, 5 o0$." -_-1$.t J." Chape`l. 21`u__i Miss Dbii.ld4`Bonn6y; ' " 16$. 81` W 1 ~ =m;r.u*...:`mi;~: {mam-.;".*-8.f`lb's`.; fI... VVy19'$,. v1'.II'l1 .[JUlliSlU. _uvugvJ. % xneat; pair` C`hio'kens.v i1nder..-8` 1bs.,| %$1-0%,- ;'?59- 50-a-1#*&Mrs-y Hasichtpn 1,, .... .--~.--~.,. ~., ---------. .---3.-.., in the chest. In 1895 Jacques came`! from Collingwood to-Stayner and for some time was in businesses 8. pho-L tograhlxer. While here he was in very hard luck."Afterwards he took` up" ;,-_.1 _....... 1ur--.... 'r-.--- 1-.` 111' =11(i5ii"x_67. .Al1;i`i!i1i1e?:7..id.';; Hi`ll,'(Ba_rr ia;,3 rd. 531- " WBUTTER.*`,~ V ;_\Clg,gs VIII- ~ Best Crook Butter. not l'eas- than` 10 lbs.. $2.00. -$1.50. $1.oo-'1-at Mrs, Chas. Lightfoot, 2nd Mrs. J amesallaw. 3rd Miss Lumley. ' ,,I,A1. I1-_.LL__. .__L I--- LL-.. % `h ;iny; ' Besti Basket Butter. not less than 10 lbs.. 1 m mils, $2.00. $1.50. $1.00 -lst Miss Lumley, 2nd Mrs, W. H. Partridge, Crown Hill; am Mrs. A. Gilchrist. ' - .( - - . _. in on LI 1 *|__, X IIVIIC I$It C ` Best. Basket Roll `Battier not less than 5 lbs.. '1 lb. rolls. $2.00. $1.50, $1.00--1~st Mrs.` Chas Lfghtfoot. 2nd Miss Lumey, 3rd Mrs. W. H. Par- tridge. -' - E ~nu_____ 11-11 1-|--LL-.. any Kn Q1 nn Kn- lot l\-lave Fancy Roll Butter, $r.5o. $1.60. 500. -1-st .Miss Wyles, 2nd Mrs. Wid Par- 9I__ mag; -..uv- V -. `pa 9. vvvnn 1 uulu auvnu ' ' "`l" a homestead near Moose.Jaw. N, W, T, Duspondency was the cause of the suicide. -rv1\'l` A\1`n ll`- `IT 15` T\.......L-.. _.;- UL`; dlclnlhwn J. d&&V&lC-C\IZD.a" s--u.-..--v- Best 2 pair Homemade Socks, $1.00. 500.9: 2-5o.- lat Mrs. T. McCullough. 2nd Mrs. D. Mocuaig. 3rd` Mrs. J. Robin- son, Shanty Bay. (`11`I`lHf\T I T Q III L\I vu `Class IX. Best 2 pair Homemade Mitts. $1.00. 500.. 25o.-1et Mrs. (John ` Kennedy. -Apto: 2nd'Mrs, D. M'oCuaig. Edgar; am Mr-s. 'r.`Mcu11ough,, Guthrie. _ ,1- (V_-I__ CI! l'\l\ ' Best Farm team attached to vehicle. $3.00, $2.00. $1.00-1-st L. Kennedy & Soil. Allandale; 2nd 0. R. .Ben- nett, Barrie; 3r_d J. Hunter, Nantyr. THE VERDICT OF V CORONER S JURY Engineer and Fireman thel Yard Engine were Negli- int. ` ozmsm on` THE DHJAfI`E OF` THE LATE [EDGAR ALLEN LYON IN ALLAN- DALE UN DEC. 5th. . The inquest on the body of the late _E. A.rLyon met again last Thurs- day evening and L. G. Coleman, train- .master, was placed in the witness box. He `stated that the green light on the semaphore should have been seen by the men on the shunting-engine ful- ly a quarter of a mile away. There was no reason why they should not have seeir it. Ifuthe signals had been observed the accident could not have happened. The duty of the yard-en- gine men wasito stop when they saw -that green "light. If there was-no light they shouldihave stopped -to see why such was `the case. It should not take more than 5 or ,10 seconds to turn off an injector. ' -r '-my If--I-\,,-;Ij L__,I--__-__ _._ LI... v-.a. Ian. v..v-v `wJ:'1.`I... MoDonal-cifvbrakeiman on the freight train in question. explained the various movements made after the Allandale yard had been entered. He did not-see the collision being at the other end. The coupler-s on the engine were in perfect condition. I I1\,,_ ____j___L,_ __ LL- VJ-B.-av u no rv---v- -_-__.-_-`v Joseph (Day. conductor on the freight; statedthat it was not neces- sary to notify anyone that his train was in on the siding`. as the sernauh,o!"e` lights were placed at theswitch for the express pnrpose lot protecting.- train-s which might be there. ` v 1',` 1", __ -1 `IR__..!'__- vn I-Danni: vv aanvcn LLAIBJJID uuv vnnva vs Fireman` John Byrnes, of Engine No. 230 corroborated the `evidence of the previous witnesses `and stated that his engine was protected by a danger light which he placed on the back of the tender. iBoth this and the semaphore light would warn other locomotives of danger. In a__.-,_.. LL- -;_: Duuuuu. MIDLAND--Mr. W. E. Preston. ma- nager for the Playfair Preston,Co.. had a pleasant" experience a few days ago when Mr. Thos. Bellbury, a bro- ` ther Mason of'CaleZloni_an Lodge, No. 204,. Manchester. England. who isaa traveller for Rylands &. Sons, the largest wholesale dry" "goods firm in the world, who was here selling goods to the Playfair, Preston 00.. presented him with _the centenary records of the Masonic Order from 1802 to.1502 as a souvenir. Mr. Bellbur was in Midland last summer and visited Cale-C donian Lodge, No. 249. which was} then presided over (by Mr. Preston. Noting- the great interest taken in Masonry by Mr. 'uPres_ton,. he secur- ed for him a copy of these records` which will doubtless be highly prized I by the recepient.--Argus. r ...-u v 1`vr11Irt\l\'l'\ nu... n....,....,..,.,.,,4.V ovvv-...v~- v V... V- ...--c,,,.. - The jury after considering the evi- ` dence brought in the following ver- ' dict-;--"We the jurors empanelled to ` enquire into the death of Edgar Al- len Lyon find that he came to his death on Dec. 5th, 1903. when on duty inthe Grand Trunk Railway Yards. at Allandale, by being crushed be- tween engine No. 230 and a panssem ~ger coach, owing to yard-engine No. ` this siding." V ~ 62 ? running through an open switch and colliding with engine No. 230. We find that the death of the said Edgar Allen Lyon was caused by, the negligence. of the -engineer ant] fire- men on yard engine No._627 in tail- ing to _observe_ the signals displayed for the protection of the train on \ The Advance end the Ton-on-j to Daily Newsforr $1.85 . December 14th . 19QB. We have pleasure in .inform_ing our readers this_ week that we have entered into clubbing arrangements with the Toronto Daily'News, which will permit 1ms~to sell The News and the Advance at the rate of $1.85 a year. W ' < k nut- 11--____ -_..J...:..... J...u.I--A unnrina T everyremerchanti and xtarmer in the y. I . "7 ?'teatp.re;s; ._l.!1fhe. N_e_we ccVei'in87- ., W Li JUGLO \ The News contains twelve pages daily with twelve extra pages on Sat urday, The new-s of rthe day is thor- oughly covered in its columns. "A fea- ture is made of the political and par- limentary -news, the reports being full and free from-" party bias. The cable andptelegraphic news of the day is thoroughly covered, and all events in the realm 'of sport are chronicled in `The .News. Public questions re- ceive thorough and fair weditorial ` 'treatment. The commercial and tin- ancial pages` at `The News are "parti- `cularly strong. "features, appealing to country. '_8a.tur_day's edition contains all the best-`features of 9. high-class_. :we2s2k1xi.` its a new `!59tng.rP1.* with interesting `matteri on `many topics, ` , an presents many wweciithe .---J - SPECIALS. Class` X. nvguw 1510.331. %_ ,ProI;!'d>i ue 3016 of ll] LAID .l.uUu|)|v1|uu'?s'a;.Bu-nr- COLLINGWO0D-The Government. fisheries patrol steamer, Gilphie. which is no longer than an ordinary steam yacht, had an interesting ex- perience while patrolling the bay dur-I ing the latter part of "November. She was storm bound `in the Bustard Is-A, lands, The fishermen. also sought. the islands for protection. and the! Gilphie, having a :month s supply of`. food on board,` was able to relieve the E distressed fishermen ' who (had been - 1 compelled to live on hard tack" and , . . _ . I [Logan Option| I The lfuniaipal Council (it the Township of Innisfil hereby enacts as follows;-- ` J ,1 _AL-_ LL- 1 .--That upon. from and after the first day of May next, after the fi- nal passing of this By-Law it shall not be lawful to -sell by retail any spirituous. fermented or other manu- taeturedfliquors in any. tavern. inn. house or place of public entertainment in the `township; of Innisfil in the County of Simneoe, and any. and all sales contrary to the true intent and meaning of this By-Law are hereby prohibited. 2'.-That upon, from and after the `first day of May nextfafter the fi- nal pasing of this By-Law it shall not be lawful except by wholesale. to sell anyspirituous.`fermented or other manufactured liquors in any shop or place other than. a house of public entertainment `in the 5-aid Township of Innisfil and any and all sales `contrary to the true intent and `meaning of this By-Law are hereby prohibited. - an 1%` `,- 3.-That the vote of the Electors of the said Township of Innisfiiwill be taken on this By-Law by the de- puty returning officers hereinafter named on -the 4th day of January. one thousand nine hundred amd four commencing at nine .o clock in the morning and continuing till five `o clock in the afternoon at the under- mentioned places, namely :- `f\ 11- -,, n_-L _1:_:.._-... 113. 1 11: .l1l.\Jl.l|.lUuUu. ytuvuag no-.:.u.v._, . VPol1ing Sub-division No. 1.-Hin- dle s School House, Fgank Ross Dc- puty Returning officer. ' 2-`pus..- a.-1.. .1:..:..:.... `Mn 9__nrnnQp UL Lvvhus lulu vn...vv-. 0 Polling sub-division Nd. 2.-Orange Hall, Churchill. David Lennox; Depu- ty Returning Officer. .r 'I'\_l`I!_,__ Ci..-L .'l2>...!.-.2--. `T1; 9 ,, (`ray-.0-p LIVLIALLIIIJE v ;;;;; -- Polling Sub-division No. 3.-Grange- Hall. Lefroy. Alex Grosc Deputy Re- turning Officer. ' ` 1': 11- , _- n__|. _1:_:..:_... `L - A (X-pnnnn ' Lul 111115 \ILLL\I\4.l. - Polling Subv-division No. 4.-0range. Hall, Thornton. Timothy Connell De- puty Returning Officer. 1\',I'I!___. C1_-I_ .1:...2a2..~. `KT:-u K nrgnan Put Lvvvuzunn-B v . . . v V .. D Polling Sub-divi-sion No. 5.-0range Hall, Stroud. Robt. J. Black Depu- ty Returning Officer. -I\ 112.... q.-1.. .'.I:-.:c.:.-nu `Nln . __f\1-gang-p cr:1nb(:1`rics.